## Event records transformations monad in R
## LGPL-3.0 License, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
## Copyright (c) 2018, Anton Antonov
## All rights reserved.
# Title: ERTMon
# Author: Anton Antonov
# Start date: 2018-11-19
#' @import purrr
#' @import dplyr
#' @import magrittr
#' @import stringi
#' @import Matrix
#' @import RcppRoll
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include DataWrapperClass.R DataIngesterClass.R DataSplitterClass.R ComputationSpecificationClass.R DataTransformerClass.R DataTransformerCatMatricesClass.R
## ERT Monad failure symbol
#' Failure symbol for ERTMon.
#' @description Failure symbol for the monad ERTMon.
#' @export
ERTMonFailureSymbol <- NA
#' Failure test for an ERTMon object.
#' @description Test is an ERTMon object a failure symbol.
#' @export
ERTMonFailureQ <- function(x) { mean(is.na(x)) }
## FE Unit
#' Make a ERTMon Unit
#' @description Creates a monad object.
#' @param eventRecords A data frame with event records; can be NULL.
#' @param entityAttributes A data frame with entity attributes; can be NULL.
#' @param compSpec A data frame that is a computation specification; can be NULL.
#' @return An S3 class "ERTMon". In other words, a list with the attribute "class" set to "ERTMon".
#' @export
ERTMonUnit <- function( eventRecords = NULL, entityAttributes = NULL, compSpec = NULL ){
res <- list( Value = NULL, EventRecords = eventRecords, EntityAttributes = entityAttributes, ComputationSpecification = compSpec )
attr(res, "class") <- "ERTMon"
if( !is.null(eventRecords) ) {
res <- ERTMonSetEventRecords( res, eventRecords )
if( ERTMonFailureQ(res) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !is.null(entityAttributes) ) {
res <- ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( res, entityAttributes )
if( ERTMonFailureQ(res) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !is.null(compSpec) ) {
res <- ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( res, compSpec )
if( ERTMonFailureQ(res) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
#' Make a ERTMon unit.
#' @description A synonym of \code{ERTMonUnit}.
#' @export
ERTMonObject <- ERTMonUnit
## Setters and getters
#' Take the value in a ERTMon object.
#' @description Takes the value from ERTMon monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return Just \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeValue <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
#' Set event records.
#' @description Sets an event records data frame into the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param eRecs A data frame with event records.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonSetEventRecords <- function( ertObj, eRecs ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
expectedColNames <- c("EntityID", "LocationID", "ObservationTime", "Variable", "Value")
if( ! ( is.data.frame(eRecs) && length(intersect( colnames(eRecs), expectedColNames)) == length(expectedColNames) ) ) {
warning( paste("The argument eRecs is expected to be a data frame with columns:", paste(expectedColNames, collapse =","), "."), call. = TRUE)
if( !is.numeric(eRecs$ObservationTime) || !is.numeric(eRecs$Value) ) {
warning( "The columns 'ObservationTime' and 'Value' of the argument eRecs are expected to be numeric.", call. = TRUE)
ertObj$EventRecords <- eRecs[, expectedColNames]
#' Take event records.
#' @description Takes the event records data frame from the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeEventRecords <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
#' Set entity attributes.
#' @description Sets an entity attributes data frame into the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param eAttrs A data frame with entity attributes.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonSetEntityAttributes <- function( ertObj, eAttrs ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
expectedColNames <- c("EntityID", "Attribute", "Value")
if( ! ( is.data.frame(eAttrs) && length(intersect( colnames(eAttrs), expectedColNames)) == length(expectedColNames) ) ) {
warning( paste("The argument eAttrs is expected to be a data frame with columns:", paste(expectedColNames, collapse =","), "."), call. = TRUE)
res <- eAttrs[, expectedColNames]
i <- sapply(res, is.factor)
res[i] <- lapply(res[i], as.character)
ertObj$EntityAttributes <- res
#' Take entity attributes.
#' @description Takes the entity attributes data frame from the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeEntityAttributes <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
#' Set computation specification.
#' @description Sets a computation specification data frame into the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param compSpec A data frame that is a computation specification.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonSetComputationSpecification <- function( ertObj, compSpec ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
csType <- ComputationSpecificationType(compSpec)
if( csType == "Unknown" ) {
expectedColNames1 <- names(ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecificationRow())
expectedColNames1 <- paste0("{", paste(expectedColNames1, collapse =", "), "}")
expectedColNames2 <- c("RowIndex", "ColumnName", "Value")
expectedColNames2 <- paste0("{",paste(expectedColNames2, collapse =", "), "}")
warning( paste("The argument compSpec is expected to be a data frame with columns:", expectedColNames2, ", or:", expectedColNames1, "." ), call. = TRUE)
if( csType == "LongForm" ) {
compSpec <- ComputationSpecificationToWideForm(compSpec)
ertObj$ComputationSpecification <- compSpec
#' Take computation specification.
#' @description Takes the computation specification data frame from the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
#' Take feature name prefixes.
#' @description Returns the prefixes of the column names of the feature matrix
#' using the computation specification.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @details The matrix is not computed; only the computation specification is needed.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeFeatureNamePrefixes <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( is.null(ertObj$ComputationSpecification) ) {
stop( "Cannot find computation specification.", call. = TRUE )
paste( ertObj$ComputationSpecification$Variable, ertObj$ComputationSpecification$Aggregation.function, sep = ".")
#' Take feature sub-matrices.
#' @description Returns the sub-matrices of the feature matrix.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param smat If not NULL it is going to be used instead of \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' @param matrixNames The contingency matrix names to be taken.
