
Defines functions bdist.points3.multi bdist.points.pp3 bdist.points Tstat.pp3 multicall trapint makefv .barstat intstudent .stat studentstat splitvarn splitmean studpermu.test.pp3 studpermu.test.hyperframe studpermu.test K3multi K3scaled G3cross G3multi quantess.pp3 quadratcount.pp3 quadrats.pp3 plot3d.pp3 rownames.pp3 intensity.pp3 findClusters.pp3 sample.pp3 sample.ppp shift.pp3 superimpose.pp3 rjitter.pp3 rjitter marktable.pp3 marktable

Documented in bdist.points bdist.points3.multi bdist.points.pp3 findClusters.pp3 G3cross G3multi intensity.pp3 K3scaled marktable marktable.pp3 plot3d.pp3 quadratcount.pp3 quadrats.pp3 quantess.pp3 rjitter rjitter.pp3 rownames.pp3 sample.pp3 sample.ppp shift.pp3 studpermu.test studpermu.test.hyperframe studpermu.test.pp3 superimpose.pp3 Tstat.pp3

# This file contains extensions to the spatstat package.

#### marktable ####
#' Tabulate Marks in Neighbourhood of Every Point in a Point Pattern
#' @description This is an S3 generic that extends the use of
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{marktable}} beyond "ppp" objects.
#' @param X A marked point pattern. An object of class "ppp".
#' @param R Neighbourhood radius. Incompatible with `N`.
#' @param N Number of neighbours of each point. Incompatible with `R`.
#' @param exclude Logical. If `exclude=TRUE`, the neighbours of a point do
#'   not include the point itself. If `exclude=FALSE`, a point belongs to
#'   its own neighbourhood.
#' @param collapse Logical. If `collapse=FALSE` (the default) the results
#'   for each point are returned as separate rows of a table. If
#'   `collapse=TRUE`, the results are aggregated according to the type of
#'   point.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.core]{marktable.ppp}}, \code{\link{marktable.pp3}}
#' @export
marktable <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("marktable")

### marktable.ppp ###
#' Tabulate Marks in Neighbourhood of Every Point in a Point Pattern
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.core]{marktable}}
#' @export
marktable.ppp <- spatstat.core::marktable

### marktable.pp3 ###
#' Tabulate Marks in Neighbourhood of Every Point in a Point Pattern
#' Visit each point in a point pattern, find the neighbouring points, and
#' compile a frequency table of the marks of these neighbour points.
#' @param X A marked point pattern. An object of class "ppp".
#' @param R Neighbourhood radius. Incompatible with `N`.
#' @param N Number of neighbours of each point. Incompatible with `R`.
#' @param exclude Logical. If `exclude=TRUE`, the neighbours of a point do
#'   not include the point itself. If `exclude=FALSE`, a point belongs to
#'   its own neighbourhood.
#' @param collapse Logical. If `collapse=FALSE` (the default) the results
#'   for each point are returned as separate rows of a table. If
#'   `collapse=TRUE`, the results are aggregated according to the type of
#'   point.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @export
marktable.pp3 <- function(X, R, N, exclude = TRUE, collapse = FALSE) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  if (!spatstat.geom::is.marked(X, dfok = FALSE)) {
    stop("point pattern has no marks")
  gotR <- !missing(R) && !is.null(R)
  gotN <- !missing(N) && !is.null(N)
  if (gotN == gotR) {
    stop("Exactly one of the arguments N and R should be given")
  stopifnot(is.logical(exclude) && length(exclude) == 1)
  m <- spatstat.geom::marks(X)
  if (!is.factor(m)) {
    stop("marks must be a factor")
  if (gotR) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(R) && length(R) == 1 && R > 0)
    p <- spatstat.geom::closepairs(X, R, what = "indices")
    pi <- p$i
    pj <- p$j
    if (!exclude) {
      n <- spatstat.geom::npoints(X)
      pi <- c(pi, 1:n)
      pj <- c(pj, 1:n)
  } else {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(N) && length(N) == 1)
    ii <- seq_len(spatstat.geom::npoints(X))
    nn <- spatstat.geom::nnwhich(X, k = 1:N)
    if (N == 1) {
      nn <- matrix(nn, ncol = 1)
    if (!exclude) {
      nn <- cbind(ii, nn)
    pi <- as.vector(row(nn))
    pj <- as.vector(nn)
  if (!collapse) {
    i <- factor(pi, levels = seq_len(spatstat.geom::npoints(X)))
    mj <- m[pj]
    mat <- table(point = i, mark = mj)
  } else {
    mi <- m[pi]
    mj <- m[pj]
    mat <- table(point = mi, neighbour = mj)

#### rjitter ####
#' Random Perturbation of a Point Pattern
#' @description This is an S3 generic that extends the use of
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{rjitter}} beyond "ppp" objects.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{rjitter}}, \code{\link{rjitter.ppp}},
#'   \code{\link{rjitter.pp3}}
#' @export
rjitter <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("rjitter")

### rjitter.ppp ###
#' Random Perturbation of a Point Pattern
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{rjitter}}, \code{\link{rjitter.pp3}}
#' @export
rjitter.ppp <- spatstat.geom::rjitter

### rjitter.pp3 ###
#' Random Perturbation of a Point Pattern
#' Applies independent random displacements to each point in a point pattern.
#' Extends \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{rjitter}} to \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}}.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{rjitter}}, \code{\link{rjitter.ppp}}
#' @export
rjitter.pp3 <- function(X, radius, retry = TRUE, giveup = 10000, ...,
                        nsim = 1, drop = TRUE) {
  verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  if (!missing(nsim)) {
    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
  nX <- npoints(X)
  W <- domain(X)
  if (nX == 0) {
    result <- rep(list(X), nsim)
    result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)
  if (missing(radius) || is.null(radius)) {
    ## Stoyan rule of thumb
    bws <- 0.15 / sqrt(5 * nX / volume(W))
    radius <- min(bws, shortside(W)) # had to get rid of "Frame" function call
    sameradius <- TRUE
  } else {
    ## either one radius, or a vector of radii
    check.nvector(radius, nX, oneok = TRUE, vname = "radius")
    sameradius <- (length(radius) == 1)
  result <- vector(mode = "list", length = nsim)
  for (isim in seq_len(nsim)) {
    if (!retry) {
      ## points outside window are lost
      rD <- radius * sqrt(runif(nX))
      thetaD <- runif(nX, max = pi)
      phiD <- runif(nX, max = 2 * pi)
      xnew <- X$data$x + rD * sin(thetaD) * cos(phiD)
      ynew <- X$data$y + rD * sin(thetaD) * sin(phiD)
      znew <- X$data$z + rD * cos(thetaD)
      ok <- inside.boxx(xnew, ynew, znew, w = W)
      result[[isim]] <- pp3(xnew[ok], ynew[ok], znew[ok], W)
    } else {
      ## retry = TRUE: condition on points being inside window
      undone <- rep.int(TRUE, nX)
      triesleft <- giveup
      Xshift <- X
      while (any(undone)) {
        triesleft <- triesleft - 1
        if (triesleft <= 0) {
        Y <- Xshift[undone]
        nY <- npoints(Y)
        RY <- if (sameradius) radius else radius[undone]
        rD <- RY * sqrt(runif(nY))
        thetaD <- runif(nY, max = pi)
        phiD <- runif(nY, max = 2 * pi)

        ## if there is only one point, then data structure is screwed up
        if (nY == 1) {
          xnew <- Y$data$x[[1]] + rD * sin(thetaD) * cos(phiD)
          ynew <- Y$data$y[[1]] + rD * sin(thetaD) * sin(phiD)
          znew <- Y$data$z[[1]] + rD * cos(thetaD)
          ok <- inside.boxx(xnew, ynew, znew, w = W)
        } else {
          xnew <- Y$data$x + rD * sin(thetaD) * cos(phiD)
          ynew <- Y$data$y + rD * sin(thetaD) * sin(phiD)
          znew <- Y$data$z + rD * cos(thetaD)
          ok <- inside.boxx(xnew, ynew, znew, w = W)

