Defines functions ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecification ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecificationRow ERTMonVerifyDataDirectory ERTMonExport ERTMonExportToCSVFeatureMatrix ERTMonPlotFeatureMatrices ERTMonComputeFormula ERTMonStackFeatureMatrices ERTMonCollapseFeatureMatrices ERTMonReadDataFromDirectory ERTMonReadComputationSpecification ERTMonExtractFeatures ERTMonProcessEventRecords ERTMonFilterEventRecords ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck ERTMonDataTransformerCheck ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck ERTMonDataCheck ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec ERTMonTakeVariableOutlierBoundaries ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation ERTMonTakeTrasformedData ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices ERTMonTakeFeatureNamePrefixes ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification ERTMonSetComputationSpecification ERTMonTakeEntityAttributes ERTMonSetEntityAttributes ERTMonTakeEventRecords ERTMonSetEventRecords ERTMonTakeValue ERTMonUnit ERTMonFailureQ

Documented in ERTMonCollapseFeatureMatrices ERTMonComputeFormula ERTMonDataCheck ERTMonDataTransformerCheck ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecification ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecificationRow ERTMonExport ERTMonExportToCSVFeatureMatrix ERTMonExtractFeatures ERTMonFailureQ ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck ERTMonFilterEventRecords ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck ERTMonPlotFeatureMatrices ERTMonProcessEventRecords ERTMonReadComputationSpecification ERTMonReadDataFromDirectory ERTMonSetComputationSpecification ERTMonSetEntityAttributes ERTMonSetEventRecords ERTMonStackFeatureMatrices ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices ERTMonTakeEntityAttributes ERTMonTakeEventRecords ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix ERTMonTakeFeatureNamePrefixes ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame ERTMonTakeTrasformedData ERTMonTakeValue ERTMonTakeVariableOutlierBoundaries ERTMonUnit ERTMonVerifyDataDirectory

## Event records transformations monad in R
## LGPL-3.0 License, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
## Copyright (c) 2018, Anton Antonov
## All rights reserved.

# Title: ERTMon
# Author: Anton Antonov
# Start date: 2018-11-19

#' @import purrr
#' @import dplyr
#' @import magrittr
#' @import stringi
#' @import Matrix
#' @import RcppRoll
#' @import ggplot2

#' @include DataWrapperClass.R DataIngesterClass.R DataSplitterClass.R ComputationSpecificationClass.R DataTransformerClass.R DataTransformerCatMatricesClass.R

## ERT Monad failure symbol

#' Failure symbol for ERTMon.
#' @description Failure symbol for the monad ERTMon.
#' @export
ERTMonFailureSymbol <- NA

#' Failure test for an ERTMon object.
#' @description Test is an ERTMon object a failure symbol.
#' @export
ERTMonFailureQ <- function(x) { mean(is.na(x)) }

## FE Unit

#' Make a ERTMon Unit
#' @description Creates a monad object.
#' @param eventRecords A data frame with event records; can be NULL.
#' @param entityAttributes A data frame with entity attributes; can be NULL.
#' @param compSpec A data frame that is a computation specification; can be NULL.
#' @return An S3 class "ERTMon". In other words, a list with the attribute "class" set to "ERTMon".
#' @export
ERTMonUnit <- function( eventRecords = NULL, entityAttributes = NULL, compSpec = NULL ){
  res <- list( Value = NULL, EventRecords = eventRecords, EntityAttributes = entityAttributes, ComputationSpecification = compSpec )
  attr(res, "class") <- "ERTMon"
  if( !is.null(eventRecords) ) {
    res <- ERTMonSetEventRecords( res, eventRecords )
    if( ERTMonFailureQ(res) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !is.null(entityAttributes) ) {
    res <- ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( res, entityAttributes )
    if( ERTMonFailureQ(res) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !is.null(compSpec) ) {
    res <- ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( res, compSpec )
    if( ERTMonFailureQ(res) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }

#' Make a ERTMon unit.
#' @description A synonym of \code{ERTMonUnit}.
#' @export
ERTMonObject <- ERTMonUnit

## Setters and getters

#' Take the value in a ERTMon object.
#' @description Takes the value from ERTMon monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return Just \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeValue <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }


#' Set event records.
#' @description Sets an event records data frame into the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param eRecs A data frame with event records.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonSetEventRecords <- function( ertObj, eRecs ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  expectedColNames <- c("EntityID", "LocationID", "ObservationTime", "Variable", "Value")
  if( ! ( is.data.frame(eRecs) && length(intersect( colnames(eRecs), expectedColNames)) == length(expectedColNames) ) ) { 
    warning( paste("The argument eRecs is expected to be a data frame with columns:", paste(expectedColNames, collapse =","), "."), call. = TRUE) 
  if( !is.numeric(eRecs$ObservationTime) || !is.numeric(eRecs$Value) ) {
    warning( "The columns 'ObservationTime' and 'Value' of the argument eRecs are expected to be numeric.", call. = TRUE) 
  ertObj$EventRecords <- eRecs[, expectedColNames]

#' Take event records.
#' @description Takes the event records data frame from the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeEventRecords <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }


#' Set entity attributes.
#' @description Sets an entity attributes data frame into the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param eAttrs A data frame with entity attributes.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonSetEntityAttributes <- function( ertObj, eAttrs ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  expectedColNames <- c("EntityID", "Attribute", "Value")
  if( ! ( is.data.frame(eAttrs) && length(intersect( colnames(eAttrs), expectedColNames)) == length(expectedColNames) ) ) { 
    warning( paste("The argument eAttrs is expected to be a data frame with columns:", paste(expectedColNames, collapse =","), "."), call. = TRUE) 
  res <- eAttrs[, expectedColNames]
  i <- sapply(res, is.factor)
  res[i] <- lapply(res[i], as.character)
  ertObj$EntityAttributes <- res 

