## Add external data to DR.SC
# usethis::use_data(HCC1)
# Run to build the website
# pkgdown::build_site()
# pkgdown::build_reference()
# build_home()
# R CMD check --as-cran DR.SC_3.2.tar.gz
.logDiffTime <- function(main = "", t1 = NULL, verbose = TRUE, addHeader = FALSE,
t2 = Sys.time(), units = "mins", header = "*****",
tail = "elapsed.", precision = 3){
# main = ""; t1 = NULL; verbose = TRUE; addHeader = FALSE;
# t2 = Sys.time(); units = "mins"; header = "###########";
# tail = "elapsed."; precision = 3
if (verbose) {
timeStamp <- tryCatch({
dt <- abs(round(difftime(t2, t1, units = units),
if (addHeader) {
msg <- sprintf("%s\n%s : %s, %s %s %s\n%s",
header, Sys.time(), main, dt, units, tail,
else {
msg <- sprintf("%s : %s, %s %s %s", Sys.time(),
main, dt, units, tail)
if (verbose)
}, error = function(x) {
if (verbose)
message("Time Error : ", x)
.logTime <- function(main='', prefix='*****', versoe=TRUE){
message(paste0(Sys.time()," : ", prefix," ", main))
### Generate data without spatial dependence.
gendata_noSp <- function(n=100, p =100, q=15, K = 8, alpha=10, sigma2=1, seed=1){
q <- 2; K <- 10
if(q <2) stop("error:gendata_noSp:: q must be greater than 2!")
## fixed after generation
Lambda = sigma2*(abs(rnorm(p, sd=1)))
W1 <- matrix(rnorm(p*q), p, q)
W <- qr.Q(qr(W1))
# set different random seed for each repeat.
Pi <- rep(1, K)/K
Y <- t(rmultinom(n, size=1, Pi))
cluster <- apply(Y, 1, which.max)
mu <- matrix(0, q, K)
diagmat = array(0, dim = c(q, q, K))
if(q > K){
q1 <- floor(K/2)
for(j in 1:q1){
if(j <= (q1/2)) mu[j,j] <- alpha
if(j > (q1/2)) mu[j,j] <- -alpha
mu[(q1+1):q, K] <- -alpha
}else if(q <= K){
for(k in 1:K)
mu[,k] <- rep(alpha/8 *k, q) #
for(k in 1:K){
tmp <- rep(1, q)
if(k <= K/2){
tmp[q] <- alpha
diag(diagmat[,,k]) <- tmp
Mu <- t(mu)
Ez <- 0
for(k in 1:K){
Ez <- Ez + Pi[k]* Mu[k,]
Mu <- Mu - matrix(Ez, K, q, byrow=T)
Sigma <- diagmat
Z <- matrix(0, n, q)
for(k in 1:K){
nk <- sum(Y[,k])
Z[Y[,k]==1, ] <- MASS::mvrnorm(nk, Mu[k,], Sigma[,,k])
X = Z %*% t(W) + MASS::mvrnorm(n, rep(0,p), diag(Lambda))
svd_Sig <- svd(cov(Z))
W12 <- W %*% svd_Sig$u %*% diag(sqrt(svd_Sig$d))
signal <- sum(svd(W12)$d^2)
snr <- sum(svd(W12)$d^2) / (sum(svd(W12)$d^2)+ sum(Lambda))
message("SNR=", round(snr,4), '\n')
return(list(X=X, Z=Z, cluster=cluster, W=W, Mu=Mu, Sigma=Sigma, Pi=Pi, Lam_vec=Lambda, snr=snr))
### Generate data with spatial dependence.
gendata_sp <- function(height=30, width=30, p =100, q=10, K=7, G=4, beta=1, sigma2=1, tau=8, seed=1, view=FALSE){
# height <- 70
# width <- 70
# G <- 4
# beta <- 1.0
# K <- 7
# q <- 10
# p <- 1000
if(q <2) stop("error:gendata_sp::q must be greater than 2!")
# require(GiRaF)
# require(MASS)
n <- height * width # # of cell in each indviduals
## generate deterministic parameters, fixed after generation
# sigma2 <- 1
Lambda <- sigma2*abs(rnorm(p, sd=1))
W1 <- matrix(rnorm(p*q), p, q)
W <- qr.Q(qr(W1))
mu <- matrix(0, q, K)
diagmat = array(0, dim = c(q, q, K))
if(q > K){
q1 <- floor(K/2)
for(j in 1:q1){
if(j <= (q1/2)) mu[j,j] <- tau
if(j > (q1/2)) mu[j,j] <- -tau
mu[(q1+1):q, K] <- -tau
}else if(q <= K){
for(k in 1:K)
mu[,k] <- rep(tau/8 *k, q) #
for(k in 1:K){
tmp <- rep(1, q)
if(k <= K/2){
tmp[q] <- tau
diag(diagmat[,,k]) <- tmp
Mu <- t(mu)
Sigma <- diagmat
# generate the spatial dependence for state variable y, a hidden Markov RF
y <- sampler.mrf(iter = n, sampler = "Gibbs", h = height, w = width, ncolors = K, nei = G, param = beta,
initialise = FALSE, view = view)
y <- c(y) + 1
Z <- matrix(0, n, q)
for(k in 1:K){
nk <- sum(y==k)
Z[y==k, ] <- MASS::mvrnorm(nk, Mu[k,], Sigma[,,k])
Ez <- colMeans(Z)
Mu <- Mu - matrix(Ez, K, q, byrow=T) # center Z
X <- Z %*% t(W) + MASS::mvrnorm(n, rep(0,p), diag(Lambda))
svd_Sig <- svd(cov(Z))
W12 <- W %*% svd_Sig$u %*% diag(sqrt(svd_Sig$d))
signal <- sum(svd(W12)$d^2)
snr <- sum(svd(W12)$d^2) / (sum(svd(W12)$d^2)+ sum(Lambda))
message("SNR=", round(snr,4), '\n')
# make position
pos <- cbind(rep(1:height, width), rep(1:height, each=width))
return(list(X=X, Z=Z, cluster=y, W=W, Mu=Mu, Sigma=Sigma, Lam_vec=Lambda, beta=beta,pos=pos, snr=snr))
#### Generate Spatial data with ST platform
gendata_RNAExp <- function(height=30, width=30, platform="ST", p =100, q=10, K=7,
G=4,sigma2=1, tau=8, seed=1, view=FALSE){
if(q <2) stop("error:gendata_sp::q must be greater than 2!")
