
Defines functions fsc.bootstraps AIC.comp AIC fsc.multiple.estimate fsc.estimate gl2sfs

Documented in AIC AIC.comp fsc.bootstraps fsc.estimate fsc.multiple.estimate gl2sfs

#' Convert a genlight object into a sfs input file
#' The output of this function is suitable for analysis in fastsimcoal2 or dada.
#' It saves a derived sfs, assuming that the reference allele is the ancestral,
#' and a MAF sfs.
#' At this stage this function caters only for diploid organisms, for samples
#' from one population only, and for genotypes without missing data.
#' It expects a dartR formatted genlight object, but will work with other gl as
#' long as the have a \code{data.frame} in \code{other} called loc.metrics with
#' a column named \code{TrimmedSequence} that contains a character string whose
#' length corrensponds to the number of sites of the allele. This information is
#' used to obtained the number of non-polymorphic sites.
#' TO-DO: deal with missing data. See
#' http://evomics.org/learning/population-and-speciation-genomics/2018-population-and-speciation-genomics/fastsimcoal2-activity/
#' @param gl the genlight object
#' @param outfile_root The root of the name of the output file
#' @param outpath The output path where to save the file
#' @import dartR
#' @export
#' @references Excoffier L., Dupanloup I., Huerta-Sánchez E., Sousa V. C. and
#'   Foll M. (2013) Robust demographic inference from genomic and SNP data. PLoS
#'   genetics 9(10)
gl2sfs <- function(gl, outfile_root="gl2sfs", outpath=tempdir()) {
#---------- Helper ---------------#
count.freq.ref <- function (x) {
  if(x == 0) return(2) else if(x == 1) return(1) else return(0)

if(!all(gl$ploidy == 2)) 
  stop("This function currently caters only for diploid organisms")
  stop("This function currently caters only for samples from one population only")
glm <- as.matrix(gl)
  stop("This function  currently caters only for genotypes without missing data")

daf <- table(colSums(glm))

names(daf) <- paste("d0", seq(0, length(daf) - 1), sep="_")
inv <- sum(nchar(as.character(gl$other$loc.metrics$TrimmedSequence))) - gl@n.loc
daf[1] <- daf[1] + inv
writeLines(c(" 1 observations", paste(paste("d0", seq(0, length(daf) - 1), sep="_"), collapse=" "),
           paste(as.character(daf), collapse=" ")), 
           con=file.path(outpath, paste0(outfile_root, "_DAFpop0.obs")))

freq.ref <- colSums(apply(glm, FUN=count.freq.ref, MARGIN=c(1,2)))
freq.alt <- colSums(glm)
maf <- table(c(freq.ref, freq.alt))
maf <- maf[which(as.numeric(names(maf)) <= nrow(glm))]
maf[1] <- maf[1] + inv
if(length(maf) == nrow(glm)) maf[length(maf)] <- maf[length(maf)]/2
writeLines(c(" 1 observations", paste(paste("d0", seq(0, length(maf) - 1), sep="_"), collapse=" "),
             paste(as.character(maf), collapse=" ")), 
           con=file.path(outpath, paste0(outfile_root, "_MAFpop0.obs")))

return(list(DAF=daf, MAF=maf))

#' Run fastsimcoal to estimate parameters' values
#' Run fastsimcoal assuming that in \code{dir.in} there are the tpl, est and obs
#' files properly named and formatted.It writes a fsc_run.txt file and execute
#' fsc in \code{dir.in}
#' If \code{ncpu=0} and \code{nBatches=NULL}, \code{nBatches} is set to 12 (fsc
#' default value). If \code{ncpu}>0 and \code{nBatches=NULL}, \code{nBatches} is
#' set to twice ]code{nspu}.
#' @param dir.in The path where to run fsc
#' @param n The number of coalescent simulations to approximate the expected SFS
#'   (-n option). This should be larger than 100,000.
#' @param L The number of optimization cycles (-L option). It should be >50
#' @param maf Whether a MAF SFS (default) or a derived SFS is provided (if
#'   \code{FALSE})
#' @param ncpu The number of CPU (threads) to use in the analysis. Automatically
#'   handle if \code{ncpu=0} (default)
#' @param nBatches The number of batches (-B option)
#' @param fsc.cmd The command to use to call fsc (that may be different
#'   depending on the version installed)
#' @param fsc.path The path where fsc is installed or \code{"path"} if it is in
#'   the PATH (that means that it can be called regardless of the working
#'   directory)
#' @export
#' @references Excoffier L., Dupanloup I., Huerta-Sánchez E., Sousa V. C. and
#'   Foll M. (2013) Robust demographic inference from genomic and SNP data. PLoS
#'   genetics 9(10)
fsc.estimate <- function(dir.in, n=500000, L=100, maf=TRUE, ncpu=0, nBatches=NULL, 
                         fsc.cmd="fsc2702", fsc.path="path") {
  if(!is.integer(as.integer(ncpu))) stop("The number of CPUs has to be an integer")
  if(ncpu == 0 & is.null(nBatches)) nBatches <- 12
  if(ncpu > 0 & is.null(nBatches)) nBatches <- 2 * ncpu
  tpl <- list.files(dir.in, pattern="*.tpl$", full.names=FALSE)
  est <- list.files(dir.in, pattern="*.est$", full.names=FALSE) 
  cmd <- paste("-t", tpl, "-n", as.integer(n), if(maf == TRUE) "-m" else "-d", "-e", est, 
               "-M", "-L", as.integer(L), "-q", "-c", ncpu, "-B", nBatches, collapse=" ")
  writeLines(c(dir.in, cmd), con=file.path(dir.in, "fsc_run.txt"))
  old.wd <- getwd()
  system2(if(fsc.path == "path") fsc.cmd else file.path(fsc.path, fsc.cmd))