        # result[[isim]] <- pp3(xnew[ok], ynew[ok], znew[ok], W)

        if (any(ok)) {
          changed <- which(undone)[ok]
          Xshift$data$x[changed] <- xnew[ok]
          Xshift$data$y[changed] <- ynew[ok]
          Xshift$data$z[changed] <- znew[ok]
          undone[changed] <- FALSE
      result[[isim]] <- Xshift
  result <- simulationresult(result, nsim, drop)

#### superimpose.pp3 ####
#' Superimpose Several Geometric Patterns
#' Superimposes any number of 3D point patterns
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{superimpose}}
#' @export
superimpose.pp3 <- function(..., W = NULL, check = FALSE) {
  input.list <- list(...)
  df.list <- lapply(input.list, as.data.frame)
  df.comb <- do.call(rbind, df.list)
  out.pp3 <- createSpat(df.comb, win = W)
  if (!is.null(df.comb$marks)) {
    spatstat.geom::marks(out.pp3) <- df.comb$marks

#### shift.pp3 ####
#' Apply Vector Translation
#' Applies a vector shift to a 3D point pattern
#' @param X Point pattern(object of class"pp3")
#' @param vec Numeric. A vector of length 3 specifying the translation
#' @param origin Location that will be shifted to the origin. Either a vector of
#'   length 3 specifying the new origin or one of the character strings
#'   "midpoint" or "bottomleft" (will be extended)
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{shift}}
#' @export
shift.pp3 <- function(X, vec = c(0, 0, 0), ..., origin = NULL) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  if (!is.null(origin)) {
    if (!missing(vec)) {
      warning("argument vec ignored; overruled by argument origin")
    if (is.numeric(origin) & length(origin) == 3) {
      locn <- origin
    } else if (is.character(origin)) {
      origin <- spatstat.geom::pickoption(
        "origin", origin,
        c(midpoint = "midpoint", bottomleft = "bottomleft")
      W <- X$domain
      locn <- switch(origin,
        midpoint = {
          c(mean(W$domain$xrange), mean(W$domain$yrange), mean(W$domain$zrange))
        bottomleft = {
          c(W$domain$xrange[1], W$domain$yrange[1], W$domain$zrange[1])
    } else {
      stop("origin must be a character string or a numeric vector")
    vec <- -locn
  Y <- spatstat.geom::pp3(X$data$x + vec[1], X$data$y + vec[2], X$data$z + vec[3],
    xrange = X$domain$xrange + vec[1],
    yrange = X$domain$yrange + vec[2],
    zrange = X$domain$zrange + vec[3],
    marks = marks(X)
  attr(Y, "lastshift") <- vec

#### sample ####
### sample.ppp ###
#' Sample a Planar Point Pattern
#' @param X An object of class "ppp". The point pattern from which to sample.
#' @param size A numeric. The number of points to sample.
#' @return A "ppp". The sampled point pattern.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample.pp3}}, \code{\link[base]{sample}}
#' @export
sample.ppp <- function(X, size) {
  sam.n <- seq_len(spatstat.geom::npoints(X))
  sam.pts <- sample(sam.n, size, replace = FALSE)
  sam.dat <- X[sam.pts]

### sample.pp3 ###
#' Sample A 3D Point Pattern
#' @param X An object of class "pp3". The point pattern from which to sample.
#' @param size A numeric. The number of points to sample.
#' @return A "pp3". The sampled point pattern.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample.ppp}}, \code{\link[base]{sample}}
#' @export
sample.pp3 <- function(X, size) {
  sam.n <- seq_len(spatstat.geom::npoints(X))
  sam.pts <- sample(sam.n, size, replace = FALSE)
  sam.dat <- X[sam.pts]

#### findClusters.pp3 ####
#' Find Clusters by NN Adjacency Marks
findClusters.pp3 <- function(X, mark, k = 1) {
  if (!(mark %in% marks(X))) {
    stop("The specified mark does not exist in the pattern")
  } else if (length(mark) != 1) {
    stop("Only one mark may be tested")
  spl <- split(X)[[mark]]
  # required because pp3 functions don't work on marked pp3 by default
  class(spl) <- c("pp3", "ppx")
  ind <- rownames.pp3(spl)
  fCl <- lapply(ind, function(x) {
    clus <- x
    rem <- rownames.pp3(X)
    nn <- 0
    while (length(nn) > 0) {
      rem <- setdiff(rem, nn)
      nn <- nncross(spl[clus], X[rem], k = 1:k, what = "which")
      nn <- unlist(nn)
      nn <- rownames.pp3(X[rem])[nn]
      nn <- nn[marks(X[nn]) == mark]
      clus <- append(clus, nn)
    clus <- sort(unique(clus))

#### intensity.pp3 ####
#' Extends \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{intensity}} to \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}}.
#' @name intensity.pp3-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{rapt-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rapt-deprecated
#' @section \code{intensity.pp3}:
#'   For \code{intensity.pp3}, use \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{intensity.ppx}}
#' @export
intensity.pp3 <- function(X, weights = NULL) {
  n <- spatstat.geom::npoints(X)
  a <- spatstat.geom::volume(domain(X))
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    if (spatstat.geom::is.multitype(X)) {
      mks <- spatstat.geom::marks(X)
      answer <- as.vector(table(mks)) / a
      names(answer) <- levels(mks)
    } else {
      answer <- n / a
  } else {
    warning("Weights is not yet implemented for pp3")

#### rownames.pp3 ####
#' Extends \code{\link[base:row+colnames]{rownames}} to
#' \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}}.
#' @param pat An object of class "pp3". The point pattern from which to extract
#'   rownames.
#' @return Character vector. The rownames of the point pattern.
#' @seealso \code{\link[base:row+colnames]{rownames}}
rownames.pp3 <- function(pat) {
  dat <- rownames(as.data.frame(pat))
#### rownames.pp3<- ####
#' Extends \code{\link[base:row+colnames]{rownames}} to
#' \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}}.
#' @param pat An object of class "pp3". The point pattern to assign rownames.
#' @param lab character. The new rownames.
#' @seealso \code{\link[base:row+colnames]{rownames}}
"rownames.pp3<-" <- function(pat, lab) {
  rownames(as.data.frame(pat)) <- lab

#### plot3d.pp3 ####
#' Plot a \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} in a manipulatable 3D plot.
#' (requires the rgl library)
#' @param X An object of class "pp3". The point pattern to visualize
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to \code{\link[rgl]{plot3d}} from the
#'   `rgl` library.
#' @family visualization functions
#' @seealso \code{\link[rgl]{plot3d}}
#' @export
plot3d.pp3 <- function(X, ...) {
  rgl::plot3d(coords(X), ...)

#### quadrats.pp3 ####
#' Divide a 3D Point Pattern into Sub-Volumes
#' Divides volume into quadrats and returns them.
#' @param X The \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object to split up.
#' @param nx,ny,nz Number of rectangular quadrats in the x, y, and z directions,
#'   if you wish to split up your point patthern by number of boxes.
#' @param box.dims Vector containing the dimensions of the subsetted 3D boxxes,
#'   if you wish to define the individual boxx size. Use either `nx`, `ny`,
#'   `nz` or `box.dims`, but not both. See Details.
#' @return A list containing the split up "pp3" objects.
#' @details
#' If `box.dims` is not commensurate with the size of the object, the
#' quadrats are justified toward the smallest boundary in each dimension
#' (*i.e.* (`c(min(x), min(y), min(z))`)).
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{quadrats}}
#' @export
# Should return an object of class "tess" to provide consistent behaviour
quadrats.pp3 <- function(X, nx = 5, ny = nx, nz = ny, box.dims = NULL) {
  # Rewrite to use n = c(nx,ny,nz) with a default of c(1,1,1).
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, c("pp3", "box3"))
  w <- as.box3(X)
  xlim <- w$xrange
  ylim <- w$yrange
  zlim <- w$zrange

