
Defines functions call_DTU

Documented in call_DTU

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# This is the core functionality of the package and entry point for users.
########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########

#' Calculate differential transcript usage.
#' There are two modes for input:
#' \itemize{
#  \item{A sleuth object. This requires the following parameters: \code{slo}, \code{name_A}, \code{name_B} and optionally \code{varname}, \code{COUNT_COL}, \code{BS_TARGET_COL}.}
#'  \item{Bootstrapped count estimates. This requires the following parameters: \code{boot_data_A} and \code{boot_data_B}.}
#'  \item{Count estimates. This requires the following parameters: \code{count_data_A} and \code{count_data_B}.}
#' }
#' @param annot A data.table matching transcript identifiers to gene identifiers. Any additional columns are allowed but ignored.
#' @param count_data_A A data.table of estimated counts for condition A. One column per sample/replicate, one row per transcript. The first column should contain the transcript identifiers.
#' @param count_data_B A data.table of estimated counts for condition B. One column per sample/replicate, one row per transcript. The first column should contain the transcript identifiers.
#' @param boot_data_A A list of data.tables, one per sample/replicate of condition A. One bootstrap iteration's estimates per column, one transcript per row. The first column should contain the transcript identifiers.
#' @param boot_data_B A list of data.tables, one per sample/replicate of condition B. One bootstrap iteration's estimates per column, one transcript per row. The first column should contain the transcript identifiers.
#' @param TARGET_COL The name of the column for the transcript identifiers in \code{annot}. (Default \code{"target_id"})
#' @param PARENT_COL The name of the column for the gene identifiers in \code{annot}. (Default \code{"parent_id"})
#' @param name_A The name for one condition. (Default "Condition-A")
#' @param name_B The name for the other condition. (Default "Condition-B")
#' @param varname The name of the covariate to which the two conditions belong. (Default \code{"condition"}).
#' @param use_sums Use each transcript's sum of abundances across the replicates, instead of the means. Increases sensitivity, but also increases risk of false positives. RATs used only the sums up to 0.6.5 (inclusive). (Default FALSE)
#' @param p_thresh The p-value threshold. (Default 0.05)
#' @param dprop_thresh Effect size threshold. Minimum change in proportion of a transcript for it to be considered meaningful. (Default 0.20)
#' @param abund_thresh Noise threshold. Minimum mean (across replicates) abundance for transcripts (and genes) to be eligible for testing. (Default 5)
#' @param correction The p-value correction to apply, as defined in  \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust.methods}}. (Default \code{"BH"})
#' @param scaling A scaling factor or vector of scaling factors, to be applied to the abundances *prior* to any thresholding and testing. Useful for scaling TPMs (transcripts per 1 million reads) to the actual library sizes of the samples. If a vector is supplied, the order should correspond to the samples in group A followed by the samples in group B. WARNING: Improper use of the scaling factor will artificially inflate/deflate the significances obtained.
#' @param testmode One of \itemize{\item{"genes"}, \item{"transc"}, \item{"both" (default)}}.
#' @param lean Reduce memory footprint by not tracking mean/median/max/min/stdev for Dprop and pval across bootstrap iterations. The respective columns will be absent from the output structure. (Default TRUE)
#' @param qboot Bootstrap the DTU robustness against bootstrapped quantifications data. (Default \code{TRUE}) Ignored if input is \code{count_data}.
#' @param qbootnum Number of iterations for \code{qboot}. (Default 0) If 0, RATs will try to infer a value from the data.
#' @param qrep_thresh Reproducibility threshold for quantification bootsrapping. (Default 0.95)
#' @param rboot Bootstrap the DTU robustness against the replicates. Does *ALL* 1 vs 1 combinations. (Default \code{TRUE})
#' @param rrep_thresh Reproducibility threshold for replicate bootsrapping. (Default 0.85) With few replicates per condition, the reproducibility takes heavily quantized values. For 3x3, there are 9 possible 1v1 comparisons, and a consistency of 8/9 = 0.88.
#' @param description Free-text description of the run. You can use this to add metadata to the results object.
#' @param verbose Display progress updates and warnings. (Default \code{TRUE})
#' @param threads Number of threads to use. (Default 1) Multi-threading will be ignored on non-POSIX systems.
#' @param seed A numeric integer used to initialise the random number engine. Use this only if reproducible bootstrap selections are required. (Default NA)
#' @param reckless RATs normally aborts if any inconsistency is detected among the transcript IDs found in the annotation and the quantifications. Enabling reckless mode will downgrade this error to a warning and allow RATs to continue the run. Not recommended unless you know why the inconsistency exists and how it will affect the results. (Default FALSE)
#' @param dbg Debugging mode only. Interrupt execution at the specified flag-point. Used to speed up code-tests by avoiding irrelevant downstream processing. (Default 0: do not interrupt)
#' @return List of mixed types. Contains a list of runtime settings, a table of gene-level results, a table of transcript-level results, and a list of two tables with the transcript abundaces.
#' @import utils
#' @import parallel
#' @import data.table
#' @import matrixStats
#' @export
call_DTU <- function(annot= NULL, TARGET_COL= "target_id", PARENT_COL= "parent_id",
                     count_data_A= NULL, count_data_B= NULL, boot_data_A= NULL, boot_data_B= NULL,
                     name_A= "Condition-A", name_B= "Condition-B", varname= "condition",
                     use_sums=FALSE, p_thresh= 0.05, abund_thresh= 5, dprop_thresh= 0.2, correction= "BH", scaling= 1.0,
                     testmode= "both", lean= TRUE, qboot= TRUE, qbootnum= 0L, qrep_thresh= 0.95, rboot=TRUE, rrep_thresh= 0.85,
                     description= NA_character_, verbose= TRUE, threads= 1L, seed= NA_integer_, reckless= FALSE, dbg= "0") {
  #---------- PARAMETERS

