
Defines functions evaluateROC evaluateSim evaluateDE evaluateDist

Documented in evaluateDE evaluateDist evaluateROC evaluateSim

# EVALUATE DISTRIBUTIONAL FITS --------------------------------------------

#' @name evaluateDist
#' @aliases evaluateDist
#' @title Model Diagnostics for RNAseq Data
#' @description With this function, the user can determine goodness of fit for each gene.
#' @usage evaluateDist(countData, batchData = NULL,
#' spikeData = NULL, spikeInfo = NULL,
#' Lengths = NULL, MeanFragLengths = NULL,
#' RNAseq = "singlecell", Protocol,
#' Normalisation,
#' GeneFilter = 0.25, SampleFilter = 3,
#' FracGenes = 1,
#' verbose = TRUE)
#' @param countData is a count matrix (row=gene, column=sample).
#' Please provide the measurements of one group only, e.g. the control group.
#' @param batchData is a \code{data.frame} for batch annotation.
#' Rows correspond to samples. The first column should contain the batches, e.g. 'a', 'b', 'c', etc..
#' This is only used for the normalisation.
#' @param spikeData is a count \code{matrix}.
#' Rows correspond to spike-ins, columns to samples.
#' The order of columns should be the same as in the \code{countData}.
#' This is only needed for spike-in aware normalisation methods ('MR', 'Linnorm', 'scran', 'SCnorm', 'bayNorm', 'Census'),
#' see details section of \code{\link{estimateParam}}.
#' @param spikeInfo is a molecule count \code{matrix} of spike-ins.
#' Rows correspond to spike-ins. The order of rows should be the same as in the \code{spikeData}.
#' The column names should be 'SpikeID' and 'SpikeInput' for molecule counts of spike-ins.
#' This is only needed for spike-in aware normalisation methods ('MR', 'Linnorm', 'scran', 'SCnorm', 'bayNorm', 'Census'),
#' see details section of \code{\link{estimateParam}}.
#' @param Lengths is a numeric vector of transcript lengths with the same length and order as the rows in countData.
#' This variable is only needed for internal gene length corrections (TPM), see details section of \code{\link{estimateParam}}.
#' @param MeanFragLengths is a numeric vector of mean fragment lengths with the same length as columns in countData.
#' This variable is only needed for internal gene length corrections (TPM), see details section of \code{\link{estimateParam}}.
#' @param RNAseq is a character value: "bulk" or "singlecell". We recommended to use this evaluaiton for single cells only.
#' @param Protocol is a character value defining the type of counts given in \code{countData}.
#' Options are "UMI" (e.g. 10X Genomics, CEL-seq2) or "Read" (e.g. Smart-seq2).
#' @param Normalisation is a character value: 'TMM', 'MR', 'PosCounts', 'UQ', 'scran', 'Linnorm',
#' 'SCnorm', 'Census', 'depth', 'none'.
#' For more information, please consult the details section of \code{\link{estimateParam}}.
#' @param GeneFilter is a numeric vector indicating the minimal proportion of nonzero expression values
#' for a gene across all samples to be considered expressed and used for estimating normalisation size factors.
#' The default is \code{0.25}, i.e. at least 25\% of the expression values per gene need to be nonzero.
#' @param SampleFilter is a numeric vector indicating the minimal number of MADs (median absolute deviation)
#' away from the median number of features detected as well as sequencing depth across all samples
#' so that outlying samples are removed prior to normalisation.
#' The default is \code{5}, i.e. at least 5 MADs away from the median.
#' Choose higher values if you wsant to filter out less samples.
#' This parameter is particularly important for single cells to ensure reliable parameter estimation.
#' For more information, please consult \code{\link[scater]{isOutlier}}.
#' @param FracGenes The fraction of genes to calculate goodness of fit statistics, default is 1, i.e. for all genes.
#' @param verbose Logical value to indicate whether to print function information.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return List object with the results of goodness of fit and estimated parameters:
#' \item{edgeR}{Goodness-of-fit statistic, degrees of freedom and associated p-value using the deviance and residual degrees of freedom from \code{\link[edgeR]{glmFit}}. Furthermore, the AIC of the edgeR model fit using the residuals of \code{\link[edgeR]{zscoreNBinom}}.}
#' \item{GOF}{The fitting results per distribution, including loglikelihood, goodness-of-fit statistics, AIC and predicted number of zeroes. The following distributions were considered: Poisson, negative binomial, zero-inflated poisson and negative binomial following the 'standard' (i.e. \code{\link[stats]{glm}}, \code{\link[MASS]{glm.nb}} and \code{\link[pscl]{zeroinfl}} implementation) and fitdist approach (see \code{\link[fitdistrplus]{fitdist}}) and Beta-Poisson following Marioni or Hemberg parameterisation. Furthermore, model fit comparison by LRT for nested and Vuong Test for non-nested models.}
#' \item{Estimates}{The estimated parameters of distribution fitting.}
#' \item{ObservedZeros}{The number of zeroes and dropout rate per gene.}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## using example data set, but run it for fraction of genes
#' data("CELseq2_Gene_UMI_Counts")
#' evalDistRes <- evaluateDist(countData = CELseq2_Gene_UMI_Counts, batchData = NULL,
#'                             spikeData = NULL, spikeInfo = NULL,
#'                             Lengths = NULL, MeanFragLengths = NULL,
#'                             RNAseq = "singlecell", Protocol = "UMI",
#'                             Normalisation = "scran",
#'                             GeneFilter = 0.1, SampleFilter = 3,
#'                             FracGenes = 0.1,
#'                             verbose = TRUE)
#' plotEvalDist(evalDistRes)
#' }
#' @author Beate Vieth
#' @rdname evaluateDist
#' @importFrom edgeR DGEList cpm.DGEList estimateDisp glmFit zscoreNBinom
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix glm logLik AIC dnbinom dpois fitted na.omit family
#' @importFrom MASS glm.nb
#' @importFrom pscl zeroinfl vuong
#' @importFrom fitdistrplus fitdist
#' @importFrom gamlss.dist ZIP ZINBI
#' @importFrom nonnest2 vuongtest
#' @export
evaluateDist <- function(countData, batchData = NULL,
                         spikeData = NULL, spikeInfo = NULL,
                         Lengths = NULL, MeanFragLengths = NULL,
                         RNAseq = "singlecell", Protocol,
                         GeneFilter = 0.25, SampleFilter = 3,
                         FracGenes = 1,
                         verbose = TRUE) {


  options(stringsAsFactors = F)

  # check the matching of names and objects
  checkup = .run.checkup(countData = countData,
                         readData = NULL,
                         batchData = batchData,
                         spikeData = spikeData,
                         spikeInfo = spikeInfo,
                         Lengths = Lengths,
                         MeanFragLengths = MeanFragLengths,
                         RNAseq = RNAseq,
                         verbose = TRUE)

  # extract checked objects
  countData <- checkup$countData
  readData <- checkup$readData
  batchData <- checkup$batchData
  spikeData <- checkup$spikeData
  spikeInfo <- checkup$spikeInfo
  Lengths <- checkup$Lengths
  MeanFragLengths <- checkup$MeanFragLengths
  Label <- ifelse(is.null(batchData), "none", "known")

  # run estimation
  estParam = .run.estParam(countData = countData,
                           readData = NULL,
                           batchData = batchData,
                           spikeData = spikeData,
                           spikeInfo = spikeInfo,
                           Lengths = Lengths,
                           MeanFragLengths = MeanFragLengths,
                           Distribution = "NB",
                           RNAseq = RNAseq,
                           Protocol = Protocol,
                           Normalisation = Normalisation,
                           Label = Label,
                           GeneFilter = GeneFilter,
                           SampleFilter = SampleFilter,
                           sigma = 1.96,
                           NCores = NULL,
                           verbose = FALSE)

  # kick out dropouts
  detect.samples <- rownames(estParam$DropOuts$Sample)[rowSums(estParam$DropOuts$Sample[,c(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE) == 0L]
  detect.genes <- rownames(countData[rowSums(countData)>1,])
  filt.genes <- names(estParam$DropOuts$Gene)[!estParam$DropOuts$Gene]

  # inform user
    sampletype <- ifelse(RNAseq == "singlecell", "single cells", "bulk samples")
    message(paste0("The count matrix contains the expression of ", length(detect.genes), " genes with at least one count profiled across ", ncol(countData), " ",  sampletype, ". ", length(filt.genes), " genes and ", length(detect.samples), " ", sampletype, " passed the filtering and were used for estimating normalisation factors with ", Normalisation, "."))

  # fill in size factors and use only detected genes
  sf <- structure(colSums(countData) / median(colSums(countData)), names = colnames(countData))
  sf[names(estParam$sf)] <- estParam$sf
  countData <- countData[rownames(countData) %in% detect.genes, ]

  # set up dge edgeR
  seq.depth <- colSums(countData)
  nsf <- log(sf/seq.depth)
  nsf <- exp(nsf - mean(nsf, na.rm=TRUE))
  # construct input object
  dge <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = countData,
                        lib.size = colSums(countData),
                        norm.factors = nsf,
                        remove.zeros = FALSE)
  # calculate normalized counts (if norm lib is true does not sum up to 1 million)
  out.cpm <- edgeR::cpm.DGEList(dge, normalized.lib.sizes = TRUE, log = FALSE)
  # estimate dispersions
    dge <- suppressMessages(edgeR::estimateDisp(y=dge))
  # design.mat
  design.mat <- matrix(1,ncol(dge$counts),1)
  rownames(design.mat) <- colnames(dge$counts)
  colnames(design.mat) <- "Intercept"
  # apply edgeR glm fit
  fit.edgeR <- edgeR::glmFit(dge, design = design.mat)

  # calculate residuals
  y <- fit.edgeR$counts
  mu <- fit.edgeR$fitted.values
  phi <- fit.edgeR$dispersion
  coefs <- fit.edgeR$coefficients
  # v <- mu*(1+phi*mu)
  # d <- edgeR::nbinomUnitDeviance(y,mu,phi)
  # resid.pearson <- (y-mu) / sqrt(v)
  # resid.deviance <- sign(y-mu) * sqrt(d)
  resid.quantile <- edgeR::zscoreNBinom(y,mu=mu,size=1/phi)
  # calculate AIC
  edgeR.aic <- .myAIC(resids = resid.quantile, dat.n = ncol(y), npar = ncol(coefs), k=2)
  # calculate gof
  edgeR.gof.stats <- .myGOF(deviances = fit.edgeR$deviance, df.residuals = fit.edgeR$df.residual)

