
Defines functions bin_interactions note

Documented in bin_interactions


#Save first....



#' @importFrom cowplot plot_grid
#' @import data.table R2BGLiMS gamlss gamlss.tr gamlss.dist ggplot2
#Import for R2BGLiMS: Error in path.package("R2BGLiMS") : none of the packages are loaded

note = function(logfile=NA,logtime=T,...){
  if(logtime==TRUE){time=paste0(format(Sys.time(),"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%OS"),"\n")}else{time=""}
  msg = paste0(...,"\n"); cat(paste0(time,msg))

### BIN.start

#' Bins putative interactions by distance
#' Places putative interactions into equally-sized bins based on the distances they span.
#' @param interactions Data table containing putative interactions. Columns called baitID, preyID, N, storing the bait fragment ID, prey fragment ID and readcount, respectively.
#' @param fragments Data table containing fragment information. Columns called chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, ID, storing the chromosome, starting coordinate, ending coordinate and ID of a fragment, respectively.
#' @param bins Number of bins to place the interactions into.
#' @param min_dist Minimum distance interactions must span to be included in the analysis. Distance is defined between fragment midpoints.
#' @param max_dist Maximum distance interactions can span to be included in the analysis. Distance is defined between fragment midpoints.
#' @param log_file Path to a log file.
#' @return List containing the binned interactions ($interactions) and an overview of bins ($bins).
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' interactions = data.table::fread(interactions_file)
#' fragments = data.table::fread(fragments_file)
#' \dontrun{BI = bin_interactions(interactions, fragments, bins=5)}
#' print(BI)
#' @export

bin_interactions = function(interactions, fragments, bins=5, min_dist=2.5e3, max_dist=Inf, log_file=NA){
  D = interactions; rm(interactions)
  L = log_file; rm(log_file)

  if(ncol(D)<3 | all.equal(colnames(D)[1:3],c("baitID","preyID","N"))!=TRUE){note(L,T,"First three columns of interactions file should be named: baitID preyID N"); stop()}
  if(ncol(fragments)<4 | !(all(colnames(fragments)[1:4]==c("chrom","chromStart","chromEnd","ID")) | all(colnames(fragments)[1:4]==c("chr","start","end","ID"))) ){ #So we get a pass after setnames() from the first call, and can continue to use e.g. b.chr shorthand.
        note(L,T,"First four columns of fragments file should be named: chrom chromStart chromEnd ID"); stop()


  note(L,T,"Calculating fragment characteristics...")
  fragments = fragments[,.(chr, mid=round((end+start)/2), length=end-start, ID)]

  note(L,T,"Adding fragment characteristics for baits...")
  D = merge(D,fragments[fragments$ID %in% D$baitID],by.x="baitID",by.y="ID",all.x=TRUE)
  setnames(D,paste0(ifelse(names(D) %in% names(fragments),"b.",""),names(D)))

  note(L,T,"Adding fragment characteristics for preys...")
  D = merge(D,fragments[fragments$ID %in% D$preyID],by.x="preyID",by.y="ID",all.x=TRUE)
  setnames(D,paste0(ifelse(names(D) %in% names(fragments),"p.",""),names(D)))
  #Ditch all trans here?

  note(L,T,"Calculating interaction distances...")
  D[b.chr==p.chr,dist:=(p.mid-b.mid)] #this changes the number of rows somehow, with is for the whole dataset apparently, not the subset

  note(L,T,"Calculating total trans-chromosomal read counts for each bait...")
  trans = D[,.(b.trans=sum((b.chr!=p.chr)*N)),by=.(baitID, b.chr)]

  note(L,T,"Modelling those as a function of bait chromosome...")
    note(L,T,"All baits actually appear to be on the same chromosome, reverting to an intercept only model...")
    trans_model = gamlss(b.trans ~ 1, data=trans, family=gamlss.dist::NBI)
    trans_model = gamlss(b.trans ~ as.factor(b.chr), data=trans, family=gamlss.dist::NBI)
  D = merge(D,trans[,.(baitID, b.trans, b.trans_res)],by="baitID",all.x=TRUE)

  note(L,T,"Adding trans-chromosomal interactivity covariate for preys that were also baited (0 for preys not baited)...")
  D[,p.trans_res:=b.trans_res[match(preyID,baitID)]][is.na(p.trans_res), p.trans_res:=0]
  note(L, T, "Excluding ", D[, sum(abs(dist) < min_dist, na.rm = TRUE)]," interactions that are too proximal (distance < ", min_dist, " bp)...")
  D = D[is.na(dist) | abs(dist) >= min_dist]
  note(L, T, "Excluding ", D[, sum(abs(dist) > max_dist, na.rm = TRUE)]," interactions that are too distal (distance > ", max_dist, " bp)...")
  D = D[is.na(dist) | abs(dist) <= max_dist]
  note(L,T,"Assigning ",bins," distance bins...")
  D[p.chr==b.chr, dist.bin:=as.factor(as.integer(cut_number(D[p.chr==b.chr,abs(dist)],n=bins)))]

  overview = D[,.(dist.abs.min=min(abs(dist)),dist.abs.max=max(abs(dist)),interactions=.N),by=dist.bin][order(dist.abs.min),]


#' Wrapper for bin_interactions() that interacts with the filesystem
#' Places putative interactions into equally-sized bins based on the distances they span, and stores these on disk.
#' @param interactions_file Path to (tsv or csv) file containing putative interactions. Its first line must state the columns names: baitID, preyID, N. Subsequent lines report one putative interaction each: a bait fragment ID, prey fragment ID and readcount.
#' @param fragments_file Path to (bed) file containing fragment information. Its first line must state the column names: chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, ID. Each subsequent line reports the chromosome, starting coordinate, ending coordinate and ID of a fragment.
#' @param output_dir Directory where the generated bins will be stored. Will be created if it does not exist.
#' @param min_dist Minimum distance interactions must span to be included in the analysis. Distance is defined between fragment midpoints.
#' @param max_dist Maximum distance interactions can span to be included in the analysis. Distance is defined between fragment midpoints.
#' @param bins Number of bins to place the interactions into.
#' @return List containing the output directory and an overview of bins.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' bins_dir = paste0(base,"/bins")
#' \dontrun{
#' BI = bin_interactions_fs(interactions_file, fragments_file, output_dir=bins_dir)
#' print(BI)
#' }
#' @export

bin_interactions_fs  = function(interactions_file, fragments_file, output_dir, min_dist=2.5e3, max_dist=Inf, bins=5){
  L = paste0(output_dir,"/log_bins.txt")

  note(L,T, "Reading interactions from ",interactions_file)
  D = fread(interactions_file)

  note(L,T, "Reading fragment information from ",fragments_file)
  fragments = fread(fragments_file)

