#' @title Get statistic associated with estimates
#' @description Returns the statistic (*t*, `z`, ...) for model
#' estimates. In most cases, this is the related column from
#' `coef(summary())`.
#' @name get_statistic
#' @param x A model.
#' @param column_index For model objects that have no defined
#' `get_statistic()` method yet, the default method is called. This
#' method tries to extract the statistic column from `coef(summary())`,
#' where the index of the column that is being pulled is `column_index`.
#' Defaults to 3, which is the default statistic column for most models'
#' summary-output.
#' @param component String, indicating the model component for which parameters
#' should be returned. The default for all models is `"all"`, which returns
#' the requested information for all available model components. Furthermore,
#' there are specific options depending on the model class. `component` then
#' may be one of:
#' - For zero-inflated models (`gmmTMB`, `hurdle`, `zeroinfl`, ...) can also
#' be `"conditional"` or `"zero-inflated"`. Note that the *conditional*
#' component is also called *count* or *mean* component, depending on the
#' model. `glmmTMB` also has a `"dispersion"` component.
#' - For models with smooth terms, `component = "smooth_terms"` returns the
#' test statistic for the smooth terms.
#' - For models of class `mhurdle`, may also be one of `"conditional"`,
#' `"zero_inflated"`, `"infrequent_purchase"` or `"auxiliary"`.
#' - For models of class `clm2` or `clmm2`, may also be `"scale"`.
#' - For models of class `betareg`, `betaor` or `betamfx`, may also be
#' `"precision"`. For other `*mfx` models (`logitmfx`, `betamfx`, ...),
#' may also be `"marginal"`.
#' - For models of class `mvord`, may also be `"thresholds"` or
#' `"correlation"`.
#' - For models of class `selection`, may also be `"selection"`, `"outcome"`
#' or `"auxiliary"`.
#' - For models of class `glmx`, may also be `"extra"`.
#' - For models of class `averaging`, may also be `"full"`.
#' @param robust Logical, if `TRUE`, test statistic based on robust
#' standard errors is returned.
#' @param adjust Character value naming the method used to adjust p-values or
#' confidence intervals. See `?emmeans::summary.emmGrid` for details.
#' @param ci Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to `0.95` (`95%`).
#' Currently only applies to objects of class `emmGrid`.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @inheritParams get_parameters
#' @inheritParams get_parameters.emmGrid
#' @return A data frame with the model's parameter names and the related test
#' statistic.
#' @examples
#' data(mtcars)
#' m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)
#' get_statistic(m)
#' @export
get_statistic <- function(x, ...) {
# Default models ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname get_statistic
#' @export
get_statistic.default <- function(x, column_index = 3, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cs <- suppressWarnings(stats::coef(summary(x)))
if (column_index > ncol(cs)) {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
format_warning("Could not access test statistic of model parameters.")
# edge cases: check for NULL
params <- rownames(cs)
if (is.null(params)) {
params <- paste(seq_len(nrow(cs)))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params,
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, column_index]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.htest <- function(x, ...) {
if (x$method == "Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data") {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = x$data.name,
Statistic = x$p.value,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
} else {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = x$data.name,
Statistic = x$statistic,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "method") <- x$method[1]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.summary.lm <- function(x, ...) {
cs <- stats::coef(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(cs),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.mlm <- function(x, ...) {
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x))
out <- lapply(names(cs), function(i) {
params <- cs[[i]]
Parameter = rownames(params),
Statistic = as.vector(params[, 3]),
Response = gsub("^Response (.*)", "\\1", i),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(do.call(rbind, out))
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.lme <- function(x, ...) {
get_statistic.default(x, column_index = 4)
#' @export
get_statistic.lmerModLmerTest <- get_statistic.lme
#' @export
get_statistic.mmrm <- function(x, ...) {
get_statistic.default(x, column_index = 4)
#' @export
get_statistic.mmrm_fit <- get_statistic.mmrm
#' @export
get_statistic.mmrm_tmb <- get_statistic.mmrm
#' @export
get_statistic.merModList <- function(x, ...) {
s <- suppressWarnings(summary(x))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = s$fe$term,
Statistic = s$fe$statistic,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.asym <- function(x, ...) {
cftable <- summary(x)$coef_table
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = find_parameters(x)$conditional,
Statistic = cftable[, "t val."],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.afex_aov <- function(x, ...) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(x$anova_table),
Statistic = x$anova_table[["F"]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.anova.rms <- function(x, ...) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(x),
Statistic = as.vector(x[, "Chi-Square"]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.plm <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.maxLik <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.glmmadmb <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.lm_robust <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.geeglm <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.truncreg <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.tobit <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.censReg <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.negbin <- get_statistic.default
#' @export
get_statistic.feis <- get_statistic.default
# Models with zero-inflation component --------------------------------------
#' @export
get_statistic.mhurdle <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(
choices = c(
"all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated", "infrequent_purchase",
"ip", "auxiliary"
s <- summary(x)
params <- get_parameters(x, component = "all")
stats <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(s$coefficients),
Statistic = as.vector(s$coefficients[, 3]),
Component = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
cond_pars <- which(startsWith(rownames(s$coefficients), "h2."))