#' If NULL all contingency matrices are taken.
#' @param columnPrefixesQ Should the column names have feature prefixes?
#' If TRUE the column names are just integers.
#' @param completeColumnRangeQ Should the columns correspond to all
#' time grid cell indexes between the minimum and maximum ones?
#' This is done only with \code{columnPrefixesQ = FALSE}.
#' @return A list of named matrices.
#' @details The sub-matrices are extracted through the corresponding prefixes.
#' An alternative is to use the sparse matrices that are in \code{ertObj$dtObj}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices <- function( ertObj, smat = NULL, matrixNames = NULL, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( is.null(smat) ) {
smat <- ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix( ertObj )
if( !( class(smat) == "dgCMatrix") ) {
stop("A sparse matrix is expected as a second argument or as a pipeline value.", call. = TRUE )
if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj) ) {
stop("Cannot find data transformation object. Transform the data first.", call. = TRUE )
## This is way too ad-hoc - debugged the outcomes for hours.
## rnames <- paste( ertObj$dtObj@compSpec@parameters$Variable, ertObj$dtObj@compSpec@parameters$Aggregation.function, sep = ".")
rnames <- ertObj$compSpecObj@parameters$MatrixName
if( is.null(rnames) ) {
warning( "Cannot find MatrixName column in the computation specification ertObj$compSpecObj@parameters. (Is the event data processed?)", call. = TRUE)
if( is.null(matrixNames) ) {
## Or use ERTMonTakeFeatureNames(ertObj) .
matrixNames <- rnames
if( length(intersect(rnames, matrixNames)) == 0 ) {
warning( "None of the specified matrix names is a contingency matrix names.", call. = TRUE)
} else if ( length(setdiff(matrixNames, rnames)) > 0 ) {
warning( "Some of the specified matrix names are not contingency matrix names.", call. = TRUE)
## In principle we could use these somehow.
# ertObj$dtObj <- makeSparseMatrices(ertObj$dtObj, echoStepsQ = FALSE )
# res <- ertObj$dtObj@sparseMatrices
res <-
purrr::map( matrixNames, function(x) smat[, grep(x, colnames(smat), fixed=T), drop=F ] )
names(res) <- matrixNames
if( !columnPrefixesQ ) {
res <-
purrr::map( names(res),
function(smName) {
## Here the assumption here is wrong:
## the columns are alphabetically ordered not by TimeGridCell values.
# if( !is.null(x) && ncol(x)>0) { colnames(x) <- 1:ncol(x) }
sm <- res[[smName]]
## Suppress warning messages while converting column names to corresponding values
oldw <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
colVals <- as.numeric( purrr::map( strsplit( colnames(sm), "\\." ), function(x) x[[length(x)]] ) )
options(warn = oldw)
if( ncol(sm) == 0 ) {
warning( paste("The contingency matrix", smName, "has zero columns."), call. = T)
} else if ( sum( is.na( colVals ) ) > 0 ) {
warning("Could not remove the column prefixes.", call. = T )
} else {
colOrder <- order( colVals )
sm <- sm[, colOrder, drop = F]
colnames(sm) <- colVals[colOrder]
if( completeColumnRangeQ ) {
sm <- ImposeColumnIDs( colIDs = as.character( min(colVals):max(colVals) ), smat = sm )
} else {
names(res) <- matrixNames
#' Take the feature matrix.
#' @description Returns the feature matrix.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A (sparse) matrix or \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @details If the matrix does exists then \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol} is returned.
#' The row names correspond to entities; the column names to features.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if ( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
} else if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@dataMat) ) {
} else {
#' Take transformed data.
#' @description Takes the transformed data frame from the data transformer object
#' which is in the monad object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame or \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeTrasformedData <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if ( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeTrasformedData", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
} else if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@transformedData) ) {
} else {
#' Take time cells interpretation.
#' @description Returns a data frame with the interpretation of the time cells.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @details If the alignment specification given to \code{\link{ERTMonProcessEventRecords}}
#' is \code{"MaxTime"} the entity time series will be aligned to finish at 0.
#' In that case the interpretation times are non-positive.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if ( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
} else if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@timeCellsInterpretation) ) {
} else {
#' Take variable outlier boundaries.
#' @description Returns a data frame with the variable outlier boundaries.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeVariableOutlierBoundaries <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if ( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeVariableOutlierBoundaries", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
} else if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@timeCellsInterpretation) ) {
} else {
#' Take alignment specification.
#' @description Returns the alignment specification used when
#' the last time \code{ERTMonProcessEventRecords} was called.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec <- function( ertObj ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if ( !ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck( ertObj = ertObj, memberName = "AlignmentSpec", functionName = "ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec", logicalResult = TRUE ) ) {
} else {
## Take time series data frame
#' Take time series data frame.
#' @description Returns a data frame with the feature matrix represented as
#' a set of time series in long form.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param matrixNames The matrix names to be in the result data frame.
#' If NULL all matrix names are used.