    # Input checks.
    paramcheck <- parameters_are_good(annot, count_data_A, count_data_B, boot_data_A, boot_data_B, TARGET_COL, PARENT_COL,
                                      correction, testmode, scaling, threads, seed, p_thresh, abund_thresh, dprop_thresh, 
                                      qboot, qbootnum, qrep_thresh, rboot, rrep_thresh, reckless, lean, verbose, use_sums)
    if (paramcheck$error)
    if (verbose) {
      if(paramcheck$warn) {
        for (w in paramcheck$warnings) {
          warning(w)  # So it displays as warning at the end of the run.
          message(w)  # So it displays at runtime.
    if (verbose) {
      message(paste0("Relative Abundance of Transcripts v.", packageVersion("rats")))
    # Initialize pseudo-random engine
    if (!is.na(seed))
    # Multi-threading
    threads <- as.integer(threads)
    setDTthreads(threads, restore_after_fork=TRUE)      # Supposedly DT detects when it is inside a fork and automatically switches to single-thread.
    # Interpret test selection options.
    if (qbootnum == 0 && qboot)             # Use smart default.
      qbootnum <- paramcheck$maxboots
    qbootnum <- as.integer(qbootnum)
    test_transc <- any(testmode == c("transc", "both"))
    test_genes <- any(testmode == c("genes", "both"))
    # Determine type of data input to handle accordingly.
    steps <- 1  # Assume plain estimated counts. Simplest case.
    if (!is.null(boot_data_A))
      steps <- 2  # Bootstrapped estimates. 
    # Make sure no mixed signals.
    if (steps == 1 || is.na(qbootnum) || qbootnum==0)
      qboot <- FALSE
    if (dbg == "prep")
      return(list(steps, qbootnum, test_transc, test_genes))