  # create box3objects for each quadrat
  if (is.null(box.dims)) {
    xbreaks <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out = (nx + 1))
    ybreaks <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length.out = (ny + 1))
    zbreaks <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length.out = (nz + 1))

    ntot <- nx * ny * nz
  } else {
    xbreaks <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], by = box.dims[1])
    ybreaks <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], by = box.dims[2])
    zbreaks <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], by = box.dims[3])

  gridvals <- list()
  cnt <- 1

  for (i in 1:(length(xbreaks) - 1)) {
    for (j in 1:(length(ybreaks) - 1)) {
      for (k in 1:(length(zbreaks) - 1)) {
        gridvals[[cnt]] <- box3(
          xrange = xbreaks[i:(i + 1)],
          yrange = ybreaks[j:(j + 1)],
          zrange = zbreaks[k:(k + 1)]
        cnt <- cnt + 1

  # browser()
  coo <- coords(X)
  if (!is.null(marks(X))) {
    marks <- marks(X)

  boxes <- lapply(gridvals, function(x) {
    res.coo <- coo[inside.boxx(X, w = x), ]
    if (!is.null(marks(X))) {
      res.marks <- marks[inside.boxx(X, w = x)]
      return(pp3(res.coo$x, res.coo$y, res.coo$z, x, marks = res.marks))
    } else {
      return(pp3(res.coo$x, res.coo$y, res.coo$z, x))


#### quadratcount.pp3 ####
#' Count Points in Sub-Volumes of a 3D Point Pattern
#' Divides volume into quadrats and counts the number of points in each quadrat.
#' @param X The \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object to split up.
#' @param nx,ny,nz Number of ractangular quadrats in the x, y, and z directions.
#' @return A `data.frame` object containing the number of counts in each
#'   quadrat.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{quadratcount}}
#' @export
quadratcount.pp3 <- function(X, nx = 5, ny = 5, nz = 5) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  w <- domain(X)

  # create box3objects for each quadrat
  xlim <- w$xrange
  ylim <- w$yrange
  zlim <- w$zrange

  xbreaks <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out = (nx + 1))
  ybreaks <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length.out = (ny + 1))
  zbreaks <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length.out = (nz + 1))

  ntot <- nx * ny * nz
  gridvals <- list()
  cnt <- 1

  for (i in 1:nx) {
    for (j in 1:ny) {
      for (k in 1:nz) {
        gridvals[[cnt]] <- box3(
          xrange = xbreaks[i:(i + 1)],
          yrange = ybreaks[j:(j + 1)],
          zrange = zbreaks[k:(k + 1)]
        cnt <- cnt + 1

  inside.tf <- lapply(gridvals, function(x) {
    inside.boxx(X, w = x)
  counts <- lapply(inside.tf, function(x) {
  counts <- unlist(counts)
  return(data.frame(quad.no = seq(1, ntot), count = counts))

#### quantess.pp3 ####
#' Quantile Tessellation
#' Divide space into tiles which contain equal amounts of stuff.
#' @param M A pp3
#' @param Z A spatial covariate (a pixel image or a function(x,y,z)) or one of
#'   the strings `"x"`, `"y"`, or `"z"` indicating the Cartesian coordinates
#'   *x*, *y*, or *z* or one of the strings `"rad"` or `"ang"` indicating polar
#'   coordinates. The range of values of `Z` will be broken into n bands
#'   containing equal amounts of stuff.
#' @param n Number of bands. A positive integer.
quantess.pp3 <- function(M, Z, n, ..., type = 2, origin = c(0, 0), eps = NULL) {}

#### G3multi ####
#' Marked Nearest Neighbour Distance Function
#' For a marked point pattern, estimate the distribution of the distance from a
#' typical point in subset `I` to the nearest point of subset `J`.
#' @param X The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype
#'   distance distribution function \eqn{G[3IJ](r)} will be computed. It must be
#'   a marked point pattern. See Details.
#' @param I Subset of points of `X` from which distances are measured.
#' @param J Subset of points in `X` to which distances are measured.
#' @param rmax Optional. Maximum value of argument *r* for which \eqn{G[3IJ](r)}
#'   will be estimated.
#' @param nrval Optional. Number of values of *r* for which \eqn{G[3IJ](r)} will
#'   be estimated. A large value of `nrval` is required to avoid discretisation
#'   effects.
#' @param disjoint Optional flag indicating whether the subsets `I` and `J` are
#'   disjoint. If missing, this value will be computed by inspecting the vectors
#'   `I` and `J`.
#' @param correction Optional. Character string specifying the edge
#'   correction(s) to be used. Options are `"none"`, `"rs"`, `"km"`,
#'   `"hanisch"`, and `"best"`. Alternatively `correction="all"` selects all
#'   options.
#' @details
#' The function `G3multi` generalises \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}} (for
#' unmarked point patterns) and \code{G3dot} (unimplmented) and
#' \code{\link{G3cross}} (for multitype point patterns) to arbitrary marked
#' point patterns.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link{G3cross}}, \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}
#' @export
G3multi <- function(X, I, J, rmax = NULL, nrval = 128, disjoint = NULL,
                    correction = c("rs", "km", "han")) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  W <- X$domain
  npts <- spatstat.geom::npoints(X)
  volW <- spatstat.geom::volume(W)
  if (is.null(rmax)) {
    rmax <- spatstat.geom::diameter(W) / 2
  I <- spatstat.geom::ppsubset(X, I)
  J <- spatstat.geom::ppsubset(X, J)
  if (is.null(I) || is.null(J)) {
    stop("I and J must be valid subset indices")
  nI <- sum(I)
  nJ <- sum(J)
  if (nI == 0) {
    stop("No points satisfy condition I")
  if (nJ == 0) {
    stop("No points satisfy condition J")
  if (is.null(disjoint)) {
    disjoint <- !any(I & J)
  if (is.null(correction)) {
    correction <- c("rs", "km", "han")
  correction <- pickoption("correction", correction,
      none = "none",
      border = "rs", rs = "rs",
      KM = "km", km = "km", Kaplan = "km",
      han = "han", Hanisch = "han", hanisch = "han",
      best = "km"
    multi = TRUE
  lamJ <- nJ / volW

  XI <- X[I]
  XJ <- X[J]
  if (disjoint) {
    nnd <- spatstat.geom::nncross(XI, XJ, what = "dist")
  } else {
    seqnp <- seq_len(npts)
    iX <- seqnp[I]
    iY <- seqnp[J]
    nnd <- spatstat.geom::nncross(XI, XJ, iX, iY, what = "dist")
  bdry <- bdist.points(XI)
  d <- (nnd <= bdry)
  r <- seq(0, rmax, length.out = nrval)
  breaks <- c(r[1L] - r[2L], r)
  df <- data.frame(r = r, theo = 1 - exp(-lamJ * (4 / 3) * pi * r^3))
  fname <- c("G", "list(I,J)")
  Z <- fv(df, "r", quote(G[I, J](r)), "theo", . ~ r, c(0, rmax),
    c("r", spatstat.core::makefvlabel(NULL, NULL, fname, "pois")),
    c("distance argument r", "theoretical Poisson %s"),
    fname = fname, yexp = quote(G[list(I, J)](r))
  if ("none" %in% correction) {
    if (npts == 0) {
      edf <- zeroes
    } else {
      hh <- hist(nnd[nnd <= rmax], breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)$counts
      edf <- cumsum(hh) / length(nnd)
    Z <- bind.fv(
      Z, data.frame(raw = edf),
      spatstat.core::makefvlabel(NULL, "hat", fname, "raw"),
      "uncorrected estimate of %s", "raw"
  if ("han" %in% correction) {
    if (npts == 0) {
      G <- zeroes
    } else {
      x <- nnd[d]
      a <- spatstat.geom::eroded.volumes(W, r)
      h <- hist(x[x <= rmax], breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)$counts
      G <- cumsum(h / a)
      G <- G / max(G[is.finite(G)])
    Z <- bind.fv(
      Z, data.frame(han = G),
      spatstat.core::makefvlabel(NULL, "hat", fname, "han"),
      "Hanisch estimate of %s", "han"
    attr(Z, "alim") <- range(r[G <= 0.9])
  if (any(correction %in% c("rs", "km"))) {
    if (npts == 0) {
      result <- data.frame(rs = zeroes, km = zeroes, hazard = zeroes)
    } else {
      o <- pmin.int(nnd, bdry)
      result <- spatstat.core::km.rs(o, bdry, d, breaks)
      result <- as.data.frame(result[c("rs", "km", "hazard")])
    Z <- bind.fv(
      Z, result, c(
        spatstat.core::makefvlabel(NULL, "hat", fname, "bord"),
        spatstat.core::makefvlabel(NULL, "hat", fname, "km"), "hazard(r)"
        "border corrected estimate of %s", "Kaplan-Meier estimate of %s",
        "Kaplan-Meier estimate of hazard function lambda(r)"
    attr(Z, "alim") <- range(r[result$km <= 0.9])
  nama <- names(Z)
  spatstat.core::fvnames(Z, ".") <- rev(nama[!(nama %in% c("r", "hazard"))])
  formula(Z) <- . ~ r
  spatstat.geom::unitname(Z) <- spatstat.geom::unitname(X)

