
Defines functions medvpl mbarclpl medvPanel mbarclPanel plotp.summaryS plot.summaryS summaryS

Documented in mbarclPanel mbarclpl medvPanel medvpl plotp.summaryS plot.summaryS summaryS

summaryS <- function(formula, fun=NULL,
                     data=NULL, subset=NULL, na.action=na.retain,
                     ...) {
  formula <- Formula::Formula(formula)

  Y <- if(length(subset))
    model.frame(formula, data=data, subset=subset, na.action=na.action)
    model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.action)
  X <- Formula::model.part(formula, data=Y, rhs=1)
  Y <- Formula::model.part(formula, data=Y, lhs=1)

  nY <- NCOL(Y)
  nX <- NCOL(X)
  namY <- names(Y)
  namX <- names(X)
  if(nX == 0) X <- data.frame(x=rep(1, NROW(Y)))
  ux <- unique(X)
  Z <- NULL
  n <- nrow(X)
  g <- function(y) {
    y <- y[! is.na(y)]
    if(is.character(y)) c(NA, NA)
    else if(is.factor(y)) c(1, length(levels(y)))
    else if(length(unique(y)) < continuous) range(y)
    else if(! is.matrix(y)) quantile(y, c(0.01, 0.99))
  ylim <- lapply(Y, g)

  w <- reshape(cbind(X, Y), direction='long', v.names='y',
               varying=namY, times=namY, timevar='yvar')

  if(inherits(Y[[1]], 'Surv')) {
    at <- attributes(Y[[1]])
    at <- at[setdiff(names(at), c('dim', 'dimnames'))]
    attributes(w$y) <- c(attributes(w$y), at)
  w$yvar <- factor(w$yvar, namY)
  funlabel <- NULL
  if(length(fun)) {
    by <- c('yvar', if(length(namX)) namX else 'x')
    y <- w$y
    w <- summarize(y, w[by], fun, type='matrix', keepcolnames=TRUE)
    funlabel <- if(is.matrix(w$y)) colnames(w$y)[1]
  gg <- function(x) if(is.character(x) || is.factor(x))
                      'categorical' else 'numeric'
  ## For some reason sapply is doubling names e.g. sbp.sbp
  sapply2 <- function(data, ...) {
    s <- sapply(data, ...)
    names(s) <- names(data)
  xlabels <- sapply2(X, label)
  xlabels <- ifelse(xlabels == '', names(xlabels), xlabels)
  ylabels <- sapply2(Y, label)
  ylabels <- ifelse(ylabels == '', names(ylabels), ylabels)

  for(n in names(w))  # takes care of R change stringsAsFactors=FALSE
    if(is.character(w[[n]])) w[[n]] <- factor(w[[n]])

  structure(w, class=c('summaryS', 'data.frame'),
            formula=formula, fun=fun,
            xnames=names(X), xlabels=xlabels, xunits=sapply2(X, units),
            xtype=sapply(X, gg),
            ynames=namY, ylabels=ylabels, yunits=sapply2(Y, units),
            ylim=ylim, funlabel=funlabel)

plot.summaryS <-
  function(x, formula=NULL, groups=NULL, panel=NULL,
           paneldoesgroups=FALSE, datadensity=NULL, ylab='',
           funlabel=NULL, textonly='n', textplot=NULL, digits=3, custom=NULL,
           xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, cex.strip=1, cex.values=0.5, pch.stats=NULL,
             x=.75, y=-.04, cex=.9,
           outerlabels=TRUE, autoarrange=TRUE, scat1d.opts=NULL, ...)
  xtype <- attr(x, 'xtype')
  nn    <- sum(xtype == 'numeric')
  if(nn > 1) stop('does not handle more than one numeric continuous x')
  X       <- x
  at      <- attributes(x)
  Form    <- at$formula
  nX      <- at$nX
  nY      <- at$nY
  ylabels <- at$ylabels
  yunits  <- at$yunits
  ylims   <- at$ylim
  xnames  <- at$xnames
  xlabels <- at$xlabels
  xunits  <- at$xunits
  fun     <- at$fun
  funlabel <- if(length(at$funlabel)) at$funlabel else funlabel
  Panel    <- panel

  ptype <- if(length(fun)) {  # used to always be 'dot'
    if(length(Panel)) 'xy.special' else 'dot'
  } else 'xy'
  if(ptype %in% c('xy', 'xy.special') && ! any(xtype == 'numeric'))
    stop('must have a numeric x variable to make x-y plot')