  #----------- ANNOTATION

    if (verbose)
      message("Creating look-up structure...")
    # Look-up from target_id to parent_id.
    tx_filter <- tidy_annot(annot, TARGET_COL, PARENT_COL)
    if (dbg == "indx")

  #---------- DATA

    if (verbose)
      message("Preparing data...")
    tmp <- structure_data(tx_filter, steps, threads, count_data_A, count_data_B, boot_data_A, boot_data_B)
    boot_data_A <- tmp$ba
    boot_data_B <- tmp$bb
    count_data_A <- tmp$ca
    count_data_B <- tmp$cb
    tids <- tmp$ids
    if (dbg == "countin")
      return(list("countA"=count_data_A, "countB"=count_data_B, "bootA"=boot_data_A, "bootB"=boot_data_B))
    if (any(scaling != 1)) {
      if (verbose)
        message("Applying scaling factor(s)...")
      tmp <- scale_data(scaling, threads, steps, count_data_A, count_data_B, boot_data_A, boot_data_B)
      boot_data_A <- tmp$ba
      boot_data_B <- tmp$bb
      count_data_A <- tmp$ca
      count_data_B <- tmp$cb
    if (dbg == "scale")
      return(list("countA"=count_data_A, "countB"=count_data_B, "bootA"=boot_data_A, "bootB"=boot_data_B))

  #---------- CONSISTENCY
  # Do annotation IDs match qunatification IDs? If not, it's inadvisable to continue with the analysis.
  if (annotation_inconsistent(tx_filter, tids)){
    if (reckless) {
      if (verbose)
        warning("There are unmatched feature-IDs between the annotation and the quantifications. This can be a sign of the wrong annotation being used.
              You have enabled `reckless` mode, so the analysis will continue at your own risk.")
    } else {
      stop("ABORTED: There are unmatched feature-IDs between the annotation and the quantifications. This can be a sign of the wrong annotation being used.")
  #---------- TEST

    if (verbose)
      message("Calculating significances...")
    # Plain test on the abundances.
    resobj <- calculate_DTU(count_data_A, count_data_B, tx_filter, test_transc, test_genes, "full", abund_thresh, p_thresh, dprop_thresh, correction, threads, use_sums)
    if (dbg == "test")
  #-------- STATS & META-DATA

    if (verbose)
      message("Filling in info...")
    with(resobj, {
      # Fill in data stats.
      Genes[, known_transc :=  Transcripts[, length(target_id), by=parent_id][, V1] ]  # V1 is the automatic column name for the lengths in the subsetted data.table
      Genes[, detect_transc :=  Transcripts[, .(parent_id, ifelse(abundA + abundB > 0, 1, 0))][, as.integer(sum(V2)), by = parent_id][, V1] ]  # Sum returns type double.
      Genes[(is.na(detect_transc)), detect_transc := 0]
      Transcripts[, stdevA := rowSds(as.matrix(count_data_A)) ]
      Transcripts[, stdevB := rowSds(as.matrix(count_data_B)) ]
      Transcripts[, log2FC := log2(abundB / abundA)]
    # Fill in run info. (if done within the with() block, changes are local-scoped and don't take effect)
    resobj$Parameters[["var_name"]] <- varname
    resobj$Parameters[["cond_A"]] <- name_A
    resobj$Parameters[["cond_B"]] <- name_B
    resobj$Parameters[["p_thresh"]] <- p_thresh
    resobj$Parameters[["abund_thresh"]] <- abund_thresh
    resobj$Parameters[["dprop_thresh"]] <- dprop_thresh
    resobj$Parameters[["abund_scaling"]] <- c(scaling)
    resobj$Parameters[["tests"]] <- testmode
    resobj$Parameters[["rep_boot"]] <- rboot
    resobj$Parameters[["quant_boot"]] <- qboot
    if (steps==2) {
      resobj$Parameters[["data_type"]] <- "bootstrapped abundance estimates"
    } else  if (steps==1) {
      resobj$Parameters[["data_type"]] <- "plain abundance estimates"
    resobj$Parameters[["num_genes"]] <- length(unique(annot[[PARENT_COL]]))
    resobj$Parameters[["num_transc"]] <- length(annot[[TARGET_COL]])
    resobj$Parameters[["description"]] <- description
    resobj$Parameters[["seed"]] <- seed
    resobj$Parameters[["correction"]] <- correction
    resobj$Parameters[["reckless"]] <- reckless
    resobj$Parameters[["lean"]] <- lean
    resobj$Parameters[["use_sums"]] <- use_sums
    if (dbg == "info")

