Man pages for chenweng1991/scMitoTracing
R package for Regulatory multi-omics with Deep Mitochondrial mutation profiling

Add_AssignVariantAdd_AssignVariant a function to assign variants to edges...
Add_AssignVariant-redeemR-methoda function to assign variants to edges based on maximum...
AddDatatoplot_clusteringAddDatatoplot_clustering This prepare the clonal clustering...
AddDatatoplot_clustering-redeemR-methodAddDatatoplot_clustering This prepare the clonal clustering...
Add_DepthMatrixAdd_DepthMatrix Optional, add a matrix with same dimension...
Add_DepthMatrix-redeemR-methodAdd_DepthMatrix Optional, add a matrix with same dimension...
add_derived_profile_infoThis is a convinience function, internal borrowed from...
AddDistAddDist This add Jaccard, Dice, Jaccard3W distance and stored...
AddDist_legacyAddDist_legacy This add Jaccard, Dice, Jaccard3W distance and...
AddDist_legacy-mitoTracing-methodAddDist_legacy This add Jaccard, Dice, Jaccard3W distance and...
AddDist-redeemR-methodAddDist This add Jaccard, Dice, Jaccard3W distance and stored...
AddHemSignatureFunction to add hematopoietic signatures from...
AddTreeAdd_Tree Optional, if a phylogentic tree object phylo is...
Add_tree_cutAdd_tree_cut a function to cut tree using assigned variant as...
Add_tree_cut-redeemR-methoda function to cut tree using assigned variant as...
AddTree-redeemR-methodAdd_Tree Optional, if a phylogentic tree object phylo is...
ATAC_WrapperWrap Seurat ATAC clustering
BinaryDistCompute distances for binary distances
Clone_FinderMarkerDefine a function to perform Find marker for top vs bottom...
ComputeRejectRateFunction to compute the reject rate(The filtering rate in...
ComputeRejectRate_legacyFunction to compute the reject rate(The filtering rate in...
CountVperCellInternal function in plot_variant
CVInternal CV
CW_mgatk.readOld Function to read in redeemV outputs It process the data...
Datatoplots-classAn intermediate S4 class Datatoplots
DepthSummaryFunction to summarize the depth (Total that passed Q30)
df2ProfileMtxThis is a convinience function, internal
DistObjects-classAn intermediate S4 class Datatoplots
FromDist2GraphFromDist2Graph From distance object or matrix to graph,...
GEM_WrapperWrap Seurat RNA clustering
get_ancestral_nodesThis is a convinience function, internal borrowed from...
GTSummaryFunction to generate GTS summary
LineageBiasPlotplot_npSummary to plot the lineage composition
MakeAllNodesDefine a function make the...
Make_AnnTableMake_AnnTable, Make a big dataframe, each row is a cell, each...
Make_Cells4NodesDefine a function to make a list, each contains the cell...
MakeDF4RegressMakeDF4Regress Define a function to make two dataframe for...
Make_matrixMake_matrix This will make the matixies of Cell VS...
Make_matrix-redeemR-methodMake_matrix This will make the matixies of Cell VS...
MakeNNDefine a function to make nn list, which can be further used...
Make_treeMake_tree This will generate a basic phylogenetic tree
Make_tree_legacyMake_tree_legacy This will generate a basic phylogenetic tree
Make_tree_legacy-mitoTracing-methodMake_tree_legacy This will generate a basic phylogenetic tree
Make_tree-redeemR-methodMake_tree This will generate a basic phylogenetic tree
MergeMtxFunction to Merge sparse Matrix
mitoTracing-classLegacy function: Major mitoTracing class that store...
Motifenrich.binomMotifenrich.binom In house function to compute enrichment...
Multi_WrapperWrap Seurat Multiomics clustering
MutationProfile.bulkFunction to plot bulk level mutation signatures
NN2MDefine a function convert nn list to adjacency matrix that...
plot_depthFunction to plot the mito depth summary
plot_depth_legacyLegacy Function to plot the mito depth summary
plot_npSummaryplot_npSummary to assess the outputlevel
plot_variantFunction to plot variant metrics
plot_variant_legacyLegacy Function to plot variant metrics
ProgenyMappingDefine a function to perform single-cell based hard porogeny...
ProgenyMapping_npProgenyMapping_np Define a function to compute network...
quick_w_cosineCompute weighted cosine distance
quick_w_jaccardCompute weighted jaccard distance
ReclusteringFunction to reclustering a seurat object
Reclustering_hmFunction to reclustering_hm a seurat object with Harmony
reconstruct_genotype_summaryThis is a function borrowed from...
redeemR-classMajor redeem class that store clonal-resolved multi-omics
redeemR.readFunction to read in redeemV outputs
Run_Lin_regression_poiRun_Lin_regression_poi Firstly used in...
Runplot_scale_2plot_npSummary to assess the outputlevel vs lineage bias,...
Runplot_scale_3plot_npSummary to assess the outputlevel vs lineage bias,...
SeuratLSIClusteringSeuratLSIClustering This will use the mito variants for...
SeuratLSIClustering-redeemR-methodSeuratLSIClustering This will use the mito variants for...
Show_ConsensusFunction to plot consensus mtDNA mutation benchmark
show-redeemR-methodshow This will show the basics of redeemR class
split_profileThis is a convinience function, internal borrowed from...
str2vectorThis is a convinience function, internal
Subset_redeemRSubset_redeemR Subset a redeemR object by selecting a subset...
Translate_RNA2ATACFunction to translate the RNA barcode into ATAC barcode and...
TREE-classAn intermediate S4 class Tree that store tree info
Vfilter_v3Function to filter variants, deprecated
Vfilter_v4Function to filter variants, v4
chenweng1991/scMitoTracing documentation built on July 2, 2024, 8:41 p.m.