# ============================================================================
# Statistics
# ============================================================================
#' Gumbel density function
#' @param x number
#' @param mu mean
#' @param s standard deviation
#' @export
dgumbel <- function(x, mu, s){
z <- (mu - x) / s
exp( z-exp(z) ) / s
#' Gumbel function
#' @param q quantile
#' @param mu mean
#' @param s standard deviation
#' @export
pgumbel <- function(q, mu, s){
z <- (q - mu) / s
#' Gumbel function
#' @param p quantile
#' @param mu mean
#' @param s standard deviation
#' @export
qgumbel <- function(p, mu, s){
mu - s*log(-log(p))
# Given simulated data, generate functions for assigning significance to
# scores.
# @param sam data.frame with columns 'query', 'score', and 'logmn'
fit.gumbel <- function(sam){
stopifnot(c('query', 'score', 'logmn') %in% names(sam))
sam <- sam %>%
# Filter out maximum score for each query
dplyr::group_by(query) %>%
dplyr::filter(score==max(score)) %>%
dplyr::summarize(score=mean(score), logmn=max(logmn)) # to remove ties
fit <- L1pack::l1fit(sam$logmn, sam$score)$coefficients
b0 <- fit[[1]]
b1 <- fit[[2]]
# # adj.fit <- robustreg::robustRegBS(formula = score ~ logmn, data = sam)
# adj.fit <- robustreg::robustRegH(formula = score ~ logmn, data = sam)
# b0 <- coef(adj.fit)[1]
# b1 <- coef(adj.fit)[2]
get.adj.from.score <- function(x, logmn){
x - b0 - b1 * logmn
get.score.from.adj <- function(x, logmn){
x + b0 + b1 * logmn
scores <- get.adj.from.score(sam$score, sam$logmn)
gumbel.fit <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(
data = scores,
distr = "gumbel",
start = list(mu=mean(scores), s=sd(scores)),
method = "mge",
gof = "CvM" # mge distance method
mu <- gumbel.fit$estimate['mu']
s <- gumbel.fit$estimate['s']
p <- function(q, logmn){
q <- get.adj.from.score(q, logmn)
# from the Gumbel CDF: e^{-e^{-(q-mu)/s)}}
z <- (q - mu) / s
q <- function(p, logmn){
adj.score <- mu - s*log(-log(p))
get.score.from.adj(adj.score, logmn)
d <- function(x, logmn){
x <- get.adj.from.score(x, logmn)
z <- (mu - x) / s
exp( z-exp(z) ) / s
list(fit=gumbel.fit, p=p, d=d, q=q)
# ============================================================================
# Search sequence - AA-AA - Query genes against target genes
# ============================================================================
nothing <- function(x) NULL
aln_xy <- function(x, y, substitution_matrix="BLOSUM80", simulation=FALSE){
aln <- Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(
S4Vectors::metadata(aln)$query <- names(x)
S4Vectors::metadata(aln)$target <- names(y)
a <- data.frame(
query = names(x),
target = names(y),
score = BiocGenerics::score(aln),
qwidth = Biostrings::width(x),
twidth = Biostrings::width(y),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
map <- dplyr::group_by(a, query) %>%
# Calculate adjusted score
dplyr::summarize(logmn=log2(qwidth[1]) + log2(sum(twidth))) %>%
base::merge(a) %>%
dplyr::select(query, target, score, logmn)
list(map=map, aln=aln)
AA_aln <- function(queseq, tarseq, nsims=10000, ...){
# Store the original query to target mapping for later testing.
# The input and output must have the same mapping.
original.pairs = data.frame(
original.length = length(queseq)
aln_result <- aln_xy(queseq, tarseq, ...)
map <- aln_result$map
# Simulate best hit for each query against randomized and reversed target sequences
# 1. sample number of target sequences per query
times <- names(queseq) %>%
factor %>%
summary(maxsum=Inf) %>%
as.numeric %>%
sample(nsims, replace=TRUE)
# 2. randomly select query ids
simids <- sample(1:length(queseq), nsims, replace=TRUE) %>%
# 3. use each a number of times drawn from the empirical targets per query
# distribution
# 4. give each simulated query a unique id
simnames <- paste0('t', 1:nsims) %>% rep(times=times)
# 5. align these against random targets
simulation_result <- aln_xy(
queseq[simids] %>% set_names(simnames),
tarseq %>%
sample(length(simnames), replace=TRUE) %>%
sam <- simulation_result$map %>% dplyr::select(-target)
gum <- fit.gumbel(sam)
map$pval <- 1 - gum$p(map$score, map$logmn)
sam$pval <- 1 - gum$p(sam$score, sam$logmn)
# Adjust returned sample size to size of query
if(nlevels(sam$query) > nlevels(map$query)){
simnames <- levels(sam$query) %>% sample(nlevels(map$query))
sam <- subset(sam, query %in% simnames) %>% droplevels
# Assert the query to target mapping has not changed
map %>% dplyr::arrange(query, target) %$% target ==
original.pairs %>% dplyr::arrange(query, target) %$% target
# Assert table length has not changed
stopifnot(nrow(map) == original.length)
map = map,
dis = gum,
sam = sam,
nsims = nsims,
aln = aln_result$aln
align_by_map <- function(
queries = names(queseq),
permute = FALSE,
"Queries may be missing from the map if there are no target genes in any of
their search intervals"
map <- dplyr::select(map, .data$query, .data$target)
map$query <- map$query %>% { .[sample.int(length(.))] }
map <- map[map$query %in% queries, ]
if(!all(map$target %in% names(tarseq))){
dif <- setdiff(map$target, names(tarseq))
msg <- "%s of %s of target genes missing in map; [%s, ...]"