#### G3cross ####
#' Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-j)
#' For a multitype point pattern, estimate the distribution of the distance from
#' a point of type i to the nearest point of type j.
#' @param X The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the cross type
#'   distance distribution function \eqn{G[3ij](r)} will be computed. It must
#'   be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a
#'   factor). See Details.
#' @param i The type (mark value) of the points in `X` from which distances
#'   are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a
#'   character string). Defaults to the first level of `marks(X)`.
#' @param j The type (mark value) of the points in `X` to which distances
#'   are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a
#'   character string). Defaults to the second level of `marks(X)`.
#' @param rmax Optional. Maximum value of argument *r* for which
#'   \eqn{G[3ij](r)} will be estimated.
#' @param nrval Optional. Number of values of *r* for which
#'   \eqn{G[3ij](r)} will be estimated. A large value of `nrval` is
#'   required to avoid discretisation effects.
#' @param correction Optional. Character string specifying the edge
#'   correction(s) to be used. Options are `"none"`, `"rs"`,
#'   `"km"`, `"hanisch"`, and `"best"`. Alternatively
#'   `correction="all"` selects all options.
#' @return An object of class "fv" (see \code{\link[spastat]{fv.object}}).
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @details
#' The function `G3cross` and its companions \code{G3dot} (unimplemented)
#' and \code{\link{G3multi}} are generalisations of the function
#' \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}} to multitype point patterns.
#' A multitype point pattern is a spatial pattern of points classified into a
#' finite number of possible "colors" or "types." In the **spatstat**
#' package, a multitype pattern is represented as a single point pattern object
#' in which the points carry marks, and the mark value attached to each point
#' determines the type of that point.
#' The argument `X` must be a point pattern (object of class "pp3"). It
#' must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector `X$marks` must be a
#' factor. The arguments `i` and `j` will be interpreted as levels of
#' the factor `X$marks`. (**Warning:** this means that an integer value
#' `i=3` will be interpreted as the number 3, *not* the 3rd smallest
#' level).
#' The "cross-type" (type *i* to type *j*) nearest neighbour
#' distance distribution function of a multitype point process is the cumulative
#' distribution function \eqn{G[3ij](r)} of the distance from a typical random
#' point of the process with type *i* the nearest point of type
#' *j*.
#' An estimate of \eqn{G[3ij](r)} is a useful summary statistic in exploratory
#' data analysis of a multitype point pattern. If the process of type *i*
#' points were independent of the process of type *j* points, then
#' \eqn{G[3ij](r)} would equal \eqn{F[3j](r)}, the empty space function of the
#' type *j* points. For a multitype Poisson point process where the type
#' *i* points have intensity \eqn{\lambda[i]}, we have
#' \deqn{G[3ij](r) = 1 - exp( - \lambda[j] * (4/3) * pi * r^3)}
#' Deviations between the empirical and theoretical \eqn{G[3ij](r)} curves may
#' suggest dependence between the points of types *i* and *j*.
#' This algorithm estimates the distribution function \eqn{G[3ij](r)} from the
#' point pattern `X`. It assumes that `X` can be treated as a
#' realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point
#' process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is
#' specified in `X` as `Domain(X)`) may have arbitrary shape. Biases
#' due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in
#' \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}}.
#' The argument `rmax` is the maximum value of the distance *r* at
#' which \eqn{G[3ij](r)} should be evaluated. It is also used to determine (in
#' combination with `nrval`) the breakpoints (in the sense of
#' \code{\link[graphics]{hist}}) for the computation of histograms of distances.
#' The reduced-sample and Kaplan-Meier estimators are computed from histogram
#' counts. In the case of the Kaplan-Meier estimator this introduces a
#' discretisation error which is controlled by the fineness of the breakpoints.
#' The algorithm also returns an estimate of the hazard rate function,
#' \eqn{lambda(r)}, of \eqn{G[3ij](r)}. This estimate should be used with
#' caution as \eqn{G[3ij](r)} is not necessarily differentiable.
#' The naive empirical distribution of distances from each point of the pattern
#' `X` to the nearest other point of the pattern, is a biased estimate of
#' \eqn{G[3ij](r)}. However this is also returned by the algorithm, as it is
#' sometimes useful in other contexts. Care should be taken not to use the
#' uncorrected empirical \eqn{G[3ij](r)} as if it were an unbiased estimator of
#' \eqn{G[3ij](r)}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{G3multi}}, \code{\link[spatstat.core]{G3est}},
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{marks}}
#' @export
G3cross <- function(X, i, j, rmax = NULL, nrval = 128,
                    correction = c("rs", "km", "han")) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  if (!spatstat.geom::is.marked(X, dfok = FALSE)) {
    stop(paste("point pattern has no", sQuote("marks")))
  marx <- spatstat.geom::marks(X, dfok = FALSE)
  if (missing(i)) {
    i <- levels(marx)[1]
  if (missing(j)) {
    j <- levels(marx)[2]
  I <- (marx == i)
  if (sum(I) == 0) {
    stop("No points are of type i")
  if (i == j) {
    result <- spatstat.core::G3est(X[I],
      rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval,
      correction = correction
  } else {
    J <- (marx == j)
    if (sum(J) == 0) {
      stop("No points are of type j")
    result <- G3multi(X, I, J,
      rmax = rmax, nrval = nrval, disjoint = FALSE,
      correction = correction
  iname <- spatstat.utils::make.parseable(paste(i))
  jname <- spatstat.utils::make.parseable(paste(j))
  result <- spatstat.core::rebadge.fv(result,
    substitute(G[i, j](r), list(i = iname, j = jname)),
    c("G", paste0("list(", iname, ",", jname, ")")),
    new.yexp = substitute(
      G[list(i, j)](r),
      list(i = iname, j = jname)