n <- height * width # # of cell in each indviduals
beta= 1
}else if(platform=='scRNAseq'){
beta = 0
## generate deterministic parameters, fixed after generation
# sigma2 <- 1
Lambda <- sigma2*abs(rnorm(p, sd=1))
W1 <- matrix(rnorm(p*q), p, q)
W <- qr.Q(qr(W1))
mu <- matrix(0, q, K)
diagmat = array(0, dim = c(q, q, K))
if(q > K){
q1 <- floor(K/2)
for(j in 1:q1){
if(j <= (q1/2)) mu[j,j] <- tau
if(j > (q1/2)) mu[j,j] <- -tau
mu[(q1+1):q, K] <- -tau
}else if(q <= K){
for(k in 1:K)
mu[,k] <- rep(tau/8 *k, q) #
for(k in 1:K){
tmp <- rep(1, q)
if(k <= K/2){
tmp[q] <- tau
diag(diagmat[,,k]) <- tmp
Mu <- t(mu)
Sigma <- diagmat
# generate the spatial dependence for state variable y, a hidden Markov RF
y <- sampler.mrf(iter = n, sampler = "Gibbs", h = height, w = width, ncolors = K, nei = G, param = beta,
initialise = FALSE, view = view)
y <- c(y) + 1
Z <- matrix(0, n, q)
for(k in 1:K){
nk <- sum(y==k)
Z[y==k, ] <- MASS::mvrnorm(nk, Mu[k,], Sigma[,,k])
Ez <- colMeans(Z)
Mu <- Mu - matrix(Ez, K, q, byrow=T) # center Z
X <- Z %*% t(W) + MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu=rep(0,p), Sigma=diag(Lambda))
# make position
pos <- cbind(rep(1:height, width), rep(1:height, each=width))
counts <- t(X) - min(X)
p <- ncol(X); n <- nrow(X)
rownames(counts) <- paste0("gene", seq_len(p))
colnames(counts) <- paste0("spot", seq_len(n))
counts <- as.matrix(exp(counts)-1)
## Make array coordinates - filled rectangle
cdata <- list()
cdata$row <- pos[,1]
cdata$col <- pos[,2]
cdata <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, cdata))
cdata$imagerow <- cdata$row
cdata$imagecol <- cdata$col
row.names(cdata) <- colnames(counts)
## Make SCE
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts= counts, meta.data=cdata) #
}else if(platform=='scRNAseq'){
# library(Seurat)
## Make SCE
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts= counts)
stop("gendata_RNAExp: Unsupported platform \"", platform, "\".")
seu$true_clusters <- y
# Data reading ------------------------------------------------------------
read10XVisium <- function (dirname) {
uniquifyFeatureNames <- function (ID, names)
if (length(ID) != length(names)) {
stop("lengths of 'ID' and 'names' must be equal")
names <- as.character(names)
ID <- as.character(ID)
missing.name <- is.na(names)
names[missing.name] <- ID[missing.name]
dup.name <- names %in% names[duplicated(names)]
names[dup.name] <- paste0(names[dup.name], "_", ID[dup.name])
spatial_dir <- file.path(dirname, "spatial")
matrix_dir <- file.path(dirname, "filtered_feature_bc_matrix")
if (!dir.exists(matrix_dir))
stop("Matrix directory does not exist:\n ", matrix_dir)
if (!dir.exists(spatial_dir))
stop("Spatial directory does not exist:\n ", spatial_dir)
colData <- read.csv(file.path(spatial_dir, "tissue_positions_list.csv"),
header = FALSE)
colnames(colData) <- c("spot", "in_tissue", "row",
"col", "imagerow", "imagecol")
rownames(colData) <- colData$spot
colData <- colData[colData$in_tissue > 0, ]
rowData <- read.table(file.path(matrix_dir, "features.tsv.gz"),
header = FALSE)
colnames(rowData) <- c("gene_id", "gene_name",
rowData <- rowData[, c("gene_id", "gene_name")]
rownames(rowData) <- uniquifyFeatureNames(rowData$gene_id,
counts <- Matrix::readMM(file.path(matrix_dir, "matrix.mtx.gz"))
barcodes <- read.table(file.path(matrix_dir, "barcodes.tsv.gz"),
header = FALSE)
colnames(counts) <- barcodes$V1
rownames(counts) <- rownames(rowData)
counts <- counts[, rownames(colData)]
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = counts, meta.data = colData)
seu[['RNA']] <- AddMetaData(seu[['RNA']], metadata=rowData)
seu@tools$platform <- "Visium"
readscRNAseq <- function(mtx, cells, features, ...){
spMat <- ReadMtx(mtx,cells,features, ...)
