##' Represent a Standard Unstructured Model as a flexmodel
##' @inheritDotParams flexmodel
##' @family flexmodels
##' @family canned_models
##' @export
make_base_model <- function(...) {
spec_check("0.0.5", "run_sim with TMB")
model = flexmodel(...)
if (spec_ver_gt('0.1.0')) {
model$params = expand_params_S0(model$params, 1-1e-5)
model = (model
%>% add_rate("E", "Ia", ~ (alpha) * (sigma))
%>% add_rate("E", "Ip", ~ (1 - alpha) * (sigma))
%>% add_rate("Ia", "R", ~ (gamma_a))
%>% add_rate("Ip", "Im", ~ (mu) * (gamma_p))
%>% add_rate("Ip", "Is", ~ (1 - mu) * (gamma_p))
%>% add_rate("Im", "R", ~ (gamma_m))
%>% add_rate("Is", "H", ~
(1 - nonhosp_mort) * (phi1) * (gamma_s))
%>% add_rate("Is", "ICUs", ~
(1 - nonhosp_mort) * (1 - phi1) * (1 - phi2) * (gamma_s))
%>% add_rate("Is", "ICUd", ~
(1 - nonhosp_mort) * (1 - phi1) * (phi2) * (gamma_s))
%>% add_rate("Is", "D", ~ (nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s))
%>% add_rate("ICUs", "H2", ~ (psi1))
%>% add_rate("ICUd", "D", ~ (psi2))
%>% add_rate("H2", "R", ~ (psi3))
%>% add_rate("H", "R", ~ (rho))
%>% add_rate("Is", "X", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (phi1) * (gamma_s))
%>% add_rate("S", "E", ~
(Ia) * (beta0) * (1 / N) * (Ca) +
(Ip) * (beta0) * (1 / N) * (Cp) +
(Im) * (beta0) * (1 / N) * (Cm) * (1 - iso_m) +
(Is) * (beta0) * (1 / N) * (Cs) * (1 - iso_s))
if(spec_ver_lt('0.1.1')) {
# no deprecation period for add_parallel_accumulators
model = add_parallel_accumulators(model, c("X", "N", "P", "V"))
} else {
model = (model
%>% add_outflow(".+", "^(S|E|I|H|ICU|D|R)")
# Update parameters for use with the linearized model
%>% update_linearized_params('N', 1) # scale population to 1
%>% update_linearized_params('E0', 1e-5) # perturbation
# Set the disease-free equilibrium of the linearized model
%>% update_disease_free_state('S', 'S0') # instead of N
# Perturb the disease-free equilibrium of the linearized model
%>% update_disease_free_state('E', 'E0')
# Define outflows for the linearized model
%>% add_linearized_outflow("^S$", "^S$")
%>% add_linearized_outflow("^(E|I|H|ICU|D|R)", "^(S|E|I|H|ICU|D|R)")
# Define state mappings used to put the initial state values in
# the correct positions of the initial state vector
%>% add_state_mappings(
# regular expression to find states to drop before computing
# the eigenvector of the linearized system
eigen_drop_pattern = '^(X|V)',
# regular expression to find states to drop from the eigenvector
# before distributing individuals among infected compartments
infected_drop_pattern = '^(S|D|R)',
# regular expression to find states in the initial population
# of susceptibles
initial_susceptible_pattern = '^S$'
# Set the total number of individuals and the total number of
# infected individuals in the initial state vector
%>% initial_population(total = 'N', infected = 'E0')
if (spec_ver_gt('0.1.2')) {
model = (model
%>% add_state_param_sum("Htotal", "^H2?$")
%>% add_state_param_sum("ICU", "^ICU(s|d)$")
%>% add_state_param_sum("Itotal", "^I(a|p|m|s)$")
%>% add_sim_report_expr("Incidence", ~ (S_to_E) * (S))
%>% add_lag_diff("^(X|D)$")
%>% add_conv("^Incidence$")
%>% update_condense_map(c(
S = "S",
E = "E",
Itotal = "I",
Htotal = 'H',
ICU = 'ICU',
R = 'R',
lag_1_diff_X = 'hosp',
X = 'X',
lag_1_diff_D = 'death',
D = 'D',
S_to_E = 'foi',
Incidence = 'incidence',
conv_Incidence = 'report'
model = update_tmb_indices(model)
if (spec_ver_gt('0.1.0')) {
model = update_initial_state(model, silent = TRUE)
model$classic_macpan_model = TRUE
#' Make a Two-Dose Vaccination Model
#' @inheritDotParams flexmodel
#' @family flexmodels
#' @family canned_models
#' @export
make_vaccination_model = function(..., do_variant = FALSE, do_variant_mu = FALSE, do_wane = FALSE) {
spec_check("0.1.0", "model structure")
args = list(...)