zi_pars <- which(startsWith(rownames(s$coefficients), "h1."))
ip_pars <- which(startsWith(rownames(s$coefficients), "h3."))
aux_pars <- (seq_along(rownames(s$coefficients)))[-c(cond_pars, zi_pars, ip_pars)]
stats$Component[cond_pars] <- "conditional"
stats$Component[zi_pars] <- "zero_inflated"
stats$Component[ip_pars] <- "infrequent_purchase"
stats$Component[aux_pars] <- "auxiliary"
params <- merge(params, stats, sort = FALSE)
params <- .filter_component(params, component)[intersect(c("Parameter", "Statistic", "Component"), colnames(params))]
params <- text_remove_backticks(params)
attr(params, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @rdname get_statistic
#' @export
get_statistic.glmmTMB <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(
choices = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated", "dispersion")
cs <- compact_list(stats::coef(summary(x)))
out <- lapply(names(cs), function(i) {
Parameter = find_parameters(x, effects = "fixed", component = i, flatten = TRUE),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[[i]][, 3]),
Component = i,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
stat <- do.call(rbind, out)
stat$Component <- .rename_values(stat$Component, "cond", "conditional")
stat$Component <- .rename_values(stat$Component, "zi", "zero_inflated")
stat$Component <- .rename_values(stat$Component, "disp", "dispersion")
stat <- .filter_component(stat, component)
stat <- text_remove_backticks(stat)
attr(stat, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.zeroinfl <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(
choices = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated")
cs <- compact_list(stats::coef(summary(x)))
out <- lapply(names(cs), function(i) {
comp <- ifelse(i == "count", "conditional", "zi")
stats <- cs[[i]]
# remove log(theta)
theta <- grepl("Log(theta)", rownames(stats), fixed = TRUE)
if (any(theta)) {
stats <- stats[!theta, ]
Parameter = find_parameters(x,
effects = "fixed",
component = comp,
flatten = TRUE
Statistic = as.vector(stats[, 3]),
Component = comp,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
stat <- do.call(rbind, out)
stat$Component <- .rename_values(stat$Component, "cond", "conditional")
stat$Component <- .rename_values(stat$Component, "zi", "zero_inflated")
stat <- .filter_component(stat, component)
stat <- text_remove_backticks(stat)
attr(stat, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.hurdle <- get_statistic.zeroinfl
#' @export
get_statistic.zerocount <- get_statistic.zeroinfl
#' @export
get_statistic.MixMod <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(
choices = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated")
s <- summary(x)
cs <- list(s$coef_table, s$coef_table_zi)
names(cs) <- c("conditional", "zero_inflated")
cs <- compact_list(cs)
out <- lapply(names(cs), function(i) {
Parameter = find_parameters(x,
effects = "fixed",
component = i,
flatten = TRUE
Statistic = as.vector(cs[[i]][, 3]),
Component = i,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
stat <- .filter_component(do.call(rbind, out), component)
stat <- text_remove_backticks(stat)
attr(stat, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
# gam models --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
get_statistic.Gam <- function(x, ...) {
p.aov <- stats::na.omit(summary(x)$parametric.anova)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(p.aov),
Statistic = as.vector(p.aov[, 4]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.gam <- function(x, ...) {
p.table <- summary(x)$p.table
s.table <- summary(x)$s.table
d1 <- d2 <- NULL
if (!is.null(p.table)) {
d1 <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(p.table),
Statistic = as.vector(p.table[, 3]),
Component = "conditional",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (!is.null(s.table)) {
d2 <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(s.table),
Statistic = as.vector(s.table[, 3]),
Component = "smooth_terms",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(rbind(d1, d2))
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.scam <- get_statistic.gam
#' @export
get_statistic.SemiParBIV <- function(x, ...) {
s <- summary(x)
s <- compact_list(s[startsWith(names(s), "tableP")])
params <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(s), function(i) {
out <- as.data.frame(s[[i]])
out$Parameter <- rownames(out)
out$Component <- paste0("Equation", i)
colnames(params)[3] <- "Statistic"
rownames(params) <- NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(params[c("Parameter", "Statistic", "Component")])
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.gamm <- function(x, ...) {
x <- x$gam
class(x) <- c("gam", "lm", "glm")
get_statistic.gam(x, ...)