#' Run fsc over multiple models
#' This function expects one or more folders within \code{dir.in}, where in each
#' directory there are all the files needed to run \code{fsc.estimate}, which is run iteratively 
#' @inheritParams fsc.estimate
#' @export
fsc.multiple.estimate <- function(dir.in, n=500000, L=100, maf=TRUE, ncpu=0, 
                                  nBatches=NULL, fsc.cmd="fsc2702", fsc.path="path") {
  ld <- list.dirs(dir.in,full.names=TRUE, recursive=FALSE)
  for(d in ld) {
    fsc.estimate(dir.in=d, n=n, L=L, maf=maf, ncpu=ncpu, nBatches=nBatches, 
                 fsc.cmd=fsc.cmd, fsc.path=fsc.path)

#' AIC
#' compute the AIC given the likelihood in log10 scale (default fsc output) and
#' number of parameters, which is automatically read by the function if
#' \code{k=NULL}.
#' It is important to note that this function will probably fail if there are
#' more than one .est within each directory as it will read these to evaluate
#' the number of parameters in the model. If there is more than one file, there
#' is no way to know which one is correct.
#' @param dir.in The directory where the analysis was conducted
#' @param k The number of parameters in the model. If \code{NULL} is read
#'   automatically by the function
#' @export
#' @references Excoffier L., Dupanloup I., Huerta-Sánchez E., Sousa V. C. and
#'   Foll M. (2013) Robust demographic inference from genomic and SNP data. PLoS
#'   genetics 9(10)
AIC <- function(dir.in, k=NULL) {
  log10toln<-function(l10) {
  bLhood <- list.files(dir.in, pattern="*.bestlhoods$", recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
  path.length <- sapply(bLhood, nchar)
  bLhood <- bLhood[which.min(path.length)]
  lbest <- read.table(bLhood, h=TRUE)[1, "MaxEstLhood"]
  if(is.null(k)) {
  est <- list.files(dir.in, pattern="*.est$", recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
  est <- est[which.min(sapply(est, nchar))]
  rlns <- readLines(est)
  start <- max(
    grep("\\[PARAMETERS|//#isInt|//all Ns are in number of haploid individuals", rlns)
  ) + 1
  end <- min(grep("COMPLEX PARAMETERS|RULES", rlns)) - 1
  k <- length(grep("^[0-1]", rlns[start:end]))

#' Compute and compare AIC for different fasimcoal models
#' This functions expects that different fastsimcoal models were run in
#' different directories within the same parent directory (as for
#' \code{fsc.multiple.estimate}). Assuming that \code{dir.in} is the parent
#' directory, it will extract and compute AIC from all of them.
#' It is important to note that this function will probably fail if there are
#' more than one .est within each directory as it will read these to evaluate
#' the number of parameters in the model. If there is more than one file, there
#' is no way to know which one is correct. Also, that will also create an
#' inconsistency between the number of models and the number of files, which may
#' cause problems in reporting the results even if the function completes.
#' @param dir.in The parent directory within which the models have been run
#' @export
#' @references Excoffier L., Dupanloup I., Huerta-Sánchez E., Sousa V. C. and
#'   Foll M. (2013) Robust demographic inference from genomic and SNP data. PLoS
#'   genetics 9(10)
AIC.comp <- function(dir.in) {
  mod.nms <- list.dirs(dir.in, full.names=FALSE, recursive=FALSE)
  ld <- list.dirs(dir.in,full.names=TRUE, recursive=FALSE)
  lAICs <- sapply(ld, amplicR::AIC, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
  mod.rank <- rank(lAICs)
  return(data.frame(Model=mod.nms, AIC=lAICs, Delta=lAICs - min(lAICs), Rank=mod.rank))

