
# Functions for parameter estimation

##' ginhomAverage function
##' A function to estimate the inhomogeneous pair correlation function for a spatiotemporal point process. See equation (8) of Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005).
##' @param xyt an object of class stppp
##' @param spatial.intensity A spatialAtRisk object
##' @param temporal.intensity A temporalAtRisk object
##' @param time.window time interval contained in the interval xyt$tlim over which to compute average. Useful if there is a lot of data over a lot of time points.
##' @param rvals Vector of values for the argument r at which g(r) should be evaluated (see ?pcfinhom). There is a sensible default.
##' @param correction choice of edge correction to use, see ?pcfinhom, default is Ripley isotropic correction
##' @param suppresswarnings Whether or not to suppress warnings generated by pcfinhom
##' @param ... other parameters to be passed to pcfinhom, see ?pcfinhom
##' @return time average of inhomogenous pcf, equation (13) of Brix and Diggle 2001. 
##' @references 
##' \enumerate{
##'     \item Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
##'     \item Baddeley AJ, Moller J, Waagepetersen R (2000). Non-and semi-parametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica, 54, 329-350.
##'     \item Brix A, Diggle PJ (2001). Spatiotemporal Prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 63(4), 823-841.
##'     \item Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005). Point Process Methodology for On-line Spatio-temporal Disease Surveillance. Environmetrics, 16(5), 423-434.
##' }
##' @seealso \link{KinhomAverage}, \link{spatialparsEst}, \link{thetaEst}, \link{lambdaEst}, \link{muEst}
##' @export

ginhomAverage <- function(xyt,spatial.intensity,temporal.intensity,time.window=xyt$tlim,rvals=NULL,correction="iso",suppresswarnings=FALSE,...){

    time.window <- sort(as.integer(time.window))


    density <- as.im(spatial.intensity)
    approxscale <- mean(sapply(xyt$t[xyt$t>=time.window[1] & xyt$t<=time.window[2]],temporal.intensity))
    den <- density
    den$v <- den$v * approxscale
    xyt$t <- as.integer(xyt$t)
    numsamp <- min(c(200,xyt$n))
        if (is.null(rvals)){
            gin <- pcfinhom(xyt[sample(1:xyt$n,numsamp,replace=FALSE)],lambda=den,...)
            gin <- pcfinhom(xyt[sample(1:xyt$n,numsamp,replace=FALSE)],lambda=den,r=rvals,...)
        if (is.null(rvals)){
            suppressWarnings(gin <- pcfinhom(xyt[sample(1:xyt$n,numsamp,replace=FALSE)],lambda=den,...))
            suppressWarnings(gin <- pcfinhom(xyt[sample(1:xyt$n,numsamp,replace=FALSE)],lambda=den,r=rvals,...))
    r <- gin$r
    nam <- names(gin)
    nam <- nam[nam!="r"]
    tls <- sapply(time.window[1]:time.window[2],function(x){sum(xyt$t==x)})
    tls <- (time.window[1]:time.window[2])[tls!=0]
    ntls <- length(tls) 
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min=tls[1],max=rev(tls)[1],style=3)
        pcf <- lapply(tls,function(t){setTxtProgressBar(pb,t);den<-density;den$v<-den$v*temporal.intensity(t);try(pcfinhom(xyt[xyt$t==t],lambda=den,r=r,...))})
        suppressWarnings(pcf <- lapply(tls,function(t){setTxtProgressBar(pb,t);den<-density;den$v<-den$v*temporal.intensity(t);try(pcfinhom(xyt[xyt$t==t],lambda=den,r=r,...))}))
    li <- as.list(pcf[[1]])
    ct <- 1
        for(i in 2:ntls){
            if (!class(pcf[[i]])[1]=="try-error"){
                li <- add.list(li,as.list(pcf[[i]]))
                ct <- ct + 1
    li <- smultiply.list(li,1/ct)  
    ginhom <- gin
    for (n in nam){
        idx <- which(names(ginhom)==n)
        ginhom[[idx]] <- li[[idx]]
    attr(ginhom,"correction") <- correction
    cat("Returning an average of",ct,"curves\n")