#' Take entity attributes.
#' @description Takes the entity attributes data frame from the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeEntityAttributes <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }


#' Set computation specification.
#' @description Sets a computation specification data frame into the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param compSpec A data frame that is a computation specification.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonSetComputationSpecification <- function( ertObj, compSpec ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  csType <- ComputationSpecificationType(compSpec)
  if( csType == "Unknown" ) {
    expectedColNames1 <- names(ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecificationRow())
    expectedColNames1 <- paste0("{", paste(expectedColNames1, collapse =", "), "}")
    expectedColNames2 <- c("RowIndex", "ColumnName", "Value")
    expectedColNames2 <- paste0("{",paste(expectedColNames2, collapse =", "), "}")
    warning( paste("The argument compSpec is expected to be a data frame with columns:", expectedColNames2, ", or:", expectedColNames1, "." ), call. = TRUE) 
  if( csType == "LongForm" ) {
    compSpec <- ComputationSpecificationToWideForm(compSpec)
  ertObj$ComputationSpecification <- compSpec

#' Take computation specification.
#' @description Takes the computation specification data frame from the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }


#' Take feature name prefixes.
#' @description Returns the prefixes of the column names of the feature matrix 
#' using the computation specification.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A character vector. 
#' @details The matrix is not computed; only the computation specification is needed.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeFeatureNamePrefixes <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( is.null(ertObj$ComputationSpecification) ) {
    stop( "Cannot find computation specification.", call. = TRUE )
  paste( ertObj$ComputationSpecification$Variable, ertObj$ComputationSpecification$Aggregation.function, sep = ".")


#' Take feature sub-matrices.
#' @description Returns the sub-matrices of the feature matrix.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param smat If not NULL it is going to be used instead of \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' @param matrixNames The contingency matrix names to be taken. 
#' If NULL all contingency matrices are taken.
#' @param columnPrefixesQ Should the column names have feature prefixes?
#' If TRUE the column names are just integers.
#' @param completeColumnRangeQ Should the columns correspond to all 
#' time grid cell indexes between the minimum and maximum ones?
#' This is done only with \code{columnPrefixesQ = FALSE}.
#' @return A list of named matrices.
#' @details The sub-matrices are extracted through the corresponding prefixes.
#' An alternative is to use the sparse matrices that are in \code{ertObj$dtObj}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices <- function( ertObj, smat = NULL, matrixNames = NULL, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( is.null(smat) ) {
    smat <- ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix( ertObj )
  if( !( class(smat) == "dgCMatrix") ) {
    stop("A sparse matrix is expected as a second argument or as a pipeline value.", call. = TRUE )
  if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj) ) {
    stop("Cannot find data transformation object. Transform the data first.", call. = TRUE )
  ## This is way too ad-hoc - debugged the outcomes for hours.
  ## rnames <- paste( ertObj$dtObj@compSpec@parameters$Variable, ertObj$dtObj@compSpec@parameters$Aggregation.function, sep = ".")
  rnames <- ertObj$compSpecObj@parameters$MatrixName
  if( is.null(rnames) ) {
    warning( "Cannot find MatrixName column in the computation specification ertObj$compSpecObj@parameters. (Is the event data processed?)", call. = TRUE)
  if( is.null(matrixNames) ) {
    ## Or use ERTMonTakeFeatureNames(ertObj) .
    matrixNames <- rnames
  if( length(intersect(rnames, matrixNames)) == 0 ) {
    warning( "None of the specified matrix names is a contingency matrix names.", call. = TRUE)
  } else if ( length(setdiff(matrixNames, rnames)) > 0 ) {
    warning( "Some of the specified matrix names are not contingency matrix names.", call. = TRUE)

  ## In principle we could use these somehow.
  # ertObj$dtObj <- makeSparseMatrices(ertObj$dtObj, echoStepsQ = FALSE )
  # res <- ertObj$dtObj@sparseMatrices
  res <-
    purrr::map( matrixNames, function(x) smat[, grep(x, colnames(smat), fixed=T), drop=F ] )
  names(res) <- matrixNames
  if( !columnPrefixesQ ) {
    res <-
      purrr::map( names(res),
                  function(smName) {
                    ## Here the assumption here is wrong:
                    ## the columns are alphabetically ordered not by TimeGridCell values.
                    # if( !is.null(x) && ncol(x)>0) { colnames(x) <- 1:ncol(x) }
                    sm <- res[[smName]]
                    ## Suppress warning messages while converting column names to corresponding values
                    oldw <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
                    colVals <- as.numeric( purrr::map( strsplit( colnames(sm), "\\." ), function(x) x[[length(x)]] ) )
                    options(warn = oldw)

                    if( ncol(sm) == 0 ) {
                      warning( paste("The contingency matrix", smName, "has zero columns."), call. = T)
                    } else if ( sum( is.na( colVals ) ) > 0 ) { 
                      warning("Could not remove the column prefixes.", call. = T )
                    } else {
                      colOrder <- order( colVals  )
                      sm <- sm[, colOrder, drop = F]
                      colnames(sm) <- colVals[colOrder]

                      if( completeColumnRangeQ ) {
                        sm <- ImposeColumnIDs( colIDs = as.character( min(colVals):max(colVals) ), smat = sm )
                      } else {
    names(res) <- matrixNames


#' Take the feature matrix.
#' @description Returns the feature matrix.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A (sparse) matrix or \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @details If the matrix does exists then \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol} is returned. 
#' The row names correspond to entities; the column names to features.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if ( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  } else if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@dataMat) ) { 
  } else { 


#' Take transformed data.
#' @description Takes the transformed data frame from the data transformer object 
#' which is in the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame or \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeTrasformedData <- function( ertObj ) {

  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if ( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeTrasformedData", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  } else if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@transformedData) ) { 
  } else { 


