
Defines functions knots_.gspline print.gspline_matrix print.gspline gspline

Documented in gspline knots_.gspline print.gspline print.gspline_matrix

##  TODO: use new.env(parent=emptyenv())
## Use ::: to use hidden functions
## Delete function in gspline
## General parametric polynomial splines: March 10, 2019
##  Note that Cmat, Xf, Dmat, Xmat, basis, Pcon 
##  are unexported functions that are used in the
##  vignette explaining the principles behind
##  gspline. 
##  They are also used within gspline and Xf and Xmat
##  are also explictitly added to the environment 
##  of the spline function created by gspline,
#' General parametric regression splines with variable degrees and smoothness
#' This function creates functions (closures) that implement general polynomial splines 
#' with possibly different degrees
#' in each interval and different orders of smoothness at each knot,
#' including the possibility of allowing a discontinuity at a knot. 
#' The functions created by \code{gspline} can also be used to generate portions
#' of a linear hypothesis matrix that can be used with a Wald test
#' to estimate features of the spline such as derivatives of various orders,
#' discontinuities, etc.
#' Many polynomial regression splines can be generated by 'plus' functions
#' although the resulting basis for the spline may be ill conditioned. For
#' example, a 'quadratic spline' (a spline that is quadratic in each interval
#' with and smooth with a first derivative at each knot) with knots at 1 and 3
#' can be fitted with:
#' \code{   plus <- function(x,y) ifelse(x>0,y,0)}\cr 
#' \code{   lm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + plus(x-1,(x-1)^2) + plus(x-3,(x-3)^2))}
#' All 'standard' polynomial splines with the same 
#' degree in each interval and continuity of
#' order one less than the degree at each knot can be constructed in this
#' fashion. A convenient aspect of this parametrization of the spline is that
#' the estimated coefficients have a simple interpretation. The coefficients
#' for 'plus' terms represent the 'saltus' (jump) in the value of a coefficient
#' at the knot. Testing whether the true value of the saltus in a coefficient is 0 is
#' equivalent to a test for the need to retain the corresponding knot. 
#' This approach does not work for some more complex splines with different
#' degrees or different orders of continuity at the knots. 
#' Many techniques for fitting splines generate a basis for the spline 
#' (columns of the design matrix) that has good numerical properties but 
#' whose coefficients do not have a simple interpretation. 
#' The \code{gspline} function generates functions representing splines
#' with arbitrary degrees in each interval and
#' arbitrary smoothness at each knot. Any set of orders of derivatives can
#' be contrained to be continuous at any particular knot.  
#' The parametrization produces coefficients
#' that have a simple interpretation. For a spline of degree p at x = 0,
#' coefficients correspond to the 1st, 2nd, ... pth derivative at 0. Additional
#' coefficients correspond to each free discontinuities at each knot. 
#' A disadvantage of spline functions generated by \code{gspline} 
#' is that the spline basis may
#' be poorly conditioned.  The impact of this problem can be mitigated by
#' rescaling the x variable so that it has an appropriate range. For example,
#' with a spline whose highest degree is cubic, ensuring that x has a range
#' between -10 and 10 should avert numerical problems. 
#' Let \code{sp} denote a spline matrix created by \code{gspline}. For example
#' \code{sp <- gspline(knots = c(-1,0,2), degree = c(2,3,3,2), smoothness = c(1,-1,1))} 
#' creates a spline function \code{sp} that can be used in linear formulas to
#' fit a polynomial spline with knots at -1, 0 and 2, with degrees 2, 3, 3, and 2 in
#' the four intervals bounded by the knots and with "C 1" continuity (continuous
#' first derivative) at the knots -1 and 2, and a possible discontinuity in value
#' at the knot 0. 
#' The linear formula to fit this spline has the form \code{y ~ 1 + sp(x)} which can
#' be augmented with other regressors in the usual way. 
#' Called with a single argument (e.g. \code{sp(x)}) \code{sp}
#' returns a matrix of regressors and can be used in linear model formulas, 
#' e.g \code{y ~ sp(x)}, \code{y ~ A * sp(x)} or \code{y ~ A / sp(x) -1} 
#' if \code{A} is a factor to fit separate splines
#' within each level of \code{A}. 
#' \code{sp} can be called with additional 
#' argument to geneate portions of linear hypothesis matrices that
#' can be used test or estimate various values or derivatives of the spline. For
#' example, \code{sp(c(-1,-1,-1,0,2), D = c(2, 2, 2, 0, 1), limit = c(-1, 1, 0, 0, 1))}
#' will return a matrix of coefficients to estimate, respectively, the limits from the 
#' left and from the right of the second derivative at -1, the difference (jump or saltus)
#' in this derivative at -1, the size of the discontinuity in the value of the function
#' at 0, and the first derivative at 1, which being continuous there has the same value
#' whether a limit is taken from the right or from the left. 
