
Defines functions Diagm Design2 mixed SingerEtAl_justPlots256 residdiag.nlme

Documented in mixed

## *** Diagnostic analysis for linear mixed models fitted via library nlme
## *** Authors: Francisco Marcelo M. Rocha, Juvencio S. Nobre and Julio M. Singer

## This function generates the following diagnostic plots for gaussian linear mixed models fitted via function lme ##
## in library nlme.                                                                                                ##

# plot 1: Modified Lesaffre-Verbeke index versus unit indices
# plot 2: Standardized marginal residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
# plot 3: Mahalanobis distance versus unit indices
# plot 4: Chi-squared QQ plot for Mahalanobis distance
# plot 5: Standardized conditional residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
# plot 6: Normal QQ plot and histogram for standardized least confounded conditional residuals
# plot 7: Cook's Conditional distance versus observation indices
# plot 8: Cook's Conditional distance 1 (D1i) versus observation indices
# plot 9: Cook's Conditional distance 2 (D2i) versus observation indices
# plot 10: Cook's Conditional distance 3 (D3i) versus observation indices
# plot 11: Generalized joint leverage (L) versus unit indices
# plot 12: Generalized marginal leverage (L1) versus unit indices
# plot 13: Generalized random component leverage (L2) versus unit indices
# plot 14: Generalized joint leverage [Li(jj)] versus observation indices
# plot 15: Generalized marginal leverage [L1i(jj)] versus observation indices
# plot 16: Generalized random component leverage [L2i(jj)] versus observation indices

## 1. The data must be arranged in the LONG format, with units indexed by a numerical (not necessarily equally ##
##    spaced) variable expressed as a factor.                                                                  ##
## 2. The horizontal axis contains either the unit indices or the observation indices                          ##
## 3. The outliers are labelled in the format unit.obs (e.g. 13.5 denotes the fifth observation of unit        ##
##    labelled 13)                                                                                             ##

## An example is

## dataset<-groupedData(response ~  time|id, data=dataset_label)
## model1<-lme(response ~ time, random = ~time|id, na.action=na.omit, data=dataset)
# use of the function lme in nlme to fit a mixed model
## resid1<-residdiag.nlme(model1,limit=2,plotid=1:16)
# the computed quantities will be saved in the object labelled resid1
# the limit option indicates cutpoints for the residual plots
# plotid indicates the required residual plots
## names(resid1)
# produces the labels of the quantities saved in resid1 (i.e.: mat.Z = Z, mat.X = X, Gam, R)
# The model is : Y = X \beta + Z b + e
# Var(Y) = V = Z Gam Z^\top + R
## resid1$least.confounded.residuals
# produces the least confounded standardized conditional residuals

## *** References:                                                                                           ##
##                                                                                                           ##
##  - Singer, J.M., Nobre, J.S. and Rocha, F.M.M. (2017). Graphical tools for detecting departures from      ##
##        linear mixed models assumptions and some remedial measures.                                        ##
##        International Statistical Review, 85, 290-324.                                                     ##
##        doi:10.1111/insr.12178                                                                             ##
##  - Nobre, J.S. and Singer, J.M. (2007). Residual Analysis for Linear Mixed Models.                        ##
##        Biometrical Journal, 49, 1-13.                                                                     ##
##  - Nobre, J.S. and Singer, J.M. (2011). Leverage analysis for linear mixed models.                        ##
##        Journal of Applied Statistics, 38, 1063-1072.                                                      ##
##  - Pinheiro, J.C. and Bates, D.M. (2000). Mixed-effects models in S and S-plus. 1st edition.              ##
##        New York: Springer                                                                                 ##
##  - Scheipl, F., Greven, S. and Kuechenhoff, H. (2008) Size and power of tests for a zero random effect    ##
##       variance or polynomial regression in additive and linear mixed models.                              ##
##       Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 52: 3283--3299.                                           ##
##                                                                                                           ##

residdiag.nlme = function(fit, limit, plotid=NULL, d, kk, ll, display_plots = FALSE) {

        ## This function obtains the square root of a matrix                                                         ##

        sqrt.matrix <- function(mat) {
                mat <- as.matrix(mat)
                singular_dec <- svd(mat,LINPACK = F)
                U <- singular_dec$u
                V <- singular_dec$v
                D <- diag(singular_dec$d)
                sqrtmatrix <- U %*% sqrt(D) %*% t(V)

        ## This function extracts various objects of the function lme                                                ##

        extract.lmeDesign2 <- function(m){
                start.level = 1
                data <- getData(m)
                grps <- nlme::getGroups(m)
                n <- length(grps)
                X <- list()
                grp.dims <- m$dims$ncol
                Zt <- model.matrix(m$modelStruct$reStruct, data)
                cov <- as.matrix(m$modelStruct$reStruct)
                i.col <- 1
                n.levels <- length(m$groups)
                Z <- matrix(0, n, 0)
                if (start.level <= n.levels) {
                        for (i in 1:(n.levels - start.level + 1)) {
                                if (length(levels(m$groups[[n.levels - i + 1]])) != 1)
                                        X[[1]] <- model.matrix(~m$groups[[n.levels - i +
                                                                                  1]] - 1,
                                                               contrasts.arg = c("contr.treatment",
                                else X[[1]] <- matrix(1, n, 1)
                                X[[2]] <- as.matrix(Zt[, i.col:(i.col + grp.dims[i] -
                                i.col <- i.col + grp.dims[i]
                                Z <- cbind(mgcv::tensor.prod.model.matrix(X),Z)
                        Vr <- matrix(0, ncol(Z), ncol(Z))
                        start <- 1
                        for (i in 1:(n.levels - start.level + 1)) {
                                k <- n.levels - i + 1
                                for (j in 1:m$dims$ngrps[i]) {
                                        stop <- start + ncol(cov[[k]]) - 1
                                        Vr[ncol(Z) + 1 - (stop:start),ncol(Z) + 1 - (stop:start)] <- cov[[k]]
                                        start <- stop + 1
                X <- if (class(m$call$fixed) == "name" &&  !is.null(m$data$X)) {
                } else   {
                y <- as.vector(matrix(m$residuals, ncol = NCOL(m$residuals))[,NCOL(m$residuals)] +
                                       matrix(m$fitted, ncol = NCOL(m$fitted))[,NCOL(m$fitted)])
                        Vr = Vr,
                        X = X,
                        Z = Z,
                        sigmasq = m$sigma ^ 2,
                        lambda = unique(diag(Vr)),
                        y = y,
                        k = n.levels

        ## Extracting information from lme fitted model and dataset                                                 ##

        data.fit <- extract.lmeDesign2(fit)
        data <-    getData(fit)
        y <- data.fit$y
        X <- data.fit$X
        N <- length(y)                                                               # Number of observations
        id <-  sort(as.numeric(getGroups(fit, level = 1)), index.return = TRUE)$x    # as.numeric(getGroups(fit, level = 1))
        subject <- as.numeric(unique(id))
        n <- length(as.numeric(names(table(id))))                                    # Number of units
        vecni <- (table(id))                                                         # Vector with number of observations per unit
        p <- ncol(X)                                                                 # Number of fixed parameters
        n.levels <- length(fit$groups)                                               # Number of levels of within subject factors
        start.level <- 1
        Cgrps <- nlme::getGroups(fit, level = start.level)                           # Level = 1
        CCind <- levels((Cgrps))                                                     # Indices of the observations
        sigma2 <- fit$sigma^2
        obs <- numeric()

        for (i in 1:n)
                obs <- append(obs,1:vecni[i])                                                # Labels for observations

        ## Construction of the Z and Gam matrices                                                                   ##

        if (n.levels > 1) {
                lZi <- list()
                lgi <- list()
                numrow <- numeric()

                mgroups <- fit$groups
                for (n in 1:length(CCind)) {
                        dgi <- data.frame(as.matrix(mgroups[mgroups == CCind[n], ]))
                        nrowzi <- dim(dgi)[1]
                        ncolzi <- 0

                        # Number of repetitions of the variance components to construct the Gi matrix
                        girep <- as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,1])))
                        for (k in 2:n.levels) {
                                girep <- c(girep,as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,k]))))
                        # Number of columns of the Zi matrix
                        for (k in 1:n.levels) {
                                ncolzi <- ncolzi + as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,k])))
                        # Numbers of one's by columns of the Zi matrix
                        auxi <- as.vector(table(dgi[,1]))
                        for (i in 2:n.levels) {
                                auxi <- c(auxi,as.vector(table(dgi[,i])))
                        # Matrix Zi
                        l <- 1
                        Zi <- matrix(0,nrowzi,ncolzi)
                        # Inserting elements in Zi
                        for (j in 1:ncolzi) {
                                Zi[l:(l + auxi[j] - 1),j] <- rep(1,auxi[j])
                                l <- l + auxi[j]
                                if (l == (nrowzi + 1)) l <- 1

                        lZi[[n]] <- Zi

                        numrow[n] <- dim(Zi)[1]