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = spMat)
seu@tools$platform <- "scRNAseq"
# Data prepocessing -------------------------------------------------------
## use SPARK to choose spatially variable genes
FindSVGs <- function(seu, nfeatures=2000, covariates=NULL, preHVGs=5000,num_core=1, verbose=TRUE){
if (!inherits(seu, "Seurat"))
stop("method is only for Seurat objects")
# require(SPARK)
# require(Seurat)
assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
# sp_count <- seu[[assay]]@counts
sp_count <- GetAssayData(seu, assay = assay, slot='counts')
warning("The number of preHVGs is smaller than nfeatures, and replaced by nfeatures!\n")
preHVGs <- nfeatures
seu <- FindVariableFeatures(seu, nfeatures = preHVGs, verbose=verbose)
sp_count <- seu[[assay]]@counts[seu[[assay]]@var.features,]
location <- as.data.frame(cbind(seu$row, seu$col))
message("Find the spatially variables genes by SPARK-X...\n")
sparkX <- sparkx(sp_count,location, X_in = covariates, numCores=num_core, option="mixture", verbose=verbose)
if(nfeatures > nrow(sp_count)) nfeatures <- nrow(sp_count)
## Find top nfeatures smallest adjusted p-values
order_nfeatures <- order(sparkX$res_mtest$adjustedPval)[1:nfeatures]
genes <- row.names(sp_count)[order_nfeatures]
## Access the gene based on gene name
is.SVGs <- rep(FALSE, nrow(seu))
order.SVGs <- rep(NA, nrow(seu))
adjusted.pval.SVGs <- rep(NA, nrow(seu))
names(is.SVGs) <- names(order.SVGs)<- names(adjusted.pval.SVGs) <- row.names(seu)
order.SVGs[genes] <- 1:length(genes)
is.SVGs[genes] <- TRUE
adjusted.pval.SVGs[genes] <- sparkX$res_mtest$adjustedPval[order_nfeatures]
if(inherits(seu[[assay]], "Assay5")){
seu[[assay]]@meta.data$is.SVGs <- is.SVGs
seu[[assay]]@meta.data$order.SVGs <- order.SVGs
seu[[assay]]@meta.data$adjusted.pval.SVGs <- adjusted.pval.SVGs
var.features <- rep(NA, nrow(seu))
names(var.features) <- row.names(seu)
var.features[genes] <- genes
seu[[assay]]@meta.data$var.features <- unname(var.features)
seu[[assay]]@meta.features$is.SVGs <- is.SVGs
seu[[assay]]@meta.features$order.SVGs <- order.SVGs
seu[[assay]]@meta.features$adjusted.pval.SVGs <- adjusted.pval.SVGs
seu[[assay]]@var.features <- genes
topSVGs <- function(seu, ntop=5){
if (!inherits(seu, "Seurat"))
stop("method is only for Seurat objects")
if(ntop > nrow(seu)) warning(paste0("Only ", nrow(seu), ' SVGs will be returned since the number of genes is less than ', ntop, '\n'))
assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
if(inherits(seu[[assay]], "Assay5")){
if (is.null(seu[[assay]]@meta.data$is.SVGs))
stop("There is no information about SVGs in default Assay. Please use function FindSVGs first!")
SVGs <- row.names(seu)[seu[[assay]]@meta.data$is.SVGs]
order_features <- seu[[assay]]@meta.data$order.SVGs
if (is.null(seu[[assay]]@meta.features$is.SVGs))
stop("There is no information about SVGs in default Assay. Please use function FindSVGs first!")
SVGs <- row.names(seu)[seu[[assay]]@meta.features$is.SVGs]
order_features <- seu[[assay]]@meta.features$order.SVGs
idx <- order(order_features[!is.na(order_features)])[1:ntop]
# Access data from Seurat object ------------------------------------------
## To compatible with Seurat V5
get_data_fromSeurat <- function(seu, assay=NULL, slot='counts'){
if(is.null(assay)) assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
dat <- GetAssayData(seu, assay = assay, slot= slot)
get_varfeature_fromSeurat <- function(seu, assay=NULL){
if(is.null(assay)) assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
if(inherits(seu[[assay]], "Assay5")){
var.features <- seu[[assay]]@meta.data$var.features
var.features <- var.features[!is.na(var.features)]
var.features <- seu[[assay]]@var.features
# Define DR.SC S3 function ------------------------------------------------
DR.SC_fit <- function(X, K, Adj_sp=NULL, q=15,
error.heter= TRUE, beta_grid=seq(0.5, 5, by=0.5),
maxIter=25, epsLogLik=1e-5, verbose=FALSE, maxIter_ICM=6,
wpca.int=FALSE,int.model="EEE", approxPCA=FALSE, coreNum = 5){
if (!(inherits(X, "dgCMatrix") || inherits(X, "matrix")))
stop("X must be dgCMatrix object or matrix object")
if(is.null(colnames(X))) colnames(X) <- paste0('gene', 1:ncol(X))
## Check whether X include zero-variance genes
sd_zeros <- apply(X, 2, sd)
warning(paste0('There are ', sum(sd_zeros==0), ' zero-variance genes that will be removed!\n'))
X <- X[, sd_zeros !=0]
if(length(K)==1) coreNum <- 1
q <- min(q, ncol(X)-1)
message("Fit DR-SC model...\n")
resList <- drsc(X,Adj_sp = Adj_sp, q=q, K=K, error.heter= error.heter,
beta_grid=beta_grid,maxIter=maxIter, epsLogLik=epsLogLik,
verbose=verbose, maxIter_ICM=maxIter_ICM,
alpha=FALSE, wpca.int=wpca.int, diagSigmak=FALSE, int.model=int.model,
approxPCA=approxPCA, coreNum =coreNum)
message("Finish DR-SC model fitting\n")
DR.SC <- function(seu, K, q=50, platform= c('Visium', "ST", "Other_SRT", "scRNAseq"), ...) {
DR.SC.Seurat <- function(seu, K, q=15, platform= c('Visium', "ST", "Other_SRT", "scRNAseq"), ...){
# require(Seurat)
if (!inherits(seu, "Seurat"))
stop("method is only for Seurat objects")
platform <- match.arg(platform)
if(platform == 'scRNAseq'){
Adj_sp <- NULL
Adj_sp <- getAdj(seu, platform)
assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
var.features <- get_varfeature_fromSeurat(seu, assay)
dat <- get_data_fromSeurat(seu, assay=assay, slot='data')
X <- Matrix::t(dat[var.features,])
resList <- DR.SC_fit(X,Adj_sp = Adj_sp, q=q, K=K, ...)
