
Defines functions getTopLoc

Documented in getTopLoc

#' @name getTopLoc
#' @title Creates a panel of the top n "unlinked" loci, and exports the list of loci
#' @description \code{getTopLoc} Extracts the genotypes of individuals at the top n (by Fst) loci not in linkage disequilibrium. The loci returned are in linkage equilibrium above a user defined r^2 threshold (specified by r2.threshold). The resultant file can then be used to simulate the panel efficacy using freqbasedsim. Alternatively, multiple panel sizes can be created by using truncated vectors of the exported loci names in the function subset_genepop from the genepopedit package (www.github.com/rystanley)
#' @param GPD A file path to the GENEPOP format file you wish to create your panel from
#' @param LDpop A string which denotes which of the two populations you wish to calculate linkage disequilibrium in. The options are "Pop1" or "Pop2", or "Both" if the LD is to be calculated based on both populations.
#' @param panel.size An integer number of loci to include in the panel
#' @param FST.threshold The minimum FST threshold required to retain a locus
#' @param r2.threshold The minimum r^2 threshold to consider a pair of loci to be in LD
#' @param ld.window Number of adjacent SNPs to compare each SNP against for LD - default is NULL, which translates to a window size of 99999, which should allow for all pairwise comparisons
#' @param allocate.PGD.RAM An integer value in GB to specify the maximum amount of RAM to allocate to PGDspider. The default is 1 GB, which should be sufficient for most analyses. Note: This option cannot be changed on Windows (refer to PGDSpider help file for more information)
#' @param where.PLINK A file path to the PLINK installation folder
#' @param where.PGDspider A file path to the PGDspider installation folder
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr BROWSE
#' @importFrom genepopedit genepop_detective subset_genepop genepop_fstat Optimfunc subset_genepop_rename subset_genepop_aggregate subset_genepop_individual
#' @importFrom hierfstat read.fstat wc
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_extract
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @importFrom data.table fread

getTopLoc <- function(GPD, LDpop = "Pop1", panel.size,FST.threshold = 0.05,allocate.PGD.RAM=1,
                      where.PGDspider, return.environment = TRUE,
                      save.LociandIndividuals = FALSE){

  writeLines("Reading Data")

  path.start <- getwd()  ### where to write the files created by genepopedit to

  pops.exist <- genepopedit::genepop_detective(GPD) ## see what populations are in the file

  ##panel.size must be an integer
  if(panel.size%%1 != 0){
    stop("Panel size must be an integer.")

  ## Function must have exactly two populations to work - fail if not
  if(length(pops.exist) != 2){
    stop("File must contain two populations. The package genepopedit offers editing functions")

  #Variable checks
  if(allocate.PGD.RAM%%1 != 0){
    stop("Please specify an integer GB value to allocate to PGDspider.")

  allocate.PGD.RAM <- allocate.PGD.RAM*1024

  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" & allocate.PGD.RAM>1024){
    writeLines("Note that currently PGDspider can only utilize ~1 GB of ram on windows based operating systems.

  if(r2.threshold < 0 | r2.threshold > 1){
    stop("r^2 threshold must be a value between 0 and 1")

    writeLines("Linkage detection threshold is low (<0.2). Linkage will be classified at a higher frequency than default PLINK selection parameters.")

    ld.window = 999999 ### sets the LD window to essentially check every SNP pairwise

  if(ld.window < 0){
    stop("LD window must be non-negative")

  writeLines("Creating training and working datasets")
  ### subsample to get a training and simulated dataset
  inds.sub <- genepopedit::genepop_sample(genepop = GPD, nsample = 0.5)

  genepopedit::subset_genepop_individual(genepop = GPD, indiv = inds.sub, keep = TRUE, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "GPD_for_sim.txt"))
  genepopedit::subset_genepop_individual(genepop = GPD, indiv = inds.sub, keep = FALSE, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "GPD_for_GET_TOP_LOC.txt"))

  sim.path <- paste0(path.start, "/", "GPD_for_sim.txt")
  GPD.Top <- paste0(path.start, "/", "GPD_for_GET_TOP_LOC.txt")