  # make output table
  genenames <- rownames(dge$counts)
  headers.1 <- c("pois_standard", "nbinom_standard", "zifpois_standard", "zifnbinom_standard")
  headers.2 <- c("loglikelihood", "loglikelihooddf", "gofstat", "gofdf", "gofpval", "predzero", "aic")
  headers_tmp1 <- paste(rep(headers.1, each=7), rep(headers.2, times=4), sep="_")
  headers.3 <- c("pois_fitdistr", "nbinom_fitdistr", "zifpois_fitdistr", "zifnbinom_fitdistr")
  headers.4 <- c("gofstat", "gofdf", "gofpval")
  headers_tmp2 <- paste(rep(headers.3, each=3), rep(headers.4, times=4), sep="_")
  headers.5 <- c("PoiBeta_Hemberg", "PoiBeta_Marioni")
  headers.6 <- c("loglikelihood", "loglikelihooddf", "predzero", 'aic')
  headers_tmp3 <- paste(rep(headers.5, each=4), rep(headers.6, times=2), sep="_")
  headers_tmp4 <- c('LRT_standard_NBPoisson', 'Vuong_standard_ZPoisson', 'Vuong_standard_ZNB', 'Vuong_standard_ZNBZPoisson')
  headersgof <- c(headers_tmp1, headers_tmp2, headers_tmp3, headers_tmp4)

  gof.res <- data.frame(matrix(NA, length(genenames), length(headersgof),
                               dimnames=list(c(genenames), c(headersgof))),
                        stringsAsFactors = F)

  headersests <- c("pois_lambda", "nbinom_size", "nbinom_mu", "zifpois_mu", "zifpois_sigma", "zifnbinom_mu", "zifnbinom_sigma", "zifnbinom_nu", 'alpha_bp_hemberg', 'alpha_bp_marioni', 'beta_bp_hemberg', 'beta_bp_marioni', 'gamma_bp_hemberg', 'gamma_bp_marioni')
  estimate.res <- data.frame(matrix(NA, length(genenames), length(headersests),
                                    dimnames=list(c(genenames), c(headersests))),
                             stringsAsFactors = F)

  # run model fits for the genes
  if(FracGenes==1) {
    geneid <- 1:nrow(dge$counts)
  if(!FracGenes==1) { # take fraction of genes per mean bins
    meancnts = rowMeans(out.cpm)
    tmp.ecdf.mean = stats::ecdf(meancnts)
    tmp.quantile.mean = stats::quantile(tmp.ecdf.mean, probs=c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9))
    qbins.mean = unique(c(min(meancnts, na.rm = TRUE),unname(tmp.quantile.mean),Inf))
    bin.mean = cut(meancnts, qbins.mean)
    geneid = unname(unlist(sapply(levels(bin.mean), function(x) {
      tmp.group <- genenames[(bin.mean %in% x)]
      tmp.id <- sample(tmp.group, size= round(FracGenes*length(tmp.group)), replace = F)

  for (i in geneid) {
    if(verbose) {
      message(paste0("Estimation for gene ", which(geneid == i), " out of ", length(geneid),
                     ". A total of ", nrow(dge$counts),
                     " genes are available for estimation."))

    # design.mat
    design.mat <- matrix(1,ncol(dge$counts),1)
    # zero measurement indicator
    counts0 <- dge$counts[i,] == 0
    # number of samples
    # number of nonzero samples
    nn0 = sum(!counts0)
    # dropout
    p0 = mean(dge$counts[i,]==0)
    # mean and dispersion of nonzero portion of normalised counts
    estmu = sum((!counts0) * dge$counts[i,])/nn0
    s2 = sum((!counts0) * (dge$counts[i,] - estmu)^2)/(nn0 - 1)
    disp =  1 / (estmu^2/(s2 - estmu + 1e-04))

    # fit glm poisson
    tmp.fit.pois <- try(stats::glm(dge$counts[i,] ~ 1, family=stats::poisson(link = "log"),
                                   offset = edgeR::getOffset(y=dge)), silent = TRUE)
    # fit poisson with fitdistrplus
    tmp.fit.pois.wo <- try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(data = dge$counts[i,], 'pois'), silent = TRUE)
    # fit glm negative binomial
    tmp.fit.nbinom <- try(MASS::glm.nb(dge$counts[i,] ~ 1 + offset(edgeR::getOffset(y=dge))), silent = TRUE)
    # fit negative binomial with fitdistrplus
    tmp.fit.nbinom.wo <- try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(data = dge$counts[i,], 'nbinom'), silent = TRUE)
    # fit glm zero inflated poisson
    tmp.fit.zifpois <- try(pscl::zeroinfl(dge$counts[i,] ~ 1, dist = 'poisson', offset = edgeR::getOffset(y=dge), EM = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    # fit zero inflated poisson with fitdistrplus
    tmp.fit.zifpois.wo <- try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(dge$counts[i,], "ZIP",
                                                    start = list(mu = estmu, sigma=p0),
                                                    discrete = TRUE, lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(Inf, 1)),
                              silent = TRUE)
    # fit glm zero inflated negative binomial
    tmp.fit.zifnbinom <- try(pscl::zeroinfl(dge$counts[i,] ~ 1, dist = 'negbin', offset = edgeR::getOffset(y=dge), EM = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    # fit zero inflated negative binomial with fitdistrplus
    tmp.fit.zifnbinom.wo <- try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(dge$counts[i,], "ZINBI", start = list(mu = estmu, sigma=disp, nu=p0), discrete = TRUE, lower = c(0, 0, 0), upper = c(Inf,Inf, 1)), silent = TRUE)
    # fit poisson-beta distribution
    tmp.fit.pb <- try(.PoissonBetaFit(x.raw = dge$counts[i,], x.norm = out.cpm[i,]), silent = TRUE)

    # fill up results table
    # poisson
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.pois, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^pois_standard", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- NA
    } else {
      pois.gof.stats <- .myGOF(deviances = tmp.fit.pois$deviance, df.residuals =  tmp.fit.pois$df.residual)
      pois.predzero <- round(sum(stats::dpois(0, stats::fitted(tmp.fit.pois))))
      pois.aic <- stats::AIC(tmp.fit.pois)
      pois.loglik <- as.numeric(logLik(tmp.fit.pois))
      pois.loglikdf <- as.numeric(attr(logLik(tmp.fit.pois), "df"))
      gof.res[i, grep("^pois_standard", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- cbind(pois.loglik, pois.loglikdf, pois.gof.stats, pois.predzero, pois.aic)
    # poisson with fitdistr
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.pois.wo, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^pois_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- NA
    } else {
      pois.gof.fitdistr <- try(.fitdistrplusGOF(fitdistobj=tmp.fit.pois.wo), silent=T)
      if(inherits(pois.gof.fitdistr, 'try-error')) {
        gof.res[i, grep("^pois_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <-  NA
      } else {
        gof.res[i, grep("^pois_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <-  cbind(pois.gof.fitdistr)
        estimate.res[i, grep("^pois_", colnames(estimate.res), perl=TRUE)] <- tmp.fit.pois.wo$estimate
    # neg binom
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.nbinom, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^nbinom_standard", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- NA
    } else {
      nbinom.gof.stats <- .myGOF(deviances = tmp.fit.nbinom$deviance, df.residuals =  tmp.fit.nbinom$df.residual)
      nbinom.predzero <- round(sum(stats::dnbinom(0, mu = stats::fitted(tmp.fit.nbinom), size = tmp.fit.nbinom$theta)))
      nbinom.aic <- stats::AIC(tmp.fit.nbinom)
      nbinom.loglik <- as.numeric(logLik(tmp.fit.nbinom))
      nbinom.loglikdf <- as.numeric(attr(logLik(tmp.fit.nbinom), "df"))
      gof.res[i, grep("^nbinom_standard", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- cbind(nbinom.loglik, nbinom.loglikdf, nbinom.gof.stats, nbinom.predzero, nbinom.aic)
    # neg binom with fitdistr
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.nbinom.wo, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^nbinom_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- NA
    } else {
      nbinom.gof.fitdistr <- try(.fitdistrplusGOF(fitdistobj=tmp.fit.nbinom.wo), silent=T)
      if(inherits(nbinom.gof.fitdistr, 'try-error')) {
        gof.res[i, grep("^nbinom_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <-  NA
      } else {
        gof.res[i, grep("^nbinom_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <-  cbind(nbinom.gof.fitdistr)
        estimate.res[i, grep("^nbinom_", colnames(estimate.res), perl=TRUE)] <- tmp.fit.nbinom.wo$estimate
    # zero inflated poisson
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.zifpois, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^zifpois_standard", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- NA
    } else {
      zifpois.predzero <- round(sum(predict(tmp.fit.zifpois, type = "prob")[, 1]))
      zifpois.aic <- stats::AIC(tmp.fit.zifpois)
      zifpois.loglik <- as.numeric(logLik(tmp.fit.zifpois))
      zifpois.loglikdf <- as.numeric(attr(logLik(tmp.fit.zifpois), "df"))
      zifpois.gof.stats <- .myGOF(deviances = -2*logLik(tmp.fit.zifpois), df.residuals =  length(dge$counts[i,]-2))
      gof.res[i, grep("^zifpois_standard", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- cbind(zifpois.loglik, zifpois.loglikdf, zifpois.gof.stats, zifpois.predzero, zifpois.aic)
    # zero inflated poisson with fitdistr
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.zifpois.wo, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^zifpois_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- NA
    } else {
      zifpois.gof.fitdistr <- try(.fitdistrplusGOF(fitdistobj=tmp.fit.zifpois.wo), silent=T)
      if(inherits(zifpois.gof.fitdistr, 'try-error')) {
        gof.res[i, grep("^zifpois_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <-  NA
      } else {
        gof.res[i, grep("^zifpois_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <-  cbind(zifpois.gof.fitdistr)
        estimate.res[i, grep("^zifpois_", colnames(estimate.res), perl=TRUE)] <- tmp.fit.zifpois.wo$estimate
    # zero inflated neg binom
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.zifnbinom, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^zifnbinom_standard", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- NA
    } else {
      zifnbinom.predzero <- round(sum(predict(tmp.fit.zifnbinom, type = "prob")[, 1]))
      zifnbinom.aic <- stats::AIC(tmp.fit.zifnbinom)
      zifnbinom.loglik <- as.numeric(logLik(tmp.fit.zifnbinom))
      zifnbinom.loglikdf <- as.numeric(attr(logLik(tmp.fit.zifnbinom), "df"))
      zifnbinom.gof.stats <- .myGOF(deviances = -2*logLik(tmp.fit.zifnbinom), df.residuals =  length(dge$counts[i,]-1))
      gof.res[i, grep("^zifnbinom_standard", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)]  <-  cbind(zifnbinom.loglik, zifnbinom.loglikdf, zifnbinom.gof.stats, zifnbinom.predzero, zifnbinom.aic)
    # zero inflated neg binom with fitdistr
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.zifnbinom.wo, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^zifnbinom_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- NA
    } else {
      zifnbinom.gof.fitdistr <- try(.fitdistrplusGOF(fitdistobj=tmp.fit.zifnbinom.wo), silent=T)
      if(inherits(zifnbinom.gof.fitdistr, 'try-error')) {
        gof.res[i, grep("^zifnbinom_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <-  NA
      } else {
        gof.res[i, grep("^zifnbinom_fitdistr", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <-  cbind(zifnbinom.gof.fitdistr)
        estimate.res[i, grep("^zifnbinom_", colnames(estimate.res), perl=TRUE)] <- tmp.fit.zifnbinom.wo$estimate
    # LR Test for NB > P ?
    if(all(!inherits(tmp.fit.pois, 'try-error') && !inherits(tmp.fit.nbinom, 'try-error'))) {
      tmp.lrt.nbp = try(pchisq(as.numeric(2 * (logLik(tmp.fit.nbinom) - logLik(tmp.fit.pois))),
                               df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE), silent=T)
      if(!inherits(tmp.lrt.nbp, 'try-error')) {
        gof.res[i, grep("LRT_standard_NBPoisson", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- tmp.lrt.nbp

