
Defines functions expressionLines mclapply2 Rtop sd_confint list_fold setwd newest_vfile readRandom vfile multiplot

Documented in expressionLines list_fold mclapply2 multiplot newest_vfile readRandom Rtop sd_confint setwd vfile

#' Plot several ggplot objects in one device
#' \code{mulitplot} prints several \pkg{ggplot} plot-objects on one device
#' If the layout is something like matrix(c(1,2,3,3), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE), then
#' plot 1 will go in the upper left, 2 will go in the upper right, and 3 will
#' go all the way across the bottom.
#' @param ...  Several \code{ggplot} objects that should be placed on the same
#' plotting device
#' @param plotlist Optional - a list of \code{ggplot} objects to be placed on
#' the same plotting device
#' @param cols Number of columns of the layout in which the objects are to be
#' plotted. Will be ignored if \option{layout} is present.
#' @param layout A matrix specifying the layout. If present, 'cols' is ignored.
#' @param titles A vector with titles for the individual plots
#' @note Original code was taken from R Graphics Cookbook courtesy of Winston
#' Change
#' \url{http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Multiple_graphs_on_one_page_(ggplot2)/}
#' @author Florian Klinglmueller \email{float@@lefant.net}, Winston Chang
#' @references Chang, W. (2012). R graphics cookbook. \emph{O'Reilly Media,
#' Inc.}
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' y <- rnorm(100)
#' d <- data.frame('y'=y,'x'=x,'s'=x+y)
#' p1 <- qplot(y,x,data=d,)
#' p2 <- qplot(y,s,data=d)
#' multiplot(p1,p2,cols=2)
#' @import grid
#' @export multiplot
multiplot <- function(..., plotlist=NULL, cols=1, layout=NULL, titles=NULL, widths=NULL,heights=NULL) {
  # Make a list from the ... arguments and plotlist
  plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
  numPlots = length(plots)

  # If layout is NULL, then use 'cols' to determine layout
  if (is.null(layout)) {
    # Make the panel
    # ncol: Number of columns of plots
                                        # nrow: Number of rows needed, calculated from # of cols
    rows <- ceiling(numPlots/cols)
    layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * rows),
                    ncol = cols, nrow = rows)
  } else {
      rows <- layout[1]
      cols <- layout[2]
  if (is.null(widths)) {
      widths = unit(rep_len(1,cols),'null')
  if (is.null(heights)) {
      heights = unit(rep_len(1,rows),'null')
  # Add titles, you could do this for each plot, but it seems nice to have it here as well
     if(numPlots != length(titles)){
         stop(paste('Number of titles (',length(titles),') needs to match number of plots (',numPlots,')!',sep=''))
     for(i in 1:numPlots){
         plots[[i]] <- plots[[i]]+ggtitle(titles[i])
 if (numPlots==1) {

  } else {
    # Set up the page
    pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout), ncol(layout),widths,heights)))

    # Make each plot, in the correct location
    for (i in 1:numPlots) {
      # Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain this subplot
      matchidx <- as.data.frame(which(layout == i, arr.ind = TRUE))

      print(plots[[i]], vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row,
                                      layout.pos.col = matchidx$col))

#' Make a versioned filename
#' This function returns a filename with a version extension to avoid
#' overwriting older results. The extension may either be the date (with time)
#' or a random hash. The latter may be useful if you want to obscure the date
#' of the data generation.
#' @param base character giving the main part of the filename
#' @param ending file ending
#' @param format format for date time version
#' @param hash (defunct) if true a hash is used for versioning the filename
#' @export
vfile <- function(base,ending='Rd',format='%y%m%d',hash=FALSE){
    tstring <- ifelse(hash,,format(Sys.time(),format))
    fname <- paste(base,'_',Sys.info()['nodename'],'_',tstring,'.',ending,sep='')

##' Read random numbers from sytems random devices
##' Based on stackoverflow question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11505039
##' @title read random numbers
##' @param n number of random numbers to read
##' @param a start of range
##' @param b end of range
##' @param dev device file location
##' @return numeric vector of leng \code{n} with numbers between \code{a} and \code{b}
##' @author Spacedman
readRandom <- function(n,a,b,dev="/dev/urandom"){
  size = b-a + 1
  rng = file(dev,"rb") # open connection
  nums = readBin(rng,what="integer",n=n) # read some 8-byte integers 
  close(rng) # close the connection
  return( a + nums %% size ) # reduce range and shift