#' A function to fit a cubic spline with knots at 5 and 10 is generated with 
#' \code{sp <- gspline(knots = c(5, 10), degree = c(3, 3, 3), smoothness = c(2, 2))}, or more
#' briefly: \code{sp <- gspline(c(5, 10), 3, 2)} since the degree and smoothness arguments
#' are recycled as required by the number of knots.
#' A natural cubic spline with knots at 5 and 10 and boundary knots at 0 and 20 can be
#' created with  
#' \code{sp <- gspline(c(0, 5, 10, 20), c(1, 3, 3, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 2, 2))}.
#' A step function with steps at 0, 1 and 2 would have the form: 
#' \code{sp <- gspline(c(0, 1, 2), 0, -1)}.
#' @param knots vector of knots
#' @param degree vector giving the degree of the spline in each interval. Note
#' the number of intervals is equal to the number of knots + 1. A value of 0
#' corresponds to a constant in the interval.
#' @param smoothness vector with the degree of smoothness at each knot (0 =
#' continuity, 1 = smooth with continuous first derivative, 2 = continuous
#' second derivative, etc. The value -1 allows a discontinuity at the knot. 
#' Alternative, a list each of whose elements specifies the derivatives
#' that must be continuous at each knot. This allow the set of continuous
#' derivatives to skip a value. For example, to specify that a function
#' can have a discontinuity but must have the same limiting slope and second
#' derivative (curvature) on either side
#' of the discontinuity, the smoothness vector for the corresponding knot would have the 
#' value \code{c(1,2)}, thus leaving the value (denoted by 0) unconstrained.
#' @param periodic if TRUE a periodic spline is generated on the base interval
#' [0,max(knots)]. A constraint is generated so that the coefficients generate, in effect,
#' the same fitted values and derivatives to the right of max(knots) as they do to the right of 0.
#' Note that all knots must be strictly positive. Since the knot at 0 corresponds to the
#' knot at 'max(knots)', the knot at 0 must not be explicitly specified. Note also that the
#' degree in the interval to the right of 'max(knots)' must be equal to that in the 
#' interval to the left of 'min(knots)'. If these are specified to be equal,
#' \code{gspline} uses the maximum for both intervalsl.
#' The continuity contraints associated
#' with the last knot are, in effect, continuity constraints at 0.
#' @param constraints provides a vector or matrix specifying additional linear contraints on the
#' 'full' parametrization consisting of blocks of polynomials of degree equal
#' to max(degree) in each of the length(knots)+1 intervals of the spline. See
#' below for examples of a spline that is 0 outside of its boundary knots.
#' @param estimates provides a vector or matrix specifying additional linear combination of 
#' the parameters in the
#' 'full' parametrization that should be estimated by estimated coefficients of the spline.
#' @param signif number of significant digits used to label coefficients
#' @param exclude (not yet implemented) number of leading columns to drop from spline matrix: 0:
#' excludes the intercept column, 1: excludes the linear term as well.  Terms
#' that are excluded from the spline matrix can be modeled explicitly.
#' @param a (not yet implemented) a 'periodic' knot at which a spline repeats itself
#' @param n (not yet implemented) the maximal 'order', i.e. maximal degree + 1, of a periodic spline
#' @param x (parameter of the closure created by \code{gspline}) value(s) where the
#' spline is evaluated. This is the only parameter used when generating portions of
#' a model matrix.
#' @param D (parameter of the closure created by \code{gspline}) value(s) the order of
#' derivatives to be estimated when creating a linear hypothesis matrix. The default
#' is \code{D=0} corresponding to the value of the spline.
#' @param limit (parameter of the closure created by \code{gspline}) specifies
#' whether a derivative or value should be estimated as as limit from the left 
#' \code{limit = -1}, from the right, \code{limit = -1}, or the difference of the
#' two limits, \code{limit = -0}. The default is \code{limit = -1}.
#' @return \code{gspline} returns a closure that creates portions of model matrices 
#' or of linear hypothesis matrices for Wald test for a general polynomial spline.
#' @section Warning: The estimands generated by spline functions created 
#' by \code{gspline} are designed so the
#' coefficients are interpretable as changes in derivatives at knots. The
#' resulting matrix is not designed to have optimal numerical properties.