  BI = bin_interactions(D, fragments, bins, min_dist, max_dist, L)

  save_bin = function(Dbin,output_dir,bins){
    filename = paste0(output_dir,"/bin_",as.character(Dbin$dist.bin)[1],".rds")
    saveRDS(Dbin, file=filename)

  note(L,T,"Saving binned interactions:")
  by(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin, FUN=save_bin, output_dir=output_dir, bins=bins) #Extra 'custom' columns from the input file are saved as well.

  note(L,T,"Saving bin details to ",output_dir,"/bins.txt")
  fwrite(BI$bins,file=paste0(output_dir,"/bins.txt"),sep=" ",na=0)

  return(list(output_dir=output_dir, interactions=BI$interactions, bins=BI$bins))

### BIN.end

### FIT.start
#' Obtain readcounts adjusted for several forms of technical and biological background noise
#' Parametrizes a negative binomial null model for the readcounts in a given distance bin. Covariates are the distance between an interaction's bait and prey fragments, their lengths, and transchromosomal bait activity. Randomized quantile residuals computed from this model are taken as noise-adjusted readcounts.
#' @param bin Data table containing putative interactions in the same distance bin.
#' @param subsample_size Number of interactions based on which the null-model is parametrized. By default, all are used.
#' @param gamlss_cycles GAMLSS maximum number of cycles for convergence (see gamlss::gamlss.control).
#' @param gamlss_crit GAMLSS convergence criterion (see gamlss::gamlss.control).
#' @param formula_add Additional covariates for the default model formula. To add covariates A and B when modelling counts, supply "A + B".
#' @param formula_replace Replaces the default model formula entirely. Suppled in the form "N ~ A + B". Takes precedence over formula_add.
#' @param log_file Path to a log file.
#' @return List containing the fitted null model ($fit) and the adjusted readcounts ($residuals).
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' bins_dir = paste0(base,"/bins")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' interactions = data.table::fread(interactions_file)
#' fragments = data.table::fread(fragments_file)
#' \dontrun{
#' BI = bin_interactions(interactions, fragments, bins=5)
#' BM = model_bin(BI$interactions[dist.bin==2,])
#' print(BM)
#' plot(BM$fit)
#' }
#' @export

model_bin = function(bin, subsample_size=NA, gamlss_cycles=200, gamlss_crit=0.1, formula_add=NA, formula_replace=NA, log_file=NA){
  gamlss.tr::gen.trun(0,family="NBI",type="left",name=".0tr") #THIS HAS TO BE IN THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT, CANNOT BE WITHIN THE FIT FUNCTION!
  NBI.0tr <<- gamlss.tr::trun(0,family="NBI",type="left",name=".0tr", local=FALSE) #Just local == FALSE is not enough to make it global. Just locals (which gen.trun generates in in peaky:::) somehow aren't enough although all of these are referenced explcitly with peaky::: below

  L = log_file; rm(log_file)

    note(L,T,"No subsampling size provided, using all ",subsample_size," interactions for the null model regression...")
    note(L,T,"Subsampling ",subsample_size,"/",nrow(bin)," interactions for the null model regression...")
  subset = sample(1:nrow(bin),subsample_size)

  note(L,T,"Fitting with a maximum of ",gamlss_cycles," iterations...")
  control = gamlss.control(c.crit=gamlss_crit, n.cyc=gamlss_cycles)

  fit_formula <- "N ~ log(abs(dist)) + b.trans_res  + p.trans_res + sqrt(b.length) + sqrt(p.length)"
    fit_formula = formula_replace
  }else if(!is.na(formula_add)){ #null check also fine, this is just for consistency
    fit_formula = paste(fit_formula,formula_add,sep=" + ")  
  note(L,F,"Using formula:\n",fit_formula)
  fit = gamlss(as.formula(fit_formula), data=bin[subset,], 
               family=NBI.0tr, sigma.formula = ~log(abs(dist)), control=control)

    note(L,T,"Converged: ",ifelse(fit$converged,"YES","NO"),"\nIterations: ",fit$iter,"\n\nCoefficients:")

    note(L,T,"Obtaining normalized randomized quantile residuals for the full dataset...")
    residuals_all = gamlss:::rqres(pfun="pNBI.0tr", type="Discrete", ymin=1,
    return(list(fit=fit, residuals=residuals_all))
    note(L,T,"No fit object obtained.")

#' Wrapper for model_bin() that interacts with the filesystem
#' Parametrizes a negative binomial null model for the readcounts in a given distance bin. Covariates are the distance between an interaction's bait and prey fragments, their lengths, and transchromosomal bait activity. Randomized quantile residuals computed from this model are taken as noise-adjusted readcounts and stored on disk.
#' @param bins_dir Directory containing putative interactions that are binned by distance.
#' @param bin_index Index of the bin to be processed.
#' @param output_dir Directory where the parametrized model and adjusted readcounts will be stored. Will be created if it does not exist.
#' @param subsample_size Number of interactions based on which the null-model is parametrized. By default, all are used.
#' @param gamlss_cycles GAMLSS maximum number of cycles for convergence (see gamlss::gamlss.control).
#' @param gamlss_crit GAMLSS convergence criterion (see gamlss::gamlss.control).
#' @param formula_add Additional covariates for the default model formula. To add covariates A and B when modelling counts, supply "A + B".
#' @param formula_replace Replaces the default model formula entirely. Suppled in the form "N ~ A + B". Takes precedence over formula_add.
#' @return List containing the path to the output directory, the null model, and the adjusted read counts.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' bins_dir = paste0(base,"/bins")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' \dontrun{bin_interactions_fs(interactions_file, fragments_file, output_dir=bins_dir)}
#' fits_dir = paste0(base,"/fits")
#' for(bin_index in 1:8){
#'   \dontrun{model_bin_fs(bins_dir,bin_index,output_dir=fits_dir)}
#' }
#' @export

model_bin_fs = function(bins_dir,bin_index,output_dir,subsample_size=NA,gamlss_cycles=200,gamlss_crit=0.1,formula_add=NA,formula_replace=NA){
  L = paste0(output_dir,"/log_fit_",bin_index,".txt")

  output_path_fit = paste0(output_dir,"/fit_",b,".rds")
  output_path_residuals = paste0(output_dir,"/residuals_",b,".rds")

  bin_path = paste0(bins_dir,"/bin_",b,".rds")
  note(L,F,"Loading bin from ",bin_path)
  bin = readRDS(bin_path)