  groupslevels <- if(length(groups)) levels(x[[groups]])
  condvar <- xnames[xtype == 'categorical']
  ## Reorder condvar in descending order of number of levels
  numu <- function(x)
    if(is.factor(x)) length(levels(x))
      length(unique(x[! is.na(x)]))

  if(autoarrange && length(condvar) > 1) {
    nlev <- sapply(X[condvar], numu)
    condvar <- condvar[order(nlev)]
  form <- if(length(formula)) formula
  else {
    ## Non-groups conditioning variables
    ngcond <- setdiff(condvar, groups)
    ## Collapsed non-group conditioning variables
    ccv <- paste('|', paste(c(ngcond, 'yvar'), collapse=' * '))
    ## Collapsed non-group cond var after the first
    ccv1 <- if(length(ngcond) > 1)
      paste('|', paste(c(ngcond[-1], 'yvar'), collapse=' * '))
    f <- if(ptype %in% c('xy', 'xy.special'))
      paste('y ~', xnames[xtype == 'numeric'], ccv, sep='')
      else paste(ngcond[1], '~ y', ccv1, sep='')

  pst <- list(cex=cex.strip)
  yvarlev <- NULL
   for(v in levels(X$yvar)) {
    un <- yunits[v]
    l <- if(ylabels[v] == v && un == '') v else
         labelPlotmath(ylabels[v], un)
    yvarlev <- c(yvarlev, l)
  strip <- function(which.given, which.panel, var.name, factor.levels, ...) {
    current.var <- var.name[which.given]
    levs <- if(current.var == 'yvar') yvarlev else factor.levels
    lattice::strip.default(which.given, which.panel, var.name,
                           factor.levels=levs, ...)

  ylev <- levels(X$yvar)
  ## lims <- if(length(xlim)) xlim else ylims[ylev]
  lims <- ylims[ylev]
  ## lims needs to be repeated according to layout
  vars <- all.vars(form)
  cond <- vars[- (1 : 2)]
  if(! all(cond %in% 'yvar') && cond[1] != 'yvar') {
    ngny <- setdiff(cond, 'yvar')
    nr <- length(unique(do.call('paste', X[ngny])))
    lims <- rep(lims, each=nr)
  if(length(ylim)) lims <- ylim
  d <- if(ptype == 'xy') {
    pan <- if(! length(datadensity)) function(...) {}
      function(x, y, subscripts, groups=NULL, ...) {
        gp <- length(groups)
        plot.line <-
          lattice::trellis.par.get(if(gp) "superpose.line" else "plot.line")
        col <- plot.line$col
        gr <- if(gp) groups[subscripts] else factor(rep('', length(x)))
        ypos <- unit(1, 'npc')
        for(i in 1:length(levels(gr))) {
          j <- which(gr == levels(gr)[i])
          ypos <- ypos -
            if(length(scat1d.opts) && 'nhistSpike' %in% names(scat1d.opts))
              unit(2, 'mm') else unit(1, 'mm')
          do.call('scat1d', c(list(x=x[j], y=ypos, col=col[i], grid=TRUE),
    scal <-  list(y=list(relation='free', limits=lims, rot=0))
    if(length(xlim)) scal$x <- list(limits=xlim)

    xlab <- labelPlotmath(xlabels[xtype == 'numeric'],
                          xunits [xtype == 'numeric'])
    if(! length(groups)) {
      if(! length(Panel)) Panel <- lattice::panel.xyplot
      lattice::xyplot(form, data=X, 
             panel=function(...) {Panel(...); pan(...)},
             xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, scales=scal, strip=strip,
             par.strip.text=pst, ...)
    } else {
      panel.groups <- if(paneldoesgroups) NULL else
       if(length(Panel)) Panel else lattice::panel.xyplot
      if(! paneldoesgroups) Panel <- lattice::panel.superpose
      g <- if(length(panel.groups))
        "lattice::xyplot(form, groups=%s, data=X, scales=scal, panel=function(...) {if(length(Panel)) Panel(..., scat1d.opts=scat1d.opts); pan(...)}, panel.groups=panel.groups, auto.key=key, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, strip=strip, par.strip.text=pst, ...)"
        "lattice::xyplot(form, groups=%s, data=X, scales=scal, panel=function(...) {if(length(Panel)) Panel(..., scat1d.opts=scat1d.opts); pan(...)}, auto.key=key, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, strip=strip, par.strip.text=pst, ...)"
      eval(parse(text=sprintf(g, groups)))
 } else {  # Dot chart or xy.special
   ## If > 1 calculated statistics, y is a matrix.
   ## Save first column as y and save remaining columns that are not
   ## text only as yother
   y      <- X$y
   yother <- NULL
   yText  <- NULL
   if(is.matrix(y) && length(c(textonly, textplot))) {
     ptext <- colnames(y) %in% c(textonly, textplot)
     if(any(ptext)) yText <- y[, ptext, drop=FALSE]
     ponly <- colnames(y) %in% textonly
     if(any(ponly)) y     <- y[, ! ponly]
   if(is.matrix(y) && ncol(y) > 1) {
     yother <- y[, -1, drop=FALSE]
     X$y    <- y[, 1]
   # ylev <- levels(X$yvar)
   # lims <- if(length(xlim)) xlim else ylims[ylev]
   # ## lims needs to be repeated according to layout
   # vars <- all.vars(form)
   # cond <- vars[- (1 : 2)]
   # if(! all(cond %in% 'yvar') && cond[1] != 'yvar') {
   #   ngny <- setdiff(cond, 'yvar')
   #   nr <- length(unique(do.call('paste', X[ngny])))
   #   lims <- rep(lims, each=nr)
   # }
   # if(length(ylim)) lims <- ylim
   scal <-  list(x=list(relation='free', limits=xlim))   # limits=lims))
   if(ptype == 'xy.special') names(scal) <- 'y'

