
Defines functions .classFreq_label .createTables_peakGeneQC changeOutputDirectory getBasic_metadata_visualization .checkForbiddenNames deleteIntermediateData .addFunctionLogToObject .getPermutationSuffixStr .optimizeSpaceGRN getGRNConnections getCounts loadExampleObject .initializeStatsDF .addStats generateStatsSummary addSNPOverlap add_TF_gene_correlation .performIHW filterGRNAndConnectGenes .correlateData .calculatePeakGeneCorrelations .calculatePeakGeneOverlaps addConnections_peak_gene .computeTF_peak.fdr .checkAndUpdateConnectionTypes importTFData .normalizeNewDataWrapper addData_TFActivity .filterSortAndShuffle_peakTF_overlapTable .correlateMatrices .readTFBSFile .intersectTFBSPeaks overlapPeaksAndTFBS .getFinalListOfTFs addTFBS .filterPeaksByChromosomeAndSize .calcGCContentPeaks .populateGOAnnotation .getKnownGeneAnnotationNew .getAllGeneTypesAndFrequencies .retrieveAnnotationData .removeScientificNotation_positions .createConsensusPeaksDF addData initializeGRN

Documented in addConnections_peak_gene addData addData_TFActivity addTFBS add_TF_gene_correlation changeOutputDirectory deleteIntermediateData filterGRNAndConnectGenes generateStatsSummary getCounts getGRNConnections importTFData initializeGRN loadExampleObject overlapPeaksAndTFBS

######## Init GRN ########

#' Initialize a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @export
#' @param objectMetadata List. Default \code{list()}. Optional (named) list with an arbitrary number of elements, all of which capture metadata for the object. This is mainly used to distinguish GRN objects from one another by storing object-specific metadata along with the data.
#' @param outputFolder Output folder, either absolute or relative to the current working directory. No default. Default output folder where all pipeline output will be put unless specified otherwise. We recommend specifying an absolute path. Note that for Windows-based systems, the path must be correctly specified with "/" as path separator.
#' @param genomeAssembly Character. No default. The genome assembly of all data that to be used within this object. Currently, supported genomes are: \code{hg19}, \code{hg38}, and \code{mm10}.
#' @return Empty \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @examples 
#' meta.l = list(name = "exampleName", date = "01.03.22")
#' GRN = initializeGRN(objectMetadata = meta.l, outputFolder = "output", genomeAssembly = "hg38")
#' @export
#' @import tidyverse
#' @importFrom stats sd median cor cor.test quantile
initializeGRN <- function(objectMetadata = list(),
                          genomeAssembly) {
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNull(objectMetadata), checkmate::checkList(objectMetadata))
  checkmate::assertSubset(genomeAssembly, c("hg19","hg38", "mm10"))
  # Create the folder first if not yet existing
  if (!dir.exists(outputFolder)) {
  # Create an absolute path out of the given outputFolder now that it exists
  outputFolder = tools::file_path_as_absolute(outputFolder)
  checkmate::assertDirectory(outputFolder, access = "w")
  if (!endsWith(outputFolder, .Platform$file.sep)) {
    outputFolder = paste0(outputFolder, .Platform$file.sep)
  dir_output_plots = paste0(outputFolder, "plots", .Platform$file.sep)
  if (!dir.exists(dir_output_plots)) {
  GRN = .createGRNObject()
  GRN@config$functionParameters = list()
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  GRN@config$isFiltered = FALSE
  par.l = list()
  packageName = utils::packageName()
  par.l$packageVersion = ifelse(is.null(packageName), NA, paste0(utils::packageVersion(packageName)[[1]], collapse = "."))
  par.l$genomeAssembly = genomeAssembly
  # Make an internal subslot
  par.l$internal = list()
  # Recommended to leave at 1, more permutations are currently not necessary
  par.l$internal$nPermutations = 1 
  # Step size for the TF-peak FDR calculation
  par.l$internal$stepsFDR = round(seq(from = -1, to = 1, by = 0.05),2)
  # Stringencies for AR classification
  par.l$internal$allClassificationThresholds = c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001)
  # Minimum number of TFBS to include a TF in the heatmap
  par.l$internal$threshold_minNoTFBS_heatmap = 100
  # Colors for the different classifications
  par.l$internal$colorCategories = c("activator" = "#4daf4a", "undetermined" = "black", "repressor" = "#e41a1c", "not-expressed" = "Snow3") # diverging, modified
  GRN@config$parameters = par.l
  GRN@config$metadata = objectMetadata
  GRN@config$directories$outputRoot         = outputFolder
  GRN@config$directories$output_plots       = dir_output_plots 
  GRN@config$files$output_log               = paste0(outputFolder, "GRN.log")
  .testExistanceAndCreateDirectoriesRecursively(c(outputFolder, dir_output_plots))
  checkmate::assertDirectory(outputFolder, access = "w")
  .startLogger(GRN@config$files$output_log , "INFO",  removeOldLog = FALSE)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Empty GRN object created successfully. Type the object name (e.g., GRN) to retrieve summary information about it at any time."))

######## Add and filter data ########

#' Add data to a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @export
#' @template GRN 
#' @param counts_peaks Data frame. No default. Counts for the peaks, with raw or normalized counts for each peak (rows) across all samples (columns). In addition to the count data, it must also contain one ID column with a particular format, see the argument \code{idColumn_peaks} below. Row names are ignored, column names must be set to the sample names and must match those from the RNA counts and the sample metadata table.
#' @param normalization_peaks Character. Default \code{DESeq_sizeFactor}. Normalization procedure for peak data. Must be one of \code{DESeq_sizeFactor}, \code{none}, or \code{quantile}.
#' @param idColumn_peaks Character. Default \code{peakID}. Name of the column in the counts_peaks data frame that contains peak IDs. The required format must be {chr}:{start}-{end}", with {chr} denoting the abbreviated chromosome name, and {start} and {end} the begin and end of the peak coordinates, respectively. End must be bigger than start. Examples for valid peak IDs are \code{chr1:400-800} or \code{chrX:20-25}.
#' @param counts_rna Data frame. No default. Counts for the RNA-seq data, with raw or normalized counts for each gene (rows) across all samples (columns). In addition to the count data, it must also contain one ID column with a particular format, see the argument \code{idColumn_rna} below. Row names are ignored, column names must be set to the sample names and must match those from the RNA counts and the sample metadata table.
#' @param normalization_rna Character. Default \code{quantile}. Normalization procedure for peak data. Must be one of "DESeq_sizeFactor", "none", or "quantile"
#' @param idColumn_RNA Character. Default \code{ENSEMBL}. Name of the column in the \code{counts_rna} data frame that contains Ensembl IDs.
#' @param sampleMetadata Data frame. Default \code{NULL}. Optional, additional metadata for the samples, such as age, sex, gender etc. If provided, the @seealso [plotPCA_all()] function can then incorporate and plot it. Sample names must match with those from both peak and RNA-Seq data. The first column is expected to contain the sample IDs, the actual column name is irrelevant.
#' @param allowOverlappingPeaks \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. Default \code{FALSE}. Should overlapping peaks be allowed (then only a warning is issued when overlapping peaks are found) or (the default) should an error be raised?
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' # library(tidyverse)
#' # rna.df   = read_tsv("https://www.embl.de/download/zaugg/GRaNIE/rna.tsv.gz")
#' # peaks.df = read_tsv("https://www.embl.de/download/zaugg/GRaNIE/peaks.tsv.gz")
#' # meta.df  = read_tsv("https://www.embl.de/download/zaugg/GRaNIE/sampleMetadata.tsv.gz")
#' # GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' # We omit sampleMetadata = meta.df in the following line, becomes too long otherwise
#' # GRN = addData(GRN, counts_peaks = peaks.df, counts_rna = rna.df, forceRerun = FALSE)

addData <- function(GRN, counts_peaks, normalization_peaks = "DESeq_sizeFactor", idColumn_peaks = "peakID", 
                    counts_rna, normalization_rna = "quantile", idColumn_RNA = "ENSEMBL", sampleMetadata = NULL,
                    allowOverlappingPeaks= FALSE,
                    forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)      
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertDataFrame(counts_peaks, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 2)
  checkmate::assertDataFrame(counts_rna, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 2)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(idColumn_peaks, min.chars = 1, len = 1)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(idColumn_RNA, min.chars = 1, len = 1)
  checkmate::assertChoice(normalization_peaks, c("none", "DESeq_sizeFactor", "quantile"))
  checkmate::assertChoice(normalization_rna, c("none", "DESeq_sizeFactor", "quantile"))  
  if (is.null(GRN@data$peaks$counts_norm) |
      is.null(GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l) | 
      forceRerun) {
    # Store raw peaks counts as DESeq object
    #GRN@data$peaks$counts_raw = counts_peaks %>% dplyr::mutate(isFiltered = FALSE)
    # Normalize ID column names
    if (idColumn_peaks != "peakID") {
      counts_peaks = dplyr::rename(counts_peaks, peakID = !!(idColumn_peaks))
    if (idColumn_RNA != "ENSEMBL") {
      counts_rna = dplyr::rename(counts_rna, ENSEMBL = !!(idColumn_RNA))
    # Check ID columns for missing values and remove
    rna_missing_ID =  which(is.na(counts_rna$ENSEMBL))
    if (length(rna_missing_ID) > 0) {
      message = paste0(" Found ", length(rna_missing_ID), " missing IDs in the ID column of the RNA counts. These rows will be removed.")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
      counts_rna = dplyr::slice(counts_rna, -rna_missing_ID)
    peaks_missing_ID =  which(is.na(counts_peaks$peakID))
    if (length(peaks_missing_ID) > 0) {
      message = paste0(" Found ", length(peaks_missing_ID), " missing IDs in the ID column of the peaks counts. These rows will be removed.")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
      counts_peaks = dplyr::slice(counts_peaks, -peaks_missing_ID)
    # Remove potential scientific notation from peak IDs
    peaks_eNotation = which(grepl("e+", counts_peaks$peakID))
    if (length(peaks_eNotation) > 0) {
      message = paste0("Found at least one peak (", paste0(counts_peaks$peakID[peaks_eNotation], collapse = ",") , ") for which the position contains the scientific notation, attempting to fix.")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
      counts_peaks$peakID[peaks_eNotation] = .removeScientificNotation_positions(counts_peaks$peakID[peaks_eNotation])
    # Clean Ensembl IDs
    counts_rna$ENSEMBL = gsub("\\..+", "", counts_rna$ENSEMBL, perl = TRUE)
    # Check uniqueness of IDs
    nDuplicateRows = nrow(counts_rna) - length(unique(counts_rna$ENSEMBL))
    if (nDuplicateRows > 0) {
      futile.logger::flog.warn(paste0(" Found ", nDuplicateRows, " duplicate rows in RNA-Seq data, consolidating them by summing them up."))
      counts_rna = counts_rna %>%
        dplyr::group_by(ENSEMBL) %>%
        dplyr::summarise_if(is.numeric, sum) 
      # dplyr::summarise_if(is.numeric, sum, .groups = 'drop') # the .drop caused an error with dplyr 1.0.5
    # Normalize counts
    countsPeaks.norm.df  = .normalizeCounts(counts_peaks, method = normalization_peaks, idColumn = "peakID")
    countsRNA.norm.df  = .normalizeCounts(counts_rna, method = normalization_rna, idColumn = "ENSEMBL")
    GRN@config$parameters$normalization_rna = normalization_rna
    GRN@config$parameters$normalization_peaks = normalization_peaks
    # We have our first connection type, the default one; more may be added later
    GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes = "expression"
    # Make sure ENSEMBL is the first column
    countsRNA.norm.df = dplyr::select(countsRNA.norm.df, ENSEMBL, tidyselect::everything())
    countsPeaks.norm.df = dplyr::select(countsPeaks.norm.df, peakID, tidyselect::everything())
    samples_rna  = colnames(countsRNA.norm.df)
    samples_peaks =  colnames(countsPeaks.norm.df)
    allSamples =  unique(c(samples_rna, samples_peaks)) %>% setdiff(c("ENSEMBL", "isFiltered", "peakID"))
    # Subset data to retain only samples that appear in both RNA and peaks
    data.l = .intersectData(countsRNA.norm.df, countsPeaks.norm.df)
    GRN@data$peaks$counts_norm = data.l[["peaks"]] %>% dplyr::mutate(isFiltered = FALSE)
    countsRNA.norm.df = data.l[["RNA"]]  %>% dplyr::mutate(isFiltered = FALSE)
    # Create permutations for RNA
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0( "Produce ", .getMaxPermutation(GRN), " permutations of RNA-counts"))
    GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l = .shuffleColumns(countsRNA.norm.df, .getMaxPermutation(GRN), returnUnshuffled = TRUE, returnAsList = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(sampleMetadata)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info("Parsing provided metadata...")
      GRN@data$metadata = sampleMetadata %>% dplyr::distinct() %>% tibble::set_tidy_names(syntactic = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
      # Force the first column to be the ID column
      if ("sampleID" %in% colnames(GRN@data$metadata)) {
        futile.logger::flog.warn("Renaming the first column to sampleID. However, this column already exists, it will be renamed accordingly.")
        colnames(GRN@data$metadata)[which(colnames(GRN@data$metadata) == "sampleID")] = "sampleID_original"
      colnames(GRN@data$metadata)[1] = "sampleID"
      # Assume the ID is in column 1, has to be unique
      if (nrow(GRN@data$metadata) > length(unique(GRN@data$metadata$sampleID))) {
        message = paste0("The first column in the sample metadata table must contain only unique values, as it is used as sample ID. Make sure the values are unique.")
        tbl_ids = table(GRN@data$metadata$sampleID)
        .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
      missingIDs = which(! allSamples %in% GRN@data$metadata$sampleID)
      if (length(missingIDs) > 0) {
        GRN@data$metadata = tibble::add_row(GRN@data$metadata, sampleID = allSamples[ missingIDs])
    } else {
      GRN@data$metadata = tibble::tibble(sampleID = allSamples)
    GRN@data$metadata =  GRN@data$metadata %>%
      dplyr::mutate(has_RNA = sampleID  %in% samples_rna,
                    has_peaks = sampleID %in% samples_peaks,
                    has_both = has_RNA & has_peaks
    GRN@config$sharedSamples = dplyr::filter(GRN@data$metadata, has_both) %>% dplyr::pull(sampleID) %>% as.character()
    counts_peaks = as.data.frame(counts_peaks)
    counts_rna = as.data.frame(counts_rna)
    rownames(counts_peaks) = counts_peaks$peakID
    rownames(counts_rna)  = counts_rna$ENSEMBL
    # Store the raw peaks data efficiently as DESeq object only if it contains only integers, otherwise store as normal matrix
    if (isIntegerMatrix(counts_peaks[, GRN@config$sharedSamples])) {
      GRN@data$peaks$counts_orig = DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(counts_peaks[, GRN@config$sharedSamples], 
                                                                  colData = dplyr::filter(GRN@data$metadata, has_both) %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("sampleID"),
                                                                  design = ~1)
    } else {
      GRN@data$peaks$counts_orig = as.matrix(counts_peaks[, GRN@config$sharedSamples])
    if (isIntegerMatrix(counts_rna[, GRN@config$sharedSamples])) {
      GRN@data$RNA$counts_orig = DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(counts_rna[, GRN@config$sharedSamples], 
                                                                colData = dplyr::filter(GRN@data$metadata, has_both) %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("sampleID"),
                                                                design = ~1)   
    } else {
      GRN@data$RNA$counts_orig = as.matrix(counts_rna[, GRN@config$sharedSamples])
    # Consensus peaks
    GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks = .createConsensusPeaksDF(getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)) 
    GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks = GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks[match(getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)$peakID, GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks$peakID), ]
    stopifnot(c("chr", "start", "end", "peakID", "isFiltered") %in% colnames(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Check for overlapping peaks..."))
    # Assume 0-based exclusive format, see https://arnaudceol.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/chromosome-coordinate-systems-0-based-1-based/ and http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1 for details
    consensus.gr   = .constructGRanges(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks, seqlengths = .getChrLengths(GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly), GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly, zeroBased = TRUE)
    overlappingPeaks = which(GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(consensus.gr ,consensus.gr) >1)
    if (length(overlappingPeaks) > 0){
      ids = (consensus.gr[overlappingPeaks] %>% as.data.frame())$peakID
      messageAll = paste0(" ", length(overlappingPeaks), 
                          " overlapping peaks have been identified. The first ten are: ", paste0(ids[seq_len(min(10, length(ids)))], collapse = ","),
                          ". This may not be what you want, since overlapping peaks may have a heigher weight in the network. "
      if (allowOverlappingPeaks) {
        message = paste0(messageAll, "As allowOverlappingPeaks has been set to TRUE, this is only a warning and not an error.")
        .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
      } else {
        message = paste0(messageAll, "As allowOverlappingPeaks = FALSE (the default), this is an error and not a warning. You may want to regenerate the peak file, eliminate peak overlaps, and rerun this function")
        .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  # Add peak annotation once
  GRN = .populatePeakAnnotation(GRN)
  # Add gene annotation once
  GRN = .populateGeneAnnotation(GRN)

.createConsensusPeaksDF <- function(countsPeaks, idColumn = "peakID") {
  checkmate::assertChoice(idColumn, colnames(countsPeaks))
  ids.split = strsplit(countsPeaks %>% dplyr::pull(!!(idColumn)), split = "[:-]+")
  ids.split.length = sapply(ids.split, length)
  if (!all(ids.split.length == 3)) {
    message = paste0(" At least one of the IDs in the peaks data has an unsupported format. Make sure all peakIDs are in the format \"chr:start-end\"")
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  consensus.df = tibble::tibble(chr   = as.factor(sapply(ids.split, "[[", 1)),
                                start = as.numeric(sapply(ids.split, "[[", 2)), 
                                end   = as.numeric(sapply(ids.split, "[[", 3)),
                                peakID = paste0(.data$chr, ":", .data$start, "-", .data$end),
                                isFiltered = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$chr, .data$start)
  # The sorting is necessary here for subsequent bedtools to run faster or at all

.removeScientificNotation_positions <- function(peakIDs.vec) {
  ids = strsplit(peakIDs.vec, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
  ids_chr = sapply(ids, "[[", 1)
  ids_pos = sapply(ids, "[[", 2)
  ids_pos = strsplit(ids_pos, split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
  start = sapply(ids_pos, "[[", 1)
  end   = sapply(ids_pos, "[[", 2)
  paste0(ids_chr, ":", format(as.integer(start), scientific = FALSE), "-", format(as.integer(end), scientific= FALSE))

.retrieveAnnotationData <- function(genomeAssembly) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Retrieving genome annotation data from biomaRt... This may take a while"))
    params.l = .getBiomartParameters(genomeAssembly)
    columnsToRetrieve = c("chromosome_name", "start_position", "end_position",
                          "strand", "ensembl_gene_id", "gene_biotype", "external_gene_name")
    geneAnnotation <- NULL
    attempt <- 0
    mirrors = c('www', 'uswest', 'useast', 'asia')
    while(!is.data.frame(geneAnnotation) && attempt <= 3 ) {
        attempt <- attempt + 1
        geneAnnotation = tryCatch({ 
            ensembl = biomaRt::useEnsembl(biomart = "genes", host = params.l[["host"]], dataset = params.l[["dataset"]], mirror = mirrors[attempt])
            biomaRt::getBM(attributes = columnsToRetrieve, mart = ensembl)
    if (!is.data.frame(geneAnnotation)) {
        error_Biomart = "A temporary error occured with biomaRt::getBM or biomaRt::useEnsembl. This is often caused by an unresponsive Ensembl site. Try again at a later time. Note that this error is not caused by GRaNIE but external services."
        .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, error_Biomart, isWarning = FALSE)
    geneAnnotation %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        dplyr::filter(stringr::str_length(chromosome_name) <= 5) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(chromosome_name = paste0("chr", chromosome_name)) %>%
        dplyr::rename(gene.chr = chromosome_name, gene.start = start_position, gene.end = end_position, 
                      gene.strand = strand, gene.ENSEMBL = ensembl_gene_id, gene.type = gene_biotype, gene.name = external_gene_name) %>%
        dplyr::mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(gene.strand = factor(gene.strand, levels = c(1,-1), labels = c("+", "-")))

.getAllGeneTypesAndFrequencies <- function(genomeAssembly, verbose = TRUE) {
  geneAnnotation.df = .retrieveAnnotationData(genomeAssembly)

.getKnownGeneAnnotationNew <- function(GRN, gene.types, extendRegions = NULL) {
  checkmate::assertCharacter(GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly, len = 1)
  if (!is.null(extendRegions)) {
    stop("Not yet implemented")
  genes.filt.df = .retrieveAnnotationData(GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly)
  if (!is.null(gene.types)) {
    if (! "all" %in% gene.types) {
      genes.filt.df = dplyr::filter(genes.filt.df, gene.type %in% gene.types)

.populatePeakAnnotation <- function (GRN) {
  countsPeaks.clean = getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Calculate statistics for each peak (mean and CV)"))
  countsPeaks.m = as.matrix(dplyr::select(countsPeaks.clean, -peakID))
  rowMeans_peaks   = rowMeans(countsPeaks.m)
  rowMedians_peaks = matrixStats::rowMedians(countsPeaks.m)
  CV_peaks = matrixStats::rowSds(countsPeaks.m) /  rowMeans_peaks
  metadata_peaks = tibble::tibble(peak.ID = countsPeaks.clean$peakID, 
                                  peak.mean = rowMeans_peaks, 
                                  peak.median = rowMedians_peaks, 
                                  peak.CV = CV_peaks)
  GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks = metadata_peaks
  if (!is.installed("ChIPseeker")) {
    message = paste0("The package ChIPseeker is currently not installed, which is needed for additional peak annotation that can be useful for further downstream analyses. ", 
                     " You may want to install it and re-run this function. However, this is optional and except for some missing additional annotation columns, there is no limitation.")
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Retrieve peak annotation using ChipSeeker. This may take a while"))
    genomeAssembly = GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly
    consensusPeaks     = GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks %>% dplyr::filter(!isFiltered)
    consensusPeaks.gr  = .constructGRanges(consensusPeaks, seqlengths = .getChrLengths(genomeAssembly), genomeAssembly)
    # Add ChIPSeeker anotation
    peaks.annotated = suppressMessages(ChIPseeker::annotatePeak(
      tssRegion = c(-5000, 5000), # extended from 3kb to 5
      TxDb = .getGenomeObject(genomeAssembly, type = "txbd"),
      level = "gene", 
      assignGenomicAnnotation = TRUE,  # the default
      genomicAnnotationPriority = c("Promoter", "5UTR", "3UTR", "Exon", "Intron",
                                    "Downstream", "Intergenic"),  # the default
      annoDb = .getGenomeObject(genomeAssembly, type = "packageName"), # optional, if provided, extra columns including SYMBOL, GENENAME, ENSEMBL/ENTREZID will be added
      sameStrand = FALSE, # the default
      ignoreOverlap = FALSE, # the default
      ignoreUpstream = FALSE, # the default
      ignoreDownstream = FALSE, # the default
      overlap = "TSS", # the default
      verbose = TRUE # the default
    GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks_obj = peaks.annotated
    peaks.annotated.df = as.data.frame(peaks.annotated)
    peaks.annotated.df$annotation[grepl("Exon", peaks.annotated.df$annotation)] = "Exon"
    peaks.annotated.df$annotation[grepl("Intron", peaks.annotated.df$annotation)] = "Intron"
    GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks = dplyr::left_join(GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks, 
                                                     peaks.annotated.df  %>% 
                                                       dplyr::select(peakID, annotation, tidyselect::starts_with("gene"), -geneId, distanceToTSS, ENSEMBL, SYMBOL, GENENAME) %>%
                                                       dplyr::mutate(annotation  = as.factor(annotation), 
                                                                     ENSEMBL = as.factor(ENSEMBL), 
                                                                     GENENAME = as.factor(GENENAME),
                                                                     SYMBOL = as.factor(SYMBOL)),
                                                     by = c("peak.ID" = "peakID")) %>%
      dplyr::rename(peak.gene.chr = geneChr,
                    peak.gene.start = geneStart, 
                    peak.gene.end = geneEnd, 
                    peak.gene.length = geneLength, 
                    peak.gene.strand = geneStrand, 
                    peak.gene.name = GENENAME,
                    peak.gene.distanceToTSS = distanceToTSS,
                    peak.gene.ENSEMBL = ENSEMBL,
                    peak.gene.symbol = SYMBOL,
                    peak.annotation = annotation
  # Also add GC content as annotation columns
  GRN = .calcGCContentPeaks(GRN)