  BM = model_bin(bin, subsample_size=subsample_size, gamlss_cycles=gamlss_cycles, gamlss_crit=gamlss_crit, formula_add=formula_add, formula_replace=formula_replace, log_file=L)

    note(L,F,"Saving fit to ",output_path_fit,"...")
    saveRDS(BM$fit, output_path_fit)

    note(L,T,"Saving all residuals to ",output_path_residuals,"...")
    saveRDS(BM$residuals, output_path_residuals)

  return(list(output_dir=output_dir, fit=BM$fit, residuals=BM$residuals))

### FIT.end

### SPLIT_BAITS.start
#' Regroups putative interactions by bait and calculates p-values under the negative binomial model
#' Merges bin-wise data, calculates the p-values for putative interactions under the negative binomial model. Regroups putative interactions by bait rather than by distance bin.
#' @param bins List of data tables containing putative interactions that are binned by distance.
#' @param residuals List containing residuals (adjusted read counts) for each bin (matching the interaction order).
#' @param log_file Path to a log file.
#' @return Data table with p-values, residuals and putative interaction attributes that can be sorted or split by bait ID.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' interactions = data.table::fread(interactions_file)
#' fragments = data.table::fread(fragments_file)
#' BI = bin_interactions(interactions, fragments, bins=5)
#' models = by(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin, model_bin, subsample_size=1000)
#' residuals = lapply(models, "[[", "residuals")
#' bins = split(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin)
#' split_baits(bins, residuals)
#' @export

split_baits = function(bins, residuals, log_file=NA){
  bins = rbindlist(bins)
  L = log_file; rm(log_file)

  pvalues = function(residuals_set) {
    p.res = pnorm(abs(residuals_set),lower.tail=FALSE) * 2
    fdr.res = p.adjust(p.res,method="fdr")
    p.res.onesided = pnorm(residuals_set,lower.tail=FALSE)
    fdr.res.onesided = p.adjust(p.res.onesided,method="fdr")

  note(L,T,"Calculating p-values and performing bin-wise FDR-adjustments...")
  ps = rbindlist(lapply(residuals,pvalues))

  residuals = unlist(residuals)
  D = cbind(bins,residual=residuals,ps)


#' Wrapper for split_baits() that interacts with the filesystem
#' Calculates p-values under the negative binomial model. Subsequently regroups putative interactions by bait, rather than by distance, to prepare them for parallel RJMCMC processing. Generates a separate file for each bait. Paths are stored in baitlist.txt, which serves as a to-do list for peaky().
#' @param bins_dir Directory containing putative interactions that are binned by distance.
#' @param residuals_dir Directory where the adjusted read counts from each distance bin are stored.
#' @param output_dir Directory where all putative interactive will be stored, one file per bait. Will be created if it does not exist.
#' @param indices Indices of distance bins whose baits are processed. These must all have had null models fitted.
#' @param plots Whether adjusted readcounts are to be plotted aganst distance and stored for each bait.
#' @return The output directory.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' bins_dir = paste0(base,"/bins")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' bin_interactions_fs(interactions_file, fragments_file, output_dir=bins_dir)
#' fits_dir = paste0(base,"/fits")
#' for(bin_index in 1:5){
#'   \dontrun{model_bin_fs(bins_dir,bin_index,output_dir=fits_dir,subsample_size=1000)}
#' }
#' baits_dir = paste0(base,"/baits")
#' \dontrun{split_baits_fs(bins_dir,residuals_dir = fits_dir, indices=1:5, output_dir = baits_dir)}
#' @export

split_baits_fs = function(bins_dir, residuals_dir, indices, output_dir, plots=TRUE){
  L = paste0(output_dir,"/log_split.txt")
  write("SPLITTING BAITS\n",file=L,append=FALSE,sep="")

  bin_files = paste0(bins_dir,"/bin_",indices,".rds")
  residual_files = paste0(residuals_dir,"/residuals_",indices,".rds")

  note(L,T,"Loading bins..."); note(L,F,bin_files)
  bins = lapply(bin_files,readRDS)
  #bins = rbindlist(bins)

  note(L,T,"Loading residuals..."); note(L,F,residual_files)
  residuals = lapply(residual_files,readRDS)
  #residuals = unlist(residuals)

  D = split_baits(bins, residuals, log_file=L)

  save_bait = function(baitset,output_dir){
    filename = paste0(output_dir,"/bait_",as.character(baitset$baitID)[1],".rds")
    saveRDS(baitset, file=filename)

  plot_bait = function(baitset, output_dir){
    filename = paste0(output_dir,"/bait_",as.character(baitset$baitID)[1],".pdf")
    plot = ggplot(data=baitset,aes(x=dist, y=residual)) +
      geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="grey") + geom_vline(xintercept=0, color="steelblue") +
      geom_point() +
      xlab("Distance from bait (bp)") + ylab("Residuals") + ggtitle(paste0("Bait ",as.character(baitset$baitID)[1]))
    ggsave(plot, filename = filename,width=10,height=4)

  note(L,T,"Saving baits...")
  by(D,as.factor(D$baitID), FUN = save_bait, output_dir=output_dir)

  bait_paths = paste0(output_dir,"/bait_",unique(D$baitID),".rds")

    note(L,T,"Plotting baits...")
    by(D,as.factor(D$baitID), FUN = plot_bait, output_dir=output_dir)