   if(ptype == 'dot') {
     pan <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups=NULL, yother=NULL,...) {
       gp <- length(groups)
       dot.symbol <-
         lattice::trellis.par.get(if(gp)'superpose.symbol'  else 'dot.symbol')
       plot.line <-
         lattice::trellis.par.get(if(gp) "superpose.line" else "plot.line")
       pch  = dot.symbol$pch
       col  = dot.symbol$col
       cex  = dot.symbol$cex
       font = dot.symbol$font
       segmnts <- function (x0, y0, x1, y1, ...) 
         grid::grid.segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, default.units = "native",
                       gp = grid::gpar(...))
       if(length(yother)) {
         snames <- colnames(yother)
         nc     <- ncol(yother)
         yoth   <- yother[subscripts,, drop=FALSE]
         gr <- if(gp) groups[subscripts] else factor(rep('', length(x)))
         if(length(yText)) {
           yText <- yText[subscripts,, drop=FALSE]
           if(length(custom)) {
             k <- custom(yText)
             pasted <- k$result
             llong  <- unit(1, 'strwidth', k$longest)
           } else {
             pasted <- rep('', length(y))
             for(i in 1 : ncol(yText)) {
               if(i > 1) pasted <- paste(pasted, ' ', sep='')
               pasted <- paste(pasted, colnames(yText)[i], '=',
                               format(round(yText[, i], digits=digits)),
             llong <- unit(1, 'strwidth',
                           paste('  ', pasted[which.max(nchar(pasted))],
           xpos  <- unit(1, 'npc') - unit(1, 'mm') - length(levels(gr)) * llong
         for(i in 1:length(levels(gr))) {
           j <- which(gr == levels(gr)[i])
           if(nc > 1)
             segmnts(yoth[j, 1], y[j], yoth[j, nc], y[j],
                     lwd=2 * plot.line$lwd[1],
                     lty=plot.line$lty[i], col=plot.line$col[i])
           if(nc == 4)
             segmnts(yoth[j ,2], y[j], yoth[j ,3], y[j],
                     lty=plot.line$lty[i], col=plot.line$col[i])
           for(k in 1 : nc) {
             if(length(pch.stats)) {
               p <- pch.stats[snames[k]]
                 lattice::lpoints(yoth[j, k], y[j], pch=p, cex=cex, col=col[i],
           ## Show selected statistics just under dot lines
           if(length(yText)) {
             xpos <- xpos + llong
             grid::grid.text(pasted[j], xpos,
                       unit(y[j], 'native') - unit(1.75, 'mm'), just='right',
                       gp=grid::gpar(cex=cex.values, col=col[i]))
         if(gp) lattice::panel.superpose(x, y, groups=as.numeric(groups),
                                pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex, font=font, ...)
           lattice::panel.dotplot(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
                         pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex, font=font, ...)
       else {
           lattice::panel.superpose(x, y, groups=as.numeric(groups),
                           pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex,
                           font=font, ...)
           lattice::panel.dotplot(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
                         pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex, font=font, ...) 
     d <- if(!length(groups))
       lattice::dotplot(form, data=X, panel=pan, strip=strip, par.strip.text=pst,
               xlab=funlabel, scale=scal, yother=yother,...)
     else eval(parse(text=
                     sprintf("lattice::dotplot(form, groups=%s, data=X, panel=pan, strip=strip, par.strip.text=pst, auto.key=key, xlab=funlabel, scale=scal, yother=yother, ...)", groups) ))
   }  # end ptype 'dot'
   else {  # ptype 'xy.special'
     xl <- labelPlotmath(xlabels[1], xunits[1])
     yl <- if(ylab == '') funlabel else ylab
     d <- if(!length(groups))
       lattice::xyplot(form, data=X, panel=Panel, strip=strip,
              par.strip.text=pst, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, scale=scal, yother=yother,
     else {
       panel.groups <- if(paneldoesgroups) NULL else Panel
       if(! paneldoesgroups) panel <- lattice::panel.superpose
       g <- if(length(panel.groups))
         "lattice::xyplot(form, groups=%s, data=X, panel=Panel, panel.groups=panel.groups, strip=strip, par.strip.text=pst, auto.key=key, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, scale=scal, yother=yother, ...)"
       else "lattice::xyplot(form, groups=%s, data=X, panel=Panel, strip=strip, par.strip.text=pst, auto.key=key, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, scale=scal, yother=yother, ...)"
       eval(parse(text=sprintf(g, groups)))
  if(outerlabels && length(dim(d)) == 2)
    d <- latticeExtra::useOuterStrips(d, strip=strip, strip.left=strip)