.populateGeneAnnotation <- function (GRN) {
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Calculate statistics for each gene (mean and CV)"))
  countsRNA.clean  = getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)
  countsRNA.m = as.matrix(dplyr::select(countsRNA.clean, -ENSEMBL))
  rowMeans_rna = rowMeans(countsRNA.m)
  rowMedians_rna = matrixStats::rowMedians(countsRNA.m)
  CV_rna = matrixStats::rowSds(countsRNA.m) /  rowMeans_rna
  genomeAnnotation.df = .retrieveAnnotationData(GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly)
  metadata_rna = tibble::tibble(gene.ENSEMBL = countsRNA.clean$ENSEMBL, 
                                gene.mean = rowMeans_rna, 
                                gene.median = rowMedians_rna, 
                                gene.CV = CV_rna) %>%
    dplyr::full_join(genomeAnnotation.df, by = c("gene.ENSEMBL"))
  GRN@annotation$genes = metadata_rna

.populateGOAnnotation <- function(GRN, results.tbl, ontology){
  GRN@annotation$GO[[ontology]] = results.tbl[,c("ID", "Term")]

#' @importFrom IRanges width
#' @importFrom rlang .data `:=`
.calcGCContentPeaks <- function(GRN) {
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Calculate GC-content for peaks... "))
  start = Sys.time()
  genomeAssembly = GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly
  #TODO: GC content for all peaks
  genome = .getGenomeObject(genomeAssembly, type = "BSgenome")
  # Get peaks as GRanges object
  query   = .constructGRanges(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks, 
                              seqlengths = .getChrLengths(genomeAssembly), 
  # Get DNAStringSet object
  seqs_peaks = Biostrings::getSeq(genome, query)
  GC_content.df = Biostrings::letterFrequency(seqs_peaks, "GC") / Biostrings::letterFrequency(seqs_peaks, "ACGT")
  GC_content.df = GC_content.df %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(length = IRanges::width(query),
                  peak.ID = query$peakID,
                  GC_class = cut(`G|C`, breaks = seq(0,1,0.1), include.lowest = TRUE, ordered_result = TRUE))
  GC_classes.df = GC_content.df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(GC_class) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(n= dplyr::n(), peak_width_mean = mean(length), peak_width_sd = sd(length)) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
    tidyr::complete(GC_class, fill = list(n = 0)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n_rel = .data$n / length(query))
  # TODO: Put where
  #ggplot(GC_content.df, aes(GC.class)) + geom_histogram(stat = "count") + theme_bw()
  #ggplot(GC_classes.df , aes(GC.class, n_rel)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + theme_bw()
  GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks = dplyr::left_join(GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks, GC_content.df, by = "peak.ID") %>%
    dplyr::rename( peak.GC.perc    = `G|C`,
                   peak.width      = length,
                   peak.GC.class   = GC_class)
  GRN@stats$peaks = list()
  GRN@stats$peaks$GC = GC_classes.df

#' Filter data from a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @template GRN 
#' @param minNormalizedMean_peaks Numeric or \code{NULL}. Default 5. Minimum mean across all samples for a peak to be retained for the normalized counts table. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param maxNormalizedMean_peaks Numeric or \code{NULL}. Default \code{NULL}. Maximum mean across all samples for a peak to be retained for the normalized counts table. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param minNormalizedMeanRNA Numeric or \code{NULL}. Default 5. Minimum mean across all samples for a gene to be retained for the normalized counts table. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param maxNormalizedMeanRNA Numeric or \code{NULL}. Default \code{NULL}. Maximum mean across all samples for a gene to be retained for the normalized counts table. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param chrToKeep_peaks Character vector. Default \code{c(paste0("chr", 1:22), "chrX", "chrY")}. Vector of chromosomes that peaks are allowed to come from. This filter can be used to filter sex chromosomes from the peaks, for example.
#' @param minSize_peaks Integer or \code{NULL}. Default \code{NULL}. Minimum peak size (width, end - start) for a peak to be retained. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param maxSize_peaks Integer or \code{NULL}. Default 10000. Maximum peak size (width, end - start) for a peak to be retained. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param minCV_peaks Numeric or \code{NULL}. Default \code{NULL}. Minimum CV (coefficient of variation, a unitless measure of variation) for a peak to be retained. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param maxCV_peaks Numeric or \code{NULL}. Default \code{NULL}. Maximum CV (coefficient of variation, a unitless measure of variation) for a peak to be retained. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param minCV_genes Numeric or \code{NULL}. Default \code{NULL}. Minimum CV (coefficient of variation, a unitless measure of variation) for a gene to be retained. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @param maxCV_genes Numeric or \code{NULL}. Default \code{NULL}. Maximum CV (coefficient of variation, a unitless measure of variation) for a gene to be retained. Set to \code{NULL} for not applying the filter.
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN = filterData(GRN, forceRerun = FALSE)
#' @export
filterData <- function (GRN, 
                        minNormalizedMean_peaks = 5, maxNormalizedMean_peaks = NULL, 
                        minNormalizedMeanRNA = 1,  maxNormalizedMeanRNA = NULL,
                        chrToKeep_peaks = c(paste0("chr", seq_len(22)), "chrX", "chrY"),
                        minSize_peaks = NULL, maxSize_peaks = 10000,
                        minCV_peaks = NULL, maxCV_peaks = NULL,
                        minCV_genes = NULL, maxCV_genes = NULL,
                        forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN) 
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertNumber(minNormalizedMean_peaks, lower = 0)
  checkmate::assertNumber(minNormalizedMeanRNA, lower = 0)
  checkmate::assertNumber(maxNormalizedMean_peaks, lower = minNormalizedMean_peaks , null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assertNumber(maxNormalizedMeanRNA, lower = minNormalizedMeanRNA, null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(chrToKeep_peaks, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(minSize_peaks, lower = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(maxSize_peaks, lower = dplyr::if_else(is.null(minSize_peaks), 1, minSize_peaks), null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assertNumber(minCV_peaks, lower = 0, null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assertNumber(maxCV_peaks, lower = dplyr::if_else(is.null(minCV_peaks), 0, minCV_peaks), null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assertNumber(minCV_genes, lower = 0, null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assertNumber(maxCV_genes, lower = dplyr::if_else(is.null(minCV_genes), 0, minCV_genes), null.ok = TRUE)
  if (!GRN@config$isFiltered | forceRerun) {
    GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks$isFiltered = FALSE
    GRN@data$peaks$counts_norm$isFiltered = FALSE
    if(!is.null(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap)) {
      GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap[, "isFiltered"] = 0
    # Filter peaks
    futile.logger::flog.info("FILTER PEAKS")
    peakIDs.CV = .filterPeaksByMeanCV(GRN, 
                                      minMean = minNormalizedMean_peaks, maxMean = maxNormalizedMean_peaks, 
                                      minCV = minCV_peaks, maxCV = maxCV_peaks) 
    # Clean peaks from alternative contigs etc 
    GRN@config$parameters$chrToKeep =  chrToKeep_peaks
    peakIDs.chr = .filterPeaksByChromosomeAndSize(GRN, 
                                                  minSize_peaks = minSize_peaks, maxSize_peaks = maxSize_peaks)
    nPeaksBefore = nrow(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks)
    peaks_toKeep = intersect(peakIDs.chr, peakIDs.CV)
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Collectively, filter ", nPeaksBefore -length(peaks_toKeep), " out of ", nPeaksBefore, " peaks."))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Number of remaining peaks: ", length(peaks_toKeep)))
    GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks$isFiltered  = ! GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks$peakID  %in% peaks_toKeep
    #GRN@data$peaks$counts_raw$isFiltered = ! GRN@data$peaks$counts_raw$peakID  %in% peaks_toKeep
    GRN@data$peaks$counts_norm$isFiltered = ! GRN@data$peaks$counts_norm$peakID  %in% peaks_toKeep
    if(!is.null(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap)) {
      GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap[, "isFiltered"] = as.integer (! rownames(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap) %in% peaks_toKeep)
    # Remove genes with small rowMeans
    #Only for real data, not for permuted (rowmeans is equal anyway)
    # Filter peaks
    futile.logger::flog.info("FILTER RNA-seq")
    genes.CV = .filterGenesByMeanCV(GRN, 
                                    minMean = minNormalizedMeanRNA, maxMean = maxNormalizedMeanRNA, 
                                    minCV = minCV_genes, maxCV = maxCV_genes) 
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Number of rows in total: ", nrow(GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l[["0"]])))
    for (permutationCur in c(0)) {
      permIndex = as.character(permutationCur)
      rowMeans = rowMeans(dplyr::select(GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l[[permIndex]], -ENSEMBL))
      GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l[[permIndex]]$isFiltered = rowMeans < minNormalizedMeanRNA 
    nRowsFlagged = length(which(GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l[["0"]]$isFiltered))
    # Raw counts are left untouched and filtered where needed only
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Flagged ", nRowsFlagged, " rows because the row mean was smaller than ", minNormalizedMeanRNA))
    # TODO: Filter genes by CV
    GRN@config$isFiltered = TRUE

.filterPeaksByChromosomeAndSize <- function(GRN, chrToKeep, minSize_peaks = NULL, maxSize_peaks, idColumn = "peakID") {
  startTime = Sys.time()
  if (is.null(minSize_peaks)) {
    minSize_peaks = 1
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Filter and sort peaks and remain only those on the following chromosomes: ", paste0(chrToKeep, collapse = ",")))
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Filter and sort peaks by size and remain only those smaller than : ", maxSize_peaks))
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Number of peaks before filtering: ", nrow(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks)))
  ids = strsplit(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks %>% dplyr::pull(!!(idColumn)), split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
  ids_chr = sapply(ids, "[[", 1)
  ids_pos = sapply(ids, "[[", 2)
  ids_pos = strsplit(ids_pos, split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
  start = sapply(ids_pos, "[[", 1)
  end   = sapply(ids_pos, "[[", 2)
  countsPeaks.clean = GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks %>%
    dplyr::mutate(chr = ids_chr,
                  start = as.numeric(start),
                  end = as.numeric(end),
                  size = end-start) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$chr %in% chrToKeep, .data$size <= maxSize_peaks, .data$size >= minSize_peaks) %>%
    # arrange(chr, start) %>%
    dplyr::rename(peakID = !!(idColumn)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$chr,-.data$start, -.data$end, -.data$size) %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$peakID, tidyselect::everything())
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Number of peaks after filtering : ", nrow(countsPeaks.clean)))

.filterPeaksByCV <- function (GRN, minCV = 0, maxCV = 1e7) {
  startTime = Sys.time()
  if (is.null(maxCV)) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Filter peaks by CV: Min CV = ", minCV))
    peaksFiltered = dplyr::filter(GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks, peak.CV >= minCV)
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Filter peaks by CV: Min CV = ", minCV, ", max CV = ", maxCV))
    peaksFiltered = dplyr::filter(GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks, peak.CV >= minCV, peak.CV <= maxCV)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Number of peaks after filtering : ", nrow(peaksFiltered)))

.filterPeaksByMeanCV <- function (GRN, minMean = 0, maxMean = NULL, minCV = 0, maxCV = NULL) {
  startTime = Sys.time()
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Number of peaks before filtering : ", nrow(GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks)))
  if (is.null(minCV)) {
    minCV = 0
  if (is.null(maxCV)) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Filter peaks by CV: Min = ", minCV))
    maxCV = 9e+99
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Filter peaks by CV: Min = ", minCV, ", Max = ", maxCV))
  if (is.null(minMean)) {
    minMean = 0
  if (is.null(maxMean)) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Filter peaks by mean: Min = ", minMean))
    maxMean = 9e+99
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Filter peaks by mean: Min = ", minMean, ", Max = ", maxMean))  
  peaksFiltered = dplyr::filter(GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks, 
                                peak.CV >= minCV, peak.CV <= maxCV, 
                                peak.mean >= minMean, peak.mean <= maxMean)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Number of peaks after filtering : ", nrow(peaksFiltered)))

.filterGenesByMeanCV <- function (GRN, minMean = 0, maxMean = NULL, minCV = 0, maxCV = NULL) {
  startTime = Sys.time()
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Number of genes before filtering : ", nrow(GRN@annotation$genes)))
  if (is.null(minCV)) {
    minCV = 0
  if (is.null(maxCV)) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Filter genes by CV: Min = ", minCV))
    maxCV = 9e+99
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Filter genes by CV: Min = ", minCV, ", Max = ", maxCV))
  if (is.null(minMean)) {
    minMean = 0
  if (is.null(maxMean)) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Filter genes by mean: Min = ", minMean))
    maxMean = 9e+99
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Filter genes by mean: Min = ", minMean, ", Max = ", maxMean))  
  genesFiltered = dplyr::filter(GRN@annotation$genes, 
                                gene.CV >= minCV, gene.CV <= maxCV, 
                                gene.mean >= minMean, gene.mean <= maxMean)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Number of genes after filtering : ", nrow(genesFiltered)))

######## TFBS ########

#' Add TFBS to a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @template GRN 
#' @param motifFolder Character. No default. Path to the folder that contains the TFBS predictions. The files must be in BED format, 6 columns, one file per TF. See the other parameters for more details.
#' @param TFs Character vector. Default \code{all}. Vector of TF names to include. The special keyword \code{all} can be used to include all TF found in the folder as specified by \code{motifFolder}. If \code{all} is specified anywhere, all TFs will be included. TF names must otherwise match the file names that are found in the folder, without the file suffix.
#' @param filesTFBSPattern Character. Default \code{"_TFBS"}. Suffix for the file names in the TFBS folder that is not part of the TF name. Can be empty. For example, for the TF CTCF, if the file is called \code{CTCF.all.TFBS.bed}, set this parameter to \code{".all.TFBS"}.
#' @param fileEnding Character. Default \code{".bed"}. File ending for the files from the motif folder.
#' @param nTFMax \code{NULL} or integer. Default \code{NULL}. Maximal number of TFs to import. Can be used for testing purposes, e.g., setting to 5 only imports 5 TFs even though the whole \code{motifFolder} has many more TFs defined.
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' @export
addTFBS <- function(GRN, motifFolder, TFs = "all", nTFMax = NULL, filesTFBSPattern = "_TFBS", fileEnding = ".bed", forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertCharacter(TFs, min.len = 1)
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::testNull(nTFMax), checkmate::testIntegerish(nTFMax, lower = 1))
  checkmate::assertCharacter(filesTFBSPattern, len = 1, min.chars = 0)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(fileEnding, len = 1, min.chars = 1)
  if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable) | is.null(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable) | is.null(GRN@config$allTF)  | is.null(GRN@config$directories$motifFolder) | forceRerun) {
    GRN@config$TFBS_fileEnding  = fileEnding
    GRN@config$TFBS_filePattern = filesTFBSPattern
    GRN@data$TFs$translationTable = .getFinalListOfTFs(motifFolder, filesTFBSPattern, fileEnding, TFs, nTFMax, getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE))
    GRN@data$TFs$translationTable = GRN@data$TFs$translationTable %>%
      dplyr::select(c("HOCOID", "ENSEMBL")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(TF.name = HOCOID, TF.ENSEMBL = ENSEMBL) 
    # TODO: Change here and make it more logical what to put where
    GRN@config$allTF = GRN@data$TFs$translationTable$TF.name
    #Store all data-dependent TF information
    # GRN@config$TF_list = list()
    # GRN@config$TF_list[["all_TFBS"]] =GRN@config$allTF
    GRN@config$directories$motifFolder = motifFolder

.getFinalListOfTFs <- function(folder_input_TFBS, filesTFBSPattern, fileEnding, TFs, nTFMax, countsRNA) {
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Checking database folder for matching files: ", folder_input_TFBS))
  files = .createFileList(folder_input_TFBS, "*.bed*", recursive = FALSE, ignoreCase = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
  TFsWithTFBSPredictions = gsub(pattern = filesTFBSPattern, "", tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(files), compression = TRUE))
  TFsWithTFBSPredictions = gsub(pattern = fileEnding, "", TFsWithTFBSPredictions)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Found ", length(TFsWithTFBSPredictions), " matching TFs: ", paste0(TFsWithTFBSPredictions, collapse = ", ")))
  # Filter TFs
  if (length(TFs) == 1 && TFs == "all") {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Use all TF from the database folder ", folder_input_TFBS))
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Subset TFs to user-specified list: ", paste0(TFs, collapse = ", ")))
    TFsWithTFBSPredictions = TFsWithTFBSPredictions[TFsWithTFBSPredictions %in% TFs]
    if (length(TFsWithTFBSPredictions) == 0) {
      message = paste0("No TFs are left after subsetting. Make sure the TF names are identical to the names in the database folder.")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("List of TFs: ", paste0(TFs, collapse = ", ")))
  file_input_HOCOMOCO = paste0(folder_input_TFBS, .Platform$file.sep, "translationTable.csv")
  HOCOMOCO_mapping.df = .readHOCOMOCOTable(file_input_HOCOMOCO, delim = " ")
  TF_notExpressed = sort(dplyr::filter(HOCOMOCO_mapping.df, ! ENSEMBL %in% countsRNA$ENSEMBL, HOCOID %in% TFsWithTFBSPredictions) %>% dplyr::pull(HOCOID))
  if (length(TF_notExpressed) > 0) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Filtering the following ", length(TF_notExpressed), " TFs as they are not present in the RNA-Seq data: ", paste0(TF_notExpressed, collapse = ",")))
  allTF = sort(dplyr::filter(HOCOMOCO_mapping.df, ENSEMBL %in% countsRNA$ENSEMBL, HOCOID %in% TFsWithTFBSPredictions) %>% dplyr::pull(HOCOID))
  nTF = length(allTF)
  if (nTF == 0) {
    message = paste0("No shared Tfs.")
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(nTFMax)) {
    if (!is.null(nTFMax) && nTFMax < nTF) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Use only the first ", nTFMax, " TFs because nTFMax has been set."))
      allTF = allTF[seq_len(nTFMax)]
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Updated list of TFs: ", paste0(allTF, collapse = ", ")))
  nTF = length(allTF)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Running the pipeline for ", nTF, " TF in total."))
  HOCOMOCO_mapping.df.exp = dplyr::filter(HOCOMOCO_mapping.df, HOCOID %in% allTF)
  if (nrow(HOCOMOCO_mapping.df.exp) == 0) {
    message = paste0("Number of rows of HOCOMOCO_mapping.df.exp is 0. Something is wrong with the mapping table or the filtering")
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)

#' Overlap peaks and TFBS for a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @template GRN
#' @template nCores
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function. 
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN = overlapPeaksAndTFBS(GRN, nCores = 2, forceRerun = FALSE)
#' @export
overlapPeaksAndTFBS <- function(GRN, nCores = 2, forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(nCores, lower = 1)
  if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap) | forceRerun) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Overlap peaks and TFBS using ", nCores, " cores. This may take a few minutes..."))
    genomeAssembly = GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly
    seqlengths = .getChrLengths(genomeAssembly)
    if (!is.null(GRN@config$TFBS_filePattern)) {
      filesTFBSPattern = GRN@config$TFBS_filePattern
    } else {
      message = "Could not retrieve value from GRN@config$TFBS_filePattern. Please rerun the function addTFBS, as this was added in a recent version of the package."
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    # Check whether we have peaks on chromosomes not part of the sequence length reference. If yes, discard them
    annotation_discared = dplyr::filter(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks, ! .data$chr %in% names(seqlengths))
    if (nrow(annotation_discared) > 0) {
      tbl_discarded = table(annotation_discared$chr)
      tbl_discarded = tbl_discarded[which(tbl_discarded > 0)]
      futile.logger::flog.warn(paste0("Found ", sum(tbl_discarded), " regions from chromosomes without a reference length. ", 
                                      "Typically, these are random fragments from known or unknown chromosomes. The following regions will be discarded: \n",
                                      paste0(names(tbl_discarded), " (", tbl_discarded, ")", collapse = ",")))
      GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks = dplyr::filter(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks, .data$chr %in% names(seqlengths))
    # Construct GRanges
    consensus.gr   = .constructGRanges(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks, seqlengths = seqlengths, genomeAssembly)
    res.l = .execInParallelGen(nCores, returnAsList = TRUE, listNames = GRN@config$allTF, 
                               iteration = seq_len(length(GRN@config$allTF)), 
                               verbose = FALSE, 
                               functionName = .intersectTFBSPeaks, GRN = GRN, consensusPeaks = consensus.gr, filesTFBSPattern = filesTFBSPattern)
    # Sanity check
    TFBS_bindingMatrix.df = tibble::as_tibble(res.l)
    if (!all(colnames(TFBS_bindingMatrix.df) %in% GRN@config$allTF)) {
      message = paste0("Internal mismatch detected between the TF names and the TF names derived from the translation file (see log, column HOCOID).", 
                       "This may happen if the genome assembly version has been changed, but intermediate files have not been properly recreated. ",
                       "Set the parameter forceRerun to TRUE and rerun the script.")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    # new 
    filteredPeaks = dplyr::filter(GRN@data$peaks$counts_norm, isFiltered) %>% dplyr::pull(peakID)
    # Collect binary 0/1 binding matrix from all TF and concatenate
    GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap = TFBS_bindingMatrix.df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(peakID = GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks$peakID,
                    isFiltered = peakID %in% filteredPeaks) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_if(is.logical, as.numeric) %>%
      dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(sort(GRN@config$allTF)), isFiltered)
    GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap = .asSparseMatrix(as.matrix(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap), 
                                                   convertNA_to_zero = FALSE, 
                                                   dimnames = list(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks$peakID, colnames(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap)))
    # The order of rows is here the sorted version as it originates from the sorted consensus peak file
    # We resort it to match the countsPeaks.norm
    # TODO: Here could be an error due to differences in sorting. Also, whether or not all or the filtered version shall be used
    stopifnot(identical(rownames(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap), GRN@data$peaks$counts_norm$peakID))