#' Newest (versioned) file
#' Searches a directory for versioned files with the given base name and
#' returns its newest filename.
#' @param base character giving the main part of the filename
#' @param path path to directory to search in
#' @param ending file ending
#' @param format format for date time version
#' @param ostime (defunct) should the time of file generation return by the OS
#' be used (useful for hashed files)?
#' @export
newest_vfile <- function(base,path=getwd(),ending='Rd',format='%y%m%d',ostime=FALSE){
    fnames <- list.files(path,pattern=paste(base,'*',sep=''))
    newest <- which.max(as.Date(sapply(lapply(strsplit(fnames,'_'),tail,n=1),sub,pattern=paste('\\.',ending,sep=''),replacement=''),format))
##' modified setwd
##' Does windows to linux and vice versa home directory name
##' translation
##' If the detected OS is Linux directories starting with '//' will be renamed to '~/' if it is Windows the otherway around, else the directory name stays unchanged 
##' @param dir A character string
##' @seealso \code{\link[base]{setwd}} for the base function
##' @author float
##' @export
setwd <- function(dir){
    sys <- Sys.info()['sysname']
    if(sys == 'Linux'){
        dir <- sub('^//','~/',dir)
    } else if(sys == 'Windows'){
        dir <- sub('^~/','//',dir)

##' List fold (reduce)
##' Reduce for lists
##' @param list 
##' @param fun a binary function taking elements of the list as values
##' @param z initial value, if empty the first element of the list will be used 
##' @return same as output of \code{fun}
##' @author float
##' @export
list_fold <- function(list,fun,z=NULL){
    fun <- match.fun(fun)
            stop("List of length 0 requires initial value")
        z <- list[[1]]
        list <- tail(list,-1)
    foldr <- function(list,z,fun){

##' Computes a confidence interval for the standard deviation for a
##' standard deviation estimate
##' @title Standard deviation confidence interval
##' @param sd estimated standard deviation
##' @param n number of observations used for the estimate
##' @param alpha desired coverage probability
##' @return numeric vector with lower and upper bound
##' @author float
##' @export sd_confint
sd_confint <- function(sd,n,alpha){

#' Print system load and user overview
#' This script uses top to print the system load, memory usage and a list of
#' active users with their proportion of memory and cpu usage.
#' @export
Rtop <- function(){
    av.load <- as.numeric(gsub(',','',unlist(strsplit(system("top -c -b -n 1| awk '{print $10\";\"$11\";\"$12}'",intern=T)[1],';'))))
names(av.load) <- c('1min','5min','15min')
    mem.used <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(system("top -c -b -n 1| awk '{print $3\";\"$5}'",intern=T)[4],';')))
    prop.mem <- mem.used[2]/mem.used[1]
    swap.used <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(system("top -c -b -n 1| awk '{print $3\";\"$5}'",intern=T)[5],';')))
    prop.swap <- swap.used[2]/swap.used[1]
    proc <- system("top -c -b -n 1|awk 'BEGIN {skip = 7; lines = 1;}{if (lines <= skip) { lines++ } else { print $2\";\"$9\";\"$10} }'",intern=T)
    proc <- do.call('rbind',lapply(proc,function(e) unlist(strsplit(e,';'))))
    users <- unique(proc[,1])
    cpu <- tapply(as.numeric(proc[,2]),proc[,1],sum)
    mem <- tapply(as.numeric(proc[,3]),proc[,1],sum)
    proc <- cbind(cpu,mem)
    cat('               1min 5min 15min\n')
    cat('Average load: ',av.load,'\n',sep=' ')
    cat('Memomery used:',round(prop.mem,2)*100,'%\n')
    cat('Swap used:    ',round(prop.swap,2)*100,'%\n')
    cat('Active users: \n')

