##' guess.summ
##' @title Summarise a snpmod object
##' @param results an object of class snpmod, or a named list of such
##' objects
##' @param groups object of class groups. If supplied, all SNPs here
##' will be summarised, and grouped according to this structure
##' @param snps data.frame giving details of the SNPs
##' @param snp.data if groups is missing, tag groups are determined
##' from this object of class SnpMatrix
##' @param position name of column in snps data.frame giving SNP
##' position. default="position"
##' @param tag.thr if groups is missing, threshold at which to tag
##' @param pp.thr if groups is missing, threshold above which SNPs are
##' selected for summary.
##' @param method if groups is missing, method to determine tag groups
##' using heirarchical clustering, default is "complete"
##' @param MPI Name of column representing Marg_Prob_Incl
##' @param SNP Name of column giving SNP id
##' @export
##' @return data.frame
##' @author Chris Wallace
guess.summ <- function(results, groups=NULL, snps=NULL, snp.data=NULL, position="position", tag.thr=0.8, pp.thr=0.01, method="complete", MPI="Marg_Prob_Incl",SNP="var") {
if(is.null(groups) && is.null(snp.data))
stop("must supply either SNP groups or snp.data for fixed LD threshold groups")
if(!is.null(snps) & !(position %in% colnames(snps)))
stop("position column '",position,"' not found in snps data.frame")
results <- list(trait=results)
if("snpmod" %in% class(results[[1]])) {
for(i in seq_along(results))
results[[i]] <- results[[i]]@snps
if(!is.null(groups)) {
all.snps <- make.names(unlist(snps(groups)))
guess.snps <- lapply(results, function(x) subset(x, x[[SNP]] %in% all.snps))
} else {
guess.snps <- lapply(results, function(x) subset(x,x[[MPI]]>pp.thr))
all.snps <- make.names(unique(unlist(lapply(guess.snps, "[[", "var"))))
if(!is.null(groups)) {
tags <- as(groups,"tags")
} else {
if(length(drop <- setdiff(all.snps, colnames(snp.data)))) {
warning("dropping ",length(drop)," SNPs: ", paste(drop, collapse=" "))
kk <- lapply(guess.snps, function(x) subset(x, make.names(var) %in% drop))
kk <- kk[ sapply(kk,nrow)>0 ]
all.snps <- intersect(all.snps, colnames(snp.data)) # dangerous
## if(!is.null(groups)) {
## g <- lapply(groups@groups,setdiff,drop)
## g <- g[ sapply(g,length)>0 ]
## groups <- new("groups", groups=g, tags=sapply(g, "[[", 1))
## }
colnames(snp.data) <- make.names(colnames(snp.data))
tags <- tag(snp.data[,all.snps], tag.threshold=tag.thr, method=method)
## first order tags
## print(head(snps))
## cl <- unique(tags(tags))
## print(cl)
## minpos <- tapply(snps$position, cl, min)
## print(cl)
## cl <- cl[ order(minpos) ]
## cl <- cl[ order(snps[cl, position]) ]
## order snps within tag groups
tsplit <- split(snps(tags), tags(tags)) #[ cl ]
tsplit <- lapply(tsplit, function(x) x[ order(snps[x, position]) ])
## order tag groups by leftmost snp
use.snps <- make.names(unique(unlist(lapply(guess.snps, "[[", "var"))))
first <- sapply(tsplit,function(x) intersect(x,use.snps)[1])
tsplit <- tsplit[ order(snps[first, position]) ]
## put it back together
all.snps <- unlist(tsplit)
df.snps <- data.frame(snp=all.snps,tag=rep(names(tsplit),sapply(tsplit,length)),
## add SNP info if provided
if(!is.null(snps)) {
df.snps <- cbind(df.snps, snps[ as.character(df.snps$snp), ])
# df.snps$position.scale <- with(df.snps, xscale(position, c(min(snpnum),max(snpnum))))
} else {
df.snps$position <- 1:nrow(df.snps)
df.snps <- summ.setminmax(df.snps)
## add pp results
df.list <- vector("list",length(results))
for(i in 1:length(results)) {
df <- data.frame(x=1:length(all.snps), pp=results[[i]][all.snps,MPI], snp=df.snps$snp, tag=df.snps$tag,
ppsum <- tapply(df$pp,df$tag,sum, na.rm=TRUE)
df[,"ppsum"] <- ppsum[df$tag]
df.list[[i]] <- cbind(df.snps, trait=names(results)[i])
df.list[[i]]$pp[rownames(df)] <- df$pp
df.list[[i]]$ppsum[rownames(df)] <- df$ppsum
df.snps <- do.call("rbind",df.list)
df.snps$pp[ is.na(df.snps$pp) ] <- 0
df.snps$ppsum[ is.na(df.snps$ppsum) ] <- 0
# df.snps[ is.na(df.snps) ] <- 0
df.snps$snp <- make.names(df.snps$snp)