##' KinhomAverage function
##' A function to estimate the inhomogeneous K function for a spatiotemporal point process. The method of computation is similar to
##' \link{ginhomAverage}, see eq (8) Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005) to see how this is computed.
##' @param xyt an object of class stppp
##' @param spatial.intensity A spatialAtRisk object
##' @param temporal.intensity A temporalAtRisk object
##' @param time.window time interval contained in the interval xyt$tlim over which to compute average. Useful if there is a lot of data over a lot of time points.
##' @param rvals Vector of values for the argument r at which the inhmogeneous K function should be evaluated (see ?Kinhom). There is a sensible default.
##' @param correction choice of edge correction to use, see ?Kinhom, default is Ripley isotropic correction
##' @param suppresswarnings Whether or not to suppress warnings generated by Kinhom
##' @return time average of inhomogenous K function. 
##' @references 
##' \enumerate{
##'     \item Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
##'     \item Baddeley AJ, Moller J, Waagepetersen R (2000). Non-and semi-parametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica, 54, 329-350.
##'     \item Brix A, Diggle PJ (2001). Spatiotemporal Prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 63(4), 823-841.
##'     \item Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005). Point Process Methodology for On-line Spatio-temporal Disease Surveillance. Environmetrics, 16(5), 423-434.
##' }
##' @seealso \link{ginhomAverage}, \link{spatialparsEst}, \link{thetaEst}, \link{lambdaEst}, \link{muEst}
##' @export

KinhomAverage <- function(xyt,spatial.intensity,temporal.intensity,time.window=xyt$tlim,rvals=NULL,correction="iso",suppresswarnings=FALSE){

    time.window <- sort(as.integer(time.window))


    density <- as.im(spatial.intensity)
    approxscale <- mean(sapply(xyt$t[xyt$t>=time.window[1] & xyt$t<=time.window[2]],temporal.intensity))
    den <- density
    den$v <- den$v * approxscale
    xyt$t <- as.integer(xyt$t)
    numsamp <- min(c(200,xyt$n))
        if (is.null(rvals)){
            Kin <- Kinhom(xyt[sample(1:xyt$n,numsamp,replace=FALSE)],lambda=den)
            Kin <- Kinhom(xyt[sample(1:xyt$n,numsamp,replace=FALSE)],lambda=den,r=rvals)
        if (is.null(rvals)){
            suppressWarnings(Kin <- Kinhom(xyt[sample(1:xyt$n,numsamp,replace=FALSE)],lambda=den))
            suppressWarnings(Kin <- Kinhom(xyt[sample(1:xyt$n,numsamp,replace=FALSE)],lambda=den,r=rvals))
    r <- Kin$r
    nam <- names(Kin)
    nam <- nam[nam!="r"]
    tls <- sapply(time.window[1]:time.window[2],function(x){sum(xyt$t==x)})
    tls <- (time.window[1]:time.window[2])[tls!=0]
    ntls <- length(tls)  
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min=tls[1],max=rev(tls)[1],style=3)
        pcf <- lapply(tls,function(t){setTxtProgressBar(pb,t);den<-density;den$v<-den$v*temporal.intensity(t);try(Kinhom(xyt[xyt$t==t],lambda=den,r=r))})
        suppressWarnings(pcf <- lapply(tls,function(t){setTxtProgressBar(pb,t);den<-density;den$v<-den$v*temporal.intensity(t);try(Kinhom(xyt[xyt$t==t],lambda=den,r=r))}))
    li <- as.list(pcf[[1]])
    ct <- 1
        for(i in 2:ntls){
            if (!class(pcf[[i]])[1]=="try-error"){
                li <- add.list(li,as.list(pcf[[i]]))
                ct <- ct + 1
    li <- smultiply.list(li,1/ct)  
    Kinhom <- Kin
    for (n in nam){
        idx <- which(names(Kinhom)==n)
        Kinhom[[idx]] <- li[[idx]]
    attr(Kinhom,"correction") <- correction
    cat("Returning an average of",ct,"curves\n")

