
Defines functions ordTestpo catTestchisq conTestkw stripChart matrix2dataFrame asNumericMatrix smedian.hilow smean.cl.boot smean.sdl smean.sd smean.cl.normal summarize cumcategory stratify latex.summary.formula.cross print.summary.formula.cross latex.summary.formula.reverse formatTestStats formatCons formatCats print.summary.formula.reverse dotchart2 plot.summary.formula.reverse plot.summary.formula.response latex.summary.formula.response print.summary.formula.response na.retain formula.summary.formula.cross summary.formula

Documented in asNumericMatrix catTestchisq conTestkw cumcategory dotchart2 formatCats formatCons formatTestStats formula.summary.formula.cross latex.summary.formula.cross latex.summary.formula.response latex.summary.formula.reverse matrix2dataFrame na.retain ordTestpo plot.summary.formula.response plot.summary.formula.reverse print.summary.formula.cross print.summary.formula.response print.summary.formula.reverse smean.cl.boot smean.cl.normal smean.sd smean.sdl smedian.hilow stratify stripChart summarize summary.formula

summary.formula <-
  function(formula, data=NULL, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL, 
           overall=method == 'response'|method == 'cross', 
           continuous=10, na.rm=TRUE, na.include=method != 'reverse',
           g=4, quant = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625,
                  0.75, 0.875, 0.95, 0.975),
           nmin=if(method == 'reverse') 100 else 0,
  call <- match.call()
  missmethod <- missing(method)
  method <- match.arg(method)

  ## Multiple left hand side variables -> automatically call summaryM
  if(grepl('.*\\+.*~', paste(deparse(formula), collapse='')))
    return(summaryM(formula, data=data, subset=subset,
                     na.action=na.action, overall=overall,
                     continuous=continuous, na.include=na.include,
                     quant=quant, nmin=nmin, test=test,
                     conTest=conTest, catTest=catTest, ordTest=ordTest))
  X <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  X$fun <- X$method <- X$na.rm <- X$na.include <- X$g <-
    X$overall <- X$continuous <- X$quant <- X$nmin <- X$test <-
      X$conTest <- X$catTest <- X$... <- NULL
    X$na.action <- na.retain
  Terms <- if(missing(data)) terms(formula,'stratify')
  else terms(formula,'stratify',data=data)
  X$formula <- Terms
  X[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  X <- eval(X, sys.parent())
  Terms <- attr(X,"terms")
  resp <- attr(Terms,"response")
  if(resp == 0 && missmethod)
    method <- 'reverse'
  if(test && method != 'reverse')
    stop('test=TRUE only allowed for method="reverse"')
  if(method != 'reverse' && resp != 1) 
    stop("must have a variable on the left hand side of the formula")
  nact <- attr(X, "na.action")
  nvar <- ncol(X)-1
  strat <- attr(Terms,'specials')$stratify

  getlab <- function(x, default)
      lab <- attr(x, 'label')
      if(!length(lab) || lab == '') default else lab
  if(length(strat)) {
    if(method != 'response') 
      stop('stratify only allowed for method="response"')
    temp <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms,'stratify')
    strat.name <- var.inner(Terms)[temp$terms]
    strat <- if(length(temp$vars) == 1) as.factor(X[[temp$vars]])
             else stratify(X[,temp$vars])

    strat.label <- getlab(X[,temp$vars[1]], strat.name)

    X[[temp$vars]] <- NULL   # remove strata factors
  } else {
    strat <- factor(rep('',nrow(X)))
    strat.name <- strat.label <- ''

  nstrat <- length(levels(strat))
  if(resp>0) {
    Y <- X[[resp]]
    yname <- as.character(attr(Terms,'variables'))[2]
    ylabel <- getlab(Y, yname)

      Y <- matrix(Y, dimnames=list(names(Y),yname))
  } else {
    yname <- ylabel <- NULL
  if(method != 'reverse') {
    if(!length(fun)) {   # was missing(fun) 25May01
      fun <- function(y) apply(y, 2, mean)

      uy <- unique(Y[!is.na(Y)])  # fixed 16Mar96
      r <- range(uy, na.rm=TRUE)
      funlab <- if(length(uy) == 2 && r[1] == 0 & r[2] == 1) "Fraction"
                else "Mean"

      funlab <- paste(funlab, 'of', yname)
    } else if(is.character(fun) && fun == '%') {
      fun <- function(y)
        stats <- 100*apply(y, 2, mean)
        names(stats) <- paste(dimnames(y)[[2]],'%')

      funlab <- paste('% of', yname)

    ## Compute number of descriptive statistics per cell
    s <-
        as.vector((1 * is.na(unclass(Y))) %*% rep(1, ncol(Y)) > 0)
        ((if(is.character(Y)) Y == ''|Y == 'NA'
          else is.na(Y)) %*%
         rep(1,ncol(Y))) > 0
    stats <- if(length(dim(Y))) fun(Y[!s,,drop=FALSE])
             else fun(Y[!s])

    nstats <- length(stats)
    name.stats <-
      if(length(dn <- dimnames(stats)) == 2)

    if(length(fun)) {
      if(length(de <- deparse(fun)) == 2) {
        de <- as.list(fun)
        de <- as.character(de[[length(de)]])
        funlab <- if(de[1] == 'apply') de[length(de)]
                  else de[1]

        ## 2nd case is for simple function(x)mean(x) function
      } else funlab <- as.character(substitute(fun))

    if(funlab[1] == '')
      funlab <- yname

    if(length(name.stats) == 0) {
      name.stats <- if(nstats == 1) yname
                    else paste0(yname , 1 : nstats)

  if(method == 'response') {
    X[[resp]] <- NULL   # remove response var
    s <-
      if(!na.rm) FALSE
      else if(inherits(Y,'Surv'))
        as.vector((1 * is.na(unclass(Y))) %*% rep(1, ncol(Y)) > 0)
        ((if(is.character(Y)) Y == ''|Y == 'NA'
          else is.na(Y)) %*% 
         rep(1,ncol(Y))) > 0

    nmissy <- sum(s)
    if(nmissy) {
      X <- X[!s,,drop=FALSE]
      Y <- Y[!s,,drop=FALSE]
      strat <- strat[!s]

    ##Compute total number of columns, counting n
    nc <- nstrat*(1+nstats)
    colname <- rep(c('N',name.stats),nstrat)
    rowname <- vname <- vlabel <- vunits <- res <- NULL
    dm <- dim(X)
    nx <- dm[2]
    n  <- dm[1]
    nlevels <- integer(nx)
    labels <- character(nx)
    units  <- labels

    i <- 0
    nams <- c(names(X), if(overall)'Overall')
    for(v in nams) {
      i <- i+1
      x <- if(v == 'Overall') factor(rep('',n))
           else X[[v]]
      if(inherits(x,'mChoice')) x <- as.numeric(x)

      labels[i] <- getlab(x, nams[i])
      units[i]  <- if(length(l <- attr(x,'units'))) l
                   else ''

      if(!(ismc <- is.matrix(x))) {
        s <- is.na(x)
        if(!is.factor(x)) {
          xu <- unique(x[!s]);
          lu <- length(xu)
          x <- if(lu < continuous) {
            r <- range(xu)
            if(lu == 2 && r[1] == 0 && r[2] == 1) 
          } else cut2(x, g=g, ...)

        if(na.include && any(s)) {
          x <- na.include(x)
          levels(x)[is.na(levels(x))] <- 'NA'

          ## R 1.5 and later has NA as level not 'NA', satisfies is.na

        xlev <- levels(x)
        if(nmin > 0) {
          nn <- table(x);
          xlev <- names(nn)[nn >= nmin]
      } else {
        xlev <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
          stop('matrix variables must have column dimnames')

        if(!is.logical(x)) {
            x <- x == 1
          else {
            x <- structure(casefold(x),dim=dim(x))
            x <- x == 'present' | x == 'yes'

        if(nmin > 0) {
          nn <- apply(x, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
          xlev <- xlev[nn >= nmin]

      nlevels[i] <- length(xlev)
      for(lx in xlev) {
        r <- NULL
        for(js in levels(strat)) {
          j <- if(ismc) strat == js  & x[,lx]
               else strat == js & x == lx

            j[is.na(j)] <- FALSE

          nj <- sum(j)
          f <-
            if(nj) {
              statz <- unlist(fun(Y[j,,drop=FALSE]))
              ## 23apr03; had just let matrix replicate to fill
              ## Thanks: Derek Eder <derek.eder@neuro.gu.se>
              if(length(statz) != nstats)
                stop(paste('fun for stratum',lx,js,'did not return',
                           nstats, 'statistics'))

              matrix(statz, ncol=nstats, byrow=TRUE)
            } else rep(NA,nstats)

          r <- c(r, nj, f)

        res <- rbind(res, r)

      rowname <- c(rowname, xlev)
      bl <- rep('',length(xlev)-1)
      vname <- c(vname,v,bl)
      vlabel <- c(vlabel,labels[i],bl)
      vunits <- c(vunits,units[i],bl)

    rowname[rowname == 'NA'] <- 'Missing'
    dimnames(res) <- list(rowname,colname)
    at <- list(formula=formula, call=call, n=n, nmiss=nmissy, yname=yname, 
               ycolname=if(length(d<-dimnames(Y)[[2]]))d else yname,
               vname=vname, vlabel=vlabel, nlevels=nlevels,
               labels=labels, units=units, vunits=vunits,
               strat.name=strat.name, strat.label=strat.label,
    attributes(res) <- c(attributes(res), at)
    attr(res,'class') <- 'summary.formula.response'

  if(method == 'reverse') {
    quants <- unique(c(quant, 0.025, 0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 0.95, 0.975))
    if(resp) {
      group <- as.factor(X[[resp]])[,drop=TRUE]
      group.freq <- table(group)
      group.freq <- group.freq[group.freq>0]
        group.freq <- c(group.freq, Combined=sum(group.freq))
    } else {
      group <- rep(0,nrow(X))
      group.freq <- NULL

    nv <- ncol(X)-resp
    n <- integer(nv)
    type <- n
    nams <- names(X)
    comp <- dat <- vector("list",nv)
    names(comp) <- names(dat) <- if(resp)nams[-1]
                                 else nams

    labels <- Units <- vector("character",nv)
    if(test) {
      testresults <- vector('list', nv)
      names(testresults) <- names(comp)
    for(i in 1:nv) {
      w <- X[[resp+i]]
      if(length(attr(w, "label")))
        labels[i] <- attr(w, "label")

      if(length(attr(w, 'units')))
        Units[i]  <- attr(w, 'units')

      if(!inherits(w, 'mChoice')) {
        if(!is.factor(w) && !is.logical(w) &&
           length(unique(w[! is.na(w)])) < continuous) 
            w <- as.factor(w)

          s <- !is.na(w)

          if(na.include && !all(s) && length(levels(w))) {
            w <- na.include(w)
            levels(w)[is.na(levels(w))] <- 'NA'
            s <- rep(TRUE, length(s))