#' @param origin A date-time object or something that can be coerced to such object,
#' that can be used in \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family Set/Take functions
#' @export
ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame <- function( ertObj, matrixNames = NULL, origin = "1900-01-01" ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
dfTGC <-
ertObj %>%
knownMatrixNames <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeFeatureNamePrefixes
if( is.null(matrixNames) ) {
matrixNames <- knownMatrixNames
} else if ( !is.character(matrixNames) ) {
warning( "The argument matrixNames is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = TRUE )
} else if ( sum( matrixNames %in% knownMatrixNames ) == 0 ) {
warning( "The argument matrixNames has no known matrix names.", call. = TRUE )
} else if ( mean( matrixNames %in% knownMatrixNames ) < 1 ) {
warning( "Some elements of the argument matrixNames are unknown matrix names.", call. = TRUE )
matrixNames <- matrixNames[ matrixNames %in% knownMatrixNames ]
minObservationTime <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec
if( ERTMonFailureQ(minObservationTime) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !is.numeric(minObservationTime) ) { minObservationTime <- 0 }
dfTGC <-
dfTGC %>%
dplyr::filter( MatrixName %in% matrixNames ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( MeanTime = (StartTime + EndTime) / 2 ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( StartTime = as.POSIXct( StartTime + minObservationTime, origin = origin ) ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( EndTime = as.POSIXct( EndTime + minObservationTime, origin = origin ) ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( MeanTime = as.POSIXct( MeanTime + minObservationTime, origin = origin ) )
smats <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices( matrixNames = matrixNames, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = TRUE )
if( ERTMonFailureQ(smats) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
res <-
purrr::map( names(smats), function(x) {
qDF <- setNames( SparseMatrixToTriplets( smats[[x]] ), c("EntityID", "TimeGridCell", "Value") )
qDF$TimeGridCell <- as.numeric(qDF$TimeGridCell)
qDF <-
qDF %>%
dplyr::inner_join( dfTGC %>% dplyr::filter( MatrixName == x ), by = c( "TimeGridCell") )
qDF <- cbind( MatrixName = x, qDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
## Data presence check
#' Check presence of required data.
#' @description Checks does an ERTMon object have event records, entity attributes, and computation specification.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param functionName A name of the delegating function (if any).
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return If \code{logicalValue} is FALSE the result is ERTMon object; if TRUE the result is logical value.
#' @export
ERTMonDataCheck <- function( ertObj, functionName = NULL, logicalResult = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) {
if(logicalResult) { FALSE } else { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
res <- TRUE
if( is.null(functionName) || nchar(functionName) == 0 ) {
functionName <- ""
} else {
functionName <- paste0( functionName, ":: ")
if( is.null(ertObj$EventRecords) ) {
warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find event records."), call. = TRUE)
res <- FALSE
if( is.null(ertObj$EntityAttributes) ) {
warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find entity attributes."), call. = TRUE)
res <- FALSE
if( is.null(ertObj$ComputationSpecification) ) {
warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find computation specification."), call. = TRUE)
res <- FALSE
if( logicalResult ) { res }
else if ( !logicalResult && !res) { ERTMonFailureSymbol }
else { ertObj }
## Member presense check
#' General member presence check.
#' @description A general function for checking the presence of a data member in an ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param memberName The name of the member to be checked.
#' @param memberPrettyName A pretty member name (for messages).
#' @param functionName The name of the delegating function.
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return A logical value or an ERTMon object.
#' @export
ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck <- function( ertObj, memberName, memberPrettyName = memberName, functionName = "", logicalResult = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) {
if(logicalResult) { FALSE } else { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
res <- TRUE
if( nchar(functionName) > 0 ) { functionName <- paste0( functionName, ":: ") }
if( is.null(ertObj[[memberName]]) ) {
warning( paste0( functionName, "Cannot find ", memberPrettyName, "."), call. = TRUE )
res <- FALSE
if( logicalResult ) { res }
else if ( !logicalResult && !res) { ERTMonFailureSymbol }
else { ertObj }
## Data transformer check
#' Check presence of a data transformer object.
#' @description Checks the presence of a data transformation S4 object in a given ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param functionName The name of the delegating function.
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return A logical value or an ERTMon object.
#' @export
ERTMonDataTransformerCheck <- function( ertObj, functionName = "", logicalResult = FALSE ) {
ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck( ertObj, "dtObj", "data transformer object", functionName = functionName, logicalResult = logicalResult)
## Feature matrix check
#' Feature matrix presence check.
#' @description Checks the presence of a feature matrix in a given ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param functionName The name of the delegating function.
#' @param logicalResult Should the result be logical value?
#' @return A logical value or an ERTMon object.
#' @export
ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck <- function( ertObj, functionName = "", logicalResult = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) {
if(logicalResult) { FALSE } else { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
res <- ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj = ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix", logicalResult = TRUE)
if( !res ) {
if( logicalResult) { FALSE }
else { ERTMonFailureSymbol }
if( is.null(ertObj$dtObj@dataMat) ) {
if( logicalResult) { FALSE }
else { ERTMonFailureSymbol }
} else {
if( logicalResult) { TRUE }
else { ertObj }
## Filter event records
#' Filtering of event records.
#' @description Filters event records for specified min and max observation times
#' and/or entity ID's and/or location ID's and/or variable names.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param minObservatonTime Minimum observation time.
#' It can be NULL, an integer value (seconds), \code{"MinTime"}, or \code{"MaxMinTime"}.
#' @param maxObservatonTime Minimum observation time.
#' NULL has the same effect as \code{"MinTime"} -- no filtering.
#' It can be NULL, an integer value (seconds), \code{"MaxTime"}, or \code{"MinMaxTime"}.
#' NULL has the same effect as \code{"MaxTime"} -- no filtering.
#' @param entityIDs A character vector with entity ID's.
#' If NULL no filtering over entity ID's is done.
#' @param locationIDs A character vector with location ID's.
#' If NULL no filtering over location ID's is done.
#' @param variables A character vector with variable names.
