
Defines functions Beta.NA int.eprior L it.sol postvar postmean bprior aprior trim.dat list.batch design.mat build.design filter.absent ComBat_NoFiles

Documented in ComBat_NoFiles

#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf

#' @importFrom graphics lines par plot title

#' @importFrom stats anova aov as.dist cor cutree dbeta density dnorm hclust lm optim prcomp qqline qqnorm qqplot quantile rgamma t.test var wilcox.test

#' @importFrom utils download.file read.csv tail untar write.table

#' The ComBat_NoFiles function
#' Internal. Performs batch correction.
#' @param dat dat
#' @param saminfo saminfo
#' @param type currently supports two data file types 'txt' for a tab-delimited text file and 'csv' for an Excel .csv file (sometimes R handles the .csv file better, so use this if you have problems with a .txt file!).
#' @param write if 'T' ComBat writes adjusted data to a file, and if 'F' and ComBat outputs the adjusted data matrix if 'F' (so assign it to an object! i.e. NewData <- ComBat('my expression.xls','Sample info file.txt', write=F)).
#' @param covariates 'covariates=all' will use all of the columns in your sample info file in the modeling (except array/sample name), if you only want use a some of the columns in your sample info file, specify these columns here as a vector (you must include the Batch column in this list).
#' @param par.prior if 'T' uses the parametric adjustments, if 'F' uses the nonparametric adjustments--if you are unsure what to use, try the parametric adjustments (they run faster) and check the plots to see if these priors are reasonable.
#' @param filter 'filter=value' filters the genes with absent calls in > 1-value of the samples. The defaut here (as well as in dchip) is .8.
#' Filter if you can as the EB adjustments work better after filtering.
#' Filter must be numeric if your expression index file contains presence/absence calls (but you can set it >1 if you don't want to filter any genes) and must be 'F' if your data doesn't have presence/absence calls;
#' @param skip is the number of columns that contain probe names and gene information, so 'skip=5' implies the first expression values are in column 6
#' @param prior.plots if true will give prior plots with black as a kernal estimate of the empirical batch effect density and red as the parametric estimate.
#' @return Results.
#' @keywords internal
ComBat_NoFiles <- function(dat, saminfo, type = "txt", write = FALSE, covariates = "all",
    par.prior = FALSE, filter = FALSE, skip = 0, prior.plots = TRUE) {
    # debug: expression_xls='exp.txt'; sample_info_file='sam.txt'; type='txt';
    # write=T; covariates='all'; par.prior=T; filter=F; skip=0; prior.plots=T

    # 'expression_xls' is the expression index file (e.g. outputted by dChip).
    # I think it was replaced by dat, a matrix 'sample_info_file' is a
    # tab-delimited text file containing the colums: Array name, sample name,
    # Batch, and any other covariates to be included in the modeling. Also I
    # think it was replaced by the data as R objects.

    cat("Reading Sample Information File\n")
    # saminfo <- read.table(sample_info_file, header=T,
    # sep='\t',comment.char='')
    if (sum(colnames(saminfo) == "Batch") != 1) {
        return("ERROR: Sample Information File does not have a Batch column!")

    cat("Reading Expression Data File\n")
    # if(type=='csv'){ dat <-
    # read.csv(expression_xls,header=T,row.names=1,as.is=T) #print(dat[1:2,])
    # #\tdat <- dat[,trim.dat(dat)] #print(colnames(dat))
    # #colnames(dat)=scan(expression_xls,what='character',nlines=1,sep=',',quiet=T)[1:ncol(dat)]
    # #print(colnames(dat)) } else { dat <-
    # read.table(expression_xls,header=T,comment.char='',fill=T,sep='\t',
    # as.is=T)
    dat <- dat[, trim.dat(dat)]
    # colnames(dat)=scan(expression_xls,what='character',nlines=1,sep='\t',quiet=T)[1:ncol(dat)]
    # }