#' @import GenomicRanges
.intersectTFBSPeaks <- function(GRN, TFIndex, consensusPeaks, filesTFBSPattern, verbose = FALSE) {
  TFCur = GRN@config$allTF[TFIndex]
  file_tfbs_in  = paste0(GRN@config$directories$motifFolder, .Platform$file.sep, TFCur, filesTFBSPattern, GRN@config$TFBS_fileEnding)
  # Intersect consensusPeaks GR with bed file GR 
  TFBS.df = .readTFBSFile(file_tfbs_in) 
  subject.gr  = .constructGRanges(TFBS.df, seqlengths = .getChrLengths(GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly), GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly)
  intersect.gr = GenomicRanges::intersect(subject.gr, consensusPeaks, ignore.strand=TRUE)
  query.gr = consensusPeaks
  overlapsAll = GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query.gr, subject.gr, 
  query_row_ids  = S4Vectors::queryHits(overlapsAll)
  subject_rowids = S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlapsAll)
  subject_overlap_df = as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(subject.gr)[subject_rowids, ])
  subject_overlap_df$tfbs_chr = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(subject.gr))[subject_rowids]
  subject_overlap_df$tfbs_start = start(subject.gr)[subject_rowids]
  subject_overlap_df$tfbs_end   = end(subject.gr)  [subject_rowids]
  query_overlap_df = as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(query.gr)  [query_row_ids, "peakID", drop = FALSE])
  query_overlap_df$peak_chr    = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(query.gr))[query_row_ids]
  query_overlap_df$peak_start  = start(query.gr)[query_row_ids]
  query_overlap_df$peak_end    = end(query.gr)  [query_row_ids]
  final.df = cbind.data.frame(query_overlap_df, subject_overlap_df) %>%
    dplyr::select(-score, -annotation) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(tfbsID = paste0(tfbs_chr, ":", tfbs_start, "-", tfbs_end),
                  coordCentTfbs = round((tfbs_start + tfbs_end)/2, 0),
                  coordSummit   = round((peak_start + peak_end)/2, 0),
                  distance = abs(coordSummit - coordCentTfbs))  %>%
    dplyr::group_by(peakID) %>%
    dplyr::slice(which.min(distance)) %>%
    #arrange(distance, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    # top_n(n = 2, desc(distance)) %>%
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Calculating intersection for TF ", TFCur, " finished. Number of overlapping TFBS after filtering: ", nrow(final.df)))
  return(GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks$peakID %in% final.df$peakID)

.readTFBSFile <- function(file_tfbs_in) {
  TFBS.df = suppressMessages(.read_tidyverse_wrapper(file_tfbs_in, type = "tsv", col_names = FALSE, ncolExpected = 3:11, verbose = FALSE))
  if (ncol(TFBS.df) == 3) {
    colnames(TFBS.df) = c("chr", "start", "end")
  } else if (ncol(TFBS.df) == 4) {
    colnames(TFBS.df) = c("chr", "start", "end", "annotation")
  } else if (ncol(TFBS.df) == 5) {
    colnames(TFBS.df) = c("chr", "start", "end", "annotation", "strand")
  } else if (ncol(TFBS.df) >= 6) {
    if (ncol(TFBS.df) > 6) {
      futile.logger::flog.warn(paste0(" File ", file_tfbs_in, " had more than 6 columns, only the first 6 will be used."))
      TFBS.df = TFBS.df[,seq_len(6)]
    colnames(TFBS.df) = c("chr", "start", "end", "annotation", "score", "strand")

# TODO: Add columns for TF availability here also
# GRN@config$TF_list[["all_TFBS"]] =GRN@config$allTF
.correlateMatrices <- function(matrix1, matrix_peaks, HOCOMOCO_mapping, corMethod = "pearson", whitespacePrefix = " ") {
  start = Sys.time()
  # Filter to only the TFs
  # In addition, the no of TF because multiple TFs can map to the same gene/ ENSEMBL ID
  # Also filter 0 count genes because they otherwise cause errors downstream
  rowSums = rowSums(dplyr::select(matrix1, -ENSEMBL))
  # Keep only Ensembl IDs from TFs we have data from
  matrix1.norm.TFs.df = dplyr::filter(matrix1, ENSEMBL %in% HOCOMOCO_mapping$ENSEMBL, rowSums != 0)
  diff = nrow(matrix1) - nrow(matrix1.norm.TFs.df)
  if (diff > 0) {
    message = paste0(whitespacePrefix, "Retain ", nrow(matrix1.norm.TFs.df), " rows from TF/gene data out of ", nrow(matrix1), " (filter non-TF genes and TF genes with 0 counts throughout and keep only unique ENSEMBL IDs).")
  if (nrow(matrix1.norm.TFs.df) == 0) {
    message = " No rows remaining from TF/gene data after filtering against ENSEMBL IDs from HOCOMOCO. Check your ENSEMBL IDs for overlap with the HOCOMOCO translation table."
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp = dplyr::filter(HOCOMOCO_mapping, ENSEMBL %in% matrix1.norm.TFs.df$ENSEMBL)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(whitespacePrefix, "Correlate TF/gene data for ", nrow(matrix1.norm.TFs.df), " unique Ensembl IDs (TFs) and peak counts for ", nrow(matrix_peaks), " peaks."))
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(whitespacePrefix, "Note: For subsequent steps, the same gene may be associated with multiple TF, depending on the translation table."))
  # Correlate TF gene counts with peak counts 
  # matrix1:  rows: all TF genes, columns: all samples
  # matrix_peaks: rows: peak IDs, columns: samples
  # Transverse both for the cor function then
  # counts for peaks may be 0 throughout, then a warning is thrown
  #If the sd is zero, a warning is issued. We suppress it here to not confuse users as this is being dealt with later by ignoring the NA entries
  cor.m = suppressWarnings(t(cor(t(dplyr::select(matrix1.norm.TFs.df, -ENSEMBL)), t(dplyr::select(matrix_peaks, -peakID)), method = corMethod)))
  colnames(cor.m) = matrix1.norm.TFs.df$ENSEMBL
  rownames(cor.m) = matrix_peaks$peakID
  # Some entries in the HOCOMOCO mapping can be repeated (i.e., the same ID for two different TFs, such as ZBTB4.S and ZBTB4.D)
  # Originally, we deleted these rows from the mapping and took the first entry only
  # However, since TFs with the same ENSEMBL ID can still be different with respect to their TFBS, we now duplicate such genes also in the correlation table
  #HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp = HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp[!duplicated(HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp[, c("ENSEMBL")]),]
  #checkmate::assertSubset(as.character(HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp$ENSEMBL), colnames(sort.cor.m))
  # If a peak has identical counts across all samples,
  sort.cor.m = cor.m[,names(sort(colMeans(cor.m, na.rm = TRUE)))] 
  # Change the column names from ENSEMBL ID to TF names. 
  # Reorder to make sure the order is the same. Due to the duplication ID issue, the number of columns may increase after the column selection
  # Some columns may be removed here due to zero standard deviation
  HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp.filt = HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp %>% dplyr::filter(ENSEMBL %in% colnames(sort.cor.m))
  sort.cor.m = sort.cor.m[,as.character(HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp.filt$ENSEMBL)] 
  colnames(sort.cor.m) = as.character(HOCOMOCO_mapping.exp.filt$HOCOID)
  .printExecutionTime(start, prefix = whitespacePrefix)

.filterSortAndShuffle_peakTF_overlapTable <- function(GRN, perm, TF_peak_cor = NULL, shuffle = TRUE) {
  peak_TF_overlapCur.df = .asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap, convertZero_to_NA = FALSE) %>% 
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::filter(!isFiltered) %>% 
  if (perm > 0 & shuffle) {
    peak_TF_overlapCur.df = .shuffleRowsPerColumn(peak_TF_overlapCur.df)

###### TF Activity functions and other data types ######

#' Add TF activity data to GRN object using a simplified procedure for estimating it. EXPERIMENTAL.
#' @template GRN
#' @template normalization_TFActivity
#' @template name_TFActivity
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function. 

addData_TFActivity <- function(GRN, normalization = "cyclicLoess", name = "TF_activity", forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  start = Sys.time()
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertChoice(normalization, c("cyclicLoess", "sizeFactors", "quantile", "none"))
  checkmate::assertCharacter(name, min.chars = 1, len = 1)
  forbiddenNames = "expression"
  .checkForbiddenNames(name, forbiddenNames)
  if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs[[name]]) | forceRerun) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Calculate sample-specific TF activity from peaks data. This may take a while."))
    # Input: Raw peak counts per TF and TF-binding matrix
    counts.df = getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = FALSE, permuted = FALSE) %>%
    countsPeaks = .normalizeNewDataWrapper(GRN@data$peaks$counts_orig, normalization = normalization)
    stopifnot(identical(nrow(countsPeaks), nrow(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap)))
    #Select a maximum set of TFs to run this for
    allTF = GRN@data$TFs$translationTable$TF.name
    # rownamesTFs = GRN@data$TFs$translationTable$ENSEMBL[match(allTF, GRN@data$TFs$translationTable$HOCOID)] 
    # Calculating TF activity is done for all TF that are available
    TF.activity.m = matrix(NA, nrow = length(allTF), ncol = length(GRN@config$sharedSamples), 
                           dimnames = list(allTF, GRN@config$sharedSamples))
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(allTF))
    for (TFCur in allTF) {
      # Filter count matrix to those peaks with TFBS
      # Remove names from vector
      rows1 = as.vector(which(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap[, TFCur] == 1))
      # Derive normalized counts for all peaks from the foreground (i.e., peaks with a predicted TFBS)
      Peaks_raw.cur.fg = countsPeaks[rows1,]
      # Derive z-scores
      scaled = t(scale(t(Peaks_raw.cur.fg)))
      colmeansCur = colMeans(scaled)
      TF.activity.m[TFCur, ] = colmeansCur
      stopifnot(identical(names(colmeansCur), GRN@config$sharedSamples))
    # Store as data frame with both TF names and Ensembl IDs, in analogy to the other types of TF data that can be imported
    GRN@data$TFs[[name]] = TF.activity.m %>%
      as.data.frame() %>% 
      tibble::rownames_to_column("TF.name") %>%
      tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      dplyr::left_join(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable, by = "TF.name") %>%
      dplyr::select(ENSEMBL, TF.name, tidyselect::all_of(GRN@config$sharedSamples))
    # Update available connection types
    GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes = unique(c(GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes, name))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("TF activity successfully calculated. Data has been stored under the name ", name))
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Data already exists in object (slot ", name, "), nothing to do. Set forceRerun = TRUE to regenerate and overwrite."))

.normalizeNewDataWrapper <- function(data, normalization, idColumn = "peakID") {
  if (checkmate::testClass(data, "DESeqDataSet")) {
    counts_raw = DESeq2::counts(data, normalized = FALSE)
  } else {
    # Capture incompatible cases
    if (normalization == "cyclicLoess" | normalization == "sizeFactors") {
      message = paste0("Selected normalization method for TF activity (", normalization, ") cannot be performed because the provided counts are not integer only. Select either \"quantile\" or \"none\" as normalization method for TF activity.")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    counts_raw = data
  if (normalization == "cyclicLoess") {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Normalizing data using cyclic LOESS"))
    # Perform a cyclic loess normalization
    # We use a slighlty more complicated setup to derive size factors for library normalization
    # Instead of just determining the size factors in DeSeq2 via cirtual samples, we use 
    # a normalization from the csaw package (see https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/csaw/versions/1.6.1/topics/normOffsets)
    # and apply a non-linear normalization. 
    # For each sample, a lowess curve is fitted to the log-counts against the log-average count. 
    # The fitted value for each bin pair is used as the generalized linear model offset for that sample. 
    # The use of the average count provides more stability than the average log-count when low counts are present for differentially bound regions.
    # since counts returns,by default, non-normalized counts, the following code should be fine and there is no need to also run estimateSizeFactors beforehand
    if (packageVersion("csaw") <= "1.14.1") {
      normFacs = exp((csaw::normOffsets(data, lib.sizes = colSums(data), type = "loess")))
    } else {
      object = SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(list(counts=counts_raw))
      object$totals = colSums(counts_raw)
      normFacs  = exp(csaw::normOffsets(object, se.out = FALSE))
    rownames(normFacs) = rownames(data)
    colnames(normFacs) = colnames(data)
    # We now provide gene-specific normalization factors for each sample as a matrix, which will preempt sizeFactors
    DESeq2::normalizationFactors(data) <- normFacs
    dataNorm = DESeq2::counts(data, normalized=TRUE)
  } else if (normalization == "sizeFactors") {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Normalizing data using DESeq size factors"))
    data = DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(data)
    dataNorm = DESeq2::counts(data, normalized=TRUE)
  } else if (normalization == "quantile") {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Normalizing data using quantile normalization"))
    dataNorm = .normalizeCounts(data, method = "quantile",  idColumn = idColumn)
  } else if (normalization == "none") {
    dataNorm = data
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Skip normalization."))
    # Nothing to do, leave countsPeaks as they are

#' Import externally derived TF Activity data. EXPERIMENTAL.
#' @template GRN
#' @param data Data frame. No default. Data with TF data.
#' @template name_TFActivity
#' @param idColumn Character. Default \code{ENSEMBL}. Name of the ID column. Must not be unique as some TFs may correspond to the same ID.
#' @param nameColumn Character. Default \code{TF.name}. Must be unique for each TF / row.
#' @template normalization_TFActivity
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.  
importTFData <- function(GRN, data, name, idColumn = "ENSEMBL", nameColumn = "TF.name", normalization = "none", forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  start = Sys.time()
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertDataFrame(data, min.cols = 2, min.rows = 1)
  checkmate::assertSubset(idColumn, colnames(data))
  checkmate::assertSubset(nameColumn, colnames(data))
  checkmate::assertSubset(GRN@config$sharedSamples, colnames(data))
  checkmate::assertCharacter(name, min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
  checkmate::assertChoice(normalization, c("cyclicLoess", "sizeFactors", "quantile", "none"))
  if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs[[name]]) | forceRerun) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Importing external TF data under the name ", name)) 
    # Check whether TF have been added already
    if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable)) {
      message = paste0("No TFBS afound in the object. Make sure to run the function addTFBS first.")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    # Replace spaces
    name = stringr::str_replace(name, "\\s", "_")
    # Rename idColumn and name column to "default"
    data = dplyr::rename(data, ENSEMBL = !!(idColumn))
    idColumn = "ENSEMBL"
    forbiddenNames = c("TF_activity", "expression")
    .checkForbiddenNames(name, forbiddenNames)
    idColumns = idColumn
    data = dplyr::rename(data, TF.name = !!(nameColumn))
    idColumns = c(idColumns, "TF.name")
    # Check uniqueness of TF names
    if (length(unique(data$TF.name)) < nrow(data)) {
      message = "TF names must be unique, but at least 2 TFs have the same TF name or TF names are missing."
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    # Make sure the column is reset
    GRN@data$TFs$translationTable[[paste0("TF.name.", name)]] = NULL
    # TODO: Repeated execution results in more and more rows
    GRN@data$TFs$translationTable = dplyr::left_join(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable, data[, idColumns], 
                                                     by = "TF.name", suffix = c("", paste0(".", name)))
    # data = dplyr::select(data, -tidyselect::one_of(nameColumn))
    # Only TF.names are unique
    countsNorm = .normalizeNewDataWrapper(data %>% dplyr::select(-ENSEMBL), normalization = normalization, idColumn = "TF.name")
    # Check overlap of ENSEMBL IDs
    countsNorm$ENSEMBL = data$ENSEMBL
    nRowBefore = nrow(countsNorm)
    countsNorm.subset = dplyr::filter(countsNorm, ENSEMBL %in% GRN@data$TFs$translationTable$ENSEMBL)
    nRowAfter = nrow(countsNorm.subset)
    if (nRowAfter == 0) {
      message = "No rows overlapping with translation table, check ENSEMBL IDs."
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    } else if (nRowAfter < nRowBefore) {
      message = paste0("Retain ", nRowAfter, " from ", nRowBefore, " rows after filtering for overlapping ENSEMBL IDs from the translation table. This will raise a warning but this is usually expected that some rows are filtered")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
    # Check overlap of sample names
    nColBefore = ncol(countsNorm.subset)
    countsNorm.subset = dplyr::select(countsNorm.subset, tidyselect::all_of(idColumns), tidyselect::all_of(GRN@config$sharedSamples))
    nColAfter = ncol(countsNorm.subset)
    if (nColBefore > nColAfter) {
      if (nColAfter == length(idColumns)) {
        message = "No samples overlapping."
        .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
      } else {
        message = "Not all samples overlap"
        .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
    # Ensembl IDs may not be unique as different TFs can have the same Ensembl ID. 
    # Therefore, use TF names as row names, same as with the TF Activity matrix
    GRN@data$TFs[[name]] = countsNorm.subset %>%
      dplyr::select(ENSEMBL, TF.name, tidyselect::all_of(GRN@config$sharedSamples)) %>%
    # Update available connection types
    GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes = unique(c(GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes, name))
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Data already exists in object, nothing to do. Set forceRerun = TRUE to regenerate and overwrite."))

######## AR classification ########

#' Run the activator-repressor classification for the TFs for a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @template GRN
#' @param significanceThreshold_Wilcoxon Numeric between 0 and 1. Default 0.05. Significance threshold for Wilcoxon test that is run in the end for the final classification. See the Vignette and *diffTF* paper for details.
#' @param plot_minNoTFBS_heatmap Integer. Default 100. Minimum number of TFBS for a TF to be included in the heatmap that is part of the output of this function.
#' @param deleteIntermediateData \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  Default \code{TRUE}. Should intermediate data be deleted before returning the object after a successful run? Due to the size of the produced intermediate data, we recommend setting this to \code{TRUE}, but if memory or object size are not an issue, the information can also be kept.
#' @template plotDiagnosticPlots
#' @template outputFolder
#' @template corMethod
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.  
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' # GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' # GRN = AR_classification_wrapper(GRN, outputFolder = ".", forceRerun = FALSE)
#' @export
AR_classification_wrapper<- function (GRN, significanceThreshold_Wilcoxon = 0.05, 
                                      plot_minNoTFBS_heatmap = 100, deleteIntermediateData = TRUE,
                                      plotDiagnosticPlots = TRUE, outputFolder= NULL,
                                      corMethod = "pearson",
                                      forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertNumber(significanceThreshold_Wilcoxon, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  checkmate::assertNumber(plot_minNoTFBS_heatmap, lower = 1)
  checkmate::assertChoice(corMethod, c("pearson", "spearman"))
  outputFolder = .checkOutputFolder(GRN, outputFolder)
  GRN@data$TFs$classification$TF.translation.orig = GRN@data$TFs$translationTable %>%
    dplyr::mutate(TF.name = HOCOID)
  if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap)) {
    message = paste0("Could not find peak - TF matrix. Run the function overlapPeaksAndTFBS first / again")
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  GRN@config$parameters$internal$plot_minNoTFBS_heatmap = plot_minNoTFBS_heatmap
  allPermutations = 0:.getMaxPermutation(GRN)
  connectionTypes = as.character(unique(GRN@connections$TF_peaks[["0"]]$main$TF_peak.connectionType))
  for (connectionTypeCur in connectionTypes) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Connection type ", connectionTypeCur, "\n"))
    for (permutationCur in allPermutations) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" ", .getPermStr(permutationCur), "\n"))
      permIndex = as.character(permutationCur)
      permSuffix = ifelse(permutationCur == 0, "", ".permuted")
      if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]])) {
        if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]])) {
          GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] = list()
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]] = list()
      if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_foreground) |
          is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_background) |
          is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_foreground) |
          is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_background) |
          is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor) |
      ) {
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]] = list()
        if (connectionTypeCur == "expression") {
          counts1 = getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(permutationCur))
        } else {
          # TF activity data
          counts1 = GRN@data$TFs[[connectionTypeCur]] %>% 
        futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Correlate ", connectionTypeCur, " and peak counts"))
        counts_peaks = getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)
        TF_peak_cor = .correlateMatrices(matrix1      = counts1, 
                                         matrix_peaks = counts_peaks, 
                                         GRN@data$TFs$translationTable, corMethod)
        peak_TF_overlapCur.df = .filterSortAndShuffle_peakTF_overlapTable(GRN, permutationCur, TF_peak_cor)
        res.l = .computeForegroundAndBackgroundMatrices(peak_TF_overlapCur.df, TF_peak_cor)
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_foreground = res.l[["median_foreground"]]
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_background = res.l[["median_background"]]
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_foreground   = res.l[["foreground"]]
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_background   = res.l[["background"]]
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor = TF_peak_cor
      # Final classification: Calculate thresholds by calculating the quantiles of the background and compare the real values to the background
      if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$act.rep.thres.l) | forceRerun) {
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$act.rep.thres.l = 
          .calculate_classificationThresholds(.asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_background), 
      if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF.classification) | forceRerun) {
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF.classification = 
            output.global.TFs = GRN@data$TFs$classification$TF.translation.orig %>% dplyr::mutate(TF = TF.name), 
            median.cor.tfs = GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_foreground, 
            act.rep.thres.l = GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$act.rep.thres.l, 
            par.l = GRN@config$parameters, 
            t.cor.sel.matrix = .asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_foreground), 
            t.cor.sel.matrix.non = .asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_background), 
            significanceThreshold_Wilcoxon = significanceThreshold_Wilcoxon)
      if (plotDiagnosticPlots) {
        outputFolder = .checkOutputFolder(GRN, outputFolder)
        suffixFile = .getPermutationSuffixStr(permutationCur)
        fileCur = paste0(outputFolder, .getOutputFileName("plot_class_density"), "_", connectionTypeCur, suffixFile, ".pdf")
        if (!file.exists(fileCur) | forceRerun) {
          .plot_density(.asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_foreground),
                        .asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_background), 
                        fileCur, width = 5, height = 5)
        } else {
          futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  File ", fileCur, " already exists, not overwriting since forceRerun = FALSE"))
        fileCur = paste0(outputFolder, .getOutputFileName("plot_class_medianClass"), "_", connectionTypeCur, suffixFile, ".pdf")
        if (!file.exists(fileCur) | forceRerun) {
            median.cor.tfs = .asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_foreground), 
            median.cor.tfs.non = .asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_background), 
            par.l = GRN@config$parameters, 
            act.rep.thres.l = GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$act.rep.thres.l, 
            corMethod = corMethod,
            file = fileCur,  width = 4, height = 8)
        } else {
          futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  File ", fileCur, " already exists, not overwriting since forceRerun = FALSE"))
        fileCur = paste0(outputFolder, .getOutputFileName("plot_class_densityClass"), "_", connectionTypeCur, suffixFile, ".pdf")
        if (!file.exists(fileCur) | forceRerun) {
          TF_peak_cor = GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor
          peak_TF_overlapCur.df = .filterSortAndShuffle_peakTF_overlapTable(GRN, permutationCur, TF_peak_cor)
          .plot_heatmapAR(TF.peakMatrix.df = peak_TF_overlapCur.df, 
                          HOCOMOCO_mapping.df.exp = GRN@data$TFs$translationTable %>% dplyr::mutate(TF = TF.name), 
                          sort.cor.m = TF_peak_cor, 
                          par.l = GRN@config$parameters, 
                          corMethod = corMethod,
                          median.cor.tfs = .asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_foreground), 
                          median.cor.tfs.non = .asMatrixFromSparse(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_background), 
                          act.rep.thres.l = GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$act.rep.thres.l, 
                          finalClassification = GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF.classification,
                          file = fileCur, width = 8, height = 15)
        } else {
          futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  File ", fileCur, " already exists, not overwriting since forceRerun = FALSE"))
      if (deleteIntermediateData) {
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_foreground = NULL
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_cor_median_background = NULL
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_foreground = NULL
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_background = NULL
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$act.rep.thres.l = NULL
      } else {
        # Save as sparse matrices
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_foreground = 
          .asSparseMatrix(as.matrix(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_foreground), convertNA_to_zero = TRUE)
        GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_background = 
          .asSparseMatrix(as.matrix(GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]] [[connectionTypeCur]]$TF_peak_cor_background), convertNA_to_zero = TRUE)
    } # end for all permutations
  } # end of for each connection type