#' @examples 
#' ## Fitting a quadratic spline
#' simd <- data.frame( age = rep(1:50, 2), y = sin(2*pi*(1:100)/5) + rnorm(100),
#'           G = rep( c('male','female'), c(50,50)))
#' # define a function generating the spline quadratic spline with linear extrapolation
#' sp <- gspline(knots = c(10,25,40), degree = c(1,2,2,1),
#'           smooth = c(1,1,1))
#' fit <- lm( y ~ sp(age)*G, simd)
#' require(lattice)
#' xyplot( predict(fit) ~ age, simd, groups = G, type = 'l')
#' summary(fit)
#' fitg <- update(fit, y ~ G/sp(age) - 1)
#' summary(fitg)
#' ## Linear hypotheses
#' L <- list("Overall test of slopes at 20" = rbind(
#'       "Female slope at age 20" =  c( F20 <- cbind( 0 , sp(20, D = 1), 0 , 0 * sp(20, D = 1))),
#'       "Male slope at age 20" =  c( M20 <- cbind( 0 , sp(20, D = 1), 0 , 1 * sp(20, D = 1))),
#'       "Difference" = c(M20 - F20))
#'       )
#' wald(fit, L)
#' ## Right and left second derivatives at knots and saltus (jump)
#' L <- list("Second derivatives and saltus for female curve at knot at 25" =
#'           cbind( 0, sp(c(25,25,25), D = 2, limit =c(-1,1,0)), 0,0,0,0))
#' L
#' wald(fit, L)
#' ##                                                            
#' ## Second derivatives and saltus for female curve at knot at 25
#' ##   numDF denDF  F.value p.value
#' ##       2    92 2.289052 0.10711
#' ##                Estimate Std.Error DF   t-value p-value Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
#' ## D2|25-         0.004942  0.006258 92  0.789720 0.43172  -0.007487   0.017372
#' ## D2|25+        -0.010879  0.006011 92 -1.809958 0.07357  -0.022817   0.001059
#' ## D2|25+-D2|25- -0.015822  0.011665 92 -1.356298 0.17832  -0.038990   0.007347
#' L0 <- list( 
#'     "hat" = rbind( 
#'          "females at age=20" = c( 1, sp(20), 0, 0 * sp(20)), 
#'          "males at age=20"   = c( 1, sp(20), 1, 1* sp(20))),
#'     "male-female" = rbind( 
#'          "at 20" = c( 0 , 0*sp(20), 1, 1*sp(20)))) 
#' wald(fit, L0)
#' L1 <- list(
#'     "D(yhat)/D(age)" = 
#'        rbind( "female at age = 25" = c(0, sp(25,1), 0, 0*sp(25,1)), 
#'     "male at x = 25" = c(0, sp(25,1), 0, 1*sp(25,1))))
#' wald( fit, L1) 
#' # Cubic spline:
#' sp <- gspline(c(5,10), c(3,3,3), c(2,2))
#' # The parameters indicate that a cubic polynomial is used in each of the three intervals
#' # and that the second derivative is continuous at each knot.
#' # Cubic natural spline:
#' # is a cubic spline in bounded intervals with linear components 
#' # in each unbounded interval and continuous first derivative at the
#' # two knots for unbounded intervals.
#' sp.natural <- gspline(c(0,5,10,15), c(1,3,3,3,1), c(2,2,2,2)) 
#' # Quadratic and linear splines and step functions, respectively: 
#' sp.quad <- gspline(c(5,10), c(2,2,2), c(1,1)) 
#' sp.lin  <- gspline(c(5,10), c(1,1,1), c(0,0)) 
#' sp.step  <- gspline(c(5,10), c(0,0,0), c(-1,-1)) 
#' # When the same degree is used for all
#' # intervals and knots, it suffices to give it once: 
#' sp.quad <- gspline(c(5,10), 2, 1) 
#' sp.lin  <- gspline(c(5,10), 1, 0) 
#' sp.step  <- gspline(c(5,10), 0, -1 
#' # An easy way to specify a model in which a knot is dropped
#' # is to force a degree of continuity equal to the degree of adjoining
#' # polynomials, e.g.  to drop the knot at 10, use: 
#' sp.1 <- gspline(c(5,10), c(3,3,3), c(2,3)) 
#' # This is sometimes easier than laboriously rewriting the 
#' # spline function for each null hypothesis.
#' # Depending on the maximal degree of the spline, the range of x should not be
#' # excessive to avoid numerical problems. The spline matrix generated is 'raw'
#' # and values of max(abs(x))^max(degree) may appear in the matrix.  For
#' # example, for a cubic spline, it might be desirable to rescale x and/or
#' # recenter x so abs(x) < 100 if that is not already the case. Note that the
#' # knots need to be correspondingly transformed.
