
Defines functions HBDSegmentsBySegments

#This function creates a dataframe with HBDsegments used for plottting graphs   #
#by segments                                                                     #
#                                                                                #
#!!! Submaps : the list of objects                                               #                                       
#!!! HBD_recap : a dataframe with HBD probabilities                              #
#!!! n.consecutive.markers : the number of consecutive HBD probabilities >        #
#    threshold                                                                   #
#                                                                                #
#*** return a dataframe with HBDsegments                                        #

HBDSegmentsBySegments <- function(submaps, HBD_recap, n.consecutive.markers, threshold)
  l <- list()#liste des individus

  un.ids <- rownames(HBD_recap) # famid:id
  status <- submaps@bedmatrix@ped$pheno[ match( un.ids, uniqueIds(submaps@bedmatrix@ped$famid, submaps@bedmatrix@ped$id) ) ]
  individuals_name <- get.id(un.ids)
  family_id <- get.famid(un.ids)

  # ### fin modifs ####
  #find the name of the marker to find the index of the segments in the chromosome
  marker_names <- submaps@submaps_list[[1]]@map$id
  #to which chromosomes these markers correspond
  correspondance <- match(marker_names, submaps@bedmatrix@snps$id)
  chromosome <- submaps@bedmatrix@snps$chr[correspondance]
  #find the positions and distances of all the segmetn
  segmentSummary <- segmentsListSummary(submaps@segments_list)

  shift <- cumsum(segmentSummary$number_of_segments)
  shift <- append(0, shift)#0 because I add one after
  max   <- shift[length(shift)]

  start_dist <- numeric(max)
  end_dist <- numeric(max)
  start_pos <- numeric(max)
  end_pos <- numeric(max)

  for(i in seq_along(submaps@segments_list))
    segment_chr <- submaps@segments_list[[i]]#get the list of segments in the chromosome i
    start <- numeric(length(segment_chr))    #a vector with the number of segments for the chr i 
    end <- numeric(length(segment_chr))      #a vector with the number of segments for the chr i 

    for(j in seq_along(segment_chr))          #loop over the segments
      if(length(segment_chr[[j]])== 0) next()
      start[j] <- segment_chr[[ j ]][ 1 ]     # first marker of the segment j
      end[j]   <- segment_chr[[ j ]][ length( segment_chr[[ j ]] ) ]   # last marker of the segment j

      #segment start
    start_dist[(shift[i]+1):shift[i+1]] <- submaps@bedmatrix@snps$dist[ start ]
      #segment end -> last marker
    end_dist[(shift[i]+1):shift[i+1]]   <- submaps@bedmatrix@snps$dist[ end ]
      #segment start
    start_pos[(shift[i]+1):shift[i+1]]  <- submaps@bedmatrix@snps$pos[ start ]
      #segment end-> last marker
    end_pos[(shift[i]+1):shift[i+1]]    <- submaps@bedmatrix@snps$pos[ end ]
  min_segment_size = n.consecutive.markers
  #create the dataframe for every individual
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(HBD_recap)))
    test<- as.vector(data >= threshold)#test
    good_segments<-as.numeric( which( all_segments$length >= min_segment_size & all_segments$value )-1 )
    if(length(good_segments) == 0)
    if(good_segments[1] == 0)
      good_segments[1] <- 1
    good_segments_length <-as.numeric( all_segments$length[ good_segments+1 ] )
    good_segments_start<- as.numeric( cumsum(all_segments$lengths)[ good_segments ] +1)
    good_segments_end<-as.numeric( good_segments_start+good_segments_length -1)
    segment_dataframe<-data.frame(id          = rep(individuals_name[i], length(good_segments_start)),
                                  famid       = rep(family_id[i], length(good_segments_start)),
                                  pheno       = rep(status[i], length(good_segments_start)),
                                  start       = good_segments_start, 
                                  end         = good_segments_end,
                                  size        = good_segments_length,
                                  chromosome  = chromosome[good_segments_start],
                                  start_pos   = start_pos[good_segments_start],
                                  end_pos     = end_pos[good_segments_end],
                                  start_dist  = start_dist[good_segments_start],
                                  end_dist    = end_dist[good_segments_end])
    #treating the case when segments overlaps two different chromosomes
    overlap <- which(segment_dataframe$start_dist > segment_dataframe$end_dist)
    #treating the case when segments overlaps two different chromosomes
    if(length(overlap) != 0)
      segment_dataframe <- segment_dataframe[-overlap,,drop=F]
    l[[i]] <- segment_dataframe
genostats/Fantasio documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 5:28 p.m.