## This code is part of the megaptera package
## © C. Heibl 2016 (last update 2018-12-13)
## to do:
## extend outgroup to genus if it is a single species
#'@title Find Organelle Genomes on NCBI GenBank
#'@description Finds the most representative organelle genomes of a given taxon
#' for use as reference sequences.
#'@param x An object of class \code{\link{megapteraProj}}.
#'@param organelle A character string, either \code{"mitochondrion"},
#' \code{"chloroplast"}, or any unambiguous abreviation of these.
#'@param mrca A vector of mode \code{"character"}, can be \code{"ingroup"},
#' \code{"outgroup"}, or both. In the latter case, reference genomes are
#' searched for in all taxa descending from the MRCA of ingroup and outgroup.
#'@param n Numeric, the maximum number of genomes that will be chosen. Depending
#' on the classification of the taxon as returned by \code{\link{stepA}}, the
#' actual number of genomes returned can be less than \code{n}.
#'@details \code{ncbiGenome} uses a four-step algorithm to produce a
#' taxonomically balanced sample of reference organelle genomes: \enumerate{
#' \item Determine the root taxon for both ingroup and outgroup. \item Find all
#' organelle genomes present on NCBI GenBank for this taxa. \item Using the
#' taxonomic classifiaction, find the \code{n - x} basal lineages of the entire
#' set of genomes; thereby \code{x} is often greater than 0 depending on the
#' branching pattern (topology) encoded by the classifiaction. \item For each
#' lineage, randomly choose one organelle genome and return the results as data
#' frame (see \code{Value} section). } Because the \code{n} genomes are choosen
#' randomly from the available genomes, for cases where the number of available
#' genomes exceeds \code{n}, any two calls of \code{ncbiGenome} will return
#' different results.
#'@return a data frame with three columns: \item{taxon}{scientific name as Latin
#' binomial} \item{gb}{UID: GenBank number} \item{gi}{alternative UID (GIs will
#' no longer be supported after august 2016!)}
#'@references NCBI Orgenelle Genome Resources:
#' \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/organelle/}
#'@seealso \code{\link{locusRef}} to set reference sequences.
#'@importFrom RCurl url.exists
#'@import XML
ncbiGenome <- function(x, organelle, mrca = c("ingroup", "outgroup"), n = 5){
## ------
if (!inherits(x, "megapteraProj"))
stop("'x' is not of class 'megapteraProj'")
if (!url.exists("https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"))
stop("internet connection required for ncbiGenome")
## Set organelle
## -------------
fn <- ifelse(dir.exists("results"), "log/ncbiGenome.log", "")
organelle <- match.arg(organelle, c("mitochondrion", "chloroplast"))
slog("\n.. organelle :", organelle, file = fn)
## tag can either be 'mitochondrion' or 'mitochondrial DNA'
organelle <- gsub("drion", "dri*", organelle)
## Find common root of ingroup and outgroup
## ----------------------------------------
if (all(c("ingroup", "outgroup") %in% mrca)) mrca <- "both"
common_root <- findRoot(x, mrca)
# common_root <- head(common_root$taxon, 1) ## slugs (2017-10-11)
## This is the core function
core <- function(this.root, organelle, fn){
## query ENTREZ and save history on server
## ---------------------------------------
xml <- paste0("https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/",
"&term=(", this.root,
"[Organism]+AND+", organelle,
# cat(xml)
## get and parse results via eFetch from history server
## ----------------------------------------------------
xml <- robustXMLparse(xml, logfile = fn)
webEnv <- xpathSApply(xml, fun = xmlToList,
path = "//eSearchResult/WebEnv")
queryKey <- xpathSApply(xml, fun = xmlToList,
path = "//eSearchResult/QueryKey")
nn <- as.numeric(xpathSApply(xml, fun = xmlValue,
path = "//eSearchResult/Count"))
list(webEnv = webEnv, queryKey = queryKey, nn = nn)
## Search iteratively beginning from the MRCA down to the root-of-life
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
for (i in 1:nrow(common_root)){
this.root <- common_root$taxon[i] ## slugs (2017-10-11)
slog("\n.. common root :", this.root, file = fn)
out <- core(this.root, organelle, fn)
if (!out$nn){
slog(" - no genomes available")
} else {
## Loop over sliding window
## ------------------------
retmax <- 50
sw <- seq(from = 0, to = out$nn, by = retmax)
sw <- data.frame(from = sw, to = c(sw[-1] - 1, out$nn))
slog("\n.. posting", out$nn, "UIDs on Entrez History Server ..", file = fn)
b <- ifelse(nrow(sw) == 1, "batch", "batches")
slog("\n.. retrieving full records in", nrow(sw), b, "..\n", file = fn)
y <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:nrow(sw)) {
## get XML with full records
## -------------------------
xml <- paste0("https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/",
"&db=nucleotide&query_key=", out$queryKey,
"&WebEnv=", out$webEnv,
"&retstart=", sw$from[i],
"&retmax=", retmax)
## parse XML: this step is error-prone and therefore
## embedded into try()
## -------------------
xml <- robustXMLparse(xml, logfile = fn)
# saveXML(xml, "aaa.xml"); system("open -t aaa.xml")
if (is.null(xml)) next
gb <- xpathApply(xml, "//Item[@Name = 'Caption']", xmlToList)
gb <- sapply(gb, function(x) x$text)
gi <- xpathApply(xml, "//Item[@Name = 'Gi']", xmlToList)
gi <- sapply(gi, function(x) x$text)
ti <- xpathApply(xml, "//Item[@Name = 'Title']", xmlToList)
ti <- sapply(ti, function(x) x$text)
ti <- gsub(" mitochondri.+complete genome", "", ti)
ti <- data.frame(taxon = ti, gb = gb, gi = gi,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
y <- rbind(y, ti)
## delete undetermined accessions
## false decision: "Eucryptorrhynchus chinensis voucher ECHIN20150110"
## ----------------------------
indet <- grep(paste(indet.strings(), collapse = "|"), y$taxon)
if (length(indet)){
y <- y[-indet, ]
y$taxon <- strip.infraspec(y$taxon)
y$taxon <- gsub(" ", "_", y$taxon)
y <- y[!duplicated(y$taxon), ]
## create a phylogenetically balanced sample
## of genomes in case the number of available
## genomes exceeds n (the number of desired genomes)
## -------------------------------------------------
if (nrow(y) > n){
y <- y[sample(1:nrow(y), n), ]
# tr <- ncbiTaxonomy(as.list(y$taxon),
# kingdom = x@taxon@kingdom,
# megapteraProj = x)
# tr <- tax2tree(tr)
# tr <- compute.brlen(tr)
# # tr <- cophenetic.phylo(tr)
# branching.order <- names(sort(branching.times(tr), decreasing = TRUE))
# branching.order <- as.numeric(branching.order)
# dd <- lapply(branching.order, descendants, phy = tr, type = "d")
# nl <- sapply(dd, length)
# nl[-1] <- nl[-1] - 1
# nl <- data.frame(node = branching.order,
# number.lineages = cumsum(nl))
# id <- which(nl$number.lineages <= n)
# dd <- setdiff(unlist(dd[id]), nl$node[id])
# ## select species
# ## --------------
# spec <- lapply(dd, descendants, phy = tr, type = "t",
# labels = TRUE, ignore.tip = TRUE)
# spec <- sapply(spec, sample, size = 1)
# y <- y[y$taxon %in% spec, ]
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