#' Run function f in environment e
#' @param f a function
#' @param e the environment to run f in
#' @family helper functions
#' @keywords internal
.with_env <- function(f, e = parent.frame()) {
environment(f) <- e
#' Clean ggplot2 env's by generating a ggplot2 grob then converting to a ggplot2
#' Useful to remove large objects before writing to disk with qs or rds
#' @family helper
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplotGrob
#' @importFrom ggpubr as_ggplot
#' @keywords internal
.grobify_ggplot <- function(p) {
if ("ggplot" %in% class(p)) {
p <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(p)
p <- ggpubr::as_ggplot(p)
#' Remove objects from a ggplot plot_env
#' Useful to remove large objects before writing to disk with qs or rds
#' This function was deprecated by p$plot_env <- rlang::new_environment()
#' @family helper
#' @keywords internal
.clean_ggplot_plot_env <- function(p,
drop_classes = c(
)) {
if ("ggplot" %in% class(p)) {
env_classes <- lapply(p$plot_env, class)
drop_idx <- purrr::map_lgl(env_classes, ~ any(drop_classes %in% .))
drop_names <- names(env_classes[drop_idx])
for (drop_name in drop_names) {
p$plot_env[[eval(drop_name)]] <- NULL
p$plot_env$... <- NULL
#' Remove unwanted variables from a quosure environment
#' Useful to remove large objects before writing to disk with qs or rds
#' @family helper
#' @keywords internal
.clean_quosure_env <- function(quo,
drop_vars = c(
)) {
if ("quosure" %in% class(quo)) {
quo_env <- rlang::quo_get_env(quo)
drop_idx <- purrr::map_lgl(names(quo_env), ~ any(drop_vars %in% .))
drop_names <- names(quo_env)[drop_idx]
for (drop_name in drop_names) {
quo_env[[eval(drop_name)]] <- NULL
quo_env$... <- NULL
quo <- rlang::quo_set_env(quo, quo_env)
#' Remove unwanted env variables from ggplot quosures
#' Useful to remove large objects before writing to disk with qs or rds
#' @family helper
#' @keywords internal
.clean_ggplot_quosures <- function(p, ...) {
fargs <- list(...)
if ("ggplot" %in% class(p)) {
# clean mapping quosures
p$mapping <- lapply(p$mapping, .clean_quosure_env)
# clean layer closures
for (layer in seq_along(p$layers)) {
p$layers[[layer]]$mapping <- lapply(
p$layers[[layer]]$mapping, function(x) {
do.call(.clean_quosure_env, c(list(quo = x), fargs))
#' Retrieve a palette of n_colours discrete colours from paletteer
#' Useful to remove large objects before writing to disk with qs or rds
#' @family helper
#' @importFrom paletteer paletteer_d
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @keywords internal
.get_d_palette <- function(pal_name = "ggsci::nrc_npg", n_colours = NULL) {
palette_choice <- paletteer::paletteer_d("ggsci::nrc_npg")
get_palette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(palette_choice)
if (n_colours <= length(palette_choice)) {
pal_values <- palette_choice[1:n_colours]
} else {
pal_values <- get_palette(n_colours)
#' scale_y_continuous(labels=.fancy_scientific)
#' @family helper
#' @keywords internal
.fancy_scientific <- function(l) {
# turn in to character string in scientific notation
l <- format(l, scientific = TRUE)
# prevent 0 x xx
l <- gsub("0e\\+00", "0", l)
# quote the part before the exponent to keep all the digits
l <- gsub("^(.*)e", "'\\1'e", l)
# remove + after exponent, if exists. E.g.: (3x10^+2 -> 3x10^2)
l <- gsub("e\\+", "e", l)
# turn the 'e+' into plotmath format
l <- gsub("e", "%*%10^", l)
# convert 1x10^ or 1.000x10^ -> 10^
l <- gsub("\\'1[\\.0]*\\'\\%\\*\\%", "", l)
# return this as an expression
parse(text = l)
#' Copy of archived uniftest::kolmogorov.unif.test
#' @family helper
#' @keywords internal
.uniftest <- function(x, nrepl = 2000, k = 0) {
DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x))
l <- 0
n <- length(x)
if (k == 1) {
d <- max(c(1:n) / (n + 1) - x)
for (i in 1:nrepl) {
z <- runif(n)
D <- max(c(1:n) / (n + 1) - z)
if (D > d) {
l <- l + 1
if (k == 0) {
d <- max(abs(c(1:n) / (n + 1) - x))
for (i in 1:nrepl) {
z <- runif(n)
D <- max(abs(c(1:n) / (n + 1) - z))
if (D > d) {
l <- l + 1
if (k == -1) {
d <- max(x - c(1:n) / (n + 1))
for (i in 1:nrepl) {
z <- runif(n)
D <- max(z - c(1:n) / (n + 1))
if (D > d) {
l <- l + 1
p.value <- l / nrepl
RVAL <- list(
statistic = c(D = d), p.value = p.value, method = "Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for uniformity",
data.name = DNAME
class(RVAL) <- "htest"
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