          n[i] <- sum(s)
          w <- w[s]
          g <- group[s, drop=TRUE]
          if(is.factor(w) || is.logical(w)) {
            tab <- table(w, g)
            if(test) {
                testresults[[i]] <- ordTest(g, w)
                testresults[[i]] <- catTest(tab)

            if(nrow(tab) == 1) {  # 7sep02
              b <- casefold(dimnames(tab)[[1]],upper=TRUE)
              pres <- c('1','Y','YES','PRESENT')
              abse <- c('0','N','NO', 'ABSENT')
              jj <- match(b, pres, nomatch=0)
              if(jj > 0)
                bc <- abse[jj]
              else {
                jj <- match(b, abse, nomatch=0)
                if(jj > 0) bc <- pres[jj]

              if(jj) {
                tab <- rbind(tab, rep(0, ncol(tab)))
                dimnames(tab)[[1]][2] <- bc

              tab <- cbind(tab, Combined=apply(tab,1,sum))

            comp[[i]] <- tab
            type[i] <- 1
          } else {
            sfn <- function(x, quant)
			  o <- options('digits')
              ## so won't lose precision in quantile names
              c(quantile(x,quant), Mean=mean(x), SD=sqrt(var(x)))

            qu <- tapply(w, g, sfn, simplify=TRUE, quants)
              testresults[[i]] <- conTest(g, w)

              qu$Combined <- sfn(w, quants)

            comp[[i]] <- matrix(unlist(qu),ncol=length(quants)+2,byrow=TRUE,
            if(any(group.freq <= nmin))
              dat[[i]] <-
                         if(length(x) <= nmin)x
                         else NULL)

            type[i] <- 2
        } else {
          w <- as.numeric(w) == 1 ## multiple choice variables
          n[i] <- nrow(w)
          g    <- as.factor(group)
          ncat <- ncol(w)
          tab  <- matrix(NA, nrow=ncat, ncol=length(levels(g)),
                         dimnames=list(dimnames(w)[[2]], levels(g)))
          if(test) {
            pval <- numeric(ncat)
            names(pval) <- dimnames(w)[[2]]
            d.f. <- stat <- pval

          for(j in 1:ncat) {
            tab[j,] <- tapply(w[,j], g, sum, simplify=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)
            if(test) {
              tabj <- rbind(table(g) - tab[j, ], tab[j, ])
              st   <- catTest(tabj)
              pval[j] <- st$P
              stat[j] <- st$stat
              d.f.[j] <- st$df
            testresults[[i]] <- list(P            = pval,
                                     stat         = stat,
                                     df           = d.f.,
                                     testname     = st$testname,
                                     statname     = st$statname,
                                     namefun      = st$namefun,
                                     latexstat    = st$latexstat,
                                     plotmathstat = st$plotmathstat)
            tab <- cbind(tab, Combined=apply(tab,1,sum))

          comp[[i]] <- tab
          type[i]   <- 3
    labels <- ifelse(nchar(labels), labels, names(comp))
    return(structure(list(stats=comp, type=type, 
                                     else NULL,
                          labels=labels, units=Units,
                          quant=quant, data=dat,
                          N=sum(!is.na(group)), n=n,
                                      else NULL,
                          call=call, formula=formula), 
  if(method == 'cross') {
    X[[resp]] <- NULL
    Levels <- vector("list",nvar)
    nams <- names(X)
    names(Levels) <- names(X)
    labels <- character(nvar)
    for(i in 1:nvar) {
      xi <- X[[i]]
        xi <- factor(format(xi))
      else if(is.matrix(xi) && ncol(xi) > 1) 
        stop('matrix variables not allowed for method="cross"')

      labels[i] <- getlab(xi, nams[i])

        xi <- xi[,drop=TRUE]

      if(!is.factor(xi) && length(unique(xi[!is.na(xi)]))>=continuous)
        xi <- cut2(xi, g=g, ...)
      X[[i]] <- na.include(as.factor(xi))
      levels(X[[i]])[is.na(levels(X[[i]]))] <- 'NA'
      Levels[[i]] <- c(levels(X[[i]]),if(overall)"ALL")
    ##Make a data frame with all combinations of values (including those
    ##that don't exist in the data, since trellis needs them)

    df <- expand.grid(Levels)
    nl <- nrow(df)
    N  <- Missing <- integer(nl)
    na <- is.na(Y %*% rep(1,ncol(Y)))
    S  <- matrix(NA, nrow=nl, ncol=nstats, dimnames=list(NULL,name.stats))

    chk <- function(z, nstats)
      if(length(z) != nstats)
        stop(paste('fun did not return',nstats,
                   'statistics for a stratum'))


    if(nvar == 1) {
      df1 <- as.character(df[[1]]); x1 <- X[[1]]
      for(i in 1:nl) {
        s <- df1[i] == 'ALL' | x1 == df1[i]
        w <- if(na.rm) s & !na else s
        N[i] <- sum(w)
        Missing[i] <- sum(na[s])
        S[i,] <- if(any(w))chk(fun(Y[w,,drop=FALSE]),nstats)
                 else rep(NA,nstats)
    } else if(nvar == 2) {
      df1 <- as.character(df[[1]]);
      df2 <- as.character(df[[2]])
      x1 <- X[[1]];
      x2 <- X[[2]]
      for(i in 1:nl) {
        s <- (df1[i] == 'ALL' | x1 == df1[i]) & (df2[i] == 'ALL' | x2 == df2[i])
        w <- if(na.rm) s & !na
             else s

        N[i] <- sum(w)
        Missing[i] <- sum(na[s])
        S[i,] <- if(any(w))chk(fun(Y[w,,drop=FALSE]),nstats)
                 else rep(NA,nstats)
    } else if(nvar == 3) {
      df1 <- as.character(df[[1]]);
      df2 <- as.character(df[[2]])
      df3 <- as.character(df[[3]])
      x1 <- X[[1]];
      x2 <- X[[2]];
      x3 <- X[[3]]

      for(i in 1:nl) {
        s <- (df1[i] == 'ALL' | x1 == df1[i]) & (df2[i] == 'ALL' | x2 == df2[i]) &
             (df3[i] == 'ALL' | x3 == df3[i])
        w <- if(na.rm) s & !na
             else s

        N[i] <- sum(w)
        Missing[i] <- sum(na[s])
        S[i,] <- if(any(w))chk(fun(Y[w,,drop=FALSE]),nstats)
                 else rep(NA,nstats)
    } else stop('no more than 3 independent variables allowed')
    lab <- names(df)
    lab2 <- if(length(lab)>1) paste(lab,collapse=", ")
            else lab

    heading <- paste(funlab,"by",lab2)

    S <- S[,,drop=TRUE]
    attr(S,"label") <- yname    #funlab
    df$S <- S
    df$N <- N
    df$Missing <- Missing
    a <- list(heading=heading,byvarnames=lab2,Levels=Levels,labels=labels,
    attributes(df) <- c(attributes(df), a)

##The following makes formula(object) work (using especially for update())
formula.summary.formula.cross <- function(x, ...) attr(x,'formula')

na.retain <- function(d) d

print.summary.formula.response <-
           vnames=c('labels','names'), prUnits=TRUE,
           prefix.width, min.colwidth,
           formatArgs=NULL, markdown=FALSE, ...)
  stats <- x
  stats <- unclass(stats)
  vnames <- match.arg(vnames)
  ul <- vnames == 'labels'

  at <- attributes(stats)
  ns <- length(at$strat.levels)

  vlabels <- at$labels
  if(prUnits) {
    atu <- gsub('*', ' ', at$units, fixed=TRUE)
    vlabels <- ifelse(atu == '',vlabels,
                      paste0(vlabels,' [',atu,']'))

  cap <- paste(at$ylabel,
                 paste0(' by',
                        if(ul) at$strat.label
                        else at$strat.name),
               '    N=',at$n,
               if(at$nmiss) paste0(', ',at$nmiss,' Missing'))

  if(! markdown) cat(cap, '\n\n')

  d <- dim(stats)
  nr <- length(at$nlevels)
  vlab <- if(ul) vlabels[vlabels != '']
  else at$vname[at$vname != '']
  z <- matrix('',nrow=nr,ncol=1+d[2],dimnames=list(vlab,NULL))
  dz <- dimnames(stats)[[1]]
  cstats <- matrix('',nrow=d[1],ncol=d[2])
  for(j in 1:d[2]) {
    ww <- c(list(stats[,j]), formatArgs)
    cstats[,j] <- do.call('format', ww)
    cstats[is.na(stats[,j]),j] <- ''

  if(markdown) {
    if(! requireNamespace("knitr", quietly=TRUE))
      stop('markdown=TRUE requires the knitr package to be installed')
    vlab <- if(ul) at$vlabel else at$vname
    if(prUnits && any(at$units != ''))
      vlab[vlab != ''] <- paste0(vlab[vlab != ''], '[', at$units, ']')
    if(vlab[length(vlab)] == 'Overall')
      vlab[length(vlab)] <- '**Overall**'
    z <- cbind(vlab, rownames(x), cstats)
    colnames(z) <- c('', '', colnames(stats))
    return(knitr::kable(z, align=c('l', 'l', rep('r', ncol(cstats))),
  is <- 1
  for(i in 1:nr) {
    ie <- is+at$nlevels[i]-1
    z[i,1] <- paste(dz[is:ie],collapse='\n')
    for(j in 1:d[2]) z[i,j+1] <- paste(cstats[is:ie,j],collapse='\n')
    is <- ie+1
    prefix.width <- max(nchar(dimnames(z)[[1]]))
    min.colwidth <- 
      max(min(nchar(cstats)[nchar(cstats)>0]), min(nchar(dimnames(stats)[[2]])))

  z <- rbind(c('',dimnames(stats)[[2]]), z)
  print.char.matrix(z, col.names=FALSE, ...)