                        # Matrix Gi
                        comp.var <- as.matrix(fit1$modelStruct$reStruct)
                        auxg <- rep(as.numeric(comp.var[1])*sigma2,girep[1])
                        for (i in 2:length(girep)) {
                                auxg <- c(auxg,rep(as.numeric(comp.var[i])*sigma2,girep[i]))
                        lgi[[n]] <- diag(auxg)
                q <- dim(lgi[[1]])[1]                     # Dimensions of Gi matrices
                for (h in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        q <- c(q,dim(lgi[[h]])[1])
                Z <- lZi[[1]]
                for (k in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        Z <- bdiag(Z,(lZi[[k]]))
                Z <- as.matrix(Z)
                nrowZi <- lZi[[1]]                        # Dmensions of Zi matrices
                for (h in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        nrowZi <- c(nrowZi,dim(lZi[[h]])[1])

                Gam <- lgi[[1]]
                for (k in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        Gam <- bdiag(Gam,(lgi[[k]]))
                Gam <- as.matrix(Gam)
                mataux <- model.matrix(fit$modelStruct$reStruct,data)
                mataux <- as.data.frame(cbind(mataux,id))
                lZi <- list()
                lgi <- list()

                for (i in (as.numeric(unique(id)))) {
                        lZi[[i]] <- as.matrix((subset(split(mataux,id == i,
                                                            drop = T)$`TRUE`,select = -id)))
                        lgi[[i]] <- getVarCov(fit,type = "random.effects")
                Z <- as.matrix(bdiag(lZi))
                # for (i in 2:7) {
                #   Z <- as.matrix(bdiag(Z,lZi[[i]]))
                # }
                g <- getVarCov(fit,type = "random.effects")
                q <- dim(g)[1]                                                           # Total number of random effects
                Gam <- as.matrix(kronecker(diag(length(as.numeric(unique(id)))),g))
        ## Estimate of the covariance matrix of conditional errors (homoskedastic conditional independence model)   ##

        if (n.levels > 1) {
                if (!inherits(fit, "lme"))
                        stop("object does not appear to be of class lme")
                grps <- nlme::getGroups(fit)
                n <- length(grps)                                                                      # Number of observations
                n.levels <- length(fit$groups)                                                         # Number of levels
                if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
                        n.corlevels <- 0
                else n.corlevels <- length(all.vars(nlme::getGroupsFormula(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))) # Levels of the repeated measures
                if (n.levels < n.corlevels) {
                        vnames <- all.vars(nlme::getGroupsFormula(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
                        lab <- paste(eval(parse(text = vnames[1]), envir = fit$data))
                        if (length(vnames) > 1)
                                for (i in 2:length(vnames)) {
                                        lab <- paste(lab, "/", eval(parse(text = vnames[i]),
                                                                    envir = fit$data), sep = "")
                        grps <- factor(lab)
                if (n.levels >= start.level || n.corlevels >= start.level) {
                        if (n.levels >= start.level)
                                Cgrps <- nlme::getGroups(fit, level = start.level)                           # Level = 1
                        else Cgrps <- grps
                        Cind <- sort(as.numeric(Cgrps), index.return = TRUE)$ix                        # Indices of the observations
                        rCind <- 1:n
                        rCind[Cind] <- 1:n
                        Clevel <- levels(Cgrps)                                                        # Levels of the first nesting level
                        n.cg <- length(Clevel)
                        size.cg <- array(0, n.cg)
                        for (i in 1:n.cg) size.cg[i] <- sum(Cgrps == Clevel[i])                        # Number of the observations by subject
                else {
                        n.cg <- 1
                        Cind <- 1:n
                if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$varStruct))
                        w <- rep(fit$sigma, n)
                else {
                        w <- 1/nlme::varWeights(fit$modelStruct$varStruct)
                        group.name <- names(fit$groups)
                        order.txt <- paste("ind<-order(data[[\"", group.name[1],
                                           "\"]]", sep = "")
                        if (length(fit$groups) > 1)
                                for (i in 2:length(fit$groups)) order.txt <- paste(order.txt,
                                                                                   ",data[[\"", group.name[i], "\"]]", sep = "")
                        order.txt <- paste(order.txt, ")")
                        eval(parse(text = order.txt))
                        w[ind] <- w
                        w <- w * fit$sigma
                w <- w[Cind]
                if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
                        lR <- array(1, n)
                else {
                        c.m <- nlme::corMatrix(fit$modelStruct$corStruct)
                        if (!is.list(c.m)) {
                                lR <- c.m
                                lR <- lR[Cind, ]
                                lR <- lR[, Cind]
                        else {
                                lR <- list()
                                ind <- list()
                                for (i in 1:n.cg) {
                                        lR[[i]] <- matrix(0, size.cg[i], size.cg[i])
                                        ind[[i]] <- 1:size.cg[i]
                                Roff <- cumsum(c(1, size.cg))
                                gr.name <- names(c.m)
                                n.g <- length(c.m)
                                j0 <- rep(1, n.cg)
                                ii <- 1:n
                                for (i in 1:n.g) {
                                        Clev <- unique(Cgrps[grps == gr.name[i]])
                                        if (length(Clev) > 1)
                                                stop("inner groupings not nested in outer!!")
                                        k <- (1:n.cg)[Clevel == Clev]
                                        j1 <- j0[k] + nrow(c.m[[i]]) - 1
                                        lR[[k]][j0[k]:j1, j0[k]:j1] <- c.m[[i]]
                                        ind1 <- ii[grps == gr.name[i]]
                                        ind2 <- rCind[ind1]
                                        ind[[k]][j0[k]:j1] <- ind2 - Roff[k] + 1
                                        j0[k] <- j1 + 1
                                for (k in 1:n.cg) {
                                        lR[[k]][ind[[k]], ] <- lR[[k]]
                                        lR[[k]][, ind[[k]]] <- lR[[k]]
                if (is.list(lR)) {
                        for (i in 1:n.cg) {
                                wi <- w[Roff[i]:(Roff[i] + size.cg[i] - 1)]
                                lR[[i]] <- as.vector(wi) * t(as.vector(wi) * lR[[i]]) # Matrix lR
                else if (is.matrix(lR)) {
                        lR <- as.vector(w) * t(as.vector(w) * lR)
                else {
                        lR <- w^2 * lR
                if (is.list(lR)) {
                        R <- lR[[1]]
                        for (k in 2:n.cg) {
                                R <- bdiag(R,lR[[k]])
                        R <- as.matrix(R)
                        R <- diag(lR)
                R <- getVarCov(fit,type = "conditional",individual = 1)[[1]]
                if(unique(id) > 1) {
                        for (i in 2:length(as.numeric(unique(id)))) {
                                R <- as.matrix(bdiag(R,getVarCov(fit,
                                                                 type = "conditional",individual = i)[[1]] ) )
        ## Construction of covariance matrix of Y (Here denoted as V; in the paper it is denoted \Omega)           ##

        V <- (Z %*% Gam %*% t(Z)) + R
        iV <- solve(V)

        ## Construction of the Q matrix                                                                            ##

        varbeta <- solve((t(X) %*% iV %*% X))
        Q <- (iV - iV %*% X %*% (varbeta) %*% t(X) %*% iV )
        zq <- t(Z) %*% Q
        norm.frob.ZtQ <- sum(diag(zq %*% t(zq)))

        ## EBLUE and EBLUP                                                                                         ##

        eblue <- as.vector(fixef(fit))
        eblup <- Gam %*% t(Z) %*% iV %*% (y - X %*% eblue)

        ## Residual analysis                                                                                      ##

        predm <- X %*% eblue                       # Predicted values for expected response
        predi <- X %*% eblue + Z %*% eblup         # Predicted values for units
        resm <- (y - predm)                        # Marginal residuals
        resc <- (y - predi)                        # Conditional residuals

        ## Variance of marginal residuals                                                                         ##

        var.resm <- V - X %*% solve(t(X) %*% iV %*% X) %*% t(X)

        ## Standardized marginal residuals                                                                       ##

        resmp <- resm/sqrt(diag(var.resm))

        ## Variance of conditional residuals                                                                     ##
        var.resc <- R %*% Q %*% R

        ## Fraction of confounding                                                                              ##

        ident <- diag(N)
        auxnum <- (R %*% Q %*% Z %*% Gam %*% t(Z) %*% Q %*% R)
        auxden <- R %*% Q %*% R
        CF <- diag(auxnum)/diag(auxden)

        ## Standardized conditional residuals                                                                   ##

        rescp <- resc/sqrt(diag(var.resc))

        ## Mahalanobis distance                                                                                 ##

        if (n.levels > 1) {
                aux <- Gam %*% t(Z) %*% Q %*% Z %*% Gam
                qm <- q - 1
                dm <- matrix(0,length(CCind),1)
                gbi <- aux[1:(q[1]),(1:q[1])]
                eblupi <- eblup[1:(q[1]),]
                dmi <- t(eblupi) %*% ginv(gbi) %*% eblupi
                dm[1] <- dmi
                for (j in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        gbi <- aux[((j - 1)*q[(j - 1)] + 1 ):(q[j] + q[(j - 1)]),((j - 1)*q[(j - 1)] + 1 ):(q[j] + q[(j - 1)])]
                        eblupi <- eblup[((j - 1)*q[(j - 1)] + 1 ):(q[j] + q[(j - 1)]),]
                        dmi <- t(eblupi) %*% ginv(gbi) %*% eblupi
                        dm[j] <- dmi
                aux <- Gam %*% t(Z) %*% Q %*% Z %*% Gam
                qm <- q - 1
                dm <- matrix(0,n,1)

                for (j in 1:length(CCind))
                        if (q == 1)
                                gbi <- aux[j,j]
                                eblupi <- eblup[(q*j - qm):(q*j)]
                                dmi <- t(eblupi) %*% ginv(gbi) %*% eblupi
                                dm[j] <- dmi
                                gbi <- aux[(q*j - qm):(q*j),(q*j - qm):(q*j)]
                                eblupi <- eblup[(q*j - qm):(q*j)]
                                dmi <- t(eblupi) %*% ginv(gbi) %*% eblupi
                                dm[j] <- dmi