    # Vuong Test for ZINB > NB, ZIP > P, ZNB >ZP ?
    if(all(!inherits(tmp.fit.zifpois, 'try-error') && !inherits(tmp.fit.pois, 'try-error'))) {
      tmp.vuong.p = try(nonnest2::vuongtest(tmp.fit.zifpois,tmp.fit.pois), silent=T)
      if(!inherits(tmp.vuong.p, 'try-error')) {
        gof.res[i, grep("Vuong_standard_ZPoisson", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- tmp.vuong.p$p_LRT$A
    if(all(!inherits(tmp.fit.zifnbinom, 'try-error') && !inherits(tmp.fit.nbinom, 'try-error'))) {
      tmp.vuong.nb = try(nonnest2::vuongtest(tmp.fit.zifnbinom,tmp.fit.nbinom), silent=T)
      if(!inherits(tmp.vuong.nb, 'try-error')) {
        gof.res[i, grep("Vuong_standard_ZNB", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- tmp.vuong.nb$p_LRT$A
    if(all(!inherits(tmp.fit.zifnbinom, 'try-error') && !inherits(tmp.fit.zifpois, 'try-error'))) {
      tmp.vuong.nbp = try(nonnest2::vuongtest(tmp.fit.zifnbinom,tmp.fit.zifpois), silent=T)
      if(!inherits(tmp.vuong.nbp, 'try-error')) {
        gof.res[i, grep("Vuong_standard_ZNBZPoisson", colnames(gof.res), perl=TRUE)] <- tmp.vuong.nbp$p_LRT$A

    # poisson beta fit
    if(inherits(tmp.fit.pb, 'try-error')) {
      gof.res[i, grep("^PoiBeta", colnames(gof.res))] <- NA
    } else {
      gof.res[i, grep("^PoiBeta", colnames(gof.res))] <- c(tmp.fit.pb$LogLikelihood.hemberg, 3, tmp.fit.pb$PredZero.hemberg, tmp.fit.pb$AIC.hemberg, tmp.fit.pb$LogLikelihood.marioni, 3, tmp.fit.pb$PredZero.marioni, tmp.fit.pb$AIC.marioni)
    estimate.res[i,grep('bp', colnames(estimate.res), perl=TRUE)] <- cbind(tmp.fit.pb$bp.alpha.hemberg, tmp.fit.pb$bp.alpha.marioni, tmp.fit.pb$bp.beta.hemberg, tmp.fit.pb$bp.beta.marioni,tmp.fit.pb$bp.gamma.hemberg, tmp.fit.pb$bp.gamma.marioni)


  # fill in edgeR results
  edgeR.res <- cbind(edgeR.gof.stats, edgeR.aic)
  colnames(edgeR.res) <- c('edgeRglm_gofstat', 'edgeRglm_gofdf', 'edgeRglm_gofpval', 'edgeRglm_aic')
  rownames(edgeR.res) <- rownames(dge$counts)
  # observed zeros
  ObservedZeros <- data.frame(ObsZero=rowSums(dge$counts==0),
  rownames(ObservedZeros) <- rownames(dge$counts)

  # list result object:
  # goodness of fit statistics per model
  # estimated parameters
  # observed zeros
  return(list(edgeR = edgeR.res,
              GOF = gof.res,
              Estimates = estimate.res,
              ObservedZeros = ObservedZeros))

# EVALUATE DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION ----------------------------------------

#' @name evaluateDE
#' @aliases evaluateDE
#' @title Compute the confusion matrix-related quantities from simulation results
#' @description This function takes the simulation output from \code{\link{simulateDE}}
#' and computes quantities of the confusion matrix for statistical power evaluation.
#' @usage evaluateDE(simRes,
#' alpha.type=c("adjusted","raw"),
#' MTC=c('BY', 'BH', 'holm', 'hochberg', 'hommel', 'bonferroni', 'Storey', 'IHW'),
#' alpha.nominal=0.1,
#' stratify.by=c("mean", "dispersion", "dropout", "lfc"),
#' strata.probs = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9),
#' filter.by=c("none", "mean", "dispersion", "dropout"),
#' strata.filtered=1, target.by=c("lfc", "effectsize"), delta=0,
#' Table = TRUE)
#' @param simRes The result from \code{\link{simulateDE}}.
#' @param MTC Multiple testing correction method to use. Available options are
#' 1) see \link[stats]{p.adjust.methods},
#' 2) Storey's qvalue see \link[qvalue]{qvalue} and
#' 3) Independent Hypothesis Weighting considering mean expression as covariate (see \link[IHW]{ihw}).
#' Default is \code{BY}, i.e. Benjamini-Yekutieli FDR correction method.
#' @param alpha.type A string to represent the way to call DE genes.
#'  Available options are \code{"adjusted"} i.e. applying multiple testing correction and
#'  \code{"raw"} i.e. using p-values. Default is \code{"adjusted"}.
#' @param alpha.nominal The nomial level of significance. Default is 0.1.
#' @param stratify.by A string to represent the way to stratify genes.
#' Available options are \code{"mean"}, \code{"dispersion"}, \code{"dropout"} and \code{"lfc"},
#' for stratifying genes by average expression levels, dispersion, dropout rates or estimated log2 fold changes.
#' @param strata.probs A vector specifying the probability values for sample quantiles of the strata. See \link[qvalue]{qvalue}.
#' @param filter.by A string to represent the way to filter genes.
#' This is used in conjunction with strata.filtered for gene filtering.
#' Available options are \code{"none"}, \code{"mean"}, \code{"dispersion"} and \code{"dropout"}.
#' \code{"none"} stands for no filtering, thus all genes will be considered.
#' \code{"mean"} stands for filtering based on average gene expression levels.
#' \code{"dispersion"} stands for filtering based on gene expression dispersion.
#' \code{"dropout"} stands for filtering based on dropout rates.
#' @param strata.filtered The strata to be filtered out in computing error matrix-related quantities.
#' Genes falling into these strata will be excluded. See "Details" for more description of gene filtering.
#' @param target.by A string to specify the method to define "biologically important" DE genes.
#' Available options are (1) \code{"lfc"}: interesting genes are defined by absolute log2 fold changes.
#' (2) \code{"effectsize"}: interesting genes are defined by
#' absolute log2 fold changes divided by the square root of 1/(mean+dispersion).
#' @param delta A threshold used for defining "biologically important" genes.
#' Genes with absolute log2 fold changes (when target.by is "lfc")
#' or effect sizes (when target.by is "effectsize") greater than this value
#' are deemed DE in error rates calculations. If \code{delta=0} then no threshold is applied. See "Details" for more description.
#' @param Table A logical vector. If the default \code{TRUE}, then a table of marginal error rates is printed additionally (see \code{\link{printEvalDE}}).
#' @return A list with the following entries:
#' \item{TN, TP, FP, FN, TNR, TPR, FPR, FNR, FDR}{3D array representing the number of true negatives, true positives, false positives,
#' false negatives and their proportions/rates as well as false discovery rate
#' for all simulation settings. The dimension of the arrays are nstrata * N * nsims.
#' Here nstrata is number of specified strata.
#' N is number of different sample sizes settings, and nsims is number of simulations.}
#' \item{TN.marginal, TP.marginal, FP.marginal, FN.marginal}{Matrix representing the number of true negatives, true positives, false positives,
#'  false negatives for all simulation settings.
#'  The dimension of the matrices are N * nsims.
#'  Here N is number of different sample sizes settings, and nsims is number of simulations.}
#' \item{TNR.marginal, TPR.marginal, FPR.marginal, FNR.marginal, FDR.marginal}{Matrix representing the marginal rates for all simulation settings.
#' The dimension of the matrices are N * nsims.}
#' \item{stratagenes, stratadiffgenes}{Number of genes per stratum and number of DE genes per stratum.}
#' \item{stratify.by}{The input "stratify.by".}
#' \item{strata}{The input strata.}
#' \item{n1,n2}{Sample sizes per group.
#' This is taken from the simulation options.}
#' \item{target.by}{The input method to define "biologically important" DE genes,
#' either by log fold change or effect size.}
#' \item{delta}{The input delta for biologically important genes.
#' If delta=0, all target.by will be considered.}
#' @details This is the main function to compute various power-related quantities,
#' using stratification and filtering.
#' \describe{
#' \item{Gene stratification}{We recommend to compute and visualize error rates (especially TPR)
#' conditional on expression characteristics like mean, dispersion and/or dropout rate.
#' It is likely that the power to detect DE genes is strongly dependent on
#' mean expression levels even though the magnitude of effect sizes is the same.
#' The stratified results will provide a more comprehensive power assessment and
#' better guide the investigators in experimental designs and analysis strategies.}
#' \item{Gene filtering}{Sometimes it is advisible to filter out some genes
#' (such as the ones with very low mean expression) before DE detection.
#' The filtering option here provides an opportunity to compare the rates before and after filtering.}
#' \item{Define biologically interesting genes}{We provide two options to define biologically interesting genes:
#' by absolute values of log fold changes or effect sizes
#' (absolute values of log fold changes divided by the square root of 1/(mean+dispersions)).
#' Genes with these quantities over a threshold are deemed interesting,
#' and the rate calculations are based on these genes.}
#' }
#' @author Beate Vieth
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimateParam}} for negative binomial parameters,
#' \code{\link{Setup}} for setting up simulation parameters and
#' \code{\link{simulateDE}} for simulating differential expression and
#' \code{\link{plotEvalDE}} for visualisation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # estimate gene parameters
#' data("Bulk_Read_Counts")
#' data("GeneLengths_hg19")
#' estparam_gene <- estimateParam(countData = Bulk_Read_Counts,
#'                                readData = NULL,
#'                                batchData = NULL,
#'                                spikeData = NULL, spikeInfo = NULL,
#'                                Lengths = GeneLengths_hg19, MeanFragLengths = NULL,
#'                                RNAseq = 'bulk', Protocol = 'Read',
#'                                Distribution = 'NB', Normalisation = "MR",
#'                                GeneFilter = 0.25, SampleFilter = 3,
#'                                sigma = 1.96, NCores = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#' # define log fold change
#' p.lfc <- function(x) sample(c(-1,1), size=x,replace=T)*rgamma(x, shape = 2, rate = 2)
#' # set up simulations
#' setupres <- Setup(ngenes = 10000, nsims = 10,
#'                   p.DE = 0.1, pLFC = p.lfc,
#'                   n1 = c(3,6,12), n2 = c(3,6,12),
#'                   Thinning = c(1,0.9,0.8), LibSize = 'given',
#'                   estParamRes = estparam_gene,
#'                   estSpikeRes = NULL,
#'                   DropGenes = FALSE,
#'                   sim.seed = 4379, verbose = TRUE)
#' # run simulation
#' simres <- simulateDE(SetupRes = setupres,
#'                      Prefilter = NULL, Imputation = NULL,
#'                      Normalisation = 'MR', Label = 'none',
#'                      DEmethod = "limma-trend", DEFilter = FALSE,
#'                      NCores = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#' # DE evaluation
#' evalderes <- evaluateDE(simRes = simres, alpha.type="adjusted",
#'                         MTC='BH', alpha.nominal=0.05,
#'                         stratify.by = "lfc", filter.by = "mean",
#'                         strata.filtered = 1,
#'                         target.by = "lfc", delta = 0.25)
#' plotEvalDE(evalRes = evalderes, rate = "marginal")
#' plotEvalDE(evalRes = evalderes, rate = "conditional")
#' }
#' @rdname evaluateDE
#' @importFrom stats ecdf quantile p.adjust.methods p.adjust
#' @importFrom qvalue qvalue
#' @importFrom IHW ihw adj_pvalues
#' @export
evaluateDE <- function(simRes, alpha.type=c("adjusted","raw"),
                       MTC=c('BY', 'BH', 'holm', 'hochberg', 'hommel', 'bonferroni', 'Storey', 'IHW'),
                       stratify.by=c("mean", "dispersion", "dropout", "lfc"),
                       strata.probs = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9),
                       filter.by=c("none", "mean", "dispersion", "dropout"),
                       target.by=c("lfc", "effectsize"), delta=0,
                       Table = TRUE) {