#' If NULL no filtering over variables is done.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details The primary reason for this function is to assure the user
#' that all events adhere to certain explicitly postulated predicates.
#' \code{"MaxMinTime"} means that for each variable-and-entity pair is found the
#' min observation time.
#' The found the min-max-times and max-min-times are assigned to
#' \code{ertObj$SummarisedObservationTimes}.
#' @export
ERTMonFilterEventRecords <- function( ertObj,
minObservationTime = NULL, maxObservationTime = NULL,
entityIDs = NULL,
locationIDs = NULL,
variables = NULL) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( is.null(minObservationTime) && is.null(maxObservationTime) && is.null(entityIDs) && is.null(locationIDs) && is.null(variables) ) {
warning("All filtering arguments are NULL, no filtering is done.", call. = T)
if( !( is.null(minObservationTime) || is.numeric(minObservationTime) || tolower(minObservationTime) %in% tolower( c("MinTime", "MaxMinTime") ) ) ) {
warning("The argument minObservationTime is expected to be NULL, or a number (seconds), or one of {'MinTime', 'MaxMinTime'}.", call. = T)
if( !( is.null(maxObservationTime) || is.numeric(maxObservationTime) || tolower(maxObservationTime) %in% tolower( c("MaxTime", "MinMaxTime") ) ) ) {
warning("The argument maxObservationTime is expected to be NULL, or a number (seconds), or one of {'MaxTime', 'MinMaxTime'}.", call. = T)
if( !( is.null(locationIDs) || is.character(locationIDs) ) ) {
warning("The argument locationIDs is expected to be NULL or a character vector.", call. = T)
qGroupDates <-
ertObj %>%
ERTMonTakeEventRecords %>%
dplyr::group_by( Variable, EntityID ) %>%
dplyr::summarise( MinObservationTime = min(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), MaxObservationTime = max(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), .groups = "drop" ) %>%
if( is.numeric(minObservationTime) ) {
maxMinTime <- minObservationTime
} else {
maxMinTime <- max(qGroupDates$MinObservationTime, na.rm = T)
if( is.numeric(maxObservationTime) ) {
minMaxTime <- maxObservationTime
} else {
minMaxTime <- min(qGroupDates$MaxObservationTime, na.rm = T)
if( is.null(minObservationTime) || is.null(maxObservationTime) || tolower(minObservationTime) == "mintime" || tolower(maxObservationTime) == "maxtime" ) {
qMinMaxTimes <-
ertObj %>%
ERTMonTakeEventRecords %>%
dplyr::summarise( MinTime = min(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), MaxTime = max(ObservationTime, na.rm = T), .groups = "drop" )
if( is.null(minObservationTime) || tolower(minObservationTime) == "mintime" ) { maxMinTime <- qMinMaxTimes$MinTime }
if( is.null(maxObservationTime) || tolower(maxObservationTime) == "maxtime" ) { minMaxTime <- qMinMaxTimes$MaxTime }
ertObj <-
ertObj %>%
ERTMonSetEventRecords( ertObj %>%
ERTMonTakeEventRecords %>%
dplyr::filter( maxMinTime <= ObservationTime,
ObservationTime <= minMaxTime,
if( is.null(entityIDs) ) { TRUE } else { EntityID %in% entityIDs },
if( is.null(variables) ) { TRUE } else { Variable %in% variables },
if( is.null(locationIDs) ) { TRUE } else { LocationID %in% locationIDs } )
ertObj$SummarisedObservationTimes <- qGroupDates
if( nrow(ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeEventRecords) == 0 ) {
## I am not sure is this message wanted / needed.
warning( "The event records filtering produced an empty event records dataset. (Examine the summary of ertObj$SummarisedObservationTimes .)", call. = T )
## Filter entity attributes.
ertObj <-
ertObj %>% ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( ertObj %>%
ERTMonTakeEntityAttributes %>%
dplyr::filter( EntityID %in% unique( (ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeEventRecords)$EntityID ) )
## Filter computation specification.
ertObj <-
ertObj %>% ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( ertObj %>%
ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification %>%
dplyr::filter( Variable %in% unique( (ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeEventRecords)$Variable ) )
## Make time series feature extractor
#' Process the data and make feature matrix.
#' @description Processes the set event records using the set computation specification in an ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param outlierIdentifier Outlier parameters function.
#' @param alignmentSpec A time series alignment specification argument
#' with acceptable values \code{"MinTime"}, \code{"MaxTime"}, or a non-negative number.
#' @param echoStepsQ Should the computational steps be proclaimed?
#' @param progressObject An object to be used in a progress gauge.
#' @details The result feature matrix is assigned to \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' If \code{alignmentSpec} is a non-negative number the alignment is done by finding
#' the difference \code{ObservationTime - alignmentSpec} and keeping the event records for which
#' that difference is non-negative.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Transformation functions
#' @export
ERTMonProcessEventRecords <- function( ertObj,
outlierIdentifier = SPLUSQuartileIdentifierParameters,
alignmentSpec = "MaxTime",
echoStepsQ = FALSE,
progressObject = NULL ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !ERTMonDataCheck( ertObj, "ERTMonProcessEventRecords", logicalResult = T ) ) {
## Presence
if( nrow(ertObj$EventRecords) == 0 ) {
warning( "The event records data frame ertObj$EventRecords is empty.", call. = TRUE )
## Event records variables.
erVars <- unique( (ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeEventRecords)$Variable )