latex.summary.formula.response <-
           title=first.word(deparse(substitute(object))), caption,
           trios, vnames=c('labels','names'), prn=TRUE, prUnits=TRUE,
           rowlabel='', cdec=2,
           ncaption=TRUE, ...)
  stats <- object
    stats <- stats[, dimnames(stats)[[2]] != 'N', drop=FALSE]

  title <- title   # otherwise problem with lazy evaluation 25May01
  stats <- unclass(stats)
  at <- attributes(stats)

  vnames <- match.arg(vnames)
  ul <- vnames == 'labels'
  ns <- length(at$strat.levels)
  nstat <- ncol(stats)/ns
  if(!missing(trios)) {
      trios <- at$ycolname

    ntrio <- length(trios)
    if(ntrio*3 + prn != nstat)   #allow for N
      stop('length of trios must be 1/3 the number of statistics computed')

  if(missing(caption)) caption <- latexTranslate(at$ylabel)
  if(ns>1) caption <- paste(caption,' by', if(ul)at$strat.label else 
    caption <- paste0(caption,
                     if(at$nmiss) paste0(',~',at$nmiss,' Missing'))

  dm <- dimnames(stats)
  dm[[1]] <- latexTranslate(dm[[1]], greek=TRUE)
  dm[[2]] <- latexTranslate(dm[[2]], greek=TRUE)
  dimnames(stats) <- dm
  caption <- sedit(caption, "cbind", "")
  vn <- if(ul)at$vlabel
        else at$vname

  if(prUnits) {
    atvu <- gsub('*', ' ', at$vunits, fixed=TRUE)
    vn <- ifelse(atvu == '', vn,
                 paste0(vn,'~\\hfill\\tiny{', atvu, '}'))

  vn <- latexTranslate(vn, greek=TRUE)

  if(missing(trios)) {
    cdec <- rep(cdec, length = nstat)
  } else {
    cdec <- rep(cdec, length = nstat / 3)
  cdec <- rep(cdec, ns)
  isn <- colnames(stats) %in% c('N', 'n')
  if(any(isn) && prn) cdec[isn] <- 0

  if(missing(trios)) {
    cstats <- unclass(stats)
  } else {
    fmt <- function(z, cdec) ifelse(is.na(z), '', format(round(z, cdec)))
    cstats <- list()
    k <- m <- 0
    for(is in 1 : ns) {
      if(prn) {
        k <- k + 1
        m <- m + 1
        cstats[[k]] <- stats[, m]   ## N, numeric mode
      for(j in 1 : ntrio) {
        m <- m + 1
        k <- k + 1
        cstats[[k]] <- paste0('{\\scriptsize ', fmt(stats[,m], cdec[k]), '~}',
                             fmt(stats[,m + 1], cdec[k]), ' {\\scriptsize ',
                             fmt(stats[,m + 2], cdec[k]), '}')
        m <- m + 2

    names(cstats) <- rep(c(if(prn)'N'
                           else NULL, trios), ns)
    attr(cstats, 'row.names') <- dm[[1]]
    attr(cstats,'class') <- 'data.frame'
      nstat <- 2  # for n.cgroup below
      nstat <- 1
  insert.bottom <-
      '\\noindent {\\scriptsize $a$\\ } $b$ {\\scriptsize $c$\\ } represent the lower quartile $a$, the median $b$, and the upper quartile $c$.'

  r <-
    if(ns > 1)
      latex(cstats, title=title, caption=caption, rowlabel=rowlabel,
            n.rgroup=at$nlevels, rgroup=vn[vn != ''],
            n.cgroup=rep(nstat,ns), cgroup=at$strat.levels, cdec=cdec,
            rowname=dm[[1]], insert.bottom=insert.bottom, ...)
      latex(cstats, title=title, caption=caption, rowlabel=rowlabel,
            n.rgroup=at$nlevels, rgroup=vn[vn != ''], cdec=cdec,
            rowname=dm[[1]], insert.bottom=insert.bottom, ...)


plot.summary.formula.response <-
  function(x, which = 1,
           vnames = c('labels', 'names'), xlim, xlab,
           pch = c(16, 1, 2, 17, 15, 3, 4, 5, 0), superposeStrata = TRUE,
           dotfont=1, add=FALSE, reset.par=TRUE,
           main, subtitles=TRUE, ...)
  stats <- x
  stats  <- unclass(stats)
  vnames <- match.arg(vnames)
  ul <- vnames == 'labels'
  at <- attributes(stats)
  ns <- length(at$strat.levels)
  if(ns>1 && length(which)>1) 
    stop('cannot have a vector for which if > 1 strata present')

  if(ns < 2)
    superposeStrata <- FALSE

  vn <- if(ul) at$vlabel
        else at$vname

  Units <- at$vunits
  vn <- ifelse(Units == '', vn, paste0(vn, ' [', Units, ']'))
  ## dotchart2 groups argument may not be an R plotmath expression
  vn <- vn[vn != '']
  d  <- dim(stats)
  n  <- d[1]
  nstat <- d[2]/ns
  vnd <- factor(rep(vn, at$nlevels))
  dn <- dimnames(stats)
    xlim <- range(stats[,nstat*((1:ns)-1)+1+which],na.rm=TRUE)

    main <- at$funlab

  nw      <- length(which)
  pch     <- rep(pch, length.out=if(superposeStrata)ns else nw)
  dotfont <- rep(dotfont, length.out=nw)
  opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)


  if(superposeStrata) Ns <- apply(stats[,nstat*((1:ns)-1)+1],1,sum)
  for(is in 1:ns) {
    for(w in 1:nw) {
      js <- nstat*(is-1)+1+which[w]
      z <- stats[,js]
        xlab <- if(nw>1) dn[[2]][js]
                else at$ylabel

      dotchart2(z, groups=vnd, xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim,
                auxdata=if(superposeStrata) Ns
                        else stats[,js-which[w]],
                auxtitle='N', sort.=FALSE,
                        else w], 
                add=add | w>1 | (is > 1 && superposeStrata),
                reset.par=FALSE, ...)

      if(ns>1 && !superposeStrata)
        title(paste(paste(main,if(main != '')'   '),at$strat.levels[is]))
      else if(main != '') title(main)

      if(ns == 1 && subtitles) {
        title(sub=paste0('N=', at$n), adj=0, cex=.6)
          title(sub=paste0('N missing=', at$nmiss), cex=.6, adj=1)

  if(superposeStrata) { ##set up for Key()
    Key1 <- function(x=NULL, y=NULL, lev, pch) {
      oldpar <- par('usr', 'xpd')
      if(is.list(x)) {
        y <- x$y;
        x <- x$x
      if(!length(x)) x <- 0
      if(!length(y)) y <- 1  ## because of formals()

      rlegend(x, y, legend=lev, pch=pch, ...)
    formals(Key1) <- list(x=NULL,y=NULL,lev=at$strat.levels,

plot.summary.formula.reverse <-
  function(x, vnames = c('labels', 'names'), what = c('proportion','%'),
           which = c('both', 'categorical', 'continuous'),
           xlim = if(what == 'proportion') c(0,1)
                  else c(0,100), 
           xlab = if(what == 'proportion') 'Proportion'
                  else 'Percentage', 
           pch = c(16, 1, 2, 17, 15, 3, 4, 5, 0), exclude1 = TRUE,
           dotfont = 1, main,
           prtest = c('P', 'stat', 'df', 'name'), pdig = 3, eps = 0.001,
           conType = c('dot', 'bp', 'raw'), cex.means = 0.5, ...)
  obj <- x
  vnames <- match.arg(vnames)
  what   <- match.arg(what)
  which  <- match.arg(which)
  conType <- match.arg(conType)
  ul <- vnames == 'labels'

  if(is.logical(prtest) && ! prtest) prtest <- 'none'
  test   <- obj$testresults
  if(!length(test)) prtest <- 'none'

  varNames <- names(obj$stats)
  vn <- if(ul) obj$labels
        else varNames
  Units <- obj$units
  nw     <- if(lg <- length(obj$group.freq)) lg
            else 1

  gnames <- names(obj$group.freq) 

    main <- if(nw == 1)''
    paste(if(what == 'proportion')'Proportions'
          else 'Percentages','Stratified by',

  pch     <- rep(pch, length.out=nw)
  dotfont <- rep(dotfont, length.out=nw)
  lab <- vnd <- z <- nmiss <- vnamd <- NULL
  type  <- obj$type; n <- obj$n

  opar <- par()

  npages <- 0
  if(which != 'continuous' && any(type %in% c(1,3))) {
    ftstats <- NULL  
    for(i in (1:length(type))[type == 1 | type == 3]) {
      nam <- vn[i]
      tab <- obj$stats[[i]]
      if(nw == 1)
        tab <- as.matrix(tab)

      nr <- nrow(tab)
      denom <- if(type[i] == 1) apply(tab, 2, sum)
               else obj$group.freq

      y <- (if(what == 'proportion') 1
            else 100) * sweep(tab, 2, denom, FUN='/')

      lev <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
      exc <- exclude1 && (nr == 2)
      jstart <- if(exc) 2
                else 1

      ##  nn <- c(nn, n[i], rep(NA, if(exc) nr-2 else nr-1))
      ##  k <- 0

      rl <- casefold(lev)
      binary <- type[i] == 1 && exc &&
                (all(rl %in% c("0","1"))|all(rl %in% c("false","true"))|
                 all(rl %in% c("absent","present")))

      for(j in jstart:nrow(y)) {
        if(nw == 1)
          z <- rbind(z, y[j,])
        else {
          yj <- rep(NA, nw)
          names(yj) <- gnames
          yj[names(y[j,])] <- y[j,]
          z <- rbind(z, yj)

        lab <- c(lab, if(binary) ''
                      else lev[j])

        vnd <- c(vnd, nam)
        vnamd <- c(vnamd, varNames[i])

      if(any(prtest != 'none')) {
        fts <- formatTestStats(test[[varNames[i]]], type[i] == 3,
                               if(type[i] == 1)1
                               else 1 : nr,
                               pdig=pdig, eps=eps)

        ftstats <- c(ftstats, fts, 
                     if(type[i] == 1 && nr - exc - 1 > 0)
                           nr - exc - 1))

    dimnames(z) <- list(lab, dimnames(z)[[2]])
    for(i in 1 : nw) {
      zi <- z[,i]
      if(any(prtest == 'none') || i > 1)
        dotchart2(zi, groups=vnd, xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim, 
                  sort.=FALSE, pch=pch[i],
                  add=i > 1, ...)
        dotchart2(zi, groups=vnd, auxdata=ftstats,
                  xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim, sort.=FALSE,
                  pch=pch[i], dotfont=dotfont[i],
                  add=i > 1, ...)

    if(main != '')

    npages <- npages + 1
    ## Dummy key if only one column, so won't use another Key from an
    ## earlier run
    if(nw < 2) {
      Key1 <- function(...)invisible(NULL)
    } else { ##set up for key() if > 1 column
      Key3 <- function(x=NULL, y=NULL, lev, pch) {
		oldpar <- par('usr', 'xpd')
        if(is.list(x)) {
          y <- x$y;
          x <- x$x

        ## Even though par('usr') shows 0,1,0,1 after lattice draws
        ## its plot, it still needs resetting
          x <- 0

          y <- 1  ## because of formals()

        rlegend(x, y, legend=lev, pch=pch, ...)
      formals(Key3) <- list(x=NULL,y=NULL,lev=names(obj$group.freq),

  ncont <- sum(type == 2)
  if(which != 'categorical' && ncont) {
    mf <- par('mfrow')
    if(length(mf) == 0)
      mf <- c(1,1)

    if(ncont > 1 & max(mf) == 1) {
      mf <- if(ncont <= 4)c(2,2)
            else if(ncont <= 6)c(2,3)
            else if(ncont <= 9)c(3,3)
            else c(4,3)

      ## if(ncont <= 12)c(4,3) else if(ncont <= 16) c(4,4) else c(5,4)
      nr <- mf[1]
      m  <- par('mar')

    npages <- npages + ceiling(sum(type == 2) / prod(mf))
    for(i in (1:length(type))[type == 2]) {
      nam <- labelPlotmath(vn[i], Units[i])
      st <- obj$stats[[i]]
      if(nw == 1)
        st <- as.matrix(st)

      if(conType == 'dot') {
        quantile.columns <- dimnames(st)[[2]] %nin% c('Mean','SD')
        st <- st[,quantile.columns,drop=FALSE]
        xlim <- range(st)
        ns <- as.numeric(dimnames(st)[[2]])
        l  <- 1:length(ns)
        q1  <- l[abs(ns-.25) < .001]
        med <- l[abs(ns-.5)  < .001]
        q3  <- l[abs(ns-.75) < .001]
        st <- st[,c(q1,med,q3),drop=FALSE]

        for(j in 1:3) {
          stj <- st[,j]
          if(nw == 1)
            names(stj) <- ''

          dotchart2(stj, xlab=nam, xlim=xlim, sort.=FALSE,
                          else 16,
                    add=j > 1, ...)