#' @export
get_statistic.list <- function(x, ...) {
if ("gam" %in% names(x)) {
x <- x$gam
class(x) <- c("gam", "lm", "glm")
get_statistic.gam(x, ...)
#' @export
get_statistic.gamlss <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
cs <- summary(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
Component = parms$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.vglm <- function(x, ...) {
cs <- VGAM::coef(VGAM::summary(x))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(cs),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.vgam <- function(x, ...) {
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = names(x@nl.chisq),
Statistic = x@nl.chisq,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- merge(params, out, all.x = TRUE)
out <- out[order(out$Parameter, params$Parameter), ]
out <- text_remove_backticks(out[c("Parameter", "Statistic", "Component")])
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.cgam <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(
choices = c("all", "conditional", "smooth_terms")
sc <- summary(x)
stat <- as.vector(sc$coefficients[, 3])
if (!is.null(sc$coefficients2)) stat <- c(stat, rep(NA, nrow(sc$coefficients2)))
params <- get_parameters(x, component = "all")
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = stat,
Component = params$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
# Survival models ------------------------------------------
#' @export
get_statistic.coxph <- function(x, ...) {
# z is not always in the same column
# not sure t is possible, but it is cheap to include it in the regex
# avoid calling default method which would be computationally wasteful, since
# we need summary() here.
cs <- suppressWarnings(stats::coef(summary(x)))
column_index <- grep("^z$|^t$|Chisq", colnames(cs))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = row.names(cs),
Statistic = cs[, column_index, drop = TRUE],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.svy_vglm <- function(x, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cs <- summary(x)$coeftable
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = find_parameters(x, flatten = TRUE),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.coxr <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
vc <- get_varcov(x)
se <- sqrt(diag(vc))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = parms$Estimate / se,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.crr <- get_statistic.coxr
#' @export
get_statistic.coxme <- function(x, ...) {
betas <- x$coefficients
out <- NULL
if (length(betas) > 0) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = names(betas),
Statistic = as.vector(betas / sqrt(diag(stats::vcov(x)))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.riskRegression <- function(x, ...) {
junk <- utils::capture.output(cs <- stats::coef(x)) # nolint
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = as.vector(cs[, 1]),
Statistic = as.numeric(cs[, "z"]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.survreg <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
s <- summary(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = s$table[, 3],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.BBmm <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
s <- summary(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = s$fixed.coefficients[, 3],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.flexsurvreg <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
se <- x$res[, "se"]
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = parms$Estimate / se,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.aareg <- function(x, ...) {
sc <- summary(x)
parms <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = unname(sc$test.statistic),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
# Ordinal models --------------------------------------------------
#' @export
get_statistic.clm2 <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("all", "conditional", "scale"))
stats <- stats::coef(summary(x))
n_intercepts <- length(x$xi)
n_location <- length(x$beta)
n_scale <- length(x$zeta)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(stats),
Statistic = unname(stats[, "z value"]),
Component = c(rep("conditional", times = n_intercepts + n_location), rep("scale", times = n_scale)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.clmm2 <- get_statistic.clm2
#' @export
get_statistic.ordinal_weightit <- function(x, ...) {
out <- get_statistic.default(x, ...)
