
Defines functions seuratToURD

Documented in seuratToURD

#' Import URD from Seurat
#' If you're previously performed analyses in Seurat, you can copy them over
#' directly into an URD object for analyzing pseudotime, pseudolineage, and
#' building a specification tree.
#' @param seurat.object A Seurat object
#' @return An URD object
#' @export

seuratToURD <- function(seurat.object) {
	if (requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)) {
            # Create an empty URD object
            ds <- new("URD")
            # Copy over data
            ds@logupx.data <- as(as.matrix(seurat.object@data), "dgCMatrix")
            if(!any(dim(seurat.object@raw.data) == 0)) ds@count.data <- as(as.matrix(seurat.object@raw.data[rownames(seurat.object@data), colnames(seurat.object@data)]), "dgCMatrix")
            # Copy over metadata
            ## TO DO - grab kmeans clustering info
            get.data <- NULL
            if (.hasSlot(seurat.object, "data.info")) { 
              get.data <- as.data.frame(seurat.object@data.info)
            } else if (.hasSlot(seurat.object, "meta.data")) { 
              get.data <- as.data.frame(seurat.object@meta.data) 
            if(!is.null(get.data)) {
              di <- colnames(get.data)
              m <- grep("res|cluster|Res|Cluster", di, value=T, invert = T) # Put as metadata if it's not the result of a clustering.
              discrete <- apply(get.data, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) / length(x))
              gi <- di[which(discrete <= 0.015)]
              ds@meta <- get.data[,m,drop=F]
              ds@group.ids <- get.data[,gi,drop=F]
            # Copy over var.genes
            if(length(seurat.object@var.genes > 0)) ds@var.genes <- seurat.object@var.genes
            # Move over tSNE projection
            if (.hasSlot(seurat.object, "tsne.rot")) {
              if(!any(dim(seurat.object@tsne.rot) == 0)) {
                ds@tsne.y <- as.data.frame(seurat.object@tsne.rot)
                colnames(ds@tsne.y) <- c("tSNE1", "tSNE2")
            } else if (.hasSlot(seurat.object, "dr")) {
              if(("tsne" %in% names(seurat.object@dr)) && !any(dim(seurat.object@dr$tsne) == 0)) {
                ds@tsne.y <- as.data.frame(seurat.object@dr$tsne@cell.embeddings)
                colnames(ds@tsne.y) <- c("tSNE1", "tSNE2")
            # Move over PCA results
            if (.hasSlot(seurat.object, "pca.x")) {
              if(!any(dim(seurat.object@pca.x) == 0)) {
                ds@pca.load <- seurat.object@pca.x
                ds@pca.scores <- seurat.object@pca.rot
                warning("Need to set which PCs are significant in @pca.sig")
              ## TO DO: Convert SVD to sdev
            } else if (.hasSlot(seurat.object, "dr")) {
              if(("pca" %in% names(seurat.object@dr)) && !any(dim(seurat.object@dr$pca@gene.loadings) == 0)) {
                ds@pca.load <- as.data.frame(seurat.object@dr$pca@gene.loadings)
                ds@pca.scores <- as.data.frame(seurat.object@dr$pca@cell.embeddings)
                ds@pca.sdev <- seurat.object@dr$pca@sdev
                ds@pca.sig <- pcaMarchenkoPastur(M=dim(ds@pca.scores)[1], N=dim(ds@pca.load)[1], pca.sdev=ds@pca.sdev)
	} else {
	  stop("Package Seurat is required for this function. To install: install.packages('Seurat')\n")
farrellja/URD documentation built on June 17, 2020, 4:48 a.m.