  alpha.type = match.arg(alpha.type)
  MTC = match.arg(MTC)
  stratify.by = match.arg(stratify.by)
  filter.by = match.arg(filter.by)
  target.by = match.arg(target.by)

  ## some general parameters
  Nreps1 = simRes$SimSetup$n1
  Nreps2 = simRes$SimSetup$n2
  ngenes = simRes$DESetup$ngenes
  DEids =  simRes$DESetup$DEid
  lfcs =  simRes$DESetup$pLFC
  tlfcs = lapply(1:length(lfcs), function(i) {lfcs[[i]]})
  nsims = simRes$DESetup$nsims
  estmeans = simRes$estParamRes$Parameters[[simRes$DESetup$Draw$MoM]]$means
  estdisps = simRes$estParamRes$Parameters[[simRes$DESetup$Draw$MoM]]$dispersion
  estdropout = simRes$estParamRes$Parameters[[simRes$DESetup$Draw$MoM]]$gene.dropout
  mu = simRes$SimulateRes$mu
  disp = simRes$SimulateRes$disp
  dropout = simRes$SimulateRes$dropout
  elfc = simRes$SimulateRes$elfc
  DEmethod = simRes$Pipeline$DEmethod
  pvalue = simRes$SimulateRes$pvalue
  fdr = simRes$SimulateRes$fdr

  ## calculate strata
  tmp.ecdf.mean = stats::ecdf(log2(estmeans+1))
  tmp.quantile.mean = stats::quantile(tmp.ecdf.mean, probs=strata.probs)
  strata.mean = unique(c(0,unname(tmp.quantile.mean),Inf))
  strata.mean = unique(round(strata.mean, digits=2))
  tmp.ecdf.disps = stats::ecdf(log2(estdisps+1))
  tmp.quantile.disps = stats::quantile(tmp.ecdf.disps, probs=strata.probs)
  strata.disps = unique(c(0,unname(tmp.quantile.disps),Inf))
  strata.disps = unique(round(strata.disps, digits=2))
  tmp.ecdf.drop = stats::ecdf(estdropout)
  tmp.quantile.drop = stats::quantile(tmp.ecdf.drop, probs=strata.probs)
  strata.drop = unique(c(0,unname(tmp.quantile.drop),1))
  strata.drop = unique(round(strata.drop, digits=2))
  tmp.ecdf.lfc = stats::ecdf(unique(unlist(tlfcs)))
  tmp.quantile.lfc = stats::quantile(tmp.ecdf.lfc, probs=strata.probs)
  strata.lfc = unique(c(-Inf,unname(tmp.quantile.lfc),Inf))
  strata.lfc = unique(round(strata.lfc, digits=2))

  ## initialize results
  ## determine dimension of results, for filtering
  if(stratify.by=='mean') {
    nr = length(strata.mean) - 1
  if(stratify.by=='dispersion') {
    nr = length(strata.disps) - 1
  if(stratify.by=='dropout') {
    nr = length(strata.drop) - 1
  if(stratify.by=='lfc') {
    nr = length(strata.lfc) - 1
  if(filter.by %in% c("mean", "dispersion", "dropout")) {
    if(filter.by == stratify.by){
      nstrata = nr - strata.filtered
    if(!filter.by == stratify.by){
      nstrata = nr
  if(filter.by == "none") {
    nstrata = nr

  TP = TN =  FP = FN = TPR = TNR = FPR = FNR = FDR = xgrl = xgrld = array(NA,dim=c(nstrata,length(Nreps1), nsims))
  TP.marginal = TN.marginal = FP.marginal = FN.marginal = TPR.marginal = TNR.marginal = FPR.marginal = FNR.marginal = FDR.marginal = matrix(NA,length(Nreps1), nsims)

  ## loop over simulation and replicates
  for(i in 1:nsims) {
    for(j in seq(along=Nreps1)) {
      Nrep1 = Nreps1[j]
      Nrep2 = Nreps2[j]
      ## get DE flags.
      DEid = DEids[[i]]
      lfc = lfcs[[i]]
      Zg = Zg2 = rep(0, ngenes)
      Zg[DEid] = 1
      ## find target (interesting) genes
      if(delta == 0) {
        Zg2 = Zg
      if(!delta == 0) {
        if(target.by == "lfc") {
          ix = abs(lfc) > delta
        } else if (target.by == "effectsize") {
          effectsize = lfc / sqrt(1/((log2(mu[,j,i] + 1)+log2(disp[,j,i] + 1))))
          ix = abs(effectsize) > delta
        Zg2[ix] = 1

      ## calculate stratificaton
      # mean
      X.bar1 = mu[,j,i]
      ix.keep.mean = which(!is.na(X.bar1))
      xgr.mean = cut(log2(X.bar1[ix.keep.mean]+1), strata.mean)
      xgrd.mean = cut(log2(X.bar1[DEid]+1), strata.mean)
      # dispersion
      X.disp1 = disp[,j,i]
      ix.keep.disps = which(!is.na(X.disp1))
      xgr.disps = cut(log2(X.disp1[ix.keep.disps]+1), strata.disps)
      xgrd.disps = cut(log2(X.disp1[DEid]+1), strata.disps)
      # dropout
      X.drop1 = dropout[,j,i]
      ix.keep.drop = which(!is.na(X.drop1))
      xgr.drop = cut(X.drop1[ix.keep.drop], strata.drop)
      xgrd.drop = cut(X.drop1[DEid], strata.drop)
      # lfc
      X.lfc1 = elfc[,j,i]
      ix.keep.lfc = which(!is.na(X.lfc1))
      xgr.lfc = cut(X.lfc1[ix.keep.lfc], strata.lfc)
      xgrd.lfc = cut(X.lfc1[DEid], strata.lfc)