out$Component <- "conditional"
#' @export
get_statistic.mvord <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(
choices = c("all", "conditional", "thresholds", "correlation")
junk <- utils::capture.output({
s <- summary(x)
# intercepts thresholds
thresholds <- as.data.frame(s$thresholds)
thresholds$Parameter <- rownames(thresholds)
thresholds$Response <- gsub("(.*)\\s(.*)", "\\1", thresholds$Parameter)
# coefficients
model_coef <- as.data.frame(s$coefficients)
model_coef$Parameter <- rownames(model_coef)
model_coef$Response <- gsub("(.*)\\s(.*)", "\\2", model_coef$Parameter)
if (!all(model_coef$Response %in% thresholds$Response)) {
resp <- unique(thresholds$Response)
for (i in model_coef$Response) {
model_coef$Response[model_coef$Response == i] <- resp[grepl(paste0(i, "$"), resp)]
params <- data.frame(
Parameter = c(thresholds$Parameter, model_coef$Parameter),
Statistic = c(unname(thresholds[, "z value"]), unname(model_coef[, "z value"])),
Component = c(rep("thresholds", nrow(thresholds)), rep("conditional", nrow(model_coef))),
Response = c(thresholds$Response, model_coef$Response),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
params_error <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(s$error.structure),
Statistic = unname(s$error.structure[, "z value"]),
Component = "correlation",
Response = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
params <- rbind(params, params_error)
if (n_unique(params$Response) == 1) {
params$Response <- NULL
if (component != "all") {
params <- params[params$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(params, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.glmm <- function(x, effects = "all", ...) {
effects <- match.arg(effects, choices = c("all", "fixed", "random"))
s <- summary(x)
out <- get_parameters(x, effects = "all")
out$Statistic <- c(s$coefmat[, 3], s$nucoefmat[, 3])
out <- out[, c("Parameter", "Statistic", "Effects")]
if (effects != "all") {
out <- out[out$Effects == effects, , drop = FALSE]
out$Effects <- NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.mixor <- function(x, effects = "all", ...) {
stats <- x$Model[, "z value"]
effects <- match.arg(effects, choices = c("all", "fixed", "random"))
parms <- get_parameters(x, effects = effects)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = stats[parms$Parameter],
Effects = parms$Effects,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.multinom <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
std_err <- summary(x)$standard.errors
if (is.matrix(std_err)) {
se <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(nrow(std_err))) {
se <- c(se, as.vector(std_err[i, ]))
} else {
se <- as.vector(std_err)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = parms$Estimate / se,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if ("Response" %in% colnames(parms)) {
out$Response <- parms$Response
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.brmultinom <- get_statistic.multinom
#' @export
get_statistic.multinom_weightit <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
cs <- suppressWarnings(stats::coef(summary(x)))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if ("Response" %in% colnames(parms)) {
out$Response <- parms$Response
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.bracl <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = stats::coef(summary(x))[, "z value"],
Response = parms$Response,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.deltaMethod <- function(x, ...) {
stat <- standardize_names(x)
if (is.null(stat$Statistic)) {
s <- stat$Coefficient / stat$SE
} else {
s <- stat[["Statistic"]]
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(stat),
Statistic = s,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.mlogit <- function(x, ...) {
if (requireNamespace("mlogit", quietly = TRUE)) {
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(cs),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
} else {
#' @export
get_statistic.mclogit <- function(x, ...) {
if (requireNamespace("mclogit", quietly = TRUE)) {
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(cs),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
} else {
#' @export
get_statistic.mblogit <- function(x, ...) {
if (requireNamespace("mclogit", quietly = TRUE)) {
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = gsub("(.*)~(.*)", "\\2", rownames(cs)),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
Response = gsub("(.*)~(.*)", "\\1", rownames(cs)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
} else {
# mfx models -------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
get_statistic.betamfx <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(
choices = c("all", "conditional", "precision", "marginal")
parms <- get_parameters(x, component = "all", ...)
cs <- do.call(rbind, stats::coef(summary(x$fit)))
stat <- c(as.vector(x$mfxest[, 3]), as.vector(cs[, 3]))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = stat,
Component = parms$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.betaor <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("all", "conditional", "precision"))
parms <- get_parameters(x, component = "all", ...)
cs <- do.call(rbind, stats::coef(summary(x$fit)))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
Component = parms$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.logitmfx <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("all", "conditional", "marginal"))
parms <- get_parameters(x, component = "all", ...)