#' Take time cells interpretation.
#' @description Returns a data frame with the interpretation of the time cells.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame. 
#' @details If the alignment specification given to \code{\link{ERTMonProcessEventRecords}}
#' is \code{"MaxTime"} the entity time series will be aligned to finish at 0. 
#' In that case the interpretation times are non-positive.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if ( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  } else if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@timeCellsInterpretation) ) { 
  } else { 


#' Take variable outlier boundaries.
#' @description Returns a data frame with the variable outlier boundaries.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame. 
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeVariableOutlierBoundaries <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if ( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeVariableOutlierBoundaries", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  } else if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@timeCellsInterpretation) ) { 
  } else { 


#' Take alignment specification.
#' @description Returns the alignment specification used when 
#' the last time \code{ERTMonProcessEventRecords} was called.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame. 
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec <- function( ertObj ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if ( !ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck( ertObj = ertObj, memberName = "AlignmentSpec", functionName = "ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec", logicalResult = TRUE ) ) {
  } else { 

## Take time series data frame

#' Take time series data frame.
#' @description Returns a data frame with the feature matrix represented as
#' a set of time series in long form.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param matrixNames The matrix names to be in the result data frame.
#' If NULL all matrix names are used.
#' @param origin A date-time object or something that can be coerced to such object,
#' that can be used in \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}.
#' @return A data frame. 
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame <- function( ertObj, matrixNames = NULL, origin = "1900-01-01" ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  dfTGC <-
    ertObj %>% 

  knownMatrixNames <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeFeatureNamePrefixes
  if( is.null(matrixNames) ) {
    matrixNames <- knownMatrixNames
  } else if ( !is.character(matrixNames) ) {
    warning( "The argument matrixNames is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = TRUE )
  } else if ( sum( matrixNames %in% knownMatrixNames ) == 0 ) {
    warning( "The argument matrixNames has no known matrix names.", call. = TRUE )
  } else if (  mean( matrixNames %in% knownMatrixNames ) < 1 ) {
    warning( "Some elements of the argument matrixNames are unknown matrix names.", call. = TRUE )
    matrixNames <- matrixNames[ matrixNames %in% knownMatrixNames ]
  minObservationTime <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec

  if( ERTMonFailureQ(minObservationTime) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !is.numeric(minObservationTime) ) { minObservationTime <- 0 }
  dfTGC <-
    dfTGC %>% 
    dplyr::filter( MatrixName %in% matrixNames ) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate( MeanTime = (StartTime + EndTime) / 2 ) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate( StartTime = as.POSIXct( StartTime + minObservationTime, origin = origin ) ) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate( EndTime = as.POSIXct( EndTime + minObservationTime, origin = origin ) ) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate( MeanTime = as.POSIXct( MeanTime + minObservationTime, origin = origin ) )

  smats <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices( matrixNames = matrixNames, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = TRUE )
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(smats) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }

  res <- 
    purrr::map( names(smats), function(x) { 
      qDF <- setNames( SparseMatrixToTriplets( smats[[x]] ), c("EntityID", "TimeGridCell", "Value") )
      qDF$TimeGridCell <- as.numeric(qDF$TimeGridCell)

      qDF <- 
        qDF %>% 
        dplyr::inner_join( dfTGC %>% dplyr::filter( MatrixName == x ), by = c( "TimeGridCell") )
      qDF <- cbind( MatrixName = x, qDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )

## Data presence check

#' Check presence of required data.
#' @description Checks does an ERTMon object have event records, entity attributes, and computation specification.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param functionName A name of the delegating function (if any).
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return If \code{logicalValue} is FALSE the result is ERTMon object; if TRUE the result is logical value.
#' @export
ERTMonDataCheck <- function( ertObj, functionName = NULL, logicalResult = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { 
    if(logicalResult) { FALSE } else { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  res <- TRUE
  if( is.null(functionName) || nchar(functionName) == 0 ) { 
    functionName <- ""
  } else {
    functionName <- paste0( functionName, ":: ") 
  if( is.null(ertObj$EventRecords) ) {
    warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find event records."), call. = TRUE)
    res <- FALSE
  if( is.null(ertObj$EntityAttributes) ) {
    warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find entity attributes."), call. = TRUE)
    res <- FALSE
  if( is.null(ertObj$ComputationSpecification) ) {
    warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find computation specification."), call. = TRUE)
    res <- FALSE
  if( logicalResult ) { res }
  else if ( !logicalResult && !res) { ERTMonFailureSymbol }
  else { ertObj }

## Member presense check

#' General member presence check.
#' @description A general function for checking the presence of a data member in an ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param memberName The name of the member to be checked.
#' @param memberPrettyName A pretty member name (for messages).
#' @param functionName The name of the delegating function.
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return A logical value or an ERTMon object.
#' @export
ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck <- function( ertObj, memberName, memberPrettyName = memberName, functionName = "", logicalResult = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { 
    if(logicalResult) { FALSE } else { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  res <- TRUE
  if( nchar(functionName) > 0 ) { functionName <- paste0( functionName, ":: ") }
  if( is.null(ertObj[[memberName]]) ) {
    warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find ", memberPrettyName, "."), call. = TRUE )
    res <- FALSE
  if( logicalResult ) { res }
  else if ( !logicalResult && !res) { ERTMonFailureSymbol }
  else { ertObj }

## Data transformer check

#' Check presence of a data transformer object.
#' @description Checks the presence of a data transformation S4 object in a given ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param functionName The name of the delegating function.
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return A logical value or an ERTMon object.
#' @export
ERTMonDataTransformerCheck <- function( ertObj, functionName = "", logicalResult = FALSE ) {
  ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck( ertObj, "dtObj", "data transformer object", functionName = functionName, logicalResult = logicalResult)