### RJMCMC.start
#' Obtains peak locations and heights based on adjusted readcounts
#' Fits additive models of peaks of varying strengths in various locations to the adjusted readcounts via RJMCMC, and stores these models on disk.
#' @param bait Data table containing the putative interactions of a bait, having the columns 'baitID', 'dist', and 'residual'. These report the bait ID, its distance to putative preys, and the adjusted readcounts for its interactions with them, respectively.
#' @param omega_power Expected decay of adjusted read counts around a truly interacting prey. See details.
#' @param iterations Number of models to parametrize. Greated numbers should lead to increased reproducibility.
#' @param log_file Path to a log file.
#' @return The output directory.
#' @section Details:
#' The steepness of the function to be fitted to putative peaks is determined by \eqn{\omega} according to \eqn{\beta} exp(-\eqn{|\omega * d|}), where \eqn{\beta} represents peak height and \eqn{d} the distance from the center of the peak in bp.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' interactions = data.table::fread(interactions_file)
#' fragments = data.table::fread(fragments_file)
#' \dontrun{
#' BI = bin_interactions(interactions, fragments, bins=5)
#' models = by(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin, model_bin, subsample_size=1000)
#' residuals = lapply(models, "[[", "residuals")
#' bins = split(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin)
#' BTS = split_baits(bins, residuals)
#' peaky(BTS[baitID==618421], omega_power=-4.7, iterations=10e3)
#' }
#' @export

peaky = function(bait, omega_power, iterations=1e6, min_interactions=20, log_file=NA){
  L=log_file; rm(log_file)
  P=bait; rm(bait)

    stop("Column names ought to include baitID, dist and residual")
  }else if(!(nrow(P)>=min_interactions)){
    stop("Minimum number of putative interactions (i.e. peak locations) not present.")

  P = P[order(P$dist),]
  genome = P$dist
  signal = P$residual
  baitID = unique(P$baitID)

  note(L,T,"Constructing distance matrix with omega=10^", omega_power,"...")

  omega = 10^omega_power

  dist_exp = function(offset, strength, omega){strength * exp(-(abs(offset*omega)))}

  distance_matrix = mapply(function(position, strength, genome, omega){dist_exp(genome-position, strength=strength, omega=omega)},
                           position=genome, strength=1,
                           MoreArgs=list(genome=genome, omega=omega),

  extra.arguments <- list(
    "AlphaPriorMu" = 0,
    "AlphaPriorSd" = 0,
    "Alpha_Initial_Value" = 0,
    "GaussianResidual_Initial_Value" = 1,
    "GaussianResidualPrior_UnifArg1" = 0.99,
    "GaussianResidualPrior_UnifArg2" = 1.01,
    "GaussianResidualPriorFamily" = 1,
    "Add_Move_Probability"= 0.1,
    "Delete_Move_Probability" = 0.1,
    "Swap_Move_Probability" = 0.01

  model.space.prior=list(list("a"=1, "b"=length(unique(P$preyID)), "Variables"=paste0("P",1:length(genome))))

  colnames(data) = c(paste0("P",1:length(genome)),"S")
  results = R2BGLiMS(
    model.space.priors = model.space.prior,
    extra.arguments = extra.arguments,


#' Wrapper for peaky() that interacts with the filesystem
#' Fits additive models of peaks of varying strengths in various locations to the adjusted readcounts via RJMCMC, and stores these models on disk.
#' @param baitlist Path to the list of baits to be processed.
#' @param index Which bait on the list to process, with 1 corresponding to the first one on the list.
#' @param output_dir Directory where all RJMCMC results will be stored. Will be created if it does not exist.
#' @param omega_power Expected decay of adjusted read counts around a truly interacting prey. See details.
#' @param min_interactions Minimum requirement for the number of prey fragments (and thus counts) associated with a bait, baits with fewer are skipped.
#' @param iterations Number of models to parametrize. Greated numbers should lead to increased reproducibility.
#' @return List containing the model output directory and the models themselves.
#' @section Details:
#' The steepness of the function to be fitted to putative peaks is determined by \eqn{\omega} according to \eqn{\beta} exp(-\eqn{|\omega * d|}), where \eqn{\beta} represents peak height and \eqn{d} the distance from the center of the peak in bp.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' bins_dir = paste0(base,"/bins")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' bin_interactions_fs(interactions_file, fragments_file, output_dir=bins_dir)
#' fits_dir = paste0(base,"/fits")
#'' \dontrun{
#' for(bin_index in 1:5){
#'   model_bin_fs(bins_dir,bin_index,output_dir=fits_dir,subsample_size=1000)
#' }
#' baits_dir = paste0(base,"/baits")
#' split_baits_fs(bins_dir,residuals_dir = fits_dir, indices=1:5, output_dir = baits_dir)
#' baitlist = paste0(baits_dir,"/baitlist.txt")
#' rjmcmc_dir = paste0(base,"/rjmcmc")
#' omega_power = -4.7
#' for(i in 1:3){
#'  peaky_fs(baitlist,i,output_dir=rjmcmc_dir,omega_power=omega_power)
#' }
#' }
#' @export

peaky_fs = function(baitlist, index, output_dir, omega_power, iterations=1e6, min_interactions=20){
  bait_path = scan(file=baitlist,what="character",skip=index-1,nline=1,sep="\n")
  P = readRDS(file=bait_path)
  baitID = unique(P$baitID)

  L = paste0(output_dir,"/log_rjmcmc_",baitID,".txt")

  note(L,T,"Loaded bait ",baitID," from path: ",bait_path,"...")

  PKY = peaky(bait=P, omega_power=omega_power, iterations=iterations, min_interactions=min_interactions, log_file=L)

  results_path = paste0(output_dir,"/rjmcmc_",baitID,".rds")
  note(L,T,"Saving RJMCMC results to ",results_path)

### RJMCMC.end


mppi = function(thin,zero_min,zero_max,given_present=FALSE){
  condition = thin<zero_min | thin>zero_max
    mppi = colMeans(condition)
    present = abs(thin)>1e-5
    mppi = colSums(condition & present) / colSums(present)

#' Create a list of peaky model files
#' Reports and lists files that contain peaky models in preparation for their interpretation with interpret_peaky_fs()
#' @param Path to a folder containing the results produced by peaky_fs()
#' @return List containing the path to a report of all results found ($filename), and the paths to the results themselves ($rjmcmc_paths).
#' @export

rjmcmc_list = function(rjmcmc_dir, filename=NULL){
  note(NA,T,"Looking for RJMCMC results in ",rjmcmc_dir)
  rjmcmc_dir_files = list.files(rjmcmc_dir)
  note(NA,F,"Found ",length(rjmcmc_dir_files)," files in total.")
  rjmcmc_files = sort(rjmcmc_dir_files[grepl("^rjmcmc_.*rds$",rjmcmc_dir_files)])
  rjmcmc_paths = paste0(rjmcmc_dir,"/",rjmcmc_files)
  note(NA,F,"Found ",length(rjmcmc_files)," files containing RJMCMC results.")
  return(list(filename=filename, rjmcmc_paths=rjmcmc_paths))