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x$fit))
stat <- c(as.vector(x$mfxest[, 3]), as.vector(cs[, 3]))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = stat,
Component = parms$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.poissonmfx <- get_statistic.logitmfx
#' @export
get_statistic.negbinmfx <- get_statistic.logitmfx
#' @export
get_statistic.probitmfx <- get_statistic.logitmfx
#' @export
get_statistic.logitor <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
get_statistic.poissonirr <- get_statistic.logitor
#' @export
get_statistic.negbinirr <- get_statistic.logitor
# Other models -------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
get_statistic.glmgee <- function(x, ...) {
junk <- utils::capture.output({
cs <- suppressWarnings(stats::coef(summary(x, corr = FALSE)))
stat <- stats::na.omit(cs[, "z-value"])
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = names(stat),
Statistic = as.vector(stat),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.nestedLogit <- function(x, component = "all", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cf <- as.data.frame(stats::coef(x))
out <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(x$models, function(i) stats::coef(summary(i)))))
colnames(out)[3] <- "Statistic"
response_levels <- unlist(lapply(x$dichotomies, function(i) {
paste0("{", toString(i[[1]]), "} vs. {", toString(i[[2]]), "}")
out$Response <- rep(response_levels, each = nrow(cf))
out$Component <- rep(names(x$models), each = nrow(cf))
out$Parameter <- rep(row.names(cf), times = ncol(cf))
if (!is.null(component) && !identical(component, "all")) {
comp <- intersect(names(x$models), component)
if (!length(comp) && verbose) {
"No matching model found. Possible values for `component` are ",
toString(paste0("\"", names(x$models), "\"")),
} else {
out <- out[out$Component %in% component, ]
out <- text_remove_backticks(out[c("Parameter", "Statistic", "Response", "Component")])
row.names(out) <- NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.pgmm <- function(x, component = "conditional", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("conditional", "all"))
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x, time.dummies = TRUE, robust = FALSE))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = row.names(cs),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
Component = "conditional",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out$Component[out$Parameter %in% x$args$namest] <- "time_dummies"
if (component == "conditional") {
out <- out[out$Component == "conditional", ]
out <- .remove_column(out, "Component")
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.selection <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(
choices = c("all", "selection", "outcome", "auxiliary")
s <- summary(x)
rn <- row.names(s$estimate)
estimates <- as.data.frame(s$estimate, row.names = FALSE)
params <- data.frame(
Parameter = rn,
Statistic = estimates[[3]],
Component = "auxiliary",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
params$Component[s$param$index$betaS] <- "selection"
params$Component[s$param$index$betaO] <- "outcome"
if (component != "all") {
params <- params[params$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
params <- text_remove_backticks(params)
attr(params, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.lavaan <- function(x, ...) {
params <- lavaan::parameterEstimates(x)
params$parameter <- paste0(params$lhs, params$op, params$rhs)
params$comp <- NA
params$comp[params$op == "~"] <- "regression"
params$comp[params$op == "=~"] <- "latent"
params$comp[params$op == "~~"] <- "residual"
params$comp[params$op == "~1"] <- "intercept"
params <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$parameter,
Statistic = params$z,
Component = params$comp,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
params <- text_remove_backticks(params)
attr(params, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.model_fit <- function(x, ...) {
get_statistic(x$fit, ...)
#' @export
get_statistic.Sarlm <- function(x, ...) {
s <- summary(x)
# add rho, if present
if (is.null(s$rho)) {
rho <- NULL
} else {
rho <- as.numeric(s$rho) / as.numeric(s$rho.se)
stat <- data.frame(
Parameter = find_parameters(x, flatten = TRUE),
Statistic = c(rho, as.vector(s$Coef[, 3])),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
stat <- text_remove_backticks(stat)
attr(stat, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.mjoint <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("all", "conditional", "survival"))
s <- summary(x)
params <- rbind(
Parameter = rownames(s$coefs.long),
Statistic = unname(s$coefs.long[, 3]),
Component = "conditional",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
Parameter = rownames(s$coefs.surv),
Statistic = unname(s$coefs.surv[, 3]),
Component = "survival",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
params <- params[params$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(params, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.Rchoice <- function(x, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cs <- summary(x)$CoefTable
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = find_parameters(x, flatten = TRUE),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.garch <- function(x, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cs <- summary(x)$coef
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = find_parameters(x, flatten = TRUE),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.ergm <- function(x, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
get_statistic.default(x = x, column_index = 4, verbose = verbose, ...)
#' @export
get_statistic.btergm <- function(x, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
params <- x@coef
bootstraps <- x@boot$t
# standard error
sdev <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(bootstraps)), function(i) {
cur <- (bootstraps[, i] - params[i])^2
sqrt(sum(cur) / length(cur))
}, numeric(1))
stat <- (0 - colMeans(bootstraps)) / sdev
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = names(stat),
Statistic = stat,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.ridgelm <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
get_statistic.lmodel2 <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
get_statistic.ivFixed <- get_statistic.coxr
#' @export
get_statistic.ivprobit <- function(x, ...) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = x$names,
Statistic = as.vector(x$tval),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.svy2lme <- function(x, ...) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(x$beta),
Statistic = as.vector(x$beta / sqrt(diag(x$Vbeta))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.HLfit <- function(x, ...) {
utils::capture.output(s <- summary(x)) # nolint
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(s$beta_table),
Statistic = as.vector(s$beta_table[, "t-value"]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.marginaleffects.summary <- function(x, ...) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = x$term,
Statistic = x$statistic,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.marginaleffects <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
get_statistic.margins <- function(x, ...) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = get_parameters(x)$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(summary(x)$z),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.lqmm <- function(x, ...) {
cs <- summary(x, ...)