plotp.summaryS <-
  function(data, formula=NULL,
           groups=NULL, sfun=NULL, fitter=NULL,
           showpts=! length(fitter),
           funlabel=NULL, digits=5,
           xlim=NULL,     ylim=NULL,
           shareX=TRUE,   shareY=FALSE,
  xtype <- attr(data, 'xtype')
  nn    <- sum(xtype == 'numeric')
  if(nn > 1) stop('does not handle more than one numeric continuous x')
  X       <- data
  at      <- attributes(data)
  Form    <- at$formula
  nX      <- at$nX
  nY      <- at$nY
  ylabels <- at$ylabels
  yunits  <- at$yunits
  ylims   <- at$ylim
  xnames  <- at$xnames
  xlabels <- at$xlabels
  xunits  <- at$xunits
  fun     <- at$fun
  funlabel <- if(! length(funlabel) && length(at$funlabel))
                at$funlabel else funlabel
  funlabel <- htmlTranslate(funlabel, greek=TRUE)
  ly <- length(ylabels)
  ylab    <- ylabels
  for(i in 1 : length(ylab))
    ylab[i] <- labelPlotmath(ylabels[i], yunits[i], html=TRUE)

  aform <- function(n) as.formula(paste('~', n))
  fmt   <- function(x) htmlSN(x, digits=digits)
  ptype <- if(length(fun)) {  # used to always be 'dot'
    if(length(sfun)) 'xy.special' else 'dot'
           } else 'xy'
  if(length(sfun)) ptype <- 'xy.special'
  if(ptype %in% c('xy', 'xy.special') && ! any(xtype == 'numeric'))
    stop('must have a numeric x variable to make x-y plot')

  groupslevels <- if(length(groups)) levels(data[[groups]])
  condvar <- xnames[xtype == 'categorical']
  ## Reorder condvar in descending order of number of levels
  numu <- function(x)
    if(is.factor(x)) length(levels(x))
      length(unique(x[! is.na(x)]))

  if(autoarrange && length(condvar) > 1) {
    nlev <- sapply(X[condvar], numu)
    condvar <- condvar[order(nlev)]

  form <- if(length(formula)) formula
  else {
    ## Non-groups conditioning variables
    ngcond <- setdiff(condvar, groups)
    ## Collapsed non-group conditioning variables
    ccv <- paste('|', paste(c(ngcond, 'yvar'), collapse=' * '))
    ## Collapsed non-group cond var after the first
    ccv1 <- if(length(ngcond) > 1)
      paste('|', paste(c(ngcond[-1], 'yvar'), collapse=' * '))
    f <- if(ptype %in% c('xy', 'xy.special'))
      paste('y ~', xnames[xtype == 'numeric'], ccv, sep='')
      else paste(ngcond[1], '~ y', ccv1, sep='')

  yvarlev <- NULL
   for(v in levels(X$yvar)) {
     un <- yunits[v]
    l <- if(ylabels[v] == v && un == '') v else
         labelPlotmath(ylabels[v], un, html=TRUE)
    yvarlev <- c(yvarlev, l)