      ### FILTERING
      ## calculate filtering
      ## stratify by mean
      if(stratify.by == "mean") {
        if(filter.by == "mean") {
          lev.mean = levels(xgr.mean)
          strata.filt.mean = c(1:strata.filtered)
          fix.keep.mean = ix.keep.mean[!(xgr.mean %in% lev.mean[strata.filt.mean])]
          fix.dekeep.mean = intersect(fix.keep.mean, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.mean = cut(log2(X.bar1[fix.keep.mean]+1), strata.mean[-strata.filt.mean])
          fxgrd.mean = cut(log2(X.bar1[fix.dekeep.mean]+1), strata.mean[-strata.filt.mean])
        if(filter.by == "dispersion") {
          lev.disps = levels(xgr.disps)
          strata.filt.disps = c((length(lev.disps)-strata.filtered+1):length(lev.disps))
          fix.keep.mean = ix.keep.mean[!(xgr.disps %in% lev.disps[strata.filt.disps])]
          fix.dekeep.mean = intersect(fix.keep.mean, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.mean = cut(log2(X.bar1[fix.keep.mean]+1), strata.mean)
          fxgrd.mean = cut(log2(X.bar1[fix.dekeep.mean]+1), strata.mean)
        if(filter.by == "dropout") {
          lev.drop = levels(xgr.drop)
          strata.filt.drop = c((length(lev.drop)-strata.filtered+1):length(lev.drop))
          fix.keep.mean = ix.keep.mean[!(xgr.drop %in% lev.drop[strata.filt.drop])]
          fix.dekeep.mean = intersect(fix.keep.mean, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.mean = cut(log2(X.bar1[fix.keep.mean]+1), strata.mean)
          fxgrd.mean = cut(log2(X.bar1[fix.dekeep.mean]+1), strata.mean)
        if(filter.by == "none") {
          fix.keep.mean = ix.keep.mean
          fxgr.mean = xgr.mean
          fxgrd.mean = xgrd.mean
      ## stratify by dispersion
      if(stratify.by == "dispersion") {
        if(filter.by == "mean") {
          lev.mean = levels(xgr.mean)
          strata.filt.mean = c(1:strata.filtered)
          fix.keep.disps = ix.keep.disps[!(xgr.mean %in% lev.mean[strata.filt.mean])]
          fix.dekeep.disps = intersect(fix.keep.disps, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.disps = cut(log2(X.disp1[fix.keep.disps]+1), strata.disps)
          fxgrd.disps = cut(log2(X.disp1[fix.dekeep.disps]+1), strata.disps)
        if(filter.by == "dispersion") {
          lev.disps = levels(xgr.disps)
          lev.filt.disps = c((length(lev.disps)-strata.filtered+1):length(lev.disps))
          fix.keep.disps = ix.keep.disps[!(xgr.disps %in% lev.disps[lev.filt.disps])]
          fix.dekeep.disps = intersect(fix.keep.disps, DEid)
          strata.filt.disps = length(strata.disps) - strata.filtered
          # recut
          fxgr.disps = cut(log2(X.disp1[fix.keep.disps]+1), strata.disps[1:strata.filt.disps])
          fxgrd.disps = cut(log2(X.disp1[fix.dekeep.disps]+1), strata.disps[1:strata.filt.disps])
        if(filter.by == "dropout") {
          lev.drop = levels(xgr.drop)
          strata.filt.drop = c((length(lev.drop)-strata.filtered+1):length(lev.drop))
          fix.keep.disps = ix.keep.disps[!(xgr.drop %in% lev.drop[strata.filt.drop])]
          fix.dekeep.disps = intersect(fix.keep.disps, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.disps = cut(X.disp1[fix.keep.disps], strata.disps)
          fxgrd.disps = cut(X.disp1[fix.dekeep.disps], strata.disps)
        if(filter.by == "none") {
          fix.keep.disps = ix.keep.disps
          fxgr.disps = xgr.disps
          fxgrd.disps = xgrd.disps
      ## stratify by dropout
      if(stratify.by == "dropout") {
        if(filter.by == "mean") {
          lev.mean = levels(xgr.mean)
          strata.filt.mean = c(1:strata.filtered)
          fix.keep.drop = ix.keep.drop[!(xgr.mean %in% lev.mean[strata.filt.mean])]
          fix.dekeep.drop = intersect(fix.keep.drop, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.drop = cut(X.drop1[fix.keep.drop], strata.drop)
          fxgrd.drop = cut(X.drop1[fix.dekeep.drop], strata.drop)
        if(filter.by == "dispersion") {
          lev.disps = levels(xgr.disps)
          strata.filt.disps = c((length(lev.disps)-strata.filtered+1):length(lev.disps))
          fix.keep.drop = ix.keep.drop[!(xgr.disps %in% lev.disps[strata.filt.disps])]
          fix.dekeep.drop = intersect(fix.keep.drop, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.drop = cut(X.drop1[fix.keep.drop], strata.drop)
          fxgrd.drop = cut(X.drop1[fix.dekeep.drop], strata.drop)
        if(filter.by == "dropout") {
          lev.drop = levels(xgr.drop)
          strata.filt.drop = c((length(lev.drop)-strata.filtered+1):length(lev.drop))
          fix.keep.drop = ix.keep.drop[!(xgr.drop %in% lev.drop[strata.filt.drop])]
          fix.dekeep.drop = intersect(fix.keep.drop, DEid)
          strata.filt.drop = length(strata.drop) - strata.filtered
          # recut
          fxgr.drop = cut(X.drop1[fix.keep.drop], strata.drop[1:strata.filt.drop])
          fxgrd.drop = cut(X.drop1[fix.dekeep.drop], strata.drop[1:strata.filt.drop])
        if(filter.by == "none") {
          fix.keep.drop = ix.keep.drop
          fxgr.drop = xgr.drop
          fxgrd.drop = xgrd.drop
      ## stratify by lfc
      if(stratify.by == "lfc") {
        if(filter.by == "mean") {
          lev.mean = levels(xgr.mean)
          strata.filt.mean = c(1:strata.filtered)
          fix.keep.lfc = ix.keep.lfc[!(xgr.mean %in% lev.mean[strata.filt.mean])]
          fix.dekeep.lfc = intersect(fix.keep.lfc, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.lfc = cut(X.lfc1[fix.keep.lfc], strata.lfc)
          fxgrd.lfc = cut(X.lfc1[fix.dekeep.lfc], strata.lfc)
        if(filter.by == "dispersion") {
          lev.disps = levels(xgr.disps)
          strata.filt.disps = c((length(lev.disps)-strata.filtered+1):length(lev.disps))
          fix.keep.lfc = ix.keep.lfc[!(xgr.disps %in% lev.mean[strata.filt.disps])]
          fix.dekeep.lfc = intersect(fix.keep.lfc, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.lfc = cut(X.lfc1[fix.keep.lfc], strata.lfc)
          fxgrd.lfc = cut(X.lfc1[fix.dekeep.lfc], strata.lfc)
        if(filter.by == "dropout") {
          lev.drop = levels(xgr.drop)
          strata.filt.drop = c((length(lev.drop)-strata.filtered+1):length(lev.drop))
          fix.keep.lfc = ix.keep.lfc[!(xgr.drop %in% lev.drop[strata.filt.drop])]
          fix.dekeep.lfc = intersect(fix.keep.lfc, DEid)
          # recut
          fxgr.lfc = cut(X.lfc1[fix.keep.lfc], strata.lfc)
          fxgrd.lfc = cut(X.lfc1[fix.dekeep.lfc], strata.lfc)
        if(filter.by == "none") {
          fix.keep.lfc = ix.keep.lfc
          fxgr.lfc = xgr.lfc
          fxgr.lfc = xgr.lfc
          fxgrd.lfc = xgrd.lfc

      if(stratify.by == "mean") {
        strata = strata.mean
        xgr = fxgr.mean
        xgrd = fxgrd.mean
        ix.keep = fix.keep.mean
      if(stratify.by == "dispersion") {
        strata = strata.disps
        xgr = fxgr.disps
        xgrd = fxgrd.disps
        ix.keep = fix.keep.disps
      if(stratify.by == "dropout") {
        strata = strata.drop
        xgr = fxgr.drop
        xgrd = fxgrd.drop
        ix.keep = fix.keep.drop
      if(stratify.by == "lfc") {
        strata = strata.lfc
        xgr = fxgr.lfc
        xgrd = fxgrd.lfc
        ix.keep = fix.keep.lfc

      ## get type I error alpha (pvalue or fdr output from testing)
      if(alpha.type == "raw") {
        if(DEmethod %in% c("edgeR-QL", "edgeR-LRT", "limma-voom", "limma-trend", "NBPSeq", "T-Test",
                           "DESeq2", "ROTS", "MAST", "scde", "BPSC", "scDD", "monocle", "DECENT",
                           "edgeR-zingeR", "edgeR-ZINB-WaVE", "DESeq2-zingeR", "DESeq2-ZINB-WaVE")) {
          x = pvalue[ix.keep,j,i]
          x[is.na(x)] = 1
        if(DEmethod %in% c("baySeq", "NOISeq", "EBSeq")) {
          message(paste0("The DE method ", DEmethod," only provides adjusted p-values."))
          x = fdr[ix.keep,j,i]
          x[is.na(x)] = 1
      if(alpha.type == "adjusted") {
        if(DEmethod %in% c("edgeR-QL", "edgeR-LRT", "limma-voom", "limma-trend", "NBPSeq", "T-Test",
                           "DESeq2", "ROTS", "MAST", "scde", "BPSC", "scDD", "monocle", "DECENT",
                           "edgeR-zingeR", "edgeR-ZINB-WaVE", "DESeq2-zingeR", "DESeq2-ZINB-WaVE")) {
          pval = pvalue[ix.keep,j,i]
          meanexpr = log2(mu[ix.keep,j,i]+1)
          if(MTC %in% stats::p.adjust.methods) {
            x = stats::p.adjust(pval, method = MTC)
            x[is.na(x)] = 1
          if(MTC %in% "Storey") {
            tmp.p = pval[!is.na(pval)]
            tmp.q = qvalue::qvalue(p = tmp.p)$qvalues
            x = rep(NA, length(pval))
            x[!is.na(pval)] = tmp.q
            x[is.na(x)] = 1
          if(MTC %in% "IHW") {
            in.dat = data.frame(pvalue = pval, meanexpr = meanexpr)
            tmp = IHW::ihw(pvalue ~ meanexpr, data = in.dat, alpha = alpha.nominal)
            x = IHW::adj_pvalues(tmp)
            x[is.na(x)] = 1
        if(DEmethod %in% c("baySeq", "NOISeq", "EBSeq")) {
          message(paste0("The DE method ", DEmethod," only provides adjusted p-values."))
          x = fdr[ix.keep,j,i]
          x[is.na(x)] = 1