        Key2 <- function(x=NULL, y=NULL, quant, ...)
            quant <- format(quant)
            txt <- paste0('(',quant[2],',',quant[3],',',quant[4], 
                         ') quantiles shown\nx-axes scaled to (',quant[1],',',
                         quant[5],') quantiles')
            if(length(x)) {
              if(is.list(x)) {
                y <- x$y;
                x <- x$x

              text(x,y,txt, cex=.8, adj=0, ...)
            } else
            mtitle(lr=txt, cex.l=.8, line=1, ...)


        formals(Key2) <- list(x=NULL,y=NULL,quant=obj$quant)
      } else if(conType == 'bp')
        bpplt(st, xlab=nam, cex.points=cex.means)
        stripChart(obj$data[[i]], xlab=nam)

      if(all(prtest != 'none')) {
        fts <- formatTestStats(test[[varNames[i]]], prtest=prtest,
                               pdig=pdig, eps=eps)
        title(fts, line=.5)


#This version of the stardard dotchart function allows a vector of values
#to be specified (typically cell sizes) that are written to the right
#or horizontal (only) dot charts.  New vectors and auxdata and auxgdata and
#a label for auxdata, auxtitle.
#Also added: sort. parameter, to allow suppression of rearrangements of data,
#and added the parameter `add'.  Reference lines are always drawn with lwd=1.
#There's also a new parameter, groupfont, which specifies a font number for
#group headings.
#cex.labels is a cex to be used only for category labels.  Default is cex.
#Added reset.par - set to T to reset par() after making plot.  You will
#need to set reset.par to T for the last call in a sequence.
dotchart2 <- 
  function(data, labels, groups = NULL, gdata = NA, horizontal = TRUE, 
           pch = 16, 
           xlab = "", ylab="", xlim=NULL, auxdata, auxgdata=NULL, auxtitle,
           lty = 1,
           lines = TRUE, dotsize = .8, cex = par("cex"), 
           cex.labels = cex, cex.group.labels = cex.labels*1.25, sort.=TRUE, 
           add=FALSE, dotfont=par('font'),
           groupfont=2, reset.par=add, xaxis=TRUE,
           width.factor=1.1, lcolor='gray',
           leavepar=FALSE, axisat=NULL, axislabels=NULL,
  if(!add) {
    plot.new()   ## needed for strwidth

  ieaux <- if(missing(auxdata)) FALSE else is.expression(auxdata)
  mtextsrt <- function(..., srt=0) mtext(..., las=1)

  ndata <- length(data)
  if(missing(labels)) {
      labels <- names(data)
    else labels <- paste("#", seq(along = ndata))
    labels <- rep(as.character(labels), length = ndata)

  if(missing(groups)) {
    glabels <- NULL
    gdata <- NULL
  else {
    if(!sort.) {
      ##assume data sorted in groups, but re-number groups
      ##to be as if groups given in order 1,2,3,...
      ug <- unique(as.character(groups))
      groups <- factor(as.character(groups),levels=ug)
    groups  <- unclass(groups)
    glabels <- levels(groups)
    gdata   <- rep(gdata, length = length(glabels))	
    ord     <- order(groups, seq(along = groups))
    groups  <- groups[ord]
    data    <- data[ord]
    labels  <- labels[ord]
    if(!missing(auxdata)) auxdata <- auxdata[ord]
  alldat <- c(data, gdata)
  if(!missing(auxdata)) {
    auxdata <- c(auxdata, auxgdata)
    if(!ieaux) auxdata <- format(auxdata)
  alllab <- paste(c(labels, glabels),'')
  ## set up margins and user coordinates, draw box
  tcex <- par('cex')
  tmai <- par("mai")
  oldplt <- par("plt")
  if(reset.par && !leavepar)
    on.exit(par(mai = tmai, cex = tcex))

  par(cex = cex)
  mxlab <- .1+max(strwidth(labels, units='inches',cex=cex.labels),
  if(horizontal) {
    tmai2 <- tmai[3:4]
      tmai2[2] <- .2+width.factor*
        max(strwidth(if(ieaux) auxdata else format(auxdata),
    if(!leavepar) par(mai = c(tmai[1], mxlab, tmai2))
      plot(alldat, seq(along = alldat), type = "n",
           ylab = '', axes = FALSE, xlab = '', xlim=xlim, ...)
    logax <- par("xaxt") == "l"
  else {
    if(!leavepar) par(mai = c(mxlab, tmai[2:4]))
      plot(seq(along = alldat), alldat, type = "n",
           xlab = "", axes = FALSE, ylab = '', ...)
    logax <- par("yaxt") == "l"
  tusr <- par("usr")
  if(!add && logax) {
      abline(v = 10^tusr[1:2], h = tusr[3:4])
    else abline(v = tusr[1:2], h = 10^tusr[3:4])
  else if(!add) abline(v = tusr[1:2], h = tusr[3:4])
  den <- ndata + 2 * length(glabels) + 1
  if(horizontal) {
    if(!add && xaxis)
      mgp.axis(1, axistitle=xlab, at=axisat, labels=axislabels)
    delt <- ( - (tusr[4] - tusr[3]))/den
    ypos <- seq(tusr[4], by = delt, length = ndata)
  else {
      mgp.axis(2, axistitle=xlab, at=axisat, labels=axislabels)
    delt <- (tusr[2] - tusr[1])/den
    ypos <- seq(tusr[1], by = delt, length = ndata)
  if(!missing(groups)) {
    ypos1 <- ypos + 2 * delt *
      (if(length(groups)>1) cumsum(c(1, diff(groups) > 0)) else 1)
    diff2 <- c(3 * delt, diff(ypos1))
    ypos2 <- ypos1[abs(diff2 - 3 * delt) < abs(0.001 * delt)] - 
    ypos <- c(ypos1, ypos2) - delt
  ##put on labels and data
  ypos <- ypos + delt
  nongrp <- 1:ndata
  if(horizontal) {
    xmin <- par('usr')[1]
    if(!add && lines)
      abline(h = ypos[nongrp], lty = lty, lwd=1, col=lcolor)
    points(alldat, ypos, pch = pch, cex = dotsize * cex, font=dotfont, ...)
    if(!add && !missing(auxdata)) {
      faux <- if(ieaux) auxdata else format(auxdata)
      upedge <- par('usr')[4]
      outerText(faux, ypos[nongrp], cex=cex.labels)
    if(!add) {
      labng <- alllab[nongrp]
      ## Bug in sending character strings to mtext or text containing
      ## [ or ] - they don't right-justify in S+
      bracket <- substring(labng,1,1) == '[' |
        substring(labng,nchar(labng),nchar(labng)) == ']'
      yposng <- ypos[nongrp]
      s <- !bracket
      if(!is.na(any(s)) && any(s))
        mtextsrt(paste(labng[s],''), 2, 0, at=yposng[s],
                 srt=0, adj=1, cex=cex.labels)
      s <- bracket
      if(!is.na(any(s)) && any(s))
             yposng[s], labng[s], adj=1,
             cex=cex.labels, srt=0,xpd=NA)
        mtextsrt(paste(alllab[ - nongrp],''), 2, 0, at = ypos[ - nongrp], 
                 srt = 0, adj = 1, cex = cex.group.labels, font=groupfont)
  else {
    if(!add && lines)
      abline(v = ypos[nongrp], lty = lty, lwd=1, col=lcolor)
    points(ypos, alldat, pch = pch, cex = dotsize * cex, font=dotfont, ...)
    if(!add) mtextsrt(alllab[nongrp], 1, 0,
                      at = ypos[nongrp], srt = 90, adj = 1,
                      cex = cex.labels)
    if(!add && !missing(groups))
      mtextsrt(alllab[ - nongrp], 1, 0, at = ypos[ - nongrp], 
               srt = 90, adj = 1, cex = cex.group.labels, font=groupfont)
  plt <- par("plt")
  if(horizontal) {
    frac <- (oldplt[2] - oldplt[1])/(oldplt[2] - plt[1])
    umin <- tusr[2] - (tusr[2] - tusr[1]) * frac
    tusr <- c(umin, tusr[2:4])
  else {
    frac <- (oldplt[4] - oldplt[3])/(oldplt[4] - plt[3])
    umin <- tusr[4] - (tusr[4] - tusr[3]) * frac
    tusr <- c(tusr[1:2], umin, tusr[4])

print.summary.formula.reverse <- 
  function(x, digits, prn=any(n != N), pctdig=0,
           what=c('%', 'proportion'),
           exclude1=TRUE, vnames=c("labels","names"), prUnits=TRUE,
           sep="/", abbreviate.dimnames=FALSE, 
           min.colwidth, formatArgs=NULL, round=NULL,
           prtest=c('P','stat','df','name'), prmsd=FALSE, long=FALSE,
           pdig=3, eps=0.001, ...)
  npct   <- match.arg(npct)
  vnames <- match.arg(vnames)
  what <- match.arg(what)
  if(is.logical(prtest) && !prtest)
    prtest <- 'none'

  stats  <- x$stats
  nv     <- length(stats)
  cstats <- lab <- character(0)
  nn     <- integer(0)
  type   <- x$type
  n      <- x$n
  N      <- x$N
  nams   <- names(stats)
  labels <- x$labels
  Units  <- x$units
  test   <- x$testresults
  if(! length(test)) prtest <- 'none'

  nw     <- if(lg <- length(x$group.freq)) lg else 1
  gnames <- names(x$group.freq)

  if(!missing(digits)) {
	oldopt <- options('digits')

  cstats <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nv) {
    nn <- c(nn, n[i])
    nam <- if(vnames == "names") nams[i] else labels[i]

    if(prUnits && nchar(Units[i]))
      nam <- paste0(nam,' [', gsub('*',' ', Units[i], fixed=TRUE),']')

    tr <- if(length(test) && all(prtest != 'none')) test[[nams[i]]]
          else NULL