##' spatialparsEst function
##' Having estimated either the pair correlation or K functions using respectively \link{ginhomAverage} or \link{KinhomAverage}, the spatial 
##' parameters sigma and phi can be estimated. This function provides a visual tool for this estimation procedure.
##' To get a good choice of parameters, it is likely that the routine will have to be called several times in order to refine 
##' the choice of sigma.range and phi.range. 
##' @param gk an R object; output from the function KinhomAverage or ginhomAverage
##' @param sigma.range range of sigma values to consider
##' @param phi.range range of phi values to consider
##' @param spatial.covmodel correlation type see ?CovarianceFct 
##' @param covpars vector of additional parameters for certain classes of covariance function (eg Matern), these must be supplied in the order given in ?CovarianceFct
##' @param guess logical. Perform an initial guess at paramters? Alternative (the default) sets initial values in the middle of sigma.range and phi.range. NOTE: automatic parameter estimation can be can be unreliable.
##' @return rpanel function to help choose sigma nad phi by eye
##' @references 
##' \enumerate{
##'     \item Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
##'     \item Baddeley AJ, Moller J, Waagepetersen R (2000). Non-and semi-parametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica, 54, 329-350.
##'     \item Brix A, Diggle PJ (2001). Spatiotemporal Prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 63(4), 823-841.
##'     \item Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005). Point Process Methodology for On-line Spatio-temporal Disease Surveillance. Environmetrics, 16(5), 423-434.
##' }
##' @seealso \link{ginhomAverage}, \link{KinhomAverage}, \link{thetaEst}, \link{lambdaEst}, \link{muEst}
##' @export

spatialparsEst <- function(gk,sigma.range,phi.range,spatial.covmodel,covpars=c(),guess=FALSE){

    ## dummy function callback needed for OK button:
    ok <- function(panel){

    corchoice <- c() # to get rid of 'no visible binding' messages on checking
    sigma <- c()
    phi <- c()

    sigmamin <- sigma.range[1]
    sigmamax <- sigma.range[2]
    phimin <- phi.range[1]
    phimax <- phi.range[2]
    idx <- which(names(gk)==attr(gk,"correction"))
    env <- NULL

    if (attr(gk,"fname") == "g[inhom]"){ 
        panfun <- function(p){ 
            env <<- environment()           
            r <- gk$r            
            egr <- suppressWarnings(exp(sapply(r,gu,sigma=p$sigma,phi=p$phi,model=spatial.covmodel,additionalparameters=covpars))-1)
            gvals <- gk[[idx]]
            if (p$transform!="none"){
                if (p$transform=="log"){
                    gvals <- log(gk[[idx]])
                    egr <- log(egr)
            plot(NULL,main="g[inhom]",xlim=c(0,max(r,na.rm=TRUE)),ylim=c(0,max(c(gvals[!is.infinite(gvals)&!is.nan(gk[[idx]])],egr[!is.infinite(egr)&!is.nan(egr)]))),xlab="r",ylab="g_inhom(r)",sub=paste(spatial.covmodel,"covariance function"))
    else if (attr(gk,"fname") == "K[inhom]"){
        panfun <- function(p){
            env <<- environment()
            r <- gk$r
            egr <- suppressWarnings(exp(sapply(r,gu,sigma=p$sigma,phi=p$phi,model=spatial.covmodel,additionalparameters=covpars))-1)    
            rdiff <- diff(r[1:2]) # do the integral on the discrete partition of r given by Kinhom
            kest <- rdiff * egr[1] * 2 * pi * r[1]
            for(i in 2:length(r)){
                kest[i] <- kest[i-1] + rdiff * egr[i] * 2 * pi * r[i]
            gvals <- gk[[idx]]
            if (p$transform!="none"){
                if (p$transform=="^1/4"){              
                    gvals <- (gk[[idx]])^(1/4)
                    kest <- kest^(1/4)
            plot(NULL,main="K[inhom]",xlim=c(0,max(r,na.rm=TRUE)),ylim=c(0,max(c(gvals[!is.infinite(gvals)],kest[!is.infinite(kest)]))),xlab="r",ylab="K_inhom(r)",sub=paste(spatial.covmodel,"covariance function"))
        stop("Argument gk is not of correct class, see ?ginhomAverage, ?KinhomAverage")

    pancontrol <- rp.control("Parameter Estimation",aschar=FALSE)
    if (attr(gk,"fname") == "g[inhom]"){ 
    else if (attr(gk,"fname") == "K[inhom]"){