#'Compute bootstrap confidence intervals for estimated parameters with fsc
#'Once fsc estimated parameter values, this function uses the *_maxL.par to
#'simulate \code{nSim} datasets with the model parameters. It then uses these
#'data to estimate the parameter values and confidence intervals are finally
#'returned using the R package \code{boot}.
#'It also uses the analyses fromt he simulated data to build an empirical
#'cumulative density function of the Composite Likelihood Ratio (CLR), to build
#'a statistical test for the fit of the model (See Excoffier et al 2013 for
#'details). That is, from the simulated data, it is possible to estimate the
#'probability that a randpm value from the null distribution is smaller or
#'greater than the observed CLR. It is important to note that the probability
#'values (\code{P.Rand.less.Obs} and \code{P.Rand.gt.Obs}) are constructed from
#'the simulated datasets, so a large enough number of simulations needs to be
#'run for these to be reliable. Bootstrapped percentiles are also reported (see
#'first item of the list returned as results), if this approach is preferred.
#'It is important that enough sites are simulated to ensure that sufficient
#'polymorphic loci are present in the simulated data. It is better to simulate
#'an excess of sites and retained those needed using \code{nLoci}.
#'Initial values when estimating parameters from simulated datasets are passed
#'using the .pv so that a reduced number of replicates need to be run.
#'For some reason, which is a mystery to me, sometimes there is a need to
#''print' to screen twice to get the first element of the list to actually be
#'visible on the screen.
#'@param dir.in The directory where the analysis was conducted
#'@param nLoci The number of polymorphic loci to retain
#'@param nSim The number of datasets that need to be simulated
#'@param par.indLoci The two integers value that need to be used for the number
#'  of independent loci in the .par that it is used to run the simulations.
#'@param par.nBlocks The number of linkage blocks in the .par that it is used to
#'  run the simulations.
#'@param par.data The string to be used in the 'per Block: data type, num loci,
#'  rec. rate and mut rate + optional parameters' line of the .par that it is
#'  used to run the simulations. The default value is \code{par.data="DNA 100 0
#'  2.5e-8 0.33"}
#'@param nBoot The number of bootstrap replicates
#'@param conf The confidence level to compute the confidence intervals
#'@param boot.type The method to be used to compute the confidence intervals.
#'  See \code{?boot.ci} for details. By default, percentile intervals are
#'  computed.
#'@inheritParams fsc.estimate
#'@return A list with the following elements \itemize{ \item Bootstr.stats:
#'  Descriptive statistics from bootstraps (Median, lower and upper limit), an
#'  the intial estimated parameters  \item P.Rand.less.Obs: The probability that
#'  a random value from the null Composite Likelihood Ratio distribution is less
#'  than the observed CLR \item P.Rand.gt.Obs: The probability that a random
#'  value from the null Composite Likelihood Ratio distribution is greater than
#'  the observed CLR \item Sim: The estimates from the simulated data }
#'@references Excoffier L., Dupanloup I., Huerta-Sánchez E., Sousa V. C. and
#'  Foll M. (2013) Robust demographic inference from genomic and SNP data. PLoS
#'  genetics 9(10)
#'@import boot
#'@import data.table
fsc.bootstraps <- function(dir.in, nLoci=10000, nSim=100, maf=TRUE, ncpu=0, 
                           nBatches=NULL, fsc.cmd="fsc2702", fsc.path="path",
                           par.indLoci="200000 0", par.nBlocks=1, 
                           par.data="DNA 100 0 2.5e-8 0.33",
                           n=100000, L=50, nBoot=1000, conf=0.95, boot.type="perc") {
  #---------- Helper ---------------#
  med.i <- function(x, i) median(x[i])
  extractCI <- function(x, nBoot, conf, boot.type) {
    bootstr <- boot(x, statistic=med.i, R=nBoot)
    b.ci <- boot.ci(bootstr, conf=conf, type=boot.type)
    t0 <- b.ci$t0
    ci <- b.ci[[4]][1, tail(seq_len(ncol(b.ci[[4]])), 2)]
    return(c(t0, ci))
  if(!is.integer(as.integer(ncpu))) stop("The number of CPUs has to be an integer")
  if(ncpu == 0 & is.null(nBatches)) nBatches <- 12
  if(ncpu > 0 & is.null(nBatches)) nBatches <- 2 * ncpu
tpl <- list.files(dir.in, pattern="*.tpl$", full.names=TRUE)
est <- list.files(dir.in, pattern="*.est$", full.names=TRUE)
est.bLhood.path <- list.files(dir.in, pattern="*.bestlhoods$", recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
path.length <- sapply(est.bLhood.path, nchar)
est.bLhood.path <- est.bLhood.path[which.min(path.length)]
est.bLhood <- read.table(est.bLhood.path, h=TRUE)