## Variables in event records and comp spec.
if( mean( ertObj$ComputationSpecification$Variable %in% erVars ) == 0 ) {
warning( "None of the variables of ertObj$ComputationSpecification are in ertObj$EventRecords.", call. = TRUE )
} else if ( mean( ertObj$ComputationSpecification$Variable %in% erVars ) < 1 ) {
warning( "Some variables of ertObj$ComputationSpecification are not in ertObj$EventRecords.", call. = TRUE )
## Get the computation specification.
compSpec <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification
## Filter the comutation specification to variables in the event records.
compSpec <- compSpec[ compSpec$Variable %in% erVars, ]
## Find is the calculation of a label feature matrix specified?
findLabelMatQ <- FALSE
if ( is.data.frame(compSpec) ) {
findLabelMatQ <- HasLabelRowQ( compSpec )
## In order to adhere ot ERTMon's requirements we have to provide a 'Label' attribute.
if( findLabelMatQ ) {
ertObj$EntityAttributes <- AddMissingLabelAttributes( ertObj$EntityAttributes, labelValue = "None" )
## Computation specification
compSpecObj <- new( "ComputationSpecification" )
compSpecObj <- setSpec( compSpecObj, as.data.frame(ertObj$ComputationSpecification) )
compSpecObj <- ingestSpec( compSpecObj, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
## Completeness
if( mean(complete.cases(ertObj$EventRecords)) < 1 ) {
warning( "Some rows of ertObj$EventRecords have missing values.", call. = TRUE )
ertObj$EventRecords <- ertObj$EventRecords[ complete.cases(ertObj$EventRecords), ]
if( mean(complete.cases(ertObj$EntityAttributes)) < 1 ) {
warning( "Some rows of ertObj$EntityAttributes have missing values.", call. = TRUE )
ertObj$EntityAttributes <- ertObj$EntityAttributes[ complete.cases(ertObj$EntityAttributes), ]
## Data ingesting
diObj <- new( "DataIngester")
diObj <- setEventRecords( diObj, ertObj$EventRecords )
diObj <- setEntityAttributes( diObj, ertObj$EntityAttributes )
diObj <- ingestData( diObj, "Label" )
dwObj <- diObj@dataObj
## Data transformer
## dtObj <- new( "DataTransformerCatMatrices" )
dtObj <- new( "DataTransformer" )
dtObj@progressObject <- progressObject
dtObj <- transformData( dtObj,
alignmentSpec = alignmentSpec,
echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
ertObj$AlignmentSpec = alignmentSpec
ertObj$compSpecObj <- compSpecObj
ertObj$dtObj <- dtObj
ertObj$Value <- dtObj@dataMat
## Extract features
#' Extract feature with an already made data transformer.
#' @description Processes "unseen" data with an already made data transformer object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param eventRecords A data frame with event records.
#' @param entityAttributes A data frame with entity attributes.
#' @param echoStepsQ Should the computational steps be proclaimed?
#' @param progressObject An object to be used in a progress gauge.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details The result feature matrix is assigned to \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' @family Transformation functions
#' @export
ERTMonExtractFeatures <- function( ertObj, eventRecords = NULL, entityAttributes = NULL, echoStepsQ = TRUE, progressObject = NULL ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !ERTMonDataTransformerCheck(ertObj, functionName = "ERTMonExtractFeatures", logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
if( !is.logical(echoStepsQ) ) {
warning("The argument echoStepsQ is expected to be logical.", call. = TRUE)
dtObj <- ertObj$dtObj
dtObj@progressObject <- progressObject
if( is.null(eventRecords) && is.null(entityAttribues) ) {
dtObj <- transformData( dtObj, ertObj$compSpecObj, ertObj$eventRecords, ertObj$entityAttributes, testDataRun = TRUE, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
} else {
dtObj <- transformData( dtObj, ertObj$compSpecObj, eventRecords, entityAttributes, testDataRun = TRUE, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
## The result -- a contingency matrix
ertObj$Value <- dtObj@dataMat
## Read computation specification from a file
#' Read a computation specification from a file.
#' @description Reads a computation specification data frame from a file.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param file A directory name.
#' @param echoStepsQ Should the computational steps be proclaimed?
#' @details The specified file is expected to be a CSV file.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Data ingestion functions
#' @export
ERTMonReadComputationSpecification <- function( ertObj, fileName, ingestQ = FALSE, echoStepsQ = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
compSpecObj <- new( "ComputationSpecification" )
if ( ingestQ ) {
compSpecObj <- compSpecObj %>% readSpec( fileName, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ ) %>% ingestSpec( echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
ertObj %>% ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( compSpecObj@parameters )
} else {
compSpecObj <- compSpecObj %>% readSpec( fileName, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
ertObj %>% ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( compSpecObj@originalParameters )
## Read data from a directory
#' Read data from a directory.
#' @description Reads event records, entity attributes, and computation specification
#' data frames from a directory.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param directoryName A directory name.
#' @param compSpec A computation specification data frame; if NULL it is read from the directory.
#' @param progressObject An object to use for a progress gauge.
#' @param echoStepsQ Should the computational steps be proclaimed?