##' .. content for \description{} (no empty lines) ..
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title 
##' ##' Wrapper around mclapply to track progress
##' Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10984556
##' @param X         a vector (atomic or list) or an expressions vector. Other
##'                  objects (including classed objects) will be coerced by
##'                  ‘as.list’
##' @param FUN       the function to be applied to
##' @param ...       optional arguments to ‘FUN’
##' @param mc.preschedule see mclapply
##' @param mc.set.seed see mclapply
##' @param mc.silent see mclapply
##' @param mc.cores see mclapply
##' @param mc.cleanup see mclapply
##' @param mc.allow.recursive see mclapply
##' @param mc.progress show a progress bar (by default: TRUE unless we think that we are in an Rstudio session)
##' @param mc.style    style of progress bar (see txtProgressBar)
##' @return A list of the same length as X and named by X. 
##' @author wannymahoots
##' @examples
##' x <- mclapply2(1:1000, function(i, y) Sys.sleep(0.01))
##' x <- mclapply2(1:3, function(i, y) Sys.sleep(1), mc.cores=1)
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
##' @export
mclapply2 <- function(X, FUN, ..., 
    mc.preschedule = TRUE, mc.set.seed = TRUE,
    mc.silent = FALSE, mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
    mc.cleanup = TRUE, mc.allow.recursive = TRUE,
    mc.progress=is.na(Sys.getenv()['RSTUDIO']), mc.style=3) 
    if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X)) X <- as.list(X)

    if (mc.progress) {
        f <- fifo(tempfile(), open="w+b", blocking=T)
        p <- parallel:::mcfork()
        pb <- txtProgressBar(0, length(X), style=mc.style)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0) 
        progress <- 0
        if (inherits(p, "masterProcess")) {
            while (progress < length(X)) {
                readBin(f, "double")
                progress <- progress + 1
                setTxtProgressBar(pb, progress) 
        result <- mclapply(X, function(...) {
                res <- FUN(...)
                if (mc.progress) writeBin(1, f)
            mc.preschedule = mc.preschedule, mc.set.seed = mc.set.seed,
            mc.silent = mc.silent, mc.cores = mc.cores,
            mc.cleanup = mc.cleanup, mc.allow.recursive = mc.allow.recursive

    }, finally = {
        if (mc.progress) close(f)

##' Draw a series of line plots of expression values. \code{expressionLines} line plots of the first \code{n} probes from array data \code{data}. If a second matching dataset is given lines for the corresponding expressions in this dataset are overlayed. This maybe helpful to compare a set of expressions in the raw and normalized versions of a dataset. 
##' @title Expression line plots
##' @param data expression dataset, object for which \code{exprs} returns a matrix of expression values
##' @param normalized alternative expression dataset to compare with \code{data}
##' @param n number of rows to plot, or character vector with rownames to be plotted
##' @param faulty numeric index vector or column names of chips that should be highlighted in the plots
##' @return ggplot2 plot object
##' @author float
##' @import ggplot2
##' @export
expressionLines <- function(data,normalized=NULL,n=10,faulty=NULL,types=c('raw','normalized'),scale=T){
    if(length(n) == 1){
        n <- seq(1,n,1)
    df <- as.data.frame(exprs(data)[n,])
    df$pid <- rownames(df)
    cnames <- colnames(df)
    df$type <- types[1]
        dfn <- as.data.frame(exprs(normalized)[n,])
        dfn$pid <- rownames(dfn)
        dfn$type <- types[2]
            stop("Mismatching rownames: raw and normalized data must be of same row-order and content")
            stop("Mismatching colnames: raw and normalized data must contain same chips in same order")
        df <- rbind(df,dfn)

    df <- melt(df,value.name='expr',variable.name=c('chip'),id.vars=c('type','pid'))
        df <- ddply(df,.(pid,type),transform,expr=scale(expr))
    lp <- ggplot(df) + geom_path(aes(chip,expr,group=interaction(pid,type),col=type)) + facet_grid(pid~.) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1,vjust=1))
            if(!all(faulty  %in% cnames)){
                stop("All faulty chips have to be in the dataset")
            fid <- which(cnames==faulty)
            names(fid) <- faulty
        } else if(is.numeric(faulty)){
            fid <- faulty
            faulty <- cnames[fid]
            names(fid) <- faulty
        } else {
            stop('Invalid faulty index given')
        df$ymx <- -Inf
        df$ymn <- -Inf
        df$xmn <- 1
        df$xmx <- 0
        df <- within(df,{ ymx[chip %in% faulty] <- Inf
                          xmn[chip %in% faulty] <- fid[as.character(chip[chip %in% faulty])] - .5
                          xmx <- xmn+1})

        lp <- ggplot(df) + geom_path(aes(chip,expr,group=interaction(pid,type),col=type)) + facet_grid(pid~.)
        lp <- lp+geom_rect(aes(xmin=xmn,xmax=xmx,ymin=ymn,ymax=ymx),alpha=.1,fill='red') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1,vjust=1))