stopifnot(attr(params, "model_type") != 'twodose')
if(is.null(state)) state = make_state(params = params)
if(has_vax(state)) {
stopifnot(attr(state, "model_type") != 'twodose')
} else {
state <- expand_state_vax(
x = state,
model_type = "twodose",
unif = FALSE
# ---------------------------
# problem dimensions
# ---------------------------
(epi_states = c(attr(state, "epi_cat"))) # 14 base epidemiological categories
(asymp_cat = c("S", "E", "Ia", "Ip", "R")) # 5 asymptomatic categories
(vax_cat = c(attr(state, "vax_cat"))) # 5 vaccination categories/layers
(accum = c("X", "V")) # two base parallel accumulator states
(non_accum = base::setdiff(epi_states, accum)) # 12 base non-parallel accumulator states
(non_accum_non_S = non_accum[-1]) # 11 base non-susceptible/non-accumulator states
# dosing transitions across vaccination layers
(dose_from = rep(asymp_cat, 2))
(dose_to = c(asymp_cat, rep("V", 5)))
# ---------------------------
# Specify structure of the force of infection calculation
# ---------------------------
Istate = (c('Ia', 'Ip', 'Im', 'Is')
%>% expand_names(vax_cat)
%>% vec
baseline_trans_rates =
'(1 - iso_m) * (Cm)',
'(1 - iso_s) * (Cs)') *
struc('(beta0) * (1/N)')
if(!do_variant) {
vax_trans_red = struc_block(vec(
'(1 - vax_efficacy_dose1)',
'(1 - vax_efficacy_dose1)',
'(1 - vax_efficacy_dose2)'),
row_times = 1, col_times = 5)
} else {
vax_trans_red = struc_block(vec(
'(1 - variant_prop) + (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)',
'(1 - variant_prop) + (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)',
'(1 - vax_efficacy_dose1) * (1 - variant_prop) + (1 - variant_vax_efficacy_dose1) * (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)',
'(1 - vax_efficacy_dose1) * (1 - variant_prop) + (1 - variant_vax_efficacy_dose1) * (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)',
'(1 - vax_efficacy_dose2) * (1 - variant_prop) + (1 - variant_vax_efficacy_dose2) * (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)'),
row_times = 1, col_times = 5)
alpha = c("alpha", "alpha", "vax_alpha_dose1", "vax_alpha_dose1", "vax_alpha_dose2")
if (!do_variant_mu) { # | getOption("MP_tmb_models_match_r")) {
mu = c("mu", "mu", "vax_mu_dose1", "vax_mu_dose1", "vax_mu_dose2")
} else {
## variant-based mild-illness probability adjustment in vaccinated individuals
mu = c("mu", "mu",
"(1 - variant_prop) * (vax_mu_dose1) + (variant_prop) * (variant_vax_mu_dose1)",
"(1 - variant_prop) * (vax_mu_dose1) + (variant_prop) * (variant_vax_mu_dose1)",
"(1 - variant_prop) * (vax_mu_dose2) + (variant_prop) * (variant_vax_mu_dose2)")
sigma = struc("sigma")
gamma_p = struc("gamma_p")
E_to_Ia_rates = vec( alpha ) * sigma
E_to_Ip_rates = vec(complement(alpha)) * sigma
Ip_to_Im_rates = vec( mu ) * gamma_p
Ip_to_Is_rates = vec(complement( mu)) * gamma_p
model = flexmodel(...)
