# Peak Set Creation Methods
#' Add a Reproducible Peak Set to an ArchRProject
#' This function will get insertions from coverage files, call peaks,
#' and merge peaks to get a "Union Reproducible Peak Set".
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object.
#' @param groupBy The name of the column in `cellColData` to use for grouping cells together for peak calling.
#' @param peakMethod The name of peak calling method to be used. Options include "Macs2" for using macs2 callpeak or "Tiles" for using a TileMatrix.
#' @param reproducibility A string that indicates how peak reproducibility should be handled. This string is dynamic and can be a
#' function of `n` where `n` is the number of samples being assessed. For example, `reproducibility = "2"` means at least 2 samples
#' must have a peak call at this locus and `reproducibility = "(n+1)/2"` means that the majority of samples must have a peak call at this locus.
#' @param peaksPerCell The upper limit of the number of peaks that can be identified per cell-grouping in `groupBy`. This is useful
#' for controlling how many peaks can be called from cell groups with low cell numbers.
#' @param maxPeaks A numeric threshold for the maximum peaks to retain per group from `groupBy` in the union reproducible peak set.
#' @param minCells The minimum allowable number of unique cells that was used to create the coverage files on which peaks are called.
#' This is important to allow for exclusion of pseudo-bulk replicates derived from very low cell numbers.
#' @param excludeChr A character vector containing the `seqnames` of the chromosomes that should be excluded from peak calling.
#' @param pathToMacs2 The full path to the MACS2 executable.
#' @param genomeSize The genome size to be used for MACS2 peak calling (see MACS2 documentation).
#' @param shift The number of basepairs to shift each Tn5 insertion. When combined with `extsize` this allows you to create proper fragments,
#' centered at the Tn5 insertion site, for use with MACS2 (see MACS2 documentation).
#' @param extsize The number of basepairs to extend the MACS2 fragment after `shift` has been applied. When combined with `extsize` this
#' allows you to create proper fragments, centered at the Tn5 insertion site, for use with MACS2 (see MACS2 documentation).
#' @param method The method to use for significance testing in MACS2. Options are "p" for p-value and "q" for q-value. When combined with
#' `cutOff` this gives the method and significance threshold for peak calling (see MACS2 documentation).
#' @param cutOff The numeric significance cutOff for the testing method indicated by `method` (see MACS2 documentation).
#' @param additionalParams A string of additional parameters to pass to MACS2 (see MACS2 documentation).
#' @param extendSummits The number of basepairs to extend peak summits (in both directions) to obtain final fixed-width peaks. For example,
#' `extendSummits = 250` will create 501-bp fixed-width peaks from the 1-bp summits.
#' @param promoterRegion A vector of two integers specifying the distance in basepairs upstream and downstream of a TSS to be included as a promoter region.
#' Peaks called within one of these regions will be annotated as a "promoter" peak. For example, `promoterRegion = c(2000, 100)` will annotate any peak within the region
#' 2000 bp upstream and 100 bp downstream of a TSS as a "promoter" peak.
#' @param genomeAnnotation The genomeAnnotation (see `createGenomeAnnotation()`) to be used for generating peak metadata such as nucleotide
#' information (GC content) or chromosome sizes.
#' @param geneAnnotation The geneAnnotation (see `createGeneAnnotation()`) to be used for labeling peaks as "promoter", "exonic", etc.
#' @param plot A boolean describing whether to plot peak annotation results.
#' @param threads The number of threads to be used for parallel computing.
#' @param parallelParam A list of parameters to be passed for biocparallel/batchtools parallel computing.
#' @param force A boolean value indicating whether to force the reproducible peak set to be overwritten if it already exist in the given `ArchRProject` peakSet.
#' @param verbose A boolean value that determines whether standard output includes verbose sections.
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be pass to `addGroupCoverages()` to get sample-guided pseudobulk cell-groupings. Only used for TileMatrix-based
#' peak calling (not for MACS2). See `addGroupCoverages()` for more info.