#' Interprets models fitted with peaky
#' Extracts the marginal posterior probabilities of contact and other relevant statistics from the RJMCMC results and merges these with bait-associated information.
#' @param bait Data table containing the putative interactions of a bait, having the columns 'baitID', 'dist', and 'residual'. These report the bait ID, its distance to putative preys, and the adjusted readcounts for its interactions with them, respectively.
#' @param peaks The models fitted by peaky.
#' @param omega_power The same value as used when running peaky, i.e. the expected decay of adjusted read counts around a truly interacting prey. See details.
#' @return A data table containing bait-associated information, posterior probabilities of contact and other statistics.
#' @section Details:
#' The steepness of the function to be fitted to putative peaks is determined by \eqn{\omega} according to \eqn{\beta \exp{- \abs{\omega * d}}}, where \eqn{\beta} represents peak height and \eqn{d} the distance from the center of the peak in bp.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' interactions = data.table::fread(interactions_file)
#' fragments = data.table::fread(fragments_file)
#' \dontrun{
#' BI = bin_interactions(interactions, fragments, bins=5)
#' models = by(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin, model_bin, subsample_size=1000)
#' residuals = lapply(models, "[[", "residuals")
#' bins = split(BI$interactions, BI$interactions$dist.bin)
#' BTS = split_baits(bins, residuals)
#' relevant_bait = BTS[baitID==618421]
#' omega_power=4.7
#' PKS = peaky(relevant_bait, omega_power, iterations=1e6)
#' interpret_peaky(relevant_bait, PKS, omega_power)
#' }
#' @export

interpret_peaky = function(bait, peaks, omega_power, log_file=NA){
  L = log_file; rm(log_file)
  D = bait; rm(bait)
  rjmcmc = peaks; rm(peaks)


  thin = as.matrix(rjmcmc@mcmc.output)
  loci = grep("^P[0-9]+$",colnames(thin),value=TRUE)
  thin = thin[,loci]

  ### ALPHAS

  note(L,T,"Calculating alphas...")
  alphas = rjmcmc@mcmc.output[,"alpha"]; rm(rjmcmc)


  note(L,T,"Calculating posteriors...")
  pars = data.table(zero_min=c(-zero,-Inf, -Inf, -zero, -zero),
                    zero_max=c(zero, zero, zero, Inf, Inf),
  posteriors = mapply(mppi,list(thin),pars$zero_min, pars$zero_max, pars$present)
  colnames(posteriors) = c("mppi","mppi_pos","mppi_pos_present","mppi_neg","mppi_neg_present")

  ### BETAS

  note(L,T,"Calculating betas means and medians...")

  b_mean = colMeans(thin); thin = data.table(thin)
  b_mean_present = as.numeric(thin[,lapply(.SD,function(col){mean(col[col>abs(1e-5)])})])
  b_median = as.numeric(thin[,lapply(.SD,median)])
  b_median_present = as.numeric(thin[,lapply(.SD,function(col){median(col[col>abs(1e-5)])})])


  genome = D$dist

  note(L,T,"Constructing distance matrix with omega=10^", omega_power,"...")

  omega = 10^omega_power

  dist_exp = function(offset, strength, omega){strength * exp(-(abs(offset*omega)))}

  distance_matrix = mapply(function(position, strength, genome, omega){dist_exp(genome-position, strength=strength, omega=omega)},
                           position=genome, strength=1,
                           MoreArgs=list(genome=genome, omega=omega),

  note(L,F,"Finding RJMCMC predictions based on mean betas...")
  predicted = distance_matrix%*%b_mean
  predicted_present = distance_matrix%*%as.numeric(b_mean_present)

  note(L,T,"Wrapping up...")

  res = data.table(posteriors,
                   b_mean, b_mean_present, b_median, b_median_present,
                   predicted=predicted, predicted_present=predicted_present)
  colnames(res) = c("rjmcmc","rjmcmc_pos","rjmcmc_pos_present","rjmcmc_neg","rjmcmc_neg_present",
  #res = merge(res,modules,by="pos",all.x=TRUE)
  res = res[order(as.numeric(gsub("P","",pos))),]
  D = cbind(D,res)


#' Wrapper for interpret_peaky() that interacts with the filesystem
#' Extracts the marginal posterior probabilities of contact and other relevant statistics from the RJMCMC results and merges these with bait-associated information.
#' @param rjmcmclist Path to the list of RJMCMC results to be interpreted.
#' @param index Which RJMCMC result on the list to process, with 1 corresponding to the first one on the list.
#' @param output_dir Directory where the merged RJMCMC results and bait information will be stored, one file per bait. Will be created if it does not exist.
#' @param omega_power The same value as used when running peaky, i.e. the expected decay of adjusted read counts around a truly interacting prey. See details.
#' @return The output directory.
#' @section Details:
#' The steepness of the function to be fitted to putative peaks is determined by \eqn{\omega} according to \eqn{\beta \exp{- \abs{\omega * d}}}, where \eqn{\beta} represents peak height and \eqn{d} the distance from the center of the peak in bp.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' interactions_file = paste0(base,"/counts.tsv")
#' bins_dir = paste0(base,"/bins")
#' fragments_file = paste0(base,"/fragments.bed")
#' \dontrun{
#' bin_interactions_fs(interactions_file, fragments_file, output_dir=bins_dir)
#' fits_dir = paste0(base,"/fits")
#' for(bin_index in 1:5){
#'   model_bin_fs(bins_dir,bin_index,output_dir=fits_dir,subsample_size=1000)
#' }
#' baits_dir = paste0(base,"/baits")
#' split_baits_fs(bins_dir,residuals_dir = fits_dir, indices=1:5, output_dir = baits_dir)
#' baitlist = paste0(baits_dir,"/baitlist.txt")
#' rjmcmc_dir = paste0(base,"/rjmcmc")
#' omega_power = 4.7

