In the BED12 format, the position of each box in the object is encoded in the blockCount, blockSize and blockStarts columns.

In UCSCData track objects of the rtracklayer package, the information is encoded as an IRangesList metadata column, where each element has one IRanges object representing the blocks.

In CAGEr's TagClusters objects, the position of the central blocks is represented by the quantile information columns.

The problem here is to create this IRanges list in a computationally efficient way in CAGEr's exportToTrack function.

The best approach, is not exactly fast, but is 5 × faster than my original attempt (f.grline).

knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache  = TRUE, cache.lazy = FALSE)
knitr::opts_knit$set(verbose = TRUE)
tc <- CAGEr::exampleCAGEexp |> CAGEr::tagClustersGR(1)
tcl <- split(tc, seq_along(tc))
decoded.mat <- rbind(width(tc), decode(tc$q_0.1), decode(tc$q_0.9))
# Operate directly on each line

f.grline <- function(grline) {
  # A GRanges line is a GRanges object of length 1
  # This function computes a blocks value for each line
  qLow_value <- decode(grline$q_0.1)
  qUp_value  <- decode(grline$q_0.9)
  ir <- IRanges()                      |>
    c( if(qLow_value != 1) IRanges(1)) |>
    c( IRanges(qLow_value, qUp_value)) |>
    c( if(qUp_value != width(grline)) IRanges(width(grline)))

# Decode the Rle objects once for all and loop on each entry <- function(x) {
  width_value <- x[1]
  qLow_value <- x[2]
  qUp_value  <- x[3]
  ir <- IRanges()                      |>
    c( if(qLow_value != 1) IRanges(1)) |>
    c( IRanges(qLow_value, qUp_value)) |>
    c( if(qUp_value != width_value) IRanges(width_value))

# Same but try to call the IRanges constructor only once.

f.mat.viaString <- function(x) {
  width_value <- x[1]
  qLow_value <- x[2]
  qUp_value  <- x[3]
  str <- c(
    c( if(qLow_value != 1) "1"),
    c( paste0(qLow_value, "-", qUp_value)),
    c( if(qUp_value != width_value) width_value)
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(f.grline(tcl[[1]]),[,1]), f.mat.viaString(decoded.mat[,1]), times = 100)

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(f.grline(tcl[[5]]),[,5]), f.mat.viaString(decoded.mat[,5]), times = 100)

charles-plessy/CAGEr documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 4:35 p.m.