
# Compute the min-max scaling
# \code{.minmax_scaling} normalizes a given vector using the the min-max
# scaling method. More formally:
# \deqn{scaled = \frac{data -x_{min}}{x_{max} - x_{min}} \times (f_{max} -
#  f_{min}) + f_{min}}
# @param data Vector with numeric data to be scaled.
# @param xmin Optional minimum value, otherwise \code{min(data)} will be used.
# @param xmax Optional maximum value, otherwise \code{max(data)} will be used.
# @param fmin Optional minimum range value, default is -1.
# @param fmax Optional maximum range value, default is 1.
# @return The scaled data in the given range, default is between (-1, 1). If
#  xmin = xmax the input vector \code{data} is returned.
.minmax_scaling <- function(data, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL,
                            fmin = -1, fmax = 1){
    if (is.null(xmin)){
        xmin <- min(data)
    if (is.null(xmax)){
        xmax <- max(data)
    if ( (xmin - xmax) == 0){
    minmax <- (data - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
    minmax_scaled <- minmax * (fmax - fmin) + fmin


# Partition data in train and test set
# \code{.partition_data} partition data randomly in train and test sets.
# @param x Input / Independent variables
# @param y Dependent variables
# @param train_ind Index of traininig data, if NULL a random one is generated.
# @param train_perc Percentage of training data when partitioning.
# @return A list containing the train, test data and index of training data.
.partition_data <- function(x, y, train_ind = NULL, train_perc = 0.7){
    # Convert both x and y to matrices
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    y <- as.matrix(y)

    if (is.null(train_ind)){
        pivot <- NROW(x) * train_perc
        train_ind <- sample(NROW(x), round(pivot))

    train <- data.frame(x = x[train_ind, , drop = FALSE],
                        y = y[train_ind, , drop = FALSE])

    test <- data.frame(x = x[-train_ind, , drop = FALSE],
                       y = y[-train_ind, , drop = FALSE])
    return(list(train = train, test = test, train_ind = train_ind))

# Calculate error metrics
# \code{.calculate_errors} calculates error metrics so as to assess the
#  performance of a model, e.g. linear regression.
# @param x Actual values.
# @param y Predicted values.
# @param summary Logical, indicating if the erorr metrics should be printed.
# @return A list containing the following components:
# \itemize{
#  \item \code{mae} mean absolute error.
#  \item \code{mse}  mean squared error (the variance).
#  \item \code{rmse} root mean squared error (std dev).
#  \item \code{mape} mean absolute percentage error.
#  \item \code{rstd} relative standard deviation.
# }
.calculate_errors <- function(x, y, summary = FALSE){
    # TODO Compute actual errors using the right DoF!!
    R <- list()
    if (! is.numeric(x) || ! is.numeric(y))
        stop("Arguments 'x' and 'y' must be numeric vectors.")
    if (length(x) != length(y))
        stop("Vectors 'x' and ' y' must have the same length.")
    error  <- y - x
    # mean absolute error
    R$mae  <- mean(abs(error))
    mae_f  <- formatC(R$mae, digits = 4, format = "f")
    # mean squared error (the variance?!)
    R$mse  <- mean(error ^ 2)
    mse_f  <- formatC(R$mse, digits = 4, format = "f")
    # root mean squared error (std. dev.)
    R$rmse <- sqrt(R$mse)
    rmse_f <- formatC(R$rmse, digits = 4, format = "f")
    # mean absolute percentage error
    R$mape <- mean(abs(error / x))
    # relative standard deviation
    R$rstd <- R$rmse / mean(x)
    # Compute r-squared
    R$rsq  <- 1 - (sum(error ^ 2) / sum( (x - mean(x)) ^ 2) )
    rsq_f  <- formatC(R$rsq, digits = 4, format = "f")
    # Pearson Correlation Coefficient
    R$pcc  <- stats::cor(x, y)
    pcc_f  <- formatC(R$pcc, digits = 4, format = "f")
    if (summary) {
        cat("-- Error Terms ----\n")
        cat(" MAE:  ", mae_f, "\n")
        cat(" MSE:  ", mse_f, "\n")
        cat(" RMSE: ", rmse_f, "\n")
        cat(" R-sq: ", rsq_f, "\n")
        cat(" PCC:  ", pcc_f, "\n")
    if (summary) {

# Compute stable Log-Sum-Exp
# \code{.log_sum_exp} computes the log sum exp trick for avoiding numeric
# underflow and have numeric stability in computations of small numbers.
# @param x A vector of observations
# @return The logs-sum-exp value
# @references
#  \url{https://hips.seas.harvard.edu/blog/2013/01/09/computing-log-sum-exp/}
.log_sum_exp <- function(x) {
    # Computes log(sum(exp(x))
    offset <- max(x)
    return(log(sum(exp(x - offset))) + offset)

# Extract FPKM from string
# \code{.extract_fpkm} Extracts FPKM value from a string
# @param x a string containing FPKM information
# @return The FPKM numeric value
.extract_fpkm <- function(x){
    # TODO test when no FPKM is available
    fpkm <- gsub(".* FPKM ([^;]+);.*", "\\1", x)