#' for(i in 1:3){
#'  peaky_fs(baitlist,i,output_dir=rjmcmc_dir,omega_power=omega_power)
#' }
#' rjmcmc_list(rjmcmc_dir)
#' rjmcmclist = paste0(rjmcmc_dir,"/rjmcmclist.txt")
#' baits_rjmcmc_dir = paste0(base,"/baits_rjmcmc")
#' interpret_peaky_fs(rjmcmclist,1,baits_dir,baits_rjmcmc_dir,omega_power)
#' }
#' @export

interpret_peaky_fs = function(rjmcmclist, index, baits_dir, output_dir, omega_power){
  rjmcmc_path = scan(file=rjmcmclist,what="character",skip=index-1,nline=1)
  path_split = strsplit(rjmcmc_path,"_")[[1]]
  id = as.numeric(gsub(".rds","",path_split[length(path_split)]))
  bait_path = paste0(baits_dir,"/bait_",id,".rds")

  write("INTERPRETING RJMCMC RESULTS\n",file=L,append=FALSE,sep="")

  note(L,F,"Loading RJMCMC result and bait:\n",rjmcmc_path,"\n",bait_path)

  rjmcmc = readRDS(rjmcmc_path)
  D = readRDS(bait_path)

  ### OUTPUT

  D = interpret_peaky(bait=D, peaks=rjmcmc, omega_power=omega_power, log_file=L)

  output_path = paste0(output_dir,"/bait_rjmcmc_",id,".rds")
  note(L,T,"Saving the bait with its RJMCMC results to",output_path)
  saveRDS(D,file = output_path)



#' Wrapper that prepares CHiCAGO output for Peaky analysis
#' Reads a CHiCAGO .rds object (example at https://osf.io/eaqz6/) and prepares it for post-hoc analysis with Peaky.
#' This setup fine-maps chromatin interactions based on CHiCAGO scores, instead of based on the adjusted readcounts that Peaky's own model (see \code{\link{interpret_peaky_fs}} for a full pipeline) would generate from raw Capture Hi-C or Capture-C counts. 
#' The next step of this pipeline is to process the generated files with \code{\link{peaky_run}}.
#' @param chicago_rds_path Path to the .rds file produced by CHiCAGO.
#' @param peaky_output_dir Directory to store Peaky's intermediate files and results in. Will be created if it doesn't exist.
#' @param chicago_max_dist Maximum distance putative interactions may span if they are to be extracted and analyzed.
#' @param chicago_bait_subset Path to a file specifying baitIDs to extract from the CHiCAGO object. This file just needs one column name: baitID. By default, all bais will be extracted.
#' @param subsample_size Number of putative interactions to build a null model from that relates CHiCAGO scores to count data. Used for all distance bins. See also \code{\link{model_bin_fs}}.
#' @return List containing the output directory where baits are stored and their individual paths.
#' @section Details:
#' This function exports CHiCAGO-made bins (analogous to \code{\link{bin_interactions_fs}} in Peaky's standard pipeline), uses a modified version of \code{\link{model_bin_fs}} where only CHiCAGO scores are used, and ultimately calls \code{\link{split_baits_fs}}.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' chicago_rds_path = paste0(base,"/chicago_output.rds")
#' peaky_output_dir = paste0(base,"/peaky_from_chicago")
#' \dontrun{
#' peaky_prepare_from_chicago(chicago_rds_path, peaky_output_dir, subsample_size=NA) 
#' #Big dataset? Consider subsample_size=10e3 for speed.
#' for(i in 1:3){ peaky_run(peaky_output_dir,i) }
#' #Tip: run this in parallel on a cluster by scheduling an array job and passing its elements to i.
#' peaky_wrapup(peaky_output_dir)
#' }
#' @export

peaky_prepare_from_chicago = function(chicago_rds_path,peaky_output_dir,chicago_max_dist=1e6,chicago_bait_subset=NA,subsample_size=10e3){
  base = peaky_output_dir
  if (!dir.exists(base)) {
    dir.create(base, recursive = TRUE)
  bins_dir = paste0(base,"/bins")
  fits_dir = paste0(base,"/fits")
  baits_dir = paste0(base,"/baits")
  L = paste0(base, "/log_peaky_baits_from_chicago.txt")
  write("CHiCAGO TO PEAKY\n", file = L, append = FALSE, sep = "")
  note(L, T, "Preparing to generate bait files for Peaky analysis from CHiCAGO data...")
  note(L, T, "Reading CHiCAGO .rds results from: ",chicago_rds_path)
  D = readRDS(chicago_rds_path)
  D@x = data.table(D@x)
    note(L, T, "Reading bait IDs to extract from: ",chicago_bait_subset)
    E = fread(chicago_bait_subset)
    baits_to_extract = unique(E$baitID)
    note(L,T,"Found ",length(baits_to_extract),"unique baits to extract, based on the file's baitID column.")
    baits_to_extract = unique(D@x[,baitID])
    note(L, T, "Preparing to extract all ",length(baits_to_extract)," baits from the .rds.")
  note(L,T,"Extracting all cis-chromosomal putative interactions spanning up to ",chicago_max_dist," bp for these baits.")
  D = D@x[abs(distSign)<=chicago_max_dist & baitID%in%baits_to_extract]
  note(L,T,nrow(D)," putative interactions remain.")
  D[,chicago_mu:=Tmean + Bmean]
  ordered_bins = unique(D$distbin[order(abs(D$dist))])
  note(L,T,"These exist in ",length(ordered_bins)," distance bins, as defined by CHiCAGO.")
  D[,dist.bin:=factor(match(distbin, ordered_bins),levels=1:length(ordered_bins))]
  note(L, T, "Saving binned interactions:")
  save_bin = function(Dbin, output_dir) {
    if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
      dir.create(output_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    filename = paste0(output_dir, "/bin_", as.character(Dbin$dist.bin)[1], 
    note(NA, F, filename)
    saveRDS(Dbin, file = filename)
  by(D, D$dist.bin, save_bin, output_dir = bins_dir)
  bin_indices = 1:length(ordered_bins)
  note(L, T, "Creating models for all ",length(ordered_bins)," bins:")
  for(bin_index in bin_indices){
    note(L, T, "Modelling distance bin ",bin_index,".")
    model_bin_fs(bins_dir,bin_index,output_dir=fits_dir,subsample_size=subsample_size,formula_replace="N ~ chicago_mu")
  split_baits_fs(bins_dir,residuals_dir = fits_dir, indices=bin_indices, output_dir = baits_dir, plots=FALSE)