        LSdm <- as.numeric(quantile(dm,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(dm,prob = 0.75) - quantile(dm,prob = 0.25)))
        LS2dm <- 2*mean(dm)

        ## Modified Lesaffre-Verbeke index                                                                        ##

        lesverb <- rep(0,length(CCind))
        auxni <- as.vector(vecni)
        for (t in 1:length(CCind)) {
                li <- sum(vecni[1:t - 1]) + 1
                ls <- sum(vecni[1:t])
                if (vecni[t] == 1) {

                        auxr2 <- solve(sqrt(var.resm[li:ls,li:ls]))
                        Ri <- (auxr2) %*% resm[li:ls]
                        auxt <- diag(vecni[t]) - Ri %*% t(Ri)
                        lesverb[t] <- sqrt(sum(diag(auxt %*% t(auxt))))

                        auxr2 <- solve(sqrt.matrix(var.resm[li:ls,li:ls]))
                        Ri <- auxr2 %*% resm[li:ls]
                        auxt <- diag(vecni[t]) - Ri %*% t(Ri)
                        lesverb[t] <- sqrt(sum(diag(auxt %*% t(auxt))))

        lesverb <- lesverb/((as.numeric((table(id)))))
        LSlesverb <- as.numeric(quantile(lesverb,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(lesverb, prob = 0.75) - quantile(lesverb,prob = 0.25)))
        LS2lesverb <- 2*mean(lesverb)

        ## Least confounded residuals                                                                             ##

        R.half <- sqrt.matrix(R)
        auxqn <- eigen((R.half %*% Q %*% R.half), symmetric = T, only.values = FALSE)

        lt <- sqrt(solve(diag((auxqn$values[1:(N-p)])))) %*% t(auxqn$vectors[1:N,1:(N-p)]) %*% solve(sqrt.matrix(R[1:N,1:N]))

        var.resmcp <- lt %*% var.resc[1:N,1:N] %*% t(lt)
        resmcp <- (lt %*% resc[1:N] )/sqrt(diag(var.resmcp))

        ## Cook's Distance                                                                                        ##

        In <- diag(rep(1,N))
        Dc <- matrix(c(rep(0,3*N)),N,3)
        Dccond <- rep(0,N)
        Dcor <- rep(0,N)
        k <- (length(CCind) - 1)*max(q) + p
        for (i in 1:N) {
                Ui <- In[,i]
                auxi <- solve(crossprod(Ui,crossprod(t(Q),Ui)), crossprod(Ui,crossprod(t(Q),y)) )
                aux2i <- solve( crossprod(X,crossprod(t(iV),X)), crossprod(X, (crossprod(t(iV),crossprod(t(Ui),auxi))) ) )
                aux3i <- crossprod(t(Gam),crossprod(Z,crossprod(t(Q),crossprod(t(Ui),auxi))))
                Dc[i,1] <- crossprod(aux2i,crossprod(X,crossprod(t(X),aux2i))  )/k
                Dc[i,2] <- crossprod(aux3i,crossprod(Z,crossprod(t(Z),aux3i)))/k
                Dc[i,3] <- crossprod(2*aux2i,crossprod(X,crossprod(t(Z),aux3i)))/k

        DC1 <- Dc[,1];
        LSDC1 <- as.numeric(quantile(DC1,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(DC1,prob = 0.75) - quantile(DC1,prob = 0.25)))
        DC2 <- Dc[,2];
        LSDC2 <- as.numeric(quantile(DC2,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(DC2,prob = 0.75) - quantile(DC2,prob = 0.25)))
        DC3 <- Dc[,3]
        LSDC3 <- as.numeric(quantile(DC3,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(DC3,prob = 0.75) - quantile(DC3,prob = 0.25)))
        Dccond <- DC1 + DC2 + DC3
        LSDccond <- as.numeric(quantile(Dccond,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(Dccond, prob = 0.75) - quantile(Dccond,prob = 0.25)))

        ## Leverage                                                                                              ##

        Covb <- fit$varFix

        L1 <- X %*% Covb %*% t(X) %*% iV                                                    # Generalized marginal leverage matrix
        L1d <- diag(L1)                                                                     # Marginal leverage for observations
        LSL1d <- as.numeric(quantile(L1d,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(L1d,prob = 0.75) - quantile(L1d,prob = 0.25)))
        L1i <- as.numeric(as.matrix(aggregate(L1d, by = list(id), FUN = mean)[2]))
        # trace.L1d<- sum(L1d)
        LSL1i <- as.numeric(quantile(L1i,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(L1i,prob = 0.75) - quantile(L1i,prob = 0.25)))

        L <- L1 + Z %*% Gam %*% t(Z) %*% Q                                                  # Generalized joint leverage matrix
        Ld <- diag(L)                                                                       # Joint leverage for observations
        LSLd <- as.numeric(quantile(Ld,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(Ld,prob = 0.75) - quantile(Ld,prob = 0.25)))
        Li <- as.numeric(as.matrix(aggregate(Ld, by = list(id), FUN = mean)[2]))
        LSLi <- as.numeric(quantile(Li,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(Li,prob = 0.75) - quantile(Li,prob = 0.25)))

        L2 <- Z %*% Gam %*% t(Z)                                                          # Generalized random component leverage matrix
        L2d <- diag(L2)                                                                   # Random component leverage for observations
        LSL2d <- as.numeric(quantile(L2d,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(L2d,prob = 0.75) - quantile(L2d,prob = 0.25)))
        L2i <- as.numeric(as.matrix(aggregate(L2d, by = list(id), FUN = mean)[2]))
        # trace.L2d<- sum(L2d)
        LSL2i <- as.numeric(quantile(L2i,prob = 0.75) + 1.5*(quantile(L2i,prob = 0.75) - quantile(L2i,prob = 0.25)))

        ## This function constructs QQ plots for normality of random eefects                                    ##

        qqPlot2 <- function(x, distribution="norm", ..., ylab=deparse(substitute(x)),
                            xlab=paste(distribution, "quantiles"), main = NULL,
                            las = par("las"),
                            envelope = .95,
                            col = palette()[1],
                            col.lines = palette()[2], lwd = 2, pch = 1, cex = par("cex"),
                            cex.lab = par("cex.lab"), cex.axis = par("cex.axis"),
                            line = c("quartiles", "robust", "none"),
                            labels = if (!is.null(names(x))) names(x) else seq(along = x),
                            id.method = "y",
                            id.n = if (id.method[1] == "identify") Inf else 0,
                            id.cex = 1, id.col=palette()[1], grid = TRUE)
                line <- match.arg(line)
                good <- !is.na(x)
                ord <- order(x[good])
                ord.x <- x[good][ord]
                ord.lab <- labels[good][ord]
                q.function <- eval(parse(text = paste("q", distribution, sep = "")))
                d.function <- eval(parse(text = paste("d", distribution, sep = "")))
                n <- length(ord.x)
                P <- ppoints(n)
                z <- q.function(P, ...)
                plot(z, ord.x, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, las = las,cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis)
                if (grid) {
                        grid(lty = 1, equilogs = FALSE)
                points(z, ord.x, col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex)
                if (line  == "quartiles" || line == "none") {
                        Q.x <- quantile(ord.x, c(.25,.75))
                        Q.z <- q.function(c(.25,.75), ...)
                        b <- (Q.x[2] - Q.x[1])/(Q.z[2] - Q.z[1])
                        a <- Q.x[1] - b*Q.z[1]
                        abline(a, b, col = col.lines, lwd = lwd)
                if (line == "robust") {
                        coef <- coef(rlm(ord.x ~ z))
                        a <- coef[1]
                        b <- coef[2]
                        abline(a, b)
                conf <- if (envelope == FALSE) .95 else envelope
                zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
                SE <- (b/d.function(z, ...))*sqrt(P*(1 - P)/n)
                fit.value <- a + b*z
                upper <- fit.value + zz*SE
                lower <- fit.value - zz*SE
                if (envelope != FALSE) {
                        lines(z, upper, lty = 2, lwd = lwd, col = col.lines)
                        lines(z, lower, lty = 2, lwd = lwd, col = col.lines)