#' @export
addReproduciblePeakSet <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
groupBy = "Clusters",
peakMethod = "Macs2",
reproducibility = "2",
peaksPerCell = 500,
maxPeaks = 150000,
minCells = 25,
excludeChr = c("chrM","chrY"),
pathToMacs2 = if(tolower(peakMethod)=="macs2") findMacs2() else NULL,
genomeSize = NULL,
shift = -75,
extsize = 150,
method = if(tolower(peakMethod)=="macs2") "q" else "p", #P-Method for Tiles Results Better Agree w/ Macs2
cutOff = 0.1,
additionalParams = "--nomodel --nolambda",
extendSummits = 250,
promoterRegion = c(2000, 100),
genomeAnnotation = getGenomeAnnotation(ArchRProj),
geneAnnotation = getGeneAnnotation(ArchRProj),
plot = TRUE,
threads = getArchRThreads(),
parallelParam = NULL,
force = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
logFile = createLogFile("addReproduciblePeakSet"),
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj"))
.validInput(input = groupBy, name = "groupBy", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = reproducibility, name = "reproducibility", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = peaksPerCell, name = "peaksPerCell", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = maxPeaks, name = "maxPeaks", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = minCells, name = "minCells", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = excludeChr, name = "excludeChr", valid = c("character", "null"))
if(tolower(peakMethod) == "macs2"){
.validInput(input = pathToMacs2, name = "pathToMacs2", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = genomeSize, name = "genomeSize", valid = c("character", "numeric", "null"))
.validInput(input = shift, name = "shift", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = extsize, name = "extsize", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = method, name = "method", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = additionalParams, name = "additionalParams", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = extendSummits, name = "extendSummits", valid = c("integer"))
.checkMacs2Options(pathToMacs2) #Check Macs2 Version
}else if(tolower(peakMethod) == "tiles"){
stop("peakMethod not recognized! Supported peakMethods are Macs2 or Tiles!")
.validInput(input = cutOff, name = "cutOff", valid = c("numeric"))
.validInput(input = promoterRegion, name = "promoterRegion", valid = c("integer"))
geneAnnotation <- .validGeneAnnotation(geneAnnotation)
genomeAnnotation <- .validGenomeAnnotation(genomeAnnotation)
geneAnnotation <- .validGeneAnnoByGenomeAnno(geneAnnotation = geneAnnotation, genomeAnnotation = genomeAnnotation)
.validInput(input = plot, name = "plot", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = threads, name = "threads", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = parallelParam, name = "parallelParam", valid = c("parallelparam", "null"))
.validInput(input = force, name = "force", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = verbose, name = "verbose", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = logFile, name = "logFile", valid = c("character"))
tstart <- Sys.time()
.startLogging(logFile = logFile)
.logThis(mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe())), "ReproduciblePeakSet Args", logFile=logFile)
if(tolower(peakMethod) == "macs2"){
.logMessage("Calling Peaks with Macs2", logFile = logFile)
utility <- .checkPath(pathToMacs2)
coverageMetadata <- .getCoverageMetadata(ArchRProj = ArchRProj, groupBy = groupBy, minCells = minCells)
coverageParams <- .getCoverageParams(ArchRProj = ArchRProj, groupBy = groupBy)
# Peak Calling Summary
tableGroups <- table(getCellColData(ArchRProj, groupBy, drop = TRUE))
groupSummary <- lapply(seq_along(coverageParams$cellGroups), function(y){
x <- coverageParams$cellGroups[[y]]
uniq <- unique(unlist(x))
n <- lapply(x, length) %>% unlist %>% sum
nmin <- lapply(x, length) %>% unlist %>% min
nmax <- lapply(x, length) %>% unlist %>% max
maxPeaks = min(maxPeaks, length(uniq) * peaksPerCell)
}) %>% Reduce("rbind",.)