# hZ <-resList$hZ
# row.names(hZ) <- colnames(seu)
# colnames(hZ) <- paste0('DR-SC', 1:q)
# seu@reductions$"dr-sc" <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = hZ, key='DRSC_', assay=DefaultAssay(seu))
# seu$spatial.drsc.cluster <- resList$cluster
# Idents(seu) <- factor(paste0("cluster", seu$spatial.drsc.cluster), levels=paste0('cluster',1:K))
# seu@tools <- resList[-c(1,2)]
seu[[assay]]@misc[['dr-scInf']] <- extractInfModel(resList)
seu <- selectModel(seu, criteria = 'MBIC', pen.const=0.5)
extractInfModel <- function(resList){
if(!inherits(resList, 'drscObject')) stop('extractInfModel: resList must be "drscObject" class!\n')
nObj <- length(resList$Objdrsc)
if(nObj<1) stop("extractInfModel: the length of 'resList' is zero!")
if(nObj >= 1){
loglik_vec <- rep(NA, nObj)
dmat <- matrix(NA, nObj, 3)
colnames(dmat) <- c("n", "p", "df")
clusterList <- list()
hZList <- list()
for(i in 1:nObj){
loglik_vec[i] <- resList$Objdrsc[[i]]$loglik
dmat[i, ] <- resList$out_param[i, c(3,4,6)]
clusterList[[i]] <- resList$Objdrsc[[i]]$cluster
hZList[[i]] <- resList$Objdrsc[[i]]$hZ
KinfMat <- cbind(K=resList$K_set,loglik=loglik_vec,dmat)
return(list(clusterList=clusterList, hZList=hZList, KinfMat=KinfMat))
### This function includes the main methods: first is simultaneous dimension reduction and
### clustering with homo variance error and no sptial information, second is the
### drsc with heter variance and no spatial information, and third is the
### drsc with heter variance and spatial information
### This version use parallel package to evalute initial values, then use multi-thread in C++
### to evaluate Z and y in multi-K.
drsc <- function(X,Adj_sp = NULL, q, K, error.heter= TRUE, beta_grid=seq(0.5, 5, by=0.5),
maxIter=30, epsLogLik=1e-5, verbose=FALSE, maxIter_ICM=6,
alpha=FALSE, wpca.int=TRUE, diagSigmak=FALSE, int.model="EEE",
approxPCA=FALSE, coreNum = 5){
n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)
X <- scale(X, scale=FALSE)
message("-------------------Calculate inital values-------------")
tic <- proc.time()
message("Using approxmated PCA to obtain initial values")
princ <- approxPCA(X, q)
message("Using accurate PCA to obtain initial values")
princ <- wpca(X, q, weighted=wpca.int)
Lam_vec0 <- princ$Lam_vec
Lam_vec0 <- rep(mean(princ$Lam_vec), p)
W0 <- princ$loadings
hZ <- princ$PCs
rm(princ) ## delete the temporary variable.
nK <- length(K)
message("Starting parallel computing intial values...")
## set the number of cores in evaluating initial values
num_core <- coreNum
cl <- makeCluster(num_core)
}else if(Sys.info()[1]=='Linux'){
cl <- makeCluster(num_core, type="FORK")
cl <- makeCluster(num_core)
intList <- parLapply(cl, X=K, parfun_int, Z=hZ, alpha=alpha,int.model=int.model)
intList <- list(parfun_int(K, hZ, alpha, int.model=int.model))
alpha0List = list()
Mu0List = list()
Sigma0List = list()
ymat = matrix(0, n, nK)
Pi0List = list()
for (kk in 1: nK){
ymat[,kk] <- intList[[kk]]$yveck
alpha0List[[kk]] <- intList[[kk]]$alpha0k
Mu0List[[kk]] <- intList[[kk]]$Mu0k
Sigma0List[[kk]] <- intList[[kk]]$Sigma0k
Pi0List[[kk]] <- intList[[kk]]$Pi0k
rm(intList) ## delete the temporary variable.