        ## This function constructs the diagnostic plots                                                         ##

        plotg = function(plotid){
                # cat("\n To select the graphic use plotid \n
                #     1- Modified Lesaffre-Verbeke index versus unit indices
                #     2- Standardized marginal residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
                #     3- Mahalanobis distance versus unit indices
                #     4- Chi-squared QQ plot for Mahalanobis distance
                #     5- Standardized conditional residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
                #     6- Normal QQ plot and histogram for standardized least confounded conditional residuals
                #     7-  Cook's conditional distance versus observation indices
                #     8-  Cook's conditional distance 1 (D1i) versus observation indices
                #     9 - Cook's conditional distance 2 (D2i) versus observation indices
                #     10- Cook's conditional distance 3 (D3i) versus observation indices
                #     13- Generalized joint leverage (L) versus unit indices
                #     11- Generalized marginal leverage (L1) versus unit indices
                #     12- Generalized random component leverage (L2) versus unit indices
                #     14- Generalized joint leverage [Li(jj)] versus observation indices
                #     15- Generalized marginal leverage [L1i(jj)] versus observation indices
                #     16- Generalized random component leverage [L2i(jj)] versus observation indices
                #     \n")
                # cat("\n Graph plotting", plotid)

                cat("\n Graph plotting", plotid)

                if (plotid == 1)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1),mar = c(11, 5, 1, 2))
                        plot(lesverb,ylab = expression(paste("Modified Lesaffre-Verbeke index")),
                             xlab = "Unit index", cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3,
                             pch = 20, ylim = c(0,2*max(abs(range(lesverb)))))
                        abline(h = LSlesverb,lty = 2)                            # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        #     abline(h = LS2lesverb,lty = 3)                           # 2*mean(lesverbp)
                        index = which(lesverb > LSlesverb)
                        #      index1<-subject[index]
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, lesverb[index], index, adj = c(1,-.5), cex = 1.0, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 2)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(10, 5, 1, 2))
                        plot(predm, resmp, xlab = expression(paste("Marginal fitted values")),
                             ylab = expression(paste("Standardized marginal residuals")),
                             pch = 20, cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.3,
                             ylim = c(-1.3*max(abs(range(resmp))),1.3*max(abs(range(resmp)))))
                        abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
                        abline(h = -limit, lty = 3)
                        abline(h = limit, lty = 3)
                        index = which(abs(resmp) > limit)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(predm[index], resmp[index], paste(id[index], obs[index], sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = 1.0, font = 2)
                        hist(resmp,breaks = c(-6:6) ,freq = F, main = "",
                             xlab = expression(paste("Standardized marginal residuals")),
                             cex = 0.9, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.3)

                if (plotid == 3)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1), mar = c(12, 5, 1, 2))
                        quant.chisq <- qqPlot2(dm, distribution = 'chisq', df = q, pch = 20,
                                               cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3,
                                               ylab = expression(paste("Mahalanobis distance quantiles")),
                                               xlab = "Chi-squared quantiles")

                if (plotid == 4)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1), mar = c(12, 5, 1, 2))
                        plot(dm, ylab = expression(paste("Mahalanobis distance")),
                             xlab = "Unit index",
                             pch = 20, ylim = c(0,2*max(dm)),
                             cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = LSdm, lty = 2)                                 # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        #    abline(h = LS2dm, lty = 3) #2*mean(dmp)
                        index = which(dm > LSdm)
                        index1 <- subject[index]
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index,dm[index], index1, adj = c(1,-.5), cex = 1.0, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 5)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(11, 5, 1, 2))
                        plot(predi, rescp, xlab = expression(paste("Predicted values")),
                             cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3,
                             ylab = expression(paste("Standardized conditional residuals")),
                             pch = 20, ylim = c(-1.3*max(abs(range(rescp))),
                        abline(h = 0,lty = 3)
                        abline(h = limit,lty = 3)
                        abline(h = -limit,lty = 3)
                        index = which(abs(rescp) > limit)
                        index1 <- subject[index]
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(predi[index], rescp[index],
                                     paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."), adj = c(1,-.5),
                                     cex = 1.0, font = 2)
                        hist(rescp, freq = F,breaks = c(-7:7), main = "",
                             xlab = expression(paste("Standardized conditional residuals")),
                             cex = 1.0, cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3)

                if (plotid == 6)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(11, 5, 3, 2))
                        qqPlot2(resmcp, ylab = "Standardized least confounded residuals",
                                xlab = "N(0,1) quantiles", pch = 20, cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2,
                                cex.axis = 1.3)
                        hist(resmcp, freq = F,breaks = c(-6:6),
                             xlab = "Std least confounded residuals",
                             main = "", cex = 1.0, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2, pch = 20)

                if (plotid == 7)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(Dccond,pch = 16, xlab = "Observation index",
                             ylab = "Cook's conditional distance", cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5,
                             cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = LSDccond,lty = 2) # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(Dccond > LSDccond)
                        index1 <- id[index]
                        if (length(index1) > 0)
                                text(index, Dccond[index], paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = .8, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 8)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(DC1,pch = 16, xlab = "Observation index",
                             ylab = "Cook's conditional distance D1i", ylim = c(0,max(DC1)), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5,
                             cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = LSDC1,lty = 2)                                          # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(DC1 > LSDC1)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, DC1[index], paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = .8, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 9)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(DC2,pch = 16,xlab = "Observation index",
                             ylab = "Cook's conditional distance D2i",ylim = c(0,max(DC2)), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5,
                             cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = LSDC2,lty = 2)                                          # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(DC2 > LSDC2)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, DC2[index], paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = .8, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 10)

                        plot(abs(DC3),pch = 16,xlab = "Observation index",
                             ylab = "Cook's conditional distance D3i",ylim = c(0,(1.5*max(DC3))), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5,
                             cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = LSDC3,lty = 2)                                           # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(abs(DC3) > LSDC3)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, abs(DC3)[index], paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = .8, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 11)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(Li,pch = 16,xlab = "Unit index",
                             ylab = "Generalized joint leverage Li",ylim = c(0,(2*max(Li))), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5,
                             cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = ((2*p)/n),lty = 3)
                        abline(h = LSLi,lty = 2)                                            # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(Li > LSLi)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, Li[index], paste(subject[index]), adj = c(1,-.5),
                                     cex = .8, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 12)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(L1i,pch = 16,xlab = "Unit index",
                             ylab = "Generalized marginal leverage L1i", ylim = c(0,2*max(L1i)), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5,
                             cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = ((2*p)/n),lty = 3)
                        abline(h = LSL1i,lty = 2)                                          # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(L1i > LSL1i)

                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, L1i[index], paste(subject[index]), adj = c(1,-.5),
                                     cex = .8, font = 2)
                if (plotid == 13)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(L2i,pch = 16,xlab = "Unit index",
                             ylab = "Generalized random component leverage L2i",
                             ylim = c(0,(2*max(L2i))), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = ((2*sum(L2d))/n),lty = 3)
                        abline(h = LSL2i,lty = 2)                                          # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(L2i > LSL2i)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, L2i[index], paste(subject[index]), adj = c(1,-.5),
                                     cex = .8, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 14)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(Ld,pch = 16,xlab = "Observation index",
                             ylab = "Generalized joint leverage Li(jj)",
                             ylim = c(0,(1.5*max(Ld))), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = LSLd,lty = 2)                                          # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(Ld > LSLd)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, Ld[index], paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = .8, font = 2)

                if (plotid == 15)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(L1d,pch = 16,xlab = "Observation index",
                             ylab = "Generalized marginal leverage L1i(jj)",
                             ylim = c(0,(1.5*max(L1d))), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = LSL1d,lty = 2)                                        # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(L1d > LSL1d)
                        #   abline(h = ((2*p)/n),lty = 2)
                        #   index = which(L1d>((2*p)/n))
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, L1d[index], paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = .8, font = 2)
                if (plotid == 15)
                        par(mfrow = c(1,1))
                        plot(L2d,pch = 16,xlab = "Observation index",
                             ylab = "Generalized random component leverage L2i(jj)",
                             ylim = c(0,(1.5*max(L2d))), cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3)
                        abline(h = LSL2d,lty = 2)                                       # 3rd quartile + 1.5*interquartile interval
                        index = which(L2d > LSL2d)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(index, L2d[index], paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = .8, font = 2)

        if (is.null(plotid)) {
                cat("\n To choose plot, select plotid \n
                    1- Modified Lesaffre-Verbeke index versus unit indices
                    2- Standardized marginal residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
                    3- Mahalanobis distance versus unit indices
                    4- Chi-squared QQ plot for Mahalanobis distance
                    5- Standardized conditional residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
                    6- Normal QQ plot and histogram for standardized least confounded conditional residuals
                    7-  Cook's conditional distance versus observation indices
                    8-  Cook's conditional distance 1 (D1i) versus observation indices
                    9 - Cook's conditional distance 2 (D2i) versus observation indices
                    10- Cook's conditional distance 3 (D3i) versus observation indices
                    13- Generalized joint leverage (L) versus unit indices
                    11- Generalized marginal leverage (L1) versus unit indices
                    12- Generalized random component leverage (L2) versus unit indices
                    14- Generalized joint leverage [Li(jj)] versus observation indices
                    15- Generalized marginal leverage [L1i(jj)] versus observation indices
                    16- Generalized random component leverage [L2i(jj)] versus observation indices

