#' Functional enrichment analysis
#' Performs gene ontology and impacted pathway enrichment analysis with a list
#' of gene names and their fold-change.
#' @param gene_file A data frame or the path of a .tsv file containing
#' a list of genes, their fold-change, p-value and adjusted p-value. Column
#' names should be gene, logFC, pval and padj respectively.
#' @param reference_file A data frame containing all the genes that were used
#' as input for differential expression. Column name should be gene.
#' If not provided the human protein-coding genome will be used as background
#' genes.
#' @param organism Organism name. hsapiens for Homo sapiens,
#' mmusculus for Mus musculus
#' @param enrichment_tool Enrichment tool to use. WebGestaltR and
#' enrichR is implemented. Use one or more of the tools.
#' @param enrichment_database Name of the database for enrichment. User can
#' specify one or more database names. Check [scFlow::list_databases()] for
#' available database alias.
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return enrichment_result a list of list containing enrichment outputs from
#' different enrichment tools.
#' @family Impacted pathway analysis
#' @importFrom WebGestaltR listGeneSet
#' @importFrom enrichR listEnrichrDbs
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
find_impacted_pathways <- function(gene_file = NULL,
reference_file = NULL,
organism = c("hsapiens"),
enrichment_tool = c(
"WebGestaltR", "enrichR"
enrichment_database = c(
...) {
fargs <- list()
inargs <- list(...)
fargs[names(inargs)] <- inargs
temp_dbs <- list_databases()
res <- vector("list", length = length(enrichment_tool))
names(res) <- enrichment_tool
if ("enrichR" %in% enrichment_tool) {
cli::cli_h2("Starting enrichment analysis by enrichR")
if( "GSEA" %in% fargs$enrichment_method) {
all(c("padj_threshold", "logFC_threshold") %in% names(fargs)),
msg = "Please provide values for padj_threshold and
logFC_threshold in function call"
cli::cli_h3("Filtering gene_file for significant genes for enrichR")
gene_file <- gene_file %>%
dplyr::filter(padj <= fargs$padj_threshold,
abs(logFC) >= fargs$logFC_threshold)
res[["enrichR"]] <- pathway_analysis_enrichr(
gene_file = gene_file,
enrichment_database = temp_dbs$enrichR %>%
dplyr::filter(db_alias %in% enrichment_database) %>%
dplyr::pull(libraryName) %>%
res$enrichR$metadata$enrichment_database_link <- temp_dbs$enrichR %>%
dplyr::filter(db_alias %in% enrichment_database) %>%
dplyr::pull(link) %>%
names(res$enrichR$metadata$enrichment_database_link) <- tolower(
temp_dbs$enrichR %>%
dplyr::filter(db_alias %in% enrichment_database) %>%
dplyr::pull(db_alias) %>%
if (length(setdiff(names(res$enrichR), "metadata")) == 0) {
res$enrichR$metadata$result <- FALSE
cli::cli_alert_success("enrichR analysis completed")
if ("WebGestaltR" %in% enrichment_tool) {
if (is.null(fargs$enrichment_method)) {
"enrichment_method is not specified.
Specify either {.strong ORA} or {.strong GSEA}.
For details check the help page for pathway_analysis_webgestaltr."
} else {
cli::cli_h2("Starting enrichment analysis by WebGestaltR")
res[["WebGestaltR"]] <- pathway_analysis_webgestaltr(
gene_file = gene_file,
reference_file = reference_file,
organism = organism,
enrichment_method = fargs$enrichment_method,
enrichment_database = temp_dbs$WebGestaltR %>%
dplyr::filter(db_alias %in% enrichment_database) %>%
dplyr::pull(name) %>%
res$WebGestaltR$metadata$enrichment_database_link <-
temp_dbs$WebGestaltR %>%
dplyr::filter(db_alias %in% enrichment_database) %>%
dplyr::pull(link) %>%
names(res$WebGestaltR$metadata$enrichment_database_link) <- tolower(
temp_dbs$WebGestaltR %>%
dplyr::filter(db_alias %in% enrichment_database) %>%
dplyr::pull(db_alias) %>%
if (length(setdiff(names(res$WebGestaltR), "metadata")) == 0) {
res$WebGestaltR$metadata$result <- FALSE
cli::cli_alert_success("WebGestaltR analysis completed")
#' Check available databases and their alias for scFlow
#' @return Returns a list containing available database names and
#' their alias for scFlow
#' @family Impacted pathway analysis
#' @importFrom WebGestaltR listGeneSet
#' @importFrom enrichR listEnrichrDbs
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
list_databases <- function() {
temp_dbs <- list()
temp_dbs[["WebGestaltR"]] <- WebGestaltR::listGeneSet()
temp_dbs$WebGestaltR <- temp_dbs$WebGestaltR %>%
dplyr::filter(name %in% c("geneontology_Biological_Process_noRedundant",
"pathway_Wikipathway")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(db_alias = c("GO_Biological_Process",
link = c(
rep("http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/", 3),
eval(parse(text = "enrichR:::.onAttach()")) # R CMD check workaround
temp_dbs[["enrichR"]] <- enrichR::listEnrichrDbs()
temp_dbs$enrichR <- temp_dbs$enrichR %>%
dplyr::filter(libraryName %in% c("GO_Biological_Process_2021",
"WikiPathway_2021_Human")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(db_alias = c("KEGG",
link = c(
rep("http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/", 3),
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