      ## update Zg flags after filtering
      Zg = Zg[ix.keep]
      Zg2 = Zg2[ix.keep]

      #  number of strata genes and diff strata genes in output table
      xgrl[,j,i] = table(xgr)
      xgrld[,j,i] = table(xgrd)

      ## calculate stratified power-related quantities
      error.mat = .error.matrix(p=x, p.crit=alpha.nominal, Zg=Zg, Zg2=Zg2, xgr=xgr)

      TP[,j,i] = error.mat$TP
      TN[,j,i] = error.mat$TN
      FP[,j,i] = error.mat$FP
      FN[,j,i] = error.mat$FN

      TP.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$TP.marginal
      TN.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$TN.marginal
      FP.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$FP.marginal
      FN.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$FN.marginal

      TPR[,j,i] = error.mat$TPR
      TNR[,j,i] = error.mat$TNR
      FPR[,j,i] = error.mat$FPR
      FNR[,j,i] = error.mat$FNR
      FDR[,j,i] = error.mat$FDR

      TPR.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$TPR.marginal
      TNR.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$TNR.marginal
      FPR.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$FPR.marginal
      FNR.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$FNR.marginal
      FDR.marginal[j,i] = error.mat$FDR.marginal


  output <- list(stratagenes=xgrl,
                 TN=TN, TP=TP, FP=FP, FN=FN,
                 TNR=TNR, TPR=TPR, FPR=FPR, FNR=FNR, FDR=FDR,
                 TNR.marginal=TNR.marginal, TPR.marginal=TPR.marginal,
                 FPR.marginal=FPR.marginal, FNR.marginal=FNR.marginal,
                 ## below are input parameters:
                 alpha.type=alpha.type, MTC=ifelse(alpha.type=="adjusted", MTC, "not applicable"),
                 stratify.by=stratify.by, strata=strata, strata.levels=levels(xgr),
                 target.by=target.by, n1=Nreps1, n2=Nreps2, delta=delta)

    printEvalDE(evalRes = output)


# EVALUATE SETUP ----------------------------------------------------------

#' @name evaluateSim
#' @aliases evaluateSim
#' @title Compute the performance related metrics from simulation results.
#' @description This function takes the simulation output from \code{\link{simulateDE}}
#' and computes several metrics that give an indication of the simulation setup performance.
#' @usage evaluateSim(simRes)
#' @param simRes The result from \code{\link{simulateDE}}.
#' @return A list with the following entries:
#' \item{LogFoldChange}{The absolute mean error (\code{MAE}), root mean square error (\code{RMSE})
#' and root mean square residual error of a robust linear model (\code{rRMSE}, \code{\link[MASS]{rlm}})
#' of log fold change differences between estimated and simulated.
#' Furthermore, the fraction of missing entries (\code{NAFraction}) for MAE annd RMSE.}
#' \item{SizeFactors}{The median absolute deviation (MAD) between the simulated and estimated size factors,
#' the root mean square residual error of a robust linear model (rRMSE, \code{\link[MASS]{rlm}}) and
#' the group-specific ratio between simulated and estimated size factors (\code{GroupX}).}
#' @author Beate Vieth
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimateParam}} for negative binomial parameters,
#' \code{\link{Setup}} for setting up simulation parameters and
#' \code{\link{simulateDE}} for simulating differential expression
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # estimate gene parameters
#' data("SmartSeq2_Gene_Read_Counts")
#' Batches = data.frame(Batch = sapply(strsplit(colnames(SmartSeq2_Gene_Read_Counts), "_"), "[[", 1),
#'                      stringsAsFactors = F,
#'                      row.names = colnames(SmartSeq2_Gene_Read_Counts))
#' data("GeneLengths_mm10")
#' estparam_gene <- estimateParam(countData = SmartSeq2_Gene_Read_Counts,
#'                                readData = NULL,
#'                                batchData = Batches,
#'                                spikeData = NULL, spikeInfo = NULL,
#'                                Lengths = GeneLengths_mm10, MeanFragLengths = NULL,
#'                                RNAseq = 'singlecell', Protocol = 'Read',
#'                                Distribution = 'ZINB', Normalisation = "scran",
#'                                GeneFilter = 0.1, SampleFilter = 3,
#'                                sigma = 1.96, NCores = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#' # define log fold change
#' p.lfc <- function(x) sample(c(-1,1), size=x,replace=T)*rgamma(x, shape = 1, rate = 2)
#' # set up simulations
#' setupres <- Setup(ngenes = 10000, nsims = 10,
#'                   p.DE = 0.1, pLFC = p.lfc,
#'                   n1 = c(20,50,100), n2 = c(30,60,120),
#'                   Thinning = c(1,0.9,0.8), LibSize = 'given',
#'                   estParamRes = estparam_gene,
#'                   estSpikeRes = NULL,
#'                   DropGenes = FALSE,
#'                   sim.seed = 66437, verbose = TRUE)
#' # run simulation
#' simres <- simulateDE(SetupRes = setupres,
#'                      Prefilter = "FreqFilter",
#'                      Imputation = NULL,
#'                      Normalisation = 'scran', Label = 'none',
#'                      DEmethod = "limma-trend", DEFilter = FALSE,
#'                      NCores = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#' # evaluation
#' evalsimres <- evaluateSim(simRes = simres)
#' plotEvalSim(evalRes = evalsimres, Annot = TRUE)
#' plotTime(evalRes = evalsimres, Annot = TRUE)
#' }
#' @rdname evaluateSim
#' @importFrom stats mad
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowSds
#' @export
evaluateSim <- function(simRes) {

  # simulation parameters
  Nreps1 = simRes$SimSetup$n1
  Nreps2 = simRes$SimSetup$n2
  ngenes = simRes$DESetup$ngenes
  DEids = simRes$DESetup$DEid
  tlfcs = simRes$DESetup$pLFC
  nsims = simRes$DESetup$nsims
  t.designs = simRes$SimulateRes$true.designs

  # estimated parameters
  elfcs = simRes$SimulateRes$elfc
  tsfs = simRes$SimulateRes$true.sf
  esfs = simRes$SimulateRes$est.sf

  time.taken <- simRes$SimulateRes$time.taken

  # create lfc output objects
  my.names = paste0(Nreps1, " vs ", Nreps2)
  # error in log2 fold changes
  lfc.error.mat <- lapply(1:length(my.names), function(x) {
    matrix(NA, nrow =  nsims, ncol = 15,
           dimnames = list(c(paste0("Sim", 1:nsims)),
                           c(paste0(rep(x=c("ALL", "DE", "EE"),each=5),"_",
                                    c('RMSE_Value', "MAE_Value", "RMSE_NAFraction", "MAE_NAFraction", "rRMSE_Value")))))
  names(lfc.error.mat) <- my.names

  # create library size error output objects
  sf.error.mat <- lapply(1:length(my.names), function(x) {
    matrix(NA, nrow =  nsims, ncol = 4,
           dimnames = list(c(paste0("Sim_", 1:nsims)),
                           c("MAD", "rRMSE", "Group 1","Group 2")))
  names(sf.error.mat) <- my.names

  # create timing output objects
  time.taken.mat <- lapply(1:length(my.names), function(x) {
    data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(colnames(time.taken[[1]])),
                      ncol = 3, dimnames = list(c(colnames(time.taken[[1]])),
                                                c("Mean", "SD", "SEM")))
  names(time.taken.mat) <- my.names

  ## loop over simulation and replicates
  for(i in 1:nsims) {
    # DE flag
    DEid = DEids[[i]]
    Zg = rep(0, ngenes)
    Zg[DEid] = 1
    # true log fold change of all genes
    all.tlfc = tlfcs[[i]]
    # true log fold change of DE genes
    de.tlfc = all.tlfc[which(Zg==1)]
    # true log fold change of EE genes
    ee.tlfc = all.tlfc[which(Zg==0)]

    for(j in seq(along=Nreps1)) {

      # estimated log fold change of all genes
      all.elfc = elfcs[, j, i]
      # estimated log fold changes of EE genes
      ix.ee.lfc = which(Zg==0)
      ee.lfc = all.elfc[ix.ee.lfc]
      # estimated log fold change of DE genes
      ix.de.lfc = which(Zg==1)
      de.lfc = all.elfc[ix.de.lfc]
      # estimate mean squared error and absolute error
      all.error <- .lfc.evaluate(truth=all.tlfc, estimated=all.elfc)
      ee.error <- .lfc.evaluate(truth=ee.tlfc, estimated=ee.lfc)
      de.error <- .lfc.evaluate(truth=de.tlfc, estimated=de.lfc)
      error.est <- c(all.error, de.error, ee.error)
      lfc.error.mat[[j]][i,] = error.est

      # true sf over all samples, center to mean=1
      tsf = tsfs[[j]][i, ]
      n.tsf = tsf*length(tsf)/sum(tsf)

      # estimated sf over all sample, center to mean=1
      esf = esfs[[j]][i,]
      n.esf = esf*length(esf)/sum(esf)

      # MAD of log fold change difference between estimated and true size factors
      lfc.nsf = log2(esf) - log2(tsf)
      mad.nsf = stats::mad(lfc.nsf)