params <- get_parameters(x)
if (is.list(cs$tTable)) {
stats <- do.call(rbind, cs$tTable)
params$Statistic <- params$Estimate / stats[, 2]
params <- params[c("Parameter", "Statistic", "Component")]
} else {
params$Statistic <- params$Estimate / cs$tTable[, 2]
params <- params[c("Parameter", "Statistic")]
out <- text_remove_backticks(params)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.lqm <- get_statistic.lqmm
#' @export
get_statistic.mipo <- function(x, ...) {
s <- summary(x)
params <- data.frame(
Parameter = as.vector(s$term),
Statistic = as.vector(s$statistic),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# check for ordinal-alike models
if (!is.null(x$pooled) && "y.level" %in% colnames(x$pooled)) {
params$Response <- as.vector(x$pooled$y.level)
out <- text_remove_backticks(params)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.mira <- function(x, ...) {
get_statistic(x$analyses[[1]], ...)
#' @export
get_statistic.mle2 <- function(x, ...) {
check_if_installed("bbmle", reason = "to extract test statistic")
s <- bbmle::summary(x)
params <- data.frame(
Parameter = names(s@coef[, 3]),
Statistic = unname(s@coef[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(params)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.mle <- get_statistic.mle2
#' @export
get_statistic.glht <- function(x, ...) {
s <- summary(x)
alt <- switch(x$alternative,
two.sided = "==",
less = ">=",
greater = "<="
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = paste(names(s$test$coefficients), alt, x$rhs),
Statistic = unname(s$test$tstat),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @rdname get_statistic
#' @export
get_statistic.emmGrid <- function(x, ci = 0.95, adjust = "none", merge_parameters = FALSE, ...) {
s <- summary(x, level = ci, adjust = adjust, infer = TRUE)
stat <- s[["t.ratio"]]
# 2nd try
if (is_empty_object(stat)) {
stat <- s[["z.ratio"]]
# quit
if (is_empty_object(stat)) {
estimate_pos <- which(colnames(s) == attr(s, "estName"))
if (isTRUE(merge_parameters)) {
params <- get_parameters(x, merge_parameters = TRUE)["Parameter"]
} else {
params <- s[, seq_len(estimate_pos - 1), drop = FALSE]
out <- data.frame(
Statistic = as.vector(stat),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.emm_list <- function(x, ci = 0.95, adjust = "none", ...) {
params <- get_parameters(x)
s <- summary(x, level = ci, adjust = adjust, infer = TRUE)
stat <- lapply(s, "[[", "t.ratio")
# 2nd try
if (is_empty_object(stat)) {
stat <- lapply(s, "[[", "z.ratio")
# quit
if (is_empty_object(stat)) {
stat <- unlist(stat, use.names = FALSE)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = stat,
Component = params$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.ggcomparisons <- function(x, merge_parameters = FALSE, ...) {
estimate_pos <- which(colnames(x) == attr(x, "estimate_name"))
if (isTRUE(merge_parameters)) {
params <- get_parameters(x, merge_parameters = TRUE)["Parameter"]
} else {
params <- x[, seq_len(estimate_pos - 1), drop = FALSE]
stat <- .safe(x[[estimate_pos]] / attributes(x)$standard_error)
if (is.null(stat)) {
out <- data.frame(
Statistic = as.vector(stat),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.robmixglm <- function(x, ...) {
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(cs),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- out[!is.na(out$Statistic), ]
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.hglm <- function(x, ...) {
s <- summary(x)$FixCoefMat
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(s),
Statistic = as.vector(s[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- out[!is.na(out$Statistic), ]
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.averaging <- function(x, component = "conditional", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("conditional", "full"))
params <- get_parameters(x, component = component)
if (component == "full") {
s <- summary(x)$coefmat.full
} else {
s <- summary(x)$coefmat.subset
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = s[, 4],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.bayesx <- function(x, ...) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = find_parameters(x, component = "conditional", flatten = TRUE),
Statistic = x$fixed.effects[, 3],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.Arima <- function(x, ...) {
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(params$Estimate / sqrt(diag(get_varcov(x)))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.wbm <- function(x, ...) {
s <- summary(x)
statistic_column <- if ("t val." %in% c(
)) {
"t val."