    # "quick" optimiser to get poor initial values for sigma and phi
    r <- gk$r
        if (attr(gk,"fname") == "g[inhom]"){
            spfun <- function(sigmaphi){
                egr <- suppressWarnings(exp(sapply(r,gu,sigma=sigmaphi[1],phi=sigmaphi[2],model=spatial.covmodel,additionalparameters=covpars))-1)
                S <- suppressWarnings((egr-gk[[idx]])^2)
                S[is.infinite(S)] <- NA
                W <- 1/r^2
                W[is.infinite(W)] <- NA
                sidx <- !(is.na(W) | is.na(S))
                ans <- sum((W*S)[sidx],na.rm=TRUE)/sum(W[sidx])
            ops <- optim(c(sigmamin + (sigmamax-sigmamin)/2,phimin + (phimax-phimin)/2),spfun)
            sigmainit <- ops$par[1]
            phiinit <- ops$par[2]
        else if (attr(gk,"fname") == "K[inhom]"){
            sigphifun <- function(sigphi){
                egr <- suppressWarnings(exp(sapply(r,gu,sigma=sigphi[1],phi=sigphi[2],model=spatial.covmodel,additionalparameters=covpars))-1)    
                rdiff <- diff(r[1:2]) # do the integral on the discrete partition of r given by Kinhom
                kest <- rdiff * egr[1] * 2 * pi * r[1]
                for(i in 2:length(r)){
                    kest[i] <- kest[i-1] + rdiff * egr[i] * 2 * pi * r[i]
                gvals <- gk[[idx]]
                gvals <- (gk[[idx]])^(1/4)
                kest <- kest^(1/4)
                gvals[is.infinite(gvals)] <- NA
                kest[is.infinite(kest)] <- NA
                S <- suppressWarnings((kest-gvals)^2)
                S[is.infinite(S)] <- NA
                W <- 1/r^2
                W[is.infinite(W)] <- NA
                sidx <- !(is.na(W) | is.na(S))
                ans <- sum((W*S)[sidx],na.rm=TRUE)/sum(W[sidx])
            ops <- optim(c(sigmamin + (sigmamax-sigmamin)/2,phimin + (phimax-phimin)/2),sigphifun)
            sigmainit <- ops$par[1]
            phiinit <- ops$par[2]
        sigmainit <- sigmamin + (sigmamax-sigmamin)/2
        phiinit <- phimin + (phimax-phimin)/2
    ## add our OK button. Make it a quitbutton:
    # construct a geometry string with the current height and new width:
    hhh = as.numeric(tkwinfo("height",pancontrol$.handle))+50
    www = 300
    ggg = sprintf("%dx%d",www,hhh)
    # resize
    ## now wait until our panel quits.
    ## get the variables. Two points:
    sigma <- get("p",envir=env)$sigma #as.numeric(tclvalue(pancontrol$sigma.tcl))
    phi <- get("p",envir=env)$phi #as.numeric(tclvalue(pancontrol$phi.tcl))

##' Cvb function
##' This function is used in \code{thetaEst} to estimate the temporal correlation parameter, theta.
##' @param xyt object of class stppp
##' @param spatial.intensity bivariate density estimate of lambda, an object of class im (produced from density.ppp for example)
##' @param N number of integration points
##' @param spatial.covmodel spatial covariance model
##' @param covpars additional covariance parameters
##' @return a function, see below.
##' Computes Monte carlo estimate of function C(v;beta) in Brix and Diggle 2001 pp 829 (... note later corrigendum to paper (2003) corrects the expression given in this paper)
##' @references 
##' \enumerate{
##'     \item Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
##'     \item Brix A, Diggle PJ (2001). Spatiotemporal Prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 63(4), 823-841.
##' }
##' @seealso \link{thetaEst}
##' @export

Cvb <- function(xyt,spatial.intensity,N=100,spatial.covmodel,covpars){
    sar <- spatialAtRisk(list(X=spatial.intensity$xcol,Y=spatial.intensity$yrow,Zm=t(spatial.intensity$v)))
    gsx <- length(xvals(sar))
    gsy <- length(yvals(sar))
    xy <- cbind(rep(xvals(sar),gsy),rep(yvals(sar),each=gsx))
    wt <- as.vector(zvals(sar))
    wt[is.na(wt)] <- 0
    sidx <- sample(1:(gsx*gsy),N,prob=wt)
    xy <- xy[sidx,]
    pd <- as.vector(pairdist(xy))
    cvb <- function(nu,sigma,phi,theta){