# Extract gene name from string
# \code{.extract_gene_name} Extracts gene name from a string
# @param x a string containing gene name information
# @return The gene name as a string
.extract_gene_name <- function(x){
    # TODO test when no gene name is available
    gene_name <- gsub(".* gene_name ([^;]+);.*", "\\1", x)

# Discard selected chromosomes
# \code{.discard_chr} Discards selected chromosomes
# @param x The HTS data stored in a data.table object
# @param chr_discarded A vector with chromosome names to be discarded.
# @return The reduced HTS data.
.discard_chr <- function(x, chr_discarded = NULL){
    assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(x, "data.table"))
    if (!is.null(chr_discarded)){
        message("Removing selected chromosomes ...")
        for (i in 1:length(chr_discarded)){
            x <- x[x$chr != chr_discarded[i]]

# Discard BS-Seq noisy reads
# \code{.discard_bs_noise_reads} discards low coverage and (really) high reads
#  from BS-Seq experiments. These reads can be thought as noise of the
#  experiment.
# @param bs_data A GRanges object containing the BS-Seq data.
# @param min_bs_cov The minimum number of reads mapping to each CpG site.
# @param max_bs_cov The maximum number of reads mapping to each CpG site.
# @return The reduced GRanges object without noisy observations
.discard_bs_noise_reads <- function(bs_data, min_bs_cov = 2, max_bs_cov = 1000){
    message("Discarding noisy reads ...")
    bs_data <- subset(bs_data, bs_data$total_reads >= min_bs_cov)
    bs_data <- subset(bs_data, bs_data$total_reads <= max_bs_cov)

# Perform Gibbs sampling for BPR model
# \code{.gibbs_bpr} performs Gibbs sampling for BPR model using auxiliary
#  variable approach.
# @param H Design matrix
# @param N Total number of trials
# @param N1 Number of successes
# @param N0 Number of failures
# @param w_mle Maximum likelihood estimate for initial value
# @param w_0_mean Prior mean vector for parameter w
# @param w_0_cov Prior covariance matrix for parameter w
# @param gibbs_nsim Number of Gibbs simulations
# @return The chain with the sampled w values from the posterior
.gibbs_bpr <- function(H, y, N, N0, N1, w_mle, w_0_mean, w_0_cov, gibbs_nsim){
    # Matrix storing samples of the \w parameter
    w_chain <- matrix(0, nrow = gibbs_nsim, ncol = length(w_mle))
    w_chain[1, ] <- w_mle
    w <- w_mle

    # Compute posterior variance of w
    prec_0 <- solve(w_0_cov)
    V <- solve(prec_0 + crossprod(H, H))

    # Initialize latent variable Z, from truncated normal
    z <- rep(0, N)

    # Check all the cases when you might have totally methylated or unmethylated
    # read, then we cannot create 0 samples.
    if (N0 == 0){
        for (t in 2:gibbs_nsim) {
            # Update Mean of z
            mu_z <- H %*% w
            # Draw latent variable z from its full conditional: z | \w, y, X
            #z[y == 0] <- rtruncnorm(N0, mean = mu_z[y == 0], sd = 1, a = -Inf, b = 0)
            z[y == 1] <- rtruncnorm(N1, mean = mu_z[y == 1], sd = 1, a = 0, b = Inf)

            # Compute posterior mean of w
            Mu <- V %*% (prec_0 %*% w_0_mean + crossprod(H, z))
            # Draw variable \w from its full conditional: \w | z, X
            w <- c(rmvnorm(1, Mu, V))

            # Store the \theta draws
            w_chain[t, ] <- w
    }else if (N1 == 0){
        for (t in 2:gibbs_nsim) {
            # Update Mean of z
            mu_z <- H %*% w
            # Draw latent variable z from its full conditional: z | \w, y, X
            z[y == 0] <- rtruncnorm(N0, mean = mu_z[y == 0], sd = 1, a = -Inf, b = 0)
            #z[y == 1] <- rtruncnorm(N1, mean = mu_z[y == 1], sd = 1, a = 0, b = Inf)

            # Compute posterior mean of w
            Mu <- V %*% (prec_0 %*% w_0_mean + crossprod(H, z))
            # Draw variable \w from its full conditional: \w | z, X
            w <- c(rmvnorm(1, Mu, V))

            # Store the \theta draws
            w_chain[t, ] <- w
        for (t in 2:gibbs_nsim) {
            # Update Mean of z
            mu_z <- H %*% w
            # Draw latent variable z from its full conditional: z | \w, y, X
            z[y == 0] <- rtruncnorm(N0, mean = mu_z[y == 0], sd = 1, a = -Inf, b = 0)
            z[y == 1] <- rtruncnorm(N1, mean = mu_z[y == 1], sd = 1, a = 0, b = Inf)

            # Compute posterior mean of w
            Mu <- V %*% (prec_0 %*% w_0_mean + crossprod(H, z))
            # Draw variable \w from its full conditional: \w | z, X
            w <- c(rmvnorm(1, Mu, V))

            # Store the \theta draws
            w_chain[t, ] <- w
andreaskapou/BPRMeth-devel documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:32 a.m.