#' # The naming of coefficients should allow them to be easily interpreted.  For
#' # example: 
#' sp <- gspline(c(3,7), c(2,3,2), c(1,1)) 
#' sp(0:10, c(1,1))
#' ## Output:
#' ##       D1|0 D2|0 C2|3 C3|3 C2|7
#' ## D1|0     1    0    0  0.0    0
#' ## D1|1     1    1    0  0.0    0
#' ## D1|2     1    2    0  0.0    0
#' ## D1|3     1    3    0  0.0    0
#' ## D1|4     1    4    1  0.5    0
#' ## D1|5     1    5    2  2.0    0
#' ## D1|6     1    6    3  4.5    0
#' ## D1|7     1    7    4  8.0    0
#' ## D1|8     1    8    5 12.0    1
#' ## D1|9     1    9    6 16.0    2
#' ## D1|10    1   10    7 20.0    3
#' # The coefficient for the first regressor is the first derivative at x = 0;
#' # for the second regressor, the second derivative at 0; the third, the saltus
#' # (change) in the second derivative at x = 3, the fourth, the saltus in the
#' # third derivative at x = 3 and, finally, the saltus in the second derivative
#' # at x = 7.
#' sp <- gspline (c(3, 7) , c(2,3,2), c(1,2)) 
#' zd <- data.frame( x = seq(0,10, .5), 
#'                     y = seq(0,10,.5)^2 + rnorm(21)) 
#' fit <- lm( y ~ sp( x ), zd) 
#' summary(fit) 
#' Ls <- cbind(0, sp(c(1,2,3,3,3,5,7,7,7,8), 
#'               D = 2, limit =c(-1,-1,-1,1,0,-1,-1,1,0,-1))) 
#' zapsmall(Ls )
#' #
#' # Note that estimates of features that are continuous at a point
#' # are indicated without a direction for the limit, e.g. "D2(1)"
#' # is the second derivative at 1. 
#' ##
#' ## Output:
#' ##
#' ##               D1|0 D2|0 C2|3 C3|3
#' ## D2|1        0    0    1    0    0
#' ## D2|2        0    0    1    0    0
#' ## D2|3-       0    0    1    0    0
#' ## D2|3+       0    0    1    1    0
#' ## D2|3+-D2|3- 0    0    0    1    0
#' ## D2|5        0    0    1    1    2
#' ## D2|7        0    0    1    1    4
#' ## D2|7        0    0    1    1    4
#' ## D2|7+-D2|7- 0    0    0    0    0
#' ## D2|8        0    0    1    1    4
#' wald( fit, list( 'second derivatives' = Ls))
#' # Note that some coefficients that are 0 by design may lead to invalid degrees
#' # of freedom and t-values.
#' @export
gspline <- function(
  degree = 3,
  smoothness = pmax(
    pmin(degree[-1],degree[-length(degree)]) - 1, 0),
  intercept = 0,
  constraints = NULL,
  estimates = NULL,
  periodic = FALSE,
  tolerance = 1e-14,
  debug = FALSE
) {
  basis  <- function(X, tol = 1e-9) {
    # returns linear independent columns
    # with possible pivoting
    q <- qr(X, tol = tol)
    sel <- q$pivot[seq_len(q$rank)]
    ret <- X[, sel, drop = FALSE]
    colnames(ret) <- colnames(X)[sel]
  Cmat <-
    function( knots, degree, smoothness, lin = NULL, intercept = 0, signif = 3) {
      # GM 2013-06-13
      #	add lin: contraints, 
      # generates constraint matrix
      # GM: 2019_02_22: added facility to input smoothness as a list 
      #    for smoothness constraints that don't have the form 0:smoothness[[i]]
      dm = max(degree)
      # intercept
      cmat = NULL
      if( !is.null(intercept))  cmat = rbind( cmat, "Intercept" =
                                                Xf( intercept, knots, dm, D=0 ))
      # continuity constraints
      for ( i in seq_along(knots) ) {
        k <- knots[i]
        sm <- smoothness[[i]]
        if ( max(sm) > -1 ) {  # sm = -1 corresponds to discontinuity
          if(!is.list(smoothness)) sm <- 0:sm
          dmat <- Xf( k, knots, dm, D = sm, F ) -   
            Xf( k, knots, dm, D = sm, T )
          rownames( dmat ) <- paste0("C", sm, '|', signif(k, signif))
          cmat <- rbind( cmat,  dmat)
      # reduced degree constraints
      degree <- rep( degree, length.out = length(knots) + 1)
      for ( i in seq_along( degree)) {