if (spec_ver_gt('0.1.0')) {
model$params = expand_params_S0(model$params, 1-1e-5)
model = (model
# Flow within vaccination categories,
# with constant rates across categories
%>% rep_rate("Ia", "R", ~ (gamma_a))
%>% rep_rate("Im", "R", ~ (gamma_m))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "D", ~ ( nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "H", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * ( phi1))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "X", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * ( phi1))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "ICUs", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * (1 - phi1) * (1 - phi2))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "ICUd", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * (1 - phi1) * ( phi2))
%>% rep_rate("ICUs", "H2", ~ ( psi1))
%>% rep_rate("ICUd", "D", ~ ( psi2))
%>% rep_rate("H2", "R", ~ ( psi3))
%>% rep_rate("H", "R", ~ (rho))
# Flow within vaccination categories,
# with rates that depend on category
# (see struc objects created above)
%>% vec_rate("E", "Ia", E_to_Ia_rates)
%>% vec_rate("E", "Ip", E_to_Ip_rates)
%>% vec_rate("Ip", "Im", Ip_to_Im_rates)
%>% vec_rate("Ip", "Is", Ip_to_Is_rates)
# Vaccination Response Rates
%>% add_rate("R_vaxdose1", "R_vaxprotect1", ~ (vax_response_rate_R))
%>% add_rate("R_vaxdose2", "R_vaxprotect2", ~ (vax_response_rate_R))
%>% add_rate("S_vaxdose1", "S_vaxprotect1", ~ (vax_response_rate))
%>% add_rate("S_vaxdose2", "S_vaxprotect2", ~ (vax_response_rate))
# Forces of Infection
%>% vec_rate(
"S" %_% vax_cat,
"E" %_% vax_cat,
kronecker(vax_trans_red, t(baseline_trans_rates)) %*% Istate
#t(baseline_trans_rates) %*% Imat %*% t(vax_trans_red)
# Sums across vaccination categories
%>% add_state_param_sum("asymp_unvax_N", asymp_cat %_% "unvax")
%>% add_state_param_sum("asymp_vaxprotect1_N", asymp_cat %_% "vaxprotect1")
# Flow among vaccination categories
# (see dose_* above for epi states that are involved)
%>% rep_rate(
dose_from %_% 'unvax',
dose_to %_% 'vaxdose1',
~ ( vax_prop_first_dose) * (vax_doses_per_day) * (1 / asymp_unvax_N))
%>% rep_rate(
dose_from %_% 'vaxprotect1',
dose_to %_% 'vaxdose2',
~ (1 - vax_prop_first_dose) * (vax_doses_per_day) * (1 / asymp_vaxprotect1_N))
if (do_wane) {
model = rep_rate(
"R" %_% vax_cat,
"S" %_% vax_cat,
~ (wane_rate)
if (spec_ver_lt('0.1.1')) {
# no deprecation period for add_parallel_accumulators
model = add_parallel_accumulators(model, c('V' %_% vax_cat, 'X' %_% vax_cat))
} else {
model = (model
# definitely need a better syntax here
%>% add_outflow(
"^" %+% alt_group(non_accum) %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