} else {
"z val."
stat <- c(
s$within_table[, statistic_column],
s$between_table[, statistic_column],
s$ints_table[, statistic_column]
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(stat),
Component = params$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.wbgee <- get_statistic.wbm
#' @export
get_statistic.cpglmm <- function(x, ...) {
stats <- cplm::summary(x)$coefs
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(stats[, "t value"]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.sem <- function(x, ...) {
if (!.is_semLme(x)) {
params <- get_parameters(x, effects = "fixed")
if (is.null(x$se)) {
format_warning("Model has no standard errors. Please fit model again with bootstrapped standard errors.")
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(x$coef / x$se),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.cpglm <- function(x, ...) {
junk <- utils::capture.output(stats <- cplm::summary(x)$coefficients) # nolint
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(stats[, "t value"]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.zcpglm <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated"))
junk <- utils::capture.output(stats <- cplm::summary(x)$coefficients) # nolint
params <- get_parameters(x)
tweedie <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter[params$Component == "conditional"],
Statistic = as.vector(stats$tweedie[, "z value"]),
Component = "conditional",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
zero <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter[params$Component == "zero_inflated"],
Statistic = as.vector(stats$zero[, "z value"]),
Component = "zero_inflated",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- .filter_component(rbind(tweedie, zero), component)
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.manova <- function(x, ...) {
stats <- as.data.frame(summary(x)$stats)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(stats),
Statistic = as.vector(stats[["approx F"]]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.maov <- function(x, ...) {
s <- summary(x)
out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(s), function(i) {
stats <- s[[i]]
missing_values <- is.na(stats[["F value"]])
Parameter = rownames(stats)[!missing_values],
Statistic = as.vector(stats[["F value"]][!missing_values]),
Response = gsub("\\s*Response ", "", i),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.MANOVA <- function(x, ...) {
stats <- as.data.frame(x$WTS)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(stats),
Statistic = as.vector(stats[[1]]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.RM <- get_statistic.MANOVA
#' @export
get_statistic.rq <- function(x, ...) {
stat <- tryCatch(
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x))
cs[, "t value"]
error = function(e) {
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x, covariance = TRUE))
cs[, "t value"]
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = stat,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.rqs <- function(x, ...) {
stat <- .safe({
s <- suppressWarnings(summary(x, covariance = TRUE))
cs <- do.call(rbind, lapply(s, stats::coef))
cs[, "t value"]
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = stat,
Component = params$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.crq <- function(x, ...) {
sc <- summary(x)
params <- get_parameters(x)
if (all(unlist(lapply(sc, is.list)))) {
list_sc <- lapply(sc, function(i) {
.x <- as.data.frame(i)
.x$Parameter <- rownames(.x)
out <- do.call(rbind, list_sc)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = out$coefficients.T.Value,
Component = params$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
} else {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = unname(sc$coefficients[, 5]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.crqs <- get_statistic.crq
#' @export
get_statistic.nlrq <- get_statistic.rq
#' @export
get_statistic.rqss <- function(x,
component = c("all", "conditional", "smooth_terms"),
...) {
component <- match.arg(component)
cs <- summary(x)
stat <- c(as.vector(cs$coef[, "t value"]), as.vector(cs$qsstab[, "F value"]))
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = unname(stat),
Component = params$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.systemfit <- function(x, ...) {
cf <- stats::coef(summary(x))
f <- find_formula(x, verbose = FALSE)
system_names <- names(f)
parameter_names <- row.names(cf)
out <- lapply(system_names, function(i) {
pattern <- paste0("^", i, "_(.*)")
params <- grepl(pattern, parameter_names)
Parameter = gsub(pattern, "\\1", parameter_names[params]),
Statistic = as.vector(cf[params, 3]),
Component = i,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
out <- do.call(rbind, out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.bigglm <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
cs <- summary(x)$mat
se <- as.vector(cs[, 4])
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = parms$Estimate / se,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.biglm <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
cs <- summary(x)$mat
se <- as.vector(cs[, 4])
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = parms$Estimate / se,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.LORgee <- function(x, ...) {
out <- get_statistic.default(x)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.crch <- function(x, ...) {
cs <- do.call(rbind, stats::coef(summary(x), model = "full"))
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.fixest <- function(x, ...) {
cs <- summary(x)$coeftable
params <- get_parameters(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.glmx <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("all", "conditional", "extra"))