##' set xmin, xmax on a guess.summ object for easy plotting
##' resets snpnum to be a continuous series of integers from 1
##' @title summ.setminmax
##' @param df.snps guess.summ object
##' @return df.snps
##' @author Chris Wallace
summ.setminmax <- function(df.snps) {
## snpnum from 1..
trans <- factor(as.character(sort(unique(df.snps$snpnum))),
trans <- structure(1:length(trans),names=levels(trans))
df.snps[,"snpnum"] <- as.numeric(trans[as.character(df.snps[,"snpnum"])])
## missing tags
missing.tags <- setdiff(df.snps$tag,df.snps$snp)
if(length(missing.tags)) {
for(tg in missing.tags) {
wh <- which(df.snps$tag==tg)
df.snps[wh,"tag"] <- df.snps[wh[1],"snp"]
## set xmin, xmax for easy plotting
## df.snps$x <- df.snps$snpnum
tag.names <- unique(as.character(df.snps$tag))
tmp <- tapply(df.snps$snpnum, df.snps$tag, min)
m <- match(df.snps$snp, names(tmp))
df.snps[!is.na(m),"x.min"] <- tmp[m[!is.na(m)]]
tmp <- tapply(df.snps$snpnum, df.snps$tag, max)
m <- match(df.snps$snp, names(tmp))
df.snps[!is.na(m),"x.max"] <- tmp[m[!is.na(m)]]
wh <- with(df.snps,which(x.min==x.max))
if(length(wh)) {
df.snps[wh,"x.min"] <- df.snps[wh,"x.min"] - 0.1
df.snps[wh,"x.max"] <- df.snps[wh,"x.max"] + 0.1
guess.bootsum <- function(summ) {
## reshape wide
marg <- do.call("rbind",with(summ, tapply(pp, snp, cummean)))
mmarg <- melt(marg)
ss <- unique(summ[,c("snp","tag","snpnum","position","position.scale","x.min","x.max")])
ss$pp <- marg[rownames(ss),ncol(marg)]
ppsum <- tapply(ss$pp,ss$tag,sum, na.rm=TRUE)
ss[names(ppsum),"ppsum"] <- ppsum
ss$trait <- "bootsumm"
mplot <- ggplot(mmarg,aes(x=X2,col=X1,y=value)) + geom_point() + geom_path() + theme(legend.position="none")
makemod <- function(snps) {
snps <- strsplit(snps,"%")
all.snps <- unique(unlist(snps))
mod <- Matrix(0,length(snps),length(all.snps),dimnames=list(NULL,all.snps))
snum <- lapply(snps, function(s) which(all.snps %in% s))
I <- rep(1:length(snum),times=sapply(snum,length))
J <- unlist(snum)
mod[cbind(I,J)] <- 1
marg.snps <- function(d) {
mod <- makemod(d@models$str)
marg.pp <- (d@models$PP %*% mod)[1,,drop=TRUE]
d@snps <- marg.snps.vecs(d@models$str, d@models$PP)
marg.snps.vecs <- function(str,pp) {
mod <- makemod(str)
marg.pp <- (pp %*% mod)[1,,drop=TRUE]
data.frame(Marg_Prob_Incl=marg.pp, var=names(marg.pp), rownames=names(marg.pp), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##' Display the SNPs with greatest marginal posterior probability of inclusion (MPPI)
##' @title Best SNPs
##' @param d snpmod object or a list of snpmod objects
##' @param mppi.thr MPPI threshold, SNPs with MPPI>mppi.thr will be shown
##' @param pp.thr deprecated, alias for mppi.thr
##' @return subset of \code{snps(d)} data.frame including best SNPs
##' @author chris
##' @export
best.snps <- function(d,mppi.thr=pp.thr,pp.thr=0.1) {
stop("expected d to be a snpmod object, found ",class(d))
tmp <- subset(d@snps, d@snps$Marg_Prob_Incl>mppi.thr)
##' Display most likely models according to their posterior probability
##' Note that this isn't posterior probability in the true sense, it is the posterior probability for each model amongst the bag of models in the snpmod object, \code{d}.
##' @title Best models
##' @param d snpmod object or a list of snpmod objects
##' @param pp.thr models with PP>pp.thr will be shown
##' @param cpp.thr the smallest set of models such that sum(PP)>=cpp.thr will be shown
##' @return subset of \code{models} slot in \code{d} showing best models
##' @author chris
##' @export
best.models <- function(d,pp.thr=0.01,cpp.thr=NA) {
stop("expected d to be a snpmod object, found ",class(d))
## o <- order(d@models$PP,decreasing=TRUE),
## d@models <- d@models[ o ] # just in case
## d@model.snps <- d@model.snps[ o ] # just in case
if(!is.na(cpp.thr)) {
d@models <- d@models[ order(d@models$PP,decreasing=TRUE),] # just in case
cpp <- cumsum(d@models$PP)
wh <- which(cpp<=cpp.thr)
wh <- 1
wh <- c(wh,max(wh)+1) # include the model which first exceeds the threshold
} else {
wh <- which(d@models$PP>pp.thr)
wh <- wh[ order(d@models$PP[wh],decreasing=TRUE) ]
return(cbind(d@models[wh,], snps=unlist(lapply(d@model.snps[wh],makestr))))
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