  ### some people might want to get LD for both pops at once - sure why not give them the option

  if(LDpop != "Both"){

  ## makes a dataframe to match whatever name is given to the populations to Pop1 and Pop2
  popLDsubsetDF <- data.frame(op=pops.exist, rename=c("Pop1", "Pop2")) ## make a DF to pick the right pop from the file

  subPOP <- popLDsubsetDF[which(popLDsubsetDF[,2] == LDpop),1] ### get the name of the pop to be subsetted

  subPOP <- as.character(subPOP)

  ## subset out the population in which LD is to be calculated - this will make a file, which will be deleted after
  genepopedit::subset_genepop(genepop = GPD.Top, spop = subPOP, keep = TRUE, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt"))
  ## remember path to the file created by subset_genepop
  sub_data_path <- paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt")


  if(LDpop == "Both"){

    popLDsubsetDF <- data.frame(op=pops.exist, rename=c("Pop1", "Pop1")) ## make a both the same

    genepopedit::subset_genepop_aggregate(genepop = GPD.Top, agpopframe = popLDsubsetDF, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt"))
    sub_data_path <- paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt")
    ## now rename

    genepopedit::subset_genepop_rename(genepop = sub_data_path, path = sub_data_path, nameframe = popLDsubsetDF)


  writeLines("Calculating Fst")
  ### change the format of the original file to FSTAT so can get Fst

  # modify the path to play nice with spaces

  path.start.PGD <- gsub(x = path.start, pattern = " ", replacement = "\\")
  where.PGDspider.PGD <- gsub(x = where.PGDspider, pattern = " ", replacement = "\\ ", fixed = TRUE)

  GP_FSTAT_SPID <- "# spid-file generated: Fri Apr 08 10:53:23 ADT 2016

  # GENEPOP Parser questions

  # Enter the size of the repeated motif (same for all loci: one number; different: comma separated list (e.g.: 2,2,3,2):
  # Select the type of the data:
  # How are Microsat alleles coded?

  # FSTAT Writer questions

  # Specify which data type should be included in the FSTAT file  (FSTAT can only analyze one data type per file):
  # Save label file
  # Do you want to save an additional file with labels (population names)?
  # Specify the locus/locus combination you want to write to the FSTAT file:

  write(x = GP_FSTAT_SPID, file = paste0(path.start, "/", "GP_FSTAT.spid"))
  remember.FSTAT.spidpath.WD <- paste0(path.start, "/", "GP_FSTAT.spid")

  ### move spid file to the PGDspider folder
  file.copy(from = paste0(path.start, "/GP_FSTAT.spid"), to = where.PGDspider, overwrite = TRUE)
  remember.FSTAT.spidpath.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "/", "GP_FSTAT.spid")
  ## move the input file as well to the same location as PGDspider - this makes this step so much easier
  file.copy(from <- GPD.Top, to = where.PGDspider, overwrite = TRUE)
  remember.GPD.Top.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "GPD_for_GET_TOP_LOC.txt")

  #### OS X and LINUX CALL

  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows"){

    ### create a string to call PGDspider
    input.file.call <- "-inputfile GPD_for_GET_TOP_LOC.txt"
    execute.SPIDER <- paste0("java -Xmx", allocate.PGD.RAM, "m -Xms512m -jar PGDSpider2-cli.jar")
    spid.call <- "-spid GP_FSTAT.spid"
    input.format <- "-inputformat GENEPOP"
    output.format <- "-outputformat FSTAT"
    goto.spider <- paste0("cd ", where.PGDspider.PGD, "; ", execute.SPIDER)
    output.file.path <- "-outputfile for_FST.txt"
    ## string to run
    run.PGDspider <- paste0(goto.spider, " ", input.file.call, " ", input.format, " ", output.file.path, " ", output.format, " ", spid.call)

    ### run PGDspider through system

    remember.for_FST.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "for_FST.txt")

