
Defines functions plotPeaks plotDelGiudiceAreas plotHumidityWlsLines plotSpecialWlsLines plotVerticalLinesFromPeaks pickPeaks pickPeaksInner pickPeaks_RW pickPeaksNeg_RW pickPeaksPos_RW

##### from / after Ron Wehrens ------
pickPeaksPos_RW <- function(x, span) {
	x <- signal::sgolayfilt(x, p=2, n=21, m=0)
	span.width <- span *2+1
	loc.max <- span.width +1 - apply(embed(x, span.width), 1, which.max)
	loc.max[loc.max == 1 | loc.max == span.width] <- NA
	pks <- loc.max + 0:(length(loc.max)-1)
} # EOF

pickPeaksNeg_RW <- function(x, span) {
	x <- signal::sgolayfilt(x, p=2, n=21, m=0)
	span.width <- span*2 +1
	locmin <- span.width +1 - apply(embed(x, span.width), 1, which.min)
	locmin[locmin == 1 | locmin == span.width] <- NA
	pks <- locmin + 0:(length(locmin)-1)
	minima <- unique(pks[!is.na(pks)])
	out <- sort(minima)
} #EOF

pickPeaks_RW <- function(x, span) {
	span.width <- span*2 +1
	loc.max <- span.width +1 - apply(embed(x, span.width), 1, which.max)
	loc.max[loc.max == 1 | loc.max == span.width] <- NA
	pks <- loc.max + 0:(length(loc.max)-1)
	maxima <- unique(pks[!is.na(pks)])
	locmin <- span.width +1 - apply(embed(x, span.width), 1, which.min)
	locmin[locmin == 1 | locmin == span.width] <- NA
	pks <- locmin + 0:(length(locmin)-1)
	minima <- unique(pks[!is.na(pks)])
	out <- sort(c(maxima, minima))
} #EOF
#peaks <- pickPeaks_RW(kcl.sel.pca$loadings[,1], 40) 
#abline(v=wls[peaks], col="gray")

#### Picking and Plotting -----

##### dataset with wavelengths in the rows !!, the value-to-pick-peaks in  the column, so Factors in the column for PCA / PLSR
## ! provide only the loadings data as data frame! wavelengths have to be in the row!
pickPeaksInner <- function(vectorToBePickedFrom, bandwidth, discrim, wavelengths) { 
	stn <- getstn()
	bwPerc <- stn$pp_bandwidth_Percent / 100 
	vectorToBePickedFrom <- t(vectorToBePickedFrom)
	vecInput <- vectorToBePickedFrom
	if (ncol(vectorToBePickedFrom) <= bandwidth) {
		bandwidth <- round(ncol(vectorToBePickedFrom) * bwPerc, 0) # otherwise we crash when having very little wavelengths
	seqHalfBandwidth <- seq(1, bandwidth/2)
	positivePeakPosition <- matrix(NA , ncol=length(wavelengths), nrow=nrow(vectorToBePickedFrom))
	positivePeakHeight <- negativePeakPosition <- negativePeakHeight <- positivePeakPosition
	rownames(positivePeakPosition) <- paste(rownames(vectorToBePickedFrom), "Pos_PosP", sep="-")
	rownames(positivePeakHeight) <- paste(rownames(vectorToBePickedFrom), "Hght_PosP", sep="-")
	rownames(negativePeakPosition) <- paste(rownames(vectorToBePickedFrom), "Pos_NegP", sep="-")
	rownames(negativePeakHeight) <- paste(rownames(vectorToBePickedFrom), "Hght_NegP", sep="-")
	if (stn$pp_AutoSmooth) {
		vectorToBePickedFrom <- t(apply(vectorToBePickedFrom, 1, signal::sgolayfilt, p=2, n=5, m=0))
		# XXX what in the case of non-linear spaces between wavelengths ?? gap-segment derivative?
	} # end if autosmooth
	for(k in 1: nrow(vectorToBePickedFrom)) {
		spect <- vectorToBePickedFrom[k,] ## read in the spectrum row by row
		for (i in (max(seqHalfBandwidth)+1):(length(wavelengths)-max(seqHalfBandwidth))) {
	#		if (!( any(is.na(spect[i-seqHalfBandwidth])) | any(is.na(spect[i+seqHalfBandwidth])) ) ) {
				if  (all(spect[i-seqHalfBandwidth] < spect[i] & spect[i] > spect[i+seqHalfBandwidth]) ) {
					if (!discrim) {
						positivePeakHeight[k,i] <- spect[i]
					} else {	# yes, we want to take only the really positive peaks
						if(spect[i] >= 0 ) {
							positivePeakHeight[k,i] <- spect[i]
						} else {
							# do nothing
				} else {
					if  (all(spect[i-seqHalfBandwidth] > spect[i] & spect[i] < spect[i+seqHalfBandwidth]) ) {
						if(!discrim) {
						} else { # yes please discriminate, take only the really negative peaks
							if (spect[i] < 0) {
							} else {
								# do nothing
					} # end peak to lower
				} # end side-else
		#	} # end if ! any is.na
		} # end for i
	}	# end for k
	pickResults <- rbind(positivePeakPosition, negativePeakPosition, positivePeakHeight, negativePeakHeight)
	colnames(pickResults) <- wavelengths
	picks <-  list(pickWindow = bandwidth, pickResult = pickResults)
	return(list(rawVector=vecInput, picks=picks)) ## pick results have the wavelength in the column !!!!
} # EOF