paste(head(dif), collapse=', ')
map <- map[map$target %in% names(tarseq), ]
map <- map[map$query %in% names(queseq), ]
# Pair the focal gene to each target sequence
queseq <- queseq[ match(map$query, names(queseq)) ]
tarseq <- tarseq[ match(map$target, names(tarseq)) ]
AA_aln(queseq, tarseq, ...)
# ============================================================================
# DNA alignment
# ============================================================================
get_logmn <- function(pattern, subject){
seqid = names(pattern),
qlen = BiocGenerics::width(pattern),
tlen = BiocGenerics::width(subject)
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(seqid) %>%
dplyr::mutate(logmn = log2(qlen[1]) + log2(sum(tlen))) %$% logmn
alignToGenome <- function(
simulation = FALSE,
offset = 0,
permute = FALSE
# Search + and - strands
pattern <- c(queseq, Biostrings::reverseComplement(queseq))
subject <- c(tarseq, tarseq)
# If this is a control, permute the indices
# This is used to determine hit significance
permid <- sample.int(length(subject))
subject <- subject[permid]
# Reverse the base order (but DO NOT complement)
subject <- IRanges::reverse(subject)
if(length(offset) == length(tarseq)){
offset <- c(offset, offset)[permid]
aln <- Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(
S4Vectors::metadata(aln)$query <- names(queseq)
S4Vectors::metadata(aln)$target <- names(tarseq)
first = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = names(pattern),
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
start = Biostrings::pattern(aln) %>% BiocGenerics::start(),
end = Biostrings::pattern(aln) %>% BiocGenerics::end()
second = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = names(subject),
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
start = Biostrings::subject(aln) %>% BiocGenerics::start() %>% '+'(offset),
end = Biostrings::subject(aln) %>% BiocGenerics::end() %>% '+'(offset)
strand = c(rep('+', length(aln)/2), rep('-', length(aln)/2)),
score = BiocGenerics::score(aln),
logmn = get_logmn(pattern, subject),
query = names(pattern),
qwidth = Biostrings::width(pattern),
twidth = Biostrings::width(subject)
get_dna2dna <- function(queseq, tarseq, queries, offset, maxspace=1e8){
"Currently sequence searching is performed with a quadratic time alignment
algorithm. If the search space is too big, this becomes prohibitively
time-consuming. Ultimately I will need to use a heuristic program, such as
BLAST. But this is not yet implemented. For now I just ignore spaces that
are too large. Specifically, if `n*m > maxspace`, I skip the pair. The
skipped pairs will be returned and ultimately be represented as a column in
the feature table."
# The query sequences are already paired against the search sequences
stopifnot(length(queseq) == length(tarseq))
# There exists an offset for each search interval
stopifnot(length(tarseq) == length(offset))
# An offset of 0 indicates the search interval starts at start of scaffold
stopifnot(offset >= 0)
# All query names are in the full list of focal genes
stopifnot(queries %in% names(queseq))
too_big <- log(GenomicRanges::width(queseq)) +
log(GenomicRanges::width(tarseq)) > log(maxspace)
skipped <- names(queseq)[too_big] %>% unique
i <- setdiff(queries, skipped) %>% base::match(names(queseq))
queseq <- queseq[i]
tarseq <- tarseq[i]
offset <- offset[i]
ctrl <- alignToGenome(
queseq = queseq,
tarseq = tarseq,
offset = offset,
permute = TRUE,
simulation = TRUE
hits <- alignToGenome(
queseq = queseq,
tarseq = tarseq,
offset = offset,
permute = FALSE,
simulation = FALSE
gum <-
S4Vectors::mcols(ctrl) %>%
as.data.frame %>%
dplyr::select(.data$query, .data$score, .data$logmn) %>%
S4Vectors::mcols(hits)$pval <- 1 - gum$p(S4Vectors::mcols(hits)$score,
S4Vectors::mcols(ctrl)$pval <- 1 - gum$p(S4Vectors::mcols(ctrl)$score,
map = hits,
sam = ctrl,
dis = gum,
skipped = skipped
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