  } # End MAC LINUX IF

  #### Windows call

  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){

    ### create a string to call PGDspider
    input.file.call <- "-inputfile GPD_for_GET_TOP_LOC.txt"
    execute.SPIDER <- paste0("java -Xmx", allocate.PGD.RAM, "m -Xms512m -jar PGDSpider2-cli.jar")
    spid.call <- "-spid GP_FSTAT.spid"
    input.format <- "-inputformat GENEPOP"
    output.format <- "-outputformat FSTAT"
    goto.spider <- paste0("cd ", where.PGDspider.PGD, " && ", execute.SPIDER)
    output.file.path <- "-outputfile for_FST.txt"
    ## string to run
    run.PGDspider <- paste0(goto.spider, " ", input.file.call, " ", input.format, " ", output.file.path, " ", output.format, " ", spid.call)

    ### run PGDspider through system

    remember.for_FST.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "for_FST.txt")

  } # End WINDOWS IF

  ### move the FSTAT format file back to the working directory
  file.copy(from = paste0(where.PGDspider, "/for_FST.txt"), to = path.start, overwrite = TRUE)
  ## remember the path of the file created by genepop_fstat
  fst_data_path <- paste0(path.start, "/", "for_FST.txt")

  ### read in the FSTAT formatted file
  for.fst <- hierfstat::read.fstat("for_FST.txt")
  ## calculate Fst
  FST.dat <- suppressWarnings(hierfstat::wc(for.fst))
  ### get the Fst values
  FSTs <- FST.dat$per.loc$FST
  ### create a dataframe that is the names of the Loci, and their corresponding Fst
  FST.df <- data.frame(colnames(for.fst)[-1], FSTs)
  names(FST.df)[1] <- "loci"
  ## reorder the dataframe from highest to lowest Fst
  FST.df <- FST.df[base::order(FST.df$FSTs, decreasing = TRUE),]

  FST.Filter.Vec <- as.character(FST.df[which(FST.df$FSTs >= FST.threshold), 1])

  genepopedit::subset_genepop(genepop = sub_data_path, subs = FST.Filter.Vec, keep = TRUE, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "subset_for_LD.txt"))

  writeLines("Calculating Linkage")
  ### convert file to .ped and .map using PGD spider

  ## create spid file

  spidTop <- "# spid-file generated: Thu Mar 10 09:40:22 AST 2016

  # GENEPOP Parser questions

  # Enter the size of the repeated motif (same for all loci: one number; different: comma separated list (e.g.: 2,2,3,2):
  # Select the type of the data:
  # How are Microsat alleles coded?

  # PED Writer questions

  # Save MAP file"

  map.loc <- paste0("PED_WRITER_MAP_FILE_QUESTION= ", "PGDtest")

  spidBottom <- "# Replacement character for allele encoded as 0 (0 encodes for missing data in PED):
  # Specify the locus/locus combination you want to write to the PED file:
  # Do you want to save an additional MAP file with loci information?

  spid.file <- c(spidTop, map.loc, spidBottom)

  ## write spid file
  write(x = spid.file, file = paste0(path.start, "/", "hyb.spid"))
  remember.LD.spidpath.WD <- paste0(path.start, "/", "hyb.spid")

  ### move spid file to the PGDspider folder
  file.copy(from = paste0(path.start, "/hyb.spid"), to = where.PGDspider, overwrite = TRUE)
  remember.LD.spidpath.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "/", "hyb.spid")
  ## move the input file as well to the same location as PGDspider - this makes this step so much easier
  file.copy(from <- sub_data_path, to = where.PGDspider, overwrite = TRUE)
  remember.sub_data_path.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "subset_for_LD.txt")

  #### OS X LINUX call

  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows"){

    ### create a string to call PGDspider
    input.file.call <- paste0("-inputfile subset_for_LD.txt")
    execute.SPIDER <- paste0("java -Xmx", allocate.PGD.RAM, "m -Xms512m -jar PGDSpider2-cli.jar")
    spid.call <- "-spid hyb.spid"
    input.format <- "-inputformat GENEPOP"
    output.format <- "-outputformat PED"
    goto.spider <- paste0("cd ", where.PGDspider.PGD, "; ", execute.SPIDER)
    output.file.path <- paste0("-outputfile PGDtest.ped")
    ## string to run
    run.PGDspider <- paste0(goto.spider, " ", input.file.call, " ", input.format, " ", output.file.path, " ", output.format, " ", spid.call)

