
#' Volcano
#' The volcano plot is a combination of fold change and t-tests. 
#' Note, for unpaired samples, the x-axis is log (FC). 
#' For paired analysis, the x-axis is number of significant counts. 
#' Y-axis is -log10(p.value) for both cases.
#' Writes an output file \code{"volcano.csv"}
#' @param dataSet List, data set object generated by \code{\link[MSdata]{MS_to_MA}} function.
#' @param analSet List, containing the results of statistical analysis (can be just an empty list).
#' @param fcthresh Fold-change threshold.
#' @param cmpType Comparison type. If equal \code{0} then group 1 is compared against group 2. Otherwise, vice versa. 
#' @param percent.thresh Sig. count threshold (for paired data).
#' @param nonpar If \code{FALSE} - use classical t-test; if \code{TRUE} - Wilcoxon Rank Test
#' @param thresh Threshold of significance.
#' @param paired Are values in data set paired or not.
#' @param var.equal Are variances assumed equal or not.
#' @return Native \code{analSet} with one added \code{$volcano} element consisting of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{$raw.threshx} - value of \code{fcthresh} argument
#' \item\code{$raw.threshy} - value of \code{thresh} argument
#' \item\code{$paired} - \code{-log10(thresh)}
#' \item\code{$max.xthresh} - upper log-threshold of fold change
#' \item\code{$min.xthresh} - lower log-threshold of fold change
#' \item\code{$thresh.y} - \code{-log10(thresh)}
#' \item\code{$fc.all} - fold changes of all features
#' \item\code{$fc.log} - log of fold changes 
#' \item\code{$fc.log.uniq} - java-object
#' \item\code{$inx.up} - logical vector of increasing features
#' \item\code{$inx.down} - logical vector of decreasing features
#' \item\code{$p.log} - \code{-log10(p.value)}
#' \item\code{$inx.p} - logical vector of features with \code{p <= thresh}
#' \item\code{$sig.mat} - data frame of significant features
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotVolcano}} for plotting functions
#' @export

Volcano.Anal<-function(dataSet, analSet, paired=FALSE, fcthresh = 2, cmpType=0, percent.thresh=0.75, nonpar= FALSE, thresh=0.05, var.equal=TRUE){

        #### t-tests
        p.value <- GetTtestP(dataSet, paired, var.equal, nonpar);
        inx.p <- p.value <= thresh;
        p.log <- -log10(p.value);

        ### fold change analysis
        # make sure threshold is above 1
        fcthresh <- ifelse(fcthresh > 1, fcthresh, 1/fcthresh);
        max.xthresh <- log(fcthresh,2);
        min.xthresh <- log(1/fcthresh,2);

            fc.mat <- GetFC(dataSet, T, cmpType);
            mat.up <- fc.mat >= max.xthresh;
            mat.down <- fc.mat <= min.xthresh;

            count.up<-apply(mat.up, 2, sum);
            count.down<-apply(mat.down, 2, sum);
            fc.all<-rbind(count.up, count.down);

            inx.up <- count.up>=count.thresh;
            inx.down <- count.down>=count.thresh;

            rownames(fc.all)<-c("Count (up)", "Count (down)");

            fc.log <- NULL; # dummy, not applicable for counts

            # replace the count.thresh for plot
            max.xthresh <- count.thresh;
            min.xthresh <- -count.thresh;

           res <- GetFC(dataSet, F, cmpType);

            # create a named matrix of sig vars for display
            fc.log <- res$fc.log;
            fc.all <- res$fc.all;

            inx.up = fc.log > max.xthresh;
            inx.down = fc.log < min.xthresh;

        # create named sig table for display
        inx.imp<-(inx.up | inx.down) & inx.p;
            sig.var<-cbind(fc.all[1,][inx.imp,drop=F], fc.all[2,][inx.imp, drop=F], p.value[inx.imp, drop=F], p.log[inx.imp, drop=F]);
            colnames(sig.var)<-c("Counts (up)","Counts (down)", "p.value", "-log10(p)");
            # first order by count difference, then by log(p)
            ord.inx<-order(dif.count, sig.var[,4], decreasing=T);
            sig.var<-cbind(fc.all[inx.imp,drop=F], fc.log[inx.imp,drop=F], p.value[inx.imp,drop=F], p.log[inx.imp,drop=F]);
            colnames(sig.var)<-c("FC", "log2(FC)", "p.value", "-log10(p)");