#### K3scaled ####
#' Locally Scaled K-function in Three Dimensions
#' Estimates the locally-rescaled K-function of a 3D point pattern
#' @param X A pp3
#' @param lambda An estimate of the intensity function f(x,y,z). Defaults to a
#'   uniform intensity, estimated with \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{intensity}}; this
#'   results in the same behavior as \code{\link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}.
#' @param correction The correction to be used. Currently only the uncorrected
#'   estimate (`correction = "none"`) is implemented.
#' In 3D the cube root is used instead of the square root to estimate the
#' correction of the scaled intensity. Thas is, the eucledian distance between
#' two points \eqn{u[i]} and \eqn{u[j]}, \eqn{d[ij]}, is
#' multiplied by the mean of the cube roots of the local intensities
#' \eqn{lambda[c](u[i])} and \eqn{lambda[c](u[j])}.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.core]{Kscaled}}
K3scaled <- function(X, lambda = NULL, ...,
                     rmax = NULL, nrval = 128,
                     correction = "none", # c("isotropic", "translate"),
                     renormalise = FALSE,
                     normpower = 1) # , sigma = NULL, varcov = NULL)
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  B <- X$domain
  npts <- spatstat.geom::npoints(X)
  volW <- spatstat.geom::volume(B)
  halfdiameter <- spatstat.geom::diameter(B) / 2
  correction.given <- !missing(correction) && !is.null(correction)
  correction <- spatstat.geom::pickoption("correction", correction,
      none = "none",
      border = "border",
      isotropic = "isotropic",
      Ripley = "isotropic",
      trans = "translate",
      translate = "translate",
      translation = "translate",
      best = "best"
    multi = TRUE
  if (missing(lambda)) {
    lambda <- rep(spatstat.geom::intensity.ppx(X), npts)
  } else {
    if (is.im(lambda)) {
      # lambda <- safelookup(lambda, X)
      stop("No im3 implemented for lambda; supply a function")
    } else if (is.function(lambda)) {
      lambda <- lambda(X$data$x, X$data$y, X$data$z)
    } else if (is.ppm(lambda)) {
      # lambda <- safelookup(predict(lambda, type = "trend"),
      #                      X)
      stop("No p3m implemented for lambda; supply a function")
    } else if (!is.numeric(lambda) || !is.null(dim(lambda))) {
      # stop(paste(sQuote("lambda"),
      #            "should be a vector, a pixel image, a function or a ppm"))
        "should be a function"
    check.nvector(lambda, npts)
  # need to confirm that this renormalization is correct in 3D...
  if (renormalise) {
    stopifnot(normpower %in% 1:2)
    renorm.factor <- (volW / sum(1 / lambda))^(normpower / 2)
    lambda <- lambda / renorm.factor
  cra <- (range(lambda))^(1 / 3)
  minrescale <- cra[1]
  maxrescale <- cra[2]
  absrmaxdefault <- halfdiameter / maxrescale
  if (is.null(rmax)) {
    absrmax <- absrmaxdefault
  } else {
    absrmax <- rmax / maxrescale
  absr <- seq(0, to = absrmax, length.out = nrval)
  r <- absr * maxrescale
  breaks <- breakpts.from.r(r)$val
  alim <- c(0, min(rmax, maxrescale * absrmaxdefault))
  rthresh <- minrescale * halfdiameter
  maxabsdist <- min(rmax / minrescale, halfdiameter)
  K <- data.frame(r = r, theo = (4 / 3) * pi * r^3)
  desc <- c("distance argument r", "theoretical Poisson %s")
  fname <- c("K", "list(3,scaled)")
  yexp <- quote(K[list(3, scaled)](r))
  K <- fv(K, "r", quote(K[3, scaled](r)), "theo",
    alim = alim,
    labl = c("r", "{%s[%s]^{pois}}(r)"),
    desc = desc, fname = fname, yexp = yexp
  needXI <- any(correction %in% c("translate", "isotropic"))
  close <- closepairs(X, maxabsdist, what = if (needXI) {
  } else {
  I <- close$i
  J <- close$j
  cbrtLambda <- (lambda)^(1 / 3)
  lamIJ <- (cbrtLambda[I] + cbrtLambda[J]) / 2
  absDIJ <- close$d
  DIJ <- absDIJ * lamIJ
  XI <- if (needXI) {
    pp3(close$xi, close$yi, close$zi, B)
  } else {
  if (any(correction == "none")) {
    wh <- whist(DIJ, breaks)
    Kun <- cumsum(wh) / npts
    K <- bind.fv(
      K, data.frame(un = Kun), "{hat(%s)[%s]^{un}}(r)",
      "uncorrected estimate of %s", "un"
  ### ***** corrections not implemented *****
  # if (any(correction == "border")) {
  #   b <- bdist.points(X) * cbrtLambda
  #   bI <- b[I]
  #   RS <- Kount(DIJ, bI, b, breaks)
  #   Kb <- RS$numerator/RS$denom.count
  #   Kb[r > rthresh] <- NA
  #   K <- bind.fv(K, data.frame(border = Kb), "{hat(%s)[%s]^{bord}}(r)",
  #                "border-corrected estimate of %s", "border")
  # }
  # if (any(correction == "translate")) {
  #   XJ <- pp3(close$xj, close$yj, close$zj, B)
  #   edgewt <- edge.Trans(XI, XJ, paired = TRUE)
  #   wh <- whist(DIJ, breaks, edgewt)
  #   Ktrans <- cumsum(wh)/npts
  #   Ktrans[r >= rthresh] <- NA
  #   K <- bind.fv(K, data.frame(trans = Ktrans), "{hat(%s)[%s]^{trans}}(r)",
  #                "translation-corrected estimate of %s", "trans")
  # }
  # if (any(correction == "isotropic")) {
  #   edgewt <- edge.Ripley(XI, matrix(absDIJ, ncol = 1))
  #   wh <- whist(DIJ, breaks$val, edgewt)
  #   Kiso <- cumsum(wh)/npts
  #   Kiso[r >= rthresh] <- NA
  #   K <- bind.fv(K, data.frame(iso = Kiso), "{hat(%s)[%s]^{iso}}(r)",
  #                "Ripley isotropic correction estimate of %s", "iso")
  # }
  formula(K) <- . ~ r
  nama <- rev(colnames(K))
  fvnames(K, ".") <- nama[!(nama %in% c("r", "bord", "iso", "trans"))]
  unitname(K) <- c("normalised unit", "normalised units")

#### K3multi ####
# barely works... Needs corrections and inferface streamlining
K3multi <- function(X, I, J, r, breaks,
                    correction = c("none", "isotropic", "translation"),
                    ..., ratio = FALSE) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  npts <- npoints(X)
  W <- X$domain
  volW <- volume(W)
  I <- ppsubset(X, I)
  J <- ppsubset(X, J)
  if (is.null(I) || is.null(J)) {
    stop("I and J must be valid subset indices")
  if (!any(I)) {
    stop("no points belong to subset I")
  if (!any(J)) {
    stop("no points belong to subset J")
  nI <- sum(I)
  nJ <- sum(J)
  lambdaI <- nI / volW
  lambdaJ <- nJ / volW
  rmax <- max(r)
  alim <- c(0, rmax)
  K <- data.frame(r = r, theo = (4 / 3) * pi * r^3)
  desc <- c("distance argument r", "theoretical Poisson %s")
  K <- fv(K, "r", quote(K[IJ](r)), "theo", , alim, c("r", "{%s[%s]^{pois}}(r)"),
    fname = c("K", "list(I,J)"), yexp = quote(K[list(I, J)](r))
  if (ratio) {
    denom <- lambdaI * lambdaJ * volW
    numK <- eval.fv(denom * K)
    denK <- eval.fv(denom + K * 0)
    attributes(numK) <- attributes(denK) <- attributes(K)
    attr(numK, "desc")[2] <- "numerator for theoretical Poisson %s"
    attr(denK, "desc")[2] <- "denominator for theoretical Poisson %s"
  XI <- X[I]
  XJ <- X[J]
  close <- crosspairs(XI, XJ, max(r))
  orig <- seq_len(npts)
  imap <- orig[I]
  jmap <- orig[J]
  iX <- imap[close$i]
  jX <- jmap[close$j]
  if (any(I & J)) {
    ok <- (iX != jX)
    if (!all(ok)) {
      close$i <- close$i[ok]
      close$j <- close$j[ok]
      close$d <- close$d[ok]
  dcloseIJ <- close$d
  icloseI <- close$i
  jcloseJ <- close$j
  if (any(correction == "none")) {
    wh <- whist(dcloseIJ, breaks)
    numKun <- cumsum(wh)
    denKun <- lambdaI * lambdaJ * volW
    Kun <- numKun / denKun
    K <- bind.fv(
      K, data.frame(un = Kun), "{hat(%s)[%s]^{un}}(r)",
      "uncorrected estimate of %s", "un"
    if (ratio) {
      numK <- bind.fv(
        numK, data.frame(un = numKun), "{hat(%s)[%s]^{un}}(r)",
        "numerator of uncorrected estimate of %s", "un"
      denK <- bind.fv(
        denK, data.frame(un = denKun), "{hat(%s)[%s]^{un}}(r)",
        "denominator of uncorrected estimate of %s",
  formula(K) <- . ~ r
  unitname(K) <- unitname(X)
  if (ratio) {
    formula(numK) <- formula(denK) <- . ~ r
    unitname(numK) <- unitname(denK) <- unitname(K)
    K <- rat(K, numK, denK, check = FALSE)

#### studpermu.test ####
#' Studentised Permutation Test
#' @description This is an S3 generic that extends the use of
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.core]{studpermu.test}} beyond "ppp" objects.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.core]{studpermu.test}},
#' \code{\link{studpermu.test.pp3}}
#' @export
studpermu.test <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("studpermu.test")