    if(type[i] == 1 || type[i] == 3) {
      cs <- formatCats(stats[[i]], nam, tr, type[i],
                       if(length(x$group.freq)) x$group.freq else x$n[i],
                       what, npct, pctdig, exclude1, long, prtest,
                       pdig=pdig, eps=eps)
      nn <- c(nn, rep(NA, nrow(cs) - 1))
    } else cs <- formatCons(stats[[i]], nam, tr, x$group.freq, prmsd,
                            sep, formatArgs, round, prtest,
                            pdig=pdig, eps=eps)

    cstats <- rbind(cstats, cs)

  lab <- dimnames(cstats)[[1]]
  gl <- names(x$group.freq)
  gl <- if(length(gl)) paste0(gl," \n(N=",x$group.freq,")")
        else ""

  if(length(test) && ! all(prtest == 'none'))
    gl <- c(gl,
            if(length(prtest) == 1 && prtest != 'stat')
              if(prtest == 'P')'P-value'
              else prtest
            else '  Test\nStatistic')

  nc <- nchar(cstats)
  spaces <- substring("                                                        ",
                      1, (max(nc)-nc+1)/2)   # center strings
  dc <- dim(cstats)
  cstats <- paste0(spaces, cstats)
  dim(cstats) <- dc
  if(prn) {
    cnn <- format(nn)
    cnn[is.na(nn)] <- ''
    cstats <- cbind(cnn, cstats)
    gl <- c('N', gl)

  cstats <- rbind(gl, cstats)
  dimnames(cstats) <- list(c('',lab), NULL)
  cat("\n\nDescriptive Statistics",
        paste(" by",x$group.label)
        paste0("  (N=",x$N,")"),"\n\n", sep="")

    min.colwidth <- max(min(nchar(gl)),min(nc[nc>0]))

  print.char.matrix(cstats, col.names=FALSE,
                    col.txt.align='left', ...)

## Function to format subtable for categorical var, for method='reverse'
formatCats <- function(tab, nam, tr, type, group.freq,
                       what=c('%', 'proportion'),
                       npct, pctdig, exclude1, long, prtest,
                       lang='plain', testUsed=character(0),
                       npct.size='scriptsize', pdig=3, eps=.001,
                       footnoteTest=TRUE, dotchart=FALSE, mspecs=markupSpecs)
  what   <- match.arg(what)
  gnames <- names(group.freq)
  nr     <- nrow(tab)
  specs <- mspecs[[lang]]
  spc   <- specs$space
  sspc  <- if(lang == 'plain') '' else specs$sspace
  lspc  <- specs$lspace
  bold  <- specs$bold
  frac  <- specs$frac

  if(lang != 'latex' && ! is.function(npct.size))
    npct.size <- function(x) x
  else if(! is.function(npct.size)) {
    npctsize <- npct.size
    npct.size <- function(x) paste0('{\\', npctsize, ' ', x, '}')

  ## If there was a missing column of tab because e.g. the variable was
  ## always NA for one (or more) of the groups, add columns of NAs
  if(ncol(tab) < length(group.freq)) {
    tabfull <- matrix(NA, nrow=nr, ncol=length(group.freq),
                      dimnames=list(dimnames(tab)[[1]], gnames))
    tabfull[,dimnames(tab)[[2]]] <- tab
    tab <- tabfull

  denom <- if(type == 1) apply(tab, 2, sum)
           else group.freq
  pct <- if(ncol(tab) > 1) sweep(tab, 2, denom, FUN='/') else tab / denom
  pct <- pct * (if(what  == '%') 100 else 1)
  cpct <- paste0(format(round(pct, pctdig)),
                 if(lang == 'latex' && what == '%') '\\%'
                 else if(what == '%') "%")

  denom.rep <- matrix(rep(format(denom), nr), nrow=nr, byrow=TRUE)
  if(npct != 'none')
    cpct <-
                   numerator   = npct.size(paste0(' (', format(tab), ')')),
                   denominator = npct.size(paste0(' of ', denom.rep)),
                   both        = npct.size(paste0(frac(format(tab),
                   slash       = npct.size(paste0(spc, format(tab),
                                                  sspc, '/', sspc, denom.rep))
                   ) )
  if(lang == 'latex') cpct <- sedit(cpct, ' ', spc)

  dim(cpct) <- dim(pct)
  dimnames(cpct) <- dimnames(pct)
  cpct[is.na(pct)] <- ""
  lev <- dimnames(pct)[[1]]
  exc <- exclude1 && (nr == 2) && (type == 1)
  rl <- casefold(dimnames(pct)[[1]])
  binary <- type == 1 && exc &&
    (all(rl %in% c("0","1")) | all(rl %in% c("false","true")) |
     all(rl %in% c("absent","present")))
  if(binary) long <- FALSE
  jstart <- if(exc) 2 else 1
  nw <- if(lg <- length(group.freq)) lg else 1

  lab <- if(binary) nam
         else if(long) c(nam, paste(spc, spc, lev[jstart : nr]))
         else c(paste(nam, ':', lev[jstart]),
                if(nr > jstart) paste(lspc, lev[(jstart + 1) : nr]))
  cs <- matrix('', nrow=long + (if(exc) nr - 1
                                else nr),
               ncol = nw + (length(tr) > 0),
               dimnames = list(lab, c(gnames,
                                      if(length(tr)) ''
                                      else NULL)))

  if(nw == 1)
    cs[(long + 1) : nrow(cs), 1] <- cpct[jstart : nr, ]
    cs[(long + 1) : nrow(cs), 1 : nw] <- cpct[jstart : nrow(cpct), gnames]
  if(lang == 'latex' && dotchart && ncol(pct) <= 3) {
    locs <- c(3,-3,5,-5,7,-7,9,-9)
    points <- c("\\circle*{4}","\\circle{4}","\\drawline(0,2)(-1.414213562,-1)(1.414213562,-1)(0,2)")
    point.loc <-
             function(i) {
               paste(ifelse(is.na(pct[i,]), "",
                            paste0("\\put(", pct[i,], ",0){",

    error.loc <- character(nrow(tab) - exc)
    k <- 0
    for(i in jstart:ncol(tab)) {
      if(i > jstart) {
        p1prime <- (tab[,i] + 1)/(denom[i] + 2)
        d1 <- p1prime*(1-p1prime)/denom[i]
        for(j in jstart:(i-1)) {
          k <- k + 1
          p2prime <- (tab[,j] + 1)/(denom[j] + 2)
          error <- 196 * sqrt(d1 + p2prime * (1 - p2prime)/denom[j])
          bar <- ifelse(is.na(error), "",
                        paste0("\\put(", (pct[,i] + pct[,j])/2 - error, ",",
          error.loc <- paste0(error.loc, bar)

    scale <- character(nrow(tab) - exc)
    scale[1] <- "\\multiput(0,2)(25,0){5}{\\color[gray]{0.5}\\line(0,-1){4}}\\put(-5,0){\\makebox(0,0){\\tiny 0}}\\put(108,0){\\makebox(0,0){\\tiny 1}}"
    cl <- paste0("\\setlength\\unitlength{1in/100}\\begin{picture}(100,10)(0,-5)",
                point.loc, error.loc,
    cs[(long + 1) : nrow(cs), ncol(cs)] <- cl

  if(length(tr)) {
    ct <- formatTestStats(tr, type == 3,
                          if(type == 1) 1
                          else 1 : nr,
                          prtest, lang=lang, testUsed=testUsed,
                          pdig=pdig, eps=eps, footnoteTest=footnoteTest,

    if(length(ct) == 1)
      cs[1, ncol(cs)] <- ct
      cs[(long + 1) : nrow(cs), ncol(cs)] <- ct


## Function to format subtable for continuous var, for method='reverse'
formatCons <- function(stats, nam, tr, group.freq, prmsd, sep='/',
                       formatArgs=NULL, round=NULL, prtest,
                       lang='plain', testUsed=character(0),
                       middle.bold=FALSE, outer.size=NULL, msdsize=NULL,
                       brmsd=FALSE, pdig=3, eps=.001, footnoteTest=TRUE,
                       prob=c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), prN=FALSE, mspecs=markupSpecs)
  specs   <- mspecs[[lang]]
  spc     <- specs$space
  bold    <- if(middle.bold) specs$bold else function(x) x
  lspc    <- specs$lspace
  sup     <- specs$sup
  br      <- specs$br
  plminus <- specs$plminus
  math    <- specs$math

  if(lang == 'plain' || ! length(msdsize)) msdsize <- function(x) x
  if(! is.function(msdsize)) {
    Msdsize <- msdsize
    if(lang == 'latex')
      msdsize <- function(x) paste0('{\\', Msdsize, ' ', x, '}')
  if(lang == 'plain') outer.size <- function(x) x
  if(! is.function(outer.size)) {
    Outer.size <- outer.size
    outer.size <- function(x) paste0('{\\', Outer.size, ' ', x, '}')

  nw <- if(lg <- length(group.freq)) lg else 1

  ns <- dimnames(stats)[[2]]
  ns <- ifelse(ns %in% c('Mean','SD','N'), '-1', ns)
  ns <- as.numeric(ns)
  l  <- 1:length(ns)
  if(length(prob) == 3) {
    qs <- numeric(3)
    for(i in seq_along(qs)) {
      qs[i] <- l[abs(ns - prob[i]) < .001]
  } else {
    q1  <- l[abs(ns - .25) < .001]
    med <- l[abs(ns - .5 ) < .001]
    q3  <- l[abs(ns - .75) < .001]
    qs <- c(q1, med, q3)
  qu <- stats[,qs,drop=FALSE]
    qu <- cbind(qu, stats[, c('Mean', 'SD'), drop=FALSE])
  if(length(round) && round == 'auto') {
    r <- max(abs(stats[, colnames(stats) %nin% c('N', 'SD')]), na.rm=TRUE)
    round <- if(r == 0) 2
     else max(0, min(5, 3 - round(log10(r))))
  if(length(round)) qu <- round(qu, round)
  ww <- c(list(qu), formatArgs)
  cqu <- do.call('format', ww)
    cqu <- cbind(cqu,stats[,'N',drop=FALSE])
  cqu[is.na(qu)] <- ''
  if(lang != 'plain') {
    st <- character(nrow(cqu))
    names(st) <- dimnames(qu)[[1]]

    for(j in 1:nrow(cqu)) {
      st[j] <-
        paste0(outer.size(cqu[j, 1]),  ' ',
               bold(      cqu[j, 2]),  ' ',
               outer.size(cqu[j, 3]))

      if(prmsd) {
        z <- if(brmsd) paste0(br, msdsize(paste0(cqu[j, 4], spc,
                                                 plminus, spc, cqu[j, 5])))
             else paste0(spc, spc, msdsize(paste0('(', cqu[j, 4], spc,
                                                  plminus, cqu[j, 5], ')')))
        st[j] <- paste0(st[j], z)
        st[j] <-
          paste0(st[j], outer.size(paste0(spc, math(paste0('N=', cqu[j, ncol(cqu)])))))
  } else {
    if(prmsd) {
      st <- apply(cqu, 1,
            function(x,sep) paste(x[1], sep, x[2], sep,x[3], '  ',
                                   x[4], '+/-', x[5], sep=''), sep=sep)
    } else {
      st <- apply(cqu[,seq(3),drop=FALSE], 1, paste, collapse=sep)
    if(prN) {
      st <- setNames(sprintf("%s  N=%s", st, cqu[, ncol(cqu), drop=FALSE]),