#' @details The specified directory is expected to have the files
#' \code{eventRecords.csv}, \code{entityAttributes.csv}, and \code{computationSpecification.csv}.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @family Data ingestion functions
#' @export
ERTMonReadDataFromDirectory <- function( ertObj, directoryName, readCompSpecQ = TRUE, progressObject = NULL, echoStepsQ = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
## Data ingester
diObj <- new( "DataIngester")
diObj@progressObject <- progressObject
diObj <- diObj %>% readDataFromDirectory( directoryName, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ ) %>% ingestData( "Label" )
## Computation specificaiton
compSpecObj <- new( "ComputationSpecification" )
if( readCompSpecQ ) {
inSpecFileName <- file.path( directoryName, "computationSpecification.csv" )
compSpecObj <- compSpecObj %>% readSpec( inSpecFileName, echoStepsQ = echoStepsQ )
ertObj %>%
ERTMonSetEventRecords( diObj@dataObj@eventRecords ) %>%
ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( diObj@dataObj@entityAttributes ) %>%
ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( compSpecObj@originalParameters )
} else {
ertObj %>%
ERTMonSetEventRecords( diObj@dataObj@eventRecords ) %>%
ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( diObj@dataObj@entityAttributes )
## Collapse feature sub-matrices
#' Get feature sub-matrices collapsed.
#' @details Collapses specified feature sub-matrices with a specified function.
#' The collapse function can be one of \code{rowSums, rowMeans, colSums, colMeans}
#' or any other function that can be applied.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param matrixNames A character vector with names of feature sub-matrices to be collapsed.
#' If NULL then all feature sub-matrices are collapsed.
#' @param entityIDs A character vector with entity ID's (that feature sub-matrices row names.)
#' If NULL then all entity ID's are used.
#' @param collapseFunction A function that can be applied to a sparse matrix.
#' @param completeColumnRangeQ See \code{\link{ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices}}.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details The obtained list of collapsed matrices is assigned to \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' This function is fairly simple -- it was programmed in order to have
#' the corresponding operation explicitly named in formula computation workflows.
#' @family Feature matrices
#' @export
ERTMonCollapseFeatureMatrices <- function( ertObj, matrixNames = NULL, entityIDs = NULL, collapseFunction = colSums, completeColumnRangeQ = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck(ertObj, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
if( !( is.character(matrixNames) || is.null(matrixNames) ) ) {
warning( "The argument matrixNames is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = T )
if( !( is.character(entityIDs) || is.null(entityIDs) ) ) {
warning( "The argument entityIDs is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = T )
feMats <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices( matrixNames = matrixNames, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = completeColumnRangeQ )
if( is.null(matrixNames) ) { matrixNames <- names(feMats) }
knownMats <- matrixNames %in% names(feMats)
if( sum(knownMats) == 0 ) {
warning( "None of the specified matrix names is known.", call. = TRUE )
if( mean(knownMats) < 1 ) {
warning( "Some of the specified matrix names are not known.", call. = TRUE )
if( is.null(entityIDs) ) { entityIDs <- rownames(feMats[[1]]) }
knownEntityIDs <- entityIDs %in% rownames(feMats[[1]])
if( sum(knownEntityIDs) == 0 ) {
warning( "None of the specified entity ID's is known.", call. = TRUE )
if( mean(knownEntityIDs) < 1 ) {
warning( "Some of the specified entity ID's are not known.", call. = TRUE )
entityIDs <- entityIDs[knownEntityIDs]
if( !is.null(matrixNames) ) {
feMats <- feMats[ names(feMats) %in% matrixNames ]
feMats <-
purrr::map( feMats, function(x) { collapseFunction( x[entityIDs, , drop=F] ) } ),
ertObj$Value <- feMats
## Stack feature sub-matrices
#' Make a stack of feature sub-matrices.
#' @details Stacks the feature sub-matrices (using \code{rbind}.)
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param matrixNames A character vector with names of feature sub-matrices to be collapsed.
#' If NULL then all feature sub-matrices are collapsed.
#' @param entityIDs A character vector with entity ID's (that feature sub-matrices row names.)
#' If NULL then all entity ID's are used.
#' @param sep A separator string.
#' @param dropEmptyRowsQ Should the empty rows be dropped or not?
#' @param completeColumnRangeQ See \code{\link{ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices}}.
#' @details The obtained matrix is assigned to \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' The entity ID's are concatenated with matrix names using the separator \code{sep}.
#' The rows that are "empty" (without elements) are removed by default.
#' @family Feature matrices
#' @export
ERTMonStackFeatureMatrices <- function( ertObj, matrixNames = NULL, entityIDs = NULL, sep = ".", dropEmptyRowsQ = TRUE, completeColumnRangeQ = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck(ertObj, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
if( !( is.character(matrixNames) || is.null(matrixNames) ) ) {
warning( "The argument matrixNames is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = T )
if( !( is.character(entityIDs) || is.null(entityIDs) ) ) {
warning( "The argument entityIDs is expected to be a character vector or NULL.", call. = T )
feMats <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices( matrixNames = matrixNames, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = completeColumnRangeQ )
if( is.null(matrixNames) ) { matrixNames <- names(feMats) }
knownMats <- matrixNames %in% names(feMats)
if( sum(knownMats) == 0 ) {
warning( "None of the specified matrix names is known.", call. = TRUE )
if( mean(knownMats) < 1 ) {
warning( "Some of the specified matrix names are not known.", call. = TRUE )
if( is.null(entityIDs) ) { entityIDs <- rownames(feMats[[1]]) }
knownEntityIDs <- entityIDs %in% rownames(feMats[[1]])
if( sum(knownEntityIDs) == 0 ) {
warning( "None of the specified entity ID's is known.", call. = TRUE )
if( mean(knownEntityIDs) < 1 ) {
warning( "Some of the specified entity ID's are not known.", call. = TRUE )
entityIDs <- entityIDs[knownEntityIDs]
if( !is.null(matrixNames) ) {
feMats <- feMats[ names(feMats) %in% matrixNames ]
feMats <-
purrr::map( names(feMats), function(x) {
mat <- feMats[[x]][ entityIDs, , drop=F ]
rownames(mat) <- paste( x, rownames(mat), sep = sep )
allColumnNames <- unique( unlist( purrr::map( feMats, colnames ) ) )
allColumnNames <- allColumnNames[ order(as.numeric(allColumnNames)) ]
feMats <- purrr::map( feMats, function(x) ImposeColumnIDs( colIDs = allColumnNames, x ) )
resMat <- do.call(rbind, feMats)
resMat <- resMat[rowSums(abs(resMat)) > 0, ]
ertObj$Value <- resMat
## Compute formula (with a formula spec)
#' Compute specified formula.