## Feature matrix check

#' Feature matrix presence check.
#' @description Checks the presence of a feature matrix in a given ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param functionName The name of the delegating function.
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return A logical value or an ERTMon object.
#' @export
ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck <- function( ertObj, functionName = "", logicalResult = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { 
    if(logicalResult) { FALSE } else { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  res <- ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix", logicalResult = TRUE) 
  if( !res ) {
    if( logicalResult) { FALSE }
    else { ERTMonFailureSymbol }
  if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@dataMat) ) { 
    if( logicalResult) { FALSE }
    else { ERTMonFailureSymbol }
  } else {
    if( logicalResult) { TRUE }
    else { ertObj }

## Filter event records

#' Filtering of event records.
#' @description Filters event records for specified min and max observation times
#' and/or entity ID's and/or location ID's and/or variable names.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param minObservatonTime Minimum observation time. 
#' It can be NULL, an integer value (seconds), \code{"MinTime"}, or \code{"MaxMinTime"}.
#' @param maxObservatonTime Minimum observation time. 
#' NULL has the same effect as \code{"MinTime"} -- no filtering. 
#' It can be NULL, an integer value (seconds), \code{"MaxTime"}, or \code{"MinMaxTime"}.
#' NULL has the same effect as \code{"MaxTime"} -- no filtering. 
#' @param entityIDs A character vector with entity ID's.
#' If NULL no filtering over entity ID's is done.
#' @param locationIDs A character vector with location ID's.
#' If NULL no filtering over location ID's is done.
#' @param variables A character vector with variable names.
#' If NULL no filtering over variables is done.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details The primary reason for this function is to assure the user
#' that all events adhere to certain explicitly postulated predicates.
#' \code{"MaxMinTime"} means that for each variable-and-entity pair is found the 
#' min observation time.
#' The found the min-max-times and max-min-times are assigned to 
#' \code{ertObj$SummarisedObservationTimes}.
#' @export
ERTMonFilterEventRecords <- function( ertObj, 
                                      minObservationTime = NULL, maxObservationTime = NULL, 
                                      entityIDs = NULL, 
                                      locationIDs = NULL,
                                      variables = NULL) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( is.null(minObservationTime) && is.null(maxObservationTime) && is.null(entityIDs) && is.null(locationIDs) && is.null(variables) ) {
    warning("All filtering arguments are NULL, no filtering is done.", call. = T)
  if( !( is.null(minObservationTime) || is.numeric(minObservationTime) || tolower(minObservationTime) %in% tolower( c("MinTime", "MaxMinTime") ) ) ) {
    warning("The argument minObservationTime is expected to be NULL, or a number (seconds), or one of {'MinTime', 'MaxMinTime'}.", call. = T)
  if( !( is.null(maxObservationTime) || is.numeric(maxObservationTime) || tolower(maxObservationTime) %in% tolower( c("MaxTime", "MinMaxTime") ) ) ) {
    warning("The argument maxObservationTime is expected to be NULL, or a number (seconds), or one of {'MaxTime', 'MinMaxTime'}.", call. = T)
  if( !( is.null(locationIDs) || is.character(locationIDs) ) ) {
    warning("The argument locationIDs is expected to be NULL or a character vector.", call. = T)
  qGroupDates <-
    ertObj %>% 
    ERTMonTakeEventRecords %>% 
    dplyr::group_by( Variable, EntityID ) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(  MinObservationTime = min(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), MaxObservationTime = max(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), .groups = "drop" ) %>% 
  if( is.numeric(minObservationTime) ) { 
    maxMinTime <- minObservationTime 
  } else {
    maxMinTime <- max(qGroupDates$MinObservationTime, na.rm = T) 
  if( is.numeric(maxObservationTime) ) {
    minMaxTime <- maxObservationTime
  } else {
    minMaxTime <- min(qGroupDates$MaxObservationTime, na.rm = T) 
  if( is.null(minObservationTime) || is.null(maxObservationTime) || tolower(minObservationTime) == "mintime" || tolower(maxObservationTime) == "maxtime" ) {
    qMinMaxTimes <-
      ertObj %>% 
      ERTMonTakeEventRecords %>% 
      dplyr::summarise( MinTime = min(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), MaxTime = max(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), .groups = "drop" )
    if( is.null(minObservationTime) || tolower(minObservationTime) == "mintime" ) { maxMinTime <- qMinMaxTimes$MinTime }
    if( is.null(maxObservationTime) || tolower(maxObservationTime) == "maxtime" ) { minMaxTime <- qMinMaxTimes$MaxTime }
  ertObj <-
    ertObj %>%
    ERTMonSetEventRecords( ertObj %>%
                             ERTMonTakeEventRecords %>%
                             dplyr::filter( maxMinTime <= ObservationTime,
                                            ObservationTime <= minMaxTime,
                                            if( is.null(entityIDs) ) { TRUE } else { EntityID %in% entityIDs },
                                            if( is.null(variables) ) { TRUE } else { Variable %in% variables },
                                            if( is.null(locationIDs) ) { TRUE } else { LocationID %in% locationIDs } )
  ertObj$SummarisedObservationTimes <- qGroupDates
  if( nrow(ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeEventRecords) == 0 ) {
    ## I am not sure is this message wanted / needed.
    warning( "The event records filtering produced an empty event records dataset. (Examine the summary of ertObj$SummarisedObservationTimes .)", call. = T )
  ## Filter entity attributes.
  ertObj <- 
    ertObj %>% ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( ertObj %>% 
                                            ERTMonTakeEntityAttributes %>% 
                                            dplyr::filter( EntityID %in% unique( (ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeEventRecords)$EntityID ) ) 
  ## Filter computation specification.
  ertObj <- 
    ertObj %>% ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( ertObj %>% 
                                                    ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification %>% 
                                                    dplyr::filter( Variable %in% unique( (ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeEventRecords)$Variable ) ) 

