
Defines functions firstQC

Documented in firstQC

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(".")
globalVariables(c("V3","V4" , "group","too_close","values","green","alleles","PC1","PC2"))

###  QC for imputation & population stratification  ###

#' Do a standardised quality control, it cleans your data by removing not informative's SNP and analyze stratification of your population
#' @param bedFile .bed file containing the packed binary SNP genotype data
#' @param bimFile .bim file containingthe SNP descriptions
#' @param famFile .fam file containing subject (and, possibly, family) identifiers. This is basically a tab-delimited "pedfile"
#' @param vcf variant call format file
#' @param outputFolder folder where to save the result
#' @param outputFile Name wanted for your VCF
#' @importFrom snpStats read.plink col.summary
#' @importFrom R.utils countLines
#' @return Write a summary of the data after the quality control and cleaned file
#' @export
firstQC <- function( bedFile=NULL , bimFile=NULL , famFile=NULL ,vcf=NULL, outputFolder , outputFile)
  # Check Parameters
  if(!file.exists(bedFile)){stop("bedFile is not found ")}
  if(!file.exists(bimFile)){stop("bimFile is not found ")}
  if(!file.exists(famFile)){stop("famFile is not found ")}
  if(!is.character(outputFile)){stop("outputFile must be character")}

  if(is.null(bedFile) & is.null(bimFile) & is.null(famFile) & is.null(vcf)){ stop("Data not provided. Please provide either bed,bim,fam or vcf to proceed.")}
  if(is.null(bedFile) & !is.null(bimFile) & !is.null(famFile) & is.null(vcf)){ stop("One plink file is missing : bedFile not given.")}
  if(!is.null(bedFile) & is.null(bimFile) & !is.null(famFile) & is.null(vcf)){ stop("One plink file is missing : bimFile not given.")}
  if(!is.null(bedFile) & !is.null(bimFile) & is.null(famFile) & is.null(vcf)){ stop("One plink file is missing : famFile not given.")}
  if(is.null(bedFile) & is.null(bimFile) & !is.null(famFile) & is.null(vcf)){ stop("Two plink file is missing : bedFile and bimFile not given.")}
  if(is.null(bedFile) & !is.null(bimFile) & is.null(famFile) & is.null(vcf)){ stop("Two plink file is missing : bedFile and famFile not given.")}
  if(!is.null(bedFile) & is.null(bimFile) & is.null(famFile) & is.null(vcf)){ stop("Two plink file is missing : bimFile and famFile not given.")}

  if(!is.null(bedFile) & !is.null(bimFile) & !is.null(famFile) & is.null(vcf)){
    if(!file.exists(bedFile)){ stop("File passed in bedFile parameter doesn't exist ")}
    if(!file.exists(bimFile)){ stop("File passed in bimFile parameter doesn't exist ")}
    if(!file.exists(famFile)){ stop("File passed in famFile parameter doesn't exist ")}
  if(!is.character(outputFile)){ stop("outputFile must be string ")}
    system("plink --vcf ",vcf," --make-bed --out ", "inputData")
    system(paste("plink --vcf ", vcf , " --make-bed --out ", outputFolder, "firstInput" , sep = ""))
    bedFile <- paste(outputFolder,"firstInput.bed",sep = "")
    bimFile <- paste(outputFolder,"firstInput.bim",sep = "")
    famFile <- paste(outputFolder,"firstInput.fam",sep = "")

  ################ Quality control execution via bash script ################
  mind <- readline(prompt = " \n SNP missingness by individual (mind)? ")
  if( mind < 0 || mind > 1 ) {stop("mind must be a value between 0-1")}
  geno <- readline(prompt = "\n SNP missingness in genotype (geno)? ")
  if( geno < 0 || geno > 1 ) {stop("geno must be a value between 0-1")}
  maf <- readline(prompt = "\n SNP minor allelic frequency threshold (maf)? ")
  if( maf < 0 || maf > 1 ) {stop("maf must be a value between 0-1")}
  hwe <- readline(prompt = "\n SNP Hardy weinberg equilibrium threshold (hwe)? ")
  if( hwe < 0 || hwe > 1 ) {stop("hwe must be a value between 0-1")}

  script <- system.file("Shell", "firstQC_script2.sh" , package="HLAfix" ) # load a script bash from inst/ folder in the HLAfix package
  system(paste("sh", script , bimFile , outputFolder ,outputFile, mind, geno , maf , hwe , sep = " " ))