    if (skip > 0) {
        geneinfo <- as.matrix(dat[, 1:skip])
        dat <- dat[, -c(1:skip)]
    } else {
        geneinfo <- NULL

    if (filter) {
        ngenes <- nrow(dat)
        col <- ncol(dat)/2
        present <- apply(dat, 1, filter.absent, filter)
        dat <- dat[present, -(2 * (1:col))]
        if (skip > 0) {
            geneinfo <- geneinfo[present, ]
        cat("Filtered genes absent in more than", filter, "of samples. Genes remaining:",
            nrow(dat), "; Genes filtered:", ngenes - nrow(dat), "\n")

    if (any(apply(dat, 2, mode) != "numeric")) {
        return("ERROR: Array expression columns contain non-numeric values! (Check your .xls file for non-numeric values and if this is not the problem, make a .csv file and use the type=csv option)")

    tmp <- match(colnames(dat), saminfo[, 1])
    if (any(is.na(tmp))) {
        return("ERROR: Sample Information File and Data Array Names are not the same!")
    tmp1 <- match(saminfo[, 1], colnames(dat))
    saminfo <- saminfo[tmp1[!is.na(tmp1)], ]

    if (any(covariates != "all")) {
        saminfo <- saminfo[, c(1:2, covariates)]
    design <- design.mat(saminfo)

    batches <- list.batch(saminfo)
    n.batch <- length(batches)
    n.batches <- vapply(batches, length, FUN.VALUE=integer(1))
    n.array <- sum(n.batches)

    ## Check for missing values
    NAs <- any(is.na(dat))
    if (NAs) {
        cat(c("Found", sum(is.na(dat)), "Missing Data Values\n"), sep = " ")
    # print(dat[1:2,]) Standardize Data across genes
    cat("Standardizing Data across genes\n")
    if (!NAs) {
        B.hat <- solve(t(design) %*% design) %*% t(design) %*% t(as.matrix(dat))
    } else {
        B.hat <- apply(dat, 1, Beta.NA, design)
    }  #Standarization Model
    grand.mean <- t(n.batches/n.array) %*% B.hat[1:n.batch, ]
    if (!NAs) {
        var.pooled <- ((dat - t(design %*% B.hat))^2) %*% rep(1/n.array, n.array)
    } else {
        var.pooled <- apply(dat - t(design %*% B.hat), 1, var, na.rm = TRUE)

    stand.mean <- t(grand.mean) %*% t(rep(1, n.array))
    if (!is.null(design)) {
        tmp <- design
        tmp[, c(1:n.batch)] <- 0
        stand.mean <- stand.mean + t(tmp %*% B.hat)
    s.data <- (dat - stand.mean)/(sqrt(var.pooled) %*% t(rep(1, n.array)))

    ## Get regression batch effect parameters
    cat("Fitting L/S model and finding priors\n")
    batch.design <- design[, 1:n.batch]
    if (!NAs) {
        gamma.hat <- solve(t(batch.design) %*% batch.design) %*% t(batch.design) %*%
    } else {
        gamma.hat <- apply(s.data, 1, Beta.NA, batch.design)
    delta.hat <- NULL
    for (i in batches) {
        delta.hat <- rbind(delta.hat, apply(s.data[, i], 1, var, na.rm = TRUE))

    ## Find Priors
    gamma.bar <- apply(gamma.hat, 1, mean)
    t2 <- apply(gamma.hat, 1, var)
    a.prior <- apply(delta.hat, 1, aprior)
    b.prior <- apply(delta.hat, 1, bprior)