.logDiffTime("Peak Calling Parameters!", tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
.logThis(groupSummary, "PeakCallSummary", logFile = logFile)
if(verbose) print(groupSummary)
# Create Output Directory
outDir <- file.path(getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj), "PeakCalls")
outSubDir <- file.path(getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj), "PeakCalls", "ReplicateCalls")
outBedDir <- file.path(getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj), "PeakCalls", "InsertionBeds")
dir.create(outDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(outSubDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(outBedDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
# Genome Size Presets
if(grepl("hg19|hg38", getGenome(ArchRProj), ignore.case = TRUE)){
genomeSize <- 2.7e9
}else if(grepl("mm9|mm10", getGenome(ArchRProj), ignore.case = TRUE)){
genomeSize <- 1.87e9
# Arguments for Peak Calling
coverageFiles <- coverageMetadata$File
names(coverageFiles) <- coverageMetadata$Name
args <- list()
args$X <- seq_len(nrow(coverageMetadata))
args$FUN <- .callSummitsOnCoverages
args$coverageFiles <- coverageFiles
args$outFiles <- file.path(outSubDir, paste0(make.names(coverageMetadata$Name),"-summits.rds"))
args$bedDir <- outBedDir
args$excludeChr <- excludeChr
args$peakParams <- list(
pathToMacs2 = pathToMacs2,
genomeSize = genomeSize,
shift = shift,
extsize = extsize,
cutOff = cutOff,
method = method,
additionalParams = additionalParams
args$parallelParam <- parallelParam
args$threads <- threads
args$logFile <- logFile
args$registryDir <- file.path(outDir, "batchRegistry")
# Batch Call Peaks
.logDiffTime("Batching Peak Calls!", tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
.logThis(args, "PeakArgs", logFile = logFile)
#back lapply
outSummmits <- unlist(.batchlapply(args))
#Summarize Output
outSummitList <- split(outSummmits, coverageMetadata$Group)
summitNamesList <- split(coverageMetadata$Name, coverageMetadata$Group)
# BSgenome for Add Nucleotide Frequencies!
BSgenome <- eval(parse(text = genomeAnnotation$genome))
BSgenome <- validBSgenome(BSgenome)
# Identify Reproducible Peaks!
.logDiffTime("Identifying Reproducible Peaks!", tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
groupPeaks <- .safelapply(seq_along(outSummitList), function(i){
prefix <- sprintf("Rep. Peaks Group (%s of %s) :", i, length(outSummitList))
.logDiffTime(sprintf("%s Creating Reproducible Peaks", prefix), tstart, verbose = FALSE, logFile = logFile)
peaks <- suppressMessages(.identifyReproduciblePeaks(
summitFiles = outSummitList[[i]],
summitNames = summitNamesList[[i]],
reproducibility = reproducibility,
extendSummits = extendSummits,
blacklist = genomeAnnotation$blacklist,
prefix = prefix,
logFile = logFile
.logDiffTime(sprintf("%s Annotating and Filtering Peaks", prefix), tstart, verbose = FALSE, logFile = logFile)
peaks <- sort(sortSeqlevels(peaks))
peaks <- subsetByOverlaps(peaks, genomeAnnotation$chromSizes, type = "within")
peaks <- .fastAnnoPeaks(peaks, BSgenome = BSgenome, geneAnnotation = geneAnnotation, promoterRegion = promoterRegion, logFile = logFile)
peaks <- peaks[which(mcols(peaks)$N < 0.001)] #Remove N Containing Peaks
peaks <- peaks[order(peaks$groupScoreQuantile, decreasing = TRUE)]
peaks <- head(peaks, groupSummary[names(outSummitList)[i],"maxPeaks"])
mcols(peaks)$N <- NULL #Remove N Column
print(file.path(outDir, paste0(make.names(names(outSummitList)[i]), "-reproduciblePeaks.gr.rds")))
saveRDS(peaks, file.path(outDir, paste0(make.names(names(outSummitList)[i]), "-reproduciblePeaks.gr.rds")))
}, threads = threads) %>% GRangesList()
names(groupPeaks) <- names(outSummitList)
#Construct Union Peak Set
.logDiffTime("Creating Union Peak Set!", tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
unionPeaks <- unlist(groupPeaks)
unionPeaks <- nonOverlappingGR(unionPeaks, by = "groupScoreQuantile", decreasing = TRUE)
#Summarize Output
peakDF <- lapply(seq_along(groupPeaks), function(x){
data.frame(Group = names(groupPeaks)[x], table(groupPeaks[[x]]$peakType))
}) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
peakDF$Group <- paste0(peakDF$Group, "(n = ", tableGroups[peakDF$Group],")")
peakDF <- rbind(data.frame(Group = "UnionPeaks", table(unionPeaks$peakType)), peakDF)
peakDF$Freq <- peakDF$Freq / 1000
metadata(unionPeaks)$PeakCallSummary <- peakDF
}else if(tolower(peakMethod) == "tiles"){
.logMessage("Calling Peaks with TileMatrix. We recommend using the Macs2 Version.\nThis method is still under development.", logFile = logFile)
useMatrix <- "TileMatrix"
cellGroups <- addGroupCoverages(
ArchRProj = ArchRProj,
groupBy = groupBy,
returnGroups = TRUE,
minCells = minCells,
logFile = logFile,
if(verbose) print(cellGroups)
# Peak Calling Summary
tableGroups <- table(getCellColData(ArchRProj, groupBy, drop = TRUE))
groupSummary <- lapply(seq_along(cellGroups), function(y){
x <- cellGroups[[y]]
uniq <- unique(unlist(x))
n <- lapply(x, length) %>% unlist %>% sum
nmin <- lapply(x, length) %>% unlist %>% min
nmax <- lapply(x, length) %>% unlist %>% max
maxPeaks = min(maxPeaks, length(uniq) * peaksPerCell)
}) %>% Reduce("rbind",.)