  if (rboot) {
    if (verbose)
      message("Bootstrapping against replicates...")
    resobj$Parameters[["rep_bootnum"]] <- ncol(count_data_A) * ncol(count_data_B)
    resobj$Parameters[["rep_reprod_thresh"]] <- rrep_thresh
    # Avoid repetitive cluttered syntax.
    eltr <- resobj$Transcripts$elig
    elge <- resobj$Genes$elig
    # Bootstrap.
    tallies <- do_boot(lean= lean, tx_filter= tx_filter, eltr= eltr, elge= elge,
                       count_data_A= count_data_A, count_data_B= count_data_B,  
                       niter= resobj$Parameters[["rep_bootnum"]], threads= threads, verbose=TRUE, test_transc= test_transc, test_genes= test_genes, 
                       count_thresh= abund_thresh, p_thresh= p_thresh, dprop_thresh= dprop_thresh, correction= correction, use_sums= use_sums)
    if (dbg == "rboot")
    # Copy results into the output object.
    with(resobj, {
      Transcripts[(eltr), rep_dtu_freq := tallies$Transcripts$dtu_freq[eltr]]
      Transcripts[(eltr), rep_na_freq := tallies$Transcripts$na_freq[eltr]]
      Transcripts[(eltr & DTU), rep_reprod := (rep_dtu_freq >= rrep_thresh)]
      Transcripts[(eltr & !DTU), quant_reprod := (rep_dtu_freq < 1 - rrep_thresh)]
      Genes[(elge), rep_dtu_freq := tallies$Genes$dtu_freq[elge]]
      Genes[(elge), rep_na_freq := tallies$Genes$na_freq[elge]]
      Genes[(elge & DTU), rep_reprod := (rep_dtu_freq >= rrep_thresh)]
      Genes[(elge & !DTU), rep_reprod := (rep_dtu_freq < 1 - rrep_thresh)]
      if (!lean) {
        Transcripts[(eltr), rep_p_median := tallies$Transcripts$p_median[eltr]]
        Transcripts[(eltr), rep_p_min := tallies$Transcripts$p_min[eltr]]
        Transcripts[(eltr), rep_p_max := tallies$Transcripts$p_max[eltr]]
        Transcripts[(eltr), rep_Dprop_mean := tallies$Transcripts$Dprop_mean[eltr]]
        Transcripts[(eltr), rep_Dprop_stdev := tallies$Transcripts$Dprop_stdev[eltr]]
        Transcripts[(eltr), rep_Dprop_min := tallies$Transcripts$Dprop_min[eltr]]
        Transcripts[(eltr), rep_Dprop_max := tallies$Transcripts$Dprop_max[eltr]]
        Genes[(elge), rep_p_median := tallies$Genes$p_median[elge]]
        Genes[(elge), rep_p_min := tallies$Genes$p_min[elge]]
        Genes[(elge), rep_p_max := tallies$Genes$p_max[elge]]
    if (verbose)  # Forcing a new line after the progress bar.
    if (dbg == "rbootsum")