    ## Plot empirical and parametric priors

    if (prior.plots & par.prior) {
        pdf(file = "prior_plots.pdf")
        par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
        tmp <- density(gamma.hat[1, ])
        plot(tmp, type = "l", main = "Density Plot")
        xx <- seq(min(tmp$x), max(tmp$x), length = 100)
        lines(xx, dnorm(xx, gamma.bar[1], sqrt(t2[1])), col = 2)
        qqnorm(gamma.hat[1, ])
        qqline(gamma.hat[1, ], col = 2)

        tmp <- density(delta.hat[1, ])
        invgam <- 1/rgamma(ncol(delta.hat), a.prior[1], b.prior[1])
        tmp1 <- density(invgam)
        plot(tmp, typ = "l", main = "Density Plot", ylim = c(0, max(tmp$y, tmp1$y)))
        lines(tmp1, col = 2)
        qqplot(delta.hat[1, ], invgam, xlab = "Sample Quantiles", ylab = "Theoretical Quantiles")
        lines(c(0, max(invgam)), c(0, max(invgam)), col = 2)
        title("Q-Q Plot")

    ## Find EB batch adjustments

    gamma.star <- delta.star <- NULL
    if (par.prior) {
        cat("Finding parametric adjustments\n")
        for (i in 1:n.batch) {
            temp <- it.sol(s.data[, batches[[i]]], gamma.hat[i, ], delta.hat[i, ],
                gamma.bar[i], t2[i], a.prior[i], b.prior[i])
            gamma.star <- rbind(gamma.star, temp[1, ])
            delta.star <- rbind(delta.star, temp[2, ])
    } else {
        cat("Finding nonparametric adjustments\n")
        for (i in 1:n.batch) {
            temp <- int.eprior(as.matrix(s.data[, batches[[i]]]), gamma.hat[i, ],
                delta.hat[i, ])
            gamma.star <- rbind(gamma.star, temp[1, ])
            delta.star <- rbind(delta.star, temp[2, ])

    ### Normalize the Data ###
    cat("Adjusting the Data\n")

    bayesdata <- s.data
    j <- 1
    for (i in batches) {
        bayesdata[, i] <- (bayesdata[, i] - t(batch.design[i, ] %*% gamma.star))/(sqrt(delta.star[j,
            ]) %*% t(rep(1, n.batches[j])))
        j <- j + 1

    bayesdata <- (bayesdata * (sqrt(var.pooled) %*% t(rep(1, n.array)))) + stand.mean
    if (write) {
        # output_file <- paste(expression_xls,'Adjusted','.txt',sep='_')
        output_file <- "Adjusted.txt"
        # print(geneinfo[1:2]) print(bayesdata[1:2,1:4])
        # cat(c(colnames(geneinfo),colnames(dat),'\n'),file=output_file,sep='\t')
        # suppressWarnings(write.table(cbind(geneinfo,formatC(as.matrix(bayesdata),
        # format = 'f')), file=output_file, sep='\t',
        # quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=F,append=T))
        outdata <- cbind(ProbeID = rownames(dat), bayesdata)
        write.table(outdata, file = output_file, sep = "\t")
        cat("Adjusted data saved in file:", output_file, "\n")
    } else {
        return(cbind(rownames(dat), bayesdata))


# filters data based on presence/absence call
filter.absent <- function(x, pct) {
    present <- TRUE
    col <- length(x)/2
    pct.absent <- (sum(x[2 * (1:col)] == "A") + sum(x[2 * (1:col)] == "M"))/col
    if (pct.absent > pct) {
        present <- FALSE

# Next two functions make the design matrix (X) from the sample info file
build.design <- function(vec, des = NULL, start = 2) {
    tmp <- matrix(0, length(vec), nlevels(vec) - start + 1)
    for (i in 1:ncol(tmp)) {
        tmp[, i] <- vec == levels(vec)[i + start - 1]
    cbind(des, tmp)

design.mat <- function(saminfo) {
    tmp <- which(colnames(saminfo) == "Batch")
    tmp1 <- as.factor(saminfo[, tmp])
    cat("Found", nlevels(tmp1), "batches\n")
    design <- build.design(tmp1, start = 1)
    ncov <- ncol(as.matrix(saminfo[, -c(1:2, tmp)]))
    cat("Found", ncov, "covariate(s)\n")
    if (ncov > 0) {
        for (j in 1:ncov) {
            tmp1 <- as.factor(as.matrix(saminfo[, -c(1:2, tmp)])[, j])
            design <- build.design(tmp1, des = design)