      # error of estimation
      error.sf <- .fiterror.sf(estimated.sf = n.esf, true.sf = n.tsf)

      # ratio of estimated and true size factors per true group assignment
      t.design = t.designs[[j]][i,]
      ratio.sf <- .ratio.sf(estimated.nsf = n.esf,
                            true.nsf = n.tsf,
      sf.res <- unlist(c(mad.nsf, error.sf, ratio.sf))
      names(sf.res) <- NULL

      sf.error.mat[[j]][i,] = sf.res

  for(j in seq(along=Nreps1)) {
    tmp.time <- time.taken[[j]]
    time.taken.mat[[j]][,"Mean"] <- colMeans(tmp.time)
    time.taken.mat[[j]][,"SD"] <- matrixStats::colSds(tmp.time)
    time.taken.mat[[j]][,"SEM"] <- matrixStats::colSds(tmp.time)/sqrt(nsims)

  output <- list(LogFoldChange = lfc.error.mat,
                 SizeFactors = sf.error.mat,
                 Pipeline = simRes$Pipeline,
                 DESetup = simRes$DESetup,
                 Timing = time.taken.mat)

  # return object

# EVALUATE ROCR -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @name evaluateROC
#' @aliases evaluateROC
#' @title Receiver operator characteristics of simulation results
#' @description This function takes the simulation output from \code{\link{simulateDE}}
#' and computes receiver operator characteristics (ROC) and area under the curve values (AUC) with the help of functions implemented in \code{\link[iCOBRA]{calculate_performance}}.
#' @usage evaluateROC(simRes,
#' alpha.type=c("adjusted","raw"),
#' MTC=c('BY', 'BH', 'Storey', 'IHW',
#' 'holm', 'hochberg', 'hommel', 'bonferroni'),
#' alpha.nominal = 0.1,
#' target.by=c("lfc", "effectsize"), delta=0,
#' raw = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
#' @param simRes The result from \code{\link{simulateDE}}.
#' @param alpha.type A string to represent the way to call DE genes.
#'  Available options are \code{"adjusted"} i.e. applying multiple testing correction and
#'  \code{"raw"} i.e. using p-values. Default is \code{"adjusted"}.
#' @param MTC Multiple testing correction method to use. Available options are
#' 1) see \link[stats]{p.adjust.methods},
#' 2) Storey's qvalue see \link[qvalue]{qvalue} and
#' 3) Independent Hypothesis Weighting considering mean expression as covariate (see \link[IHW]{ihw}).
#' Default is \code{BY}, i.e. Benjamini-Yekutieli FDR correction method.
#' @param alpha.nominal The nomial value of significance. Default is 0.1.
#' @param target.by A string to specify the method to define "biologically important" DE genes.
#' Available options are (1) \code{"lfc"}: interesting genes are defined by absolute log2 fold changes.
#' (2) \code{"effectsize"}: interesting genes are defined by
#' absolute log2 fold changes divided by the square root of 1/(mean+dispersion).
#' @param delta A threshold used for defining "biologically important" genes.
#' Genes with absolute log2 fold changes (when target.by is "lfc")
#' or effect sizes (when target.by is "effectsize") greater than this value
#' are deemed DE in error rates calculations.
#' If the default \code{delta=0}, then no threshold is applied.
#' @param raw Logical vector. The default \code{FALSE} removes
#' intermediate calculations from the output since they can be quite large.
#' @param verbose Logical vector to indicate whether to show progress report of evaluation.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A list with the following entries:
#' \item{Performances}{The output of \code{\link[iCOBRA]{calculate_performance}} of aspect "fdrtprcurve" calculating the proportions of TN, FN, TP and FP and related rates which uses \code{\link[ROCR]{prediction}} and \code{\link[ROCR]{performance}} internally.}
#' \item{TPRvsFDR}{The output of \code{\link[iCOBRA]{calculate_performance}} of aspect "fdrtpr" calculating the proportions of TN, FN, TP and FP and associated TPR and observed FDR for each nominal level from 0.01 to 1 in steps of 0.01.}
#' \item{Scores}{The mean +/- standard error of performance measures and area under the curve. These are calculated once for conservative (extension "conv") and once for liberal nominal (extension "lib") FDR levels. Measures include: accuracy (ACC), F-measure of precision and recall (F1score), Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC), partial Area under the Curve of TPR vs FDR (TPRvsFDR_pAUC), area under the ROC-curve (TPRvsFPR_AUC) and area under the PR-curve (TPRvsPPV_AUC).}
#' \item{Raw}{If \code{raw} is \code{TRUE}, then the intermediate calculations of the above three list entries is also included in the output.}
#' \item{Settings}{Reiterating chosen evaluation parameters.}
#' @author Beate Vieth
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimateParam}} for parameter estimation needed for simulations,
#' \code{\link{Setup}} for setting up simulation parameters and
#' \code{\link{simulateDE}} for simulating differential expression.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # estimate gene parameters
#' data("SmartSeq2_Gene_Read_Counts")
#' estparam_gene <- estimateParam(countData = SmartSeq2_Gene_Read_Counts,
#'                                readData = NULL,
#'                               batchData = NULL,
#'                                spikeData = NULL, spikeInfo = NULL,
#'                                Lengths = NULL, MeanFragLengths = NULL,
#'                                RNAseq = 'singlecell', Protocol = 'Read',
#'                                Distribution = 'ZINB', Normalisation = "scran",
#'                                GeneFilter = 0.1, SampleFilter = 3,
#'                                sigma = 1.96, NCores = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#' # define log2 fold change
#' p.lfc <- function(x) sample(c(-1,1), size=x,replace=T)*rgamma(x, shape = 1, rate = 2)
#' # set up simulations
#' setupres <- Setup(ngenes = 10000, nsims = 10,
#'                   p.DE = 0.1, pLFC = p.lfc,
#'                   n1 = c(20,50,100), n2 = c(30,60,120),
#'                   Thinning = c(1,0.9,0.8), LibSize = 'given',
#'                   estParamRes = estparam_gene,
#'                   estSpikeRes = NULL,
#'                   DropGenes = TRUE,
#'                   sim.seed = 83596, verbose = TRUE)
#' # run simulation
#' simres <- simulateDE(SetupRes = setupres,
#'                      Prefilter = "FreqFilter", Imputation = NULL,
#'                      Normalisation = 'scran', Label = 'none',
#'                      DEmethod = "limma-trend", DEFilter = FALSE,
#'                      NCores = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#' # evaluation
#' evalrocres <- evaluateROC(simRes = simres,
#'                           alpha.type = "adjusted",
#'                           MTC = 'BH', alpha.nominal = 0.05,
#'                           raw = FALSE)
#' # plot evaluation
#' plotEvalROC(evalRes = evalrocres)
#' }
#' @rdname evaluateROC
#' @importFrom stats ecdf quantile p.adjust.methods p.adjust
#' @importFrom qvalue qvalue
#' @importFrom IHW ihw adj_pvalues
#' @importFrom iCOBRA calculate_performance COBRAData
#' @importFrom tidyr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
evaluateROC <- function(simRes, alpha.type=c("adjusted","raw"),
                        MTC=c('BY', 'BH', 'Storey', 'IHW',
                              'holm', 'hochberg', 'hommel', 'bonferroni'),
                        alpha.nominal = 0.1,
                        target.by=c("lfc", "effectsize"),
                        raw = FALSE,
                        verbose = TRUE) {

  alpha.type = match.arg(alpha.type)
  MTC = match.arg(MTC)
  target.by = match.arg(target.by)

  Nreps1 = simRes$SimSetup$n1
  Nreps2 = simRes$SimSetup$n2
  ngenes = simRes$DESetup$ngenes
  nsims = simRes$DESetup$nsims
  DEids = simRes$DESetup$DEid
  lfcs = simRes$DESetup$pLFC
  elfcs = simRes$SimulateRes$elfc
  DEmethod = simRes$Pipeline$DEmethod
  pvalue = simRes$SimulateRes$pvalue
  fdr = simRes$SimulateRes$fdr
  mu = simRes$SimulateRes$mu
  disp = simRes$SimulateRes$disp

  if (verbose) { message(paste0("Preparing output arrays.")) }

  my.names = paste0(Nreps1, " vs ", Nreps2)
  Truths = Predictions = array(NA, dim = c(length(Nreps1),
                                           ngenes, nsims))

  perf = vector("list", length(my.names))
  perf <- lapply(1:length(perf), function(x) {
    perf[[x]] = vector("list", nsims)

  tprvsfdr =  vector("list", length(my.names))
  tprvsfdr <- lapply(1:length(tprvsfdr), function(x) {
    tprvsfdr[[x]] = vector("list", nsims)

  scores =  vector("list", length(my.names))
  scores <- lapply(1:length(scores), function(x) {
    scores[[x]] = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nsims, ncol = 12,
                                        dimnames = list(NULL, c("Samples", "Sim",
                                                                "TPRvsFPR_AUC", "TPRvsPPV_AUC",
                                                                "TPRvsFDR_pAUC_lib", "TPRvsFDR_pAUC_conv",
                                                                "ACC_lib", "ACC_conv",
                                                                "F1score_lib", "F1score_conv",
                                                                "MCC_lib", "MCC_conv"
    scores[[x]][, "Samples"] = rep(x = my.names[x], nsims)
    scores[[x]][, "Sim"] = 1:nsims