  ### if(any(is.na(qu))) st <- ""   # Why was this here?

  if(nw == 1) yj <- st
  else {
    yj <- rep('', nw)
    names(yj) <- names(group.freq)
    yj[names(st)] <- st

  if(length(tr)) {
    ct <- formatTestStats(tr, prtest=prtest, lang=lang,
                          testUsed=testUsed, pdig=pdig, eps=eps,
                          footnoteTest=footnoteTest, mspecs=mspecs)
    yj <- c(yj, ct)
  matrix(yj, nrow=1, dimnames=list(nam,names(yj)))

formatTestStats <- function(tr, multchoice=FALSE,
                            i=if(multchoice) NA else 1,
                            prtest, lang='plain',
                            pdig=3, eps=.001,
                            plotmath=FALSE, footnoteTest=TRUE,

  ## tr=an element of testresults (created by summary.formula method='reverse')
  ## or summaryM

  if(any(i > 1) && ! multchoice) stop('logic error')
  ## was i > 1; length mismatch

  specs <- mspecs[[lang]]
  spc   <- specs$space
  sup   <- specs$sup
  math  <- specs$math
  pval     <- tr$P[i]
  teststat <- tr$stat[i]
  testname <- tr$testname

  if(any(is.na(pval)) || any(is.na(teststat))) {
    res <- rep('', length(pval))
    if(lang == 'latex' && length(testUsed))
      res <-
          rep(paste0(sup(match(testname, testUsed))), length(pval))
        else rep('', length(pval))

  ## Note: multchoice tests always have only one type of d.f.
  deg <- if(multchoice) tr$df[i] else tr$df
  dof <- if(multchoice) as.character(deg) else paste(deg, collapse=',')

  namefun <- specs[[tr$namefun]]  ## function for typesetting stat name
  statmarkup <-
    if(lang == 'latex') tr$latexstat
    else if(plotmath) tr$plotmathstat
    else tr$statname
  if(length(prtest) > 1 && 'stat' %in% prtest &&
     (lang != 'plain' || plotmath)) {
    if(plotmath) {
      ## replace "df" inside statmarkup with actual d.f.
      if(length(grep('df', statmarkup)))
        statmarkup <- sedit(statmarkup, 'df',
                          if(lang == 'latex' || length(deg) == 1) dof
                          else paste0('list(', dof, ')'))
    } else  statmarkup <- namefun(deg)
  pval <- format.pval(pval, digits=pdig, eps=eps)
  plt  <- substring(pval,1,1) == '<'
  if(any(plt) && lang == 'latex')
    pval <- sub('<', '\\\\textless ', pval)
  if(lang != 'plain') {
    if(length(prtest) == 1) 
               P    = pval,
               stat = format(round(teststat, 2)),
               df   = dof,
               name = statmarkup),
        if(footnoteTest && length(testUsed))
          paste0(sup(match(testname, testUsed)))) 
    else paste0(
           if('stat' %in% prtest)
             paste0(statmarkup, '=', format(round(teststat, 2))),
           if(all(c('stat', 'P') %in% prtest))
             (if(lang == 'html') ', ' else paste0(',', spc)),
           if('P' %in% prtest) paste0('P',ifelse(plt,'','='), pval),
           if(footnoteTest && length(testUsed))
             paste0(sup(match(testname, testUsed)))) 
  } else if(plotmath) {
    if(length(prtest) == 1)
                        P    = ifelse(plt, paste0('~', 'P', pval),
                                           paste0('~', 'P==', pval)),
                        stat = format(round(teststat, 2)),
                        dof  = format(dof),
                        name = statmarkup))
      parse(text=paste(if('stat' %in% prtest)
                       if(all(c('stat','P') %in% prtest)) ', ',
                       if('P' %in% prtest)paste0(ifelse(plt,'~P','~P=='),
  } else {
    if(length(prtest) == 1)
             P    = pval,
             stat = format(round(teststat, 2)),
             df   = dof,
             name = statmarkup)
      paste(if('stat' %in% prtest)
              paste0(statmarkup, '=', format(round(teststat, 2))),
            if('df' %in% prtest) paste0('d.f.=', dof),
            if('P' %in%  prtest) paste0('P', ifelse(plt,'','='), pval))

latex.summary.formula.reverse <- 
  function(object, title=first.word(deparse(substitute(object))),
           digits, prn = any(n != N), pctdig=0,
           what=c('%', 'proportion'),
           npct.size='scriptsize', Nsize='scriptsize',
           exclude1=TRUE,  vnames=c("labels","names"), prUnits=TRUE,
           middle.bold=FALSE, outer.size="scriptsize",
           caption, rowlabel="",
           insert.bottom=TRUE, dcolumn=FALSE, formatArgs=NULL, round=NULL,
           prtest=c('P','stat','df','name'), prmsd=FALSE, msdsize=NULL,
           long=dotchart, pdig=3, eps=.001, auxCol=NULL, dotchart=FALSE, ...)
  x      <- object
  npct   <- match.arg(npct)
  vnames <- match.arg(vnames)
  what   <- match.arg(what)
  if(is.logical(prtest) && ! prtest) prtest <- 'none'

  stats  <- x$stats
  nv     <- length(stats)
  cstats <- lab <- character(0)
  nn     <- integer(0)
  type   <- x$type
  n      <- x$n
  N      <- x$N
  nams   <- names(stats)
  labels <- x$labels
  Units  <- x$units
  nw     <- if(lg <- length(x$group.freq)) lg else 1
  gnames <- names(x$group.freq)
  test   <- x$testresults
  if(! length(test)) prtest <- 'none'
  mspecs <- markupSpecs

  gt1.test <-
    if(all(prtest == 'none'))
      length(unique(sapply(test, function(a)a$testname))) > 1

  if(!missing(digits)) {
	oldopt <- options('digits')

    caption <- paste0("Descriptive Statistics",
                       paste(" by",x$group.label)
                       paste0("  $(N=",x$N,")$"))
  bld <- if(middle.bold) '\\bf '
         else ''

  cstats <- NULL
  testUsed <- auxc <- character(0)

  for(i in 1:nv) {
      auxc <- c(auxc, auxCol[[1]][i])

    nn <- c(nn, n[i])
    nam <- if(vnames == "names") nams[i]
           else labels[i]

    if(prUnits && nchar(Units[i]) > 0)
      nam <- paste0(nam, '~\\hfill\\tiny{',
                    gsub('*',' ', Units[i], fixed=TRUE),'}')

    tr  <- if(length(test) && all(prtest != 'none')) test[[nams[i]]]
           else NULL

    if(length(test) && all(prtest != 'none'))
      testUsed <- unique(c(testUsed, tr$testname))

    if(type[i] %in% c(1, 3)) {
      cs <- formatCats(stats[[i]], nam, tr, type[i],
                       if(length(x$group.freq)) x$group.freq else x$n[i],
                       what, npct, pctdig, exclude1, long, prtest,
                       lang='latex', testUsed=testUsed,
                       pdig=pdig, eps=eps,
                       footnoteTest=gt1.test, dotchart=dotchart, mspecs=mspecs)
      nn <- c(nn, rep(NA, nrow(cs)-1))
    } else cs <- formatCons(stats[[i]], nam, tr, x$group.freq, prmsd,
                            prtest=prtest, formatArgs=formatArgs, round=round,
                            lang='latex', testUsed=testUsed,
                            outer.size=outer.size, msdsize=msdsize,
                            pdig=pdig, eps=eps, footnoteTest=gt1.test,

    cstats <- rbind(cstats, cs)
    if(length(auxc) && nrow(cstats) > 1)
      auxc <- c(auxc, rep(NA, nrow(cs)-1))

  lab <- dimnames(cstats)[[1]]
  gl <- names(x$group.freq)
    gl <- " "

  lab <- latexTranslate(lab, c(" "), c("~"), greek=TRUE)
  gl  <- latexTranslate(gl, greek=TRUE)
  extracolheads <-
    if(any(gl != " "))
      c(if(prn)'', paste0('$N=', x$group.freq, '$'))
    else NULL # 21jan03

  if(length(test) && !all(prtest == 'none')) {
    gl <- c(gl,
            if(length(prtest) == 1 && prtest != 'stat')
              if(prtest == 'P') 'P-value'
              else prtest
            else 'Test Statistic')

    if(length(extracolheads)) extracolheads <- c(extracolheads,'') # 21jan03

  dimnames(cstats) <- list(NULL,gl) 
  cstats <- data.frame(cstats, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  col.just <- rep("c",length(gl))
  if(dcolumn && all(prtest != 'none') &&
     gl[length(gl)] %in% c('P-value','Test Statistic'))
    col.just[length(col.just)] <- '.'

  if(prn) {
    cstats <- data.frame(N=nn, cstats, check.names=FALSE,
    col.just <- c("r",col.just)

    legend <- NULL
  else {
    legend <- character()
    if(any(type == 2)) {
      legend <- paste0("\\noindent {\\", outer.size, " $a$\\ }{", bld,
                      "$b$\\ }{\\", outer.size,
                      " $c$\\ } represent the lower quartile $a$, the median $b$, and the upper quartile $c$\\ for continuous variables.",
                      if(prmsd) '~~$x\\pm s$ represents $\\bar{X}\\pm 1$ SD.'
                      else '')
    if(prn) {
      legend <- c(legend, '$N$', '~is the number of non--missing values.')