.logDiffTime("Peak Calling Parameters!", tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
.logThis(groupSummary, "PeakCallSummary", logFile = logFile)
#printSummary <- groupSummary
#rownames(printSummary) <- NULL
if(verbose) print(groupSummary)
# Peak Calling from TileMatrix
ArrowFiles <- getSampleColData(ArchRProj)[,"ArrowFiles"]
chrToRun <- .availableSeqnames(ArrowFiles, subGroup = useMatrix)
featureDF <- .getFeatureDF(ArrowFiles, useMatrix)
#Determine Resolution
d1 <- featureDF$start[2] - featureDF$start[1]
d2 <- featureDF$start[3] - featureDF$start[2]
if(d1 != d2){
.logMessage("Something is wrong with TileMatrix, Could not determine a resolution!", logFile = logFile)
stop("Something is wrong with TileMatrix, Could not determine a resolution!")
res <- d1
#Compute Row Sums Across All Samples
.logDiffTime("Computing Total Accessibility Across All Features", tstart, addHeader = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
totalAcc <- .getRowSums(ArrowFiles = ArrowFiles, useMatrix = useMatrix, seqnames = chrToRun)
.logThis(totalAcc, "PeakCallTiles-totalAcc", logFile=logFile)
nTiles <- nrow(totalAcc)
#Pre-Filter 0s
topFeatures <- totalAcc[which(totalAcc$rowSums != 0), ]
.logThis(topFeatures, "PeakCallTiles-topFeatures", logFile=logFile)
#Group Matrix
#Consider reading in group-wise if this is getting too large?
.logDiffTime("Computing Pseudo-Grouped Tile Matrix", tstart, addHeader = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
groupMat <- .getGroupMatrix(
ArrowFiles = ArrowFiles,
featureDF = topFeatures,
useMatrix = useMatrix,
threads = threads,
groupList = unlist(cellGroups),
useIndex = FALSE,
asSparse = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
.logThis(groupMat, "PeakCallTiles-groupMat", logFile=logFile)
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Created Pseudo-Grouped Tile Matrix (%s GB)", round(object.size(groupMat) / 10^9, 3)), tstart, addHeader = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
expectation <- Matrix::colSums(groupMat) / nTiles
.logMessage(paste0("colSums = ", Matrix::colSums(groupMat)), logFile = logFile)
.logMessage(paste0("nTiles = ", nTiles), logFile = logFile)
.logMessage(paste0("Expectation = ", expectation), logFile = logFile)
# Peak Calling Per Group
groupPeaks <- .safelapply(seq_along(cellGroups), function(i){
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Computing Peaks from Tile Matrix Group (%s of %s)", i, length(cellGroups)), tstart, addHeader = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
gx <- grep(paste0(names(cellGroups)[i],"."), colnames(groupMat))
pMat <- lapply(seq_along(gx), function(x){
pval <- ppois(q = groupMat[,gx[x]]-1, lambda = expectation[gx[x]], lower.tail = FALSE, log=FALSE)
if(tolower(method) == "q"){
pval <- p.adjust(pval, method = "fdr", n = nTiles)
}else if(tolower(method)=="p"){
.logMessage("method should be either p for p-value or q for adjusted p-value!", logFile = logFile)
stop("method should be either p for p-value or q for adjusted p-value!")
as(as.matrix(-log10(pmax(pval, 10^-250))), "dgCMatrix")
}) %>% Reduce("cbind", .)