# Update parameters for use with the linearized model
# -- confirmed correct (TODO: check if params are missing? variant-related?)
%>% update_linearized_params('^N$', 1) # scale population to 1
%>% update_linearized_params('^E0$', 1e-5)
%>% update_linearized_params('^vax_doses_per_day$', 0)
%>% update_linearized_params('^vax_response_rate$', 0)
%>% update_linearized_params('^vax_response_rate_R$', 0)
# FIXED: vax_response_rate_R isn't necessary because it is regex-matched by vax_response_rate
# Set the disease-free equilibrium of the linearized model
%>% update_disease_free_state('S_unvax', 'S0')
# Perturb the disease-free equilibrium of the linearized model
%>% update_disease_free_state('E_unvax', 'E0')
# Define outflows for the linearized model
# -- confirmed that this is producing the correct indices
%>% add_linearized_outflow("^S", "^S") # S_pos, S_pos
%>% add_linearized_outflow(
"^" %+% alt_group(non_accum_non_S) %_% alt_group(vax_cat), # notS_pos
"^" %+% alt_group(non_accum) %_% alt_group(vax_cat)) # p_states
# Define state mappings used to put the initial state values in
# the correct positions of the initial state vector
%>% add_state_mappings(
# regular expression to find states to drop before computing
# the eigenvector of the linearized system
# -- generated indices are correct
eigen_drop_pattern = '^(X|V)',
# regular expression to find states to drop from the eigenvector
# before distributing individuals among infected compartments
# -- generated indices are correct
infected_drop_pattern = '^(S|D|R)',
# regular expression to find states in the initial population
# of susceptibles
initial_susceptible_pattern = '^S_unvax$'
# Set the total number of individuals and the total number of
# infected individuals in the initial state vector
%>% initial_population(total = 'N', infected = 'E0')
if (spec_ver_gt('0.1.2')) {
foi_vec = vec("S" %_% vax_cat %_% "to" %_% "E" %_% vax_cat)
S_vec = vec("S" %_% vax_cat)
model = (model
%>% add_state_param_sum("Stotal", "^S" %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
%>% add_state_param_sum("Etotal", "^E" %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
%>% add_state_param_sum("Itotal", "^I(a|s|p|m)" %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
%>% add_state_param_sum("Htotal", "^H2?" %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
%>% add_state_param_sum("ICU", "^ICU(s|d)" %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
%>% add_state_param_sum("Rtotal", "^R" %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
%>% add_state_param_sum("Xtotal", "^X" %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
%>% add_state_param_sum("Dtotal", "^D" %_% alt_group(vax_cat))
%>% add_sim_report_expr("Incidence_unvax", ~ (S_unvax_to_E_unvax) * (S_unvax))
%>% add_sim_report_expr("Incidence_vaxdose1", ~ (S_vaxdose1_to_E_vaxdose1) * (S_vaxdose1))
%>% add_sim_report_expr("Incidence_vaxprotect1", ~ (S_vaxprotect1_to_E_vaxprotect1) * (S_vaxprotect1))
%>% add_sim_report_expr("Incidence_vaxdose2", ~ (S_vaxdose2_to_E_vaxdose2) * (S_vaxdose2))
%>% add_sim_report_expr("Incidence_vaxprotect2", ~ (S_vaxprotect2_to_E_vaxprotect2) * (S_vaxprotect2))
%>% add_sim_report_expr("Incidence", sum(foi_vec * S_vec))
%>% add_conv("^Incidence")
%>% add_lag_diff("^(X|D)total$")
%>% update_condense_map(c(
Stotal = "S",
Etotal = "E",
Itotal = "I",
Htotal = 'H',
ICU = 'ICU',
Rtotal = "R",
lag_1_diff_Xtotal = 'hosp',
Xtotal = "X",
lag_1_diff_Dtotal = 'death',
Dtotal = "D",
S_unvax_to_E_unvax = "foi_unvax",
S_vaxdose1_to_E_vaxdose1 = "foi_vaxdose1",
S_vaxprotect1_to_E_vaxprotect1 = "foi_vaxprotect1",
S_vaxdose2_to_E_vaxdose2 = "foi_vaxdose2",
S_vaxprotect2_to_E_vaxprotect2 = "foi_vaxprotect2",
Incidence_unvax = "incidence_unvax",
Incidence_vaxdose1 = "incidence_vaxdose1",
Incidence_vaxprotect1 = "incidence_vaxprotect1",
Incidence_vaxdose2 = "incidence_vaxdose2",
Incidence_vaxprotect2 = "incidence_vaxprotect2",
Incidence = 'incidence',
conv_Incidence_unvax = 'report_unvax',
conv_Incidence_vaxdose1 = 'report_vaxdose1',
conv_Incidence_vaxprotect1 = 'report_vaxprotect1',
conv_Incidence_vaxdose2 = 'report_vaxdose2',
conv_Incidence_vaxprotect2 = 'report_vaxprotect2',
conv_Incidence = 'report'
model = update_tmb_indices(model)
if (spec_ver_gt('0.1.0')) {
model = update_initial_state(model, silent = TRUE)
model$classic_macpan_model = TRUE
#' Converts a classic ageified model to a flexmodel
#' @inheritDotParams flexmodel
#' @family flexmodels
#' @family canned_models
#' @export
make_ageified_model <- function(...,min_age = 0, max_age = 100, do_ageing = FALSE){
args = list(...)