### PEAKY RUN.start

#' Wrapper that fine-maps a bait's putative interactions
#' Run Peaky's core fine-mapping algorithm for a specified bait. This is the most computationally expensive step in Peaky's pipeline, costing many seconds to minutes per bait, and running it in parallel is recommended. 
#' Fits additive models of peaks of varying strengths in various locations to the adjusted readcounts via RJMCMC, interprets these, and stores results on disk.
#' The next step of this pipeline is to combine results for all baits into a table with \code{\link{peaky_wrapup}}.
#' @param peaky_output_dir Directory that Peaky's intermediate files and results are stored in. Should have been created by \code{\link{split_baits_fs}} or \code{\link{peaky_prepare_from_chicago}}.
#' @param index Which bait to process, with 1 corresponding to the first one on the list in peaky_output_dir/baits/baitlist.txt. Not baitID. (Tip: to parallelize execution, use an array job's element ID, provided by your compute cluster's scheduler, here.) 
#' @param omega_power Expected decay of adjusted read counts around a truly interacting prey. See \code{\link{peaky_fs}} for details and the vignette for estimation.
#' @param subsample_size Number of RJMCMC models to parametrize. Greated numbers should lead to increased reproducibility.
#' @param min_interactions 	Minimum requirement for the number of prey fragments (and thus counts) associated with a bait, baits with fewer are skipped.
#' @return List containing the output directory path and results table for the analyzed bait.
#' @section Details:
#' This function runs \code{\link{peaky_fs}} and then \code{\link{interpret_peaky_fs}}. For more control, these functions can be used individually.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' chicago_rds_path = paste0(base,"/chicago_output.rds")
#' peaky_output_dir = paste0(base,"/peaky_from_chicago")
#' \dontrun{
#' peaky_prepare_from_chicago(chicago_rds_path, peaky_output_dir, subsample_size=NA) 
#' #Big dataset? Consider subsample_size=10e3 for speed.
#' for(i in 1:3){ peaky_run(peaky_output_dir,i) }
#' #Tip: run this in parallel on a cluster by scheduling an array job and passing its elements to i.
#' peaky_wrapup(peaky_output_dir)
#' }
#' @export

peaky_run = function (peaky_output_dir, index, omega_power=-4, iterations = 1e+06, min_interactions = 20){
  base = peaky_output_dir
  baits_dir = paste0(base,"/baits")
  rjmcmc_dir = paste0(base,"/rjmcmc")
  baits_rjmcmc_dir = paste0(base,"/baits_rjmcmc")
  baitlist = paste0(base,"/baits/baitlist.txt")
  bait_path = scan(file = baitlist, what = "character", skip = index - 1, nline = 1, sep = "\n")
  P = readRDS(file = bait_path)
  baitID = unique(P$baitID)
  L = paste0(rjmcmc_dir, "/log_rjmcmc_", baitID, ".txt")
  if (!dir.exists(rjmcmc_dir)) {
    dir.create(rjmcmc_dir, recursive = TRUE)
  write("PEAKY\n", file = L, append = FALSE, sep = "")
  note(L, T, "Loaded bait ", baitID, " from path: ", bait_path, 
  PKY = peaky(bait = P, omega_power = omega_power, iterations = iterations, 
              min_interactions = min_interactions, log_file = L)
  results_path = paste0(rjmcmc_dir, "/rjmcmc_", baitID, ".rds")
  note(L, T, "Saving RJMCMC results to ", results_path)
  saveRDS(PKY, file = results_path)
  note(L, T, "Done with RJMCMC, starting to interpret the results...")
  rjmcmc_path = results_path
  path_split = strsplit(rjmcmc_path, "_")[[1]]
  id = as.numeric(gsub(".rds", "", path_split[length(path_split)]))
  bait_path = paste0(baits_dir, "/bait_", id, ".rds")
  L = paste0(baits_rjmcmc_dir, "/log_baits_rjmcmc_", id, ".txt")
  if (!dir.exists(baits_rjmcmc_dir)) {
    dir.create(baits_rjmcmc_dir, recursive = TRUE)
  write("INTERPRETING RJMCMC RESULTS\n", file = L, append = FALSE, 
        sep = "")
  note(L, F, "Loading RJMCMC result and bait:\n", rjmcmc_path, 
       "\n", bait_path)
  rjmcmc = readRDS(rjmcmc_path)
  D = readRDS(bait_path)
  D = interpret_peaky(bait = D, peaks = rjmcmc, omega_power = omega_power, log_file = L)
  output_path = paste0(baits_rjmcmc_dir, "/bait_rjmcmc_", id, ".rds")
  note(L, T, "Saving the bait with its RJMCMC results to", output_path)
  saveRDS(D, file = output_path)
  return(list(output_path = output_path, output = D))

### PEAKY RUN.end

### PEAKY WRAP UP.start

#' Combines fine-mapping results for all baits into a table
#' Combines Peaky's fine-mapping results, generated separately for each bait, into a single table and stores it on disk. Marginal posterior probabilities of contact (MPPC) are in its 'rjmcmc_pos' column. Other columns' values are described in the vignette. Generates a .pdf plot for each bait by default.
#' @param peaky_output_dir Directory which Peaky's intermediate files and results are stored in. Needs a baits_rjmcmc folder generated by \code{\link{interpret_peaky_fs}} or \code{\link{peaky_run}}. 
#' @param plots Whether or not to generate a .pdf plot for each bait with \code{\link{peaky_plot}}. A subdirectory called 'plots' will be created if it doesn't exist.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{peaky_plot}}, such as calling thresholds.
#' @return List containing the output directory where the table is stored, and the table itself.
#' @section Details:
#' This function checks for bait_rjmcmc_*.rds files in peaky_output_dir/baits_rjmcmc, reads them, collates them, and optionally plots them.
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' chicago_rds_path = paste0(base,"/chicago_output.rds")
#' peaky_output_dir = paste0(base,"/peaky_from_chicago")
#' \dontrun{
#' peaky_prepare_from_chicago(chicago_rds_path, peaky_output_dir, subsample_size=NA) 
#' #Big dataset? Consider subsample_size=10e3 for speed.
#' for(i in 1:3){ peaky_run(peaky_output_dir,i) }
#' #Tip: run this in parallel on a cluster by scheduling an array job and passing its elements to i.
#' peaky_wrapup(peaky_output_dir)
#' }
#' @export

peaky_wrapup = function(peaky_output_dir, plots=TRUE, ...){
  base = peaky_output_dir
  baits_rjmcmc_dir = paste0(base,"/baits_rjmcmc")
  plots_dir = paste0(base,"/plots")
  L = paste0(base, "/log_peaky_wrapup.txt")
  write("WRAP-UP\n", file = L, append = FALSE, sep = "")
  note(L,T,"Collating all interpreted RJMCMC results in: ",baits_rjmcmc_dir)
  paths = list.files(baits_rjmcmc_dir,pattern="bait_rjmcmc_.*\\.rds",full.names=TRUE)
  valid = file.exists(paths) & file.size(paths)>1
  paths = paths[valid]
  note(L,T,"Reading ",length(paths)," bait_rjmcmc_*.rds files of non-zero size...")
  R = lapply(paths,readRDS)
  R = rbindlist(R)
  note(L,T,"Produced a table containing ",nrow(R)," putative interactions.")
  out_path = paste0(base,"/peaky_output.csv")
  note(L,T,"Saving the table at: ",out_path,".")