message("-------------------Finish computing inital values------------- ")
verbose <- 1
verbose <- 0
message("-------------------Starting ICM-EM algortihm-------------")
beta0 = matrix(1, length(K), 1)*1.5
resList <- icmem_heterCpp(X, Adj_sp, ymat,Mu0List, W0, Sigma0List, Lam_vec0,
alpha0List, beta_int=beta0, beta_grid=beta_grid, maxIter_ICM, maxIter,
epsLogLik, verbose, !error.heter, diagSigmak, max(K), min(K), coreNum)
}else if(is.null(Adj_sp)){
resList <- EMmPCpp_heter(X, Pi0List, Mu0List, W0, Sigma0List, Lam_vec0, maxIter, epsLogLik,
verbose, !error.heter, diagSigmak, max(K), min(K), coreNum)
toc_heter <- proc.time() - tic
if(verbose) {
message("elasped time is :", round(toc_heter[3], 2))
resList$K_set <- K
class(resList) <- "drscObject"
mycluster <- function(Z, G, int.model='EEE'){
mclus2 <- Mclust(Z, G=G, modelNames=int.model,verbose=FALSE)
parfun_int <- function(k, Z, alpha, int.model='EEE'){
mclus2 <- mycluster(Z, k, int.model)
yveck <- mclus2$classification
alpha0k <- mclus2$parameters$pro
alpha0k <- rep(0, k)
Mu0k <- t(mclus2$parameters$mean)
Sigma0k <- mclus2$parameters$variance$sigma
Pi0k <- mclus2$parameters$pro
return(list(yveck=yveck, alpha0k=alpha0k, Mu0k = Mu0k, Sigma0k=Sigma0k, Pi0k=Pi0k))
selectModel <- function(obj, criteria = 'MBIC', pen.const=1){
selectModel.drscObject <- function(obj, criteria = 'MBIC', pen.const=1){
# select the best model based on the returned values from SimulDRcluster
if(!inherits(obj, 'drscObject'))
stop('selectModel: method is only for Seurat or drscObject object!\n')
reslist <- extractInfModel(obj)
dfInf <- reslist$KinfMat
K_set <- reslist$KinfMat[,"K"]
nK <- length(K_set)
icVec <- rep(Inf, nK)
for(k in 1:nK){
# k <- 1
n <- dfInf[k,3]; p <- dfInf[k,4]; dfree <- dfInf[k,5]
loglik <- dfInf[k, 2]
icVec[k] <- switch(criteria,
MAIC = -2.0* loglik +dfree * 2 * log(log(p+n))*pen.const,
AIC = -2.0* loglik +dfree * 2,
MBIC = -2.0* loglik +dfree * log(n) * log(log(p+n))*pen.const,
BIC = -2.0* loglik +dfree * log(n))
min_indx <- which.min(icVec)
bestK <- K_set[min_indx]
icMat <- cbind(K=K_set, IC=icVec)
cluster_PCList <- list(bestK= bestK, cluster=as.vector(reslist$clusterList[[min_indx]]),
hZ = reslist$hZList[[min_indx]], icMat=icMat)
selectModel.Seurat <- function(obj, criteria = 'MBIC', pen.const=1){
if (!inherits(obj, "Seurat"))
stop("selectModel: method is only for Seurat or drscObject object")
assay <- DefaultAssay(obj)
reslist <- obj[[assay]]@misc[['dr-scInf']]
dfInf <- reslist$KinfMat
K_set <- reslist$KinfMat[,"K"]
nK <- length(K_set)
icMat <- matrix(Inf, nK, 3)
colnames(icMat) <- toupper(c("MBIC", "BIC", "AIC"))
for(k in 1:nK){
# k <- 1
n <- dfInf[k,3]; p <- dfInf[k,4]; dfree <- dfInf[k,5]
loglik <- dfInf[k, 2]
icMat[k, ] <-c(MBIC = -2.0* loglik +dfree * log(n) * log(log(p+n))*pen.const,
BIC = -2.0* loglik +dfree * log(n),
AIC = -2.0* loglik +dfree * 2)
criteria <- toupper(criteria)
icVec <- icMat[,criteria]
min_indx <- which.min(icVec)
bestK <- K_set[min_indx]
icMat <- cbind(K=K_set, icMat)
hZ <- reslist$hZList[[min_indx]]
row.names(hZ) <- colnames(obj)
colnames(hZ) <- paste0('DR-SC', 1: ncol(hZ))
obj@reductions$"dr-sc" <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = hZ, key='DRSC_', assay=assay)
obj$spatial.drsc.cluster <- as.vector(reslist$clusterList[[min_indx]])
Idents(obj) <- factor(paste0("cluster", obj$spatial.drsc.cluster), levels=paste0('cluster',1: bestK))
obj[[assay]]@misc[['icMat']] <- icMat
getAdj <- function(obj, platform = c('Visium', "ST", "Other_SRT"), ...) UseMethod("getAdj")
getAdj.Seurat <- function(obj, platform = c('Visium', "ST", "Other_SRT"), ...){
if (!inherits(obj, "Seurat"))
stop("method is only for Seurat or matrix objects")
# require(Matrix)
platform <- match.arg(platform)
if (tolower(platform) == "visium") {
## Spots to left and right, two above, two below
offsets <- data.frame(x.offset=c(-2, 2, -1, 1, -1, 1),
y.offset=c( 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1))
} else if (tolower(platform) == "st") {
## L1 radius of 1 (spots above, right, below, and left)
offsets <- data.frame(x.offset=c( 0, 1, 0, -1),
y.offset=c(-1, 0, 1, 0))
}else if(tolower(platform) == 'other_srt'){
pos <- as.matrix(cbind(row=obj$row, col=obj$col))
Adj_sp <- getAdj_auto(pos, ...)
stop("getAdj: Unsupported platform \"", platform, "\".")