model = flexmodel(params = unlist(params), state = setNames(state, make.names(names(state))), start_date = start_date, end_date=end_date)
epi_cat = c(attr(state, "epi_cat"))
age_cat = c(attr(state, "age_cat"))
age_cat = gsub("-", ".", age_cat)
age_cat = gsub("\\+", ".", age_cat)
beta0 = vec(paste0("beta0", 1:length(age_cat)))
C = vec(c("(Ca)", "(Cp)", "(1 - iso_m) * (Cm)", "(1 - iso_s) * (Cs)"))
N = struc_block(vec(inverse(paste0("N", 1:length(age_cat)))), row_times=1, col_times=4)
pmat = as.struc(matrix(paste0('pmat', 1:(length(age_cat)*length(age_cat))), length(age_cat), length(age_cat)))
Istate = c('Ia', 'Ip', 'Im', 'Is')
Ivec = expand_names(Istate, age_cat)
Imat = as.struc(matrix(Ivec, ncol = 4, byrow=TRUE))
foi_vec = rowSums((beta0 %*% t(C)) * (pmat %*% (Imat * N)))
model = (model
# Flow within age categories,
# with constant rates across categories
%>% rep_rate("Ia", "R", ~ (gamma_a))
%>% rep_rate("Im", "R", ~ (gamma_m))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "D", ~ ( nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "H", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * ( phi1))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "ICUs", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * (1 - phi1) * (1 - phi2))
%>% rep_rate("Is", "ICUd", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * (1 - phi1) * ( phi2))
%>% rep_rate("ICUs", "H2", ~ ( psi1))
%>% rep_rate("ICUd", "D", ~ ( psi2))
%>% rep_rate("H2", "R", ~ ( psi3))
%>% rep_rate("H", "R", ~ (rho))
%>% rep_rate("E", "Ia", ~( alpha ) * (sigma))
%>% rep_rate("E", "Ip", ~(1-alpha) * (sigma))
%>% rep_rate("Ip", "Im", ~( mu ) * (gamma_p))
%>% rep_rate("Ip", "Is", ~(1-mu) * (gamma_p))
#Add variable rates within a single age category
%>% vec_rate("S", "E", foi_vec)
#Add rates between age categories (if requested)
ageing_rate = length(age_cat)/(365*(max_age-min_age))
model = update_params(model, c(ageing_rate = ageing_rate))
ageing_cat = epi_cat[epi_cat!="D"]
for(i in ageing_cat){
ageified_states = paste(i, age_cat, sep="_")
states_from = ageified_states[1:(length(ageified_states)-1)]
states_to = ageified_states[2:length(ageified_states)]
model = model%>%rep_rate(states_from, states_to, ~(ageing_rate))
model$classic_macpan_model = TRUE
##' SIR Model
##' @inheritDotParams flexmodel
##' @family flexmodels
##' @family canned_models
##' @export
make_sir_model = function(...) {
l... = list(...)
stopifnot(all(names(l...$state) %in% c("S", "I", "R")))
stopifnot(all(c("S", "I", "R") %in% names(l...$state)))
stopifnot(all(names(l...$params) %in% c("beta", "gamma", "N", "nb_disp_S", "nb_disp_I", "nb_disp_R")))
stopifnot(all(c("beta", "gamma") %in% names(l...$params)))
model = flexmodel(...)
model$do_make_state = FALSE
if("N" %in% names(l...$params)) {
stopifnot(l...$params[["N"]] == sum(l...$state))
} else {
model = add_state_param_sum(model, "N", alt_group(names(l...$state), exact = TRUE))
model = (model
%>% add_rate("S", "I", ~ (beta) * (I) * (1/N))
%>% add_rate("I", "R", ~ (gamma))
%>% add_outflow
%>% update_condense_map
%>% update_tmb_indices
#' Hello World
#' Return a hello-world SIR model
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_sir_model}}
#' @family flexmodels
#' @family canned_models
#' @export
make_hello_world_model = function() {
state = c(S = 20000, I = 100, R = 0)
params = c(
gamma = 0.06,
beta = 0.15,
N = sum(state)
state = state,
start_date = "2016-07-08",
end_date = "2016-12-31",
do_hazard = FALSE
%>% add_rate("S", "I", ~ (1/N) * (beta) * (I))
%>% add_rate("I", "R", ~ (gamma))
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