#' @description Computes a formula with a given specification using the feature
#' sub-matrices of an ERTMon object.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param formulaSpec A formula specification.
#' @param completeColumnRangeQ See \code{\link{ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices}}.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details The column names of \code{formulaSpec} are expected to include:
#' \code{c("TermID", "TermCoefficient", "FeatureName", "ReduceFunction", "Coefficient", "Exponent", "RatioPart")}.
#' The result matrix is assigned into \code{ertObj$Value}.
#' @export
ERTMonComputeFormula <- function( ertObj, formulaSpec, completeColumnRangeQ = FALSE ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
expectedColumnNames <- c("TermID", "TermCoefficient", "FeatureName", "ReduceFunction", "Coefficient", "Exponent", "RatioPart")
if( !( class(formulaSpec) == "data.frame" &&
length( intersect( colnames(formulaSpec), expectedColumnNames) ) == length(expectedColumnNames) ) ) {
warning( paste( "The argument formulaSpec is expected to be a data frame with columns:", paste( expectedColumnNames, collapse = ", " ), "." ), call. = TRUE )
termCoeffCheck <-
purrr::map_lgl( split(formulaSpec, formulaSpec$TermID), function(x) {
mean(x$TermCoefficient) == x$TermCoefficient[[1]]
if( mean(termCoeffCheck) < 1 ) {
warning( "The rows of formulaSpec with the same \"TermID\" value should have the same \"TermCoefficient\" value.", call. = TRUE )
smats <- ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices( ertObj, columnPrefixesQ = FALSE, completeColumnRangeQ = completeColumnRangeQ )
resMat <- ApplyFormulaSpecification( smats = smats[ grep("Label", names(smats), invert = T) ], formulaSpec = formulaSpec )
ertObj$Value <- resMat
## Plot feature matrices
#' Plot rows of feature sub-matrices as time series.
#' @description Plots the rows of the feature sub-matrices of an ERTMon object as time series.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param matrixNames A character vector with matrix names to be plotted; NULL for all.
#' @param entityIDs A character vector with entity ID's to be plotted; NULL for all.
#' @param origin If NULL the time grid cell indexes are used.
#' If a date-time object or something that can be coerced to such object,
#' then the time grid cells are≈ interpreted as (date-)times.
#' See the argument \code{origin} of \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}.
#' @param echoQ Should the result be plotted?
#' @param facets facets argument for the function \code{\link{ggplot2::facet_wrap}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for \code{\link{ggplot2::facet_wrap}}.
#' @return An ERTMon object.
#' @details In order to plot each feature matrix time series(es) separately use
#' \code{facets=vars(MatrixName)}.
#' @family Feature matrices
#' @export
ERTMonPlotFeatureMatrices <- function( ertObj, matrixNames = NULL, entityIDs = NULL,
origin = NULL, echoQ = TRUE,
facets = vars(EntityID), ... ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
## Instead of using ERTMonTakeTransformedData we can use
## also ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices and SparseMatrixToTriplets (not a better way.)
feMatDF <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeTrasformedData()
testVals <- unique(feMatDF$MatrixName)
if( is.character(matrixNames) && sum( matrixNames %in% testVals ) == 0 ) {
warning( "None of the elements of the argument matrixNames is a feature sub-martix name." )
testVals <- unique(feMatDF$EntityID)
if( is.character(entityIDs) && sum( entityIDs %in% testVals ) == 0 ) {
warning( "None of the elements of the argument entityIDs is an known entity ID." )
if( !is.null(matrixNames) ) {
feMatDF <- feMatDF %>% dplyr::filter( MatrixName %in% matrixNames )
if( !is.null(entityIDs) ) {
feMatDF <- feMatDF %>% dplyr::filter( EntityID %in% entityIDs )
if( !is.null(origin) ) {
timeGridCellsDF <- ertObj %>% ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation
timeGridCellsDF$MidDateTime <- as.POSIXct( (timeGridCellsDF$StartTime + timeGridCellsDF$EndTime) / 2, origin = origin )
feMatDF <-
feMatDF %>%
dplyr::inner_join( timeGridCellsDF, by = c( "MatrixName", "TimeGridCell") ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( TimeGridCell = MidDateTime )
ertObj$Value <-
ggplot2::ggplot(feMatDF) +
ggplot2::geom_line( ggplot2::aes( x = TimeGridCell, y = AValue, color = MatrixName ) ) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap( facets = facets, ... )
if( echoQ ) {
## Export (computed)
#' Export the feature matrix into a CSV file.
#' @description Exports the feature matrix into a CSV file.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param fileName A CSV file name. If \code{NULL} no file is written.
#' @param modelID A string; if \code{NULL} it is not used.
#' @return An ERTMon object or \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @details The value of the argument \code{modelID} (if not \code{NULL}) is
#' added as the first column to the feature matrix data frame (to be exported).
#' That data frame is assigned to the result monad object \code{$Value}.