  if (verbose) { message(paste0("Calculating performance measures.")) }

  for (i in 1:nsims) {
    for (j in seq(along = Nreps1)) {
      Nrep1 = Nreps1[j]
      Nrep2 = Nreps2[j]
      elfc = as.numeric(elfcs[, j, i])
      DEid = DEids[[i]]
      lfc = lfcs[[i]]
      Zg = Zg2 = rep(0, ngenes)
      Zg[DEid] = 1
      if (delta == 0) {
        Zg2 = Zg
      if (!delta == 0) {
        if (target.by == "lfc") {
          ix = abs(lfc) > delta
        else if (target.by == "effectsize") {
          effectsize = lfc / sqrt(1/((log2(mu[,j,i] + 1)+log2(disp[,j,i] + 1))))
          ix = abs(effectsize) > delta
        Zg2[ix] = 1
      if (alpha.type == "raw") {
        if (DEmethod %in% c("edgeR-QL", "edgeR-LRT", "T-Test",
                            "limma-voom", "limma-trend", "NBPSeq", "DESeq2",
                            "ROTS", "MAST", "scde", "BPSC", "scDD", "monocle",
                            "DECENT", "edgeR-zingeR", "edgeR-ZINB-WaVE",
                            "DESeq2-zingeR", "DESeq2-ZINB-WaVE")) {
          x = pvalue[, j, i]
          x[is.na(x)] = 1
        if (DEmethod %in% c("baySeq", "NOISeq", "EBSeq")) {
          message(paste0("The DE method ", DEmethod,
                         " only provides adjusted p-values."))
          x = fdr[, j, i]
          x[is.na(x)] = 1
      if (alpha.type == "adjusted") {
        if (DEmethod %in% c("edgeR-QL", "edgeR-LRT", "T-Test",
                            "limma-voom", "limma-trend", "NBPSeq", "DESeq2",
                            "ROTS", "MAST", "BPSC", "scDD",
                            "DECENT", "edgeR-zingeR", "edgeR-ZINB-WaVE",
                            "DESeq2-zingeR", "DESeq2-ZINB-WaVE")) {
          pval = pvalue[, j, i]
          meanexpr = mu[, j, i]
          if (MTC %in% stats::p.adjust.methods) {
            x = stats::p.adjust(pval, method = MTC)
            x[is.na(x)] = 1
          if (MTC %in% "Storey") {
            tmp.p = pval[!is.na(pval)]
            tmp.q = qvalue::qvalue(p = tmp.p)$qvalues
            x = rep(NA, length(pval))
            x[!is.na(pval)] = tmp.q
            x[is.na(x)] = 1
          if (MTC %in% "IHW") {
            in.dat = data.frame(pvalue = pval, meanexpr = meanexpr)
            tmp = IHW::ihw(pvalue ~ meanexpr, data = in.dat,
                           alpha = alpha.nominal)
            x = IHW::adj_pvalues(tmp)
            x[is.na(x)] = 1
        if (DEmethod %in% c("baySeq", "NOISeq", "EBSeq")) {
          message(paste0("The DE method ", DEmethod,
                         " only provides adjusted p-values."))
          x = fdr[, j, i]
          x[is.na(x)] = 1

      Truths[j, , i] = Zg2
      Predictions[j, , i] = x

      cobradata <- iCOBRA::COBRAData(pval = data.frame(Sim = pval, row.names = paste0("G", 1:ngenes)),
                                     padj = data.frame(Sim = x, row.names = paste0("G", 1:ngenes)),
                                     score = data.frame(Sim = elfc, row.names = paste0("G", 1:ngenes)),
                                     truth = data.frame(status = Zg2, logFC = lfc, expr = meanexpr, row.names = paste0("G", 1:ngenes)))
      invisible(capture.output(res <- suppressMessages(
                                      aspects = c("fdrtpr", "fdrtprcurve"),
                                      binary_truth = "status", cont_truth = "logFC",
                                      thrs = seq(from = 0.01, to = 1, by = 0.01),
                                      splv = "none",
                                      maxsplit = 4, onlyshared = FALSE, thr_venn = 0.05,
                                      type_venn = "adjp", topn_venn = 100, rank_by_abs = TRUE,
                                      prefer_pval = TRUE))
      fdrtprcurve <- res@fdrtprcurve %>%
        dplyr::select(-c(!!"method":!!"splitval")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(Samples = my.names[j], Sim = i)
      perf.dat <- .roc.calc(df = fdrtprcurve)
      perf[[j]][[i]] <- perf.dat[, c("Samples", "Sim", "CUTOFF",
                                            "TP", "FP", "TN", "FN",
                                            "FPR", "FNR", "FDR",
                                            "TPR", "TNR", "NBR",
                                            "PPV",  "ACC",
                                            "F1score", "MCC")]

      # AUC calculations
      fpr <- perf[[j]][[i]]$FPR
      tpr <- perf[[j]][[i]]$TPR
      ppv <- perf[[j]][[i]]$PPV

      # TPR versus FPR
      fpr1 <- fpr[!is.na(fpr) & !is.na(tpr)]
      tpr1 <- tpr[!is.na(fpr) & !is.na(tpr)]
      id <- order(fpr1)
      scores[[j]][i, "TPRvsFPR_AUC"] <- sum(diff(fpr1[id]) * zoo::rollmean(tpr1[id], 2))

      # TPR versus PPV
      ppv1 <- ppv[!is.na(ppv) & !is.na(tpr)]
      tpr1 <- tpr[!is.na(ppv) & !is.na(tpr)]
      id <- order(ppv1)
      scores[[j]][i, "TPRvsPPV_AUC"] <- sum(diff(ppv1[id]) * zoo::rollmean(tpr1[id], 2))

      obs.fdr = as.vector(res@fdrtpr[,c("FDR")])
      tmp.nom = as.vector(res@fdrtpr[,c("thr")])
      nom.fdr = as.numeric(gsub("thr", "", tmp.nom))
      dat.fdr =  data.frame(obs.fdr, nom.fdr)

      # TPR vs FDR (liberal); MCC (liberal); F1 score (liberal); ACC (liberal)
      a.fdr = utils::tail(dat.fdr[dat.fdr$obs.fdr <=alpha.nominal & dat.fdr$nom.fdr <= alpha.nominal, "obs.fdr"], 1)
      if (all(c(!length(a.fdr) == 0, !a.fdr == 0))) {
        if(a.fdr <= alpha.nominal) {
          a.fdr = utils::tail(dat.fdr[dat.fdr$obs.fdr <= alpha.nominal, "obs.fdr"], 1)
        x <- as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("FDR")])[-1]
        y <- as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("TPR")])[-1]
        y <- y[x<a.fdr]
        x <- x[x<a.fdr]
        x1 <- x[!is.na(x) & !is.na(y)]
        y1 <- y[!is.na(x) & !is.na(y)]
        id <- order(x1)
        pauc_lib <- sum(diff(x1[id]) * zoo::rollmean(y1[id], 2)) / alpha.nominal
        mcc <- as.vector(perf[[j]][[i]][,c("MCC")])[-1]
        mcc_lib <- utils::tail(mcc[as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("FDR")])[-1] < a.fdr], 1)
        f1 <- as.vector(perf[[j]][[i]][,c("F1score")])[-1]
        f1_lib <- utils::tail(f1[as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("FDR")])[-1] < a.fdr], 1)
        acc <- as.vector(perf[[j]][[i]][,c("ACC")])[-1]
        acc_lib <- utils::tail(acc[as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("FDR")])[-1] < a.fdr], 1)
      if (any(c(length(a.fdr) == 0, a.fdr == 0))) {
        pauc_lib <- f1_lib <- acc_lib <- 0
        mcc_lib <- NA
      scores[[j]][i, "TPRvsFDR_pAUC_lib"] <- pauc_lib
      scores[[j]][i, "MCC_lib"] <- mcc_lib
      scores[[j]][i, "F1score_lib"] <- f1_lib
      scores[[j]][i, "ACC_lib"] <- acc_lib

      # TPR vs FDR (conservative); MCC (conversative); F1 score (conservative); ACC (conservative)
      a.fdr = utils::tail(dat.fdr[dat.fdr$obs.fdr <= alpha.nominal &
                           dat.fdr$nom.fdr <= alpha.nominal,
                           "obs.fdr"], 1)
      if (all(c(!length(a.fdr) == 0, !a.fdr == 0))) {
        x <- as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("FDR")])[-1]
        y <- as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("TPR")])[-1]
        y <- y[x<a.fdr]
        x <- x[x<a.fdr]
        x1 <- x[!is.na(x) & !is.na(y)]
        y1 <- y[!is.na(x) & !is.na(y)]
        id <- order(x1)
        pauc_conv <- sum(diff(x1[id]) * zoo::rollmean(y1[id], 2)) / alpha.nominal
        mcc <- as.vector(perf[[j]][[i]][,c("MCC")])[-1]
        mcc_conv <- utils::tail(mcc[as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("FDR")])[-1] < a.fdr], 1)
        f1 <- as.vector(perf[[j]][[i]][,c("F1score")])[-1]
        f1_conv <- utils::tail(f1[as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("FDR")])[-1] < a.fdr], 1)
        acc <- as.vector(perf[[j]][[i]][,c("ACC")])[-1]
        acc_conv <- utils::tail(acc[as.vector(res@fdrtprcurve[,c("FDR")])[-1] < a.fdr], 1)
      if (any(c(length(a.fdr) == 0, a.fdr == 0))) {
        pauc_conv <- f1_conv <- acc_conv <- 0
        mcc_conv <- NA
      scores[[j]][i, "TPRvsFDR_pAUC_conv"] <- pauc_conv
      scores[[j]][i, "MCC_conv"] <- mcc_conv
      scores[[j]][i, "F1score_conv"] <- f1_conv
      scores[[j]][i, "ACC_conv"] <- acc_conv

      fdrtpr <- res@fdrtpr %>%
        dplyr::mutate(Samples = my.names[j], Sim = i)
      fdrtpr[, "Threshold"] <- as.numeric(gsub(x = fdrtpr$thr, pattern = "thr", replacement = ""))
      tprvsfdr[[j]][[i]] <- fdrtpr[, c("Samples", "Sim", "Threshold",
                                            "TP", "FP", "TN", "FN",
                                            "TPR", "FDR", "NBR")]

  names(tprvsfdr) <- names(perf) <- names(scores) <- my.names

  if (verbose) { message(paste0("Summarising performance measures.")) }

  if(raw == FALSE) {
    PERF <- .perf.summary.calc(calc.obj = perf)
    TPR_FDR <- .tprvsfdr.summary.calc(calc.obj = tprvsfdr)
    SCORES <- .scores.summary.calc(calc.obj = scores)
    RAW <- NULL

  if(raw == TRUE) {
    PERF <- .perf.summary.calc(calc.obj = perf)
    TPR_FDR <- .tprvsfdr.summary.calc(calc.obj = tprvsfdr)
    SCORES <- .scores.summary.calc(calc.obj = scores)
    RAW <- list("PERF" = perf,
                "TPR_FDR" = tprvsfdr,
                "SCORES" = scores)

  output <- list(Performances = PERF,
                 TPRvsFDR = TPR_FDR,
                 Scores = SCORES,
                 Raw = RAW,
                 Settings = list(alpha.type = alpha.type,
                              MTC = ifelse(alpha.type == "adjusted", MTC, "not applicable"),
                              target.by = target.by,
                              delta = delta,
                              raw = raw))
bvieth/powsimR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 7:48 p.m.