            # first order by log(p), then by log(FC)
            ord.inx<-order(sig.var[,4], abs(sig.var[,2]), decreasing=T);

        fileName <- "volcano.csv";
        volcano<-list (
            raw.threshx = fcthresh,
            raw.threshy = thresh,
            paired = paired,
            max.xthresh = max.xthresh,
            min.xthresh = min.xthresh,
            thresh.y = -log10(thresh),
            fc.all = fc.all,
            fc.log = fc.log,
            fc.log.uniq = jitter(fc.log),
            inx.up = inx.up,
            inx.down = inx.down,
            p.log = p.log,
            inx.p = inx.p,
            sig.mat = sig.var

#' Plot Volcano results
#' The volcano plot is a combination of fold change and t-tests. 
#' Note, for unpaired samples, the x-axis is log (FC). 
#' For paired analysis, the x-axis is number of significant counts. 
#' Y-axis is -log10(p.value) for both cases.
#' @param dataSet List, data set object generated by \code{\link[MSdata]{MS_to_MA}} function.
#' @param analSet List, containing the results of statistical analysis (can be just an empty list). 
#' @param imgName Image file name prefix.
#' @param format Image format, one of: "png", "tiff", "pdf", "ps", "svg"
#' @param dpi Image resolution.
#' @param width Image width.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Volcano.Anal}} for analytical function
#' @export

# now try to label the interesting points
# it is defined by the following rules
# need to be signficant (sig.inx) and
# or 2. top 5  p
# or 2. top 5 left
# or 3. top 5 right
PlotVolcano<-function(dataSet, analSet, imgName="volcano_", format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
    if (is.null(analSet$volcano)) stop("Please, conduct Volcano.Anal first.")
	imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
        w <- 10;
    }else if(width == 0){
        w <- 8;
        w <- width;
    h <- w*6/10;

    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    MyGray <- rgb(t(col2rgb("black")), alpha=40, maxColorValue=255);
    MyHighlight <- rgb(t(col2rgb("magenta")), alpha=80, maxColorValue=255);
        xlim<-c(-nrow(dataSet$norm)/2, nrow(dataSet$norm)/2)*1.2;

        # merge fc.all two rows into one, bigger one win
        fc.all <- apply(vcn$fc.all, 2, function(x){ if(x[1] > x[2]){return(x[1])}else{return(-x[2])}})

        hit.inx <- vcn$inx.p & (vcn$inx.up | vcn$inx.down);
        plot(fc.all, vcn$p.log, xlim=xlim, pch=20, cex=ifelse(hit.inx, 1.2, 0.8),
                col = ifelse(hit.inx, MyHighlight, MyGray),
                xlab="Count of Significant Pairs", ylab="-log10(p)");

        sig.upInx <- vcn$inx.p & vcn$inx.up;
        p.topInx <- GetTopInx(vcn$p.log, 5, T) & vcn$inx.up;
        fc.rtInx <- GetTopInx(vcn$fc.all[1,], 5, T);
        lblInx <- p.topInx & sig.upInx & fc.rtInx;
        if(sum(lblInx, na.rm=T) > 0){
            text.lbls<-substr(colnames(dataSet$norm)[lblInx],1,14) # some names may be too long
            text(vcn$fc.all[1,lblInx], vcn$p.log[lblInx],labels=text.lbls, pos=4, col="blue", srt=30, xpd=T, cex=0.8);

        sig.dnInx <- vcn$inx.p & vcn$inx.down;
        p.topInx <- GetTopInx(vcn$p.log, 5, T) & vcn$inx.down;
        fc.leftInx <- GetTopInx(vcn$fc.all[2,], 5, T) & vcn$inx.down;
        lblInx <-p.topInx & sig.dnInx & fc.leftInx;
        if(sum(lblInx, na.rm=T) > 0){
            text.lbls<-substr(colnames(dataSet$norm)[lblInx],1,14) # some names may be too long
            text(-vcn$fc.all[2,lblInx], vcn$p.log[lblInx],labels=text.lbls, pos=2, col="blue", srt=-30, xpd=T, cex=0.8);