n <- ncol(pMat)
passPeaks <- Matrix::rowSums(pMat >= -log10(cutOff)) >= eval(parse(text=reproducibility))
mlogp <- Matrix::rowSums(Matrix::t(Matrix::t(pMat) / Matrix::colSums(pMat)) * 10^6) / ncol(pMat)
passPeaks <- passPeaks[order(mlogp, decreasing=TRUE)]
mlogp <- mlogp[order(mlogp, decreasing=TRUE)]
nMax <- groupSummary[names(cellGroups)[i], "maxPeaks"]
passPeaks <- head(passPeaks, nMax)
mlogp <- head(mlogp, nMax)
mlogp <- mlogp[which(passPeaks)]
passPeaks <- passPeaks[which(passPeaks)]
if(length(passPeaks) > 0){
Group = Rle(names(cellGroups)[i]),
peaks = names(passPeaks),
mlog10p = mlogp,
normmlogp = 10^6 * mlogp / sum(mlogp)
}, threads = threads) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
.logThis(groupPeaks, "PeakCallTiles-groupPeaks", logFile=logFile)
groupPeaks <- groupPeaks[order(groupPeaks$normmlogp, decreasing=TRUE), ]
# BSgenome for Add Nucleotide Frequencies!
BSgenome <- eval(parse(text = genomeAnnotation$genome))
BSgenome <- validBSgenome(BSgenome)
outDir <- file.path(getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj), "PeakCalls")
# Create Group Peaks
.logDiffTime("Creating Group Peak Sets with Annotations!", tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
peakDF <- .safelapply(seq_along(cellGroups), function(i){
groupPeaksi <- groupPeaks[groupPeaks$Group == names(cellGroups)[i], ]
if(nrow(groupPeaksi) == 0){
groupPeaksi <- cbind(
topFeatures[as.integer(gsub("f", "", groupPeaksi$peaks)),],
groupPeaksi <- groupPeaksi[order(groupPeaksi$seqnames, groupPeaksi$idx), ]
groupPeaksi$peaks <- NULL
groupPeaksi$normmlogp <- NULL
groupPeaksi$mlog10p <- round(groupPeaksi$mlog10p, 3)
groupPeaksGRi <- GRanges(groupPeaksi$seqnames,
start = pmax((groupPeaksi$idx - 1) * res, 1),
end = (groupPeaksi$idx) * res - 1
mcols(groupPeaksGRi) <- groupPeaksi[,c("mlog10p", "Group")]
groupPeaksGRi <- subsetByOverlaps(groupPeaksGRi, genomeAnnotation$chromSizes, type = "within")
groupPeaksGRi <- subsetByOverlaps(groupPeaksGRi, genomeAnnotation$blacklist, invert = TRUE)
groupPeaksGRi <- .fastAnnoPeaks(
BSgenome = BSgenome,
geneAnnotation = geneAnnotation,
promoterRegion = promoterRegion
groupPeaksGRi <- groupPeaksGRi[which(mcols(groupPeaksGRi)$N < 0.001)] #Remove N Containing Peaks
mcols(groupPeaksGRi)$N <- NULL #Remove N Column
#Table Peak Types
tabPT <- data.frame(Group = names(cellGroups)[i], table(groupPeaksGRi$peakType))
saveRDS(groupPeaksGRi, file.path(outDir, paste0(make.names(names(cellGroups)[i]), "-reproduciblePeaks.gr.rds")))
}, threads = threads) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
# Call Union Peaks
.logDiffTime("Creating Union Peak Set with Annotations!", tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
unionPeaks <- groupPeaks[!duplicated(groupPeaks$peaks), ]
unionPeaks <- cbind(
topFeatures[as.integer(gsub("f", "", unionPeaks$peaks)),],
unionPeaks <- unionPeaks[order(unionPeaks$seqnames, unionPeaks$idx), ]
unionPeaks$peaks <- NULL
unionPeaks$normmlogp <- NULL
unionPeaks$mlog10p <- round(unionPeaks$mlog10p, 3)
unionPeaksGR <- GRanges(unionPeaks$seqnames,
start = pmax((unionPeaks$idx - 1) * res, 1),
end = (unionPeaks$idx) * res - 1
mcols(unionPeaksGR) <- unionPeaks[,c("mlog10p", "Group")]
unionPeaksGR <- subsetByOverlaps(unionPeaksGR, genomeAnnotation$chromSizes, type = "within")
unionPeaksGR <- subsetByOverlaps(unionPeaksGR, genomeAnnotation$blacklist, invert = TRUE)
unionPeaksGR <- .fastAnnoPeaks(
BSgenome = BSgenome,
geneAnnotation = geneAnnotation,
promoterRegion = promoterRegion
unionPeaksGR <- unionPeaksGR[which(mcols(unionPeaksGR)$N < 0.001)] #Remove N Containing Peaks
mcols(unionPeaksGR)$N <- NULL #Remove N Column
#Set To unionPeaks
unionPeaks <- unionPeaksGR
#Summarize Output
peakDF$Group <- paste0(peakDF$Group, "(n = ", tableGroups[peakDF$Group],")")
peakDF <- rbind(data.frame(Group = "UnionPeaks", table(unionPeaks$peakType)), peakDF)
peakDF$Freq <- peakDF$Freq / 1000
metadata(unionPeaks)$PeakCallSummary <- peakDF
.logMessage("method not recognized! Supported methods are Macs2 or Tiles!", logFile = logFile)
stop("method not recognized! Supported methods are Macs2 or Tiles!")