##' thetaEst function
##' A tool to visually estimate the temporal correlation parameter theta; note that sigma and phi must have first been estiamted.
##' @param xyt object of class stppp
##' @param spatial.intensity A spatial at risk object OR a bivariate density estimate of lambda, an object of class im (produced from density.ppp for example),
##' @param temporal.intensity either an object of class temporalAtRisk, or one that can be coerced into that form. If NULL (default), this is estimated from the data, seee ?muEst
##' @param sigma estimate of parameter sigma
##' @param phi estimate of parameter phi
##' @param theta.range range of theta values to consider
##' @param N number of integration points in computation of C(v,beta) (see Brix and Diggle 2003, corrigendum to Brix and Diggle 2001)
##' @param spatial.covmodel spatial covariance model
##' @param covpars additional covariance parameters
##' @return An r panel tool for visual estimation of temporal parameter theta
##' NOTE if lambdaEst has been invoked to estimate lambda, then the returned density should be passed to thetaEst as the argument spatial.intensity
##' @references 
##' \enumerate{
##'     \item Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
##'     \item Brix A, Diggle PJ (2001). Spatiotemporal Prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 63(4), 823-841.
##'     \item Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005). Point Process Methodology for On-line Spatio-temporal Disease Surveillance. Environmetrics, 16(5), 423-434.
##' }
##' @seealso \link{ginhomAverage}, \link{KinhomAverage}, \link{spatialparsEst}, \link{lambdaEst}, \link{muEst}
##' @export

thetaEst <- function(xyt,spatial.intensity=NULL,temporal.intensity=NULL,sigma,phi,theta.range=c(0,10),N=100,spatial.covmodel="exponential",covpars=c()){

    ## dummy function callback needed for OK button:
    ok <- function(panel){
    if (inherits(spatial.intensity,"spatialAtRisk")){
        spatial.intensity <- as.im(spatial.intensity)
    if (is.null(spatial.intensity)){
        spatial.intensity <- density(xyt)
    if (is.null(temporal.intensity)){
        temporal.intensity <- muEst(xyt)
        if (!inherits(temporal.intensity,"temporalAtRisk")){
            temporal.intensity <- temporalAtRisk(temporal.intensity,tlim=xyt$tlim,xyt=xyt)
            stop("Incompatible temporal.intensity, integer time limits (tlim and temporal.intensity$tlim) do not match")
    thetamin <- theta.range[1]
    thetamax <- theta.range[2]
    tlim <- as.integer(xyt$tlim)

    cvb <- Cvb(xyt=xyt,spatial.intensity=spatial.intensity,N=N,spatial.covmodel=spatial.covmodel,covpars=covpars)
    xytlim <- sort(as.integer(xyt$tlim))
    tvec <- xytlim[1]:xytlim[2]
        stop("Insufficiently many time intervals: type as.integer(xyt$tlim) into console")
    theta <- c() # to get rid of 'no visible binding' messages on checking

    panfun <- function(p){
        sigma <- as.numeric(p$sigma)
        phi <- as.numeric(p$phi)
        theta <- p$theta 
        uqt <- as.numeric(names(table(as.integer(xyt$t))))
        tfit <- sapply(uqt,temporal.intensity)
        autocov <- acf(table(as.integer(xyt$t)) - tfit,type="covariance",plot=FALSE)
        r <- 0:(length(autocov$acf)-1)    
        rseq <- seq(r[1],r[length(r)],length.out=100)  
        theo <- sapply(rseq,cvb,sigma=sigma,phi=phi,theta=theta)
    pancontrol <- rp.control("Parameter Estimation",aschar=FALSE)
    ## add our OK button. Make it a quitbutton:
    ## now wait until our panel quits.
    ## get the variables. Two points:
    theta <- as.numeric(tclvalue(pancontrol$theta.tcl))

##' lambdaEst function
##' Generic function for estimating bivariate densities by eye. Specific methods exist for stppp objects and ppp objects.
##' @param xyt an object
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return method lambdaEst
##' @seealso \link{lambdaEst.stppp}, \link{lambdaEst.ppp}
##' @export