        di <- degree[i]
        if ( dm > di ) {
          dmat <- diag( (length(knots) + 1) * (dm +1)) [  (i - 1)*(dm + 1) +
                                                            1 + seq( di+1,dm), , drop = F]
          rownames( dmat ) = paste( "I.", i,".",seq(di+1,dm),sep = '')
          cmat = rbind( cmat, dmat)
      # add additional linear constraints
      if( ! is.null(lin)) cmat <- rbind(cmat,lin) # GM:2013-06-13
      rk = qr(cmat)$rank
      spline.rank = ncol(cmat) - rk
      attr(cmat,"ranks") = c(npar.full = ncol(cmat), C.n = nrow(cmat),
                             C.rank = rk , spline.rank = spline.rank )
      attr(cmat,"d") = svd(cmat) $ d
  Emat <- function(knots, degree, smoothness , intercept = FALSE, signif = 3) {
    if (length(degree) < length(knots) + 1) degree <- rep( degree,
                                                           length.out =  length(knots) + 1)
    dmin <- min(degree)
    dmax <- max(degree)
    imax = length(degree)
    # derivatives for changes to estimate
    # Quick temporary fix if smoothness is a list 
    # - generate extra terms that will be dropped due to collinearity with constraints
    if(is.list(smoothness)) smoothness <- rep(-1, length(knots))
    zeroi = as.numeric(cut( 0, c(-Inf, sort(knots), Inf))) # index of interval containing 0
    dzero = degree[zeroi] # degree of interval containing 0
    cmat = Xf(0, knots, degree = dmax, D = seq( 1, dzero)) # derivatives at 0 - may be discarded
    if ( imax > zeroi ){  # intervals to the right of the interval containing 0
      for ( i in (zeroi+1): imax) {
        d.right = degree[ i ]
        d.left  = degree[ i-1 ]
        k = knots[ i - 1 ]
        sm = smoothness[ i - 1 ]
        if (  d.right > sm ) {
          dmat  =Xf( k , knots, dmax, D = seq(sm+1,d.right) , F ) -
            Xf( k , knots, dmax, D = seq(sm+1,d.right) , T )
          # rownames( dmat ) = paste( "C", seq(sm+1,d.right) ,  ,signif(k, signif),").",
          #                           , sep = '')
          rownames( dmat ) = paste0( "C", seq(sm+1, d.right),'|', signif(k, signif))
          cmat = rbind( cmat,  dmat)
    if ( zeroi > 1 ){
      for ( i in zeroi: 2) {
        d.right = degree[ i ]
        d.left  = degree[ i-1 ]
        k = knots[ i - 1 ]
        sm = smoothness[ i - 1 ]
        if (  d.left > sm ) {
          dmat = Xf( k , knots, dmax, D = seq(sm+1,d.left) , F ) -
            Xf( k , knots, dmax, D = seq(sm+1,d.left) , T )
          rownames( dmat ) = paste0( "C", seq(sm+1, d.left),'|', signif(k, signif))
          cmat = rbind( cmat,  dmat)
  Xmat <-	function(x,
                   D = 0,
                   signif = 3) {
    # Returns rows of design matrix if D = 0
    # or linear hypothesis matrix for D-th derivative
    if (length(D) < length(x))
      D = rep(D, length.out = length(x))
    if (length(x) < length(D))
      x = rep(x, length.out = length(D))
    xmat = matrix(x, nrow = length(x), ncol = degree + 1)
    expvec <- 0:degree
    coeffvec <- rep(1, degree + 1)
    expmat <- NULL
    coeffmat <- NULL
    for (i in 0:max(D)) {
      expmat <- rbind(expmat, expvec)
      coeffmat <- rbind(coeffmat, coeffvec)
      coeffvec <- coeffvec * expvec
      expvec <- ifelse(expvec > 0, expvec - 1, 0)
    X = coeffmat[D + 1,,drop = FALSE] * xmat ^ expmat[D + 1,, drop = FALSE]
    xlab = signif(x, signif)
    rownames(X) = ifelse(D == 0,
                         paste('f(', xlab , ')', sep = ''),
                         paste0("D", D, "|", xlab))                         # new style
    colnames(X) = paste("X", 0:(ncol(X) - 1), sep = "")
    class(X) <- c('gspline_matrix',class(X))
