tagClusters: Extract tag clusters (TCs) for individual CAGE experiments

tagClustersGRR Documentation

Extract tag clusters (TCs) for individual CAGE experiments


Extracts tag clusters (TCs) for a specified CAGE experiment from a CAGEexp object.


tagClustersGR(object, sample = NULL, qLow = NULL, qUp = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'CAGEexp'
tagClustersGR(object, sample = NULL, qLow = NULL, qUp = NULL)

tagClustersGR(object, sample = NULL) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'CAGEexp,ANY,TagClusters'
tagClustersGR(object, sample = NULL) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'CAGEexp,missing,GRangesList'
tagClustersGR(object, sample = NULL) <- value



A CAGEexp object.


Label of the CAGE dataset (experiment, sample) for which to extract tag clusters. If samples = NULL, a list of all the clusters for each sample is returned.

qLow, qUp

Position of which quantile should be used as a left (lower) or right (upper) boundary (for qLow and qUp respectively) when calculating interquantile width. Default value NULL results in using the start coordinate of the cluster.


A TagClusters object.


Returns a GRangesList or a TagClusters object with genomic coordinates, position of dominant TSS, total CAGE signal and additional information for all TCs from specified CAGE dataset (sample). If quantile information is provided, interquantile width for each TC is also calculated. The S4Vectors::metadata slot of the object contains a copy of the CAGEexp object's column data.


Vanja Haberle

Charles Plessy

See Also

Other CAGEr accessor methods: CTSScoordinatesGR(), CTSScumulativesTagClusters(), CTSSnormalizedTpmDF(), CTSStagCountDF(), GeneExpDESeq2(), GeneExpSE(), consensusClustersGR(), expressionClasses(), filteredCTSSidx(), genomeName(), inputFiles(), inputFilesType(), librarySizes(), sampleLabels(), seqNameTotalsSE()

Other CAGEr clusters functions: CTSScumulativesTagClusters(), CustomConsensusClusters(), aggregateTagClusters(), consensusClustersDESeq2(), consensusClustersGR(), cumulativeCTSSdistribution(), distclu(), paraclu(), plotInterquantileWidth(), quantilePositions()


tagClustersGR( exampleCAGEexp, "Zf.high", 0.1, 0.9 )
tagClustersGR( exampleCAGEexp, 1, qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9 )
tagClustersGR( exampleCAGEexp )@metadata$colData

charles-plessy/CAGEr documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 4:35 p.m.