  if (qboot) {
    if (verbose)
      message("Bootstrapping against quantifications...")
    resobj$Parameters[["quant_bootnum"]] <- qbootnum
    resobj$Parameters[["quant_reprod_thresh"]] <- qrep_thresh
    # Avoid repetitive cluttered syntax.
    eltr <- resobj$Transcripts$elig
    elge <- resobj$Genes$elig
    # Bootstrap.
    tallies <- do_boot(lean- lean, tx_filter= tx_filter, eltr= eltr, elge= elge,
                       boot_data_A= boot_data_A, boot_data_B= boot_data_B,  
                       niter= qbootnum, threads= threads, verbose= verbose, test_transc= test_transc, test_genes= test_genes, 
                       count_thresh= abund_thresh, p_thresh= p_thresh, dprop_thresh= dprop_thresh, correction= correction, use_sums= use_sums)
    if (dbg == "qboot")
    # Copy results into the output object.
    with(resobj, {
      Transcripts[(eltr), quant_dtu_freq := tallies$Transcripts$dtu_freq[eltr]]
      Transcripts[(eltr), quant_na_freq := tallies$Transcripts$na_freq[eltr]]
      Transcripts[(eltr & DTU), quant_reprod := (quant_dtu_freq >= qrep_thresh)]
      Transcripts[(eltr & !DTU), quant_reprod := (quant_dtu_freq < 1 - qrep_thresh)]
      Genes[(elge), quant_dtu_freq := tallies$Genes$dtu_freq[elge]]
      Genes[(elge), quant_na_freq := tallies$Genes$na_freq[elge]]
      Genes[(elge & DTU), quant_reprod := (quant_dtu_freq >= qrep_thresh)]
      Genes[(elge & !DTU), quant_reprod := (quant_dtu_freq < 1 - qrep_thresh)]
      if (!lean) {
          Transcripts[(eltr), quant_p_median := tallies$Transcripts$p_median[eltr]]
          Transcripts[(eltr), quant_p_min := tallies$Transcripts$p_min[eltr]]
          Transcripts[(eltr), quant_p_max := tallies$Transcripts$p_max[eltr]]
          Transcripts[(eltr), quant_Dprop_mean := tallies$Transcripts$Dprop_mean[eltr]]
          Transcripts[(eltr), quant_Dprop_stdev := tallies$Transcripts$Dprop_stdev[eltr]]
          Transcripts[(eltr), quant_Dprop_min := tallies$Transcripts$Dprop_min[eltr]]
          Transcripts[(eltr), quant_Dprop_max := tallies$Transcripts$Dprop_max[eltr]]
          Genes[(elge), quant_p_median := tallies$Genes$p_median[elge]]
          Genes[(elge), quant_p_min := tallies$Genes$p_min[elge]]
          Genes[(elge), quant_p_max := tallies$Genes$p_max[elge]]
    if (verbose)  # Forcing a new line after the progress bar.
    if (dbg == "qbootsum")