cf <- stats::coef(summary(x))
parms <- get_parameters(x)
out <- rbind(
Parameter = parms$Parameter[parms$Component == "conditional"],
Statistic = unname(cf$glm[, 3]),
Component = "conditional",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
Parameter = parms$Parameter[parms$Component == "extra"],
Statistic = cf$extra[, 3],
Component = "extra",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @rdname get_statistic
#' @export
get_statistic.gee <- function(x, robust = FALSE, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
cs <- stats::coef(summary(x))
if (isTRUE(robust)) {
stats <- as.vector(cs[, "Robust z"])
} else {
stats <- as.vector(cs[, "Naive z"])
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = stats,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.complmrob <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
stat <- summary(x)$stats
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(stat[, "t value"]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.logistf <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
utils::capture.output(s <- summary(x)) # nolint
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(stats::qchisq(1 - s$prob, df = 1)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.flac <- get_statistic.logistf
#' @export
get_statistic.flic <- get_statistic.logistf
#' @export
get_statistic.epi.2by2 <- function(x, ...) {
stat <- x$massoc.detail$chi2.strata.uncor
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = "Chi2",
Statistic = stat$test.statistic,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.svyglm.nb <- function(x, ...) {
if (!isNamespaceLoaded("survey")) {
requireNamespace("survey", quietly = TRUE)
parms <- get_parameters(x)
se <- sqrt(diag(stats::vcov(x, stderr = "robust")))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = parms$Estimate / se,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.svyglm.zip <- get_statistic.svyglm.nb
#' @export
get_statistic.svyglm <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
vc <- get_varcov(x)
se <- sqrt(diag(vc))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = parms$Estimate / se,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.svyolr <- get_statistic.svyglm
#' @export
get_statistic.betareg <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("all", "conditional", "precision"))
parms <- get_parameters(x)
cs <- do.call(rbind, stats::coef(summary(x)))
se <- as.vector(cs[, 2])
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = parms$Estimate / se,
Component = parms$Component,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.DirichletRegModel <- function(x, component = "all", ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, choices = c("all", "conditional", "precision"))
parms <- get_parameters(x)
junk <- utils::capture.output(cs <- summary(x)$coef.mat) # nolint
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = unname(cs[, "z value"]),
Response = parms$Response,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
if (is.null(parms$Component)) {
component <- "all"
} else {
out$Component <- parms$Component
if (component != "all") {
out <- out[out$Component == component, , drop = FALSE]
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.glimML <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
s <- methods::slot(aod::summary(x), "Coef")
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = s[, 3],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.lrm <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
stat <- stats::coef(x) / sqrt(diag(stats::vcov(x)))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(stat),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.ols <- get_statistic.lrm
#' @export
get_statistic.rms <- get_statistic.lrm
#' @export
get_statistic.psm <- get_statistic.lrm
#' @export
get_statistic.orm <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
vc <- stats::vcov(x)
parms <- parms[parms$Parameter %in% dimnames(vc)[[1]], ]
stat <- parms$Estimate / sqrt(diag(vc))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(stat),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.rma <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
stat <- x$zval
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(stat),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.metaplus <- function(x, ...) {
params <- get_parameters(x)
ci_low <- as.vector(x$results[, "95% ci.lb"])
ci_high <- as.vector(x$results[, "95% ci.ub"])
cis <- apply(cbind(ci_low, ci_high), MARGIN = 1, diff)
se <- cis / (2 * stats::qnorm(0.975))
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = params$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(params$Estimate / se),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.bife <- function(x, ...) {
parms <- get_parameters(x)
cs <- summary(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = parms$Parameter,
Statistic = as.vector(cs$cm[, 3]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.mediate <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
get_statistic.coeftest <- function(x, ...) {
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = row.names(x),
Statistic = x[, 3],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.bfsl <- function(x, ...) {
cs <- stats::coef(x)
out <- data.frame(
Parameter = rownames(cs),
Statistic = as.vector(cs[, "Estimate"] / cs[, "Std. Error"]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
out <- text_remove_backticks(out)
attr(out, "statistic") <- find_statistic(x)
#' @export
get_statistic.lm_robust <- function(x, ...) {
if (is_multivariate(x)) {
get_statistic.mlm(x, ...)
} else {
get_statistic.default(x, ...)
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