  Xf <-
             degree = 3,
             D = 0,
             right = TRUE,
             periodic = FALSE,
             signif = 3) {
      # Returns block diagonal matrix (if x ordered)
      # with design matrix or linear hypothesis matrix
      # for the 'full' model with contrained parameters.
      # With the default, right == TRUE,
      # if x is at a knot then it is included in
      # in the lower interval.
      # With right = FALSE, it is included in the higher
      # interval. This is needed when building
      # derivative constraints at the knot
      if(periodic) {
        period <- max(knots)
        xx <- x %% period
        if(right) xx[xx==0] <- period
        x <- xx
        knots <- knots[-length(knots)]
      xmat = Xmat (x, degree, D , signif)
      k = sort(knots)
      g = cut(x, c(-Inf, k, Inf), right = right)
      ret <- do.call('cbind',
                     lapply(seq_along(levels(g)), function(i)
                       (g == levels(g)[i]) *  xmat))
      if(periodic) rownames(ret) <- paste0(rownames(ret), '/',signif(period, signif)) # new style
      class(ret) <- c('gspline_matrix',class(ret))
  # Value and derivatives at 0
  # And all discontinuities at knots
  Dmat <- function(knots, degree, periodic = FALSE, signif = 3) {
    dm <- max(degree)
    cmat <- Xf(0, knots, dm, D=0:dm, periodic = periodic)
    n_knots <- length(knots)
    for (i in seq_len(n_knots - 1) ) {
      k <- knots[i]
      dmat <- Xf(k, knots, dm, D = seq(0,dm), F, periodic = periodic) -
        Xf(k, knots, dm, D = seq(0,dm), T, periodic = periodic)
      # rownames( dmat ) <- paste( "C(",signif(k, signif),").",
      #                            seq(0,dm), sep = '')
      rownames( dmat ) <- paste0( "C",seq(0,dm),'|',signif(k, signif))  # new style for derivatives
      if(periodic) rownames(dmat) <- paste0(rownames(dmat),'/',signif(max(k),signif))
      cmat <- rbind( cmat,  dmat)
    k <- knots[length(knots)]
    if(periodic) {
      dmat <- Xf(0, knots, dm, D = seq(0,dm), F, periodic = periodic) -
        Xf(k, knots, dm, D = seq(0,dm), T, periodic = periodic)
      # rownames( dmat ) <- paste( "C(0 mod ",signif(k, signif),").",
      #                            seq(0,dm), sep = '')
      rownames( dmat ) <- paste( "C", seq(0,dm),'|', signif(k, signif),'/',signif(max(k), signif))  # new style for derivatives
      cmat <- rbind(cmat, dmat)
    } else {
      dmat <- Xf(k, knots, dm, D = seq(0,dm) , F ,periodic = periodic) -
        Xf(k, knots, dm, D = seq(0,dm) , T ,periodic = periodic)
      # rownames( dmat ) <- paste( "C(",signif(k, signif),").",
      #                            seq(0,dm), sep = '')     
      rownames( dmat ) <- paste0( "C",seq(0,dm),'|',signif(k, signif))  # new style for derivatives
      cmat <- rbind(cmat, dmat)
    class(cmat) <- c('gspline_matrix',class(cmat))
  # Parameters to constrain
  # TODO: Change so degree can be a list
  Pcon <- function(knots, degree, periodic) {
    degree <- rep( degree, length.out = length(knots) + 1)
    if(periodic) {
      if(degree[length(degree)] != degree[1]) warning("For periodic splines, the degree of the last and first intervals should match")
      knots <- knots[-length(knots)]
      degree <- degree[-length(degree)]
    dm <- max(degree)
    cmat <- NULL
    for ( i in seq_along(degree)) {
      di <- degree[i]
      if ( dm > di ) {
        dmat <- diag( (length(knots) + 1) * (dm +1)) [
          (i - 1)*(dm + 1) + 1 + seq( di+1,dm), , drop = F]
        rownames( dmat ) = paste( "I.", i,".",seq(di+1,dm),sep = '')
        cmat = rbind( cmat, dmat)
    if(!is.null(cmat)) class(cmat) <- c('gspline_matrix',class(cmat))
  # Parse knots, degree and smoothness to create 
  # constraint and estimation matrices:
  # - Identify rows of Dmat that are used for contraints
  #   and rows used for estimates
  if(periodic) {
    if(min(knots) <= 0) stop('For a periodic spline all knots must be positive')
  if(any(knots != sort(knots))) stop('Knots must be in ascending order') 
  degree <- rep(degree, length.out = length(knots) + 1)
  max_degree <- max(degree)