## Make time series feature extractor

#' Process the data and make feature matrix.
#' @description Processes the set event records using the set computation specification in an ERTMon object. 
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param outlierIdentifier Outlier parameters function.
#' @param alignmentSpec A time series alignment specification argument 
#' with acceptable values \code{"MinTime"}, \code{"MaxTime"}, or a non-negative number. 
#' @param echoStepsQ Should the computational steps be proclaimed?
#' @param progressObject An object to be used in a progress gauge.
#' @details The result feature matrix is assigned to \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' If \code{alignmentSpec} is a non-negative number the alignment is done by finding 
#' the difference \code{ObservationTime - alignmentSpec} and keeping the event records for which
#' that difference is non-negative.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Transformation functions
#' @export
ERTMonProcessEventRecords <- function( ertObj, 
                                       outlierIdentifier = SPLUSQuartileIdentifierParameters, 
                                       alignmentSpec = "MaxTime", 
                                       echoStepsQ = FALSE, 
                                       progressObject = NULL ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !ERTMonDataCheck( ertObj, "ERTMonProcessEventRecords", logicalResult = T ) ) {

  ## Presence
  if( nrow(ertObj$EventRecords) == 0 ) {
    warning( "The event records data frame ertObj$EventRecords is empty.", call. = TRUE )
  ## Event records variables.
  erVars <- unique( (ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeEventRecords)$Variable )
  ## Variables in event records and comp spec.
  if( mean( ertObj$ComputationSpecification$Variable %in% erVars ) == 0 ) {
    warning( "None of the variables of ertObj$ComputationSpecification are in ertObj$EventRecords.", call. = TRUE )
  } else if ( mean( ertObj$ComputationSpecification$Variable %in% erVars ) < 1 ) {
    warning( "Some variables of ertObj$ComputationSpecification are not in ertObj$EventRecords.", call. = TRUE )
  ## Get the computation specification.
  compSpec <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification
  ## Filter the comutation specification to variables in the event records.
  compSpec <- compSpec[ compSpec$Variable %in% erVars, ]
  ## Find is the calculation of a label feature matrix specified?
  findLabelMatQ <- FALSE
  if ( is.data.frame(compSpec) ) {
    findLabelMatQ <- HasLabelRowQ( compSpec )
  ## In order to adhere ot ERTMon's requirements we have to provide a 'Label' attribute.
  if( findLabelMatQ ) {
    ertObj$EntityAttributes <- AddMissingLabelAttributes( ertObj$EntityAttributes, labelValue = "None" )
  ## Computation specification
  compSpecObj <- new( "ComputationSpecification" )
  compSpecObj <- setSpec( compSpecObj,  as.data.frame(ertObj$ComputationSpecification) )
  compSpecObj <- ingestSpec( compSpecObj, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
  ## Completeness  
  if( mean(complete.cases(ertObj$EventRecords)) < 1 ) {
    warning( "Some rows of ertObj$EventRecords have missing values.", call. = TRUE )
    ertObj$EventRecords <- ertObj$EventRecords[ complete.cases(ertObj$EventRecords), ] 
  if( mean(complete.cases(ertObj$EntityAttributes)) < 1 ) {
    warning( "Some rows of ertObj$EntityAttributes have missing values.", call. = TRUE )
    ertObj$EntityAttributes <- ertObj$EntityAttributes[ complete.cases(ertObj$EntityAttributes), ]
  ## Data ingesting
  diObj <- new( "DataIngester")
  diObj <- setEventRecords( diObj, ertObj$EventRecords )
  diObj <- setEntityAttributes( diObj, ertObj$EntityAttributes )
  diObj <- ingestData( diObj, "Label" )
  dwObj <- diObj@dataObj
  ## Data transformer
  ## dtObj <- new( "DataTransformerCatMatrices" )
  dtObj <- new( "DataTransformer" )
  dtObj@progressObject <- progressObject
  dtObj <- transformData( dtObj,
                          alignmentSpec = alignmentSpec,
                          echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
  ertObj$AlignmentSpec = alignmentSpec
  ertObj$compSpecObj <- compSpecObj
  ertObj$dtObj <- dtObj
  ertObj$Value <- dtObj@dataMat

## Extract features

#' Extract feature with an already made data transformer.
#' @description Processes "unseen" data with an already made data transformer object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param eventRecords A data frame with event records.
#' @param entityAttributes A data frame with entity attributes.
#' @param echoStepsQ Should the computational steps be proclaimed?
#' @param progressObject An object to be used in a progress gauge.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details The result feature matrix is assigned to \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' @family Transformation functions
#' @export
ERTMonExtractFeatures <- function( ertObj, eventRecords = NULL, entityAttributes = NULL, echoStepsQ = TRUE, progressObject = NULL ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonExtractFeatures", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  if( !is.logical(echoStepsQ) ) {
    warning("The argument echoStepsQ is expected to be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  dtObj <- ertObj$dtObj
  dtObj@progressObject <- progressObject
  if( is.null(eventRecords) && is.null(entityAttribues) ) {
    dtObj <- transformData( dtObj, ertObj$compSpecObj, ertObj$eventRecords, ertObj$entityAttributes, testDataRun = TRUE, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
  } else {
    dtObj <- transformData( dtObj, ertObj$compSpecObj, eventRecords, entityAttributes, testDataRun = TRUE, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
  ## The result -- a contingency matrix
  ertObj$Value <- dtObj@dataMat

## Read computation specification from a file

#' Read a computation specification from a file.
#' @description Reads a computation specification data frame from a file.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param file A directory name.
#' @param echoStepsQ Should the computational steps be proclaimed?
#' @details The specified file is expected to be a CSV file.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Data ingestion functions
#' @export
ERTMonReadComputationSpecification <- function( ertObj, fileName, ingestQ = FALSE, echoStepsQ = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  compSpecObj <- new( "ComputationSpecification" )
  if ( ingestQ ) {
    compSpecObj <- compSpecObj %>% readSpec( fileName, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ ) %>% ingestSpec( echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
    ertObj %>% ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( compSpecObj@parameters )
  } else {
    compSpecObj <- compSpecObj %>% readSpec( fileName, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
    ertObj %>% ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( compSpecObj@originalParameters )