    ### run PGDspider through system
    remember.PEDpath.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "PGDtest.ped")
    remember.MAPpath.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "PGDtest.map")

  } # END OSX LINUX if

  #### Windows call

  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){

    ### create a string to call PGDspider
    input.file.call <- paste0("-inputfile subset_for_LD.txt")
    execute.SPIDER <- paste0("java -Xmx", allocate.PGD.RAM, "m -Xms512m -jar PGDSpider2-cli.jar")
    spid.call <- "-spid hyb.spid"
    input.format <- "-inputformat GENEPOP"
    output.format <- "-outputformat PED"
    goto.spider <- paste0("cd ", where.PGDspider.PGD, " && ", execute.SPIDER)
    output.file.path <- paste0("-outputfile PGDtest.ped")
    ## string to run
    run.PGDspider <- paste0(goto.spider, " ", input.file.call, " ", input.format, " ", output.file.path, " ", output.format, " ", spid.call)

    ### run PGDspider through system
    remember.PEDpath.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "PGDtest.ped")
    remember.MAPpath.PGD <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "PGDtest.map")

  } # END OSX LINUX if

  ## move the created ped and map files to the PLINK folder

  ped.path <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "/", "PGDtest.ped")
  map.path <- paste0(where.PGDspider, "/", "PGDtest.map")

  file.copy(from = ped.path, to = where.PLINK, overwrite = TRUE)
  file.copy(from = map.path, to = where.PLINK, overwrite = TRUE)

  plink_ped_path <- paste0(where.PLINK, "/", "PGDtest.ped")
  plink_map_path <- paste0(where.PLINK, "/", "PGDtest.map")

  ### prepare a string to call PLINK
  ### modify PLINK path so it plays nice with system
  where.PLINK.go <- gsub(x = where.PLINK, pattern = " ", replacement = "\\ ", fixed = TRUE)
  go.to.PLINK <- paste0("cd ", where.PLINK.go)

  ### OSX LINUX PLINK call
  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows"){

    execute.PLINK <- paste0(go.to.PLINK, "; ", "./plink --file PGDtest --r2 --ld-window-r2 ", r2.threshold, " --ld-window ", ld.window, " --noweb")
    ### run PLINK through system


  ### Windows PLINK CALL
  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows"){

    execute.PLINK <- paste0(go.to.PLINK, " && ", "plink --file PGDtest --r2 --ld-window-r2 ", r2.threshold, " --ld-window ", ld.window, " --noweb")
    ### run PLINK through system


  ## copy the LD file created by PLINK to the working directory
  file.copy(from = paste0(where.PLINK, "plink.ld"), to = path.start)

  ## the format of the LD file is a bit messed up - it is not a regular matrix - have to modify the file a bit to get it to read in properly

  ## rename the file and change it to a txt
  file.rename(from = paste0(path.start, "/", "plink.ld"), to = paste0(path.start, "/", "plink.txt"))
  remember.PLINKLDFile.WDpath <- paste0(path.start, "/", "plink.txt")

  ## read the file in as characters - there are an uneven number of spaces between data, so have to remove those before can read as a table
  LDs <- readChar(con = "plink.txt", file.info("plink.txt")$size) ## read in as a long character string
  LDs_reform <- gsub(x = LDs, pattern = "\\ +", replacement = " ") ### remove more than 1 space
  ## save as a new .txt file, which is now formatted to be read into R easily
  write(x = LDs_reform, file = "LDsReform.txt")
  remember.LDReformat.path <- paste0(path.start, "/LDsReform.txt")
  ## read back in
  Linked <- read.table("LDsReform.txt", header = TRUE)
  ## keep only the needed columns
  Linked <- Linked[c("SNP_A", "SNP_B", "R2")]
  ### turn both columns into a single vector of unduplicated loci names
  ld.unique <- c(as.character(Linked$SNP_A), as.character(Linked$SNP_B))
  ld.unique <- as.character(ld.unique[which(duplicated(ld.unique)==FALSE)])