lambdaEst <- function(xyt,...){

##' lambdaEst.stppp function
##' A tool for the visual estimation of lambda(s) via a 2 dimensional smoothing of the case locations. For parameter estimation, the alternative is
##' to estimate lambda(s) by some other means, convert it into a spatialAtRisk object and then into a pixel image object using the build in coercion 
##' methods, this \code{im} object can then be fed to \link{ginhomAverage}, \link{KinhomAverage} or \link{thetaEst} for instance.
##' The function lambdaEst is built directly on the density.ppp function and as such, implements a bivariate 
##' Gaussian smoothing kernel. The bandwidth is initially that which is automatically chosen by the default method 
##' of density.ppp. Since image plots of these kernel density estimates may not have appropriate 
##' colour scales, the ability to adjust this is given with the slider 'colour adjustment'. With colour adjustment set 
##' to 1, the default image.plot for the equivalent pixel image object is shown and for values less than 1, the colour 
##' scheme is more spread out, allowing the user to get a better feel for the density that is being fitted. NOTE: colour 
##' adjustment does not affect the returned density and the user should be aware that the returned density will 'look like' 
##' that displayed when colour adjustment is set equal to 1.
##' @method lambdaEst stppp
##' @param xyt object of class stppp
##' @param weights Optional vector of weights to be attached to the points.  May include negative values. See ?density.ppp.
##' @param edge Logical flag: if TRUE, apply edge correction. See ?density.ppp.
##' @param bw optional bandwidth. Set to NULL by default, which calls teh resolve.2D.kernel function for computing an initial value of this
##' @param ... arguments to be passed to plot
##' @return This is an rpanel function for visual choice of lambda(s), the output is a variable, varname, with the density *per unit time* 
##' the variable varname can be fed to the function ginhomAverage or KinhomAverage as the argument density (see for example ?ginhomAverage), or into the 
##' function thetaEst as the argument spatial.intensity.
##' @references 
##' \enumerate{
##'     \item Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
##'     \item Brix A, Diggle PJ (2001). Spatiotemporal Prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 63(4), 823-841.
##'     \item Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005). Point Process Methodology for On-line Spatio-temporal Disease Surveillance. Environmetrics, 16(5), 423-434.
##' }
##' @seealso \link{spatialAtRisk}, \link{ginhomAverage}, \link{KinhomAverage}, \link{spatialparsEst}, \link{thetaEst}, \link{muEst} 
##' @export

lambdaEst.stppp <- function(xyt,weights=c(),edge=TRUE,bw=NULL,...){

    ## dummy function callback needed for OK button:
    ok <- function(panel){

    adjust <- c() # to get rid of 'no visible binding' messages on checking
    plotdata <- c()
    pow <- c()

        bw <- resolve.2D.kernel(NULL,x = xyt,adjust = 1)$sigma
    varlist <- list(bw=bw,adjust=1,plotdata=TRUE,pow=1)
    env <- NULL

    panfun <- function(p){
        env <<- environment()
        bw <- as.numeric(p$bw)
        adjust <- as.numeric(p$adjust)        
        d <- density(xyt,bandwidth=bw,weights=weights,edge=edge)
        plotden <- d
        plotden$v <- (d$v / diff(xyt$tlim))^p$pow
    pancontrol <- rp.control("Density Estimation")
    rp.checkbox(pancontrol,variable=plotdata,action=panfun,labels = "Plot Data",initval = TRUE)
    rp.slider(pancontrol,variable=pow,from=0,to=1,initval=1,action=panfun,showvalue=TRUE,title="colour adjustment")
    ## add our OK button. Make it a quitbutton:
    ## now wait until our panel quits.


