runSoupX: Detecting and correct contamination with SoupX

View source: R/runSoupX.R

runSoupXR Documentation

Detecting and correct contamination with SoupX


A wrapper function for autoEstCont and adjustCounts. Identify potential contamination from experimental factors such as ambient RNA. Visit their vignette for better understanding.


  sample = NULL,
  useAssay = "counts",
  background = NULL,
  bgAssayName = NULL,
  bgBatch = NULL,
  assayName = ifelse(is.null(background), "SoupX", "SoupX_bg"),
  cluster = NULL,
  reducedDimName = ifelse(is.null(background), "SoupX_UMAP_", "SoupX_bg_UMAP_"),
  tfidfMin = 1,
  soupQuantile = 0.9,
  maxMarkers = 100,
  contaminationRange = c(0.01, 0.8),
  rhoMaxFDR = 0.2,
  priorRho = 0.05,
  priorRhoStdDev = 0.1,
  forceAccept = FALSE,
  adjustMethod = c("subtraction", "soupOnly", "multinomial"),
  roundToInt = FALSE,
  tol = 0.001,
  pCut = 0.01



A SingleCellExperiment object.


A single character specifying a name that can be found in colData(inSCE) to directly use the cell annotation; or a character vector with as many elements as cells to indicates which sample each cell belongs to. SoupX will be run on cells from each sample separately. Default NULL.


A single character string specifying which assay in inSCE to use. Default 'counts'.


A numeric matrix of counts or a SingleCellExperiment object with the matrix in assay slot. It should have the same structure as inSCE except it contains the matrix including empty droplets. Default NULL.


A single character string specifying which assay in background to use when background is a SingleCellExperiment object. If NULL, the function will use the same value as useAssay. Default NULL.


The same thing as sample but for background. Can be a single character only when background is a SingleCellExperiment object. Default NULL.


A single character string of the output corrected matrix. Default "SoupX" when not using a background, otherwise, "SoupX_bg".


Prior knowledge of clustering labels on cells. A single character string for specifying clustering label stored in colData(inSCE), or a character vector with as many elements as cells. When not supplied, quickCluster method will be applied.


A single character string of the prefix of output corrected embedding matrix for each sample. Default "SoupX_UMAP_" when not using a background, otherwise, "SoupX_bg_UMAP_".


Numeric. Minimum value of tfidf to accept for a marker gene. Default 1. See ?SoupX::autoEstCont.


Numeric. Only use genes that are at or above this expression quantile in the soup. This prevents inaccurate estimates due to using genes with poorly constrained contribution to the background. Default 0.9. See ?SoupX::autoEstCont.


Integer. If we have heaps of good markers, keep only the best maxMarkers of them. Default 100. See ?SoupX::autoEstCont.


Numeric vector of two elements. This constrains the contamination fraction to lie within this range. Must be between 0 and 1. The high end of this range is passed to estimateNonExpressingCells as maximumContamination. Default c(0.01, 0.8). See ?SoupX::autoEstCont.


Numeric. False discovery rate passed to estimateNonExpressingCells, to test if rho is less than maximumContamination. Default 0.2. See ?SoupX::autoEstCont.


Numeric. Mode of gamma distribution prior on contamination fraction. Default 0.05. See ?SoupX::autoEstCont.


Numeric. Standard deviation of gamma distribution prior on contamination fraction. Default 0.1. See ?SoupX::autoEstCont.


Logical. Should we allow very high contamination fractions to be used. Passed to setContaminationFraction. Default FALSE. See ?SoupX::autoEstCont.


Character. Method to use for correction. One of 'subtraction', 'soupOnly', or 'multinomial'. Default 'subtraction'. See ?SoupX::adjustCounts.


Logical. Should the resulting matrix be rounded to integers? Default FALSE. See ?SoupX::adjustCounts.


Numeric. Allowed deviation from expected number of soup counts. Don't change this. Default 0.001. See ?SoupX::adjustCounts.


Numeric. The p-value cut-off used when method = 'soupOnly'. Default 0.01. See ?SoupX::adjustCounts.


The input inSCE object with soupX_nUMIs, soupX_clustrers, soupX_contamination appended to colData slot; soupX_{sample}_est and soupX_{sample}_counts for each sample appended to rowData slot; and other computational metrics at getSoupX(inSCE). Replace "soupX" to "soupX_bg" when background is used.


Yichen Wang

See Also



## Not run: 
# SoupX does not work for toy example,
sce <- importExampleData("pbmc3k")
sce <- runSoupX(sce, sample = "sample")
plotSoupXResults(sce, sample = "sample")

## End(Not run)

compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 2:43 p.m.