  ################ Genotype Summary Before QC  ################
  plinkFile <- gsub(".bim","", bimFile) #user's file without extension
  if(file.exists(paste(outputFolder,"tmp/input_goodID.bim",sep = "")))
    genotype <- snpStats::read.plink(bed = paste(outputFolder,"tmp/input_goodID.bed",sep = ""), paste(outputFolder,"tmp/input_goodID.bim",sep = ""), paste(outputFolder,"tmp/input_goodID.fam",sep = "") ,na.strings = "-9" )
    genotype <- snpStats::read.plink( bedFile , bimFile , famFile,sep="." ,na.strings = "-9" )
  statutDisease <- genotype$fam[,c(2,6)]
  ctrlNumber <-  nrow(statutDisease[statutDisease[,2]==1,2])
  if(is.null(ctrlNumber)){ctrlNumber <- 0}
  caseNumber <-  nrow(statutDisease[statutDisease[,2]==2,2])
  if(is.null(caseNumber)){caseNumber <- 0}
  indNumber <- R.utils::countLines(famFile)
  snpNumber <- R.utils::countLines(bimFile)
  ### Small table
  cat( "\n",
       " .-------------------------------------------.\n",
       "|            Summary of input data           |\n",
       "+-------------------------+------------------+\n"  ,
       "|  Number of individuals  |  Numbers of SNP  |\n",
       "+-------------------------+------------------+\n"  ,
       "|         ", indNumber , "                               |\n",
       "+------------+------------+------------------+\n" ,
       "|  Control   |     Case   |                  |\n",
       "+------------+------------+------------------+\n" ,
       "|    ", ctrlNumber , "         ", caseNumber ,"             ", snpNumber , "    |\n",
       "+-------------------------+------------------+\n \n"   )

  ################ Qualty Control and summary of big steps  ################
  if(isTRUE(file.exists(paste( outputFolder, "clean/clean1.bim" , sep = ""))) && isTRUE(file.exists(paste( outputFolder, "clean/clean2.bim" , sep = ""))) && isTRUE(file.exists(paste( outputFolder, "clean/clean3.bim" , sep = ""))))
    clean1_snp <- R.utils::countLines(paste( outputFolder, "clean/clean1.bim" , sep = ""))
    clean1_snp <- gsub("[A-Z]/.,:", "", clean1_snp)
    clean1_ind <-  R.utils::countLines(paste(outputFolder, "clean/clean1.fam" , sep = ""))
    clean1_ind <- gsub("[A-Z]/.,:", "", clean1_ind)

    clean2_snp <- R.utils::countLines(paste(outputFolder, "clean/clean2.bim" , sep = ""))
    clean2_snp <- gsub("[A-Z]/.,:", "", clean2_snp)
    clean2_ind <- R.utils::countLines(paste(outputFolder, "clean/clean2.fam" , sep = ""))
    clean2_ind <- gsub("[A-Z]/.,:", "", clean2_ind)

    clean3_snp <- R.utils::countLines(paste(outputFolder, outputFile , "_postQC.bim" , sep = "")) ####******** MODIFIER. A VERIFIER DANS QC.R SI CA MARCHE !!
    clean3_snp <- gsub("[A-Z]/.,:", "", clean3_snp)
    clean3_ind <- R.utils::countLines(paste(outputFolder, outputFile , "_postQC.fam"  , sep = ""))
    clean3_ind <- gsub("[A-Z]/.,:", "", clean3_ind)

    if(file.exists(paste( outputFolder, "tmp/snp_chrXYMT-biallelic_to_exlude.txt" , sep = "")))
      snp_chr <- R.utils::countLines(paste( outputFolder, "tmp/snp_chrXYMT-biallelic_to_exlude.txt" , sep = ""))
      snp_chr <- gsub("[A-Z]/.,:", "", snp_chr)
      if( snp_chr > 0 ){cat( "\n " , snp_chr  , "SNPs on chromosome X, Y , mitochondrial and/or bi-allelic SNPs removed \n")}

    if(file.exists(paste( outputFolder, "tmp/too_related_id.txt", sep = "")))
      too_close <- R.utils::countLines(paste(outputFolder, "tmp/too_related_id.txt" , sep = ""))
      who <- read.table(paste(outputFolder, "tmp/too_related_id.txt" , sep = ""), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      l <- who$V2
      cat(" \n ", too_close , " individual(s) removed after --genome : \n")
      for(i in 1:length(who$V2)){ print(l[i])};
      cat("\n" )

    cat("--mind ", mind , " --geno " , geno ," --hwe ", hwe  ," --maf ", maf ,
        "\n ", clean3_snp ," SNPs and " , clean3_ind , " peoples remained. \n")