## Get array coordinates (and label by index of spot in SCE)
spot.positions <- as.data.frame(cbind(row=obj$row, col=obj$col))
spot.positions$spot.idx <- seq_len(nrow(spot.positions))
## Compute coordinates of each possible spot neighbor
neighbor.positions <- merge(spot.positions, offsets)
neighbor.positions$x.pos <- neighbor.positions$col + neighbor.positions$x.offset
neighbor.positions$y.pos <- neighbor.positions$row + neighbor.positions$y.offset
## Select spots that exist at neighbor coordinates
neighbors <- merge(as.data.frame(neighbor.positions),
by.x=c("x.pos", "y.pos"), by.y=c("col", "row"),
suffixes=c(".primary", ".neighbor"),
## Shift to zero-indexing for C++
#neighbors$spot.idx.neighbor <- neighbors$spot.idx.neighbor - 1
## Group neighbor indices by spot
## (sort first for consistency with older implementation)
neighbors <- neighbors[order(neighbors$spot.idx.primary,
neighbors$spot.idx.neighbor), ]
df_j <- split(neighbors$spot.idx.neighbor, neighbors$spot.idx.primary)
df_j <- unname(df_j)
## Discard neighboring spots without spot data
## This can be implemented by eliminating `all.x=TRUE` above, but
## this makes it easier to keep empty lists for spots with no neighbors
## (as expected by C++ code)
## df_j <- map(df_j, function(nbrs) discard(nbrs, function(x) is.na(x)))
df_j <- lapply(df_j, function(nbrs) discard(nbrs, function(x) is.na(x)))
## Log number of spots with neighbors
n_with_neighbors <- length(keep(df_j, function(nbrs) length(nbrs) > 0))
message("Neighbors were identified for ", n_with_neighbors, " out of ",
ncol(obj), " spots.")
n <- length(df_j)
D <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (i in 1:n) {
if(length(df_j[[i]]) != 0)
D[i, df_j[[i]]] <- 1
ij <- which(D != 0, arr.ind = T)
Adj_sp <- sparseMatrix(ij[,1], ij[,2], x = 1, dims=c(n, n))
## Bisection method to search the optimal radius to make the median of neighborhoods between 4~6.
find_neighbors <- function(pos, platform=c('ST', "Visium")) {
# require(purrr)
# require()
if (tolower(platform) == "visium") {
## Spots to left and right, two above, two below
offsets <- data.frame(x.offset=c(-2, 2, -1, 1, -1, 1),
y.offset=c( 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1))
} else if (tolower(platform) == "st") {
## L1 radius of 1 (spots above, right, below, and left)
offsets <- data.frame(x.offset=c( 0, 1, 0, -1),
y.offset=c(-1, 0, 1, 0))
} else {
stop("find_neighbors: Unsupported platform \"", platform, "\".")
## Get array coordinates (and label by index of spot in SCE)
colnames(pos) <- c("row", "col")
pos <- DataFrame(pos)
spot.positions <- pos
spot.positions$spot.idx <- seq_len(nrow(spot.positions))
## Compute coordinates of each possible spot neighbor
neighbor.positions <- merge(spot.positions, offsets)
neighbor.positions$x.pos <- neighbor.positions$col + neighbor.positions$x.offset
neighbor.positions$y.pos <- neighbor.positions$row + neighbor.positions$y.offset
## Select spots that exist at neighbor coordinates
neighbors <- merge(as.data.frame(neighbor.positions),
by.x=c("x.pos", "y.pos"), by.y=c("col", "row"),
suffixes=c(".primary", ".neighbor"),
## Shift to zero-indexing for C++
#neighbors$spot.idx.neighbor <- neighbors$spot.idx.neighbor - 1
## Group neighbor indices by spot
## (sort first for consistency with older implementation)
neighbors <- neighbors[order(neighbors$spot.idx.primary,
neighbors$spot.idx.neighbor), ]
df_j <- split(neighbors$spot.idx.neighbor, neighbors$spot.idx.primary)
df_j <- unname(df_j)
## Discard neighboring spots without spot data
## This can be implemented by eliminating `all.x=TRUE` above, but
## this makes it easier to keep empty lists for spots with no neighbors
## (as expected by C++ code)
## df_j <- map(df_j, function(nbrs) discard(nbrs, function(x) is.na(x)))
df_j <- lapply(df_j, function(nbrs) discard(nbrs, function(x) is.na(x)))
## Log number of spots with neighbors
n_with_neighbors <- length(keep(df_j, function(nbrs) length(nbrs) > 0))
message("Neighbors were identified for ", n_with_neighbors, " out of ",
nrow(pos), " spots.")
n <- length(df_j)
D <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (i in 1:n) {
if(length(df_j[[i]]) != 0)
D[i, df_j[[i]]] <- 1
ij <- which(D != 0, arr.ind = T)
getAdj_reg <- function(pos, platform ='Visium'){
# require(Matrix)
ij <- find_neighbors(pos, platform)
n <- nrow(pos)
Adj_sp <- sparseMatrix(ij[,1], ij[,2], x = 1, dims=c(n, n))
getAdj_auto <- function(pos, lower.med=4, upper.med=6, radius.upper= NULL){
if (!inherits(pos, "matrix"))
stop("method is only for matrix object!")
## Automatically determine the upper radius
n_spots <- nrow(pos)
idx <- sample(n_spots, min(100, n_spots))
dis <- dist(pos[idx,])
#radius.upper <- max(dis)
radius.upper <- sort(dis)[20] ## select the nearest 20 spots.
radius.lower <- min(dis[dis>0])
Adj_sp <- getneighborhood_fast(pos, radius=radius.upper)
Med <- summary(Matrix::rowSums(Adj_sp))['Median']
if(Med < lower.med) stop("The radius.upper is too smaller that cannot find median neighbors greater than 4.")
start.radius <- 1
Med <- 0
message("Find the adjacency matrix by bisection method...")
maxIter <- 30
k <- 1
while(!(Med >= lower.med && Med <=upper.med)){ # ensure that each spot has about 4~6 neighborhoods in median.