  if(length(ld.unique > 1)){

    FST.df2 <- FST.df[which(FST.df$loci %in% ld.unique),]
    FST.ld.ordered <- as.character(FST.df2[order(FST.df2$FSTs,decreasing=T),"loci"])

    holdlist <- list()

    for(i in FST.ld.ordered){
      hold <- c(i,as.character(Linked[which(Linked[,1]%in%i),2]),

      hold2 <- NULL

      for(k in 1:length(hold)){hold2 <- c(hold2,which(FST.ld.ordered == hold[k]))}
        holdlist[[i]] <- hold2

        } ## END i LOOP

    linked.ranks.df2 <- plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(holdlist,function(y){as.data.frame(t(y),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)}))

    to.keep <- FST.ld.ordered[genepopedit::Optimfunc(linked.ranks.df2)]
    to.drop <- setdiff(as.character(FST.df2$loci),to.keep)

    FST.df2$loci <- as.character(FST.df2$loci)
    FST.df$loci <- as.character(FST.df$loci)

    to.keep <- FST.df[-which(FST.df$loci %in% to.drop),]

    writeLines("Writing output")
    Unlinked.panel <- FST.df[which(FST.df$loci %in% to.keep$loci),]

    your.panel <- FST.df
    your.panel_un <- Unlinked.panel
    your.panel <- your.panel[order(your.panel$FSTs,decreasing=TRUE),]
    your.panel_unlinked <- your.panel_un[order(your.panel_un$FSTs,decreasing = TRUE),]
    your.panel_unlinked <- your.panel_unlinked[1:panel.size,] #return the panel size
    Linked.df <- Linked
    writeLines("Process Completed.")


  if(length(ld.unique) < 1){ # if not linked loci

    writeLines("Writing output")
    writeLines("No linked loci detected, all loci returned.")
    your.panel <- FST.df
    your.panel <- your.panel[order(your.panel$FSTs,decreasing=TRUE),]
    your.panel_unlinked <- your.panel[1:panel.size,]#return the panel size
    Linked.df <- NA


 if(nrow(your.panel_unlinked) <  panel.size){

   writeLines(paste0("Desired panel size ", panel.size,  " is larger than total number of unlinked loci ", length(FST.order.vec[-to.cut.out]), ". ", "Returning ALL unlinked loci."))
   panel.size = nrow(your.panel_unlinked)


 GPsplit <- c(stringr::str_split(string = GPD, pattern = "/"))

  outNameHold <- stringr::str_extract(GPsplit, paste0("[:word:]{3,}", ".txt"))
  GPD.path <- gsub(x = GPD, pattern = outNameHold, replacement = "")
  outNameHold <- gsub(x = outNameHold, pattern = ".txt", replacement = "")

  outName <- paste0(GPD.path, outNameHold, "_", panel.size, "_Loci_Panel.txt")

 genepopedit::subset_genepop(genepop = sim.path,
                             subs = as.character(your.panel_unlinked$loci),
                             keep = TRUE, path = outName)

 new.sim.GP <- data.table::fread(outName,
                                 header = FALSE, sep = "\t",
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

 if(save.LociandIndividuals == TRUE){

   write(x = your.panel_unlinked$loci, file = paste0(GPD.path, paste0("Top_", panel.size, "_loci.txt")))
   write(x = inds.sub, file = paste0(GPD.path, "_individuals_for_Simulation.txt"))


 if(return.environment == TRUE){

   nh_topLoci <- list()
   nh_topLoci$One <- new.sim.GP
   nh_topLoci$Two <- your.panel_unlinked$loci
   nh_topLoci$Three <- inds.sub

   names(nh_topLoci) = c(paste0(outNameHold, "_", panel.size, "_Loci_Panel"),
      paste0("Top_", panel.size, "_loci"),
      paste0(outNameHold, "_IndividualsInSim"))



  writeLines("Process Completed.")

bwringe/hybriddetective documentation built on March 22, 2023, 6:52 a.m.