.bamSortIndex <- function(samfile,
minMapq = 0,
threads = "auto",
threadmem = "1G",
clean = TRUE) {
if (threads == "auto") {
threads <- .getIdleCores()
samfile <- normalizePath(samfile, mustWork = TRUE)
reffile <- normalizePath(reffile, mustWork = TRUE)
ext <- sprintf("%s.sorted",
if (minMapq > 0)
".MAPQ" %<<% minMapq
#ext <- ".sorted"
samtoolsPath <- Sys.which("samtools")
sorted <- sub("\\.sam(\\.gz)?", dot(c(ext, "bam")), samfile)
if (nzchar(samtoolsPath)) {
## -F260 exclude 'read unmapped', 'not primary alignment'
## Better use -F2308 to also exclude chimeric reads!
tmp <- tempfile()
view <- sprintf("view -@%s -F2308 -q%s -bT '%s' '%s' > '%s'",
threads, minMapq, reffile, samfile, tmp)
sort <- sprintf("sort -m%s -@%s -o '%s' '%s'",
threadmem, threads, sorted, tmp)
index <- sprintf("index %s", sorted)
## Don't execute if file exists
if (!file.exists(sorted)) {
system2(samtoolsPath, view)
system2(samtoolsPath, sort)
system2(samtoolsPath, index)
} else {
warning(sprintf("file <%s> already exists", sorted))
} else {
## Sam to bam
bamfile <- Rsamtools::asBam(samfile, tempfile(), overwrite = TRUE,
indexDestination = TRUE)
## Filter the bam by flag
flag <- Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE)
## remove also the in Rsamtools unsupported supplmentary alignment flags
filter <- S4Vectors::FilterRules(list(flag = function(x) x$flag <= flag[2]))
param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(
flag = flag,
what = Rsamtools::scanBamWhat())
sorted <- Rsamtools::filterBam(file = bamfile, dest = sorted,
param = param, filter = filter)
## Index the bam
## Clean up only if the bamfile now exists
if (clean && file.exists(sorted)) {
#' Subsample a bam file according to coverage
#' @param bamfile The bamfile that will be subsampled
#' @param windowSize The window size for subsampling. The number of reads
#' precised by sampleSize argument will be sampled in this window.
#' @param sampleSize The desired new coverage of the bamfile.
#' @param what What to extract from the bam file to write to the new one.
#' If NULL defaults to the complete output of
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{scanBamWhat}}.
#' @return A list containing the filename of the original bamfile, the name of
#' the new bamfile, the reference length and the sampleSize
#' @export
subSampleBam <- function(bamfile, windowSize = NULL, sampleSize = 100,
fragmentReads = FALSE, fragmentWidth = 1000,
what = NULL) {
endsWith(bamfile, ".bam"),
bam <- Rsamtools::BamFile(bamfile)
## Get everything from the bamfile if nothing else is specified
if (is.null(what))
what <- Rsamtools::scanBamWhat()
alignmentBam <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(
bam, param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what = what), use.names = TRUE)
## Use the median read length if no window size is given
if (is.null(windowSize))
windowSize <- IRanges::median(GenomicAlignments::qwidth(alignmentBam))
geneLength <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(bam))
## Sample only for reads < 0.5 * geneLength
if (0.5*geneLength > windowSize) {
windows <- seq(from = windowSize, to = geneLength, by = windowSize)
sampledAlignmentBam <- do.call(c, lapply(windows, function(i, m, maxCov, windowSize) {
readMid <- start(m) + floor(windowSize/2)
m <- m[readMid > i - windowSize & readMid < i]
if (maxCov <= length(m)) {
return(sample(m, maxCov))
} else {
}, m = alignmentBam, maxCov = sampleSize, windowSize = windowSize))
} else if (length(names(alignmentBam)) > sampleSize) {
## Use only longreads of desired lengths, i.e. between .9 and 1.1 of reference length if there are enough
lens <- GenomicAlignments::qwidth(alignmentBam)
sampledAlignmentBam <- alignmentBam[lens > 0.9 * geneLength & lens < 1.1 * geneLength]
missingReads <- max(c(sampleSize - length(sampledAlignmentBam), 0))
sampledAlignmentBam <- c(sampledAlignmentBam,
sample(alignmentBam[!names(alignmentBam) %in% names(sampledAlignmentBam)], missingReads))
} else {
sampledAlignmentBam <- alignmentBam
## Split the reads if specified.
if (fragmentReads) {
sampledAlignmentBam <- .fragmentReads(alignment = sampledAlignmentBam, fragmentLength = fragmentWidth)
newBamfile <- gsub(".bam", ".sampled.bam", bamfile)
rtracklayer::export(sampledAlignmentBam, newBamfile)
original = bamfile,
sampled = newBamfile,
referenceLength = geneLength,
sampleSize = sampleSize,
referenceName = GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(bam))
.fragmentReads <- function(alignment, fragmentLength = 1000) {
assert_that(is(alignment, "GAlignments"), is.count(fragmentLength))
fragmentAlignment <- GenomicAlignments::GAlignmentsList(
lapply(seq_along(alignment), function(ii, fragmentLength) {
# ii <- 55
a <- alignment[ii]
readWidth <- GenomicAlignments::qwidth(a)
windowLen <- ceiling(readWidth/fragmentLength)
wi <- floor(seq(from = 1, readWidth, length.out = windowLen))
if (length(wi) > 2) {
wRanges <- IRanges::IRanges(start = c(1, wi[2:(windowLen - 1)] + 1), end = wi[2:windowLen])
aa <- rep(a, windowLen - 1)
a <- GenomicAlignments::qnarrow(aa, wRanges)
S4Vectors::mcols(a)$seq <- GenomicAlignments::narrow(S4Vectors::mcols(a)$seq, wRanges)
S4Vectors::mcols(a)$qual <- GenomicAlignments::narrow(S4Vectors::mcols(a)$qual, wRanges)
}, fragmentLength = fragmentLength))
fragmentAlignment <- unlist(fragmentAlignment, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
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