### studpermu.test.list ###
#' Studentised Permutation Test
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.core]{studpermu.test}}
#' @export
studpermu.test.list <- spatstat.core::studpermu.test

### studpermu.test.hyperframe ###
#' Studentised Permutation Test
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.core]{studpermu.test}}
#' @export
studpermu.test.hyperframe <- function(X, ...) {
  h.class <- unclass(X)$vclass
  if (any(h.class == "ppp")) {
    studpermu.test.ppp(X, ... = ...)
  } else if (any(h.class == "pp3")) {
    studpermu.test.pp3(X, ... = ...)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown type for studpermu.test()")

### studpermu.test.ppp ###
#' Studentised Permutation Test
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.core]{studpermu.test}}
#' @export
studpermu.test.ppp <- spatstat.core::studpermu.test

### studpermu.test.pp3 ###
#' Studentised Permutation Test
#' Perform a studentised permutation test for a difference between groups of
#' point patterns
#' @param X A hyperframe containing at least the point patterns and groups
#' @param formula Formula describing the grouping. The left side of the formula
#'   identifies which column of `X` contains the point patterns. The right
#'   side identifies the grouping factor
#' @param summaryfunction Summary function applicable to pp3. Defaults to
#'   \code{link[spatstat.core]{K3est}}
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `summaryfunction`
#' @param rinterval Numeric of length 2. Experimental
#' @param nperm Number of random permutations for the test; defaults to 999
#' @param use.Tbar Logical value indicating choice of test statistic. If TRUE,
#'   use the alternative test statistic, which is appropriate for summary
#'   functions with roughly constant variance, such as \eqn{K(r)/r} or
#'   \eqn{L(r)}. Defaults to FALSE
#' @param minpoints Minimum permissible number of points in a point pattern for
#'   inclusion in the test calculation
#' @return An object of class "`studpermutest`".
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @details
#' This function performs the studentized permutation test of Hahn (2012) for a
#' difference between groups of point patterns.
#' A group needs to contain at least two point patterns with at least
#' `minpoints` points in each pattern.
#' The function returns an object of class "`htest`" and "`studpermutest`" that
#' can be printed and plotted. The printout shows the test result and *p*-value.
#' The plot shows the summary functions for the groups (and the group means if
#' requested).
#' @references Hahn, U. (2012) A studentized permutation test for the comparison
#'   of spatial point patterns.
#'   *Journal of the American Statistical Association* **107** (498), 754-764.
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.core]{studpermu.test}},
#'   \code{link[spatstat.core]{plot.studpermutest}}
#' @export
# Add ability to supply a summary function directly...
studpermu.test.pp3 <- function(X, formula,
                               summaryfunction = K3est, ...,
                               nperm = 999, use.Tbar = FALSE, rinterval = NULL,
                               minpoints = 20, rmax = NULL, nrval = 128) {
  if (!is.hyperframe(X)) {
        "X needs to be a hyperframe",
        "if arguments for summary function are to be retrieved"
      call. = FALSE
  if (is.hyperframe(X)) {
    if (dim(X)[2] < 2) {
        "Hyperframe X needs to contain at least 2 columns,",
        "one for patterns, one indicating groups"
      ), call. = FALSE)
    data <- X
    Xclass <- unclass(X)$vclass
    factorcandidate <- Xclass %in% c(
      "integer", "numeric",
      "character", "factor"
    ppcandidate <- Xclass == "pp3"
    Xnames <- names(X)
    names(factorcandidate) <- names(ppcandidate) <- names(Xclass) <- Xnames
    if (all(!factorcandidate) || all(!ppcandidate)) {
          "Hyperframe X needs to contain at least a column",
          "with point patterns, and one indicating groups"
        call. = FALSE
    if (!missing(formula)) {
      if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
        stop(paste("Argument", dQuote("formula"), "should be a formula"))
      if (length(formula) < 3) {
        stop(paste("Argument", sQuote("formula"), "must have a left hand side"))
      rhs <- spatstat.utils::rhs.of.formula(formula)
      ppname <- formula[[2]]
      if (!is.name(ppname)) {
        stop("Left hand side of formula should be a single name")
      ppname <- paste(ppname)
      if (!ppcandidate[ppname]) {
            "Left hand side of formula",
            "should be the name of a column of point patterns"
          call. = FALSE
      groupvars <- all.vars(as.expression(rhs))
      if (!all(groupvars %in% Xnames) || any(!factorcandidate[groupvars])) {
          "Not all variables on right hand side of formula",
          "can be interpreted as factors"
        ), call. = FALSE)
      group <- interaction(lapply(
        as.data.frame(data[, groupvars, drop = FALSE]), factor
      newnames <- Xnames
      newnames[Xnames == ppname] <- "pp"
      names(data) <- newnames
      data$group <- group
    } else {
      thepp <- which.max(ppcandidate)
      thegroup <- which.max(factorcandidate)
      formula <- as.formula(paste(Xnames[thepp], "~", Xnames[thegroup]))
      newnames <- Xnames
      newnames[thepp] <- "pp"
      newnames[thegroup] <- "group"
      names(data) <- newnames
      data$group <- as.factor(data$group)
  } else {
    if (!is.list(X)) {
      stop("X should be a hyperframe or a list of lists of point patterns")
    if (!is.list(X[[1]]) || !is.pp3(X[[1]][[1]])) {
      stop("X is a list, but not a list of lists of point patterns")
    nams <- names(X)
    if (is.null(nams)) {
      nams <- paste("group", seq_along(X))
    pp <- list()
    group <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(X)) {
      pp <- c(pp, X[[i]])
      group <- c(group, rep(nams[i], length(X[[i]])))
    group <- as.factor(group)
    data <- hyperframe(pp = pp, group = group)
    ppname <- "pp"
  framename <- deparse(substitute(X))
  fooname <- deparse(substitute(summaryfunction))
  OK <- sapply(data$pp, npoints) >= minpoints
  if ((nbad <- sum(!OK)) > 0) {
      nbad, "patterns have been discarded",
      "because they contained fewer than",
      minpoints, "points"
    ), call. = FALSE)
  data <- data[OK, , drop = FALSE]
  pp <- data$pp
  groupi <- as.integer(data$group)
  ngroups <- max(groupi)
  if (ngroups < 2) {
        "Sorry, after discarding patterns with fewer than",
        minpoints, "points,", if (ngroups < 1) {
        } else {
          "only one group"
        }, "is left over.",
        "\n- nothing to compare, take a break!"
      call. = FALSE
  lev <- 1:ngroups
  m <- as.vector(table(groupi))
  if (any(m < 3)) {
        "Data groups need to contain at least two patterns;",
        "\nafter discarding those with fewer than", minpoints,
        "points, the remaining group sizes are",
      call. = FALSE
  npossible <- factorial(sum(m)) / prod(factorial(m)) / prod(factorial(table(m)))
  if (is.nan(npossible)) {
    npossible <- Inf
  if (npossible < max(100, nperm)) {
    warning("Don't expect exact results - group sizes are too small")
  if (is.null(rmax)) {
    rmax <- sapply(pp, function(P) {
      spatstat.geom::diameter(P$domain) / 2
    rmax <- min(rmax)
  if (is.null(rinterval)) {
    rinterval <- c(0, rmax)
  ranger <- diff(range(rinterval))
  rr <- seq(0, rmax, length.out = nrval)
  taker <- rr >= rinterval[1] & rr <= rinterval[2]
  needcorx <- "correction" %in% names(formals(summaryfunction))
  gavecorx <- "correction" %in% names(list(...))
  corx <- if (needcorx && !gavecorx) {
  } else {
  fvlist <-
    if (is.null(corx)) {
      with(data, summaryfunction(pp, rmax = rmax, ...))
    } else {
      with(data, summaryfunction(pp, rmax = rmax, ..., correction = corx))
  # can skip most of the previous if summary functions are supplied...
  # need to extract rmax, nrval from functions
  fvtemplate <- fvlist[[1]]
  valu <- attr(fvtemplate, "valu")
  argu <- attr(fvtemplate, "argu")
  foar <- sapply(lapply(fvlist, "[[", valu), "[", taker)
  combs <- combn(lev, 2)
  predigested <- list(
    lev = lev, foar = foar, m = m, combs = combs,
    rrr = rr[taker], ranger = ranger
  if (use.Tbar) {
    Tobs <- T.barstat(groupi, predigested)
    Tsim <- replicate(nperm, T.barstat(sample(groupi), predigested))
  } else {
    Tobs <- T.stat(groupi, predigested)
    Tsim <- replicate(nperm, T.stat(sample(groupi), predigested))
  names(Tobs) <- if (use.Tbar) {
  } else {
  pval <- (1 + sum(Tobs < Tsim)) / (1 + nperm)
  method <- c(
    "Studentized permutation test for grouped point patterns",
      spatstat.utils::pasteFormula(formula), NULL
      ngroups, "groups:",
        collapse = ", "
      "summary function:",
      paste0(fooname, ","), "evaluated on r in",
      "test statistic:",
      ifelse(use.Tbar, "Tbar,", "T,"),
      nperm, "random permutations"
  fooshort <- switch(fooname,
    pcf = "pair correlation ",
    Kinhom = "inhomogeneous K-",
    Linhom = "inhomogeneous L-",
    Kscaled = "locally scaled K-",
    Lscaled = "locally scaled L-",
    paste(substr(fooname, 1, 1), "-", sep = "")
  alternative <- c(paste("not the same ", fooshort, "function",
    sep = ""
  testerg <- list(
    statistic = Tobs, p.value = pval, alternative = alternative,
    method = method, data.name = framename
  class(testerg) <- c("studpermutest", "htest")
  fvs <- lapply(fvlist, "[.fv", j = c(argu, valu))
  fvs <- lapply(fvs, "attr<-", which = "alim", value = rinterval)
  testerg$curves <- spatstat.geom::hyperframe(fvs = fvs, groups = data$group)
  fvtheo <- fvlist[[1]]
  spatstat.core::fvnames(fvtheo, ".y") <- "theo"
  attr(fvtheo, "alim") <- rinterval
  testerg$curvtheo <- fvtheo[, c(argu, "theo")]
  grmn <- lapply(lev, splitmean, ind = groupi, f = foar)
  testerg$groupmeans <- lapply(grmn, makefv,
    xvals = rr[taker],
    template = fvtheo