###    plink2VCF : Sanger's QC and conversion into VCF    ###

#' Check and fix strand, check reference alleles and remove duplicate. These QC are recommended by Sanger server imputation: wrayner@well.ox.ac.uk
#' @param dataFolder  folder containing bed/bim/fam and .frq files
#' @param plinkFile  bed/bim/fam file's name without extension and without pathways
#' @param outputFolder folder where to save the resul
#' @param outputFile Name wanted for your VCF
#' @importFrom snpStats read.plink col.summary
#' @importFrom R.utils countLines
#' @return VCF file ready for SNP imputation
#' @export

QC_for_imputation <- function( dataFolder, plinkFile, outputFile, outputFolder){
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  if(!dir.exists(dataFolder)){stop("dataFolder directory not found")}
  if(!is.character(plinkFile)){stop("plinkFile must be character")}
  if(!is.character(outputFile)){stop("outputFile must be character")}

  ################ Data and scripts loading from HLAfix package  ################
 # script with bash and plink commands
  HRCcheckbim_pl <- system.file("Perl", "HRC-1000G-check-bim_v4.2.7.pl" , package="HLAfix" ) # comes with imputePrepSanger pipeline
  updateDuplicates <- system.file("awk", "updateDuplicates.awk" , package="HLAfix" ) # comes with imputePrepSanger pipeline

  ################ Download dataset
  ## fasta reference genome from 1000 genome project
  system(paste("wget -nc ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/technical/reference/human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz -P ", outputFolder ,sep=""))
    system(paste("gunzip ", outputFolder ,"human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz",sep=""))
    fastaFile <- paste(outputFolder,"human_g1k_v37.fasta",sep="")
    system(paste("rm ", outputFolder,"human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz",sep=""))

    stop("human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz downloading didn't work. We used the following url: ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/technical/reference/human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz ")

   ## reference genome from HRC
  system(paste("wget -nc ftp://ngs.sanger.ac.uk/production/hrc/HRC.r1/HRC.r1.GRCh37.autosomes.mac5.sites.tab.gz -P ", outputFolder ,sep="")) # -c for continue the download if for a reason or another it is in pause and -p for

    system(paste("gunzip ", outputFolder ,"HRC.r1.GRCh37.autosomes.mac5.sites.tab.gz",sep=""))
    tabFile <- paste(outputFolder,"HRC.r1.GRCh37.autosomes.mac5.sites.tab",sep="")
    system(paste("rm ", outputFolder,"HRC.r1.GRCh37.autosomes.mac5.sites.tab.gz",sep=""))

    stop("HRC.r1.GRCh37.autosomes.mac5.sites.tab downloading didn't work. We used the following url: ftp://ngs.sanger.ac.uk/production/hrc/HRC.r1/HRC.r1.GRCh37.autosomes.mac5.sites.tab.gz ")

  ################        QC and conversion into vcf file.       ################

  File_for_imputation <- readline(prompt =  " \n If you want to output have plink files press Enter, otherwise if you want to output a vcf file write vcf ")
  if(nchar(File_for_imputation) == 0) {
    File_for_imputation1 <- system.file("inst", "output_plink_file.sh", package = "HLAfix")
  } else {
    File_for_imputation1 <- system.file("inst", "output_vcf_file.sh", package = "HLAfix")

  system(paste("sh" , File_for_imputation1 , HRCcheckbim_pl , dataFolder, plinkFile , outputFolder ,  outputFile , tabFile , fastaFile ,  updateDuplicates , sep = " "))
  # end_time <- Sys.time()
  # cat("\n Running time : \n")
  # end_time - start_time