.checkAndUpdateConnectionTypes <- function(GRN) {
  if (is.null(GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes)) {
    GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes = "expression"
    if (!is.null(GRN@data$TFs$TF_activity)) {
      GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes = c(GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes, "TF_activity")

######## Connections ########

# TODO: WHere in the code TFs that are not available for expression are filtered?

#' Add TF-peak connections to a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @template GRN 
#' @template plotDiagnosticPlots
#' @template plotDetails
#' @template outputFolder
#' @template corMethod
#' @param connectionTypes Character vector. Default \code{expression}. Vector of connection types to include for the TF-peak connections. If an additional connection type is specified here, it has to be available already within the object (EXPERIMENTAL). See the function \code{\link{addData_TFActivity}} for details.
#' @param removeNegativeCorrelation  Vector of \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. Default \code{FALSE}. EXPERIMENTAL. Must be a logical vector of the same length as the parameter \code{connectionType}. Should negatively correlated TF-peak connections be removed for the specific connection type? For connection type expression, the default is \code{FALSE}, while for any TF Activity related connection type, we recommend setting this to \code{TRUE}.  
#' @param maxFDRToStore Numeric. Default 0.3. Maximum TF-peak FDR value to permanently store a particular TF-peak connection in the object? This parameter has a large influence on the overall memory size of the object, and we recommend not storing connections with a high FDR due to their sheer number.
#' @param useGCCorrection \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  Default \code{FALSE}. EXPERIMENTAL. Should a GC-matched background be used when calculating FDRs?
#' @param percBackground_size Numeric (0 to 100). Default 75. EXPERIMENTAL. Description will follow. Only relevant if \code{useGCCorrection} is set to \code{TRUE}, ignored otherwise.
#' @param percBackground_resample \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  Default \code{TRUE}. EXPERIMENTAL. Should resampling be enabled for those GC bins for which not enough background peaks are available?. Only relevant if \code{useGCCorrection} is set to \code{TRUE}, ignored otherwise.
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN = addConnections_TF_peak(GRN, plotDiagnosticPlots = FALSE, forceRerun = FALSE)
#' @export
addConnections_TF_peak <- function (GRN, plotDiagnosticPlots = TRUE, plotDetails = FALSE, outputFolder = NULL, 
                                    corMethod = "pearson", 
                                    connectionTypes = c("expression"),
                                    removeNegativeCorrelation = c(FALSE),
                                    maxFDRToStore = 0.3, 
                                    useGCCorrection = FALSE, percBackground_size = 75, percBackground_resample = TRUE,
                                    forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertChoice(corMethod, c("pearson", "spearman"))
  GRN = .checkAndUpdateConnectionTypes(GRN) # For compatibility with older versions
  checkmate::assertSubset(connectionTypes, GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes)
  checkmate::assertLogical(removeNegativeCorrelation, any.missing = FALSE, len = length(connectionTypes))
  #checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkSubset(add_TFActivity, c("none", "calculate", names(slot(GRN, "data")[["TFs"]]))))
  checkmate::assertNumber(maxFDRToStore, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  checkmate::assertNumber(percBackground_size, lower = 0, upper = 100)
  if (is.null(GRN@connections$TF_peaks) | forceRerun) {
    GRN@connections$TF_peaks = list()
    GRN@config$parameters$corMethod_TF_Peak = corMethod
    GRN@config$parameters$useGCCorrection = useGCCorrection 
    if (is.null(GRN@data$TFs$TF_peak_overlap)) {
      message = paste0("Could not find peak - TF matrix. Run the function overlapPeaksAndTFBS first / again")
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    for (permutationCur in 0:.getMaxPermutation(GRN)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("\n", .getPermStr(permutationCur), "\n"))
      permIndex = as.character(permutationCur)
      resFDR.l  = .computeTF_peak.fdr(GRN, perm = permutationCur, connectionTypes = connectionTypes, corMethod = corMethod, 
                                      removeNegativeCorrelation = removeNegativeCorrelation, 
                                      maxFDRToStore = maxFDRToStore, useGCCorrection = useGCCorrection,
                                      percBackground_size = percBackground_size, 
                                      percBackground_resample = percBackground_resample, plotDetails = plotDetails)
      # TODO: remove extra columns again
      GRN@connections$TF_peaks[[permIndex]]$main            = .optimizeSpaceGRN(stats::na.omit(resFDR.l[["main"]]))
      GRN@connections$TF_peaks[[permIndex]]$connectionStats = resFDR.l[["connectionStats"]] 
      # GC plots, empty when no GC correction should be done
      GRN@stats$plots_GC = resFDR.l[["plots_GC"]]
    } #end for each permutation
    if (plotDiagnosticPlots) {
      plotDiagnosticPlots_TFPeaks(GRN, outputFolder = outputFolder, plotDetails = FALSE, forceRerun = forceRerun)

.computeTF_peak.fdr <- function(GRN, perm, connectionTypes, corMethod = "pearson", useGCCorrection = FALSE, 
                                removeNegativeCorrelation, maxFDRToStore = 0.3 , percBackground_size = 75, percBackground_resample = TRUE, plotDetails = FALSE) {
  start = Sys.time()
  if (plotDetails) {
    message = "Plotting details is not supported currently. Set plotDetails = FALSE."
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  peak_TF_overlap.df= .filterSortAndShuffle_peakTF_overlapTable(GRN, perm)
  plots_GC.l = list()
  # Lists that contain all the data
  connections_all.l = list()
  connectionStats_all.l = list()
  # List of connection types for which r < 0 should be filtered
  connectionTypes_removeNegCor = connectionTypes[removeNegativeCorrelation]
  for (connectionTypeCur in connectionTypes) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Calculate TF-peak links for connection type ", connectionTypeCur))
    start2 = Sys.time()
    if (connectionTypeCur == "expression") {
      counts_connectionTypeCur = getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(perm))
    } else {
      # Keep only Ensembl ID here
      counts_connectionTypeCur = GRN@data$TFs[[connectionTypeCur]] %>% 
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Correlate ", connectionTypeCur, " and peak counts"))
    counts_peaks = getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)
    # Filtering of the matrices happens automatically within the next function
    peaksCor.m = .correlateMatrices( matrix1= counts_connectionTypeCur, 
                                     matrix_peaks = counts_peaks, 
                                     whitespacePrefix = "  ")
    # TODO:Check here for the TFs
    allTF = intersect(colnames(peak_TF_overlap.df), colnames(peaksCor.m))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Run FDR calculations for ", length(allTF), " TFs for which TFBS predictions and ",
                                    connectionTypeCur, " data for the corresponding gene are available."))
    if (length(allTF) < ncol(peak_TF_overlap.df) | length(allTF) < ncol(peaksCor.m)) {
      TF_missing = setdiff(colnames(peak_TF_overlap.df), colnames(peaksCor.m))
      if (length(TF_missing) > 0) futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Skip the following ", length(TF_missing), " TF due to missing data: ", paste0(TF_missing, collapse = ",")))
    stopifnot(nrow(peaksCor.m) == nrow(peak_TF_overlap.df))
    peak_TF_overlap.df <- peak_TF_overlap.df[,allTF]
    stopifnot(identical(colnames(sort.cor.m.sort), colnames(peak_TF_overlap.df)))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Compute FDR for each TF. This may take a while..."))
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(allTF))
    peaksFiltered = GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks %>% dplyr::filter(!isFiltered) 
    if (!useGCCorrection) {
      minPerc = 100
      # Since we do not control for this, we set it to NA
      background_match_success = NA
    for (TFCur in allTF) {
      #start = Sys.time()
      #for(TFCur in colnames(corr_TF.sort)){
      overlapYes = which(peak_TF_overlap.df[,TFCur]==1)
      overlapNo  = which(peak_TF_overlap.df[,TFCur]==0)
      tp <- sort.cor.m.sort[overlapYes, TFCur]
      n_tp       = length(tp)
      peaksForeground =                     peaksFiltered %>% dplyr::slice(overlapYes)
      peaksBackground = peaksBackgroundGC = peaksFiltered %>% dplyr::slice(overlapNo)
      nPeaksForeground = nrow(peaksForeground)
      nPeaksBackground = nPeaksBackgroundGC = nrow(peaksBackground)
      #.printExecutionTime(start, "Interval 1: ")
      #start = Sys.time()
      # GC-adjust background and select background regions according to foreground
      if (useGCCorrection) {
        fp_orig <- sort.cor.m.sort[overlapNo, TFCur]
        n_fp_orig  = length(fp_orig)
        # Get GC info from those peaks from the foreground
        GC_classes_foreground.df = peaksForeground %>%
          dplyr::group_by(GC_class) %>%
          dplyr::summarise(n= dplyr::n(), peak_width_mean = mean(peak_width), peak_width_sd = sd(peak_width)) %>%
          dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
          tidyr::complete(GC_class, fill = list(n = 0)) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(n_rel = .data$n / nPeaksForeground, type = "foreground") %>%
        GC_classes_background.df = peaksBackground %>%
          dplyr::group_by(GC_class) %>%
          dplyr::summarise(n= dplyr::n(), peak_width_mean = mean(peak_width), peak_width_sd = sd(peak_width)) %>%
          dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
          tidyr::complete(GC_class, fill = list(n = 0)) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(n_rel = .data$n / nPeaksBackground, type = "background_orig")
        background_match_success = TRUE
        if (!is.null(percBackground_size)) {
          minPerc = percBackground_size
        } else {
          # Find a matching background of maximal size
          minPerc= min(GC_class.all$maxSizeBackground) / nPeaksBackground
          threshold_percentage = 0.05
          minPerc = .findMaxBackgroundSize(GC_classes_foreground.df, GC_classes_background.df, peaksBackground, threshold_percentage =  threshold_percentage)
          if (minPerc == 0) {
            #futile.logger::flog.warn(paste0(" Mimicking the foreground failed for TF ", TFCur, ". The background will only be approximated as good as possible using 5% of the peaks."))
            minPerc = 5
            background_match_success = FALSE
        targetNoPeaks = minPerc/100 * nPeaksBackground
        # TODO: Make 1000 a parameter stored somewhere
        # Ensure a minimum no of points in background, even if this sacrifices the mimicking of the distributions
        if (targetNoPeaks < 1000) {
          if (!is.null(percBackground_size)) {
            #futile.logger::flog.warn(paste0("Number of peaks in background is smaller than 1000 for TF ", TFCur, ". Increasing in steps of 5% until a value > 1000 is found.This warning results from a too low value for the parameter percBackground_size"))
          } else {
            background_match_success = FALSE
          targetNoPeaksNew = targetNoPeaks
          while(targetNoPeaksNew < 1000) {
            minPerc = minPerc + 5
            targetNoPeaksNew = minPerc/100 * nPeaksBackground
        # Add sel. minPerc to table and calculate required frequencies
        GC_classes_all.df = dplyr::full_join(GC_classes_foreground.df, GC_classes_background.df, suffix = c(".fg",".bg"), by = "GC_class") %>%
          dplyr::mutate(maxSizeBackground = n.bg / n_rel.fg,
                        n.bg.needed = floor(n_rel.fg * targetNoPeaks), 
                        n.bg.needed.perc = n.bg / n.bg.needed) 
        #futile.logger::flog.info(paste0( " GC-adjustment: Randomly select a total of ", round(targetNoPeaks,0), 
        #                  " peaks (", minPerc, " %) from the background (out of ", nrow(peaksBackground), 
        #                  " overall) in a GC-binwise fashion to mimick the foreground distribution"))
        # Now we know the percentage, lets select an appropriate background
        # Sample peaks from background for each GC-bin specifically
        peakIDsSel = c()
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(GC_classes_foreground.df))) {
          peaksBackgroundGCCur =  peaksBackground %>% dplyr::filter(GC_class == GC_classes_foreground.df$GC_class[i])
          if (nrow( peaksBackgroundGCCur) == 0) {
          #Select the minimum, which for low % classes is smaller than the required number to mimic the foreground 100%
          if (percBackground_resample) {
            nPeaksCur = GC_classes_all.df$n.bg.needed[i]    
          } else {
            nPeaksCur = min(GC_classes_all.df$n.bg.needed[i], nrow(peaksBackgroundGCCur))
          if (GC_classes_all.df$n.bg.needed[i] > nrow(peaksBackgroundGCCur)) {
            peakIDsSel = c(peakIDsSel, peaksBackgroundGCCur %>% dplyr::sample_n(nPeaksCur, replace = percBackground_resample) %>% dplyr::pull(peakID))  
          } else {
            peakIDsSel = c(peakIDsSel, peaksBackgroundGCCur %>% dplyr::sample_n(nPeaksCur, replace = FALSE) %>% dplyr::pull(peakID))
          # Take a sample from the background, and record the row numbers
        # We cannot simply select now the peakIDs, as some peaks may be present multiple times
        #peaksBackgroundGC = peaksBackground %>% dplyr::filter(peakID %in% peakIDsSel) 
        peaksBackgroundGC = peaksBackground[match(peakIDsSel, peaksBackground$peakID),] 
        if (is.null(plots_GC.l[[TFCur]])) {
          plots_GC.l[[TFCur]] = .generateTF_GC_diagnosticPlots(TFCur, GC_classes_foreground.df, GC_classes_background.df, GC_classes_all.df, peaksForeground, peaksBackground, peaksBackgroundGC)
        # Select the rows by their peak IDs
        fp    = sort.cor.m.sort[peakIDsSel, TFCur]
        fp_orig = sort.cor.m.sort[overlapNo, TFCur]
        n_fp_orig  = length(fp_orig)
      } else {
        # TODO: Redudnant so far in this case
        fp    =  fp_orig = sort.cor.m.sort[overlapNo, TFCur]
        n_fp_orig  = length(fp_orig)
      n_fp = length(fp)
      cor.peak.tf = tibble::tibble(peak.ID    = rownames(sort.cor.m.sort)[overlapYes], 
                                   TF_peak.r  = sort.cor.m.sort[overlapYes, TFCur],
                                   TF.name    = as.factor(TFCur),
                                   TF_peak.connectionType = as.factor(connectionTypeCur))
      #val.sign      = (median(tp) - median(fp))
      # val.sign_orig = (median(tp) - median(fp_orig))
      #.printExecutionTime(start, "Interval 2: ")
      # Determine unique levels so plotting is identical for all
      #seq_pos<-unique(as.character(cut(GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR, breaks = GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR,      right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE )))
      #seq_neg<-unique(as.character(cut(GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR, breaks = rev(GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR), right = TRUE,  include.lowest = TRUE )))
      for (directionCur in c("pos","neg")) {
        indexStr = paste0(connectionTypeCur, "_", TFCur, "_", directionCur)
        #start = Sys.time()
        n_tp2.vec = n_fp2.vec =  n_fp2_orig.vec = rep(NA_real_, length(GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR)) 
        if (directionCur == "pos") {
          stepsCur = GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR
          rightOpen = FALSE
        } else { 
          stepsCur = rev(GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR)  
          rightOpen = TRUE
        # Unique necessary to eliminate a duplication for one bin [-1,-0.95]
        levelsBins = unique(as.character(cut(stepsCur, breaks = stepsCur, right = rightOpen, include.lowest = TRUE)))
        cor.peak.tf$TF_peak.r_bin <- as.character(cut(cor.peak.tf$TF_peak.r, breaks = stepsCur, right = rightOpen, include.lowest = TRUE))
        #.printExecutionTime(start, "Interval 3a: ")
        #start = Sys.time()
        i = 0
        for (thres in stepsCur) {
          i = i + 1
          # na.rm = TRUE for all sums here to make sure NAs will not cause a problem
          if (directionCur == "pos") {
            n_tp2.vec[i]      = sum(tp>=thres, na.rm = TRUE)
            n_fp2.vec[i]      = sum(fp>=thres, na.rm = TRUE)
            n_fp2_orig.vec[i] = sum(fp_orig>=thres, na.rm = TRUE)
          } else {
            n_tp2.vec[i]      = sum(tp<thres, na.rm = TRUE)
            n_fp2.vec[i]      = sum(fp<thres, na.rm = TRUE)
            n_fp2_orig.vec[i] = sum(fp_orig<thres, na.rm = TRUE)
        #.printExecutionTime(start, "Interval 3b_new: ")
        #start = Sys.time()
        # Normalize the false positives to make them comparable to the true positives by dividing by the ratio
        # The maximum number is then identical to the maximum for the true positives
        n_fp2_norm.vec   = (n_fp2.vec/(n_fp/n_tp))
        n_fp2_orig_norm.vec = (n_fp2_orig.vec/(n_fp_orig/n_tp))
        #TODO: Decide for a variant.  +1 for raw or unnormalized values?
        fdr.curve = tibble::tibble( 
          TF_peak.r_bin2  = stepsCur,
          tpvalue = n_tp2.vec, 
          fpvalue = n_fp2.vec,
          fpvalue_orig = n_fp2_orig.vec,
          fpvalue_norm = n_fp2_norm.vec,
          fpvalue_norm_orig = n_fp2_orig_norm.vec,
          TF_peak.fdr_orig   = (n_fp2_orig_norm.vec) / (n_fp2_orig_norm.vec + n_tp2.vec),
          TF_peak.fdr     = (n_fp2_norm.vec) / (n_fp2_norm.vec + n_tp2.vec),
          # TF_peak.fdr_orig   = (n_fp2_orig_norm.vec + 1) / (n_fp2_orig_norm.vec + n_tp2.vec + 1),
          # TF_peak.fdr     = (n_fp2_norm.vec +1) / (n_fp2_norm.vec + n_tp2.vec + 1),
          TF_peak.fdr_direction     = directionCur,
          TF_peak.r_bin      = 
            as.character(cut(TF_peak.r_bin2, breaks = stepsCur, right = rightOpen, include.lowest = TRUE))
        # Derive connection summaries for all TF for both directions
        # Get no. of connections per bin, here make sure to also include that have n = 0
        # Remove negatively correlated connections for the specific connection type for which this was asked for
        if (connectionTypeCur %in% connectionTypes_removeNegCor ) {
          # futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Remove negatively correlated TF-peak pairs for connection type ", connectionTypeCur))
          cor.peak.tf = dplyr::filter(cor.peak.tf, TF_peak.r >= 0)
        connectionStats_all.l[[indexStr]] =  cor.peak.tf %>%
          dplyr::group_by(TF_peak.r_bin) %>%
          dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n()) %>%
          dplyr::ungroup() %>%
          dplyr::right_join(fdr.curve, by = "TF_peak.r_bin") %>%
          dplyr::mutate(n = tidyr::replace_na(.data$n, replace = 0), 
                        TF.name = as.factor(TFCur), 
                        TF_peak.connectionType = factor(connectionTypeCur, levels = connectionTypes),
                        TF_peak.fdr_direction  = factor(directionCur, levels = c("pos", "neg")),
                        TF_peak.r_bin = factor(TF_peak.r_bin, levels = levelsBins),
                        # Collect extra information, currently however a bit repetitively stored
                        nForeground              = nPeaksForeground,
                        nBackground              = nrow(peaksBackgroundGC),
                        nBackground_orig         = nPeaksBackground,
                        percBackgroundUsed       = minPerc,
                        background_match_success = background_match_success) %>%
          dplyr::select(TF.name, TF_peak.r_bin, 
                        .data$n, tpvalue, fpvalue, fpvalue_norm, 
                        TF_peak.fdr_orig, TF_peak.fdr_direction, 
                        tidyselect::contains("ground")) %>%
          dplyr::rename(n_tp = tpvalue, n_fp = fpvalue, n_fp_norm = fpvalue_norm) %>%
          dplyr::distinct() %>%
        # Collect data for additional QC plots before they are filtered
        # Filter now high FDR connections to save space and time
        # DISCARD other rows altogether
        # Left join here is what we want, as we need this df only for "real" data
        tblFilt.df = dplyr::left_join(cor.peak.tf, fdr.curve, by = "TF_peak.r_bin") %>%
          dplyr::filter(TF_peak.fdr <= maxFDRToStore) %>%
          dplyr::select(TF.name, TF_peak.r_bin, TF_peak.r, TF_peak.fdr, 
                        TF_peak.fdr_orig, peak.ID, TF_peak.fdr_direction, 
                        TF_peak.connectionType, tidyselect::contains("value"))
        if (!plotDetails) {
          tblFilt.df = dplyr::select(tblFilt.df, -tidyselect::contains("value"))
        connections_all.l[[indexStr]] = tblFilt.df
        #.printExecutionTime(start, "Interval 4: ")
        #start = Sys.time()
      } # end for directionCur in c("pos", "neg")
    } # end for each TF
    .printExecutionTime(start2, prefix = "  ")
  } # end for each connectionType
  list(main            = data.table::rbindlist(connections_all.l), 
       connectionStats = data.table::rbindlist(connectionStats_all.l), 
       plots_GC        = plots_GC.l