        # Generation of diagnostic plots                                                                   ##

        cat("\n To select the graphic use plotid \n
            1- Modified Lesaffre-Verbeke index versus unit indices
            2- Standardized marginal residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
            3- Mahalanobis distance versus unit indices
            4- Chi-squared QQ plot for Mahalanobis distance
            5- Standardized conditional residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
            6- Normal QQ plot and histogram for standardized least confounded conditional residuals

        if(display_plots == TRUE) {
                for (g in plotid) {


        useful.results <- list(
                std.marginal.residuals = cbind(Subject = id,Predicted = as.numeric(resmp)),
                std.conditional.residuals = cbind(Subject = id,Predicted = as.numeric(rescp)),
                mahalanobis.distance = cbind(Subject = as.numeric(unique(id)),md = as.numeric(dm)),
                lesaffreverbeke.measure = cbind(Subject = as.numeric(unique(id)),LV.m = lesverb),
                least.confounded.residuals = cbind(l.c.r = as.numeric(resmcp)),
                cook.conditional.distance = cbind(Subject = id,DCCond = Dccond),
                DC1 = cbind(Subject = id,DC1 = Dc[,1]),
                DC2 = cbind(Subject = id,DC2 = Dc[,2]),
                DC3 = cbind(Subject = id,DC3 = Dc[,3]),
                L1 = cbind(Subject = subject,L1 = L1i),
                L2 = cbind(Subject = subject,L1 = L2i),
                L = cbind(Subject = subject,L = Li),
                L1ijj = cbind(Subject = id,L1ijj = L1d),
                L2ijj = cbind(Subject = id,L2ijj = L2d),
                L3ijj = cbind(Subject = id,L3ijj = Ld),
                Predi =  cbind(Subject = id,Predi = predi),
                Fraction.Confounding  =  cbind(Subject = id,Frac.Conf = CF),
                Norm.Frob.ZtQ = norm.frob.ZtQ,
                mat.X = X,
                lZi = lZi,
                lgi = lgi,
                mat.Z = Z,
                Gam = Gam,
                R = R,
                V = V,
                mat.iV = iV)


SingerEtAl_justPlots256 = function(fit, limit, plotid=NULL, d, kk, ll, histogram = FALSE) {

        ## This function obtains the square root of a matrix                                                         ##

        sqrt.matrix <- function(mat) {
                mat <- as.matrix(mat)
                singular_dec <- svd(mat,LINPACK = F)
                U <- singular_dec$u
                V <- singular_dec$v
                D <- diag(singular_dec$d)
                sqrtmatrix <- U %*% sqrt(D) %*% t(V)

        ## This function extracts various objects of the function lme                                                ##

        extract.lmeDesign2 <- function(m){
                start.level = 1
                data <- getData(m)
                grps <- nlme::getGroups(m)
                n <- length(grps)
                X <- list()
                grp.dims <- m$dims$ncol
                Zt <- model.matrix(m$modelStruct$reStruct, data)
                cov <- as.matrix(m$modelStruct$reStruct)
                i.col <- 1
                n.levels <- length(m$groups)
                Z <- matrix(0, n, 0)
                if (start.level <= n.levels) {
                        for (i in 1:(n.levels - start.level + 1)) {
                                if (length(levels(m$groups[[n.levels - i + 1]])) != 1)
                                        X[[1]] <- model.matrix(~m$groups[[n.levels - i +
                                                                                  1]] - 1,
                                                               contrasts.arg = c("contr.treatment",
                                else X[[1]] <- matrix(1, n, 1)
                                X[[2]] <- as.matrix(Zt[, i.col:(i.col + grp.dims[i] -
                                i.col <- i.col + grp.dims[i]
                                Z <- cbind(mgcv::tensor.prod.model.matrix(X),Z)
                        Vr <- matrix(0, ncol(Z), ncol(Z))
                        start <- 1
                        for (i in 1:(n.levels - start.level + 1)) {
                                k <- n.levels - i + 1
                                for (j in 1:m$dims$ngrps[i]) {
                                        stop <- start + ncol(cov[[k]]) - 1
                                        Vr[ncol(Z) + 1 - (stop:start),ncol(Z) + 1 - (stop:start)] <- cov[[k]]
                                        start <- stop + 1
                X <- if (class(m$call$fixed) == "name" &&  !is.null(m$data$X)) {
                } else   {
                y <- as.vector(matrix(m$residuals, ncol = NCOL(m$residuals))[,NCOL(m$residuals)] +
                                       matrix(m$fitted, ncol = NCOL(m$fitted))[,NCOL(m$fitted)])
                        Vr = Vr,
                        X = X,
                        Z = Z,
                        sigmasq = m$sigma ^ 2,
                        lambda = unique(diag(Vr)),
                        y = y,
                        k = n.levels

        ## Extracting information from lme fitted model and dataset                                                 ##

        data.fit <- extract.lmeDesign2(fit)
        data <-    getData(fit)
        y <- data.fit$y
        X <- data.fit$X
        N <- length(y)                                                               # Number of observations
        id <-  sort(as.numeric(getGroups(fit, level = 1)), index.return = TRUE)$x    # as.numeric(getGroups(fit, level = 1))
        subject <- as.numeric(unique(id))
        n <- length(as.numeric(names(table(id))))                                    # Number of units
        vecni <- (table(id))                                                         # Vector with number of observations per unit
        p <- ncol(X)                                                                 # Number of fixed parameters
        n.levels <- length(fit$groups)                                               # Number of levels of within subject factors
        start.level <- 1
        Cgrps <- nlme::getGroups(fit, level = start.level)                           # Level = 1
        CCind <- levels((Cgrps))                                                     # Indices of the observations
        sigma2 <- fit$sigma^2
        obs <- numeric()

        for (i in 1:n)
                obs <- append(obs,1:vecni[i])                                                # Labels for observations

        ## Construction of the Z and Gam matrices                                                                   ##

        if (n.levels > 1) {
                lZi <- list()
                lgi <- list()
                numrow <- numeric()

                mgroups <- fit$groups
                for (n in 1:length(CCind)) {
                        dgi <- data.frame(as.matrix(mgroups[mgroups == CCind[n], ]))
                        nrowzi <- dim(dgi)[1]
                        ncolzi <- 0

                        # Number of repetitions of the variance components to construct the Gi matrix
                        girep <- as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,1])))
                        for (k in 2:n.levels) {
                                girep <- c(girep,as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,k]))))
                        # Number of columns of the Zi matrix
                        for (k in 1:n.levels) {
                                ncolzi <- ncolzi + as.numeric(length(levels(dgi[,k])))
                        # Numbers of one's by columns of the Zi matrix
                        auxi <- as.vector(table(dgi[,1]))
                        for (i in 2:n.levels) {
                                auxi <- c(auxi,as.vector(table(dgi[,i])))
                        # Matrix Zi
                        l <- 1
                        Zi <- matrix(0,nrowzi,ncolzi)
                        # Inserting elements in Zi
                        for (j in 1:ncolzi) {
                                Zi[l:(l + auxi[j] - 1),j] <- rep(1,auxi[j])
                                l <- l + auxi[j]
                                if (l == (nrowzi + 1)) l <- 1

                        lZi[[n]] <- Zi

                        numrow[n] <- dim(Zi)[1]

                        # Matrix Gi
                        comp.var <- as.matrix(fit1$modelStruct$reStruct)
                        auxg <- rep(as.numeric(comp.var[1])*sigma2,girep[1])
                        for (i in 2:length(girep)) {
                                auxg <- c(auxg,rep(as.numeric(comp.var[i])*sigma2,girep[i]))
                        lgi[[n]] <- diag(auxg)
                q <- dim(lgi[[1]])[1]                     # Dimensions of Gi matrices
                for (h in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        q <- c(q,dim(lgi[[h]])[1])
                Z <- lZi[[1]]
                for (k in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        Z <- bdiag(Z,(lZi[[k]]))
                Z <- as.matrix(Z)
                nrowZi <- lZi[[1]]                        # Dmensions of Zi matrices
                for (h in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        nrowZi <- c(nrowZi,dim(lZi[[h]])[1])