  ###  PCA for population stratification and visualization  ###

  #' Checking for population stratification in order to adjust and get homogenous sample
  #' @param bedFile .bed file containing the packed binary SNP genotype data
  #' @param bimFile .bim file containingthe SNP descriptions
  #' @param famFile .fam file containing subject (and, possibly, family) identifiers. This is basically a tab-delimited "pedfile"
  #' @param workingFolder folder where to save the result
  #' @import ggplot2
  #' @importFrom grDevices dev.off  pdf
  #' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
  #' @return Return a plot sample's individuals ancestry with 3 references populations: European (CEU) , East-Asian (CHB) and African (YRI)
  #' @export

  popStrat <- function( bedFile ,  bimFile  , famFile  , workingFolder)
    plink <- as.character(readline(prompt =  " \n Enter another desired version of plink, otherwise press Enter for the default plink1.9 version : " ))
    if(nchar(plink) == 0) {
      plink <- as.character("plink1.9")

    panelFile_csv <- readline(prompt =  " \n Enter the path of the .csv file with tabulation separator for the graphic representation ,or press Enter to use info_pop.csv by default for AFR_ASN_EUR data : ")
    if(nchar(panelFile_csv) == 0) {
      panelFile <- system.file("extdata", "info_pop.csv", package = "HLAfix")
    } else {
      panelFile <- read.table(panelFile_csv)

    data_file <- as.character(readline(prompt =  " \n Enter the path of .bim file of the reference data for the population stratification study, or press Enter to use the default AFR_ASN_EUR data files : " ))
    if(nchar(data_file) == 0) {
      reference <- system.file("extdata", "AFR_ASN_EUR.bim" , package = "HLAfix" , mustWork = TRUE)
    } else {
      reference <- genio::read_bim(data_file)
    ref <- gsub(".bim","", reference)

    data_file_corresp <- readline(prompt =  " \n Enter path corresponding file .txt for population stratification ,or press Enter to use the default afr_asn_eur :")
    if(nchar(data_file_corresp) == 0) {
      list_reference <- system.file("extdata", "afr_asn_eur_snp.txt" , package = "HLAfix" , mustWork = TRUE)
    } else {
      list_reference <- read.table(data_file_corresp)

    system(paste("mkdir" ," " ,"-p" ," " , workingFolder   ,sep = ""))
    file <- unlist(strsplit(bimFile,"\\."))[1]  #recover filenames without extension
    system(paste(plink ," ", "--bfile" ," "  , file , " " , "--write-snplist  --out" ," ",  workingFolder ,"/sample" ,sep = "" ))

    # Write a list of snp contained in user's file
    sample <- gsub(".bim","", bimFile) #user's file without extension
    system(paste(plink," " , "--bfile " , ref , " --extract " ,workingFolder ,"/sample.snplist ", " --make-bed --out ", workingFolder , "/1KG_subset" , sep = "" ))  ## Extract from 1KG, snp in common with sample data
    system(paste(plink," " , " --bfile " , sample ," --extract " , list_reference , " --make-bed --out ", workingFolder , "/sample_subset" , sep = "" ))  ## Extract from Sample, snp in common with 1kg
    system(paste(plink," " ," --bfile " , workingFolder , "/sample_subset" ," --bmerge ", workingFolder , "/1KG_subset"  ," --make-bed --out " , workingFolder , "/merged_data" , sep = ""))  ## Merge of 1KG and Sample rows

    if(file.exists(paste(workingFolder, "/merged_data-merge.missnp",sep = "")))
    { # if there are SNP with 3+ alleles in the dataset, a file .missnp is created.
      system(paste(plink," " , "--bfile " , workingFolder , "/sample_subset" ," --exclude ", workingFolder , "/merged_data-merge.missnp"  ," --make-bed --out " , workingFolder , "/sample_subset2" , sep = "")) ## Multi allelic's SNP removal
      system(paste(plink," " , "--bfile " , workingFolder , "/sample_subset2" ," "," --bmerge ", workingFolder , "/1KG_subset"  ," --make-bed --out " , workingFolder , "/merged_data" , sep = "")) ## Merge of 1KG and Sample rows
      system(paste(plink," " , "--bfile " , workingFolder , "/merged_data", "  --pca --out ", workingFolder, "/pca_plink" , sep = ""))
      system(paste("mv ", workingFolder , "/pca_plink.eigenvec" ," " , workingFolder , "/pca_plink.evec" ,sep = ""))

      system(paste(plink," " , "--bfile " , workingFolder , "/merged_data", "  --pca --out ", workingFolder, "/pca_plink" , sep = ""))
      system(paste("mv ", workingFolder , "/pca_plink.eigenvec" ," " , workingFolder , "/pca_plink.evec" ,sep = ""))
    cat(paste(workingFolder , "/pca_plink.evec" , sep = ""))