        imp.inx<-(vcn$inx.up | vcn$inx.down) & vcn$inx.p;
    	plot(vcn$fc.log, vcn$p.log, pch=20, cex=ifelse(imp.inx, 1.2, 0.7),
                col = ifelse(imp.inx, MyHighlight, MyGray),
                xlab="log2 (FC)", ylab="-log10(p)");

        sig.inx <- imp.inx;
        p.topInx <- GetTopInx(vcn$p.log, 5, T) & (vcn$inx.down);
        fc.leftInx <- GetTopInx(vcn$fc.log, 5, F);
        lblInx <-  sig.inx & (p.topInx | fc.leftInx);
        if(sum(lblInx, na.rm=T) > 0){
            text.lbls<-substr(colnames(dataSet$norm)[lblInx],1,14) # some names may be too long
            text(vcn$fc.log[lblInx], vcn$p.log[lblInx],labels=text.lbls, pos=2, col="blue", srt=-30, xpd=T, cex=0.8);

        p.topInx <- GetTopInx(vcn$p.log, 5, T) & (vcn$inx.up);
        fc.rtInx <- GetTopInx(vcn$fc.log, 5, T);
        lblInx <- sig.inx & (p.topInx | fc.rtInx);
        if(sum(lblInx, na.rm=T) > 0){
            text.lbls<-substr(colnames(dataSet$norm)[lblInx],1,14) # some names may be too long
            text(vcn$fc.log[lblInx], vcn$p.log[lblInx],labels=text.lbls, pos=4, col="blue", srt=30, xpd=T, cex=0.8);

    abline (v = vcn$max.xthresh, lty=3);
    abline (v = vcn$min.xthresh, lty=3);
    abline (h = vcn$thresh.y, lty=3);
    axis(4); # added by Beomsoo

GetVolcanoDnMat<- function(analSet){
    imp.inx<-(vcn$inx.up | vcn$inx.down) & vcn$inx.p;
    blue.inx<- which(!imp.inx);

    # make sure they are not tied
    xs <- vcn$fc.log.uniq[blue.inx]
    ys <- vcn$p.log[blue.inx];
    as.matrix(cbind(xs, ys));

GetVolcanoUpMat<- function(analSet){
    imp.inx<-(vcn$inx.up | vcn$inx.down) & vcn$inx.p;
    red.inx<- which(imp.inx);

    # make sure they are not tied
    xs <- vcn$fc.log.uniq[red.inx]
    ys <- vcn$p.log[red.inx];

    as.matrix(cbind(xs, ys));

GetVolcanoVlMat<- function(analSet){
    limy <- GetExtendRange(vcn$fc.log);
    as.matrix(rbind(c(vcn$min.xthresh, limy[1]), c(vcn$min.xthresh,limy[2])));

GetVolcanoVrMat<- function(analSet){
    limy <- GetExtendRange(vcn$fc.log);
    as.matrix(rbind(c(vcn$max.xthresh, limy[1]), c(vcn$max.xthresh,limy[2])));

GetVolcanoHlMat<- function(analSet){
    limx <- GetExtendRange(vcn$fc.log);
    as.matrix(rbind(c(limx[1], vcn$thresh.y), c(limx[2],vcn$thresh.y)));

GetVolcanoRangeX<- function(analSet){

GetVolcanoCmpds<- function(analSet){


# get indices of top n largest/smallest number
GetTopInx <- function(vec, n, dec=T){
    inx <- order(vec, decreasing = dec)[1:n];
    # convert to T/F vec
    vec<-rep(F, length=length(vec));
    vec[inx] <- T;
    return (vec);

GetSigTable.Volcano<-function(dataSet, analSet){
    GetSigTable(dataSet, analSet$volcano$sig.mat, "volcano plot");




flajole/MApckg documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:16 p.m.