##' Compute euclidean distance between raw and normalized data for each probe.
##' @title Distance between raw and normalized data
##' @param raw \code{expressionSet} with non-normalized data
##' @param normalized \code{expressionSet} with normalized data
##' @param rowsets a named \code{list} of row index sets for which the distances should be computed
##' @param colsets a named \code{list} of column index sets for which the distances should be computed
##' @return numeric vector with euclidean distances
##' @author float
##' @export
normDist <- function(raw,normalized,rowsets=NULL,colsets=NULL){
    raw <- exprs(raw)
    normalized <- exprs(normalized)
    if(is.null(rowsets) & is.null(colsets)){
        rowsets <- lapply(rowsets,function(idx) pdDist(raw[idx,],normalized[idx,]))
        rowsets <- rbindlist(lapply(names(rowsets),function(n) data.frame(exprs=rowsets[[n]],name=n)))
        colsets <- lapply(colsets,function(idx) pdDist(raw[,idx],normalized[,idx]))
        colsets <- rbindlist(lapply(names(colsets),function(n) data.frame(exprs=colsets[[n]],name=n)))

##' Computed euclidean distance between corresponding rows of two matrices
##' @title paired distances
##' @param raw first numeric matrix
##' @param normalized second numeric matrix
##' @return numeric vector with distances
##' @author float
pdDist <- function(raw,normalized){
    n <- nrow(raw)
    cpr <- apply(raw,1,crossprod)
    cpn <- apply(normalized,1,crossprod)
    cpb <- sapply(1:n,function(i) crossprod(raw[i,],normalized[i,]))
##' Plot distribution of distances between raw and normalized data - potentially for a number of subsets
##' @title Plot normDist
##' @param raw \code{expressionSet} with raw data
##' @param normalized \code{expressionSet} with normalized data
##' @param ... further arguments to \code{\link{normDist}}
##' @return ggplot2 plot 
##' @author float
##' @export
plotNormDist <- function(raw,normalized,...){
    nd <- normDist(raw,normalized,...)
        nd <- data.frame(exprs = nd)
    } else {
##'     ‘replicate’ is a wrapper for the common use of ‘mclapply2’ for
##'     repeated evaluation of an expression (which will usually involve
##'     random number generation).
##' @title parallel replicate with progress
##' @param n integer: the number of replications.
##' @param expr the expression (a language object, usually a call) to evaluate repeatedly.
##' @return An atomic vector or matrix or list of the same length as \code{n}.
##' @author float
##' @export
replicate2 <- function(n,expr){
    simplify2array(mclapply2(integer(n),eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr))))
##' Draws MA (or Bland-Altman) plots for all pairs of arrays within groups of a treatment factor 
##' @title groupwise Scatter plots
##' @param data \code{expressionSet} with data to plot
##' @param pheno treatment factor variable
##' @param faulty optional - columns to be highlighted (e.g. chips with quality issues)
##' @return ggplot2 object
##' @author float
##' @import reshape2
##' @import plyr
##' @export
groupwiseScatter <- function(data,pheno,faulty=NULL){
    gwCombis <- function(gwData){
        combis <- expand.grid(levels(gwData$chip),levels(gwData$chip))
        combis <- combis[combis[,1]!=combis[,2],]
        combis <- combis[!duplicated(apply(combis,1,function(l) paste(sort(l),collapse=''))),]
        rbindlist(apply(combis,1,function(i) cbind(gwData[gwData$chip==i[1],],data.frame(chip2=i[2],value2=with(gwData,value[chip==i[2]])))))
    cnames <- colnames(data)
    out <- lapply(levels(pheno),function(level) cbind(melt(data[,pheno==level],varnames=c('pid','chip')),level))
    out <- rbindlist(lapply(out,gwCombis))
            if(!all(faulty  %in% cnames)){
                stop("All faulty chips have to be in the dataset")
            fid <- which(cnames==faulty)
            names(fid) <- faulty
        } else if(is.numeric(faulty)){
            fid <- faulty
            faulty <- cnames[fid]
            names(fid) <- faulty
        } else {
            stop('Invalid faulty index given')
    ggplot(out)+geom_rect(xmin=-Inf,xmax=Inf,ymin=-Inf,ymax=Inf,fill='red',alpha=.01,subset=.(chip %in% faulty | chip2 %in% faulty))+geom_point(aes(value+value2,value-value2))+facet_wrap(chip2~chip,nrow=length(levels(pheno)))+geom_hline(yintercept=0,col='red')+geom_smooth(aes(value+value2,value-value2))
floatofmath/bt88.03.704 documentation built on March 25, 2022, 12:28 p.m.