#Add Peak Set
ArchRProj <- addPeakSet(ArchRProj, unionPeaks, force = TRUE)
plotPDF(.plotPeakCallSummary(ArchRProj), name = "Peak-Call-Summary", width = 8, height = 5, ArchRProj = ArchRProj, addDOC = FALSE)
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Finished Creating Union Peak Set (%s)!", length(unionPeaks)), tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
.plotPeakCallSummary <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
pal = NULL
peakDF <- metadata(ArchRProj@peakSet)$PeakCallSummary
stop("Error no Peak Call Summary available are you sure these peaks were called with CreateReproduciblePeakSet?")
pal <- paletteDiscrete(values=peakDF$Var1)
pal <- c("Distal" = "#60BA64", "Exonic" = "#73C6FF", "Intronic" = "#620FA3", "Promoter" = "#FFC554", pal)
pal <- pal[!duplicated(names(pal))]
lengthMax <- split(peakDF$Freq, peakDF$Group) %>% lapply(sum) %>% unlist %>% max
colnames(peakDF)[colnames(peakDF)=="Var1"] <- "PeakAnno"
p <- ggplot(peakDF, aes(x=Group, y=Freq, fill=PeakAnno)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
theme_ArchR(xText90 = TRUE) +
ylab("Number of Peaks (x10^3)") +
xlab("") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
legend.key = element_rect(size = 2),
legend.box.background = element_rect(color = NA)
) +
scale_fill_manual(values=pal) +
breaks = seq(0, lengthMax * 2,50),
limits = c(0, lengthMax * 1.1),
expand = c(0,0)
attr(p, "ratioYX") <- 0.5
# Utility Functions
.fastAnnoPeaks <- function(
peaks = NULL,
BSgenome = NULL,
geneAnnotation = NULL,
promoterRegion = c(2000, 100),
logFile = NULL
peaks <- .validGRanges(peaks)
peakSummits <- resize(peaks,1,"center")
geneAnnotation$genes <- .validGRanges(geneAnnotation$genes)
geneAnnotation$exons <- .validGRanges(geneAnnotation$exons)
geneAnnotation$TSS <- .validGRanges(geneAnnotation$TSS)
BSgenome <- validBSgenome(BSgenome)
#First Lets Get Distance to Nearest Gene Start
.logMessage("Annotating Peaks : Nearest Gene", logFile = logFile)
distPeaks <- distanceToNearest(peakSummits, resize(geneAnnotation$genes, 1, "start"), ignore.strand = TRUE)
mcols(peaks)$distToGeneStart <- mcols(distPeaks)$distance
mcols(peaks)$nearestGene <- mcols(geneAnnotation$genes)$symbol[subjectHits(distPeaks)]
.logMessage("Annotating Peaks : Gene", logFile = logFile)
promoters <- extendGR(resize(geneAnnotation$genes, 1, "start"), upstream = promoterRegion[1], downstream = promoterRegion[2])
op <- overlapsAny(peakSummits, promoters, ignore.strand = TRUE)
og <- overlapsAny(peakSummits, geneAnnotation$genes, ignore.strand = TRUE)
oe <- overlapsAny(peakSummits, geneAnnotation$exons, ignore.strand = TRUE)
type <- rep("Distal", length(peaks))
type[which(og & oe)] <- "Exonic"
type[which(og & !oe)] <- "Intronic"
type[which(op)] <- "Promoter"
mcols(peaks)$peakType <- type
#First Lets Get Distance to Nearest TSS's
.logMessage("Annotating Peaks : TSS", logFile = logFile)
distTSS <- distanceToNearest(peakSummits, resize(geneAnnotation$TSS, 1, "start"), ignore.strand = TRUE)
mcols(peaks)$distToTSS <- mcols(distTSS)$distance
if("symbol" %in% colnames(mcols(geneAnnotation$TSS))){
mcols(peaks)$nearestTSS <- mcols(geneAnnotation$TSS)$symbol[subjectHits(distPeaks)]
}else if("tx_name" %in% colnames(mcols(geneAnnotation$TSS))){
mcols(peaks)$nearestTSS <- mcols(geneAnnotation$TSS)$tx_name[subjectHits(distPeaks)]