  ylev <- levels(X$yvar)
  lims <- ylims[ylev]
  vars <- all.vars(form)
  cond <- vars[- (1 : 2)]
  if(! all(cond %in% 'yvar') && cond[1] != 'yvar') {
    ngny <- setdiff(cond, 'yvar')
    nr <- length(unique(do.call('paste', X[ngny])))
  if(length(ylim)) lims <- ylim
  gp    <- length(groups)
  ylev  <- levels(X$yvar)
  nyvar <- length(ylev)
  xn    <- setdiff(xnames, groups)
  if(length(xn) %nin% 1:2)
    stop(paste('expecting at most two variables, found these:',
               paste(xn, collapse=', ')))
  if(length(xn) > 1) {
    strata <- aform(xn[2])
    xn     <- xn[1]
    strata <- NULL
  statnames <- if(is.matrix(X$y)) colnames(X$y)
  .txt. <- paste0(xn, ': ', fmt(X[[xn]]))
  if(gp) .txt. <- paste0(.txt., '<br>', X[[groups]])
  nstat <- length(statnames)
  if(nstat == 0) .txt. <- paste0(.txt., '<br>',
                                 X$yvar, ': ', fmt(X$y))
    for(i in 1 : nstat) { ## ?? was if(i > 1)'<br>'
      if(i == 2 && length(funlabel) && funlabel != '' && funlabel != ' ')
        .txt. <- paste0(.txt., '<br>', funlabel)
      .txt. <- paste0(.txt., '<br>', statnames[i], ': ',
                      fmt(X$y[, i]))
  X$.txt. <- .txt.

  xlab <- labelPlotmath(xlabels[xn], xunits[xn], html=TRUE)

  gp <- length(groups)
  gr <- if(gp) X[[groups]] else factor(rep('', nrow(X)))

  if(ptype == 'xy') {
    if(nstat > 0 && ! gp) X <- cbind(X, tracename=statnames[1])
    p <- plotlyM(X, x = aform(xn), y = ~y, htext = ~.txt.,
                 color = if(gp) aform(groups),
                 multplot = ~yvar, strata = strata,
                 xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
                 fitter=fitter, showpts=showpts,
  } else {  ## end ptype xy
    ## Dot chart or xy.special
    ## If > 1 calculated statistics, y is a matrix.
    ## Save first column as y and save remaining columns as yother
    y      <- X$y
    yother <- NULL
    if(is.matrix(y) && ncol(y) > 1) {
      yother <- y[, -1, drop=FALSE]
      X$y    <- y[, 1]

    if(ptype == 'dot') {
      R     <- X
      R$yhi <- NA
      if(length(statnames) && ! gp)
        R <- cbind(R, tracename=statnames[1])
      if(length(yother)) {
        snames <- colnames(yother)
        nc     <- ncol(yother)
        ##        if(nc > 1)  yother[,1] yother[,nc]
        if((all(c('Lower', 'Upper') %in% snames)) && nc < 4) {
          S <- R
          S$y   <- yother[, 'Lower']
          S$yhi <- yother[, 'Upper']
          if(! gp) S$tracename <- 'C.L.'
          R <- rbind(R, S)
        if(nc == 4) {
          S <- R
          S$y   <- yother[, 2]
          S$yhi <- yother[, 3]
          if(! gp) S$tracename <- paste(snames[2:3], collapse=' ')
          R <- rbind(R, S)
#        for(k in 1 : nc) {
#          if(length(pch.stats)) {
#            p <- pch.stats[snames[k]]
#            if(!is.na(p))
#              R <- rbind(R, data.frame(x=X$y, y=yother[, k], yhi=NA, gr=gr,
#                                       tracename=snames[k]))
#            ## TODO: need to communicate pch=p
#          }
#        }

      p <- plotlyM(R, x=aform(xn), multplot=~ yvar,
                   color  = if(gp) aform(groups),
                   htext  = ~ .txt.,
                   rotate = TRUE,
                   ylab   = ylab,
                   xlim   = xlim,  ylim=ylim,
                   shareX = shareX, shareY=shareY, ...)
    }  # end ptype 'dot'
    else {  # ptype 'xy.special'
      xl <- labelPlotmath(xlabels[1], xunits[1], html=TRUE)
      yl <- if(! length(ylab) || ylab[1] == '') funlabel else ylab
      p <- sfun(X[[xn]], X$y, groups=if(gp) gr, yother=yother, yvar=X$yvar,
                maintracename=statnames[1], xlab=xl, ylab=yl,
                xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zeroline=FALSE, ...)