# These helpers are undocumented, but located at
# https://rdrr.io/github/spatstat/spatstat.core/src/R/studpermutest.R

splitmean <- function(l, ind, f) {
  apply(f[, ind == l], 1, mean)
splitvarn <- function(l, ind, f, m) {
  apply(f[, ind == l], 1, var) / m[l]
studentstat <- function(i, grmean, grvar) {
  (grmean[, i[1]] - grmean[, i[2]])^2 / (grvar[i[1], ] + grvar[i[2], ])

T.stat <- function(ind = groupi, predigested) {
  # predigested should be a list with entries lev, foar, m, combs, rrr
  with(predigested, {
    grmean <- sapply(lev, splitmean, ind = ind, f = foar)
    grvar <- t(sapply(lev, splitvarn, ind = ind, f = foar, m = m))
    y <- apply(combs, 2, studentstat, grmean = grmean, grvar = grvar)
    sum(apply(y, 2, trapint, x = rrr))

intstudent <- function(i, rrr, grmean, meangrvar) {
  trapint(rrr, (grmean[, i[1]] - grmean[, i[2]])^2 /
    (meangrvar[i[1]] + meangrvar[i[2]]))

T.barstat <- function(ind = groupi, predigested) {
  # predigested should be a list
  # with entries lev, foar, m, combs, rrr, ranger
  with(predigested, {
    grmean <- sapply(lev, splitmean, ind = ind, f = foar)
    grvar <- t(sapply(lev, splitvarn, ind = ind, f = foar, m = m))
    meangrvar <- apply(grvar, 1, trapint, x = rrr) / ranger
    sum(apply(combs, 2, intstudent,
      rrr = rrr, grmean = grmean, meangrvar = meangrvar
    # trapint(rr[taker], grvar[i[1],] + grvar[i[2], ]))))

makefv <- function(yvals, xvals, template) {
  fdf <- data.frame(r = xvals, y = yvals)
  argu <- fvnames(template, ".x")
  valu <- fvnames(template, ".y")
  names(fdf) <- c(argu, valu)
    argu = argu, ylab = attr(template, "ylab"), valu = valu,
    fmla = attr(template, "fmla"), alim = attr(template, "alim")

# Trapezoidal rule approximation to integral
trapint <- function(x, y) {
  nonan <- !is.na(y)
  nn <- sum(nonan)
  if (nn < 2L) {
  Y <- y[nonan]
  X <- x[nonan]
  0.5 * sum((Y[-1] + Y[-nn]) * diff(X))

# call foo(x, further arguments) repeatedly
# further arguments are taken from hyperframe H and ...
multicall <- function(foo, x, H, ...) {
  if (is.hyperframe(x)) {
    x <- as.list(x)[[1]]
  } else if (!is.list(x)) {
    stop("in multicall: x should be a hyperframe or list", call. = FALSE)

  # check if same length
  nrows <- dim(H)[1]
  if (length(x) != nrows) {
        "in multicall: x and H need to have",
        "the same number of rows or list elements"
      call. = FALSE
  dotargs <- list(...)
  hnames <- names(H)
  argnames <- names(formals(foo)) # always assume first argument is given

  ppname <- argnames[1]
  argnames <- argnames[-1]
  dotmatch <- pmatch(names(dotargs), argnames)
  dotmatched <- dotmatch[!is.na(dotmatch)]
  dotuseargs <- dotargs[!is.na(dotmatch)]
  restargs <- if (length(dotmatched) > 0) argnames[-dotmatched] else argnames
  hmatch <- pmatch(hnames, restargs)
  huse <- !is.na(hmatch)
  lapply(seq_len(nrows), function(i) {
    do.call(foo, c(
      as.list(H[i, huse, drop = TRUE, strip = FALSE]),