Adj_sp <- getneighborhood_fast(pos, radius=start.radius)
Med <- summary(Matrix::rowSums(Adj_sp))['Median']
if(Med < lower.med){
radius.lower <- start.radius
start.radius <- (radius.lower + radius.upper)/2
}else if(Med >upper.med){
radius.upper <- start.radius
start.radius <- (radius.lower + radius.upper)/2
message("Current radius is ", round(start.radius, 2))
message("Median of neighborhoods is ", Med)
if(k > maxIter) {
message("Reach the maximum iteration but can not find a proper radius!")
k <- k + 1
getAdj_manual <- function(pos, radius){
if (!inherits(pos, "matrix"))
stop("pos must be a matrix!")
if(radius <=0){
stop('radius must be a positive real!')
Adj_sp <- getneighborhood_fast(pos, radius=radius)
# Approximated PCA for fast computation--------------------------------------------------------------
approxPCA <- function(X, q){ ## speed the computation for initial values.
# require(irlba)
n <- nrow(X)
svdX <- irlba(A =X, nv = q)
PCs <- svdX$u %*% diag(svdX$d[1:q])
loadings <- svdX$v
dX <- PCs %*% t(loadings) - X
Lam_vec <- colSums(dX^2)/n
return(list(PCs = PCs, loadings = loadings, Lam_vec = Lam_vec))
# Weighted PCs ------------------------------------------------------------
# @Wei Liu
# This function includes functions to impliment Weighted PCA in
# reference Bai, J., & Liao, Y. (2013). Statistical inferences using large estimated covariances for panel data and factor models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.2662.
# and Inferences in panel data with interactive effects using largecovariance matrices
# It considers the heterogeneous error term in approximated factor model.
wpca <- function(X, q, weighted=TRUE){
if(!is.matrix(X)) stop("wpca: X must be a matrix!")
if(q< 1) stop("wpca: q must be a positive integer!")
X <- scale(X, scale=F) # centralize
out <- wpcaCpp(X, q, weighted)
wpca2 <- function(X, q, weighted=TRUE){
if(!is.matrix(X)) stop("wpca: X must be a matrix!")
if(q< 1) stop("wpca: q must be a positive integer!")
X <- scale(X, scale=F) # centralize
n <- nrow(X)
svdX <- svd(X, nu=q, nv=q)
PCs <- svdX$u %*% diag(svdX$d[1:q])
loadings <- svdX$v
dX <- PCs %*% t(loadings) - X
Lam_vec = colSums(dX^2)/ n
svdXw <- svd(X %*% diag(1/sqrt(Lam_vec)), nu=q, nv=q)
PCs <- svdXw$u %*% diag(svdXw$d[1:q])
loadings <- diag(sqrt(Lam_vec)) %*% svdXw$v
dX <- PCs %*% t(loadings) - X
Lam_vec = colSums(dX^2)/ n
return(list(PCs=PCs, loadings=loadings, Lam_vec=Lam_vec))
RunWPCA <- function(object,q=15) UseMethod("RunWPCA")
RunWPCA.Seurat <- function(object, q=15){
if (!inherits(object, "Seurat"))
stop("method is only for Seurat, dgCMatrix or matrix objects")
message("If not run ScaleData, please run ScaleData function first then use RunWPCA!")
#scale.data <- object@assays[[DefaultAssay(object)]]@scale.data
scale.data <- get_data_fromSeurat(object, slot='scale.data')
hZ <- wpca(t(scale.data), q=q, weighted = T)$PCs
row.names(hZ) <- colnames(object)
colnames(hZ) <- paste0('WPCA', 1:q)
object@reductions$"wpca" <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = hZ, key='WPCA_', assay=DefaultAssay(object))
RunWPCA.matrix <- function(object, q=15){
if (!inherits(object, "matrix"))
stop("method is only for Seurat, dgCMatrix or matrix objects")
hZ <- wpca(t(object), q=q, weighted = T)
warning('colnames(object) is null, so the colnames are assigned with spot 1:ncol(object)!')
colnames(object) <- paste0('spot', 1:ncol(object))
row.names(hZ) <- colnames(object)
colnames(hZ) <- paste0('WPCA', 1:q)
RunWPCA.dgCMatrix<- function(object, q=15){
if (!inherits(object, "dgCMatrix"))
stop("method is only for Seurat, dgCMatrix or matrix objects")
hZ <- wpca(Matrix::t(object), q=q, weighted = T)
warning('colnames(object) is null, so the colnames are assigned with spot 1:ncol(object)!')
