
Defines functions normalize_multihit_clusters

Documented in normalize_multihit_clusters

#' Normalize multihit cluster IDs from multiple samples.
#' \code{normalize_multihit_clusters} will normalize multihit clusterIDs across
#' multiple samples so that multihit sites can be identified across time points,
#' cell types, etc.
#' @description As the INSPIIRED pipeline calls multihits, or integration sites
#' that can not be placed in a single location on the reference genome, it
#' assigns multihitID's to the various locations that the integration site may
#' exist. As each replicate is individually analyzed, multihitIDs for each
#' replicate are different, even through they may refer to the same integration
#' site. For this reason, normalize_multihit_clusters uses the previously
#' assigned multihitID and genomic positions to reassign multihitIDs across
#' multiple samples. Input for the function needs to be a GRanges object with a
#' metadata column labeled as "multihitid". Due to the large amount of
#' computation, this function requires the 'parallel' package and the number of
#' cores to run.
#' @usage
#' normalize_multihit_clusters(multihits.gr)
#' normalize_multihit_clusters(multihits.gr, gap = 5L, grouping = NULL, cores = NULL)
#' @param multihits.gr GRanges object with a column named 'multihitid'.
#' @param gap integer designating the range to which consider sites identical.
#' @param grouping Character, name of the column used to assign groups that will
#' not be compared to one another. Such as 'patient'.
#' @param cores integer, the number of cores to use during processing. Data will
#' be split by grouping and each group will be processed on a single core.
#' @examples
#' dfr <- data.frame(
#'   "chr" = c("chr1", "chr2", "chr2", "chr3"),
#'   "position" = c(5379927, 92775920, 2719573, 7195924),
#'   "breakpoint" = c(5380070, 92775995, 2719450, 7195890),
#'   "strand" = c("+", "+", "-", "-"),
#'   "sampleName" = rep("GTSP1234-1", 4),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' gr1 <- granges(db_to_granges(dfr))
#' gr2 <- gr1
#' gr1$multihitid <- c(1, 1, 2, 3)
#' gr2$multihitid <- c(4, 4, 5, 6)
#' gr1$patient <- rep(1, 4)
#' gr2$patient <- rep(2, 4)
#' gr <- c(gr1, gr2)
#' normalize_multihit_clusters(gr)
#' # Group by patient will keep the two samples from being normalized to
#' # eachother
#' normalize_multihit_clusters(gr, grouping = 'patient', cores = 2)
#' @author Christopher Nobles, Ph.D.

normalize_multihit_clusters <- function(multihits.gr, gap = 5L,
                                        grouping = NULL, cores = NULL){

  # Multihits must be standardized and have position clusterID info
  if(!any(names(GenomicRanges::mcols(multihits.gr)) == "pos.clus")){
    multihits.gr$pos.clus <- as.integer(factor(generate_posid(multihits.gr)))

    multihits.gp <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(multihits.gr)
  }else if(grouping %in% names(GenomicRanges::mcols(multihits.gr))){
    groups <- GenomicRanges::mcols(multihits.gr)[
      grep(grouping, names(mcols(multihits.gr)))]
    multihits.gr$groups <- groups[,1]
    multihits.gp <- GenomicRanges::split(multihits.gr, multihits.gr$groups)
    stop("Grouping partitioning failed. Make sure grouping is either NULL or
         refering to the correct column in GRanges object.")

  if(is.null(cores)) cores <- parallel::detectCores()
  cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
    cl = cluster,
    varlist = c("multihits.gp", "gap"),
    envir = environment())

  norm.multi.list <- parallel::parLapply(
    cluster, 1:length(multihits.gp), function(i){
      gr <- multihits.gp[[i]]
      key <- unique(data.frame(
        "multihitid" = as.character(gr$multihitid),
        "clusid" = gr$pos.clus,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

      split.key <- split(key, key$clusid)
      edgelist <- matrix(c(
          values = sapply(split.key, function(x) x$multihitid[1]),
          lengths = sapply(split.key, nrow)
        unlist(sapply(split.key, function(x) x$multihitid))),
        ncol = 2

      graph <- igraph::graph.edgelist(edgelist, directed = FALSE)
      norm.multi.id <- paste(i, igraph::clusters(graph)$membership, sep = ":")
      names(norm.multi.id) <- names(igraph::clusters(graph)$membership)
      key$norm.multihitid <- norm.multi.id[key$multihitid]
      key$clusid <- NULL
      key <- unique(key)

      norm.key <- data.frame(
        row.names = key$multihitid,
        "norm.multihitid" = key$norm.multihitid

      gr$norm.multihitid <- norm.key[as.character(gr$multihitid), "norm.multihitid"]

  parallel::stopCluster(cl = cluster)

  norm.multi.gr <- do.call(c, lapply(1:length(norm.multi.list), function(i)

    norm.multi.gr$groups <- NULL

cnobles/gintools documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 10:36 a.m.