    note(L,T,"Generating a plot for each bait...\n(This is optional and takes a moment, pass plots=FALSE to skip this step.)")
    if (!dir.exists(plots_dir)) {
      dir.create(plots_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    for(b in unique(R$baitID)){
      p.b = peaky_plot(R, bait=b, ...)
      plot_path = paste0(plots_dir,"/peaky_plot_bait_",b,".pdf")
    note(L,T,"All .pdf plots are stored at: ",plots_dir)
  note(L,T,"Done.\nPlease find marginal posterior probabilities of contact (MPPC) for each putative interaction in the 'rjmcmc_pos' column of ",out_path,
       "\n(If you were using CHiCAGO data, please note that the otherEndID and distSign columns have been renamed to preyID and dist.)")


### PEAKY PLOT.start

#' Plot a Peaky fine-mapping result
#' Generates a plot for a single bait, showing its read counts, adjusted read counts, CHiCAGO scores (if available) and marginal posterior probabilities of contact (MPPC) across the local genome. Can be used at several stages of the pipeline, missing data will automatically be omitted.
#' @param data A data.table containing Peaky results, as produced by \code{\link{peaky_plot}}.
#' @param bait The bait ID or name (matches the data's b.name column) to plot.
#' @param max_dist The maximum distance to plot, measured from the bait. Defaults to the entire region analyzed.
#' @param mppc_threshold Threshold on Peaky's MPPC (in the 'rjmcmc_pos' column). Calls marked in orange.
#' @param chicago_threshold Threshold on CHiCAGO scores (in the 'score' column). Calls marked in blue.
#' @return Plot object.
#' @section Plot legend:
#' Green: Peaky's fitted fine-mapping model. Orange: Peaky's calls based on the threshold set. Blue: CHiCAGO calls based on the threshold set, if data is available.  
#' @examples
#' base = system.file("extdata",package="peaky")
#' chicago_rds_path = paste0(base,"/chicago_output.rds")
#' peaky_output_dir = paste0(base,"/peaky_from_chicago")
#' \dontrun{
#' peaky_prepare_from_chicago(chicago_rds_path, peaky_output_dir, subsample_size=NA) 
#' #Big dataset? Consider subsample_size=10e3 for speed.
#' for(i in 1:3){ peaky_run(peaky_output_dir,i) }
#' #Tip: run this in parallel on a cluster by scheduling an array job and passing its elements to i.
#' peaky_wrapup(peaky_output_dir)
#' }
#' @export

peaky_plot = function(data,bait=NULL,max_dist=Inf,mppc_threshold=0.1,chicago_threshold=5){
  if(!("b.name" %in% colnames(data))){
    random_bait = sample(unique(data$baitID),1)
    k = data[baitID==random_bait & abs(dist)<=max_dist]
    k = data[(b.name==bait | baitID==bait) & abs(dist)<=max_dist]
    stop("no such bait")
  p.N = ggplot(k,aes(x=dist)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=0,col="grey") +
    geom_point(aes(y=N,col=score_signif),alpha=1,cex=5) +
    geom_point(aes(y=N,col=signif),alpha=1,cex=3) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("TRUE"="orange","FALSE"=NA,"chicago_true"="cornflowerblue","chicago_false"=NA)) +
    geom_point(aes(y=N),col="black")  +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ggtitle(paste0(unique(k$b.name)," (",unique(k$baitID),")")) +
    p.Cscore = ggplot(k,aes(x=dist)) +
      geom_hline(yintercept=0,col="grey") +
      geom_hline(yintercept = chicago_threshold,linetype="dashed",cex=2,col="cornflowerblue") +
      geom_point(aes(y=score,col=signif),alpha=1,cex=3) +
      scale_color_manual(values=c("TRUE"="orange","FALSE"=NA,"chicago_true"="cornflowerblue","chicago_false"=NA)) +
      geom_point(aes(y=score),col="black")  +
      theme(legend.position = "none") +
      xlab("") + ylab("CHiCAGO Score")
  p.residual = ggplot(k,aes(x=dist)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=0,col="grey") +
    geom_point(aes(y=residual,col=score_signif),alpha=1,cex=5) +
    geom_point(aes(y=residual,col=signif),alpha=1,cex=3) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("TRUE"="orange","FALSE"=NA,"chicago_true"="cornflowerblue","chicago_false"=NA)) +
    geom_point(aes(y=residual),col="black") +
    xlab("") + ylab("Adjusted N") +
    theme(legend.position = "none")
    p.residual = p.residual + 
      geom_point(aes(y=predicted),cex=0.8,col="limegreen") +
    p.mppc = ggplot(k,aes(x=dist)) +
      geom_hline(yintercept=0,col="grey") +
      geom_hline(yintercept = mppc_threshold,linetype="dashed",cex=2,col="orange") +
      geom_point(aes(y=rjmcmc_pos,col=score_signif),alpha=1,cex=5) + #Only if score present!
      geom_point(aes(y=rjmcmc_pos),col="black") +
      scale_color_manual(values=c("TRUE"="orange","FALSE"=NA,"chicago_true"="cornflowerblue","chicago_false"=NA)) +
      ylab("Peaky's MPPC") +
      theme(legend.position = "none") +
      xlab("Distance from bait (bp)")
  p = suppressWarnings(plot_grid(p.N,p.residual,p.Cscore,p.mppc,ncol=1,align="hv"))

### PEAKY PLOT.end
cqgd/pky documentation built on Dec. 13, 2020, 3:32 a.m.