    if(any(type == 1) && npct == 'numerator') {
      legend <- c(legend, 'Numbers after percents are frequencies.')
      legend <-c(legend,
                 if(length(testUsed) == 1)'\\noindent Test used:'
                 else '\\indent Tests used:',
                 if(length(testUsed) == 1) paste(testUsed,'test')
                 else paste(paste0('\\textsuperscript{\\normalfont ',
                                  ' test'),collapse='; '))


  if(length(auxc)) {
    if(length(auxc) != nrow(cstats))
      stop(paste0('length of auxCol (',length(auxCol[[1]]),
                  ') is not equal to number or variables in table (',
    auxcc <- format(auxc)
    auxcc[is.na(auxc)] <- ''
    cstats <- cbind(auxcc, cstats)
    nax <- names(auxCol)
    heads <- get2rowHeads(nax)
    names(cstats)[1] <- heads[[1]]
    if(length(col.just)) col.just <- c('r', col.just)
    if(length(extracolheads)) extracolheads <- c(heads[2], extracolheads)
  resp <- latex.default(cstats, title=title, caption=caption, rowlabel=rowlabel,
                        col.just=col.just, numeric.dollar=FALSE, 
                        insert.bottom=legend,  rowname=lab, dcolumn=dcolumn,
                        extracolheads=extracolheads, extracolsize=Nsize,

    resp$style <- unique(c(resp$style, 'calc', 'epic', 'color'))

print.summary.formula.cross <- function(x, twoway=nvar == 2, 
                                        prnmiss=any(stats$Missing>0), prn=TRUE,
                                        min.colwidth, formatArgs=NULL,
  stats <- x
  a <- attributes(stats)
  attr(stats,'class') <- NULL
  ylab <- attr(stats$S,"label")
  nvar <- length(a$Levels)
  vnames <- names(a$Levels)
  nam <- c(vnames, if(prn)"N", if(prnmiss) "Missing", "S")
  stats <- stats[nam]
  S <- stats$S
  ars <- length(dim(S))   # may always be TRUE
  attr(stats,"row.names") <- rep("",length(a$row.names))
  if(twoway && nvar == 2) {
    V <- stats[[vnames[1]]]
    H <- stats[[vnames[2]]]
    v <- levels(V)
    h <- levels(H)
    z <- dimnames(stats$S)[[2]]
      z <- ylab

    z <- c(if(prn)"N",
           z)  # 5Oct00
    header <- matrix(paste(z,collapse="\n"),1,1)
    print.char.matrix(header, col.names=FALSE)

    d <- c(length(v),length(h),length(z))
    st <- array(NA, dim=d, dimnames=list(v,h,z))
    cstats <- array("", dim=d, dimnames=list(v,h,z))
    for(i in 1:length(V)) {
      j <- V == V[i,drop=FALSE] & H == H[i,drop=FALSE]
      st[V[i,drop=FALSE],H[i,drop=FALSE],] <-
          else S[j])

    for(k in 1:d[3]) {
      ww <- c(list(st[,,k]), formatArgs)
      cstats[,,k] <- ifelse(is.na(st[,,k]),"",do.call('format',ww))
    dimn <- dimnames(cstats)[1:2]
    names(dimn) <- vnames
    cstats2 <- matrix("", nrow=d[1], ncol=d[2], dimnames=dimn)
    for(i in 1:d[1]) {
      for(j in 1:d[2]) {
        cstats2[i,j] <- paste(cstats[i,j,], collapse="\n")
      min.colwidth <- 

    return(invisible(print.char.matrix(cstats2, col.names=TRUE, ...)))

  ##print.data.frame messes up matrix names (here prefixing by S)
  if(ars) {
    stats$S <- NULL
    snam <- dimnames(S)[[2]]
    for(i in 1:ncol(S))
      stats[[snam[i]]] <- S[,i]
  } else names(stats)[length(stats)] <- ylab
  stats <- as.data.frame(stats, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  invisible(print(stats, ...))

latex.summary.formula.cross <-
           twoway=nvar == 2,
           prnmiss=TRUE, prn=TRUE,
           caption=attr(object,"heading"), vnames=c('labels','names'),
           rowlabel="", ...)
  stats <- object
  vnames <- match.arg(vnames)
  ul <- vnames == 'labels'

  stats <- unclass(stats)
  a <- attributes(stats)
  ylab <- attr(stats$S,"label")
  nvar <- length(a$Levels)
  nam <- c(names(a$Levels),
  ##Force lazy evaluation since stats about to change
  caption <- caption;
  title <- title
  stats <- stats[nam]
  S <- stats$S
  ars <- length(dim(S))
  inn <- c('cbind','c(','ALL',  'NA')
  out <- c('',     '(' ,'Total','Missing')
  caption <- latexTranslate(caption, inn, out, pb=TRUE, greek=TRUE)

    rowlab <-

  rvar <- stats[[1]]
  cvar <- stats[[2]]
  lev1 <- levels(rvar)
  lev2 <- levels(cvar)
  if(!twoway) {
    for(i in 1:nvar)
      stats[[i]] <- latexTranslate(as.character(stats[[i]]),inn,

    if(ars) {
      stats$S <- NULL
      snam <- latexTranslate(dimnames(S)[[2]],inn,out,pb=TRUE,greek=TRUE)
      for(i in 1:ncol(S))
        stats[[snam[i]]] <- S[,i]
    } else names(stats)[length(stats)] <- ylab

    stats <- structure(stats, row.names=rep("",length(stats$N)),
    if(hasArg("col.just")) {
      return(latex(stats, title=title, caption=caption, rowlabel=rowlabel, ...))
    } else return(latex(stats, title=title, caption=caption, rowlabel=rowlabel, 
                        col.just=c("l","l",rep("r",length(stats)-2)), ...))

  S <- cbind(N=if(prn)stats$N,
             Missing=if(prnmiss && any(stats$Missing)) stats$Missing,  #5Oct00
  nr <- length(lev1)
  nc <- length(lev2)
  ns <- ncol(S)
  snam <- dimnames(S)[[2]]
  snam <- latexTranslate(snam, inn, out, pb=TRUE,greek=TRUE)
  dn <-
    if(ns > 1)
      rep(snam, nc)
      latexTranslate(lev2,inn,out,pb=TRUE,greek=TRUE) # 5Oct00

  st <- matrix(NA, nrow=nr, ncol=nc*ns, dimnames=list(NULL,dn))
  for(i in 1:nr) {
    l <- 0
    for(j in 1:nc) {
      w <- rvar == lev1[i] & cvar == lev2[j]
        for(k in 1:ns) {
          l <- l+1
          st[i,l] <- S[w,k]

  latex(st, title=title, caption=caption, 
        rowlabel=if(rowlabel == '') rowlab else rowlabel,
        n.cgroup=if(ns>1) rep(ns,nc),  # ns>1 5Oct00
        cgroup  =if(ns>1) latexTranslate(lev2,inn,out,pb=TRUE,greek=TRUE),
        rowname=latexTranslate(lev1,inn,out,pb=TRUE,greek=TRUE), ...)

##stratify is a modification of Therneau's survival4 strata function
##Saves label attributute and defaults shortlabel to T
stratify <- function(..., na.group = FALSE, shortlabel = TRUE)
  words <- as.list((match.call())[-1])
    words$na.group <- NULL

    words$shortlabel <- NULL

  allf <- list(...)
  if(length(allf) == 1 && is.list(ttt <- unclass(allf[[1]]))) {
    allf <- ttt
    words <- names(ttt)
  xlab <- sapply(allf, function(x){lab <- valueLabel(x); if(is.null(lab)) NA else lab})
  xname <- sapply(allf, function(x){name <- valueName(x); if(is.null(name)) NA else name})

  xname <- ifelse(is.na(xname), words, xname)
  xlab <- paste(ifelse(is.na(xlab), xname, xlab), collapse=' and ')
  xname <- paste(xname, collapse = ' and ')

  nterms <- length(allf)
  what <- allf[[1]]
    what <- factor(what)

  levs <- unclass(what) - 1
  wlab <- levels(what)
  if(na.group && any(is.na(what))) {
    levs[is.na(levs)] <- length(wlab)
    wlab <- c(wlab, "NA")

    labs <- wlab
  else labs <- paste(words[1], wlab, sep = "=")

  for(i in (1:nterms)[-1]) {
    what <- allf[[i]]
      what <- factor(what)

    wlab <- levels(what)
    wlev <- unclass(what) - 1
    if(na.group && any(is.na(wlev))) {
      wlev[is.na(wlev)] <- length(wlab)
      wlab <- c(wlab, "NA")

      wlab <- format(paste(words[i], wlab, sep = "="))

    levs <- wlev + levs * (length(wlab))
    labs <- paste(rep(labs, rep(length(wlab), length(labs))),
                  rep(wlab, length(labs)), sep = ", ")

  levs <- levs + 1
  ulevs <- sort(unique(levs[!is.na(levs)]))
  levs <- match(levs, ulevs)
  labs <- labs[ulevs]
  levels(levs) <- labs
  class(levs) <- "factor"

    valueLabel(levs) <- xlab   #FEH 2Jun95

    valueName(levs) <- xname

'[.summary.formula.response' <- function(x,i,j,drop=FALSE)
  at <- attributes(x)
  at$dim <- at$dimnames <- NULL

  if(!missing(j)) {
    x <- unclass(x)[,j,drop=FALSE]
    at$ycolname <- at$ycolname[j]
    attributes(x) <- c(attributes(x), at)


  if(is.character(i)) {
    vn <- at$vname[at$vname != '']
    k <- match(i, vn, nomatch=0)
    if(any(k == 0))
      stop(paste('requested variables not in object:',
                 paste(i[k == 0],collapse=' ')))

    i <- k

  j <- integer(0)
  nl <- at$nlevels
  is <- 1
  for(m in 1:length(nl)) {
    ie <- is+nl[m]-1
    if(any(i == m))
      j <- c(j,is:ie)

    is <- ie+1

  at$vname   <- at$vname[j]
  at$vlabel  <- at$vlabel[j]
  at$nlevels <- at$nlevels[i]
  at$labels  <- at$labels[i]

  x <- unclass(x)[j,,drop=FALSE]
  attributes(x) <- c(attributes(x), at)

cumcategory <- function(y)
    y <- factor(y)

  lev <- levels(y)
  y <- unclass(y)
  Y <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(y), ncol=length(lev)-1,
              dimnames=list(NULL, paste0('>=', lev[-1])))
  storage.mode(Y) <- 'integer'
  for(i in 2:length(lev))
    Y[,i-1] <- 1*(y >= i)


summarize <- function(X, by, FUN, ..., 
                      type=c('variables','matrix'), subset=TRUE,
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(missing(stat.name) && length(stat.name) > 1) stat.name <- 'X'

  if(!is.list(by)) {
    nameby <- deparse(substitute(by))
    bylabel <- label(by)
    by <- list(by[subset])
    names(by) <- if(length(nameby) == 1) nameby
                 else 'by'
  } else {
    bylabel <- sapply(by, label)
      by <- lapply(by, function(y, subset) y[subset],

  nby <- length(by)
  bylabel <- ifelse(bylabel == '', names(by), bylabel)
  typical.computation <- FUN(X, ...)
  nc <- length(typical.computation)
  xlabel <- deparse(substitute(X))
  if(length(xlabel) != 1) xlabel <- 'X'
  if(length(xlab <- attr(X,'label'))) xlabel <- xlab

    X <- if(is.matrix(X)) X[subset,,drop=FALSE]
         else X[subset]

  byc <- do.call('paste', c(by, sep='|'))