#Get NucleoTide Content
.logMessage("Annotating Peaks : GC", logFile = logFile)
nucFreq <- BSgenome::alphabetFrequency(getSeq(BSgenome, peaks))
mcols(peaks)$GC <- round(rowSums(nucFreq[,c("G","C")]) / rowSums(nucFreq),4)
mcols(peaks)$N <- round(nucFreq[,c("N")] / rowSums(nucFreq),4)
.identifyReproduciblePeaks <- function(
summitFiles = NULL,
summitNames = NULL,
reproducibility = 0.51,
extendSummits = 250,
blacklist = NULL,
prefix = NULL,
logFile = NULL
errorList <- mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
nonOverlapPassES <- tryCatch({
.logMessage(paste0(prefix, " Getting Summits"), logFile = logFile)
summits <- lapply(seq_along(summitFiles), function(x){
grx <- readRDS(summitFiles[x])
grx <- subsetByOverlaps(grx, blacklist, invert = TRUE) #Not Overlapping Blacklist!
grx$GroupReplicate <- paste0(summitNames[x])
summits <- Reduce("c", as(summits, "GRangesList"))
.logMessage(paste0(prefix, " Extending Summits"), logFile = logFile)
extendedSummits <- resize(summits, extendSummits * 2 + 1, "center")
extendedSummits <- lapply(split(extendedSummits, extendedSummits$GroupReplicate), function(x){
nonES <- nonOverlappingGR(x, by = "score", decreasing = TRUE)
nonES$replicateScoreQuantile <- round(.getQuantiles(nonES$score),3)
extendedSummits <- Reduce("c", as(extendedSummits, "GRangesList"))
.logMessage(paste0(prefix, " Creating Non-Overlapping Peaks"), logFile = logFile)
nonOverlapES <- nonOverlappingGR(extendedSummits, by = "replicateScoreQuantile", decreasing = TRUE)
.logMessage(paste0(prefix, " Identifying Reproducible Peaks"), logFile = logFile)
overlapMat <- lapply(split(extendedSummits, extendedSummits$GroupReplicate), function(x){
overlapsAny(nonOverlapES, x)
}) %>% Reduce("cbind", .)
if(length(summitFiles) > 1){
nonOverlapES$Reproducibility <- rowSums(overlapMat)
nonOverlapES$ReproducibilityPercent <- round(rowSums(overlapMat) / ncol(overlapMat) , 3)
n <- length(summitFiles)
minRep <- eval(parse(text=reproducibility))
stop("Error reproducibility not numeric when evaluated!")
idxPass <- which(nonOverlapES$Reproducibility >= minRep)
nonOverlapPassES <- nonOverlapES[idxPass]
nonOverlapES$Reproducibility <- rep(NA, length(nonOverlapES))
nonOverlapPassES <- nonOverlapES
.logMessage(paste0(prefix, " Finalizing Peaks"), logFile = logFile)
nonOverlapPassES$groupScoreQuantile <- round(.getQuantiles(nonOverlapPassES$replicateScoreQuantile),3)
mcols(nonOverlapPassES) <- mcols(nonOverlapPassES)[,c("score","replicateScoreQuantile", "groupScoreQuantile", "Reproducibility", "GroupReplicate")]
}, error = function(e){
.logError(e, fn = ".identifyReproduciblePeaks", info = prefix, errorList = errorList, logFile = logFile)
.callSummitsOnCoverages <- function(
i = NULL,
coverageFiles = NULL,
outFiles = NULL,
peakParams = NULL,
bedDir = NULL,
excludeChr = NULL,
subThreads = 1,
tstart = NULL,
logFile = NULL
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Group %s of %s, Calling Peaks with MACS2!", i, length(coverageFiles)), tstart, verbose = TRUE, logFile = logFile)
# Create Bed File from Coverage File
bedFile <- file.path(bedDir, paste0(make.names(basename(names(coverageFiles)[i])),"-",i,".insertions.bed"))
o <- .writeCoverageToBed(coverageFiles[i], bedFile, excludeChr = excludeChr, logFile = logFile)