                Gam <- lgi[[1]]
                for (k in 2:length(CCind)) {
                        Gam <- bdiag(Gam,(lgi[[k]]))
                Gam <- as.matrix(Gam)
                mataux <- model.matrix(fit$modelStruct$reStruct,data)
                mataux <- as.data.frame(cbind(mataux,id))
                lZi <- list()
                lgi <- list()

                for (i in (as.numeric(unique(id)))) {
                        lZi[[i]] <- as.matrix((subset(split(mataux,id == i,
                                                            drop = T)$`TRUE`,select = -id)))
                        lgi[[i]] <- getVarCov(fit,type = "random.effects")
                Z <- as.matrix(bdiag(lZi))
                # for (i in 2:7) {
                #   Z <- as.matrix(bdiag(Z,lZi[[i]]))
                # }
                g <- getVarCov(fit,type = "random.effects")
                q <- dim(g)[1]                                                           # Total number of random effects
                Gam <- as.matrix(kronecker(diag(length(as.numeric(unique(id)))),g))
        ## Estimate of the covariance matrix of conditional errors (homoskedastic conditional independence model)   ##

        if (n.levels > 1) {
                if (!inherits(fit, "lme"))
                        stop("object does not appear to be of class lme")
                grps <- nlme::getGroups(fit)
                n <- length(grps)                                                                      # Number of observations
                n.levels <- length(fit$groups)                                                         # Number of levels
                if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
                        n.corlevels <- 0
                else n.corlevels <- length(all.vars(nlme::getGroupsFormula(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))) # Levels of the repeated measures
                if (n.levels < n.corlevels) {
                        vnames <- all.vars(nlme::getGroupsFormula(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
                        lab <- paste(eval(parse(text = vnames[1]), envir = fit$data))
                        if (length(vnames) > 1)
                                for (i in 2:length(vnames)) {
                                        lab <- paste(lab, "/", eval(parse(text = vnames[i]),
                                                                    envir = fit$data), sep = "")
                        grps <- factor(lab)
                if (n.levels >= start.level || n.corlevels >= start.level) {
                        if (n.levels >= start.level)
                                Cgrps <- nlme::getGroups(fit, level = start.level)                           # Level = 1
                        else Cgrps <- grps
                        Cind <- sort(as.numeric(Cgrps), index.return = TRUE)$ix                        # Indices of the observations
                        rCind <- 1:n
                        rCind[Cind] <- 1:n
                        Clevel <- levels(Cgrps)                                                        # Levels of the first nesting level
                        n.cg <- length(Clevel)
                        size.cg <- array(0, n.cg)
                        for (i in 1:n.cg) size.cg[i] <- sum(Cgrps == Clevel[i])                        # Number of the observations by subject
                else {
                        n.cg <- 1
                        Cind <- 1:n
                if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$varStruct))
                        w <- rep(fit$sigma, n)
                else {
                        w <- 1/nlme::varWeights(fit$modelStruct$varStruct)
                        group.name <- names(fit$groups)
                        order.txt <- paste("ind<-order(data[[\"", group.name[1],
                                           "\"]]", sep = "")
                        if (length(fit$groups) > 1)
                                for (i in 2:length(fit$groups)) order.txt <- paste(order.txt,
                                                                                   ",data[[\"", group.name[i], "\"]]", sep = "")
                        order.txt <- paste(order.txt, ")")
                        eval(parse(text = order.txt))
                        w[ind] <- w
                        w <- w * fit$sigma
                w <- w[Cind]
                if (is.null(fit$modelStruct$corStruct))
                        lR <- array(1, n)
                else {
                        c.m <- nlme::corMatrix(fit$modelStruct$corStruct)
                        if (!is.list(c.m)) {
                                lR <- c.m
                                lR <- lR[Cind, ]
                                lR <- lR[, Cind]
                        else {
                                lR <- list()
                                ind <- list()
                                for (i in 1:n.cg) {
                                        lR[[i]] <- matrix(0, size.cg[i], size.cg[i])
                                        ind[[i]] <- 1:size.cg[i]
                                Roff <- cumsum(c(1, size.cg))
                                gr.name <- names(c.m)
                                n.g <- length(c.m)
                                j0 <- rep(1, n.cg)
                                ii <- 1:n
                                for (i in 1:n.g) {
                                        Clev <- unique(Cgrps[grps == gr.name[i]])
                                        if (length(Clev) > 1)
                                                stop("inner groupings not nested in outer!!")
                                        k <- (1:n.cg)[Clevel == Clev]
                                        j1 <- j0[k] + nrow(c.m[[i]]) - 1
                                        lR[[k]][j0[k]:j1, j0[k]:j1] <- c.m[[i]]
                                        ind1 <- ii[grps == gr.name[i]]
                                        ind2 <- rCind[ind1]
                                        ind[[k]][j0[k]:j1] <- ind2 - Roff[k] + 1
                                        j0[k] <- j1 + 1
                                for (k in 1:n.cg) {
                                        lR[[k]][ind[[k]], ] <- lR[[k]]
                                        lR[[k]][, ind[[k]]] <- lR[[k]]
                if (is.list(lR)) {
                        for (i in 1:n.cg) {
                                wi <- w[Roff[i]:(Roff[i] + size.cg[i] - 1)]
                                lR[[i]] <- as.vector(wi) * t(as.vector(wi) * lR[[i]]) # Matrix lR
                else if (is.matrix(lR)) {
                        lR <- as.vector(w) * t(as.vector(w) * lR)
                else {
                        lR <- w^2 * lR
                if (is.list(lR)) {
                        R <- lR[[1]]
                        for (k in 2:n.cg) {
                                R <- bdiag(R,lR[[k]])
                        R <- as.matrix(R)
                        R <- diag(lR)
                R <- getVarCov(fit,type = "conditional",individual = 1)[[1]]
                if(unique(id) > 1) {
                        for (i in 2:length(as.numeric(unique(id)))) {
                                R <- as.matrix(bdiag(R,getVarCov(fit,
                                                                 type = "conditional",individual = i)[[1]] ) )
        ## Construction of covariance matrix of Y (Here denoted as V; in the paper it is denoted \Omega)           ##

        V <- (Z %*% Gam %*% t(Z)) + R
        iV <- solve(V)

        ## Construction of the Q matrix                                                                            ##

        varbeta <- solve((t(X) %*% iV %*% X))
        Q <- (iV - iV %*% X %*% (varbeta) %*% t(X) %*% iV )
        zq <- t(Z) %*% Q
        norm.frob.ZtQ <- sum(diag(zq %*% t(zq)))

        ## EBLUE and EBLUP                                                                                         ##

        eblue <- as.vector(fixef(fit))
        eblup <- Gam %*% t(Z) %*% iV %*% (y - X %*% eblue)

        ## Residual analysis                                                                                      ##

        predm <- X %*% eblue                       # Predicted values for expected response
        predi <- X %*% eblue + Z %*% eblup         # Predicted values for units
        resm <- (y - predm)                        # Marginal residuals
        resc <- (y - predi)                        # Conditional residuals

        ## Variance of marginal residuals                                                                         ##

        var.resm <- V - X %*% solve(t(X) %*% iV %*% X) %*% t(X)

        ## Standardized marginal residuals                                                                       ##

        resmp <- resm/sqrt(diag(var.resm))

        ## Variance of conditional residuals                                                                     ##
        var.resc <- R %*% Q %*% R

        ## Fraction of confounding                                                                              ##

        ident <- diag(N)
        auxnum <- (R %*% Q %*% Z %*% Gam %*% t(Z) %*% Q %*% R)
        auxden <- R %*% Q %*% R
        CF <- diag(auxnum)/diag(auxden)

        ## Standardized conditional residuals                                                                   ##

        rescp <- resc/sqrt(diag(var.resc))

        ## Least confounded residuals                                                                             ##

        R.half <- sqrt.matrix(R)
        auxqn <- eigen((R.half %*% Q %*% R.half), symmetric = T, only.values = FALSE)

        lt <- sqrt(solve(diag((auxqn$values[1:(N-p)])))) %*% t(auxqn$vectors[1:N,1:(N-p)]) %*% solve(sqrt.matrix(R[1:N,1:N]))

        var.resmcp <- lt %*% var.resc[1:N,1:N] %*% t(lt)
        resmcp <- (lt %*% resc[1:N] )/sqrt(diag(var.resmcp))

        ## This function constructs QQ plots for normality of random eefects                                    ##

        qqPlot2 <- function(x, distribution="norm", ..., ylab=deparse(substitute(x)),
                            xlab=paste(distribution, "quantiles"), main = NULL,
                            las = par("las"),
                            envelope = .95,
                            col = palette()[1],
                            col.lines = palette()[2], lwd = 2, pch = 1, cex = par("cex"),
                            cex.lab = par("cex.lab"), cex.axis = par("cex.axis"),
                            line = c("quartiles", "robust", "none"),
                            labels = if (!is.null(names(x))) names(x) else seq(along = x),
                            id.method = "y",
                            id.n = if (id.method[1] == "identify") Inf else 0,
                            id.cex = 1, id.col=palette()[1], grid = TRUE)
                line <- match.arg(line)
                good <- !is.na(x)
                ord <- order(x[good])
                ord.x <- x[good][ord]
                ord.lab <- labels[good][ord]
                q.function <- eval(parse(text = paste("q", distribution, sep = "")))
                d.function <- eval(parse(text = paste("d", distribution, sep = "")))
                n <- length(ord.x)
                P <- ppoints(n)
                z <- q.function(P, ...)
                plot(z, ord.x, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, las = las,cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis)
                if (grid) {
                        grid(lty = 1, equilogs = FALSE)
                points(z, ord.x, col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex)
                if (line  == "quartiles" || line == "none") {
                        Q.x <- quantile(ord.x, c(.25,.75))
                        Q.z <- q.function(c(.25,.75), ...)
                        b <- (Q.x[2] - Q.x[1])/(Q.z[2] - Q.z[1])
                        a <- Q.x[1] - b*Q.z[1]
                        abline(a, b, col = col.lines, lwd = lwd)
                if (line == "robust") {
                        coef <- coef(rlm(ord.x ~ z))
                        a <- coef[1]
                        b <- coef[2]
                        abline(a, b)
                conf <- if (envelope == FALSE) .95 else envelope
                zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
                SE <- (b/d.function(z, ...))*sqrt(P*(1 - P)/n)
                fit.value <- a + b*z
                upper <- fit.value + zz*SE
                lower <- fit.value - zz*SE
                if (envelope != FALSE) {
                        lines(z, upper, lty = 2, lwd = lwd, col = col.lines)
                        lines(z, lower, lty = 2, lwd = lwd, col = col.lines)
        #     2- Standardized marginal residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
        #     5- Standardized conditional residuals versus fitted values and corresponding histogram
        #     6- Normal QQ plot and histogram for standardized least confounded conditional residuals

        if (plotid == 2)
                if(histogram == FALSE) {

                        plot(predm, resmp, xlab = expression(paste("Marginal fitted values")),
                             ylab = expression(paste("Standardized marginal residuals")),
                             pch = 20, cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.3,
                             ylim = c(-1.3*max(abs(range(resmp))),1.3*max(abs(range(resmp)))))
                        abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
                        abline(h = -limit, lty = 3)
                        abline(h = limit, lty = 3)
                        index = which(abs(resmp) > limit)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(predm[index], resmp[index], paste(id[index], obs[index], sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = 1.0, font = 2)