## Master
## the universal input, checking for the class of the input-object
pickPeaks <- function(ObjectToPickPeaks, bandwidth=25, comps=1:4, discrim=FALSE, wavelengths) {		### universal peak picker / extractor
	if (!exists("aquagramPSettings",  where=gl_ap2GD)) {
		assign("aquagramPSettings", readInAquagramPSettings(), pos=gl_ap2GD) # need this later for defining the special wavelengths
	if (is(ObjectToPickPeaks, "mvr")) {
		allColNames <- colnames(ObjectToPickPeaks$coefficients[,,1:ObjectToPickPeaks$ncomp])
		lastName <- allColNames[length(allColNames)]
		if (!is.character(lastName)) {		## problem if there is only one component -- we do not get a name back then .... somehow ..
			lastName <- "1 comps"
		mat <- ObjectToPickPeaks$coefficients[,, ObjectToPickPeaks$ncomp]
		dfToPickPeaks <- data.frame(X=mat)
		colnames(dfToPickPeaks) <- lastName
	if (is(ObjectToPickPeaks, "PCA")) {
		dfToPickPeaks <- as.data.frame(ObjectToPickPeaks$loadings[,comps])
	if (is(ObjectToPickPeaks, "data.frame")) {
		dfToPickPeaks <- ObjectToPickPeaks
	pickResultList <- pickPeaksInner(dfToPickPeaks, bandwidth, discrim, wavelengths) 
} # EOF