#### Tstat.pp3 ####
#' Extends Tstat to pp3
#' Tstat.pp3 extends the third-order summary statistic
#' \code{\link[spatstat.core]{Tstat}} to pp3
#' @param X The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of \eqn{T(r)}
#' will be computed. A \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} object.
#' @param rmax Optional. Maximum value of argument *r* for which
#'   \eqn{T(r)} will be estimated.
#' @param nrval Optional. Number of values of *r* for which
#'   \eqn{T(r)} will be estimated. A large value of `nrval` is
#'   required to avoid discretisation effects.
#' @param correction One of `"none"` or `"isotropic"`. `"translation"`
#'   correction is planned but not yet implemented.
#' @param ratio Logical. If `TRUE`, the numerator and denominator of each
#'   edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated
#'   point patterns.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `TRUE`, an estimate of the computation time is
#'   printed.
#' @return An object of class "`fv`", see \code{\link[spatstat]{fv.object}},
#'   which can be plotted directly using \code{\link[spatstat]{plot.fv}}.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @details
#' This command calculates the third-order summary statistic \eqn{T(r)} for a
#' spatial point patterns, defined by Schladitz and Baddeley (2000).
#' The definition of \eqn{T(r)} is similar to the definition of Ripley's *K*
#' function \eqn{K(r)}, except that \eqn{K(r)} counts pairs of points while
#' \eqn{T(r)} counts triples of points. Essentially \eqn{T(r)} is a rescaled
#' cumulative distribution function of the diameters of triangles in the point
#' pattern. The diameter of a triangle is the length of its longest side.
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat]{Tstat}}
#' @references Schladitz, K. & Baddeley, A.
#' "A third order point process characteristic",
#' *Scandinavian Journal of Statistics*, **27**, 657-671 (2000).
#' @export
Tstat.pp3 <- function(X, rmax = NULL, nrval = 128,
                      correction = "border",
                      ratio = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")
  npts <- spatstat.geom::npoints(X)
  W <- spatstat.geom::domain(X)
  areaW <- spatstat.geom::volume(W)
  lambda <- npts / areaW
  lambda2 <- (npts * (npts - 1)) / (areaW^2)
  lambda3 <- (npts * (npts - 1) * (npts - 2)) / (areaW^3)
  if (is.null(rmax)) {
    rmax <- spatstat.geom::diameter(W) / 2
  r <- seq(0, rmax, length.out = nrval)
  breaks <- spatstat.geom::breakpts.from.r(r)
  correction.given <- !missing(correction) && !is.null(correction)
  if (!correction.given) {
    correction <- c("border", "bord.modif")
  } # , "translate") not implemented yet
  correction <- spatstat.geom::pickoption(
    "correction", correction,
      none = "none",
      border = "border", bord.modif = "bord.modif", trans = "translate",
      translate = "translate", translation = "translate", best = "best"
    multi = TRUE
  alim <- c(0, rmax)
  TT <- data.frame(r = r, theo = 5 / 12 * pi^2 * r^6)
  desc <- c("distance argument r", "theoretical Poisson %s")
  TT <- spatstat.core::fv(TT, "r",
    quote(T(r)), "theo", , alim, c("r", "%s[pois](r)"),
    fname = "T"
  ) # blank is in ppp version...
  if (ratio) {
    denom <- lambda2 * areaW
    numT <- spatstat.core::eval.fv(denom * TT)
    denT <- spatstat.core::eval.fv(denom + TT * 0)
    attributes(numT) <- attributes(denT) <- attributes(TT)
    attr(numT, "desc")[2] <- "numerator for theoretical Poisson %s"
    attr(denT, "desc")[2] <- "denominator for theoretical Poisson %s"
  close <- spatstat.geom::closepairs(X, rmax,
    what = "ijd", twice = FALSE,
    neat = FALSE
  I <- close$i
  J <- close$j
  DIJ <- close$d
  nI <- length(I)
  continue <- TRUE
  if (verbose) {
    nTmax <- nI * (nI - 1) / 2
    esttime <- exp(1.25 * log(nTmax) - 21.5)
      "Searching", nTmax, "potential triangles;",
      "estimated time", spatstat.geom::codetime(esttime)
    if (esttime > 60) {
      continue <- askYesNo("Estimated time greater than one minute. Continue?")
  if (!continue) {
  tri <- spatstat.geom::trianglediameters(I, J, DIJ, nvert = npts)
  stopifnot(identical(colnames(tri), c("i", "j", "k", "diam")))
  II <- with(tri, c(i, j, k))
  DD <- with(tri, rep.int(diam, 3))
  if (any(correction == "none")) {
    wh <- whist(DD, breaks$val)
    numTun <- cumsum(wh)
    denTun <- lambda3 * areaW
    Tun <- numTun / denTun
    TT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
      TT, data.frame(un = Tun), "hat(%s)[un](r)",
      "uncorrected estimate of %s", "un"
    if (ratio) {
      numT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
        numT, data.frame(un = numTun), "hat(%s)[un](r)",
        "numerator of uncorrected estimate of %s", "un"
      denT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
        denT, data.frame(un = denTun), "hat(%s)[un](r)",
        "denominator of uncorrected estimate of %s",
  if (any(correction == "border" | correction == "bord.modif")) {
    b <- bdist.points.pp3(X)
    bI <- b[II]
    RS <- spatstat.core::Kount(DD, bI, b, breaks)
    if (any(correction == "bord.modif")) {
      denom.area <- eroded.volumes(W, r)
      numTbm <- RS$numerator
      denTbm <- lambda3 * denom.area
      Tbm <- numTbm / denTbm
      TT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
        TT, data.frame(bord.modif = Tbm),
        "modified border-corrected estimate of %s",
      if (ratio) {
        numT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
          numT, data.frame(bord.modif = numTbm),
          "numerator of modified border-corrected estimate of %s",
        denT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
          denT, data.frame(bord.modif = denTbm),
          "denominator of modified border-corrected estimate of %s",
    if (any(correction == "border")) {
      numTb <- RS$numerator
      denTb <- lambda2 * RS$denom.count
      Tb <- numTb / denTb
      TT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
        TT, data.frame(border = Tb), "hat(%s)[bord](r)",
        "border-corrected estimate of %s", "border"
      if (ratio) {
        numT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
          numT, data.frame(border = numTb),
          "numerator of border-corrected estimate of %s",
        denT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
          denT, data.frame(border = denTb),
          "denominator of border-corrected estimate of %s",
  if (any(correction == "translate")) {
    stop("Translation correction not yet implemented.")
    edgewt <- edgetri.Trans(X, tri[, 1:3])
    wh <- whist(tri$diam, breaks$val, edgewt)
    numTtrans <- 3 * cumsum(wh)
    denTtrans <- lambda3 * areaW
    Ttrans <- numTtrans / denTtrans
    h <- spatstat.geom::diameter(W) / 2
    Ttrans[r >= h] <- NA
    TT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
      TT, data.frame(trans = Ttrans), "hat(%s)[trans](r)",
      "translation-corrected estimate of %s", "trans"
    if (ratio) {
      numT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
        numT, data.frame(trans = numTtrans),
        "numerator of translation-corrected estimate of %s",
      denT <- spatstat.core::bind.fv(
        denT, data.frame(trans = denTtrans),
        "denominator of translation-corrected estimate of %s",
  formula(TT) <- . ~ r
  spatstat.geom::unitname(TT) <- spatstat.geom::unitname(X)
  if (ratio) {
    formula(numT) <- formula(denT) <- . ~ r
    spatstat.geom::unitname(denT) <- spatstat.geom::unitname(TT)
    spatstat.geom::unitname(numT) <- spatstat.geom::unitname(TT)
    TT <- spatstat.core::rat(TT, numT, denT, check = FALSE)

#### bdist.points ####
#' Distance to Boundary of Domain
#' @description This is an S3 generic that extends the use of
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{bdist.points}} beyond "ppp" objects.
#' @family spatstat extensions
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{bdist.points}}, \code{\link{bdist.points.pp3}}
#' @export
bdist.points <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("bdist.points")

### bdist.points.ppp ###
#' Distance to Boundary of Window
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{bdist.points}}
#' @export
bdist.points.ppp <- spatstat.geom::bdist.points

### bdist.points.pp3 ###
#' Distance to Boundary of Domain
#' Finds the smallest distance to a boundary for each point in a point pattern.
#' @param X The point pattern for analysis. A \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}}
#'   object.
#' @return An object containing the shortest distance to the boundary for each
#'   point in the pattern X.
#' @seealso \code{\link[spatstat]{bdist.points}}
#' @export
bdist.points.pp3 <- function(X) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")

  x <- X$data$x
  y <- X$data$y
  z <- X$data$z
  d <- X$domain

  xmin <- min(d$xrange)
  xmax <- max(d$xrange)
  ymin <- min(d$yrange)
  ymax <- max(d$yrange)
  zmin <- min(d$zrange)
  zmax <- max(d$zrange)
  result <- pmin.int(
    x - xmin, xmax - x,
    y - ymin, ymax - y,
    z - zmin, zmax - z


#### bdist.points3.multi ####
#' Cardinal Direction Distances to Boundary of Domain
#' Returns the shortest distances to boundaries in the x, y, and z directions
#' separately.
#' @param X The point pattern for analysis. A \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}}
#'   object.
#' @return A `data.frame` containing the shortest distance to the closest three
#'   boundaries for each point in the pattern `X`.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bdist.points.pp3}}
#' @export
bdist.points3.multi <- function(X) {
  spatstat.geom::verifyclass(X, "pp3")

  x <- X$data$x
  y <- X$data$y
  z <- X$data$z
  d <- X$domain

  xmin <- min(d$xrange)
  xmax <- max(d$xrange)
  ymin <- min(d$yrange)
  ymax <- max(d$yrange)
  zmin <- min(d$zrange)
  zmax <- max(d$zrange)

  result <- data.frame(
    x = pmin.int(x - xmin, xmax - x),
    y = pmin.int(y - ymin, ymax - y),
    z = pmin.int(z - zmin, zmax - z)

aproudian2/rapt documentation built on Dec. 15, 2022, 4:24 a.m.