## Read data from a directory

#' Read data from a directory.
#' @description Reads event records, entity attributes, and computation specification
#' data frames from a directory.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param directoryName A directory name.
#' @param compSpec A computation specification data frame; if NULL it is read from the directory.
#' @param progressObject An object to use for a progress gauge.
#' @param echoStepsQ Should the computational steps be proclaimed?
#' @details The specified directory is expected to have the files 
#' \code{eventRecords.csv}, \code{entityAttributes.csv}, and \code{computationSpecification.csv}.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Data ingestion functions
#' @export
ERTMonReadDataFromDirectory <- function( ertObj, directoryName, readCompSpecQ = TRUE, progressObject = NULL, echoStepsQ = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  ## Data ingester
  diObj <- new( "DataIngester")  
  diObj@progressObject <- progressObject
  diObj <- diObj %>% readDataFromDirectory( directoryName, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ ) %>% ingestData( "Label" )
  ## Computation specificaiton
  compSpecObj <- new( "ComputationSpecification" )
  if( readCompSpecQ ) {
    inSpecFileName <- file.path( directoryName, "computationSpecification.csv" )
    compSpecObj <- compSpecObj %>% readSpec( inSpecFileName, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ ) 

    ertObj %>%
      ERTMonSetEventRecords( diObj@dataObj@eventRecords ) %>% 
      ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( diObj@dataObj@entityAttributes ) %>% 
      ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( compSpecObj@originalParameters )
  } else {
    ertObj %>%
      ERTMonSetEventRecords( diObj@dataObj@eventRecords ) %>% 
      ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( diObj@dataObj@entityAttributes )

## Collapse feature sub-matrices

#' Get feature sub-matrices collapsed.
#' @details Collapses specified feature sub-matrices with a specified function.
#' The collapse function can be one of \code{rowSums, rowMeans, colSums, colMeans} 
#' or any other function that can be applied.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param matrixNames A character vector with names of feature sub-matrices to be collapsed.
#' If NULL then all feature sub-matrices are collapsed.
#' @param entityIDs A character vector with entity ID's (that feature sub-matrices row names.)
#' If NULL then all entity ID's are used.
#' @param collapseFunction A function that can be applied to a sparse matrix. 
#' @param completeColumnRangeQ See \code{\link{ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices}}.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details The obtained list of collapsed matrices is assigned to \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' This function is fairly simple -- it was programmed in order to have 
#' the corresponding operation explicitly named in formula computation workflows.
#' @family Feature matrices 
#' @export
ERTMonCollapseFeatureMatrices <- function( ertObj, matrixNames = NULL, entityIDs = NULL, collapseFunction = colSums, completeColumnRangeQ = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck(ertObj, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  if( !( is.character(matrixNames) || is.null(matrixNames) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument matrixNames is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = T )
  if( !( is.character(entityIDs) || is.null(entityIDs) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument entityIDs is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = T )
  feMats <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices( matrixNames = matrixNames, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = completeColumnRangeQ )

  if( is.null(matrixNames) ) { matrixNames <- names(feMats) }
  knownMats <- matrixNames %in% names(feMats)
  if( sum(knownMats) == 0 ) {
    warning( "None of the specified matrix names is known.", call. = TRUE )
  if( mean(knownMats) < 1 ) {
    warning( "Some of the specified matrix names are not known.", call. = TRUE )
  if( is.null(entityIDs) ) { entityIDs <- rownames(feMats[[1]]) }
  knownEntityIDs <- entityIDs %in% rownames(feMats[[1]])
  if( sum(knownEntityIDs) == 0 ) {
    warning( "None of the specified entity ID's is known.", call. = TRUE )
  if( mean(knownEntityIDs) < 1 ) {
    warning( "Some of the specified entity ID's are not known.", call. = TRUE )
  entityIDs <- entityIDs[knownEntityIDs]
  if( !is.null(matrixNames) ) {
    feMats <- feMats[ names(feMats) %in% matrixNames ]
  feMats <- 
      purrr::map( feMats, function(x) { collapseFunction( x[entityIDs, , drop=F] ) } ), 
  ertObj$Value <- feMats

## Stack feature sub-matrices

#' Make a stack of feature sub-matrices.
#' @details Stacks the feature sub-matrices (using \code{rbind}.)
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param matrixNames A character vector with names of feature sub-matrices to be collapsed.
#' If NULL then all feature sub-matrices are collapsed.
#' @param entityIDs A character vector with entity ID's (that feature sub-matrices row names.)
#' If NULL then all entity ID's are used.
#' @param sep A separator string.
#' @param dropEmptyRowsQ Should the empty rows be dropped or not?
#' @param completeColumnRangeQ See \code{\link{ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices}}.
#' @details The obtained matrix is assigned to \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' The entity ID's are concatenated with matrix names using the separator \code{sep}.
#' The rows that are "empty" (without elements) are removed by default.
#' @family Feature matrices 
#' @export
ERTMonStackFeatureMatrices <- function( ertObj, matrixNames = NULL, entityIDs = NULL, sep = ".", dropEmptyRowsQ = TRUE, completeColumnRangeQ = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck(ertObj, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  if( !( is.character(matrixNames) || is.null(matrixNames) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument matrixNames is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = T )
  if( !( is.character(entityIDs) || is.null(entityIDs) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument entityIDs is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = T )
  feMats <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices( matrixNames = matrixNames, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = completeColumnRangeQ )
  if( is.null(matrixNames) ) { matrixNames <- names(feMats) }
  knownMats <- matrixNames %in% names(feMats)
  if( sum(knownMats) == 0 ) {
    warning( "None of the specified matrix names is known.", call. = TRUE )
  if( mean(knownMats) < 1 ) {
    warning( "Some of the specified matrix names are not known.", call. = TRUE )
  if( is.null(entityIDs) ) { entityIDs <- rownames(feMats[[1]]) }
  knownEntityIDs <- entityIDs %in% rownames(feMats[[1]])
  if( sum(knownEntityIDs) == 0 ) {
    warning( "None of the specified entity ID's is known.", call. = TRUE )
  if( mean(knownEntityIDs) < 1 ) {
    warning( "Some of the specified entity ID's are not known.", call. = TRUE )
  entityIDs <- entityIDs[knownEntityIDs]
  if( !is.null(matrixNames) ) {
    feMats <- feMats[ names(feMats) %in% matrixNames ]
  feMats <- 
      purrr::map( names(feMats), function(x) {
        mat <- feMats[[x]][ entityIDs, , drop=F ]
        rownames(mat) <- paste( x, rownames(mat), sep = sep )
  allColumnNames <- unique( unlist( purrr::map( feMats, colnames ) ) )
  allColumnNames <- allColumnNames[ order(as.numeric(allColumnNames)) ]
  feMats <- purrr::map( feMats, function(x) ImposeColumnIDs( colIDs = allColumnNames, x ) )
  resMat <- do.call(rbind, feMats)
  resMat <- resMat[rowSums(abs(resMat)) > 0, ]

