
Defines functions parse_github_repo_spec install_github_tagged_version

Documented in install_github_tagged_version

#' Install remotes using git tags and R versions
#' @param remotes A list of remotes in the format of `parse_github_repo_spec`
#' @param versions The desired versions of the package, `NA` if unknown.
#' @param is_interactive Whether running in an interactive session
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr map2_dbl map_chr map walk
#' @importFrom remotes parse_github_repo_spec
install_github_tagged_version <- function(remotes, versions = rep(NA, length(remotes)), is_interactive = interactive()) {
  parsed <- purrr::map(remotes, parse_github_repo_spec) %>% purrr::set_names(remotes)

  requested_versions <- ifelse(is.na(versions), parsed %>% purrr::map_chr("ref"), versions)
  current_versions <- purrr::map_chr(parsed, function(x) devtools::package_info(x$package, dependencies = NULL)$ondiskversion)

  do_install <- purrr::map2_lgl(current_versions, requested_versions, function(cur, req) {
    if (grepl("^[0-9\\.\\-]+$", req)) {
      compareVersion(cur, req) != 0
    } else {

  to_install <- remotes[do_install]

  # only install when we need to install
  if (length(to_install) > 0) {

    # only prompt user if interactive
    if (is_interactive) {
        "Following packages have to be installed: ",
        glue::glue_collapse(crayon::bold(parsed[[to_install]]$package), ", ", last = " and "),
        "Do you want to install these packages? \n",
        "1: Yes [default]\n",
        "2: No"

      answer <- readline()

      if (answer %in% c("2", "n", "no", "No")) {
        stop("Installation was interrupted.")

    walk(to_install, remotes::install_github)


parse_github_repo_spec <- function(x) {
  parsed <- remotes::parse_github_repo_spec(x)
  if(parsed$package == "")
    parsed$package <- parsed$repo

dynverse/dynmethods documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 4:44 a.m.