mbarclPanel <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups=NULL, yother, ...) {
  gp <- length(groups)
  plot.line <-
    lattice::trellis.par.get(if(gp) "superpose.line" else "plot.line")
  yother <- yother[subscripts, , drop=FALSE]
  se     <- if('se' %in% colnames(yother)) yother[, 'se']
  yother <- yother[, colnames(yother) %nin% c('n', 'se'), drop=FALSE]

  if(all(c('0.375', '0.625') %in% colnames(yother))) {
    ## If HD median estimate is not between 0.375 and 0.625 quantiles
    ## take it to be the closer of the two
    y375 <- yother[, '0.375']
    y625 <- yother[, '0.625']
    y <- pmin(y, y625)
    y <- pmax(y, y375)
  yother <- cbind(y=y, yother)
  gr <- if(gp) groups[subscripts] else factor(rep('', length(x)))
  lev <- levels(gr)
  for(i in 1 : length(lev)) {
    j <- which(gr == levels(gr)[i])
    multLines(x[j], yother[j,, drop=FALSE],
              grid=TRUE, pos=c('left', 'right')[i])
  if(length(lev) == 2 && length(se)) {
    xu <- sort(unique(x))
    j1 <- gr == lev[1]
    j2 <- gr == lev[2]
    Y <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(xu), ncol=4,
                dimnames=list(as.character(xu), c('y1', 'y2', 'se1', 'se2')))
    x1 <- as.character(x)[j1]
    x2 <- as.character(x)[j2]
    Y[x1, 'y1' ] <- y [j1]
    Y[x1, 'se1'] <- se[j1]
    Y[x2, 'y2' ] <- y [j2]
    Y[x2, 'se2'] <- se[j2]
    ymid <- (Y[, 'y1'] + Y[, 'y2']) / 2.
    halfwidthci <- qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(Y[, 'se1']^2 + Y[, 'se2']^2)
    col <- adjustcolor('black', alpha.f=0.7)
    grid::grid.segments(xu, ymid - 0.5 * halfwidthci,
                  xu, ymid + 0.5 * halfwidthci,
                  gp=grid::gpar(col=col, lwd=1.5))

medvPanel <-
  function(x, y, subscripts, groups=NULL, violin=TRUE, quantiles=FALSE,
           ...) {
  gp <- length(groups)
  plot.line <-
         lattice::trellis.par.get(if(gp) "superpose.line"   else "plot.line")
  sym <- lattice::trellis.par.get(if(gp) "superpose.symbol" else "plot.symbol")

  quant <- function(y) {
    probs <- c(0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375)
    probs <- sort(c(probs, 1. - probs))
    y <- y[! is.na(y)]
    if(length(y) < 3) {
      if(quantiles) {
        w <- c(median(y), rep(NA, 9), length(y))
        names(w) <- c('Median', format(probs), 'se', 'n')
      else w <- c(Median=median(y), se=NA, n=length(y))
    w  <- if(quantiles) hdquantile(y, probs)
    m  <- hdquantile(y, 0.5, se=TRUE)
    se <- as.numeric(attr(m, 'se'))
    c(Median=as.numeric(m), w, se=se, n=length(y))

  denpoly <- function(x, y, col, n=50, pos, ...) {
    y <- y[! is.na(y)]
    n <- length(y)
    if(n < 2) return()
    den <- density(y, n=n, ...)
    d <- den$y
    y <- den$x
    ## Scale density of 0-3 mm
    d <- 3 * d / max(d)
    d <- c(d, d[length(d)])
    mm <- grid::convertUnit(unit(d, 'mm'), 'mm', typeFrom='dimension')
    kol <- if(n < 5 ) adjustcolor(col, alpha.f=0.2)
     else  if(n < 10) adjustcolor(col, alpha.f=0.4)
     else col
    grid::grid.polygon(y=unit(c(y, y[1]), 'native'),
                 x=if(pos == 'left') unit(x, 'native') - mm
                   else              unit(x, 'native') + mm,
                 gp=grid::gpar(col=FALSE, fill=kol))