                } else {

                        par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(10, 5, 1, 2))
                        plot(predm, resmp, xlab = expression(paste("Marginal fitted values")),
                             ylab = expression(paste("Standardized marginal residuals")),
                             pch = 20, cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.3,
                             ylim = c(-1.3*max(abs(range(resmp))),1.3*max(abs(range(resmp)))))
                        abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
                        abline(h = -limit, lty = 3)
                        abline(h = limit, lty = 3)
                        index = which(abs(resmp) > limit)
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(predm[index], resmp[index], paste(id[index], obs[index], sep = "."),
                                     adj = c(1,-.5), cex = 1.0, font = 2)
                        hist(resmp,breaks = c(-6:6) ,freq = F, main = "",
                             xlab = expression(paste("Standardized marginal residuals")),
                             cex = 0.9, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.3)



        if (plotid == 5)
                if(histogram == FALSE) {

                        plot(predi, rescp, xlab = expression(paste("Predicted values")),
                             cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3,
                             ylab = expression(paste("Standardized conditional residuals")),
                             pch = 20, ylim = c(-1.3*max(abs(range(rescp))),
                        abline(h = 0,lty = 3)
                        abline(h = limit,lty = 3)
                        abline(h = -limit,lty = 3)
                        index = which(abs(rescp) > limit)
                        index1 <- subject[index]
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(predi[index], rescp[index],
                                     paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."), adj = c(1,-.5),
                                     cex = 1.0, font = 2)

                } else {

                        par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(11, 5, 1, 2))
                        plot(predi, rescp, xlab = expression(paste("Predicted values")),
                             cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3,
                             ylab = expression(paste("Standardized conditional residuals")),
                             pch = 20, ylim = c(-1.3*max(abs(range(rescp))),
                        abline(h = 0,lty = 3)
                        abline(h = limit,lty = 3)
                        abline(h = -limit,lty = 3)
                        index = which(abs(rescp) > limit)
                        index1 <- subject[index]
                        if (length(index) > 0)
                                text(predi[index], rescp[index],
                                     paste(id[index], obs[index],sep = "."), adj = c(1,-.5),
                                     cex = 1.0, font = 2)
                        hist(rescp, freq = F,breaks = c(-7:7), main = "",
                             xlab = expression(paste("Standardized conditional residuals")),
                             cex = 1.0, cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3)



        if (plotid == 6)
                if(histogram == FALSE) {

                        qqPlot2(resmcp, ylab = "Standardized least confounded residuals",
                                xlab = "N(0,1) quantiles", pch = 20, cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2,
                                cex.axis = 1.3)

                } else {

                        par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(11, 5, 3, 2))
                        qqPlot2(resmcp, ylab = "Standardized least confounded residuals",
                                xlab = "N(0,1) quantiles", pch = 20, cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2,
                                cex.axis = 1.3)
                        hist(resmcp, freq = F,breaks = c(-6:6),
                             xlab = "Std least confounded residuals",
                             main = "", cex = 1.0, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2, pch = 20)




mixed <- function(y, X, Z, dim, s20, method, lambda, adaptRW) {

        # mixed computes ML,REML,MINQE(I),MINQE(U,I),BLUE(b),BLUP(u)
        # by Henderson's Mixed Model Equations Algorithm.
        # ======================================================================
        #  Model: Y=X*b+Z*u+e,
        #         b=(b_1',...,b_f')' and u=(u_1',...,u_r')',
        #         E(u)=0, Var(u)=diag(sigma^2_i*I_{m_i}), i=1,...,r
        #         E(e)=0, Var(e)=sigma^2_{r+1}*I_n,
        #         Var(y)=Sig=sum_{i=1}^{r+1} sigma^2_i*Sig_i.
        #         We assume normality and independence of u and e.
        #  Inputs:
        #    y       - n-dimensional vector of observations.
        #    X       - (n * k)-design matrix for
        #              fixed effects b=[b_1;...;b_f],
        #              typically X=[X_1,...,X_f] for some X_i.
        #    Z       - (n * m)-design matrix for
        #              random efects u=[u_1;...;u_r],
        #              typically Z=[Z_1,...,Z_r] for some Z_i.
        #    dim     - Vector of dimensions of u_i, i=1,...,r,
        #              dim=[m_1;...;m_r], m=sum(dim).
        #    s20     - A prior choice of the variance components,
        #              s20=[s20_1;...;s20_r;s20_{r+1}].
        #              SHOULD BE POSITIVE for method>0
        #    method  - Method of estimation of variance components;
        #              0:NO estimation, 1:ML, 2:REML, 3:MINQE(I), 4:MINQE(U,I)
        #    lambda  - regularization parameter used for ridge regression weights,
        #              default value id lambda = [] (use standatd estimation
        #              procedure, i.e. no regularized ridge estimation procedure).
        #    adaptRW - flag for using adaptive method for the ridge matrix weights.
        #              If adaptRW = FALSE, the used ridge matrix is Rw = lambda * diag(ones(k,1)).
        #              If adaptRW = TRUE, Rw = lambda * diag(weights), where weights = ones(k,1)/abs(b)
        #              and b is fixed effect estimate in current iteration. Default value is adaptRW = FALSE.
        # ======================================================================
        #  Outputs:
        #    s2     - Estimated vector of variance components
        #             (sigma^2_1,..., sigma^2_{r+1})'.
        #             A warning message appears if some of the estimated
        #             variance components is negative or equal to zero.
        #             In such cases the calculated Fisher information
        #             matrices are inadequate.
        #    b      - k-dimensional vector of estimated fixed effects beta,
        #             b=[b_1;...;b_f]=(X'Sig^{-1}X)^{+}X'Sig^{-1}y.
        #    u      - m-dimensional vector of EBLUP's of random effects U,
        #             u=[u_1;...;u_r].
        #    Is2    - Fisher information matrix for variance components;
        #             if method=0 the output is Is2=[];
        #             if metod=3 or method=4 the output is inversion of the
        #             covariance matrix of MINQE calculated at estimated s2.
        #    C      - g-inverse of Henderson's MME matrix, where
        #               C=pinv([XX XZ; XZ' ZZ+inv(D)*s0]/s0), if inv(D) exists
        #               or C=s0*[I 0; 0 D]*pinv([XX XZ*D; XZ' V]) otherwise
        #    H      - Criterial matrix for MINQE calculated at priors s20;
        #               if method=3
        #               H_ij=trace(Sig_0^{-1}*Sig_i*Sig_0^{-1}*Sig_j),
        #               if method=4
        #               H_ij=trace((M*Sig_0*M)^{+}*Sig_i*(M*Sig_0*M)^{+}*Sig_j)
        #    q      - (r+1)-dimensional vector of MINQE(U,I) quadratic forms
        #               calculated at prior values s20;
        #               if method=0,1,2 the output is q=[], otherwise
        #               q_i=y'*(M*Sig_0*M)^{+}*Sig_i*(M*Sig_0*M)^{+}*y.
        #    loglik - Log-likelihood evaluated at the estimated parameters;
        #               if method=1 loglik=log-likelihood(ML),
        #               if method=2 loglik=log-likelihood(REML),
        #               if method=3 or method=4 loglik=[],
        #               if method=0 loglik=informative value of
        #               log of the joint pdf of (y,u).
        #    loops  - Number of loops.
        # ======================================================================
        # REFERENCES
        # Searle, S.R., Cassela, G., McCulloch, C.E.: Variance Components.
        # John Wiley & Sons, INC., New York, 1992. (pp. 275-286).
        # Witkovsky, V.: MATLAB Algorithm mixed.m for solving
        # Henderson's Mixed Model Equations.
        # Technical Report, Institute of Measurement Science,
        # Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Dec. 2001.
        # See http://www.mathpreprints.com.
        # The original Matlab algorithm mixed.m is available at
        # http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange
        # see the Statistics Category.
        # ======================================================================
        # BEGIN MMEinR
        # ======================================================================
        # This is the (only) required input.
        # The algorith mixed.m could be easily changed in such a way
        # that the required inputs will be y, a, XX, XZ, and ZZ,
        # and the call would be mixed(y, a, XX, XZ, ZZ, dim, s20, method);
        # instead of mixed(y, X, Z, dim, s20, method);
        # ======================================================================