peakParams$bedFile <- bedFile
# MACS2 Peak-Calling Leave Room For Other Options?
peakParams$logFile <- logFile
summits <- do.call(.callSummitsMACS2, peakParams)
rmf <- file.remove(bedFile)
# Save output
saveRDS(summits, outFiles[i])
#.logDiffTime(sprintf("Group %s of %s, Finished Calling Peaks with MACS2!", i, length(coverageFiles)), tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
.callSummitsMACS2 <- function(
bedFile = NULL,
pathToMacs2 = "macs2",
genomeSize = 2.7e9,
shift = -75,
extsize = 150,
cutOff = 0.05,
method = "q",
additionalParams = "--nomodel --nolambda",
logFile = NULL
stopifnot(tolower(method) %in% c("p","q"))
utility <- .checkPath(pathToMacs2)
#Output Files
bedName <- gsub("\\.insertions.bed", "", bedFile)
summitsFile <- paste0(bedName, "_summits.bed")
narrowPeaksFile <- paste0(bedName, "_peaks.narrowPeak")
xlsFile <- paste0(bedName, "_peaks.xls")
#Create MACS2 Command
cmd <- sprintf("callpeak -g %s --name %s --treatment %s --outdir %s --format BED --call-summits --keep-dup all %s",
genomeSize, basename(bedName), bedFile, dirname(bedName), additionalParams)
if(!is.null(shift) & !is.null(extsize)){
cmd <- sprintf("%s --shift %s --extsize %s", cmd , shift, extsize)
if(tolower(method) == "p"){
cmd <- sprintf("%s -p %s", cmd , cutOff)
cmd <- sprintf("%s -q %s", cmd , cutOff)
.logMessage(paste0("Running Macs2 with Params : macs2 ", cmd), logFile = logFile)
run <- system2(pathToMacs2, cmd, wait=TRUE, stdout=NULL, stderr=NULL)
#Read Summits!
out <- data.table::fread(summitsFile, select = c(1,2,3,5))
out <- GRanges(out$V1, IRanges(out$V2 + 1, out$V3), score = out$V5)
#Remove Files
r2 <- suppressWarnings(file.remove(summitsFile, narrowPeaksFile, xlsFile))
.checkMacs2Options <- function(path){
o <- system2(path, "callpeak -h", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
v <- system2(path, " --version", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
check <- any(grepl("--shift SHIFT", o))
stop("Macs2 Path (", path, ") is out of date (version ", v, ") and does not have --shift option.\n Please update (https://github.com/taoliu/MACS) and provide new path!")
#' Find the installed location of the MACS2 executable
#' This function attempts to find the path to the MACS2 executable by serting the path and python's pip.
#' @export
findMacs2 <- function(){
message("Searching For MACS2..")
#Check if in path
if(.suppressAll(.checkPath("macs2", throwError = FALSE))){
message("Found with $path!")
message("Not Found in $PATH")
#Try seeing if its pip installed
search2 <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch({system2("pip", "show macs2", stdout = TRUE, stderr = NULL)}, error = function(x){"ERROR"}))
search3 <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch({system2("pip3", "show macs2", stdout = TRUE, stderr = NULL)}, error = function(x){"ERROR"}))
if(length(search2) > 0){
if(search2[1] != "ERROR"){
path2Install <- gsub("Location: ","",search2[grep("Location", search2, ignore.case=TRUE)])
path2Bin <- gsub("lib/python/site-packages", "bin/macs2",path2Install)
if(.suppressAll(.checkPath(path2Bin, throwError = error))){
message("Found with pip!")
message("Not Found with pip")
if(length(search3) > 0){
if(search3[1] != "ERROR"){
path2Install <- gsub("Location: ","",search3[grep("Location", search3, ignore.case=TRUE)])
path2Bin <- gsub("lib/python/site-packages", "bin/macs2",path2Install)
if(.suppressAll(.checkPath(path2Bin, throwError = error))){
message("Found with pip3!")
message("Not Found with pip3")
stop("Could Not Find Macs2! Please install w/ pip, add to your $PATH, or just supply the macs2 path directly and avoid this function!")
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