  smoothness <- rep(smoothness, length.out = length(knots))
  if(!is.list(smoothness)) smoothness <- 
    lapply(smoothness, function(n) if(n<0) -1 else 0:n)
  Dmat_smoothness_indices <-
      lapply(seq_along(smoothness), function(i)
        smoothness[[i]] + (max_degree + 1) * i + 1)
  Dmat_smoothness_indices <- Dmat_smoothness_indices[unlist(smoothness) > -1] 
  # Build constraints
  constraint_mat <- Dmat(knots, degree, periodic = periodic)[Dmat_smoothness_indices, ,drop = F] 
  constraint_mat <- rbind(constraint_mat, Pcon(knots, degree, periodic = periodic))
    constraint_mat <- rbind(constraint_mat, constraints)
  if(!is.null(intercept)) {
    constraint_mat <- 
      rbind(constraint_mat, Xf(intercept, knots, max_degree, periodic = periodic))
    Dmat_smoothness_indices <- c(1,Dmat_smoothness_indices)
  cmat <- t(basis(t(constraint_mat)))
  estimate_mat <- 
          Dmat(knots, degree, periodic = periodic)[-Dmat_smoothness_indices, ,drop = FALSE])
  # the following is necessary in case some of the derivatives
  # estimated at 0 have been coerced to 0 by other constraints
  estimate_mat <- t(basis(t(rbind(constraint_mat, estimate_mat))))
  estimate_mat <- estimate_mat[-seq_len(nrow(constraint_mat)),,drop = FALSE]
  emat <- estimate_mat
  A <- rbind(constraint_mat, estimate_mat)
  if(debug) svs <- svd(A,nu=0,nv=0)
  G <- solve( rbind(constraint_mat, estimate_mat), 
              diag(ncol(constraint_mat))[,-seq_len(nrow(constraint_mat)), drop = FALSE])
  colnames(G) <- rownames(estimate_mat)
  # create closure
  fun <- function(x, D = NULL, limit = 1) {
    if(is.null(D)) {
      ret <- Xf(x, knots, max_degree, periodic = periodic) %*% G # model matrix
    } else {
      # Hypothesis matrix
      D <- rep(D, length.out = length(x))
      limit <- rep(limit, length.out = length(x))
      left <- Xf(x, 
                 knots = knots, 
                 degree = max_degree, 
                 D = D,
                 periodic = periodic,
                 right = TRUE)
      right <- Xf(x, 
                  knots = knots, 
                  degree = max_degree, 
                  D = D, 
                  periodic = periodic,
                  right = FALSE)
      cleft <- c(1,0,-1)[ match(limit, c(-1,1,0)) ]
      cright <- c(0,1,1)[ match(limit, c(-1,1,0)) ]
      # disp((right - left) %*% G)
      continuous <- apply((right - left) %*% G, 1, function(x) all(abs(x) < 10 * tolerance))
      # disp(continuous)
      raw <- left * cleft + right * cright
      ret <- raw %*% G
      nam <- rownames(ret)
      nam <- sub("^f","g", nam)
      # nam_left <- sub("\\)","-)", nam)
      # nam_right <- sub("\\)","+)", nam)
      nam_left <- sub("(/|$)","-\\1", nam)     # new style
      nam_right <- sub("(/|$)","+\\1", nam)    # new style
      nam_jump <- paste0(nam_right ,"-", nam_left)
      # If we're testing for a jump and the derivative is 
      # continuous we should show the identity of the 
      # jump tested.
      # If we're testing for a derivative at a knot
      # and the derivative is continuous, we should
      # indicate that by removing the direction indicator
      # So:
      # If we're testing a jump we use the full name of 
      # the linear combination even if it happens to be 
      # at a point of continuity
      # Otherwise, used the directional notation only
      # if the tested derivative is discontinuous
      rownames(ret) <-
        ifelse(limit == 0,
               ifelse(continuous, nam,
                      ifelse(limit == 1, nam_right, nam_left)))
    class(ret) <- c('gspline_matrix', class(ret))
  # Modify colnames of G matrix to show direction of limit
  # if there is a discontinuity of derivatives at origin
  if(!is.null(intercept)) {
    dest <- fun(rep(intercept,max(degree)+1), D = 0:max(degree), limit = -1)
    tos <- grep('-$|-/',rownames(dest), value = TRUE)
    froms <- sub('([0-9])-','\\1', tos)
    froms <- sub('(.*)','^\\1$', froms)
    froms <- sub('\\|','\\\\|', froms)
    for(i in seq_along(tos)) {
      colnames(G) <- sub(froms[i], tos[i], colnames(G))
  class(fun) <- c('gspline', class(fun))

#' @rdname gspline