## needs the pick results object created by pickPeaks as input; contains the vector that was used for picking !
plotPickResults <- function (pickResults, onMain="", onSub="", pcaVariances=NULL, customColor=NULL, ylim=NULL, wavelengths, clty=NULL) { 
	stn <- getstn()
	if (length(pickResults$rawVector) < 1) {
		stop("An Error at plotPickResults occured. Sorry, really.", call.=FALSE)
#	save(pickResults, file="se.r")
	res <- pickResults$picks$pickResult
	colPos <- stn$pp_colPosPeaks
	colNeg <-  stn$pp_colNegPeaks
	NrSize <- stn$pp_NrSize
	nrVertical <- stn$pp_NrVertical 
	dynamicNrColor <- stn$pp_dynamicNrColor
	Multi <- 10 	# this should be graphics related XXX
	positionTable <-res[1: (nrow(res)/2) ,]
	heigthTable <-res[((nrow(res)/2)+1):nrow(res) , ]
	sgYrange <- range(pickResults$rawVector)[2] - range(pickResults$rawVector)[1]
	Yrange <- range(t(pickResults$rawVector)) 				
	if (nrVertical) {
		adjustY <- diff(Yrange)/Multi
	} else {
		adjustY <- 0
	if (is.null(ylim)) {
		ylim <- c(Yrange[1] - adjustY, Yrange[2] + adjustY)	
	} else {
		ylim <- c(ylim[1] - adjustY, ylim[2] + adjustY)
	} # end ylim adjustment
	if (onSub=="") {
		osFill <- ""
	} else {
		osFill <- ", "
	onSub <- paste(onSub, osFill, "bw=", pickResults$picks$pickWindow, sep="")
	ind99 <- pcaVariances$ind99
	vars <- pcaVariances$vars
	if (!is.null(pcaVariances)) {
		if (ind99 == "") {
			legendText <- rownames(pickResults$rawVector)
			onSubText <- onSub
		} else { 	## so if we come in from a pca model
			legendText <- paste(rownames(pickResults$rawVector), " (", vars, "%)", sep="")
			onSubText <- paste(onSub, ", ", ind99, " PCs for 99% var.", sep="")
	} else {
		legendText <- rownames(pickResults$rawVector)
		onSubText <- onSub
	leng <- nrow(pickResults$rawVector)
	if (is.null(customColor)) {
		ColorYea <- 1:leng
	} else { # so we have a custom color
		if (length(customColor) < leng) {
			customColor <- rep(customColor, ceiling(leng/length(customColor)))
			customColor <- customColor[1:leng] # cut down to original size
		ColorYea <- customColor
	if (is.null(clty)) {
		clt <- 1:nrow(pickResults$rawVector)
	} else {
		clt <- clty
	matplot(wavelengths, t(pickResults$rawVector), type="l", ylab="Coefficient", main=onMain, sub=onSubText, col=ColorYea, ylim=ylim, lty=clt, cex.sub=0.8, cex.main=1) #### here the matplot
	abline(0,0, col="gray")
	## legend see below, so that the text is not being overplotted on the legend!!
#	legBgCol <- rgb(255,255,255, alpha=stn$col_alphaForLegends, maxColorValue=255) # is a white with alpha to be determined in the settings
#	legend("topright", legend=legendText, lty=clt, col=ColorYea, lwd=2.5, bg=legBgCol) 	#### legend problem here
#	colPosDynamic <- colNegDynamic <- vector("integer", (nrow(positionTable)/2))
	for (i in 1: nrow(positionTable)) {
		if (i <= (nrow(positionTable)/2)) {
			if (!all(is.na(positionTable[i,]))) {
				peakPosition <- positionTable[i, -(which(is.na(positionTable[i,])))]
				peakHeight <- heigthTable[i, -(which(is.na(heigthTable[i,])))]
				if (dynamicNrColor) {colorText <- ColorYea[i]} else {colorText <- colPos}
				if (nrVertical) {
					text(peakPosition, peakHeight, srt = 90, adj = c(-0.1, 0.5), labels = round(peakPosition, 0), col = colorText, cex = NrSize)
				} else {
					text(peakPosition, peakHeight + sgYrange/49.6, labels=round(peakPosition, 0), col=colorText, cex=NrSize)				
			} # end if all na check
		} else {
			if (!all(is.na(positionTable[i,]))) {	
				peakPosition <- positionTable[i, -(which(is.na(positionTable[i,])))]
				peakHeight <- heigthTable[i, -(which(is.na(heigthTable[i,])))]
				aa <- i-(nrow(positionTable)/2)
				if (dynamicNrColor) {colorText <- ColorYea[aa]} else {colorText <- colNeg}
				if (nrVertical) {
					text(peakPosition, peakHeight, srt = 90, adj = c(1.1, 0.5), labels = round(peakPosition, 0), col = colorText, cex = NrSize)
				} else {
					text(peakPosition, peakHeight -sgYrange/49.6, labels=round(peakPosition,0), col=colorText, cex=NrSize)					
			} # end if all na check
		} # end else
	} # end for i
	legBgCol <- rgb(255,255,255, alpha=stn$col_alphaForLegends, maxColorValue=255) # is a white with alpha to be determined in the settings
	legend("topright", legend=legendText, lty=clt, col=ColorYea, lwd=2.5, bg=legBgCol, cex=0.8) 	#### XXX legend problem here
}# EOF