    ############################  GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE ACP  ################################################
    acp <- as.data.frame(read.table(paste(workingFolder , "/pca_plink.evec" , sep = ""))) # Col: FID IID followed by all different PCs
    panel <- read.csv(panelFile, header = TRUE,sep = "\t" )

    # Create a colunm with pop name for 1KG individuals
    for(x in panel[!is.na(panel[,1]),1] )
    { x <- as.character(x)
    acp[acp[,2]==x,23] = panel[panel[,1]==x,3]

    # Recode
    acp[,1] <- ifelse(acp$V23=="AMR", "American",
                      ifelse(acp$V23=="ASN", "East Asian",
                             ifelse(acp$V23=="AFR", "African",
                                    ifelse(acp$V23=="SAN", "South Asian",
                                           ifelse(acp$V23=="EUR", "European","European"))))) # remplace col FIID by the group

    # Recode what left into "sample" group
      acp[is.na(acp[,1]),1] <- "Sample"

    # # Warning message
    names(acp)[1] <- "group"
    names(acp)[2] <- "IID"
    names(acp)[3] <- "PC1"
    names(acp)[4] <- "PC2"
    selection <- acp[,c("group","PC1","PC2")]

    utils::write.table(acp , paste(workingFolder , "/pca_used_for_plot.csv", sep = "") , col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE , sep = "," )
    cat(paste(workingFolder , "/pca_used_for_plot.csv is saved. \n ", sep = ""))

    message("Warning: \n Ancestry identification of individuals is done with plink but it is less precise than EigenSoft and doesn't remove outliers automatically. \n If you want you can use Eigensoft and be sure of your sample's homogenesity before continuing \n")
    message("Please remove outliers and submit bed bm fam files with homogeneity ")

    data <- selection[(selection[,"group"]=="East Asian" | selection[,"group"]=="African"|selection[,"group"]=="European" ),]
    data_sample <- selection[(selection[,"group"]=="Sample" ),]
    # Counts
    nAMR <- nrow(selection[selection[,"group"]=="American",])
    nASN <- nrow(selection[selection[,"group"]=="East Asian",])
    nAFR <- nrow(selection[selection[,"group"]=="African",])
    nSAN <- nrow(selection[selection[,"group"]=="South Asian",])
    nEUR <-  nrow(selection[selection[,"group"]=="European",])
    nSample <- nrow(data_sample)

    acp_plot <- ggplot() + geom_point(data=data,aes(x=PC1, y=PC2 , color=group )) + geom_point(data=data_sample, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2,colour=group)) + scale_color_manual(labels = c(paste("African (N=",nAFR, ")",sep = ""), paste("East Asian (N=",nASN, ")",sep = "") , paste("European (N=",nEUR, ")",sep = ""), paste("Sample (N=",nSample, ")",sep = "")) ,values = c("#f3ab55","#65da11","#1563ea","#f244da","#c682ec" ))

    pcaFile <- acp[,c(2,3,4)] # col IID, PC1 and PC2
    pcaFile[,1] <- gsub("NA\\d{5}","1KG",pcaFile[,1])
    pcaFile[,1] <- gsub("HG\\d{5}","1KG",pcaFile[,1])
    pcaFile <- pcaFile[pcaFile[,1]!="1KG",] # exclude info concerning 1KG individuals
    colnames(pcaFile)<- c("Sample.id","PC1","PC2")
    utils::write.table(pcaFile , paste(workingFolder , "/pcaFile.csv", sep = "") , col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE , sep = "," )
    grDevices::pdf(file = paste(workingFolder , "/Ancestry_plot.pdf", sep = ""))
    rm(panel) # remove from env the panel data
    # remove intermediary files created
    system(paste("rm ",workingFolder,"/1KG_subset* ",workingFolder,"/merged_data* ",workingFolder,"/sample_subset* ",workingFolder,"/sample.snplist " ,workingFolder,"/sample.log " , sep = "" ))
benabidlina/HLAfix documentation built on Aug. 20, 2021, 11:53 p.m.