#' @export
print.gspline <- function(x, 
                          show = c('knots','degree','smoothness','G','constraint_mat','estimate_mat'),
                          ...) {
  cat('Spline function created by gspline\n')
  ret <- (Filter(Negate(is.function),  sapply(ls(environment(x)), get, environment(x))))
  ret <- lapply(ret, function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) zapsmall(x) else x)
  if(!is.null(show)) ret <- ret[show]
#' @rdname gspline
#' @export
print.gspline_matrix <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- zapsmall(x)
#' @rdname gspline
#' @export
knots_.gspline <- function(sp) {
if(FALSE) {
  sp <- gspline(c(-1,0,1),3,2)
  sp <- gspline(c(-2,0,2),3,1)
  sp(c(0,0,0,0),c(0,1,2,3), limit = -1)
  # test periodic splines
  zd <- data.frame(x=-10:10)
  zd <- within(zd, y <- x + abs(x) + .01*rnorm(x))
  sp0 <- gspline(0,1,0)
  fit <- lm(y ~ sp0(x), zd)
  # problem?: parameters estimate from left, not right
  zd <- within(zd, yd <- x + abs(x) + I(x > 0) + .01 * rnorm(x))
  spd <- gspline(0,1, -1)
  fit <- lm(yd ~ spd(x), zd)
  spd(c(0,0,0,0,0,0), D=c(0,0,0,1,1,1), limit = c(-1,0,1,-1,0,1)) %>%
  {Lmat <- .}
  wald(fit, cbind(0,Lmat))
  plot(yd ~ x, zd)
  # both level and slope are limits from the left: 
  # probably should leave that way because it's easier
  # to add change than to go back
  # TODO: need to add limit directions on G matrix
  load("../data/Unemp.RData", verbose = T)
  plot(unemployment ~ date, data=Unemp, type="b")   
  dd <- Unemp
  dd$y <- dd$unemployment
  dd$x <- 1:nrow(dd)
  f1 <- function(x) cbind(Sin=sin(2*pi*x/12),Cos=cos(2*pi*x/12))  # fundamental
  f2 <- function(x) structure(f1(x/2), names = c('Sin2','Cos2'))
  f3 <- function(x) structure(f1(x/3), names = c('Sin3','Cos3'))
  f4 <- function(x) structure(f1(x/4), names = c('Sin4','Cos4'))
  per <- gspline(c(3,6,9,12),c(1,2,2,2,1),0, periodic = TRUE)
  per2 <- gspline(c(3,6,9,12),2,1, periodic = TRUE)
  per3 <- gspline(c(3,6,9,12),3,2, periodic = TRUE)
  per4 <- gspline(c(3,6,9,12),4,3, periodic = TRUE)
  perstep <- gspline(c(3,6,9,12),0,-1, periodic = TRUE)
  fits <- list(
    hetero = lm(y ~ per(x), dd),
    quad = lm(y ~ per2(x), dd),
    cubic =  lm(y ~ per3(x), dd),
    quartic = lm(y ~ per4(x), dd),
    step = lm(y ~ perstep(x), dd),
    f1 = lm(y ~ f1(x), dd),
    f2 = lm(y ~ f1(x) + f2(x), dd),
    f3 = lm(y ~ f1(x) + f2(x) + f3(x), dd),
    f4 = lm(y ~ f1(x) + f2(x) + f3(x) + f4(x), dd)
  fits %>% lapply(summary)
  fits %>% sapply(AIC)
  pred <- list(x=seq(0,24,.01))
  plot(c(0,24),c(6.5,8.5), type = 'n')
  fits %>% lapply(function(f) lines(pred$x,predict(f, newdata = pred)))
  sp <- gspline(nrow(dd)*1:7/8,2,1)
  sp3 <- gspline(nrow(dd)*1:7/8,3,2)
  fit <- lm(y ~ per3(x) +sp(x), dd)
  fit3 <- lm(y ~ per3(x) +sp3(x), dd)
  fit4 <- lm(y ~ per3(x) +sp3(x), dd)
  with(dd, {
    plot(date,y, pch = '.',cex = 2)
    lines(date, predict(fit))
    lines(date, predict(fit3), col = 'red')
  pred <- data.frame(x=seq(1,24,.01))
  with(pred, {
    plot(c(1,24), c(9,11), xlab = 'month', ylab = 'unemployment', type = 'n')
    lines(x, predict(fit, newdata = pred))
  dd$month <- dd$x %% 12
  fit <- lm(y ~ sp3(x) + per3(month), dd)
  # Test names
  sp <- gspline(c(0,1,2,3), 2, c(-1,0,1,2))
  (evs <- expand.grid(k=knots(sp), D = 1:3))
  with(evs, sp(k,D,limit = 0))
  evs$salt <- apply(with(evs, abs(sp(k, D, limit = 0))), 1, sum) > 1e-14 
  dd <- expand.grid(x = seq(-1, 4, .1))
  dd <- within(dd, y <- x^2 + .1* rnorm(x) + (x > 0))
  xyplot(y ~ x , dd)  
  fit <- lm(y ~ sp(x),dd)
  dd$fit <- predict(fit)
  panel.xyplot(dd$x, dd$fit, type = 'l')
  evs <- expand.grid(limit = -1:1, x=-1:4, D = 0:2)
  with(evs, sp(x,D,limit))
  evs$intercept <- with(evs, 1*(D==0))
  Lmat <- with(evs, cbind(intercept, sp(x,D, limit)))
  rownames(Lmat) <- with(evs, paste(x,D,limit))
  wald(fit, Lmat)
#' Synonym for gspline
#' For transitional reasons with the forthcoming
#' gspline package, \code{Gspline} is a synonym for 
#' \code{gspline}.
#' @rdname gspline
#' @export
Gspline <- gspline
gmonette/spida2 documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:45 p.m.