.findMaxBackgroundSize <- function (GC_classes_foreground.df, GC_classes_background.df, peaksBackground, threshold_percentage = 0.05) {
  # Iterate over different background sizes
  minPerc = 0
  for (percCur in c(seq(100,10,-5),5)) {
    if (minPerc > 0) next
    targetNoPeaks = percCur/100 * nrow(peaksBackground)
    #futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Percentage of background: ", percCur))
    #Check for each GC bin in the foreground, starting with the most abundant, whether we have enough background peaks to sample from
    # threshold_percentage: From which percentage of GC bin frequency from the foreground should the mimicking fail?
    #The motivation is that very small bins that have no weight in the foreground will not cause a failure of the mimicking
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(GC_classes_foreground.df))) {
      n_rel    = GC_classes_foreground.df$n_rel[i]
      GC_class.cur = GC_classes_foreground.df$GC_class[i]
      requiredNoPeaks = round(n_rel * targetNoPeaks, 0)
      # Check in background
      availableNoPeaks = GC_classes_background.df %>% 
        dplyr::filter(GC_class == GC_class.cur) %>%
      #futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" GC.class ", GC.class.cur, ": Required: ", requiredNoPeaks, ", available: ", availableNoPeaks))
      if ( availableNoPeaks < requiredNoPeaks) {
        #futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Not enough"))
      if (availableNoPeaks < requiredNoPeaks & n_rel > threshold_percentage) {
        #futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Mimicking distribution FAILED (GC class ", GC.class.cur, " could not be mimicked"))
      if (i == nrow(GC_classes_foreground.df)) {
        minPerc = percCur
        #futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Found max. percentage of background that is able to mimick the foreground: ", percCur))
    }  # end of  for (i in 1:nrow(GC_classes_foreground.df)) {
  } # end for all percentages

#' Add peak-gene connections to a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @export
#' @template GRN
#' @param  overlapTypeGene Character. \code{"TSS"} or \code{"full"}. Default \code{"TSS"}. If set to \code{"TSS"}, only the TSS of the gene is used as reference for finding genes in the neighborhood of a peak. If set to \code{"full"}, the whole annotated gene (including all exons and introns) is used instead. 
#' @template corMethod
#' @param  promoterRange Integer >=0. Default 250000. The size of the neighborhood in bp to correlate peaks and genes in vicinity. Only peak-gene pairs will be correlated if they are within the specified range. Increasing this value leads to higher running times and more peak-gene pairs to be associated, while decreasing results in the opposite.
#' @param TADs Data frame with TAD domains. Default \code{NULL}. If provided, the neighborhood of a peak is defined by the TAD domain the peak is in rather than a fixed-sized neighborhood. The expected format is a BED-like data frame with at least 3 columns in this particular order: chromosome, start, end, the 4th column is optional and will be taken as ID column. All additional columns as well as column names are ignored. For the first 3 columns, the type is checked as part of a data integrity check.
#' @template nCores
#' @template plotDiagnosticPlots
#' @param plotGeneTypes List of character vectors. Default \code{list(c("all"), c("protein_coding"), c("protein_coding", "lincRNA"))}. Each list element may consist of one or multiple gene types that are plotted collectively in one PDF. The special keyword \code{"all"} denotes all gene types that are found (be aware: this typically contains 20+ gene types, see \url{https://www.gencodegenes.org/pages/biotypes.html} for details).
#' @template outputFolder
#' @template addRobustRegression
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function in different flavors.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN = addConnections_peak_gene(GRN, promoterRange=10000, plotDiagnosticPlots = FALSE)
addConnections_peak_gene <- function(GRN, overlapTypeGene = "TSS", corMethod = "pearson",
                                     promoterRange = 250000, TADs = NULL,
                                     nCores = 4, 
                                     plotDiagnosticPlots = TRUE, 
                                     plotGeneTypes = list(c("all"), c("protein_coding"), c("protein_coding", "lincRNA")), 
                                     outputFolder = NULL,
                                     addRobustRegression = FALSE,
                                     forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertChoice(overlapTypeGene, c("TSS", "full"))
  checkmate::assertChoice(corMethod, c("pearson", "spearman"))
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(promoterRange, lower = 0)
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::testNull(TADs), checkmate::testDataFrame(TADs))
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(nCores, lower = 1)
  checkmate::assertList(plotGeneTypes, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1, types = "character")
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::testNull(outputFolder), checkmate::testDirectoryExists(outputFolder))
  # As this is independent of the underlying GRN, it has to be done only once
  if (is.null(GRN@connections$peak_genes[["0"]]) | forceRerun) {
    GRN@config$parameters$promoterRange = promoterRange
    GRN@config$parameters$corMethod_peak_gene = corMethod
    GRN@connections$peak_genes = list()
    # Check which gene types are available for the particular genome annotation
    # Use all of them to collect statistics. Filtering can be done later
    gene.types = unique(GRN@annotation$genes$gene.type)
    for (permutationCur in 0:.getMaxPermutation(GRN)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("\n", .getPermStr(permutationCur), "\n"))
      if (permutationCur == 0) {
        futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Calculate peak-gene correlations for neighborhood size ", promoterRange))
        randomizePeakGeneConnections = FALSE
      } else {
        futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Calculate random peak-gene correlations for neighborhood size ", promoterRange))
        randomizePeakGeneConnections = TRUE
      GRN@connections$peak_genes[[as.character(permutationCur)]] = 
        .calculatePeakGeneCorrelations(GRN, permutationCur,
                                       TADs = TADs,
                                       neighborhoodSize = promoterRange,
                                       gene.types = names(gene.types),
                                       corMethod = corMethod,
                                       randomizePeakGeneConnections = randomizePeakGeneConnections,
                                       nCores = nCores,
                                       debugMode_nPlots = 0,
                                       addRobustRegression = addRobustRegression
  if (plotDiagnosticPlots) {
    plotDiagnosticPlots_peakGene(GRN, outputFolder, gene.types = plotGeneTypes, useFiltered = FALSE, forceRerun= forceRerun)

.calculatePeakGeneOverlaps <- function(GRN, allPeaks, peak_TAD_mapping = NULL, par.l, neighborhoodSize = 250000, genomeAssembly, 
                                       gene.types, overlapTypeGene = "TSS", removeEnsemblNA = TRUE) {
  start = Sys.time()
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Calculate peak gene overlaps..."))
  # Add Hi-C domain data to query metadata if available
  if (!is.null(peak_TAD_mapping)) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Integrate Hi-C data to extend peaks"))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" For peaks overlapping multiple TADs, use the union of all to define the neighborhood"))
    peak_TAD_mapping = peak_TAD_mapping %>%
      dplyr::group_by(peakID) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(tadStart2 = min(tadStart), # If a peak overlaps multiple TADs, merge them
                    tadEnd2   = max(tadEnd),  # If a peak overlaps multiple TADs, merge them
                    tad.ID_all = paste0(tad.ID, collapse = "|")) %>%
      dplyr::slice(1) %>%
    query   = .constructGRanges(peak_TAD_mapping, seqlengths = .getChrLengths(genomeAssembly), genomeAssembly)
    # Remove rows with NA for the TAD 
    peaksNATAD = which(is.na(query$tad.ID))
    if (length(peaksNATAD) > 0) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" ", length(peaksNATAD), " out of ", length(query), " peaks will not be tested for gene associations because they had no associated TAD"))
      query = query[!is.na(query$tad.ID)]
    # Store original start and end positions before modifying them
    query$orig_start = start(query)
    query$orig_end   = end(query)
    # Extend GRanges by integrating Hi-C data. Use the newly defined TAD coordinates
    start(query) = suppressMessages(query$tadStart2)
    end(query)   = suppressMessages(query$tadEnd2)
  } else {
    # Without Hi-C data, we simply extend the ranges by a user-defined amount of bp, 250 kb being the default
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Extend peaks based on user-defined extension size of ", neighborhoodSize, " up- and downstream."))
    query   = .constructGRanges(allPeaks, seqlengths = .getChrLengths(genomeAssembly), genomeAssembly)
    # Store original start and end positions before modifying them
    query$orig_start = start(query)
    query$orig_end   = end(query)
    suppressWarnings({start(query) = start(query) - neighborhoodSize})
    suppressWarnings({end(query)   = end(query) + neighborhoodSize})
    # Correct negative 
  # correct ranges if within the promoterRange from the chr. starts and ends
  query = GenomicRanges::trim(query)
  subject = .getKnownGeneAnnotationNew(GRN, gene.types = gene.types, extendRegions = NULL)
  requiredColnames = c("gene.ENSEMBL","gene.type", "gene.name")
  checkmate::assertSubset(requiredColnames, colnames(subject))
  subject.gr = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(subject, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
  if (overlapTypeGene == "TSS") {
    # Take only the 5' end of the gene (start site and NOT the full gene length)
    end(subject.gr) = start(subject.gr)
  overlapsAll = suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query, subject.gr, 
  query_row_ids  = S4Vectors::queryHits(overlapsAll)
  subject_rowids = S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlapsAll)
  #subject_overlap_df = as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(subject)[subject_rowids, c("ENSEMBL","ENTREZID", "SYMBOL")])
  subject_overlap_df = as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(subject.gr)[subject_rowids, requiredColnames])
  subject_overlap_df$gene.chr = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(subject.gr))[subject_rowids]
  subject_overlap_df$gene.start = start(subject.gr)[subject_rowids]
  subject_overlap_df$gene.end   = end(subject.gr)  [subject_rowids]
  # Some entries in here will have only NAs
  query_overlap_df = as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(query)  [query_row_ids, "peakID"])
  query_overlap_df$ext_peak_chr    = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(query))[query_row_ids]
  query_overlap_df$ext_peak_start  = start(query)[query_row_ids]
  query_overlap_df$ext_peak_end    = end(query)  [query_row_ids]
  query_overlap_df$orig_peak_start = query$orig_start[query_row_ids]
  query_overlap_df$orig_peak_end   = query$orig_end  [query_row_ids]    
  overlaps.df = cbind.data.frame(query_overlap_df, subject_overlap_df)
  colnames(overlaps.df)[1] = c("peak.ID")
  # Always compute distance to 5' of the gene:gene.start
  overlaps.sub.df = overlaps.df %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(peak_gene.distance = dplyr::case_when(gene.start >= orig_peak_start & gene.start <= orig_peak_end ~ 0L,
                                                        TRUE ~ pmin(abs(orig_peak_start - gene.start), abs(orig_peak_end - gene.start))))
  if (removeEnsemblNA) {
    overlaps.sub.df = dplyr::filter(overlaps.sub.df, !is.na(gene.ENSEMBL))

.calculatePeakGeneCorrelations <- function(GRN, perm,
                                           TADs = NULL, 
                                           mergeOverlappingTADs = FALSE, 
                                           neighborhoodSize = 250000,
                                           gene.types = c("protein_coding", "lincRNA"),
                                           overlapTypeGene = "TSS",
                                           corMethod = "pearson",
                                           randomizePeakGeneConnections = FALSE, 
                                           nCores = 1,
                                           chunksize = 50000,
                                           addRobustRegression = TRUE,
                                           debugMode_nPlots = 0) {
  start.all = Sys.time()
  genomeAssembly = GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly
  checkmate::assertSubset(gene.types, c("all", names(.getAllGeneTypesAndFrequencies(GRN@config$parameters$genomeAssembly, verbose = FALSE))))
  if (is.null(nCores)) {
    nCores = 1
  #consensusPeaks = .createDF_fromCoordinates(getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, 0)$peakID, "peakID")
  consensusPeaks = GRN@data$peaks$consensusPeaks %>% dplyr::filter(!isFiltered)
  # Preprocess TAD boundaries
  if (!is.null(TADs)) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Integrate Hi-C data and overlap peaks and HI-C domains"))  
    # Check format
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(TADs$X2, lower = 1)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(TADs$X3, lower = 1)
    colnames(TADs)[seq_len(3)] = c("chr", "start", "end")
    if (ncol(TADs) < 4) {
      TADs = dplyr::mutate(TADs, ID = paste0(.data$chr, ":", .data$start, "-", .data$end)) 
    } else {
      colnames(TADs)[4] = "ID"
    # Construct GRanges
    query   = .constructGRanges(consensusPeaks, seqlengths = .getChrLengths(genomeAssembly), genomeAssembly)
    subject = .constructGRanges(TADs, seqlengths = .getChrLengths(genomeAssembly), genomeAssembly)
    TADOverlaps = GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(subject, subject)
    TADOverlaps_min2 = length(which(TADOverlaps > 1))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(TADOverlaps_min2, "  TADs overlap each other"))
    # Merge overlapping TADs. min.gapwidth is set to 0 to prevent that directly adjacent TADs are merged
    if (mergeOverlappingTADs & TADOverlaps_min2 > 0) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Merge overlapping TAD domains to one domain"))  
      subject = GenomicRanges::reduce(subject, min.gapwidth=0L)
      # Metadata has been lost, redefine it with the new boundaries
      subject$ID = paste0(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(subject)), ":", start(subject), "-", end(subject))
    } else {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Overlapping TADs will not be merged"))  
    # Check whether TAD boundaries overlap and print a warning if so
    nMultipleOverlaps = .checkSelfOverlap(subject)
    if (nMultipleOverlaps > 0) {
      futile.logger::flog.warn(paste0(nMultipleOverlaps, " out of ", length(subject), " TADs overlap with at least one other TAD. Please verify whether this is intended or a mistake. Particularly 1bp overlaps may not resembl the truth."))
    # Finally, do the actual overlaps
    overlapsAll = suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query, subject, 
                                              minoverlap = 1,
                                              type = "any",
                                              select = "all",
                                              ignore.strand = TRUE))
    query_row_ids  = S4Vectors::queryHits(overlapsAll)
    subject_rowids = S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlapsAll)
    subject_overlap_df = as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(subject)[subject_rowids, c("ID")]) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(tadChr = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(subject))[subject_rowids],
                    tadStart = start(subject)[subject_rowids],
                    tadEnd = end(subject)[subject_rowids])
    # Some entries in here will have only NAs
    query_overlap_df   = as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(query)  [query_row_ids, "peakID"])
    overlaps.df = cbind.data.frame(query_overlap_df,subject_overlap_df)
    colnames(overlaps.df)[seq_len(2)] = c("peakID","tad.ID")
    peak.TADs.df = suppressWarnings(dplyr::left_join(consensusPeaks, overlaps.df, by = "peakID") )
    nPeaks = nrow(consensusPeaks)
    nPeaksWithOutTAD = length(which(is.na(peak.TADs.df$tad.ID)))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Out of the ", nPeaks, " peaks, ", nPeaksWithOutTAD, " peaks are not within a TAD domain. These will be ignored for subsequent overlaps"))   
    nPeaksWithMultipleTADs = peak.TADs.df %>% dplyr::group_by(peakID) %>% dplyr::summarize(n = dplyr::n()) %>% dplyr::filter(.data$n > 1) %>% nrow()
    if (nPeaksWithMultipleTADs > 0) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Out of the ", nPeaks, " peaks, ", nPeaksWithMultipleTADs, " overlap with more than one TAD. This usually means they are crossing TAD borders.")) 
  } else {
    peak.TADs.df = NULL
  # if a peak overlaps with a gene, should the same gene be reported as the connection?
  overlaps.sub.df = .calculatePeakGeneOverlaps(GRN, allPeaks = consensusPeaks, peak.TADs.df, neighborhoodSize = neighborhoodSize, 
                                               genomeAssembly = genomeAssembly, gene.types = gene.types, overlapTypeGene = overlapTypeGene) 
  overlaps.sub.filt.df = overlaps.sub.df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(gene.ENSEMBL = gsub("\\..+", "", gene.ENSEMBL, perl = TRUE)) # Clean ENSEMBL IDs
  # Only now we shuffle to make sure the background of possible connections is the same as in the foreground, as opposed to completely random
  # which would also include peak-gene connections that are not in the foreground at all
  if (randomizePeakGeneConnections) {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Randomize gene-peak links by shuffling the peak IDs."))
    overlaps.sub.filt.df$peak.ID = sample(overlaps.sub.filt.df$peak.ID, replace = FALSE)
    overlaps.sub.filt.df$peak_gene.distance = NA
  # Set to empty df to simplify the code below
  if (is.null(peak.TADs.df)) {
    peak.TADs.df = tibble::tibble(peak.ID = "", tad.ID = "")
  permIndex = as.character(perm)
  countsPeaks.clean = dplyr::select(getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE), -peakID)
  countsRNA.clean  = dplyr::select(getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(perm)), -ENSEMBL)
  # Cleverly construct the count matrices so we do the correlations in one go
  map_peaks = match(overlaps.sub.filt.df$peak.ID,  getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)$peakID)
  map_rna  = match(overlaps.sub.filt.df$gene.ENSEMBL, getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(perm))$ENSEMBL) # may contain NA values because the gene is not actually in the RNA-seq counts
  # There should not b any NA because it is about the peaks
  # Some NAs might be expected, given our annotation contains all known genes
  #res.m = matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nrow(overlaps.sub.filt.df), dimnames = list(NULL, c("p.raw", "peak_gene.r")))
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Iterate through ", nrow(overlaps.sub.filt.df), " peak-gene combinations and (if possible) calculate correlations using ", nCores, " cores. This may take a few minutes."))
  # parallel version of computing peak-gene correlations
  maxRow = nrow(overlaps.sub.filt.df)
  startIndexMax = ceiling(maxRow / chunksize) - 1 # -1 because we count from 0 onwards
  if (debugMode_nPlots > 0) {
    nCores = 1
  res.l = .execInParallelGen(nCores, returnAsList = TRUE, listNames = NULL, iteration = 0:startIndexMax, verbose = FALSE, functionName = .correlateData, 
                             chunksize = chunksize, maxRow = maxRow, 
                             counts1 = countsPeaks.clean, counts2 = countsRNA.clean, map1 = map_peaks, map2 = map_rna, 
                             corMethod = corMethod, debugMode_nPlots = debugMode_nPlots, addRobustRegression = addRobustRegression)
  res.m  = do.call(rbind, res.l)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Finished with calculating correlations, creating final data frame and filter NA rows due to missing RNA-seq data"))
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Initial number of rows: ", nrow(res.m)))
  # Neighborhood size not relevant for TADs
  if (!is.null(TADs)) {
    neighborhoodSize = -1
  selectColumns = c("peak.ID", "gene.ENSEMBL", "peak_gene.distance", "tad.ID", "r", "p.raw")
  if (addRobustRegression) {
    selectColumns = c(selectColumns, "p_raw.robust", "r_robust", "bias_M_p.raw", "bias_LS_p.raw")
  # Make data frame and adjust p-values
  res.df = suppressMessages(tibble::as_tibble(res.m) %>%
                              dplyr::mutate(peak.ID = getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)$peakID[map_peaks],
                                            gene.ENSEMBL = getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(perm))$ENSEMBL[map_rna]) %>%
                              dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene.ENSEMBL)) %>%  # For some peak-gene combinations, no RNA-Seq data was available, these NAs are filtered
                              # Add gene annotation and distance
                              dplyr::left_join(overlaps.sub.filt.df, by = c("gene.ENSEMBL", "peak.ID")) %>%
                              # Integrate TAD IDs also
                              dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(peak.TADs.df, peak.ID, tad.ID), by = c("peak.ID")) %>%
                              dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(selectColumns))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(peak.ID = as.factor(peak.ID),
                  gene.ENSEMBL = as.factor(gene.ENSEMBL), 
                  tad.ID = as.factor(tad.ID)) %>%
    dplyr::rename(peak_gene.r = r, 
                  peak_gene.p_raw = p.raw)
  if (addRobustRegression) {
    res.df = dplyr::rename(res.df, 
                           peak_gene.p_raw.robust = p_raw.robust, 
                           peak_gene.r_robust = r_robust,
                           peak_gene.bias_M_p.raw = bias_M_p.raw,
                           peak_gene.bias_LS_p.raw = bias_LS_p.raw)
  if (is.null(TADs)) {
    res.df = dplyr::select(res.df, -tad.ID)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Finished. Final number of rows: ", nrow(res.df)))

#' @import ggplot2
.correlateData <- function(startIndex, chunksize, maxRow, counts1, counts2, map1, map2, corMethod, debugMode_nPlots = 0, addRobustRegression = TRUE) {
  start = chunksize * startIndex + 1
  end = min(start +  chunksize - 1, maxRow)
  if (addRobustRegression) {
    res.m = matrix(NA, ncol = 6, nrow = end - start + 1, 
                   dimnames = list(NULL, c("p.raw", "r", "p_raw.robust", "r_robust", "bias_M_p.raw", "bias_LS_p.raw")))
  } else {
    res.m = matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = end - start + 1, dimnames = list(NULL, c("p.raw", "r")))
  rowCur = 0
  nPlotted = 0
  for (i in start:end) {
    rowCur = rowCur + 1
    if (is.na(map1[i]) | is.na(map2[i])) {
    data1   = unlist(counts1 [map1 [i],])
    data2   = unlist(counts2 [map2 [i],])
    res =  suppressWarnings(stats::cor.test(data1, data2, method = corMethod))
    res.m[rowCur, "p.raw"] = res$p.value
    res.m[rowCur, "r"]     = res$estimate
    if (addRobustRegression) {
      lmRob.sum = tryCatch( {
        summary(robust::lmRob(data1 ~data2))
      }, error = function(e) {
        # warning("Error running lmRob")
      }, warning = function(w) {
        # dont print anything
      if (methods::is(lmRob.sum, "summary.lmRob")) {
        res.m[rowCur, "p_raw.robust"]       = lmRob.sum$coefficients[2,4]
        # TODO: This is no r
        res.m[rowCur, "r_robust"]           = lmRob.sum$coefficients[2,1]
        res.m[rowCur, "bias_M_p.raw"]       = lmRob.sum$biasTest[1,2]
        res.m[rowCur, "bias_LS_p.raw"]      = lmRob.sum$biasTest[2,2]
    # https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/205614/p-values-and-significance-in-rlm-mass-package-r
    if (nPlotted < debugMode_nPlots & res$p.value < 0.02) {
      dataCur.df = tibble::tibble(data_Peaks =unlist(counts1 [map1[i],]), 
                                  data_RNA = unlist(counts2 [map2[i],]) )
      # TODO: perm not known here
      stop("Not implemeneted yet")
      g = ggplot(dataCur.df, aes(data1, data2)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method ="lm") + 
        ggtitle(paste0(getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)$peakID[map1[i]], 
                       ", ", 
                       getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(perm))$ENSEMBL[map2 [i]], 
                       ", p = ", round(res$p.value, 3))) + 
      nPlotted = nPlotted + 1
    if (debugMode_nPlots > 0 & nPlotted >=  debugMode_nPlots){
} # end function