plotVerticalLinesFromPeaks <- function(pickResults, customColor=NULL) {
	stn <- getstn()
#	cc <- customColor
	if (is.null(customColor)) {
		cc <- 1:nrow(pickResults$rawVector)
	} else {
		cc <- customColor
	res <- pickResults$picks$pickResult	
#	colPos <- stn$pp_colPosPeaks
#	colNeg <- stn$pp_colNegPeaks
	droppLwd <- stn$pp_droppLwd
	positionTable <-res[1: (nrow(res)/2) ,]
	heigthTable <-res[((nrow(res)/2)+1):nrow(res) , ]
	for (i in 1: nrow(positionTable)) {
		if (i <= (nrow(positionTable)/2)) {
			if (!all(is.na(positionTable[i,]))) {
				peakPosition <- positionTable[i, -(which(is.na(positionTable[i,])))]
				peakHeight <- heigthTable[i, -(which(is.na(heigthTable[i,])))]
				segments(x0=peakPosition, y0=0, y1=peakHeight, col=cc[i], lwd=droppLwd, lty=1)
			} # end if all na check
		} else {
			if (!all(is.na(positionTable[i,]))) {
				peakPosition <- positionTable[i, -(which(is.na(positionTable[i,])))]
				peakHeight <- heigthTable[i, -(which(is.na(heigthTable[i,])))]
				segments(x0=peakPosition, y0=0, y1=peakHeight, col=cc[i-(nrow(positionTable)/2)], lwd=droppLwd, lty=1)
			} # end if all na check
	} # end for i
} # EOF

plotSpecialWlsLines <- function(pickResults) { # we need the pick results for determining the y-range
	stn <- getstn()
	fac <- stn$wamac_factor
	specACol1 <- stn$wamac_col1
	specACol2 <- stn$wamac_col2
	Yspan <- a <- range(pickResults$rawVector)[2] - range(pickResults$rawVector)[1]
	height <- (Yspan*fac)/2
	py <- c(-height, -height, height, height) 		## for drawing the polygon
	plotSpecAreas <- function(){
		specA <- readInSpecAreas() 	# is in the file "gen_general.r"
		alternColor <- rep(c(specACol1, specACol2), ceiling(ncol(specA)/2))
		for (i in 1:ncol(specA)) {
			px <- c(specA[,i], rev(specA[,i]))
			polygon(px, py, col=alternColor[i], border=NA)
		} # end for i
	abline(h=0, col="gray")
	} # EOIF
} # EOF

plotHumidityWlsLines <- function(pickResults) {	
	stn <- getstn()
	humWls <- stn$hum_wls
	humFact <- stn$hum_fact
	humLwd <- stn$hum_lwd
	humColor <- stn$hum_color
	Yspan <- range(pickResults$rawVector)[2] - range(pickResults$rawVector)[1]
	height <- (Yspan*humFact)/2
	segments(x0=humWls,  y0= -3.4*(height), y1= -1.9*(height), lwd=humLwd, col=humColor)
} # EOF

plotDelGiudiceAreas <- function(pickResults) {	
	stn <- getstn()
	dga1 <- stn$dga_dga1
	dga2 <- stn$dga_dga2
	dga3 <- stn$dga_dga3
	cohCol <- stn$dga_Coh_col
	gasCol <- stn$dga_Gas_col
	facDga <- stn$dga_facDga
	Yspan <- range(pickResults$rawVector)[2] - range(pickResults$rawVector)[1]
	height <- a <- ((Yspan*facDga)/2)
	py <- c(-a, -a, a, a) - (Yspan/55)
	px1 <- c(dga1, rev(dga1))
	px2 <- c(dga2, rev(dga2))
	px3 <- c(dga3, rev(dga3))
	px <- c(px1, px2, px3)
	polygon(px1, py, col=cohCol, border=NA)
	polygon(px2, py, col=gasCol, border=NA)
	polygon(px3, py, col=cohCol, border=NA)
} # EOF