  #---------- DONE

    if (verbose)
      message("Tidying up...")
    # Reject low-reproducibility DTU calls.
    with(resobj, {
        Transcripts[(elig), DTU := (DTU & quant_reprod)]
        Genes[(elig), DTU := (DTU & quant_reprod)]
      if (rboot) {
        Transcripts[(elig), DTU := (DTU & rep_reprod)]
        Genes[(elig), DTU := (DTU & rep_reprod)]
    # Store the replicate means after re-adding the IDs.
    with(count_data_A, {
      count_data_A[,  target_id := tx_filter$target_id]
      count_data_A[,  parent_id := tx_filter$parent_id]
      setkey(count_data_A, parent_id)
    with(count_data_B, {
      count_data_B[,  target_id := tx_filter$target_id]
      count_data_B[,  parent_id := tx_filter$parent_id]
      setkey(count_data_B, parent_id)
    resobj$Abundances <- list("condA" = count_data_A, "condB" = count_data_B)
    # Tidy up fields.
    with(resobj, {
      # Cross-display the DTU calls.
      Genes[, maxDprop := Transcripts[, maxabs(Dprop), by = parent_id][, V1] ]
      Genes[, transc_DTU := Transcripts[, any(DTU), by = parent_id][, V1] ]
      Transcripts[, gene_DTU := merge(Genes[, .(parent_id, DTU)], Transcripts[, .(parent_id)])[, DTU] ]
      # Eradicate NAs from flag columns, as they mess up sub-setting of the tables.
      Genes[is.na(elig), elig := c(FALSE)]
      Genes[is.na(sig), sig := c(FALSE)]
      Genes[is.na(elig_fx), elig_fx := c(FALSE)]
      Genes[is.na(quant_reprod), quant_reprod := c(FALSE)]
      Genes[is.na(rep_reprod), rep_reprod := c(FALSE)]
      Genes[is.na(DTU), DTU := c(FALSE)]
      Genes[is.na(transc_DTU), transc_DTU := c(FALSE)]
      Transcripts[is.na(elig_xp), elig_xp := c(FALSE)]
      Transcripts[is.na(elig), elig := c(FALSE)]
      Transcripts[is.na(sig), sig := c(FALSE)]
      Transcripts[is.na(elig_fx), elig_fx := c(FALSE)]
      Transcripts[is.na(quant_reprod), quant_reprod := c(FALSE)]
      Transcripts[is.na(rep_reprod), rep_reprod := c(FALSE)]
      Transcripts[is.na(DTU), DTU := c(FALSE)]
      Transcripts[is.na(gene_DTU), gene_DTU := c(FALSE)]
      # Eradicate NAs from count columns, as they mess up plotting. These would be caused by inconsistencies between annotation and quantifications, and would only exist in "reckless" mode.
      for (i in 1:Parameters$num_replic_A){
        idx <- is.na(Abundances[[1]][[paste0('V',i)]])
        Abundances[[1]][idx, paste0('V',i) := 0]
      for (i in 1:Parameters$num_replic_B){
        idx <- is.na(Abundances[[2]][[paste0('V',i)]])
        Abundances[[2]][idx, paste0('V',i) := 0]
      Transcripts[is.na(propA), propA := c(0)]
      Transcripts[is.na(propB), propB := c(0)]
      # Drop unused bootstrap columns.
      if (!qboot || !test_transc)
        Transcripts[, c("quant_dtu_freq", "quant_na_freq", "quant_reprod") := NULL]
      if(!qboot || !test_genes)
        Genes[, c("quant_dtu_freq", "quant_na_freq", "quant_reprod") := NULL]
      if (!rboot || !test_transc)
        Transcripts[, c("rep_dtu_freq", "rep_na_freq", "rep_reprod") := NULL]
      if(!rboot || !test_genes)
        Genes[, c("rep_dtu_freq", "rep_na_freq", "rep_reprod") := NULL]
      # Drop unused bootstrap statistics columns.
      if (lean || !qboot || !test_transc)
        Transcripts[, c("quant_p_median", "quant_p_min", "quant_p_max", "quant_Dprop_mean", "quant_Dprop_stdev", "quant_Dprop_min", "quant_Dprop_max") := NULL]
      if(lean || !qboot || !test_genes)
        Genes[, c( "quant_p_median", "quant_p_min", "quant_p_max") := NULL]
      if (lean || !rboot || !test_transc)
        Transcripts[, c("rep_p_median", "rep_p_min", "rep_p_max", "rep_Dprop_mean", "rep_Dprop_stdev", "rep_Dprop_min", "rep_Dprop_max") := NULL]
      if(lean || !rboot || !test_genes)
        Genes[, c("rep_p_median", "rep_p_min", "rep_p_max") := NULL]
    if(verbose) {
      message("All done!")
      cat(noquote("# Summary of DTU results:\n"))
      print( dtu_summary(resobj) )
      cat(noquote("\n# Isoform-switching subset of DTU:\n"))
      print( dtu_switch_summary(resobj) )


bartongroup/RATS documentation built on June 8, 2022, 12:40 a.m.