
Defines functions get_genome_in_matrix_path load_cellranger_data

Documented in load_cellranger_data

#' Get a genome from Cell Ranger output
#' @param matrix_path Path to a matrices directory produced by the Cell Ranger pipeline
#' @param genome Genome to specifically check for, otherwise will check for whatever genome(s) exist there
#' @return A string representing the genome found
get_genome_in_matrix_path <- function(matrix_path, genome=NULL) {
  genomes <- dir(matrix_path)
  if (is.null(genome)) {
    if (length(genomes) == 1) {
      genome <- genomes[1]
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("Multiple genomes found; please specify one. \n Genomes present: %s",paste(genomes, collapse=", ")))
  } else if (!(genome %in% genomes)) {
    stop(sprintf("Could not find specified genome: '%s'. Genomes present: %s",
                 genome,paste(genomes, collapse=", ")))

#' Load data from the 10x Genomics Cell Ranger pipeline
#' Loads cellranger data into a CellDataSet object.  Note that if your dataset
#' is from version 3.0 and contains non-Gene-Expression data (e.g. Antibodies or
#' CRISPR features), only the Gene Expression data is returned.
#' @param pipestance_path Path to the output directory produced by Cell Ranger
#' @param genome The desired genome (e.g., 'hg19' or 'mm10')
#' @param barcode_filtered Load only the cell-containing barcodes
#' @param lowerDetectionLimit the minimum expression level that consistitutes true expression (passed to newCellDataSet)
#' @param expressionFamily the VGAM family function to be used for expression response variables (passed to newCellDataSet)
#' @return a new CellDataSet object
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix readMM
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load from a Cell Ranger output directory
#' gene_bc_matrix <- load_cellranger_matrix("/home/user/cellranger_output")
#' }
load_cellranger_data <- function(pipestance_path=NULL, genome=NULL, barcode_filtered=TRUE, lowerDetectionLimit=0.5, expressionFamily=negbinomial.size()) {
  # check for correct directory structure
  if (!dir.exists(pipestance_path))
    stop("Could not find the pipestance path: '", pipestance_path,"'. Please double-check if the directory exists.\n")
  od = file.path(pipestance_path, "outs")
  if (!dir.exists(od))
    stop("Could not find the pipestance output directory: '", file.path(pipestance_path,'outs'),"'. Please double-check if the directory exists.\n")
  v3p = file.path(od, "filtered_feature_bc_matrix")
  v2p = file.path(od, "filtered_gene_bc_matrices")
  v3d = dir.exists(v3p)
  if(barcode_filtered) {
    matrix_dir = ifelse(v3d, v3p, v2p)
  } else {
    matrix_dir = ifelse(v3d, file.path(od, "raw_feature_bc_matrix"), file.path(od, "raw_gene_bc_matrices"))
    stop("Could not find directory: ", matrix_dir)
  if(v3d) {
    features.loc <- file.path(matrix_dir, "features.tsv.gz")
    barcode.loc <- file.path(matrix_dir, "barcodes.tsv.gz")
    matrix.loc <- file.path(matrix_dir, "matrix.mtx.gz")
    summary.loc <- file.path(od, "metrics_summary_csv.csv")
  } else {
    genome = get_genome_in_matrix_path(matrix_dir, genome)
    barcode.loc <- file.path(matrix_dir, genome, "barcodes.tsv")
    features.loc <- file.path(matrix_dir, genome, "genes.tsv")
    matrix.loc <- file.path(matrix_dir, genome, "matrix.mtx")
    summary.loc <- file.path(od, "metrics_summary.csv")
  if (!file.exists(barcode.loc)){
    stop("Barcode file missing")
  if (!file.exists(features.loc)){
    stop("Gene name or features file missing")
  if (!file.exists(matrix.loc)){
    stop("Expression matrix file missing")
  # Not importing for now.
  #if(!file.exists(summary.loc)) {
  #  stop("Metrics summary file missing")
  data <- readMM(matrix.loc)
  feature.names = read.delim(features.loc, 
                             header = FALSE,
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  feature.names$V1 = make.unique(feature.names$V1) # Duplicate row names not allowed
  if(dim(data)[1] != length(feature.names[,1])) {
    stop(sprintf("Mismatch dimension between gene file: \n\t %s\n and matrix file: \n\t %s\n",
  if(v3d) {
    # We will only load GEX data for the relevant genome
    data_types = factor(feature.names$V3)
    allowed = data_types == "Gene Expression"
    if(!is.null(genome)) {
      # If not multigenome, no prefix will be added and we won't filter out the one genome
      gfilter = grepl(genome, feature.names$V1)
      if(any(gfilter)) {
        allowed = allowed & grepl(genome, feature.names$V1)
      } else {
        message("Data does not appear to be from a multi-genome sample, simply returning all gene feature data without filtering by genome.")
    data = data[allowed, ]
    feature.names = feature.names[allowed,1:2]
  colnames(feature.names) = c("id", "gene_short_name")
  rownames(data) = feature.names[,"id"]
  rownames(feature.names) = feature.names[,"id"]
  barcodes <- read.delim(barcode.loc, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=FALSE)
  if (dim(data)[2] != length(barcodes[,1])) {
    stop(sprintf("Mismatch dimension between barcode file: \n\t %s\n and matrix file: \n\t %s\n", barcode.loc,matrix.loc))
  barcodes$V1 = make.unique(barcodes$V1)
  colnames(data) = barcodes[,1]
  pd = data.frame(barcode=barcodes[,1], row.names=barcodes[,1])
  #The expression value matrix \emph{must} have the same number of columns as the \Robject{phenoData} has rows, 
  #and it must have the same number of rows as the \Robject{featureData} data frame has rows. 
  # Row names of the \Robject{phenoData} object should match the column names of the expression matrix. Row names of 
  # the \Robject{featureData} object should match row names of the expression matrix. Also, one of the columns of the 
  #\Robject{featureData} must be named "gene\_short\_name".
  gbm <- newCellDataSet(data,
                            phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", pd), 
                            featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", feature.names),
cole-trapnell-lab/monocle-release documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:50 p.m.