# Master
plotPeaks <- function(pickPeaksResult, onMain="", onSub="", adLines=TRUE, pcaVariances=NULL, customColor=NULL, ylim=NULL, wavelengths, clty=NULL) {
	aa <- plotPickResults(pickPeaksResult, onMain, onSub, pcaVariances, customColor, ylim, wavelengths, clty)
	if (any(adLines==3) | any(adLines==TRUE)){
	if (any(adLines==4) | any(adLines==TRUE)){
	if (any(adLines==2) | any(adLines==TRUE)){
		plotVerticalLinesFromPeaks(pickPeaksResult, aa$customColor)
	if (any(adLines==5) | any(adLines==TRUE)){
} # EOF

#' @title Ad Lines to a Vector Plot
#' @description Ad various lines / graphical elements to the plot of a 
#' vector like loading or regression vector.
#' @details Leave at the default "def" to read in the respective value from the 
#' settings.r file. By providing \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, all or none of the 
#' additional graphical elements are drawn on the vector plot. By providing 
#' an integer vector in the range [2..5], you can specify which one of the 
#' graphical elements should be produced:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{
#'  \code{2} Vertical thin lines dropped from a peak to the x-axis. These can 
#'  help to see in which WAMAC a peak is falling. (See also below at \code{4}.)
#' }
#' \item{
#'  \code{3} The "DelGiudice-areas", three wavelength-ranges in the first overtone 
#'  corresponding to different water structures / properties. The explicit 
#'  wavelength ranges are defined in the settings.r file in the parameters 
#'  \code{dga_dga1} to \code{dga_dga3}, while the other parameters starting with 
#'  \code{dga_} are governing size and color. The first area is corresponding to 
#'  the "single" coherent domain, the second to the gaseous phase in between 
#'  domains, and the third to the meta-domain consisting of coherent single 
#'  domains. Please note that this is based upon personal communication with 
#'  Emilio Del Giudice and can not (yet) be referenced or backed by literature 
#'  or even experimental findings. So, for now these three wavelength ranges are 
#'  purely hypothecial.If selected for plotting, the three wavelength-ranges will 
#'  be indicated by slim lines slightly below the x-axis.
#' }
#' \item{
#'  \code{4} The WAMACs, i.e. the so called "water matrix coordinates". If 
#'  selected for plotting, the location of the WAMACs in the first overtone will 
#'  be indicated by small, slim boxes in alternating colors directly on the 
#'  x-axis. The colors themselves and the width in the y-axis of the boxes can be 
#'  specified in the settings.r file in the parameters starting with \code{wamac_}.
#' }
#' \item{
#'  \code{5} Two single markers indicating the wavelengths for humidity will be 
#'  plotted on the vector plot. The wavelengths, color, size and line-width are 
#'  specified in the settings.r file in the parameters starting with 
#'  \code{hum_}.
#' }
#' }
#' @return Additional graphical elements on a vector plot
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_pca}}, \code{\link{plot_pls}}, 
#' \code{\link{plot_aqg_args}}
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'  fd <- gfd()
#'  cube <- gdmm(fd)
#'  plot_pca(cube, ld.adLines=FALSE) # no additional lines in the loading plot 
#'  plot_pca(cube, ld.adLines=c(2, 4) # only vertical lines and WAMACs in the 
#'  # loading plot
#' }

#' @name adLinesToVector
bpollner/aquap2 documentation built on March 29, 2024, 7:33 a.m.