get_improper_readpairs: Extract all improperly paired reads from an object with...

View source: R/alignment-utils.R

get_improper_readpairsR Documentation

Extract all improperly paired reads from an object with queryRanges defined


This function is a wrapper for readGAlignments followed by makeGAlignmentPairs2. Only read pairs in which both the first read and the last read in a pair overlap with the queryRanges are returned. Note, a given read pair need not overlap the same queryRange. To allow fuzzy matching of alignments to the queryRanges, the queryRanges are expanded by 2kb in each direction.


get_improper_readpairs(object, bam.file)



An object for which queryRanges method is defined


The complete file path to a bam file.

cancer-genomics/trellis documentation built on June 8, 2024, 6:01 a.m.