#' @export
ERTMonExportToCSVFeatureMatrix <- function( ertObj, fileName = NULL, modelID = NULL ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck(ertObj, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
if( !( is.null(fileName) || is.character(fileName) ) ) {
warning( "The argument fileName is expected to be a string that is a valid file name.", call. = TRUE )
if( !( is.null(modelID) || is.character(modelID) ) ) {
warning( "The argument modelID is expected to be a string.", call. = TRUE )
fMat <- ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix(ertObj)
fMat <- as(fMat,"dgCMatrix")
resDF <- SparseMatrixToTriplets( fMat )
resDF <- setNames(resDF, c("EntityID", "TimeCell", "Value") )
if( is.character(modelID) ) {
resDF <- cbind( ModelID = modelID, resDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
if( is.character(fileName) ) {
write.csv( x = resDF, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE )
ertObj$Value <- resDF
#' Export processed data into CSV files.
#' @description Exports the computation specification, the feature matrix, and time grid
#' cells interpretation into CSV files.
#' @param ertObj An ERTMon object.
#' @param directoryName A directory name for the export. If \code{NULL} no files are written.
#' @param modelID A string.
#' @param fileNamePrefix A string.
#' @param origin A date-time object or something that can be coerced to such object,
#' that can be used in as.POSIXct.
#' It is passed to \code{\link{ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame}}.
#' @return An ERTMon object or \code{ERTMonFailureSymbol}.
#' @details The CSV files are written in the specified directory \code{directoryName}.
#' The file name prefix \code{fileNamePrefix} is concatenated to the generic file names:
#' \code{"longFormComputationSpecification.csv", "featureMatrix.csv", "timeCellsInterpretation.csv", "featureMatrixTimeSeries.csv"}.
#' The conversion into long form of the computation specification is considered to be
#' more convenient from a "model management" perspective.
#' The data to be exported is assigned to result's \code{$Value}.
#' @export
ERTMonExport <- function( ertObj, directoryName, modelID, fileNamePrefix = paste0(modelID,"-"), origin = "1900-01-01" ) {
if( ERTMonFailureQ(ertObj) ) { return(ERTMonFailureSymbol) }
if( !ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck(ertObj, logicalResult = TRUE) ) {
if( !( is.character(directoryName) && file.exists(directoryName) || is.null(directoryName) ) ) {
warning( "The argument directoryName is expected to be a string that is a valid directory name or NULL.", call. = TRUE )
if( !is.character(modelID) ) {
warning( "The argument modelID is expected to be a string.", call. = TRUE )
if( !(is.null(fileNamePrefix) || is.character(fileNamePrefix) ) ) {
warning( "The argument fileNamePrefix is expected to be a string or NULL.", call. = TRUE )
if( is.null(fileNamePrefix) ) { fileNamePrefix <- "" }
## Export computation specification
compSpec <- ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification(ertObj)
compSpec <- ComputationSpecificationToLongForm( compSpec, modelID = modelID )
if( !is.null(directoryName) ) {
write.csv( x = compSpec, file = file.path( directoryName, paste0(fileNamePrefix, "longFormComputationSpecification.csv")), row.names = FALSE )
## Export feature matrix
if( !is.null(directoryName) ) {
fileName <- file.path( directoryName, paste0(fileNamePrefix, "featureMatrix.csv"))
} else {
fileName <- NULL
ertObj <- ERTMonExportToCSVFeatureMatrix( ertObj, fileName = fileName, modelID = modelID )
## Export time grid cells interpretation
tsDF <- ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation( ertObj )
tsDF <- cbind( ModelID = modelID, tsDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
if( !is.null(directoryName) ) {
write.csv( x = tsDF, file = file.path( directoryName, paste0(fileNamePrefix, "timeCellsInterpretation.csv")), row.names = FALSE )
## Export feature matrix time series data frame
fmtsDF <- ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame( ertObj, origin = origin )
fmtsDF <- cbind( ModelID = modelID, fmtsDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
if( !is.null(directoryName) ) {
write.csv( x = fmtsDF, file = file.path( directoryName, paste0(fileNamePrefix, "featureMatrixTimeSeries.csv")), row.names = FALSE )
ertObj$Value <- list( ComputationSpecification = compSpec, FeatureMatrix = ertObj$Value, TimeCellsInterpretation = tsDF, FeatureMatrixTimeSeries = fmtsDF )
## Result
## Support functions
#' Verify does a directory have ERTMon data files.
#' @description Verify does a directory have the CSV files \code{eventRecords.csv}
#' and \code{entityAttributes.csv}.
#' @param directoryName A directory name string.
#' @return A logical value.
#' @family Non-monadic functions.
#' @export
ERTMonVerifyDataDirectory <- function( directoryName ) {
if( !is.character(directoryName) ) {
stop("A string is expected for the argument directoryName.", call. = TRUE )
VerifyDataDirectory( directoryName )
#' Empty computation specification row.
#' @description Gives a data frame with an "empty" computation specification row.
#' @return A data frame with one row.
#' @details Non-monadic functions.
#' @export
ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecificationRow <- function() {
#' Empty computation specification.
#' @description Gives a data frame with an "empty" computation specification row.
#' @return A data frame with one row.
#' @family Non-monadic functions.
#' @export
ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecification <- function( nrow = 1 ) {
if( !is.integer(nrow) ) {
stop("An integer is expected for the argument nrow.", call. = TRUE )
do.call(rbind, purrr::map(1:nrow, function(x) EmptyComputationSpecificationRow()))
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