##' lambdaEst.ppp function
##' A tool for the visual estimation of lambda(s) via a 2 dimensional smoothing of the case locations. For parameter estimation, the alternative is
##' to estimate lambda(s) by some other means, convert it into a spatialAtRisk object and then into a pixel image object using the build in coercion 
##' methods, this \code{im} object can then be fed to \link{ginhomAverage}, \link{KinhomAverage} or \link{thetaEst} for instance.
##' The function lambdaEst is built directly on the density.ppp function and as such, implements a bivariate 
##' Gaussian smoothing kernel. The bandwidth is initially that which is automatically chosen by the default method 
##' of density.ppp. Since image plots of these kernel density estimates may not have appropriate 
##' colour scales, the ability to adjust this is given with the slider 'colour adjustment'. With colour adjustment set 
##' to 1, the default image.plot for the equivalent pixel image object is shown and for values less than 1, the colour 
##' scheme is more spread out, allowing the user to get a better feel for the density that is being fitted. NOTE: colour 
##' adjustment does not affect the returned density and the user should be aware that the returned density will 'look like' 
##' that displayed when colour adjustment is set equal to 1.
##' @method lambdaEst ppp
##' @param xyt object of class stppp
##' @param weights Optional vector of weights to be attached to the points.  May include negative values. See ?density.ppp.
##' @param edge Logical flag: if TRUE, apply edge correction. See ?density.ppp.
##' @param bw optional bandwidth. Set to NULL by default, which calls teh resolve.2D.kernel function for computing an initial value of this
##' @param ... arguments to be passed to plot
##' @return This is an rpanel function for visual choice of lambda(s), the output is a variable, varname, with the density *per unit time* 
##' the variable varname can be fed to the function ginhomAverage or KinhomAverage as the argument density (see for example ?ginhomAverage), or into the 
##' function thetaEst as the argument spatial.intensity.
##' @references 
##' \enumerate{
##'     \item Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
##'     \item Brix A, Diggle PJ (2001). Spatiotemporal Prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 63(4), 823-841.
##'     \item Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005). Point Process Methodology for On-line Spatio-temporal Disease Surveillance. Environmetrics, 16(5), 423-434.
##' }
##' @seealso \link{spatialAtRisk}, \link{ginhomAverage}, \link{KinhomAverage}, \link{spatialparsEst}, \link{thetaEst}, \link{muEst} 
##' @export

lambdaEst.ppp <- function(xyt,weights=c(),edge=TRUE,bw=NULL,...){

    ## dummy function callback needed for OK button:
    ok <- function(panel){

    adjust <- c() # to get rid of 'no visible binding' messages on checking
    plotdata <- c()
    pow <- c()

        bw <- resolve.2D.kernel(NULL,x = xyt,adjust = 1)$sigma
    varlist <- list(bw=bw,adjust=1,plotdata=TRUE,pow=1)
    env <- NULL

    panfun <- function(p){
        env <<- environment()
        bw <- as.numeric(p$bw)
        adjust <- as.numeric(p$adjust)        
        d <- density(xyt,sigma=bw,weights=weights,edge=edge)
        plotden <- d
        plotden$v <- d$v^p$pow
    pancontrol <- rp.control("Density Estimation")
    rp.checkbox(pancontrol,variable=plotdata,action=panfun,labels = "Plot Data",initval = TRUE)
    rp.slider(pancontrol,variable=pow,from=0,to=1,initval=1,action=panfun,showvalue=TRUE,title="colour adjustment")
    ## add our OK button. Make it a quitbutton:

    ## now wait until our panel quits.


##' muEst function
##' Computes a non-parametric estimate of mu(t). For the purposes of performing prediction, the alternatives are: (1) use a parameteric model as in Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005),
##' or (2) a \link{constantInTime} model.
##' @param xyt an stppp object
##' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to lowess
##' @return object of class temporalAtRisk giving the smoothed mut using the lowess function
##' @references 
##' \enumerate{
##'     \item Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2013). Journal of Statistical Software, 52(4), 1-40. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i04/
##'     \item Brix A, Diggle PJ (2001). Spatiotemporal Prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 63(4), 823-841.
##'     \item Diggle P, Rowlingson B, Su T (2005). Point Process Methodology for On-line Spatio-temporal Disease Surveillance. Environmetrics, 16(5), 423-434.
##' }
##' @seealso \link{temporalAtRisk}, \link{constantInTime}, \link{ginhomAverage}, \link{KinhomAverage}, \link{spatialparsEst}, \link{thetaEst}, \link{lambdaEst}
##' @export

muEst <- function(xyt,...){
    t <- as.integer(xyt$t)
    tlim <- as.integer(xyt$tlim)
    tseq <- tlim[1]:tlim[2]
    counts <- sapply(tseq,function(x){sum(t==x)})
    sm <- lowess(tseq,sqrt(counts),...)

##' density.stppp function
##' A wrapper function for \link{density.ppp}.
##' @method density stppp
##' @param x an stppp object
##' @param bandwidth 'bandwidth' parameter, equivanent to parameter sigma in ?density.ppp ie standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel.
##' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to density.ppp
##' @return bivariate density estimate of xyt; not this is a wrapper function for density.ppp
##' @seealso \link{density.ppp}
##' @export

density.stppp <- function(x,bandwidth=NULL,...){
bentaylor1/lgcp documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:09 p.m.