colnames(object) <- paste0('spot', 1:ncol(object))
row.names(hZ) <- colnames(object)
colnames(hZ) <- paste0('WPCA', 1:q)
# Previous core functions Code in previous package-------------------------------------------------
simulDRcluster <- function(X,Adj_sp = NULL, q, K, error.heter= TRUE, beta_grid=seq(0.5, 5, by=0.5),
maxIter=30, epsLogLik=1e-5, verbose=FALSE, maxIter_ICM=6,pen.const=0.5,
alpha=FALSE, wpca.int=TRUE, diagSigmak=FALSE){
n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)
X <- scale(X, scale=FALSE)
message("-------------------Calculate inital values-------------")
# require(mclust)
tic <- proc.time()
princ <- wpca(X, q, weighted=wpca.int)
Lam_vec0 <- princ$Lam_vec
Lam_vec0 <- rep(mean(princ$Lam_vec), p)
W0 <- princ$loadings
hZ <- princ$PCs
mclus2 <- Mclust(hZ, G=K, verbose=FALSE)
toc_gmm <- proc.time() - tic
y <- mclus2$classification
alpha0 <- mclus2$parameters$pro
alpha0 <- rep(0, K)
Mu0 <- t(mclus2$parameters$mean)
Sigma0 <- mclus2$parameters$variance$sigma
alpha0List = list()
Mu0List = list()
Sigma0List = list()
ymat = matrix(0, n, 1)
Pi0List = list()
for (kk in 1: 1){
ymat[,kk] <- y
alpha0List[[kk]] <- alpha0
Mu0List[[kk]] <- Mu0
Sigma0List[[kk]] <- Sigma0
Pi0List[[kk]] <- mclus2$parameters$pro
message("-------------------Finish computing inital values------------- ")
verbose <- 1
verbose <- 0
message("-------------------Starting ICM-EM algortihm-------------")
resList <- icmem_heterCpp(X, Adj_sp, ymat,Mu0List, W0, Sigma0List, Lam_vec0,
alpha0List, beta_int=1.5, beta_grid=beta_grid, maxIter_ICM, maxIter,
epsLogLik, verbose, !error.heter, diagSigmak, max(K), min(K), 1)
resList <- resList[[1]][[1]]
resList$aic <- -2.0* resList$loglik + (1+p*(q+1) + K*(q+q*(q+1)/2.0))* 2* log(log(p+n))*pen.const # adjusted bic and aic for high dimension
resList$bic <- -2.0* resList$loglik + (1+p*(q+1) + K*(q+q*(q+1)/2.0))* log(n)* log(log(p+n))*pen.const
}else if(is.null(Adj_sp)){
resList <- EMmPCpp_heter(X, Pi0List, Mu0List, W0, Sigma0List, Lam_vec0, maxIter,
verbose, !error.heter, diagSigmak, max(K), min(K), 1)
resList <- resList[[1]][[1]]
resList$aic <- -2.0* resList$loglik + (1+p*(q+1) + K*(q+q*(q+1)/2.0))* 2* log(log(p+n))*pen.const # adjusted bic and aic for high dimension
resList$bic <- -2.0* resList$loglik + (1+p*(q+1) + K*(q+q*(q+1)/2.0))* log(n)* log(log(p+n)) *pen.const
toc_heter <- proc.time() - tic
if(verbose) {
message("elasped time is :", round(toc_heter[3], 2))
resList$cluster_init <- y
time_used <- c(toc_gmm[3], toc_heter[3])
names(time_used) <- c("pcgmm", "simul")
resList$time <- time_used
selectClustNumber <- function(X,Adj_sp=NULL, q, K_set= 3:10, parallel="parallel", num_core = 1,...){
nK <- length(K_set)
if (num_core > 1) {
if (num_core > parallel::detectCores()) {
warning("selectClustNumber:: the number of cores you're setting is larger than detected cores!")
num_core = parallel::detectCores()
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(num_core)
# parallel::clusterExport(cl, list("simulDRcluster"))
## "EMmPCpp_heter", "icmem_heterCpp",
message("Starting parallel computing...")
# clusterCall(cl, function() library(MixPPCA))
# Run
icMat <- parSapply(cl, X=K_set, parafun1, XX=X, Adj_sp=Adj_sp, q=q, ...)
icMat <- t(icMat)
icMat <- matrix(NA, nK, 2)
pb <- txtProgressBar()
for(k in 1:nK){
reslist <- simulDRcluster(X,Adj_sp = Adj_sp, q=q, K=K_set[k], ...)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
icMat[k, ] <- c(reslist$bic, reslist$aic)
icMat <- cbind(K_set, icMat)
colnames(icMat) <- c("K", 'mbic', 'aic')
row.names(icMat) <- as.character(K_set)
parafun1 <- function(K, XX, Adj_sp, q, ...){
reslist <- simulDRcluster(XX,Adj_sp = Adj_sp, q=q, K=K, ...)
return(c(reslist$bic, reslist$aic))
# select factor number q --------------------------------------------------
selectFacNumber <- function(X, qmax=15){
mnlamjFun <- function(eigvals, j){
p <- length(eigvals)
lamj <- eigvals[j]
Sum <- 0
for(l in (j+1):p){
Sum <- Sum + 1/(eigvals[l] - lamj)
res <- Sum + 1/ ((3*lamj + eigvals[j+1])/4 - lamj)
mtnlamjFun <- function(n, eigvals, j){
p <- length(eigvals)
rhojn <- (p-j)/(n-1)
res <- -(1-rhojn)/ eigvals[j] + rhojn * mnlamjFun(eigvals, j)
##Reference: Fan, J., Guo, J., & Zheng, S. (2020). Estimating number of factors by adjusted eigenvalues thresholding. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-10.
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
corMat <- cor(X)
evalues <- eigen(corMat)$values
hq1 <- sum(evalues>1+sqrt(p/(n-1)))
if(hq1 < 15){
hq <- hq1
}else{ # ajdust the eigvalues
adj.eigvals <- sapply(1:(p-1), function(j) -1/mtnlamjFun(n, evalues, j))
hq <- sum(adj.eigvals >1) # overselect
if(hq > qmax || hq < 5) hq <- qmax
propvar <- sum(evalues[1:hq]) / sum(evalues)
res <- list()
res$q <- hq
res$propvar <- sum(evalues[1:hq]) / sum(evalues)
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