
title: "Fastest way to find dominant CTSS" author: "Charles Plessy" date: 'February 21, 2022' output: html_document: keep_md: yes editor_options: chunk_output_type: console


We use data.table to find the dominant CTSS in tag clusters. I am implementing a similar function for consensus clusters. Shall I do it with Bioconductor core functions, data.table or dplyr?


We have CTSSes and clusters. The clusters may overlap with each other.

library(CAGEr) |> suppressPackageStartupMessages()
ce <- exampleCAGEexp
ctss <- CTSScoordinatesGR(ce)
score(ctss) <- CTSSnormalizedTpmDF(ce) |> DelayedArray::DelayedArray() |> rowSums()
clusters <- consensusClustersGR(ce)
mcols(clusters) <- mcols(clusters)[,c("score", "dominant_ctss", "tpm.dominant_ctss")] # Simplify
clusters.orig <- clusters
mcols(clusters) <- NULL

The functions are given a lookup table associating CTSSes with clusters, and a function to find the dominant CTSS and break ties by selecting the one at the center.

o <- findOverlaps(clusters, ctss)

find.dominant.idx <- function (x) {
  # which.max is breaking ties by taking the last, but this will give slightly
  # different biases on plus an minus strands.
  w <- which(x == max(x))

Bioconductor way

bioC <- function () {
  s <- extractList(score(ctss), o)
  m <- sapply(s, find.dominant.idx)
  grl <- extractList(granges(ctss), o)
  dom <- mapply(`[`, grl, m) |> GRangesList() |> unlist()
  clusters$dominant_ctss <- dom
  clusters$tpm.dominant_ctss <- max(s)

bioC() -> bioC_results

Bioconductor plus base R

bioC2 <- function () {
  rl <- rle(queryHits(o))$length
  cluster_start_idx <- cumsum(c(1, head(rl, -1))) # Where each run starts
  grouped_scores <- extractList(score(ctss), o)
  local_max_idx <- sapply(grouped_scores, find.dominant.idx) -1  # Start at zero
  global_max_ids <- cluster_start_idx + local_max_idx
  clusters$dominant_ctss <- granges(ctss)[subjectHits(o)][global_max_ids]
  clusters$tpm.dominant_ctss <- score(ctss)[subjectHits(o)][global_max_ids]

bioC2() -> bioC_results2

data.table way

library("data.table") |> suppressPackageStartupMessages()
dataTable <- function() {
  dt <- ctss |> |>
  dt$id <- dt$cluster |> as.factor() |> as.integer()
  dom <- dt[ , list( seqnames[1]
                   , strand[1]
                   , pos[find.dominant.idx(score)]
                   , max(score))
            , by = id]
  setnames(dom, c( "cluster", "chr", "strand"
                 , "dominant_ctss", "tpm.dominant_ctss"))

  clusters$dominant_ctss <- GRanges(dom$chr, dom$dominant_ctss, dom$strand)
  seqinfo(clusters$dominant_ctss) <- seqinfo(ctss)
  clusters$tpm.dominant_ctss <- dom$tpm.dominant_ctss

dataTable() -> dataTable_results

dplyr way

dplyr <- function() {
  tb <- ctss |> |> tibble::as_tibble()
  tb$id <- tb$cluster |> as.factor() |> as.integer()
  dom <- tb |> dplyr::group_by(id) |>
      dplyr::summarise(seqnames = unique(seqnames), strand = unique(strand),
                       tpm.dominant_ctss = max(score), dominant_ctss = pos[find.dominant.idx(score)])
  clusters$dominant_ctss <- GRanges(dom$seqnames, dom$dominant_ctss, dom$strand)
  seqinfo(clusters$dominant_ctss) <- seqinfo(ctss)
  clusters$tpm.dominant_ctss <- dom$tpm.dominant_ctss

dplyr() -> dplyr_results

Checks and benchmark

## ConsensusClusters object with 806 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##                             seqnames            ranges strand |
##                                <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle> |
##            chr17:26027430:+    chr17          26027430      + |
##            chr17:26050540:+    chr17          26050540      + |
##            chr17:26118088:+    chr17          26118088      + |
##            chr17:26142853:+    chr17          26142853      + |
##            chr17:26166954:+    chr17          26166954      + |
##                         ...      ...               ...    ... .
##   chr17:32706021-32706407:+    chr17 32706021-32706407      + |
##            chr17:32706605:+    chr17          32706605      + |
##   chr17:32707132-32707170:+    chr17 32707132-32707170      + |
##   chr17:32707322-32707376:+    chr17 32707322-32707376      + |
##   chr17:32708847-32708958:+    chr17 32708847-32708958      + |
##                                dominant_ctss tpm.dominant_ctss
##                                    <GRanges>         <numeric>
##            chr17:26027430:+ chr17:26027430:+           64.1719
##            chr17:26050540:+ chr17:26050540:+           22.3101
##            chr17:26118088:+ chr17:26118088:+           64.1719
##            chr17:26142853:+ chr17:26142853:+           56.0704
##            chr17:26166954:+ chr17:26166954:+           64.1719
##                         ...              ...               ...
##   chr17:32706021-32706407:+ chr17:32706231:+        14993.7493
##            chr17:32706605:+ chr17:32706605:+           64.1719
##   chr17:32707132-32707170:+ chr17:32707135:+           99.6448
##   chr17:32707322-32707376:+ chr17:32707322:+           67.2963
##   chr17:32708847-32708958:+ chr17:32708890:+         1319.9060
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 26 sequences (1 circular) from danRer7 genome
identical(bioC_results, bioC_results2)
## [1] TRUE
identical(bioC_results, dataTable_results)
## [1] TRUE
identical(bioC_results, dplyr_results)
## [1] TRUE
(benchmark <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(bioC(), bioC2(), dataTable(), dplyr()))
## Unit: milliseconds
##         expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max
##       bioC() 5383.80738 5604.18083 5810.65343 5682.86584 5800.26130 6887.00923
##      bioC2()   48.39151   51.30989   53.76299   52.46706   54.49261   68.59898
##  dataTable()   74.60784   79.24606   84.51815   80.90140   86.89849  126.27618
##      dplyr()  145.54982  150.83453  159.48283  154.80674  159.93879  203.85146
##  neval
##    100
##    100
##    100
##    100
library("ggplot2") |> suppressPackageStartupMessages()
ggplot(benchmark, aes(x = time / 1e9, y = expr, color = expr)) +  # Plot performance comparison
  geom_boxplot() + 
  scale_x_log10("time (seconds)")

The approach combining findOverlaps from Bionductor and cumulative sums from base R works the best on test data, with comparable performance with dplyr and data.table. This opens the way to the removal of the dependency to data.table. In the future, if we start to import dplyr for reasons related to ggplot2 or plyranges, we may might replace the Bioc + base R version with a dplyr one, that is probably easier to read for most contributors.

charles-plessy/CAGEr documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 4:35 p.m.