#' Filter the GRN and integrate peak-gene connections. 
#' This is one of the main integrative functions of the \code{GRN} package. It has two main functions: Filtering the TF-peak and peak-gene connections that have been identified before, and combining the 3 major elements (TFs, peaks, genes) into one data frame, with one row per connection. Here, a connection can either be a TF-peak, peak-gene or TF-peak-gene link, depending on the parameters. 
#' Internally, first, the TF-peak are filtered before the peak-gene connections are added for reasons of memory and computational efficacy: It takes a lot of time and particularly space to connect the full GRN with all peak-gene connections - as most of the links have weak support (i.e., high FDR), first filtering out unwanted links dramatically reduces the memory needed for the combined GRN 
#' @template GRN
#' @param TF_peak.fdr.threshold Numeric[0,1]. Default 0.2. Maximum FDR for the TF-peak links. Set to 1 or NULL to disable this filter.
#' @template TF_peak.connectionTypes
#' @param peak_gene.p_raw.threshold Numeric[0,1]. Default NULL. Threshold for the peak-gene connections, based on the raw p-value. All peak-gene connections with a larger raw p-value will be filtered out.
#' @param peak_gene.fdr.threshold Numeric[0,1]. Default 0.2. Threshold for the peak-gene connections, based on the FDR. All peak-gene connections with a larger FDR will be filtered out.
#' @param peak_gene.fdr.method Character. Default "BH". One of: "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none", "IHW". Method for adjusting p-values for multiple testing. If set to "IHW", independent hypothesis weighting will be performed, and a suitable covariate has to be specified for the parameter \code{peak_gene.IHW.covariate}.
#' @param peak_gene.IHW.covariate Character. Default NULL. Name of the covariate to use for IHW (column name from the table thatis returned with the function \code{getGRNConnections}. Only relevant if \code{peak_gene.fdr.method} is set to "IHW". You have to make sure the specified covariate is suitable or IHW, see the diagnostic plots that are generated in this function for this. For many datasets, the peak-gene distance (called \code{peak_gene.distance} in the object) seems suitable.
#' @param peak_gene.IHW.nbins Integer or "auto". Default 5. Number of bins for IHW. Only relevant if \code{peak_gene.fdr.method} is set to "IHW".
#' @template gene.types
#' @param allowMissingTFs \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  Default \code{FALSE}. Should connections be returned for which the TF is NA (i.e., connections consisting only of peak-gene links?). If set to \code{TRUE}, this generally greatly increases the number of connections but it may not be what you aim for.
#' @param allowMissingGenes \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  Default \code{TRUE}. Should connections be returned for which the gene is NA (i.e., connections consisting only of TF-peak links?). If set to \code{TRUE}, this generally increases the number of connections.
#' @param peak_gene.r_range Numeric(2). Default \code{c(0,1)}. Filter for lower and upper limit for the peak-gene links. Only links will be retained if the correlation coefficient is within the specified interval. This filter is usually used to filter out negatively correlated peak-gene links.
#' @param peak_gene.selection \code{"all"} or \code{"closest"}. Default \code{"all"}. Filter for the selection of genes for each peak. If set to \code{"all"}, all previously identified peak-gene are used, while \code{"closest"} only retains the closest gene for each peak that is retained until the point the filter is applied.
#' @param peak_gene.maxDistance Integer >0. Default \code{NULL}. Maximum peak-gene distance to retain a peak-gene connection.
#' @param filterTFs Character vector. Default \code{NULL}. Vector of TFs (as named in the GRN object) to retain. All TFs not listed will be filtered out.
#' @param filterGenes Character vector. Default \code{NULL}. Vector of gene IDs (as named in the GRN object) to retain. All genes not listed will be filtered out.
#' @param filterPeaks Character vector. Default \code{NULL}. Vector of peak IDs (as named in the GRN object) to retain. All peaks not listed will be filtered out.
#' @param TF_peak_FDR_selectViaCorBins \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  Default \code{FALSE}. Use a modified procedure for selecting TF-peak links that is based on the user-specified FDR but that retains also links that may have a higher FDR but a more extreme correlation.
#' @param silent \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  Default \code{FALSE}. Print progress messages and filter statistics.
#' @param filterLoops  \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. Default \code{TRUE}. If a TF regulates itself (i.e., the TF and the gene are the same entity), should such loops be filtered from the GRN?
#' @template outputFolder
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with the filtered and merged TF-peak and peak-gene connections in the slot connections$all.filtered.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN = filterGRNAndConnectGenes(GRN)
#' @seealso \code{\link{visualizeGRN}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{addConnections_TF_peak}} 
#' @seealso \code{\link{addConnections_peak_gene}} 
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom magrittr `%>%`
#' @export
filterGRNAndConnectGenes <- function(GRN,
                                     TF_peak.fdr.threshold = 0.2, 
                                     TF_peak.connectionTypes = "all",
                                     peak_gene.p_raw.threshold = NULL, 
                                     peak_gene.fdr.threshold= 0.2,
                                     peak_gene.fdr.method = "BH",
                                     peak_gene.IHW.covariate = NULL,
                                     peak_gene.IHW.nbins = 5,
                                     gene.types = c("protein_coding", "lincRNA"), 
                                     allowMissingTFs = FALSE, allowMissingGenes = TRUE,
                                     peak_gene.r_range = c(0,1), 
                                     peak_gene.selection = "all",
                                     peak_gene.maxDistance = NULL,
                                     filterTFs = NULL, filterGenes = NULL, filterPeaks = NULL, 
                                     TF_peak_FDR_selectViaCorBins = FALSE,
                                     filterLoops = TRUE,
                                     outputFolder = NULL,
                                     silent = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertCharacter(TF_peak.connectionTypes, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNull(peak_gene.p_raw.threshold), checkmate::checkNumeric(peak_gene.p_raw.threshold, lower = 0, upper = 1, min.len = 1))
  checkmate::assertNumeric(peak_gene.r_range, lower = -1, upper = 1, len = 2)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(gene.types, min.len = 1)
  checkmate::assertNumber(TF_peak.fdr.threshold, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  checkmate::assertNumber(peak_gene.fdr.threshold, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  checkmate::assertSubset(peak_gene.fdr.method, c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none", "IHW"))
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNull(peak_gene.IHW.covariate), checkmate::checkCharacter(peak_gene.IHW.covariate, min.chars = 1, len = 1))
  checkmate::assertChoice(peak_gene.selection, c("all", "closest"))
  if (peak_gene.fdr.method == "IHW" & !is.installed("IHW")) {
    message = "IHW has been selected for p-value adjustment, but IHW is currently not installed. Please install it and re-run the function or choose a different method."
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  start = Sys.time()
  if (silent) {
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Filter GRN network"))
  # Reset TF-gene links as these are recomputed with the filtered set and this cannot be done beforehand
  GRN@connections$TF_genes.filtered = NULL
  GRN@connections$all.filtered = list()
  for (permutationCur in 0:.getMaxPermutation(GRN)){
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("\n\n", .getPermStr(permutationCur)))
    permIndex = as.character(permutationCur)
    if (is.null(GRN@connections$peak_genes[[permIndex]])) {
      message = "No peak-gene connections found. Run the function addConnections_peak_gene first"
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    peakGeneCorrelations = GRN@connections$peak_genes[[permIndex]] %>%
      dplyr::mutate(gene.ENSEMBL = as.character(.data$gene.ENSEMBL)) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(dplyr::mutate(GRN@annotation$genes, gene.ENSEMBL = as.character(.data$gene.ENSEMBL)), by = "gene.ENSEMBL")
    # Add TF Ensembl IDs
    grn.filt = GRN@connections$TF_peaks[[permIndex]]$main  %>% 
      tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      dplyr::left_join(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable, by = c("TF.name")) %>%
      dplyr::select(-HOCOID, -ENSEMBL) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(TF.ENSEMBL = as.factor(TF.ENSEMBL))
    if (is.null(grn.filt)) {
      message = "No TF-peak connections found. Run the function addConnections_TF_peak first"
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    # Filter network #
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Inital number of rows left before all filtering steps: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (! "all" %in% TF_peak.connectionTypes) {
      checkmate::assertSubset(TF_peak.connectionTypes, .getAll_TF_peak_connectionTypes(GRN))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter network and retain only rows with one of the following TF-peak connection types: ", paste0(TF_peak.connectionTypes, collapse = ", ")))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows before filtering connection types: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, .data$TF_peak.connectionType %in% TF_peak.connectionTypes)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows after filtering connection types: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (!is.null(TF_peak.fdr.threshold)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter network and retain only rows with TF-peak connections with an FDR < ", TF_peak.fdr.threshold))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows before filtering TFs: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      if (!TF_peak_FDR_selectViaCorBins) {
        grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, .data$TF_peak.fdr < TF_peak.fdr.threshold)
        futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows after filtering TFs: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      } else {
        # Add a new ID column
        grn.filt$row.ID = seq_len(nrow(grn.filt))
        # For each TF, identify those TF-peak correlation bins that are more extreme than the first correlation bin that is beyond the user-specified bin
        # Add one additional column to the table, and filter later by this column
        idsRowsKeep = c()
        for (TFCur in unique( grn.filt$TF.name)) {
          for (connectionTypeCur in TF_peak.connectionTypes) {
            grn.filt.TF = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, .data$TF.name == TFCur, .data$TF_peak.connectionType == connectionTypeCur)
            for (dirCur in c("pos", "neg")) {
              if (dirCur == "pos") {
                grn.filt.TF.dir = dplyr::filter(grn.filt.TF, .data$TF_peak.fdr_direction == "pos")
                stepsCur = GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR
                rightOpen = FALSE
                grn.filt.TF.dir$TF_peak.r_bin = cut(grn.filt.TF.dir$TF_peak.r, breaks = stepsCur, 
                                                    right = rightOpen, include.lowest = TRUE, ordered_result = TRUE)
                binThresholdNeg = grn.filt.TF.dir  %>% 
                  dplyr::select(.data$TF_peak.r_bin, .data$TF_peak.fdr) %>% 
                  dplyr::distinct() %>% 
                relBins =which(binThresholdNeg$TF_peak.fdr < TF_peak.fdr.threshold)
                if (length(relBins) > 0) {
                  relBins = binThresholdNeg$TF_peak.r_bin[min(relBins):nrow(binThresholdNeg)]
                  idsRowsKeep = c(idsRowsKeep, grn.filt.TF.dir %>% 
                                    dplyr::filter(.data$TF_peak.r_bin %in% relBins) %>% 
              } else {
                grn.filt.TF.dir = dplyr::filter(grn.filt.TF, .data$TF_peak.fdr_direction == "neg")
                stepsCur = rev(GRN@config$parameters$internal$stepsFDR)  
                rightOpen = TRUE
                grn.filt.TF.dir$TF_peak.r_bin = cut(grn.filt.TF.dir$TF_peak.r, breaks = stepsCur, 
                                                    right = rightOpen, include.lowest = TRUE, ordered_result = TRUE)
                binThresholdNeg = grn.filt.TF.dir  %>% 
                  dplyr::select(.data$TF_peak.r_bin, .data$TF_peak.fdr) %>% 
                  dplyr::distinct() %>% 
                relBins =which(binThresholdNeg$TF_peak.fdr < TF_peak.fdr.threshold)
                if (length(relBins) > 0) {
                  relBins = binThresholdNeg$TF_peak.r_bin[seq_len(max(relBins))]
                  idsRowsKeep = c(idsRowsKeep, grn.filt.TF.dir %>% 
                                    dplyr::filter(.data$TF_peak.r_bin %in% relBins) %>% 
            } # end for both directions
          } # end for all TF-peak link types
        } # end for all TF
        grn.filt = grn.filt %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$row.ID %in% idsRowsKeep) %>%
        futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows after filtering TFs: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (!is.null(filterTFs)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter network to the following TF: ", paste0(filterTFs, collapse = ",")))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows before filtering TFs: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, .data$TF %in% filterTFs)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows after filtering TFs: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (!is.null(filterPeaks)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter network to the following peaks: ", paste0(filterPeaks, collapse = ",")))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows before filtering peaks: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, .data$peakID %in% filterPeaks)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of TF-peak rows after filtering peaks: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    # Filters on peak-genes
    futile.logger::flog.info("2. Filter peak-gene connections")
    if (!is.null(peak_gene.maxDistance)) {
      checkmate::assertIntegerish(peak_gene.maxDistance, lower = 0)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter peak-gene connections for their distance and keep only connections with a maximum distance of  ", peak_gene.maxDistance))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of peak-gene rows before filtering connection types: ", nrow(peakGeneCorrelations)))
      peakGeneCorrelations = dplyr::filter(peakGeneCorrelations, peak_gene.distance < peak_gene.maxDistance)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of peak-gene rows after filtering connection types: ", nrow(peakGeneCorrelations)))
    if (! "all" %in% gene.types) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter genes by gene type, keep only the following gene types: ", paste0(gene.types, collapse = ", ")))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of peak-gene rows before filtering by gene type: ", nrow(peakGeneCorrelations)))
      peakGeneCorrelations = dplyr::filter(peakGeneCorrelations, .data$gene.type %in% gene.types)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of peak-gene rows after filtering by gene type: ", nrow(peakGeneCorrelations)))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("3. Merging TF-peak with peak-gene connections and filter the combined table..."))
    # Now we need the connected genes. All fitters that are independent of that have been done
    # Don't warn about the coercing of factors etc
    if (allowMissingTFs) {
      grn.filt = suppressWarnings(dplyr::full_join(grn.filt, peakGeneCorrelations, by = "peak.ID"))
    } else {
      grn.filt = suppressWarnings(dplyr::left_join(grn.filt, peakGeneCorrelations, by = "peak.ID"))
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Inital number of rows left before all filtering steps: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (filterLoops) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter TF-TF self-loops"))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows before filtering genes: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, as.character(.data$gene.ENSEMBL) != as.character(.data$TF.ENSEMBL))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows after filtering genes: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (!is.null(filterGenes)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter network to the following genes: ", paste0(filterGenes, collapse = ",")))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows before filtering genes: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, .data$gene.ENSEMBL %in% filterGenes)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows after filtering genes: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (allowMissingGenes) {
      # Nothing to do here
    } else {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter rows with missing ENSEMBL IDs"))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows before filtering: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, !is.na(.data$gene.ENSEMBL))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows after filtering: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    # TODO: Make order more logical
    if (!is.null(peak_gene.r_range)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter network and retain only rows with peak_gene.r in the following interval: (", 
                                      peak_gene.r_range[1], " - ", peak_gene.r_range[2], "]"))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows before filtering: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, 
                               is.na(.data$peak_gene.r) | .data$peak_gene.r  > peak_gene.r_range[1], 
                               is.na(.data$peak_gene.r) | .data$peak_gene.r <= peak_gene.r_range[2])
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows after filtering: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (!is.null(peak_gene.p_raw.threshold)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter network and retain only rows with peak-gene connections with p.raw < ", peak_gene.p_raw.threshold))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows before filtering TFs: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
      grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, is.na(.data$peak_gene.p_raw) | .data$peak_gene.p_raw < peak_gene.p_raw.threshold)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows after filtering TFs: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (!is.null(peak_gene.fdr.threshold)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Calculate FDR based on remaining rows, filter network and retain only rows with peak-gene connections with an FDR < ",  peak_gene.fdr.threshold))
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows before filtering genes (including/excluding NA): ", nrow(grn.filt), "/", nrow(grn.filt %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$peak_gene.p_raw)))))
      # Adjusted p-value is calculated dynamically here and therefore, for different filters, the numbers may vary
      # After a discussion in the group, this procedure was agreed upon even though it can sometimes yield confusing results when compared among each other
      if (peak_gene.fdr.method == "IHW") {
        # Identify those entries for which both p-value and covairate are not NA
        covariate_val = grn.filt %>% dplyr::pull(!!(peak_gene.IHW.covariate))
        indexes = which(!is.na(grn.filt$peak_gene.p_raw) & !is.na(covariate_val))
        if (length(indexes) < nrow(grn.filt)) {
          message = paste0("Could only take ", length(indexes), " rows out of ", nrow(grn.filt), " because some entries for either p-value or covariate were NA. The remaining ", nrow(grn.filt) - length(indexes), " rows will be ignored for p-value adjustment and set to NA.")
          .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
        if (peak_gene.fdr.method == "IHW" && length(indexes) < 1000) {
          message = paste0("IHW should only be performed with at least 1000 p-values, but only ", length(indexes), " are available. Switching to BH adjustment as fallback. This is to be expected for the permuted data but not for the non-permuted one.")
          if (permutationCur == 0) {
            .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
          } else {
          peak_gene.fdr.method = "BH"
      if (peak_gene.fdr.method %in% c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")) {
        grn.filt = dplyr::mutate(grn.filt, peak_gene.p_adj = stats::p.adjust(.data$peak_gene.p_raw, method = peak_gene.fdr.method))
      } else { # Do IHW
        suffixFile = .getPermutationSuffixStr(permutationCur)
        outputFolder = .checkOutputFolder(GRN, outputFolder)
        outputFile = paste0(outputFolder, .getOutputFileName("plot_peakGene_IHW_diag"), suffixFile, ".pdf")
        IHW.res = .performIHW(grn.filt$peak_gene.p_raw[indexes], 
                              covariate_val[indexes] %>% unlist() %>% unname(), 
                              alpha = peak_gene.fdr.threshold, nbins = peak_gene.IHW.nbins, pdfFile = outputFile)
        grn.filt$peak_gene.p_adj  = NA
        grn.filt$peak_gene.p_adj[indexes] = IHW::adj_pvalues(IHW.res$ihwResults)
      if (allowMissingGenes) {
        grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, is.na(.data$peak_gene.p_adj) | .data$peak_gene.p_adj <  peak_gene.fdr.threshold) # keep NA here due to completeCases variable 
      } else {
        grn.filt = dplyr::filter(grn.filt, .data$peak_gene.p_adj <  peak_gene.fdr.threshold) 
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows after filtering genes (including/excluding NA): ", nrow(grn.filt), "/", nrow(grn.filt %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$peak_gene.p_adj)))))
    if (peak_gene.selection == "closest") {
      # Select only the closest gene for each peak
      # Currently, this filter is applied BEFORE any of the other peak-gene filters
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Filter network and retain only the closest genes for each peak. Note that previous filters may already have eliminated the overall closest gene for a particular peak. To make sure to always use the closest gene in the network, set the other peak_gene filters to NULL."))
      # NA distances should be kept, only genes with non NA-values should be filtered
      grn.filt = grn.filt %>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$peak_gene.distance)) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$peak.ID) %>%
        dplyr::slice(which.min(.data$peak_gene.distance)) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        rbind(dplyr::filter(grn.filt, is.na(.data$peak_gene.distance))) # rbind the na rows separately here
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rows after filtering: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    grn.filt = grn.filt %>%
      dplyr::left_join(GRN@annotation$consensusPeaks, by = "peak.ID") %>%
                    -dplyr::starts_with("peak.gene.")) %>% # these are the annotation columns by ChipSeeker that are confusing
      dplyr::mutate(peak.ID      = as.factor(peak.ID),
                    gene.ENSEMBL = as.factor(gene.ENSEMBL),
                    TF.name      = as.factor(TF.name))
    GRN@connections$all.filtered[[permIndex]] = grn.filt
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Final number of rows left after all filtering steps: ", nrow(grn.filt)))
    if (nrow(grn.filt) == 0 & permutationCur == 0 & !silent) {
      message = "No connections passed the filter steps. Rerun the function and be less stringent."
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
  } #end for all permutations
  if (silent) futile.logger::flog.threshold(futile.logger::INFO)

.performIHW <- function(pvalues, covariates, alpha = 0.1, covariate_type = "ordinal",
                        nbins = "auto", m_groups = NULL, quiet = TRUE, nfolds = 5L,
                        nfolds_internal = 5L, nsplits_internal = 1L, lambdas = "auto",
                        seed = 1L, distrib_estimator = "grenander", lp_solver = "lpsymphony",
                        adjustment_type = "BH", return_internal = FALSE, doDiagnostics = TRUE, pdfFile = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  start = Sys.time()
  checkmate::assertNumeric(pvalues, lower = 0, upper = 1, any.missing = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNumeric(covariates), checkmate::checkFactor(covariates))
  stopifnot(length(pvalues) == length(covariates))
  checkmate::assertNumber(alpha, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  checkmate::assertSubset(covariate_type, c("ordinal", "nominal"))
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkInt(nbins, lower = 1), checkmate::checkSubset(nbins, c("auto")))
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNull(m_groups), checkmate::checkInteger(m_groups, len = length(covariates)))
  checkmate::assertInt(nfolds, lower = 1)
  checkmate::assertInt(nfolds_internal, lower = 1)
  checkmate::assertInt(nsplits_internal, lower = 1)
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNumeric(lambdas), checkmate::checkSubset(lambdas, c("auto")))
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNull(seed), checkmate::checkInteger(seed)) 
  checkmate::assertSubset(distrib_estimator, c("grenander", "ECDF"))
  checkmate::assertSubset(lp_solver, c("lpsymphony", "gurobi"))
  checkmate::assertSubset(adjustment_type, c("BH", "bonferroni"))
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNull(pdfFile), checkmate::checkDirectoryExists(dirname(pdfFile), access = "w"))
  res.l = list()
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Perform IHW based on ", length(pvalues), " p-values"))
  ihw_res = IHW::ihw(pvalues, covariates, alpha, covariate_type = covariate_type,
                     nbins = nbins, m_groups = m_groups, quiet = quiet, nfolds = nfolds,
                     nfolds_internal = nfolds_internal, nsplits_internal = nsplits_internal, lambdas = lambdas,
                     seed = seed, distrib_estimator = distrib_estimator, lp_solver = lp_solver,
                     adjustment_type = adjustment_type, return_internal = return_internal, ...)
  res.l$ihwResults = ihw_res
  if (IHW::nbins(ihw_res) == 1) {
    message = "Only 1 bin, IHW reduces to Benjamini Hochberg (uniform weights). Skipping diagnostic plots"
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of chosen bins (should be >1): ", IHW::nbins(ihw_res)))
  if (doDiagnostics) {
    futile.logger::flog.info("  Generate diagnostic plots for IHW results and data...")
    # We can compare this to the result of applying the method of Benjamini and Hochberg to the p-values only:
    padj_bh <- stats::p.adjust(pvalues, method = "BH")
    rejectionsBH = sum(padj_bh <= alpha, na.rm = TRUE)
    rejectionsIHW = IHW::rejections(ihw_res)
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Number of rejections for IHW: ", 
                                    rejectionsIHW, " (for comparison, number of rejections for BH: ", 
                                    rejectionsBH, " [the latter should be lower])"))
    if (rejectionsIHW < rejectionsBH) {
      message = "  Number of rejections for IHW smaller than for BH, something might be wrong. The covariate chosen might not be appropriate."
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = TRUE)
    res.l$ihwPlots = list()
    ##                                                                           ##
    ## 1. Build in diagnostic functions: Estimated weights and decision boundary ##
    ##                                                                           ##
    # Plot No. 1
    res.l$ihwPlots$estimatedWeights  = 
      IHW::plot(ihw_res, what = "weights") + 
      ggtitle("Estimated weights")
    # Plot No. 2
    res.l$ihwPlots$decisionBoundary  = 
      IHW::plot(ihw_res, what = "decisionboundary") + 
      ggtitle("Decision boundary")
    # Plot No. 3
    res.l$ihwPlots$rawVsAdjPVal_all <- 
      as.data.frame(ihw_res) %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = .data$pvalue, y = adj_pvalue, col = group)) + 
      geom_point(size = 0.25) + scale_colour_hue(l = 70, c = 150, drop = FALSE) + 
      ggtitle("Raw versus adjusted p-values")
    # TODO why hard-coded
    pValThreshold = 0.2
    # Plot No. 4
    res.l$ihwPlots$rawVsAdjPVal_subset = 
      res.l$ihwPlots$rawVsAdjPVal_all %+% subset(IHW::as.data.frame(ihw_res), adj_pvalue <= pValThreshold) + 
      ggtitle("raw versus adjusted p-values (zoom)")
    ##                       ##
    ## 2. p-value histograms ##
    ##                       ##
    data.df = data.frame(pValues = pvalues, covariate = covariates)
    # One of the most useful diagnostic plots is the p-value histogram (before applying any multiple testing procedure)
    # Plot No. 5
    res.l$ihwPlots$pValHistogram = 
      ggplot(data.df, aes(x = pValues)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.025, boundary = 0) + 
      ggtitle("p-Value histogram independent of the covariate")
    # Stratified p-value histograms by covariate
    # Plot No. 6
    nGroups = ihw_res@nbins
    data.df$covariate_group <- IHW::groups_by_filter(data.df$covariate, nGroups)
    res.l$ihwPlots$pValHistogramGroupedByCovariate = 
      ggplot(data.df, aes(x=pValues)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.025, boundary = 0) + 
      facet_wrap( ~covariate_group, nrow = 2) + 
      ggtitle("p-Value histogram grouped by the covariate")
    # Plot No. 7
    res.l$ihwPlots$pValHistogramGroupedByCovariateECDF = 
      ggplot(data.df, aes(x = pValues, col = covariate_group)) + stat_ecdf(geom = "step")  + 
      ggtitle("p-Value histogram grouped by the covariate (ECDF)")
    # Check whether the covariate is informative about power under the alternative (property 1), 
    # plot the −log10(p-values) against the ranks of the covariate:
    data.df <- stats::na.omit(data.df)
    data.df$covariateRank = rank(data.df$covariate)/nrow(data.df)
    # Plot No. 8
    res.l$ihwPlots$pValAgainstRankCovariate = 
      ggplot(data.df, aes(x= covariateRank, y = -log10(pValues))) + geom_hex(bins = 100) + 
      ggtitle("p-Value against rank of the covariate")
    if (!is.null(pdfFile)) {
      .printMultipleGraphsPerPage(res.l$ihwPlots, nCol = 1, nRow = 1, pdfFile = pdfFile)
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Diagnostic plots written to file ", pdfFile))