  ertObj$Value <- resMat

## Compute formula (with a formula spec)

#' Compute specified formula.
#' @description Computes a formula with a given specification using the feature 
#' sub-matrices of an ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param formulaSpec A formula specification.
#' @param completeColumnRangeQ See \code{\link{ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices}}.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details The column names of \code{formulaSpec} are expected to include:
#' \code{c("TermID", "TermCoefficient", "FeatureName", "ReduceFunction", "Coefficient", "Exponent", "RatioPart")}.
#' The result matrix is assigned into \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' @export
ERTMonComputeFormula <- function( ertObj, formulaSpec, completeColumnRangeQ = FALSE ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  expectedColumnNames <- c("TermID", "TermCoefficient", "FeatureName", "ReduceFunction", "Coefficient", "Exponent", "RatioPart") 
  if( !( class(formulaSpec) == "data.frame" && 
         length( intersect( colnames(formulaSpec), expectedColumnNames) ) == length(expectedColumnNames) ) ) {
    warning( paste( "The argument formulaSpec is expected to be a data frame with columns:", paste( expectedColumnNames, collapse = ", " ), "." ), call. = TRUE )
  termCoeffCheck <-
    purrr::map_lgl( split(formulaSpec, formulaSpec$TermID), function(x) {
      mean(x$TermCoefficient) == x$TermCoefficient[[1]]
  if( mean(termCoeffCheck) < 1 ) {
    warning( "The rows of formulaSpec with the same \"TermID\" value should have the same \"TermCoefficient\" value.", call. = TRUE )
  smats <- ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices( ertObj, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = completeColumnRangeQ )
  resMat <- ApplyFormulaSpecification( smats = smats[ grep("Label", names(smats), invert = T) ], formulaSpec = formulaSpec )
  ertObj$Value <- resMat

## Plot feature matrices

#' Plot rows of feature sub-matrices as time series.
#' @description Plots the rows of the feature sub-matrices of an ERTMon object as time series.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param matrixNames A character vector with matrix names to be plotted; NULL for all.
#' @param entityIDs A character vector with entity ID's to be plotted; NULL for all.
#' @param origin If NULL the time grid cell indexes are used.
#' If a date-time object or something that can be coerced to such object,
#' then the time grid cells are≈ interpreted as (date-)times.
#' See the argument \code{origin} of \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}.
#' @param echoQ Should the result be plotted?
#' @param facets facets argument for the function \code{\link{ggplot2::facet_wrap}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for \code{\link{ggplot2::facet_wrap}}.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details In order to plot each feature matrix time series(es) separately use
#' \code{facets=vars(MatrixName)}.
#' @family Feature matrices
#' @export
ERTMonPlotFeatureMatrices <- function( ertObj, matrixNames = NULL, entityIDs = NULL, 
                                       origin = NULL, echoQ = TRUE, 
                                       facets = vars(EntityID), ... ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  ## Instead of using ERTMonTakeTransformedData we can use 
  ## also ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices and SparseMatrixToTriplets (not a better way.)
  feMatDF <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeTrasformedData()
  testVals <- unique(feMatDF$MatrixName)
  if( is.character(matrixNames) && sum( matrixNames %in% testVals ) == 0 ) {
    warning( "None of the elements of the argument matrixNames is a feature sub-martix name." )
  testVals <- unique(feMatDF$EntityID)
  if( is.character(entityIDs) && sum( entityIDs %in% testVals ) == 0 ) {
    warning( "None of the elements of the argument entityIDs is an known entity ID." )
  if( !is.null(matrixNames) ) {
    feMatDF <- feMatDF %>% dplyr::filter( MatrixName %in% matrixNames )
  if( !is.null(entityIDs) ) {
    feMatDF <- feMatDF %>% dplyr::filter( EntityID %in% entityIDs )
  if( !is.null(origin) ) {
    timeGridCellsDF <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation
    timeGridCellsDF$MidDateTime <- as.POSIXct( (timeGridCellsDF$StartTime + timeGridCellsDF$EndTime) / 2, origin = origin )

    feMatDF <-
      feMatDF %>% 
      dplyr::inner_join( timeGridCellsDF, by = c( "MatrixName", "TimeGridCell") ) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate( TimeGridCell = MidDateTime )
  ertObj$Value <-
    ggplot2::ggplot(feMatDF) +
    ggplot2::geom_line( ggplot2::aes( x = TimeGridCell, y = AValue, color = MatrixName ) ) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap( facets = facets, ... )
  if( echoQ ) {