  ## split does not handle matrices
  ##  msplit <- function(x, group) {
  ##    if(is.matrix(x)) {
  ##      group <- as.factor(group)
  ##      l <- levels(group)
  ##      res <- vector('list', length(l))
  ##      names(res) <- l
  ##      for(j in l) res[[j]] <- x[group==j,,drop=FALSE]
  ##      res
  ##    } else split(x, group)
  ##  }
  ## Following was streamlined 10oct02 using the new mApply
  ##  if(nc==1) r <- sapply(msplit(X, byc), FUN, ..., simplify=TRUE) else {
  ##    r <- sapply(msplit(X, byc), FUN, ..., simplify=TRUE)
  ##    r <- matrix(unlist(r), nrow=nc, dimnames=dimnames(r))
  ## 2Mar00: added unlist because sapply was creating an array of
  ## lists in S+2000
  ##  }

  r <- mApply(X, byc, FUN, ..., keepmatrix=nc > 1)
  rdimn <- dimnames(r)[[1]]
  ## someday can use unpaste defined in Misc.s
  ans <- strsplit(if(nc == 1) names(r) else rdimn, '\\|')
  ans <- sapply(ans, function(x)if(length(x)) x else '')
  ## strsplit returns list "transpose" of unpaste
  bb <- matrix(unlist(ans), nrow=nby)
  ans <- vector('list', nby)
  for(jj in 1:nby) ans[[jj]] <- bb[jj,]

  names(ans) <- names(by)
  if(nc>1 && (nc != ncol(r))) stop('program logic error')
  snames <- names(typical.computation)
  if(! length(snames)) snames <- paste0(stat.name, 1 : nc)

  if(! keepcolnames) {
    if(length(stat.name) == 1) snames[1] <- stat.name
    else if(length(stat.name))    snames <- stat.name
  oldopt <- options('warn')
  options(warn = -1)
  notna <- rep(TRUE, length(ans[[1]]))
  for(i in 1:length(by)) {
    byi  <- by[[i]]
    ansi <- ans[[i]]
    if(is.factor(byi)) {
        stop('program logic error:ansi not character')
      ansi <- factor(ansi, levels(byi))
    else if(is.numeric(byi))
      ansi <- as.numeric(ansi)
    names(ansi) <- NULL
    label(ansi) <- bylabel[i]
    ans[[i]]    <- ansi
    notna       <- notna & !is.na(ansi)

  if(type == 'matrix' || nc == 1) {
    ans[[stat.name]] <-
      if(nc == 1)
        structure(r, names=NULL)
        structure(r, dimnames=list(NULL, snames), names=NULL)

    label(ans[[stat.name]]) <- xlabel
  } else {
    snames <- make.names(snames)
    for(i in 1:length(snames)) {
      ans[[snames[i]]] <- structure(r[, i], names=NULL)
      label(ans[[snames[i]]]) <- xlabel

  notna <- notna & !is.na(if(nc == 1) r
                          else (r %*% rep(1,nc)))
  ans <- structure(ans, class='data.frame', 
                   row.names=1 : length(ans[[1]]))
  ## removed [notna,] from end of above line; not sure why this was needed
  iorder <- do.call('order', structure(unclass(ans)[1 : nby], names=NULL))
  ## order can bomb if data frame given (preserves names)

##Following code is based on tapply instead
if(FALSE) {
  r <- as.array(tapply(x, by, FUN, ...))
  dn <- dimnames(r)
  wrn <- .Options$warn
  .Options$warn <- -1
  for(i in 1:length(by)) {
    byi <- by[[i]]
    if(is.numeric(byi) && !is.factor(byi)) dn[[i]] <- as.numeric(dn[[i]])
  .Options$warn <- wrn
  names(dn) <- names(by)
  ans <- expand.grid(dn)

  typical.computation <- FUN(x, ...)
  nc <- length(typical.computation)
  snames <- names(typical.computation)
  if(length(snames)) snames <- paste(stat.name, snames) else
  snames <- if(nc == 1) stat.name else paste(stat.name, 1 : nc)
  for(i in 1 : length(r)) if(!length(r[[i]])) r[[i]] <- rep(NA, nc)
  ## unlist will skip positions where calculations not done (NULLs)
  S <- matrix(unlist(r), ncol=length(snames), 
              dimnames=list(NULL, snames), byrow=TRUE)
  if(type == 'matrix') {
    ans$S <- S
    if(stat.name != 'S') names(ans)[length(ans)] <- stat.name
  } else ans <- cbind(ans, S)

smean.cl.normal <- function(x, mult=qt((1+conf.int)/2,n-1),
                            conf.int=.95, na.rm=TRUE)
  if(na.rm) x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  n <- length(x)
  if(n < 2)
  xbar <- sum(x)/n
  se <- sqrt(sum((x - xbar)^2) / n / (n-1))
  c(Mean=xbar, Lower=xbar - mult*se, Upper=xbar + mult*se)

smean.sd <- function(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  n <- length(x)
  if(n == 0)
    return(c(Mean=NA, SD=NA))
  xbar <- sum(x)/n
  sd <- sqrt(sum((x - xbar)^2)/(n-1))
  c(Mean=xbar, SD=sd)

smean.sdl <- function(x, mult=2, na.rm=TRUE)
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  n <- length(x)
  if(n == 0)
    return(c(Mean=NA, Lower=NA, Upper=NA))
  xbar <- sum(x)/n
  sd <- sqrt(sum((x - xbar)^2)/(n-1))
  c(Mean=xbar, Lower=xbar - mult * sd, Upper=xbar + mult * sd)

#S-Plus gives a parse error for R's .Internal()
#Might try not using an else to see if S still parses
smean.cl.boot <- function(x, conf.int=0.95, B=1000, na.rm=TRUE, reps=FALSE) {
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]

  n <- length(x)
  xbar <- mean(x)

  if(n < 2L)
    return(c(Mean=xbar, Lower=NA, Upper=NA))
  z <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(B), function(i, x, N) sum(x[sample.int(N, N, TRUE, NULL)]),
                     x=x, N=n)) / n
  quant <- quantile(z, c((1 - conf.int)/2, (1 + conf.int)/2))
  names(quant) <- NULL
  res <- c(Mean=xbar, Lower=quant[1L], Upper=quant[2L])
    attr(res, "reps") <- z

smedian.hilow <- function(x, conf.int=.95, na.rm=TRUE)
  quant <- quantile(x, probs=c(.5,(1-conf.int)/2,(1+conf.int)/2), na.rm=na.rm)
  names(quant) <- c('Median','Lower','Upper')

asNumericMatrix <- function(x)
  a <- attributes(x)
  k <- length(a$names)
  at <- vector('list', k); names(at) <- a$names
  for(i in 1:k) {
    xi <- x[[i]]
    type <- storage.mode(xi)
    A <- attributes(xi)
    if(type == 'character') {
      xi <- factor(xi)
      A <- c(A, attributes(xi))
      x[[i]] <- xi
    A$dim <- A$names <- A$dimnames <- NULL
    A$.type. <- type
    at[[i]] <- A
  resp <- matrix(unlist(x), ncol=k,
                 dimnames=list(a$row.names, a$names))
  attr(resp, 'origAttributes') <- at

matrix2dataFrame <- function(x, at=attr(x, 'origAttributes'), restoreAll=TRUE)
  d   <- dimnames(x)
  k   <- length(d[[2]])
  w   <- vector('list',k)
  nam <- names(w) <- d[[2]]

  for(i in 1 : k) {
    a    <- at[[nam[i]]]
    type <- a$.type.
    a$.type. <- NULL

    xi <- x[, i]
    names(xi) <- NULL
    lev <- a$levels
    if(restoreAll) {
      if(type == 'character') {
        xi <- as.character(factor(xi, 1 : length(lev), lev))
        a$levels <- NULL
        if(length(a$class)) a$class <- setdiff(a$class, 'factor')
      storage.mode(xi) <- type
      ## R won't let something be assigned class factor by brute
      ## force unless it's an integer object
      attributes(xi) <- a
    } else {
      if(length(l   <- a$label)) label(xi) <- l
      if(length(u   <- a$units)) units(xi) <- u
      if(length(lev)) {
        xi <- factor(xi, 1 : length(lev), lev)
        if(type == 'character') xi <- as.character(xi)
    w[[i]] <- xi
  rn <- d[[1]]
  if(! length(rn)) rn <- as.character(seq(along=xi))
  structure(w, class='data.frame', row.names=rn)

stripChart <- function(x, xlim, xlab='', pch=1,
                       cex.labels=par('cex'), cex.points=.5,
  if(grid) sRequire('lattice')
  groups <- names(x)
    xlim <- range(unlist(x),na.rm=TRUE)
  i <- integer(0)

  if(grid) {
    lines    <- lattice::llines
    points   <- lattice::lpoints
    segments <- lattice::lsegments

  mai <- omai <- par('mai')
  mxlab <- .3+max(strwidth(groups, units='inches', cex=cex.labels))
  mai[2] <- mxlab
  par(mai=mai, new=TRUE)
  plot(xlim, c(.5,length(groups)+.5), xlim=xlim, xlab='', ylab='',
       axes=FALSE, type='n')
  mgp.axis(1, axistitle=xlab)

  mtext(paste(groups,''), 2, 0, at=length(groups):1,
        adj=1, las=1, cex=cex.labels)

  y <- 0
  abline(h = 1:length(groups), lty = 1, lwd=1, col=lcolor)

  for(Y in length(groups):1) {
    y <- y + 1
    X <- x[[y]]
      points(X, rep(Y, length(X)), pch=pch)

conTestkw <- function(group,x) {
  st <- spearman2(group,x)
  list(P            = st['P'],
       stat         = st['F'],
       df           = st[c('df1','df2')],
       testname     = if(st['df1'] == 1) 'Wilcoxon' else 'Kruskal-Wallis',
       statname     = 'F',
       namefun      = 'fstat',
       latexstat    = 'F_{df}',
       plotmathstat = 'F[df]')
catTestchisq=function(tab) {
  st <-
    if(!is.matrix(tab) || nrow(tab) < 2 || ncol(tab) < 2)
      list(p.value=NA, statistic=NA, parameter=NA)
    else {
      rowcounts <- tab %*% rep(1, ncol(tab))
      tab <- tab[rowcounts > 0,]
        list(p.value=NA, statistic=NA, parameter=NA)
      else chisq.test(tab, correct=FALSE)
  list(P            = st$p.value,
       stat         = st$statistic,
       df           = st$parameter,
       testname     = 'Pearson',
       statname     = 'Chi-square',
       namefun      = 'chisq',
       latexstat    = '\\chi^{2}_{df}',
       plotmathstat = 'chi[df]^2')
ordTestpo=function(group, x) {
  if (!requireNamespace("rms", quietly = TRUE))
    stop("This function requires the 'rms' package.")
  f <- rms::lrm(x ~ group)$stats
  list(P            = f['P'],
       stat         = f['Model L.R.'],
       df           = f['d.f.'],
       testname     = 'Proportional odds likelihood ratio',
       statname     = 'Chi-square',
       namefun      = 'chisq',
       latexstat    = '\\chi^{2}_{df}',
       plotmathstat = 'chi[df]^2')
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.