#' Add TF-gene correlations to a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object. The information is currently stored in \code{GRN@connections$TF_genes.filtered}. Note that raw p-values are not adjusted.
#' @export
#' @template GRN
#' @template corMethod
#' @template addRobustRegression
#' @template nCores
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return  The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN = add_TF_gene_correlation(GRN, forceRerun = FALSE)
add_TF_gene_correlation <- function(GRN, corMethod = "pearson", addRobustRegression = FALSE, nCores = 1, forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)    
  if (is.null(GRN@connections$TF_genes.filtered) | forceRerun) {
    GRN@connections$TF_genes.filtered = list()
    if (is.null(GRN@connections$all.filtered)) {
      message = "Could not find merged and filtered connections. Run the function filterGRNAndConnectGenes first."
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Calculate correlations for TF and genes from the filtered set of connections"))
    for (permutationCur in 0:.getMaxPermutation(GRN)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" ", .getPermStr(permutationCur)))
      # Get all TF peak pairs to check
      permIndex = as.character(permutationCur)
      TF_genePairs = GRN@connections$all.filtered[[permIndex]] %>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene.ENSEMBL)) %>%
        dplyr::select(TF.name, gene.ENSEMBL) %>%
        dplyr::distinct() %>%
        dplyr::left_join(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable, by = c("TF.name"), suffix = c("", ".transl")) # %>%
      # dplyr::distinct(ENSEMBL, ENSEMBL.transl)
      # TODO: Improve: Only loop over distinct ENSMBL_TF and ENSEMBL_gene pairs
      maxRow = nrow(TF_genePairs)
      if ( maxRow > 0) {
        futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Iterate through ", maxRow, " TF-gene combinations and (if possible) calculate correlations using ", nCores, " cores. This may take a few minutes."))
        countsRNA.clean  = dplyr::select(getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(permutationCur)), -ENSEMBL)
        map_TF =   match(TF_genePairs$TF.ENSEMBL, getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(permutationCur))$ENSEMBL)
        map_gene = match(TF_genePairs$gene.ENSEMBL, getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(permutationCur))$ENSEMBL)
        # Some NAs might be expected, given our annotation contains all known genes
        chunksize = 10000
        startIndexMax = ceiling(maxRow / chunksize) - 1 # -1 because we count from 0 onwards
        debugMode_nPlots = 0
        if (debugMode_nPlots > 0) {
          nCores = 1
        res.l = .execInParallelGen(nCores, returnAsList = TRUE, listNames = NULL, iteration = 0:startIndexMax, verbose = FALSE, functionName = .correlateData, 
                                   chunksize = chunksize, maxRow = maxRow, counts1 = countsRNA.clean, counts2 = countsRNA.clean, 
                                   map1 = map_TF, map2 = map_gene, corMethod = corMethod, debugMode_nPlots = debugMode_nPlots, addRobustRegression = addRobustRegression)
        res.m  = do.call(rbind, res.l)
        selectColumns = c("gene.ENSEMBL", "TF.ENSEMBL", "r", "p.raw", "TF.name")
        if (addRobustRegression) {
          selectColumns = c(selectColumns, "p_raw.robust", "r_robust", "bias_M_p.raw", "bias_LS_p.raw")
        futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Done. Construct the final table, this may result in an increased number of TF-gene pairs due to different TF names linked to the same Ensembl ID."))
        # Make data frame and adjust p-values
        res.df = suppressMessages(tibble::as_tibble(res.m) %>%
                                    dplyr::mutate(TF.ENSEMBL   = getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(permutationCur))$ENSEMBL[map_TF],
                                                  gene.ENSEMBL = getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = as.logical(permutationCur))$ENSEMBL[map_gene]) %>%
                                    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$gene.ENSEMBL), !is.na(.data$TF.ENSEMBL)) %>%  # For some peak-gene combinations, no RNA-Seq data was available, these NAs are filtered
                                    dplyr::left_join(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable, by = c("TF.ENSEMBL")) %>%
                                    dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(selectColumns))) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(gene.ENSEMBL = as.factor(.data$gene.ENSEMBL), 
                        TF.ENSEMBL   = as.factor(.data$TF.ENSEMBL),
                        TF.name           = as.factor(.data$TF.name)) %>%
          dplyr::rename(TF_gene.r     = .data$r, 
                        TF_gene.p_raw = .data$p.raw) %>%
          dplyr::select(TF.name, TF.ENSEMBL, gene.ENSEMBL, tidyselect::everything())
        if (addRobustRegression) {
          res.df = dplyr::rename(res.df, 
                                 TF_gene.p_raw.robust = .data$p_raw.robust, 
                                 TF_gene.r_robust = .data$r_robust,
                                 TF_gene.bias_M_p.raw = .data$bias_M_p.raw,
                                 TF_gene.bias_LS_p.raw = .data$bias_LS_p.raw)
      } else {
        futile.logger::flog.warn(paste0(" Nothing to do, skip."))
        if (addRobustRegression) {
          res.df = tibble::tribble(~TF.name, ~TF.ENSEMBL, ~gene.ENSEMBL, ~TF_gene.r, ~TF_gene.p_raw, ~TF_gene.p_raw.robust, 
                                   ~TF_gene.r_robust, ~TF_gene.bias_M_p.raw, ~TF_gene.bias_LS_p.raw)
        } else {
          res.df = tibble::tribble(~TF.name, ~TF.ENSEMBL, ~gene.ENSEMBL, ~TF_gene.r, ~TF_gene.p_raw)
      GRN@connections$TF_genes.filtered[[permIndex]] = res.df
    } # end for each permutation

######### SNP functions ################

# Not ready and not tested
addSNPOverlap <- function(grn, SNPData, col_chr = "chr", col_pos = "pos", col_peakID = "peakID", 
                          genomeAssembly_peaks, genomeAssembly_SNP, addAllColumns = TRUE) {
  start = Sys.time()
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Adding SNP overlap"))
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Checking validity of input"))
  checkmate::assertDataFrame(SNPData, min.rows = 1)
  checkmate::assertSubset(c(col_chr, col_pos), colnames(SNPData))
  checkmate::assertSubset(c(col_peakID), colnames(grn))
  if (genomeAssembly_peaks != genomeAssembly_SNP) {
    message = "Genome assemblies of peaks and SNPs must be identical"
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  if (!all(grepl("chr", unlist(SNPData[, col_chr])))) {
    SNPData[, col_chr] = paste0("chr", SNPData[, col_chr])
  # Check for chr23 = chrX
  if (genomeAssembly_SNP %in% c("hg19", "hg38")) {
    index_chr23 = which(grepl("chr23", SNPData[, col_chr]))
    if (length(index_chr23) > 0) {
      futile.logger::flog.warn(paste0(" Chr23 found in SNP data. Renaming to chrX"))
      SNPData[index_chr23, col_chr] = stringr::str_replace(SNPData[index_chr23, col_chr], "chr23", "chrX")
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Overlapping peaks and SNPs"))
  txdb = .getGenomeObject(genomeAssembly_SNP)
  # GRanges for peaks and SNP
  SNPData.mod = SNPData
  SNPData.mod$chr = as.character(SNPData.mod[, col_chr])
  SNPData.mod$end = as.numeric(SNPData.mod[, col_pos])
  SNPData.mod$start = as.numeric(SNPData.mod[, col_pos])
  SNPs.gr = .constructGRanges(dplyr::select(SNPData.mod, .data$chr, {{col_pos}}, .data$end), seqlengths = GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(txdb), genomeAssembly_SNP,  
                              start.field = col_pos, seqnames.field = col_chr)
  peaks.df = .createDF_fromCoordinates(as.character(unlist(unique(grn[,col_peakID]))), col_peakID)
  txdb = .getGenomeObject(genomeAssembly_peaks)
  peaks.gr = .constructGRanges(peaks.df, seqlengths = GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(txdb), genomeAssembly_peaks)
  # Overlap
  overlapsAll = GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(peaks.gr, SNPs.gr, 
                                            minoverlap = 1,
                                            type = "any",
                                            select = "all",
                                            ignore.strand = TRUE)
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Summarizing overlap"))
  query_row_ids   = S4Vectors::queryHits(overlapsAll)
  subject_row_ids = S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlapsAll)
  query_overlap_df     = as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata(peaks.gr)[query_row_ids, col_peakID])
  subject_overlap_df   = as.data.frame( SNPs.gr)[subject_row_ids, c("seqnames", "start")]
  overlaps.df = cbind.data.frame(query_overlap_df,subject_overlap_df) %>% dplyr::mutate(seqnames = as.character(seqnames))
  colnames(overlaps.df) = c("peakID", "SNP_chr", "SNP_start")
  if (addAllColumns) {
    overlaps.df = dplyr::left_join(overlaps.df, SNPData.mod, by = c("SNP_chr" = "chr", "SNP_start" = "start")) %>% dplyr::select(-end)
  myfun <- function(x) {
    paste0(x,collapse = "|")
  colnamesNew = setdiff(colnames(overlaps.df), col_peakID)
  overlaps.summarized.df =  overlaps.df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(peak) %>%
    dplyr::summarise_at(colnamesNew, myfun) %>%
  # Add no of SNPs also as column
  overlaps.summarized.df = overlaps.summarized.df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(SNP_nOverlap = stringr::str_count(SNP_chr, stringr::fixed("|")) + 1)
  grn.SNPs = dplyr::left_join(grn, overlaps.summarized.df, by = col_peakID)

# TODO: Only called for SNPs
.createDF_fromCoordinates <- function (IDs, colnameID = "peakID") {
  splits = strsplit(as.character(IDs), split=c(":|-"), fixed = FALSE,  perl = TRUE)
  df = tibble::tibble(      chr   = sapply(splits,"[[", 1),
                            start = as.numeric(sapply(splits,"[[", 2)),
                            end   = as.numeric(sapply(splits,"[[", 3))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate({{colnameID}} := paste0(.data$chr, ":", .data$start, "-",.data$end))

####### STATS #########

#' Generate a summary PDF for the number of connections for a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object. 
#' Essentially, this functions calls \code{\link{filterGRNAndConnectGenes}} repeatedly and stores the total number of connections and other statistics each time to summarize them afterwards. All arguments are identical to the ones in \code{\link{filterGRNAndConnectGenes}}, see the help for this function for details.
#' @export
#' @template GRN 
#' @param TF_peak.fdr Numeric vector. Default \code{c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2)}. TF-peak FDR values to iterate over.
#' @template TF_peak.connectionTypes
#' @param peak_gene.fdr Numeric vector. Default \code{c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2)}. Peak-gene FDR values to iterate over.
#' @param peak_gene.p_raw  Numeric vector. Default \code{NULL}. Peak-gene raw p-value values to iterate over. Skipped if set to NULL.
#' @param peak_gene.r_range Numeric vector of length 2 (minimum -1, maximum 1). Default \code{c(0,1)}. The correlation range of peak-gene connections to keep.
#' @template gene.types
#' @param allowMissingGenes Logical vector. Default \code{c(FALSE, TRUE)}. Allow genes to be missing for peak-gene connections?
#' @param allowMissingTFs Logical vector. Default \code{c(FALSE)}. Allow TFs to be missing for TF-peak connections?
#' @template forceRerun
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN = generateStatsSummary(GRN, TF_peak.fdr = c(0.01, 0.1), peak_gene.fdr = c(0.01, 0.1))
generateStatsSummary <- function(GRN, 
                                 TF_peak.fdr = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2),
                                 TF_peak.connectionTypes = "all",
                                 peak_gene.fdr = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2),
                                 peak_gene.p_raw = NULL,
                                 peak_gene.r_range = c(0,1),
                                 gene.types = c("protein_coding", "lincRNA"),
                                 allowMissingGenes = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                                 allowMissingTFs = c(FALSE),
                                 forceRerun = FALSE
) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertNumeric(TF_peak.fdr, lower = 0, upper = 1, min.len = 1)
  checkmate::assertSubset(TF_peak.connectionTypes, c("all", GRN@config$TF_peak_connectionTypes))
  checkmate::assertNumeric(peak_gene.fdr, lower = 0, upper = 1, min.len = 1)
  checkmate::assert(checkmate::checkNull(peak_gene.p_raw), checkmate::checkNumeric(peak_gene.p_raw, lower = 0, upper = 1, min.len = 1))
  checkmate::assertNumeric(peak_gene.r_range, lower = -1, upper = 1, len = 2)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(gene.types, min.len = 1)
  checkmate::assertSubset(allowMissingGenes, c(TRUE, FALSE))
  checkmate::assertSubset(allowMissingTFs, c(TRUE, FALSE))
  if (is.null(GRN@stats$connections) | is.null(GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l) | forceRerun) {
    GRN@stats$connections = .initializeStatsDF()
    if (TF_peak.connectionTypes == "all") {
      TF_peak.connectionTypesAllComb =.getAll_TF_peak_connectionTypes(GRN)
    } else {
      TF_peak.connectionTypesAllComb = unique(TF_peak.connectionTypes)
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Generating summary. This may take a while..."))
    for (permutationCur in 0:.getMaxPermutation(GRN)) {
      futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("\n", .getPermStr(permutationCur), "...\n"))
      permIndex = as.character(permutationCur)
      GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l[[permIndex]] = list()
      # Iterate over different stringency thresholds and collect statistics
      for (TF_peak.fdr_cur in TF_peak.fdr) {
        TF_peak.fdr_cur.str = as.character(TF_peak.fdr_cur)
        futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Calculate network stats for TF-peak FDR of ", TF_peak.fdr_cur))
        GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l[[permIndex]] [[TF_peak.fdr_cur.str]] =list()
        futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Iterating over different peak-gene FDR thresholds..."))
        for (peak_gene.fdr_cur in peak_gene.fdr) {
          futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Peak-gene FDR = ", peak_gene.fdr_cur))
          peak_gene.fdr_cur.str = as.character(peak_gene.fdr_cur)
          GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l[[permIndex]] [[TF_peak.fdr_cur.str]] [[peak_gene.fdr_cur.str]] =list()
          for (allowMissingTFsCur in allowMissingTFs) {
            futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("  allowMissingTFs = ", allowMissingTFsCur))
            allowMissingTFsCur.str = as.character(allowMissingTFsCur)
            GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l[[permIndex]] [[TF_peak.fdr_cur.str]] [[peak_gene.fdr_cur.str]] [[allowMissingTFsCur.str]] = list()
            for (allowMissingGenesCur in allowMissingGenes) {
              futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("  allowMissingGenes = ", allowMissingGenesCur))
              allowMissingGenesCur.str = as.character(allowMissingGenesCur)
              GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l[[permIndex]] [[TF_peak.fdr_cur.str]] [[peak_gene.fdr_cur.str]] [[allowMissingTFsCur.str]] [[allowMissingGenesCur.str]] = list()
              for (TF_peak.connectionTypeCur in TF_peak.connectionTypesAllComb) {
                GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l[[permIndex]] [[TF_peak.fdr_cur.str]] [[peak_gene.fdr_cur.str]] [[allowMissingTFsCur.str]] [[allowMissingGenesCur.str]] [[TF_peak.connectionTypeCur]] = list()
                futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("    TF_peak.connectionType = ", TF_peak.connectionTypeCur))
                GRN = filterGRNAndConnectGenes(GRN, 
                                               TF_peak.fdr.threshold = TF_peak.fdr_cur, 
                                               TF_peak.connectionTypes = TF_peak.connectionTypeCur, 
                                               peak_gene.p_raw.threshold = NULL, 
                                               peak_gene.fdr.threshold= peak_gene.fdr_cur,
                                               gene.types = gene.types, 
                                               allowMissingGenes = allowMissingGenesCur, 
                                               allowMissingTFs = allowMissingTFsCur,
                                               peak_gene.r_range = peak_gene.r_range,
                                               filterTFs = NULL, filterGenes = NULL, filterPeaks = NULL,
                                               silent = TRUE)
                results.l = .addStats(GRN@stats$connections, GRN@connections$all.filtered[[permIndex]], 
                                      perm = permutationCur, 
                                      TF_peak.fdr = TF_peak.fdr_cur, TF_peak.connectionType = TF_peak.connectionTypeCur,
                                      peak_gene.p_raw = NA,
                                      peak_gene.fdr = peak_gene.fdr_cur, 
                                      peak_gene.r_range = paste0(peak_gene.r_range, collapse = ","),
                                      gene.types = paste0(gene.types, collapse = ","),
                                      allowMissingGenes = allowMissingGenesCur, 
                                      allowMissingTFs   = allowMissingTFsCur)
                GRN@stats$connections  = results.l[["summary"]]
                GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l[[permIndex]] [[TF_peak.fdr_cur.str]] [[peak_gene.fdr_cur.str]] [[allowMissingTFsCur.str]] [[allowMissingGenesCur.str]] [[TF_peak.connectionTypeCur]] = 
              } # end of  for (TF_peak.connectionTypeCur in TF_peak.connectionTypesAllComb)
            } # end of  for (allowMissingGenesCur in allowMissingGenes) 
          } # end of  for (allowMissingTFsCur in allowMissingTFs)
        } # end of for (peak_gene.fdr_cur in peak_gene.fdr)
        if (!is.null(peak_gene.p_raw)) {
          futile.logger::flog.info(paste0(" Iterating over different peak-gene raw p-value thresholds..."))
          for (peak_gene.p_raw_cur in peak_gene.p_raw) {
            futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("  Peak-gene raw p-value = ", peak_gene.p_raw_cur))
            # TODO: Add the other ones here also
            for (allowMissingGenesCur in allowMissingGenes) {
              GRN = filterGRNAndConnectGenes(GRN, 
                                             TF_peak.fdr.threshold = TF_peak.fdr_cur, peak_gene.p_raw.threshold = peak_gene.p_raw_cur, 
                                             peak_gene.fdr.threshold= NULL,
                                             gene.types = gene.types, 
                                             allowMissingGenes = allowMissingGenesCur, peak_gene.r_range = peak_gene.r_range,
                                             filterTFs = NULL, filterGenes = NULL, filterPeaks = NULL,
                                             silent = TRUE)
              GRN@stats$connections = .addStats(GRN@stats$connections, GRN@connections$all.filtered[[permIndex]], 
                                                perm = permutationCur, TF_peak.fdr = TF_peak.fdr_cur, peak_gene.fdr = NA, 
                                                allowMissingGenes = allowMissingGenesCur, peak_gene.p_raw = peak_gene.p_raw_cur,
                                                peak_gene.r_range = paste0(peak_gene.r_range, collapse = ","),
                                                gene.types = paste0(gene.types, collapse = ","))
            } # end of for (allowMissingGenesCur in allowMissingGenes)
          } # end of   for (peak_gene.p_raw_cur in peak_gene.p_raw) 
        } # end of  if (!is.null(peak_gene.p_raw))
    } # end for each permutation
  } else {
    futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Data already exists in object. Set forceRerun = TRUE to regenerate and overwrite."))