res.dir <- gsub(".tpl$", replacement = "", x = basename(tpl))
par.file <- list.files(file.path(dir.in, res.dir), pattern="*_maxL.par$", recursive=FALSE, full.names=TRUE)
dir.create(file.path(dirname(par.file), "Bootstraps"), showWarnings=FALSE)
new.par.nm <- strsplit(basename(par.file), "_")[[1]][1]
new.par.full <- file.path(dirname(par.file), "Bootstraps", paste0(new.par.nm, "_boot.par"))
file.copy(from=par.file, to=new.par.full, overwrite=TRUE)
# Modify the par file
rlns <- readLines(new.par.full)
par.indLoci.pos <- grep("independent", rlns)
rlns[par.indLoci.pos + 1] <- par.indLoci
par.nBlocks.pos <- grep("linkage blocks$", rlns)
rlns[par.nBlocks.pos + 1] <- par.nBlocks
par.data.pos <- grep("data type", rlns)
rlns[par.data.pos + 1] <- par.data
writeLines(rlns, new.par.full)
# generate cmd and run fsc
cmd <- paste("-i", basename(new.par.full), "-n", as.integer(nSim), if(maf == TRUE) "-m" else "-d", 
             "-j", "-q", "-s", as.integer(nLoci), "-x", "-c", ncpu, "-B", nBatches, collapse=" ")
writeLines(c(dirname(new.par.full), cmd), con=file.path(dirname(new.par.full), "fsc_run.txt"))
old.wd <- getwd()
system2(if(fsc.path == "path") fsc.cmd else file.path(fsc.path, fsc.cmd))
d <- list.dirs(dirname(new.par.full), recursive=FALSE)
ld <- list.dirs(d, recursive=FALSE)

new.tpl.nm <- sub(".tpl", "_boot.tpl", x=basename(tpl))
new.est.nm <- sub(".est", "_boot.est", x=basename(est))
pv <- list.files(dirname(par.file), pattern="*.pv$", full.names=TRUE, recursive=FALSE)
for(dsim in ld) {
  file.copy(from=tpl, to=file.path(dsim, new.tpl.nm), overwrite=TRUE)
  file.copy(from=est, to=file.path(dsim, new.est.nm), overwrite=TRUE)
  cmd <- paste("-t", new.tpl.nm, "-n", as.integer(n), if(maf == TRUE) "-m" else "-d", "-e", 
               new.est.nm, "-M", "-L", as.integer(L), "--initialValues", pv, "-q", "-c", ncpu, 
               "-B", nBatches, collapse=" ")
  writeLines(c(dsim, cmd), con=file.path(dsim, "fsc_run.txt"))
  system2(if(fsc.path == "path") fsc.cmd else file.path(fsc.path, fsc.cmd))
bLhood <- list.files(d, pattern="*.bestlhoods$", recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
lbLhoods <- lapply(bLhood, read.table, header=TRUE)
est.sim <- do.call(rbind, args=lbLhoods)

est.dt <- data.table(est.sim)
est.dt[, CLR := MaxEstLhood / MaxObsLhood] # Compute the Composite Likelihood Ration
Pclr <- ecdf(est.dt[, CLR]) # Compute the empirical cumulative density function
est.bLhood$CLR <- est.bLhood$MaxEstLhood / est.bLhood$MaxObsLhood # Observed ratio

P.Rand.less.Obs <- Pclr(est.bLhood$CLR) # The probability that a random value from the null distribution is less than the observed
P.Rand.gt.Obs <- 1 - P.Rand.less.Obs

bootstr.ci <- est.dt[, lapply(.SD, extractCI, nBoot, conf, boot.type)]
nms <- names(bootstr.ci)
bootstr.ci <- rbind(bootstr.ci, est.bLhood)
bootstr.ci[, Param:=c("Median", "Lower", "Upper", "Estimated")]
setcolorder(bootstr.ci, "Param")

            P.Rand.gt.Obs=P.Rand.gt.Obs, Sim=est.dt))
carlopacioni/amplicR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 7:59 p.m.