# Makes a list with elements pointing to which array belongs to which batch
list.batch <- function(saminfo) {
    tmp1 <- as.factor(saminfo[, which(colnames(saminfo) == "Batch")])
    batches <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nlevels(tmp1)) {
        batches <- append(batches, list((1:length(tmp1))[tmp1 == levels(tmp1)[i]]))

# Trims the data of extra columns, note your array names cannot be named 'X' or
# start with 'X.'
trim.dat <- function(dat) {
    tmp <- strsplit(colnames(dat), "\\.")
    tr <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(tmp)) {
        tr <- c(tr, tmp[[i]][1] != "X")

# Following four find empirical hyper-prior values
aprior <- function(gamma.hat) {
    m <- mean(gamma.hat)
    s2 <- var(gamma.hat)
    (2 * s2 + m^2)/s2
bprior <- function(gamma.hat) {
    m <- mean(gamma.hat)
    s2 <- var(gamma.hat)
    (m * s2 + m^3)/s2
postmean <- function(g.hat, g.bar, n, d.star, t2) {
    (t2 * n * g.hat + d.star * g.bar)/(t2 * n + d.star)
postvar <- function(sum2, n, a, b) {
    (0.5 * sum2 + b)/(n/2 + a - 1)

# Pass in entire data set, the design matrix for the entire data, the batch
# means, the batch variances, priors (m, t2, a, b), columns of the data matrix
# for the batch. Uses the EM to find the parametric batch adjustments
it.sol <- function(sdat, g.hat, d.hat, g.bar, t2, a, b, conv = 1e-04) {
    n <- apply(!is.na(sdat), 1, sum)
    g.old <- g.hat
    d.old <- d.hat
    change <- 1
    count <- 0
    while (change > conv) {
        g.new <- postmean(g.hat, g.bar, n, d.old, t2)
        sum2 <- apply((sdat - g.new %*% t(rep(1, ncol(sdat))))^2, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        d.new <- postvar(sum2, n, a, b)
        change <- max(abs(g.new - g.old)/g.old, abs(d.new - d.old)/d.old)
        g.old <- g.new
        d.old <- d.new
        count <- count + 1
    # cat('This batch took', count, 'iterations until convergence\n')
    adjust <- rbind(g.new, d.new)
    rownames(adjust) <- c("g.star", "d.star")

# likelihood function used below
L <- function(x, g.hat, d.hat) {
    prod(dnorm(x, g.hat, sqrt(d.hat)))

# Monte Carlo integration function to find the nonparametric adjustments
int.eprior <- function(sdat, g.hat, d.hat) {
    g.star <- d.star <- NULL
    r <- nrow(sdat)
    print(paste0(r, "\n"))
    adj <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:r, .combine = cbind) %dopar% {
        g <- g.hat[-i]
        d <- d.hat[-i]
        x <- sdat[i, !is.na(sdat[i, ])]
        n <- length(x)
        j <- numeric(n) + 1
        dat <- matrix(as.numeric(x), length(g), n, byrow = TRUE)
        resid2 <- (dat - g)^2
        sum2 <- resid2 %*% j
        LH <- 1/(2 * pi * d)^(n/2) * exp(-sum2/(2 * d))
        LH[LH == "NaN"] <- 0
        g.star <- sum(g * LH)/sum(LH)
        d.star <- sum(d * LH)/sum(LH)
        # if(i%%1000==0){print(paste0(i,'\n'))}
        return(list(g.star, d.star))
    adjust <- rbind(unlist(adj[1, ]), unlist(adj[2, ]))
    rownames(adjust) <- c("g.star", "d.star")

# fits the L/S model in the presence of missing data values
Beta.NA <- function(y, X) {
    des <- X[!is.na(y), ]
    y1 <- y[!is.na(y)]
    B <- solve(t(des) %*% des) %*% t(des) %*% y1
gevaertlab/EpiMix documentation built on July 20, 2023, 9:28 a.m.