.addStats <- function(stats.df, connections.df, perm, 
                      TF_peak.fdr, TF_peak.connectionType, 
                      peak_gene.p_raw, peak_gene.fdr, peak_gene.r_range, 
                      allowMissingGenes, allowMissingTFs) {
  TF.stats   = dplyr::select(connections.df, TF.name, peak.ID)   %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(peak.ID)) %>% dplyr::pull(TF.name)   %>% as.character() %>% table() 
  gene.stats = dplyr::select(connections.df, peak.ID, gene.ENSEMBL) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene.ENSEMBL)) %>% dplyr::pull(gene.ENSEMBL) %>% as.character() %>% table() 
  peak_gene.stats = dplyr::select(connections.df, peak.ID, gene.ENSEMBL) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene.ENSEMBL),!is.na(peak.ID)) %>% dplyr::pull(peak.ID) %>% as.character() %>% table() 
  peak.TF.stats   = dplyr::select(connections.df, peak.ID, TF.name)      %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(TF.name),     !is.na(peak.ID)) %>% dplyr::pull(peak.ID) %>% as.character() %>% table() 
  if (length(TF.stats) > 0){
    TF.connections = c(min(TF.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                       mean(TF.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                       median(TF.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                       max(TF.stats, na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    TF.connections = rep(0,4)
  if (length(gene.stats) > 0){
    gene.connections = c(min(gene.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                         mean(gene.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                         median(gene.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                         max(gene.stats, na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    gene.connections = rep(0,4)
  if (length(peak_gene.stats) > 0){
    peak_gene.connections = c(min(peak_gene.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                              mean(peak_gene.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                              median(peak_gene.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                              max(peak_gene.stats, na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    peak_gene.connections = rep(0,4)
  if (length(peak.TF.stats) > 0){
    peak_TF.connections = c(min(peak.TF.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                            mean(peak.TF.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                            median(peak.TF.stats, na.rm = TRUE), 
                            max(peak.TF.stats, na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    peak_TF.connections = rep(0,4)
  stats.df = tibble::add_row(stats.df, 
                             perm = perm, 
                             TF_peak.fdr = TF_peak.fdr,
                             TF_peak.connectionType = TF_peak.connectionType,
                             peak_gene.p_raw = peak_gene.p_raw,
                             peak_gene.fdr = peak_gene.fdr,
                             peak_gene.r_range = peak_gene.r_range,
                             gene.types = gene.types,
                             allowMissingGenes = allowMissingGenes,
                             allowMissingTFs = allowMissingTFs,
                             nGenes = length(unique(connections.df$gene.ENSEMBL)),
                             nPeaks = length(unique(connections.df$peak.ID)),
                             nTFs   = length(unique(connections.df$TF.name)),
                             TF.connections_min           = TF.connections[1],
                             TF.connections_mean          = TF.connections[2],
                             TF.connections_median        = TF.connections[3],
                             TF.connections_max           = TF.connections[4],
                             peak_TF.connections_min      = peak_TF.connections[1],
                             peak_TF.connections_mean     = peak_TF.connections[2],
                             peak_TF.connections_median   = peak_TF.connections[3],
                             peak_TF.connections_max      = peak_TF.connections[4],
                             peak_gene.connections_min    = peak_gene.connections[1],
                             peak_gene.connections_mean   = peak_gene.connections[2],
                             peak_gene.connections_median = peak_gene.connections[3],
                             peak_gene.connections_max    = peak_gene.connections[4],
                             gene.connections_min         = gene.connections[1],
                             gene.connections_mean        = gene.connections[2],
                             gene.connections_median      = gene.connections[3],
                             gene.connections_max         = gene.connections[4],
  list(summary = stats.df, details = list(TF = TF.stats, gene = gene.stats, peak_gene = peak_gene.stats, peak.TF = peak.TF.stats))

.initializeStatsDF <- function(){
                  ~TF_peak.fdr, ~TF_peak.connectionType,
                  ~peak_gene.p_raw, ~peak_gene.fdr, ~peak_gene.r_range, 
                  ~allowMissingGenes, ~allowMissingTFs,
                  ~nGenes, ~nPeaks, ~nTFs,
                  ~TF.connections_min, ~TF.connections_mean, ~TF.connections_median, ~TF.connections_max,
                  ~peak_TF.connections_min, ~peak_TF.connections_mean, ~peak_TF.connections_median,  ~peak_TF.connections_max,
                  ~peak_gene.connections_min, ~peak_gene.connections_mean, ~peak_gene.connections_median, ~peak_gene.connections_max,
                  ~gene.connections_min, ~gene.connections_mean, ~gene.connections_median,  ~gene.connections_max)

####### Misc functions #########

#' Load example GRN dataset
#' @export
#' @param forceDownload \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. Default \code{FALSE}. Should the download be enforced even if the local cached file is already present?
#' @param fileURL Character. Default \url{https://www.embl.de/download/zaugg/GRaNIE/GRN.rds}. URL to the GRN example object in rds format.
#' @examples 
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' @return 
#' An example \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @import BiocFileCache
loadExampleObject <- function(forceDownload = FALSE, fileURL = "https://www.embl.de/download/zaugg/GRaNIE/GRN.rds") {
  # Taken and modified from https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocFileCache/inst/doc/BiocFileCache.html
  bfc <- .get_cache()
  rid <- BiocFileCache::bfcquery(bfc, "GRaNIE_object_example")$rid
  if (!length(rid)) {
    rid <- names(BiocFileCache::bfcadd(bfc, "GRaNIE_object_example", fileURL))
  if (!isFALSE(BiocFileCache::bfcneedsupdate(bfc, rid)) | forceDownload) {
    messageStr = paste0("Downloading GRaNIE example object from ", fileURL)
    filePath = BiocFileCache::bfcdownload(bfc, rid, ask = FALSE)
  filePath = BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid)
  # Now we can read in the locally stored file
  GRN = readRDS(filePath)
  # Change the default path to the current working directory
  GRN@config$directories$outputRoot = "."
  GRN@config$directories$output_plots = "."
  GRN@config$directories$motifFolder = "."
  GRN@config$files$output_log = "GRN.log"

#' Get counts for the various data defined in a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' Get counts for the various data defined in a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object.
#' @template GRN 
#' @param type Character. Either \code{peaks} or \code{rna}. \code{peaks} corresponds to the counts for the open chromatin data, while \code{rna} refers to th RNA-seq counts. If set to \code{rna}, both permuted and non-permuted data can be retrieved, while for \code{peaks}, only the non-permuted one (i.e., 0) can be retrieved.
#' @param norm Logical. \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  Should original (often raw, but this may not necessarily be the case) or normalized counts be returned?
#' @template permuted
#' @export
#' @import tibble
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' counts.df = getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)
#' @return Data frame of counts, with the type as indicated by the function parameters.

getCounts <- function(GRN, type, norm, permuted = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)      
  checkmate::assertChoice(type, c("peaks", "rna"))
  permIndex = dplyr::if_else(permuted, "1", "0")
  if (!permuted) {
    if (type == "peaks") {
      if (norm ) {
        result = GRN@data$peaks$counts_norm
      } else {
        # Handle case when this is null due to already norm. counts as input
        countsOrig = GRN@data$peaks$counts_orig
        if (checkmate::testClass(countsOrig, "DESeqDataSet")) {
          result = DESeq2::counts(countsOrig, norm = FALSE) %>% as.data.frame() %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("peakID")
        } else {
          result = countsOrig %>% dplyr::select(-isFiltered) %>% as.data.frame()
    } else if (type == "rna") {
      if (norm) {
        result = GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l[[permIndex]]
      } else {
        # Handle case when this is null due to already norm. counts as input
        countsOrig = GRN@data$RNA$counts_orig
        if (checkmate::testClass(countsOrig, "DESeqDataSet")) {
          result = DESeq2::counts(countsOrig, norm = FALSE) %>% as.data.frame() %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("ENSEMBL")
        } else {
          result = countsOrig %>% dplyr::select(-isFiltered) %>% as.data.frame()
          # TODO: isFiltered column?
  } else { # permutation 1
    if (type == "peaks") {
      message = "Could not find counts in object."
      .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (norm) {
        shuffledColumnOrder = GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l[[permIndex]]
        # Columns are shuffled so that non-matching samples are compared throughout the pipeline for all correlation-based analyses
        result = GRN@data$RNA$counts_norm.l[["0"]][shuffledColumnOrder] %>%
          dplyr::select(ENSEMBL, tidyselect::everything())
      } else {
        message= "Could not find counts in object."
        .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  if ("isFiltered" %in% colnames(result)) {
    result = dplyr::filter(result, !isFiltered) %>% dplyr::select(-isFiltered)

#' Extract connections from a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object
#' @export
#' @template GRN 
#' @template permuted
#' @param type Character. Default \code{all.filtered}. Must be one of \code{TF_peaks}, \code{peak_genes}, \code{all.filtered}. The type of connections to retrieve.
#' @param include_TF_gene_correlations Logical. \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. Should TFs and gene correlations be returned as well? If set to \code{TRUE}, they must have been computed beforehand with \code{\link{add_TF_gene_correlation}}.
#' @return A data frame with the connections. Importantly, this function does **NOT** return a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN_con.all.df = getGRNConnections(GRN)
getGRNConnections <- function(GRN, type = "all.filtered",  permuted = FALSE, include_TF_gene_correlations = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")  
  checkmate::assertChoice(type, c("TF_peaks", "peak_genes", "all.filtered"))
  #checkmate::assertIntegerish(permutation, lower = 0, upper = .getMaxPermutation(GRN))
  permIndex = dplyr::if_else(permuted, "1", "0")
  if (type == "all.filtered") {
    if (include_TF_gene_correlations) {
      if (is.null(GRN@connections$TF_genes.filtered)) {
        message = "Please run the function add_TF_gene_correlation first. "
        .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
      # Merge with TF-gene table
      merged.df = dplyr::left_join(GRN@connections$all.filtered[[permIndex]], 
                                   by = c("TF.name", "TF.ENSEMBL", "gene.ENSEMBL")) %>%
        dplyr::select(tidyselect::starts_with("TF."), tidyselect::everything()) %>%
    } else {
  } else if (type == "TF_peaks") {
  } else if (type == "peak_genes") {

.getAll_TF_peak_connectionTypes <- function (GRN) {
  TF_peak.connectionTypesAll = unique(as.character(GRN@connections$TF_peaks[["0"]]$main$TF_peak.connectionType))
  if (length(TF_peak.connectionTypesAll) > 1) {
    # Dont use all, always separate between the different connection types
    # TF_peak.connectionTypesAll = c(TF_peak.connectionTypesAll, "all")

.checkOutputFolder <- function (GRN, outputFolder) {
  if (!is.null(outputFolder)) {
    checkmate::assertDirectory(outputFolder, access = "w")
    if (!endsWith(outputFolder, .Platform$file.sep)) {
      outputFolder = paste0(outputFolder, .Platform$file.sep)
    if (!dir.exists(outputFolder)) {
  } else {
    # TODO: Re-create the output folder here nd adjust to the OS-specific path separator, do not rely on what is stored in the object
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      GRN@config$directories$output_plots = gsub('/', ('\\'), GRN@config$directories$output_plots, fixed = TRUE)
    } else {
      GRN@config$directories$output_plots = gsub("\\", "/", GRN@config$directories$output_plots, fixed = TRUE)
    if (!dir.exists(GRN@config$directories$output_plots)) {
      dir.create(GRN@config$directories$output_plots, recursive = TRUE)
  dplyr::if_else(is.null(outputFolder), GRN@config$directories$output_plots, outputFolder)

.optimizeSpaceGRN <- function(df) {
  if (is.null(df)) {
    message = "Data frame for optimization not found"
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)
  df  %>%
    dplyr::mutate(TF.name = as.factor(TF.name ),
                  TF_peak.r_bin = as.factor(TF_peak.r_bin),
                  peak.ID = as.factor(peak.ID),
                  TF_peak.fdr_direction = as.factor(TF_peak.fdr_direction),
                  TF_peak.connectionType = as.factor(TF_peak.connectionType))

.getOutputFileName <- function (name) {
  # List of all output file names
  allNames = list(
    "plot_pca"                       = "PCA_sharedSamples",
    "plot_TFPeak_fdr"                = "TF_peak.fdrCurves",
    "plot_TFPeak_fdr_GC"             = "TF_peak.GCCorrection",
    "plot_TFPeak_TFActivity_QC"      = "TF_peak.TFActivity_QC",
    "plot_class_density"             = "TF_classification_densityPlots",
    "plot_class_medianClass"         = "TF_classification_stringencyThresholds",
    "plot_class_densityClass"        = "TF_classification_summaryHeatmap",
    "plot_peakGene_diag"             = "peakGene_diagnosticPlots",
    "plot_peakGene_IHW_diag"         = "peakGene_IHW.diagnosticPlots",
    "plot_connectionSummary_heatmap" = "GRN.connectionSummary_heatmap",
    "plot_connectionSummary_boxplot" = "GRN.connectionSummary_boxplot",
    "plot_generalEnrichment"         = "GRN.overall_enrichment",
    "plot_communityStats"            = "GRN.community_stats",
    "plot_communityEnrichment"       = "GRN.community_enrichment",
    "plot_generalNetworkStats"       = "GRN.overall_stats",
    "plot_TFEnrichment"              = "GRN.TF_enrichment",
    "plot_network"                   = "GRN.network_visualisation"
  if (is.null(allNames[[name]])) {
    message = paste0("Name ", name, " not defined in list allNames.")
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)

.getPermutationSuffixStr <- function(permutation) {
  if (permutation == 0) {
    suffixFile = "_original"
  } else {
    suffixFile = "_permuted"

# Helper function to automatically record the function calls to keep a better record
.addFunctionLogToObject <- function(GRN) {
  #listName = gsub("\\(|\\)", "", match.call()[1], perl = TRUE)
  functionName = evalq(match.call(), parent.frame(1))[1]
  listName = gsub("\\(|\\)", "", functionName, perl = TRUE)
  listName = gsub("GRNdev::", "", listName, fixed = TRUE)
  listName = gsub("GRN::", "", listName, fixed = TRUE)
  # Compatibility with old objects
  if (is.null(GRN@config$functionParameters)) {
    GRN@config$functionParameters = list()
  GRN@config$functionParameters[[listName]] = list()
  GRN@config$functionParameters[[listName]]$date = Sys.time()
  GRN@config$functionParameters[[listName]]$call = match.call.defaults(asList = FALSE)
  GRN@config$functionParameters[[listName]]$parameters = match.call.defaults()

#' Retrieve parameters for previously used function calls and general parameters for a \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object. 
#' @export
#' @template GRN 
#' @param name Character. Default \code{all}. Name of parameter or function name to retrieve. Set to the special keyword \code{all} to retrieve all parameters.
#' @param type Character. Default \code{parameter}. Either \code{function} or \code{parameter}. When set to \code{function}, a valid \code{GRaNIE} function name must be given that has been run before. When set to \code{parameter}, in combination with \code{name}, returns a specific parameter (as specified in \code{GRN@config})).
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with added data from this function.
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' params.l = getParameters(GRN, type = "parameter", name = "all")
getParameters <- function (GRN, type = "parameter", name = "all") {
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  checkmate::assertSubset(type, c("function", "parameter"))
  if (type == "function") {
    checkmate::assertCharacter(name, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
    functionParameters = GRN@config$functionParameters[[name]]
    if (is.null(functionParameters)) {
      checkmate::assertSubset(name, ls(paste0("package:", utils::packageName())))
  } else {
    if (name == "all") {
    } else {
      parameters = GRN@config[[name]]
      if (is.null(parameters)) {
        checkmate::assertSubset(name, names(GRN@config$parameters))

.getMaxPermutation <- function (GRN) {
  if (!is.null(GRN@config$parameters$internal$nPermutations)) {
  } else {
    # Compatibility mode for previous object versions

#' Optional convenience function to delete intermediate data from the function \code{\link{AR_classification_wrapper}} and summary statistics that may occupy a lot of space
#' @export
#' @template GRN
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with some slots being deleted (\code{GRN@data$TFs$classification} as well as \code{GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l})
#' @examples 
#' # See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
#' # GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' # GRN = deleteIntermediateData(GRN)
deleteIntermediateData <- function(GRN) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN)
  checkmate::assertClass(GRN, "GRN")
  for (permutationCur in 0:.getMaxPermutation(GRN)) {
    permIndex = as.character(permutationCur)
    GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]]$TF_cor_median_foreground = NULL
    GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]]$TF_cor_median_background = NULL
    GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]]$TF_peak_cor_foreground = NULL
    GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]]$TF_peak_cor_background = NULL
    GRN@data$TFs$classification[[permIndex]]$act.rep.thres.l = NULL
  GRN@stats$connectionDetails.l = NULL

.checkForbiddenNames <- function(name, forbiddenNames) {
  if (name %in% forbiddenNames) {
    message = paste0("Name must not be one of the following reserved names: ", paste0(forbiddenNames, collapse = ","), ". Please choose a different one.")
    .checkAndLogWarningsAndErrors(NULL, message, isWarning = FALSE)

getBasic_metadata_visualization <- function(GRN, forceRerun = FALSE) {
  GRN = .addFunctionLogToObject(GRN) 
  # Get base mean expression for genes and TFs and mean accessibility from peaks
  # TODO: Do we need this for the shuffled one?
  if (is.null(GRN@visualization$metadata) | forceRerun) {
    expMeans.m = getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE) %>% dplyr::select(-ENSEMBL) %>% as.matrix()
    baseMean = rowMeans(expMeans.m)
    expression.df = tibble::tibble(ENSEMBL_ID = getCounts(GRN, type = "rna", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)$ENSEMBL, baseMean = baseMean) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(ENSEMBL_ID = gsub("\\..+", "", ENSEMBL_ID, perl = TRUE),
                    baseMean_log = log2(baseMean + 0.01))
    expression_TF.df = dplyr::filter(expression.df, ENSEMBL_ID %in% GRN@data$TFs$translationTable$ENSEMBL) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(GRN@data$TFs$translationTable, by = c("ENSEMBL_ID" = "ENSEMBL"))
    meanPeaks.df = tibble::tibble(peakID = getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE)$peakID, 
                                  mean = rowMeans(dplyr::select(getCounts(GRN, type = "peaks", norm = TRUE, permuted = FALSE), -peakID))) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(mean_log = log2(mean + 0.01))
    metadata = list("RNA_expression_genes" = expression.df,
                    "RNA_expression_TF"    = expression_TF.df,
                    "Peaks_accessibility"   = meanPeaks.df)

#' Change the output directory of a GRN object
#' @export
#' @template GRN
#' @param outputDirectory Character. Default \code{.}. New output directory for all output files unless overwritten via the parameter \code{outputFolder}.
#' @return The same \code{\linkS4class{GRN}} object, with the output directory being adjusted accordingly
#' @examples 
#' GRN = loadExampleObject()
#' GRN = changeOutputDirectory(GRN, outputDirectory = ".")
changeOutputDirectory <- function(GRN, outputDirectory = ".") {
  GRN@config$directories$outputRoot   =  outputDirectory
  GRN@config$directories$output_plots = paste0(outputDirectory, .Platform$file.sep, "plots", .Platform$file.sep)
  GRN@config$files$output_log         = paste0(outputDirectory, .Platform$file.sep, "GRN.log")
  futile.logger::flog.info(paste0("Output directory changed in the object to " , outputDirectory))

.createTables_peakGeneQC <- function(peakGeneCorrelations.all.cur, networkType_details, colors_vec, range) {
    d = peakGeneCorrelations.all.cur %>% 
        dplyr::group_by(r_positive, class, peak_gene.p.raw.class) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n()) %>%
    # Some classes might be missing, add them here with explicit zeros
    for (r_pos in c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
        for (classCur in networkType_details){
            for (pclassCur in levels(peakGeneCorrelations.all.cur$peak_gene.p.raw.class)) {
                row = which(d$r_positive == r_pos & d$class == classCur & as.character(d$peak_gene.p.raw.class) == as.character(pclassCur))
                if (length(row) == 0) {
                    d = tibble::add_row(d, r_positive = r_pos, class = classCur, peak_gene.p.raw.class = pclassCur, n = 0)
    # Restore the "ordered" factor for class
    d$peak_gene.p.raw.class = factor(d$peak_gene.p.raw.class, ordered = TRUE, levels =  levels(peakGeneCorrelations.all.cur$peak_gene.p.raw.class))
    # Normalization factors
    dsum = d %>%
        dplyr::group_by(r_positive, class) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(sum_n = sum(.data$n))
    # Summarize per bin
    d2 = d %>%
        dplyr::group_by(class, peak_gene.p.raw.class)%>%
        dplyr::summarise(sum_pos = .data$n[r_positive],
                         sum_neg = .data$n[!r_positive]) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(ratio_pos_raw = sum_pos / sum_neg,
                      enrichment_pos = sum_pos / (sum_pos + sum_neg),
                      ratio_neg = 1 - enrichment_pos) %>%
    # Compare between real and permuted
    normFactor_real = dplyr::filter(dsum, class ==  !! (networkType_details[1])) %>%  dplyr::pull(sum_n) %>% sum() /
        dplyr::filter(dsum, class ==  !! (networkType_details[2])) %>%  dplyr::pull(sum_n) %>% sum()
    # ratio_norm not used currently, no normalization necessary here or not even useful because we dont want to normalize the r_pos and r_neg ratios: These are signal in a way. Only when comparing between real and permuted, we have to account for sample size for corrections
    d3 = d %>%
        dplyr::group_by(peak_gene.p.raw.class, r_positive) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(n_real     = .data$n[class == !! (names(colors_vec)[1]) ],
                         n_permuted = .data$n[class == !! (names(colors_vec)[2]) ]) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(ratio_real_raw = n_real / n_permuted,
                      ratio_real_norm = ratio_real_raw / normFactor_real,
                      enrichment_real      = n_real / (n_real + n_permuted),
                      enrichment_real_norm = (n_real / normFactor_real) / ((n_real / normFactor_real) + n_permuted)) 
    stopifnot(identical(levels(d2$peak_gene.p.raw.class), levels(d3$peak_gene.p.raw.class)))
    # 2 enrichment bar plots but combined using facet_wrap
    d2$set = "r+ / r-"; d3$set = "real / permuted" 
    d_merged <- tibble::tibble(peak_gene.p.raw.class = c(as.character(d2$peak_gene.p.raw.class), 
                               ratio = c(d2$ratio_pos_raw, d3$ratio_real_norm),
                               classAll = c(as.character(d2$class), d3$r_positive),
                               set = c(d2$set, d3$set)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(classAll = factor(classAll, levels=c(paste0("real_",range), paste0("random_",range), "TRUE", "FALSE")),
                      peak_gene.p.raw.class = factor(peak_gene.p.raw.class, levels = levels(d2$peak_gene.p.raw.class)))
    d4 = tibble::tibble(peak_gene.p.raw.class = unique(d$peak_gene.p.raw.class), 
                        n_rpos_real = NA_integer_, n_rpos_random = NA_integer_,
                        n_rneg_real = NA_integer_, n_rneg_random = NA_integer_,
                        ratio_permuted_real_rpos_norm = NA_real_,
                        ratio_permuted_real_rneg_norm = NA_real_)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(d4))) {
        row_d2 = which(d2$class == networkType_details[1] & d2$peak_gene.p.raw.class == d4$peak_gene.p.raw.class[i])
        stopifnot(length(row_d2) == 1)
        d4[i, "n_rpos_real"] = d2[row_d2, "sum_pos"] %>% unlist()
        d4[i, "n_rneg_real"] = d2[row_d2, "sum_neg"] %>% unlist()
        row_d2 = which(d2$class == paste0("random_",range) & d2$peak_gene.p.raw.class == d4$peak_gene.p.raw.class[i])
        d4[i, "n_rpos_random"] = d2[row_d2, "sum_pos"] %>% unlist()
        d4[i, "n_rneg_random"] = d2[row_d2, "sum_neg"] %>% unlist()
        row_d3 = which(d3$r_positive == TRUE & d3$peak_gene.p.raw.class == d4$peak_gene.p.raw.class[i])
        d4[i, "ratio_permuted_real_rpos_norm"] = 1- d3[row_d3, "ratio_real_norm"] %>% unlist()
        row_d3 = which(d3$r_positive == FALSE & d3$peak_gene.p.raw.class == d4$peak_gene.p.raw.class[i])
        d4[i, "ratio_permuted_real_rneg_norm"] = 1- d3[row_d3, "ratio_real_norm"] %>% unlist()
    d4 = d4 %>%
        dplyr::mutate(ratio_rneg_rpos_real = n_rneg_real / (n_rneg_real + n_rpos_real),
                      ratio_rneg_rpos_random = n_rneg_random / (n_rneg_random + n_rpos_random),
                      peak_gene.p.raw.class.bin = as.numeric(peak_gene.p.raw.class)) %>%
    d4_melt = reshape2::melt(d4, id  = c("peak_gene.p.raw.class.bin", "peak_gene.p.raw.class")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(grepl("ratio", variable))
    list(d = d, d2 = d2, d3 = d3, d4 = d4, d4_melt = d4_melt, d_merged = d_merged)

.classFreq_label <- function(tbl_freq) {
    paste0(names(tbl_freq), " (", tbl_freq, ")")
chrarnold/GRaNIE documentation built on April 28, 2022, 2:18 a.m.