## Export (computed) 

#' Export the feature matrix into a CSV file.
#' @description Exports the feature matrix into a CSV file.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param fileName A CSV file name. If \code{NULL} no file is written.
#' @param modelID A string; if \code{NULL} it is not used.
#' @return An ERTMon object or \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @details The value of the argument \code{modelID} (if not \code{NULL}) is
#' added as the first column to the feature matrix data frame (to be exported).
#' That data frame is assigned to the result monad object \code{$Value}.
#' @export
ERTMonExportToCSVFeatureMatrix <- function( ertObj, fileName = NULL, modelID = NULL ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck(ertObj, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  if( !( is.null(fileName) || is.character(fileName) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument fileName is expected to be a string that is a valid file name.", call. = TRUE )
  if( !( is.null(modelID) || is.character(modelID) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument modelID is expected to be a string.", call. = TRUE )
  fMat <- ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix(ertObj)
  fMat <- as(fMat,"dgCMatrix")
  resDF <- SparseMatrixToTriplets( fMat )
  resDF <- setNames(resDF, c("EntityID", "TimeCell", "Value") )

  if( is.character(modelID) ) {
    resDF <- cbind( ModelID = modelID, resDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
  if( is.character(fileName) ) {
    write.csv( x = resDF, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE )
  ertObj$Value <- resDF

#' Export processed data into CSV files.
#' @description Exports the computation specification, the feature matrix, and time grid
#' cells interpretation into CSV files. 
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param directoryName A directory name for the export. If \code{NULL} no files are written.
#' @param modelID A string.
#' @param fileNamePrefix A string.
#' @param origin A date-time object or something that can be coerced to such object, 
#' that can be used in as.POSIXct. 
#' It is passed to \code{\link{ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame}}.
#' @return An ERTMon object or \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @details The CSV files are written in the specified directory \code{directoryName}. 
#' The file name prefix \code{fileNamePrefix} is concatenated to the generic file names:
#' \code{"longFormComputationSpecification.csv", "featureMatrix.csv", "timeCellsInterpretation.csv", "featureMatrixTimeSeries.csv"}.
#' The conversion into long form of the computation specification is considered to be 
#' more convenient from a "model management" perspective. 
#' The data to be exported is assigned to result's \code{$Value}.
#' @export
ERTMonExport <- function( ertObj, directoryName, modelID, fileNamePrefix = paste0(modelID,"-"), origin = "1900-01-01" ) {
  if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
  if( !ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck(ertObj, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
  if( !( is.character(directoryName) && file.exists(directoryName) || is.null(directoryName) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument directoryName is expected to be a string that is a valid directory name or NULL.", call. = TRUE )
  if( !is.character(modelID) ) {
    warning( "The argument modelID is expected to be a string.", call. = TRUE )
  if( !(is.null(fileNamePrefix) || is.character(fileNamePrefix) ) ) {
    warning( "The argument fileNamePrefix is expected to be a string or NULL.", call. = TRUE )
  if( is.null(fileNamePrefix) ) { fileNamePrefix <- "" }
  ## Export computation specification
  compSpec <- ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification(ertObj)
  compSpec <- ComputationSpecificationToLongForm( compSpec, modelID = modelID )
  if( !is.null(directoryName) ) {
    write.csv( x = compSpec, file = file.path( directoryName, paste0(fileNamePrefix, "longFormComputationSpecification.csv")), row.names = FALSE )
  ## Export feature matrix
  if( !is.null(directoryName) ) {
    fileName <- file.path( directoryName, paste0(fileNamePrefix, "featureMatrix.csv"))
  } else { 
    fileName <- NULL 
  ertObj <- ERTMonExportToCSVFeatureMatrix( ertObj, fileName = fileName, modelID = modelID )
  ## Export time grid cells interpretation
  tsDF <- ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation( ertObj )
  tsDF <- cbind( ModelID = modelID, tsDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
  if( !is.null(directoryName) ) {
    write.csv( x = tsDF, file = file.path( directoryName, paste0(fileNamePrefix, "timeCellsInterpretation.csv")), row.names = FALSE )
  ## Export feature matrix time series data frame
  fmtsDF <- ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame( ertObj, origin = origin )
  fmtsDF <- cbind( ModelID = modelID, fmtsDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
  if( !is.null(directoryName) ) {
    write.csv( x = fmtsDF, file = file.path( directoryName, paste0(fileNamePrefix, "featureMatrixTimeSeries.csv")), row.names = FALSE )
  ertObj$Value <- list( ComputationSpecification = compSpec, FeatureMatrix = ertObj$Value, TimeCellsInterpretation = tsDF, FeatureMatrixTimeSeries = fmtsDF  )
  ## Result

## Support functions

#' Verify does a directory have ERTMon data files.
#' @description Verify does a directory have the CSV files \code{eventRecords.csv} 
#' and \code{entityAttributes.csv}.
#' @param directoryName A directory name string.
#' @return A logical value.
#' @family Non-monadic functions.
#' @export
ERTMonVerifyDataDirectory <- function( directoryName ) {
  if( !is.character(directoryName) ) {
    stop("A string is expected for the argument directoryName.", call. = TRUE )
  VerifyDataDirectory( directoryName )

#' Empty computation specification row.
#' @description Gives a data frame with an "empty" computation specification row.
#' @return A data frame with one row.
#' @details Non-monadic functions.
#' @export
ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecificationRow <- function() {

#' Empty computation specification.
#' @description Gives a data frame with an "empty" computation specification row.
#' @return A data frame with one row.
#' @family Non-monadic functions.
#' @export
ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecification <- function( nrow = 1 ) {
  if( !is.integer(nrow) ) {
    stop("An integer is expected for the argument nrow.", call. = TRUE )
  do.call(rbind, purrr::map(1:nrow, function(x) EmptyComputationSpecificationRow()))
antononcube/ERTMon-R documentation built on Oct. 14, 2021, 2:27 p.m.