        # Adaptive ridge-estimation weights
        if(missing(adaptRW)) {
                adaptRW <- logical()

        if(length(adaptRW) == 0) {
                adaptRW <- FALSE

        # Parameter lambda for computing the regularized (ridge-estimation) ML/REML
        if(missing(lambda)) {
                lambda <- numeric()

        # ======================================================================
        # This is the (only) required input.
        # The algorith mixed.m could be easily changed in such a way
        # that the required inputs will be y, a, XX, XZ, and ZZ,
        # and the call would be mixed(y,a,XX,XZ,ZZ,dim,s20,method);
        # instead of mixed(y,X,Z,dim,s20,method);
        # ======================================================================

        # The required input parameters
        # Other input parameters

        ## Method 0 (No estimation of variance components)
        # ======================================================================
        # METHOD=0:
        # No estimation of variance components
        # Output is BLUE(b), BLUP(u), and C,
        # calculated at chosen values s20
        # ======================================================================
        if(method=="0") {
                id0 <- 0
                if(r>1) {
                        for(i in 2:r) {
                                d <- c(d, s20[i] * rep(1, dim[i]))
                                id0 <- id0 + dim[i]
                D <- diag(d)
                V <- s0 * Im + ZZ %*% D
                A <- rbind(cbind(XX, XZ %*% D), cbind(t(XZ), V))
                A <- MPinv(A) # A = A \ Ikm

                C <- s0 * rbind(cbind(A[1:k,1:k], A[1:k,(k+1):(k+m)]),
                                cbind(D %*% A[(k+1):(k+m),1:k], D %*% A[(k+1):(k+m), (k+1):(k+m)]))
                bb <- A %*% a
                b <- bb[1:k]
                v <- bb[(k+1):(k+m)]
                u <- D %*% v
                Aux <- yy-t(b) %*% Xy - t(u) %*% Zy
                if(all(s20 != 0)) {
                        loglik<-(-1)*((n + m) * log(2 * pi) + n * log(s0) + log(prod(d)) + Aux / s0) / 2
                } else {

                s2 <- s20
                Is2 <- matrix()
                H <- matrix()
                q <- vector()
                return(list("s2" = s2, "b" = b, "u" = u, "Is2" = Is2, "C" = C, "H" = H, "q" = q, "loglik" = loglik, "loops" = loops))

        # ======================================================================
        # ======================================================================
        fk <- which(s20 <= 0)
        if(length(fk) > 0) {
                s20[fk] <- 100 * .Machine$double.eps * rep(1, length(fk))
                warning("Priors in s20 are negative or zeros !CHANGED!")
        # sig0 <- s20
        s21 <- s20
        ZMZ <- ZZ - t(XZ) %*% MPinv(XX) %*% XZ # ZMZ = ZZ - XZ' * (XX \ XZ)
        q <- rep(0, r+1)
        # ======================================================================
        # ======================================================================
        epss <- 1e-8
        crit <- 1
        weight <- rep(1, k)
        small <- 0.1
        # H <- matrix()
        # q <- vector()

        while (crit > epss) {
                loops <- loops + 1
                sigaux <- s20
                s0 <- s20[r+1]
                # d <- s20[1] * rep(1, dim[1])
                d <- rep(1, sum(dim))
                id0 <- 0
                if(r > 1) {
                        for(i in 1:r) {
                                # d <- c(d, s20[i] * rep(1, dim[i]))
                                id <- 1:dim[i]
                                d[id0 + id] <- s20[i] * d[id0 + id]
                                id0 <- id0 + dim[i]

                D <- diag(d)
                V <- s0 * Im + ZZ %*% D
                # W <- s0 * solve(V)
                W <- s0 * mldivide(V, Im)
                # T <- solve(Im + ZMZ %*% D / s0)
                T <- mldivide((Im + ZMZ %*% D / s0), Im)

                if(length(lambda) == 0) {
                        A <- rbind(cbind(XX, XZ %*% D),cbind(t(XZ), V))
                        bb <- MPinv(A) %*% a # bb <- mldivide(A, a)
                } else {
                        # The regularized version
                        A <- rbind(cbind(XX + diag(weight)*lambda, XZ %*% D),cbind(t(XZ), V))
                        bb <- MPinv(A) %*% a # bb <- mldivide(A, a)
                b <- bb[1:k]

                if(length(lambda) > 0 && adaptRW == TRUE) {
                        small0 <- small / 1.02
                        small <- small / 1.3
                        weight[abs(b) <= small0] <- 1 / small
                        weight[abs(b) > small0] <- 1 / abs(b[(abs(b) > small0)])
                v <- bb[(k+1):(k+m)]
                u <- D %*% v

                v <- bb[(k+1):(k+m)]
                u <- D %*% v
                # ======================================================================
                # ======================================================================
                iupp <- 0
                q <- rep(1, r+1)
                for(i in 1:r){
                        if(!is.finite(s20[i])) {
                                s20[i] <- .Machine$double.eps
                        if(!is.finite(s21[i])) {
                                s21[i] <- .Machine$double.eps


                if(method=="1") {
                        H<-matrix(nrow = r+1,ncol = r+1)
                        # q<-vector()
                } else if(method=="2") {
                        H<-matrix(nrow = r+1,ncol = r+1)
                        # q<-vector()
                } else {
                        crit <- 0
                # stop()
                # if(loops==max_iter) {
                #         warning("Maximum number of iterations reached.")
                #         break
                # }

        # ======================================================================
        # ======================================================================
        # ======================================================================
        if (method=="3" || method=="4") {
                if(method=="4") {
                        H[r+1,r+1]<-(n-rx-m+matrix.trace(W%*%W))/(sigaux[r+1]*sigaux[r+1]) #%VW
                } else {

                for(i in 1:r) {
                        for(j in 1:r) {
        # ======================================================================
        # MINQE(I), MINQE(U,I), ML, AND REML
        # ======================================================================
        if(method=="3" || method=="4") {
        } else {

        if(length(fk)>0) {
                warning("Estimated variance components are negative or zeros!")
        # ======================================================================
        # ======================================================================
        # d<-s2[1]*rep(1,dim[1])
        d <- rep(1, sum(dim))
        id0 <- 0
        if(r>1) {
                for(i in 1:r) {
                        # d<-c(d,s2[i]*rep(1,dim[i]))
                        id <- 1:dim[i]
                        d[id0+id] <- s20[i] * d[id0 + id]
                        id0 <- id0 + dim[i]

        # W<-s0*solve(V)
        W <- s0 * mldivide(V, Im)
        # T<-solve(Im+ZMZ%*%D/s0)
        T <- mldivide(Im + ZMZ %*% D / s0, Im)
        if(length(lambda) == 0) {
        } else {
                # Regularized version
                A<-rbind(cbind(XX + diag(weight) * lambda, XZ%*%D),cbind(t(XZ),V))

        if(k==1) {

        } else {

        if(method=="1") {
        } else if(method=="2") {
                # loglik=-((n-rx)*log(2*pi*s0)-log(det(T))+(n-rx))/2
                # Here is the adjusted loglik version - like in SAS
                loglik <- -((n-rx) * log(2*pi*s0) - log(det(T)) + (n-rx))/2 - log(det(t(X)%*%X))/2
                loglik <- -2 * loglik
        # ======================================================================
        # ======================================================================
        if (method=="2" || method=="4") {
                Is2[r+1,r+1]<-(n-rx-m+matrix.trace(W%*%W))/(s2[r+1]*s2[r+1]) #%VW
        } else {

        for(i in 1:r) {
                for(j in 1:r) {
        # ======================================================================
        # EOF MIXED.M
        # ======================================================================
        result<-list("s2" = as.vector(s2), "b" = b, "u" = u, "Is2" = Is2, "C" = C, "H" = H, "q" = q, "loglik" = loglik, "loops" = loops)

Design2 <- function(N) {
        # DESIGN2 Creates the design matrices for two-way classification
        # model y_ijk = a_i + b_j + c_ij + e_ijk,
        # given by its incidence matrix N (ixj).
        # The incidence matrix N could have some cells equal to zero.

        sizeN <- dim(N)
        M <- t(Conj(N))
        v <- c(M)
        v <- v[v > 0]
        oj <- matrix(1, sizeN[2], 1)
        n <- N %*% oj

        A <- Diagm(n)
        B <- Diagm(N[1,])
        for(i in 2:sizeN[1]) {
                B <- rbind(B, Diagm(N[i,]))
        C <- Diagm(v)

        return(list("A" = A, "B" = B, "C" = C))


Diagm <- function(n) {
        # DIAGM Creates block-diagonal matrix from 1-vectors
        # with dimensions given in n=[n_1;...;n_k].

        n <- c(n)
        k <- length(n)
        N <- sum(n)
        D <- matrix(0, N, k)
        m <- cumsum(n)
        m <- c(0, m)
        for(i in 1:k) {
                D[(m[i]+1):m[i+1],i] <- rep(1, n[i])

gajdosandrej/fdslrm documentation built on April 28, 2020, 11:35 a.m.