  gr <- if(gp) groups[subscripts] else factor(rep('', length(x)))
  lev <- levels(gr)
  W <- NULL
  for(i in 1 : length(lev)) {
    j  <- which(gr == levels(gr)[i])
    xj <- x[j]
    yj <- y[j]
    w <- summarize(yj, xj, quant, type='matrix', keepcolnames=TRUE)
    Y  <- w$yj
    xu <- w$xj
    lattice::lpoints(xu, Y[,'Median'], cex=sym$cex[i], pch=sym$pch[i], col=sym$col[i],
    lattice::llines(xu, Y[,'Median'], col=plot.line$col[i], lty=plot.line$lty[i],
           lwd=plot.line$lwd[i], alpha=plot.line$alpha)
    col <- plot.line$col[i]
    if(violin) for(xx in sort(unique(xj)))
      denpoly(xx, yj[xj == xx],
              col=adjustcolor(plot.line$col[i], alpha.f=0.4),
              pos=c('left', 'right')[i])
      multLines(xu, Y[, colnames(Y) %nin% c('se', 'n'), drop=FALSE],
                grid=TRUE, pos=c('left', 'right')[i])
    W <- rbind(W, cbind(gr=levels(gr)[i], w))
  if(length(lev) == 2) {
    x <- W$xj
    xu <- sort(unique(W$xj))
    j1 <- W$gr == lev[1]
    j2 <- W$gr == lev[2]
    Y <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(xu), ncol=4,
                dimnames=list(as.character(xu), c('y1', 'y2', 'se1', 'se2')))
    x1 <- as.character(x)[j1]
    x2 <- as.character(x)[j2]
    Y[x1, 'y1' ] <- W$yj[j1, 'Median']
    Y[x1, 'se1'] <- W$yj[j1, 'se']
    Y[x2, 'y2' ] <- W$yj[j2, 'Median']
    Y[x2, 'se2'] <- W$yj[j2, 'se']
    ymid <- (Y[, 'y1'] + Y[, 'y2']) / 2.
    halfwidthci <- qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(Y[, 'se1']^2 + Y[, 'se2']^2)
    col <- adjustcolor('black', alpha.f=0.7)
    grid::grid.segments(xu, ymid - 0.5 * halfwidthci,
                  xu, ymid + 0.5 * halfwidthci,
                  gp=grid::gpar(col=col, lwd=1.5))

 mbarclpl <- function(x, y, groups=NULL, yother, yvar=NULL,
                     maintracename='y', xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL,
                     xname='x', alphaSegments=0.45, ...) {
  gp    <- length(groups)
  gr    <- if(gp) groups else rep('', length(x))
  gr    <- as.factor(gr)
  color <- if(gp) ~ .g.
  lev   <- levels(gr)
  if(! length(yvar)) yvar <- rep('', length(x))
  yvar <- as.factor(yvar)

  se     <- if('se' %in% colnames(yother)) yother[, 'se']
  ## prn(se, 'mbarclpl', fi='/tmp/z')

  cy <- colnames(yother)
  n <- if('n' %in% cy) yother[, 'n']
  yother <- yother[, cy %nin% c('n', 'se'), drop=FALSE]

  if(all(c('0.375', '0.625') %in% cy)) {
    ## If HD median estimate is not between 0.375 and 0.625 quantiles
    ## take it to be the closer of the two
    y375 <- yother[, '0.375']
    y625 <- yother[, '0.625']
    y <- pmin(y, y625)
    y <- pmax(y, y375)

  fmt <- function(x) htmlSN(x, digits=5)
  xdel <- 0.01 * diff(range(x, na.rm=TRUE))
  xtxt <- paste0(xname, ': ', fmt(x), '<br>')
  if(length(n)) xtxt <- paste0(xtxt, 'n:', n, '<br>')
  R <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, yhi=NA, .g.=gr, .yvar.=yvar,
                  tracename = maintracename, connect=TRUE,
                  txt       = paste0(xtxt, maintracename, ': ',

  p    <- ncol(yother)
  half <- p / 2
  x0   <- x

  for(i in 1 : half) {
    i1 <- i
    i2 <- p - i + 1
    tn <- paste0(colnames(yother)[i1], ' - ', colnames(yother)[i2])
    x0 <- ifelse(gr == lev[1],
                 x - i * xdel, x + i * xdel)
    txt <- paste0(xtxt, tn, ': [', fmt(yother[, i1]),
                  ', ', fmt(yother[, i2]), ']')
    r  <- data.frame(x=x0, y=yother[, i1], yhi=yother[, i2],
                     .g.=gr, .yvar.=yvar,
                     tracename=tn, connect=NA, txt=txt)
    R <- rbind(R, r)

  if(length(lev) == 2 && length(se)) {
    rr <- NULL
    for(yv in levels(yvar)) {
      k <- yvar == yv
      xk <- x[k]; yk <- y[k]; sek <- se[k]; grk <- gr[k]
      xu <- sort(unique(xk))
      j1 <- grk == lev[1]
      j2 <- grk == lev[2]
      Y <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(xu), ncol=4,
                                c('y1', 'y2', 'se1', 'se2')))
      x1 <- as.character(xk)[j1]
      x2 <- as.character(xk)[j2]
      Y[x1, 'y1' ] <- yk [j1]
      Y[x1, 'se1'] <- sek[j1]
      Y[x2, 'y2' ] <- yk [j2]
      Y[x2, 'se2'] <- sek[j2]
      ymid        <- (Y[, 'y1'] + Y[, 'y2']) / 2.
      halfwidthci <- qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(Y[, 'se1']^2 + Y[, 'se2']^2)
      ydel        <- Y[, 'y2'] - Y[, 'y1']

      txt <- paste0(xname, ': ', fmt(xu),
                    '<br>\u0394: ',   fmt(ydel),
                    '<br>0.95 C.I. for \u0394: [',
                    fmt(ydel - halfwidthci), ', ',
                    fmt(ydel + halfwidthci), ']')
      r <- data.frame(x   = xu,
                      y   = ymid - 0.5 * halfwidthci,
                      yhi = ymid + 0.5 * halfwidthci,
                      .g. = paste0(lev[1], ' vs. ', lev[2]),
                      .yvar. = yv, txt=txt,
                      tracename='\u00BD 0.95 C.I. for \u0394', connect=FALSE)
##  prn(cbind(yother, 2 * rep(halfwidthci, each=2)), fi='/tmp/z')
      rr <- rbind(rr, r)
    R <- rbind(R, rr)
  plotlyM(R, multplot=~.yvar., color=color, htext=~txt,
          xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, alphaSegments=alphaSegments, ...)

medvpl <-
  function(x, y, groups=NULL, yvar=NULL, maintracename='y',
           xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=xname, ylab=NULL, xname='x',
           zeroline=FALSE, yother=NULL, alphaSegments=0.45,
           dhistboxp.opts=NULL, ...) {
  gp <- length(groups)
  gr <- if(gp) groups else factor(rep('', length(x)))
  lev <- levels(gr)

  yvarpres <- length(yvar)
  if(! length(yvar)) yvar <- rep('', length(x))

  if(! length(ylab)) ylab <- structure(unique(yvar), names=yvar)
  if(! length(names(ylab))) stop('ylab must have names')

  fmt <- function(x) htmlSN(x, digits=5)
  R <- NULL
  for(yv in unique(yvar)) {
    k     <- yvar == yv
    xk    <- x[k]
    yk    <- y[k]
    gk    <- gr[k]
    r     <- do.call('dhistboxp',
                     c(list(yk, group=gk, strata=xk, xlab=ylab[yv]),
    r$strata <- NULL
    ry       <- r$y
    r$y      <- r$x
    r$x      <- ry
    ryhi     <- r$yhi
    r$yhi    <- r$xhi
    r$xhi    <- ryhi
    r$yvar   <- yv

    R <- rbind(R, r)

    xku <- unique(xk)
    if(length(lev) == 2) {
      for(xa in xku) {
        Y <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(xku), ncol=4,
                    dimnames=list(as.character(xku), c('y1','y2','se1','se2')))
        for(ga in lev) {
          j <- xk == xa & gk == ga
          ykj <- yk[j]
          ykj <- ykj[! is.na(ykj)]
          if(length(ykj) < 3) {
            m <- median(ykj)
            se <- NA
          else {
            m <- hdquantile(ykj, probs=0.5, se=TRUE)
            se <- attr(m, 'se')
          med <- as.vector(m)
          if(ga == lev[1]) {
            med1 <- med
            se1  <- se
          } else {
            med2 <- med
            se2  <- se
        ydel <-  med2 - med1
        ymid <- (med1 + med2) / 2.
        halfwidthci <- qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(se1 ^ 2 + se2 ^ 2)
        txt <- paste0(xname, ': ', fmt(xa),
                      '<br>\u0394: ',   fmt(ydel),
                      '<br>0.95 C.I. for \u0394: [',
                      fmt(ydel - halfwidthci), ', ',
                      fmt(ydel + halfwidthci), ']')
        R <- rbind(R,
                   data.frame(x  =xa, y  =ymid - 0.5 * halfwidthci,
                              xhi=NA, yhi=ymid + 0.5 * halfwidthci,
                              group=paste0(lev[1], ' vs. ', lev[2]),
                              yvar  = yv,
                              txt = txt,
                              type = '', connect=NA))

  R$group <- paste(R$group, R$type)
  R$type  <- NULL
  plotlyM(R, htext=~txt, multplot=~yvar, color=~group,
          xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zeroline=zeroline,
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.