## This code is part of the megaptera package
## © C. Heibl 2014 (last update 20120-02-27)
#' @title Selection of Multiple Sequence Alignments
#' @importFrom ape cbind.DNAbin
#' @export
selectMSA <- function(megProj, min.n.seq = 3, blocks = "split",
row.confid = 0, col.confid = 0,
trim.ends = 0,
locus.coverage = 0.0,
global.coverage = 0.0,
subset.locus, subset.species,
exclude.locus, exclude.species,
core.locus, core.species,
best.sampled.congeneric = FALSE,
equal.taxon.sets = TRUE,
use.outgroup = TRUE,
protect.outgroup = FALSE, squeeze.outgroup){
## ----------------------------
if (!inherits(megProj, "megapteraProj")) stop("'megProj' is not of class 'megapteraProj'")
tip.rank <- megProj@taxon@tip.rank
if (length(min.n.seq) == 1) min.n.seq <- rep(min.n.seq, 2)
blocks <- match.arg(blocks, c("concatenate", "ignore", "split"))
if (blocks == "concatenate") blocks <- "split"
## Get outgroup
## ------------
outgroup <- dbReadTaxonomy(megProj)
outgroup <- lapply(megProj@taxon@outgroup, taxdumpChildren,
tax = outgroup, tip.rank = "species")
outgroup <- gsub(" ", "_", do.call(rbind, outgroup)$taxon)
## PART A: Determine tables (loci) to import
## A1: Get list of available tables
## --------------------------------
cat("Looking for database tables ... ")
tabs <- checkBlocks(megProj, plot = FALSE, subset = subset.species)
# tabs <- checkBlocks(megProj, plot = FALSE)
cat(length(tabs), " found:", paste("\n-", sort(names(tabs))), sep = "")
## A2: Determine tables that contain more than min.n.seq species
## -------------------------------------------------------------
id <- sapply(tabs, function(z) any(z >= min.n.seq[1]))
tabs <- names(tabs)[id]
cat("\n", length(tabs), " of these contain at least ", min.n.seq[1],
" species:", sort(paste("\n-", tabs)), sep = "")
## A3: User-defined subset loci (optional)
## ---------------------------------------
if (!missing(subset.locus)){
cat("\nSubsetting to loci:", subset.locus)
subset.locus <- paste(subset.locus, collapse = "|")
tabs <- tabs[grep(subset.locus, tabs)]
## A4: User-defined exclusion of loci (optional)
## ---------------------------------------------
if (!missing(exclude.locus)){
cat("\nExcluding locus:", exclude.locus)
exclude.locus <- paste(exclude.locus, collapse = "|")
tabs <- tabs[-grep(exclude.locus, tabs)]
## PART B: Import alignments
## B1: Select and read individual alignments
## -----------------------------------------
cat("\nReading", length(tabs), "alignments ... ")
if (missing(subset.species)){
x <- lapply(tabs, dbReadMSA, x = megProj, blocks = blocks,
label = "taxon", confid.scores = "col.means",
row.confid = row.confid, col.confid = col.confid)
} else {
x <- lapply(tabs, dbReadMSA, x = megProj, taxon = subset.species,
label = "taxon",
regex = FALSE, blocks = blocks,
row.confid = row.confid, col.confid = col.confid)
names(x) <- tabs
if (any(sapply(x, is.null))) x <- x[!sapply(x, is.null)]
## B2: Exclude species
## -------------------
if (!missing(exclude.species)){
cat("\nExcluding species locus-wise (user-decision)")
for (loci in names(exclude.species)){
a <- x[[loci]]
cs <- attr(a, "cs")
id <- rownames(a) %in% gsub(" ", "_", exclude.species[[loci]])
cat("\n- ", loci, ": ", paste(sort(exclude.species[[loci]]), collapse = (", ")), sep = "")
a <- a[!id, ]
attr(a, "cs") <- cs
x[[loci]] <- a
## B3: Handle blocks
## -----------------
block.id <- which(sapply(x, is.list))
cat("\n", length(block.id), " alignments are split into blocks", sep = "")
if (length(block.id)){
concatenateBlocks <- function(ali, n){
ali <- ali[which(sapply(ali, nrow) >= n)]
if (length(ali)){
ali <- do.call(cbind.DNAbin, c(ali, fill.with.gaps = TRUE))
} else {
ali <- ali[[1]]
cat("\nKeeping only blocks >", min.n.seq[2], "sequence")
x[block.id] <- lapply(x[block.id], concatenateBlocks, n = min.n.seq[2])
## B4: Trim tapering ends of alignment
## -----------------------------------
cat("\nTrimming alignment ends (columns with <",
round(trim.ends * 100, 1), "% sequence information) ... ")
n <- sapply(x, ncol)
x <- lapply(x, trimEnds, min.n.seq = trim.ends)
cat(sum(n - sapply(x, ncol)), "columns deleted")
names(x) <- gsub(paste0("^", tip.rank, "_"), "", tabs)
spec.set <- lapply(x, rownames)
spec.set <- table(unlist(spec.set))
spec.set <- data.frame(spec = names(spec.set),
freq = spec.set,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nspec <- nrow(spec.set)
## B5: Exclude species from alignments that have
## less than 'locus.coverage' percent sites
## ----------------------------------------
if (locus.coverage > 0){
cat("\nExcluding snippets (<", locus.coverage, "% sites) ... ")
exclude.snippets <- function(a, locus.coverage){
id <- coverage(a) >= locus.coverage
cs <- attr(a, "cs")
a <- a[id, ]
if (!is.null(cs)){
if (is.matrix(cs)){
cs <- cs[id,]
} else {
if (!all(id)) warning("change in alignment not traceable in confidence scores")
attr(a, "cs") <- cs
x <- lapply(x, exclude.snippets, locus.coverage = locus.coverage)
## B5: Core set of species (optional)
## ----------------------------------
if (!missing(core.locus)){
cat("\nMaking core dataset ... ")
core.species <- lapply(x[core.locus], function(x) rownames(x))
core.species <- unique(unlist(core.species))
if (protect.outgroup) core.species <- union(core.species, outgroup)
subset.alignment <- function(a, s) deleteEmptyCells(a[rownames(a) %in% s, ], quiet = TRUE)
x <- lapply(x, subset.alignment, s = core.species)
x <- lapply(x, deleteSpecies, species = nn)
## Any species lost?
spec.set2 <- lapply(x, rownames)
spec.set2 <- table(unlist(spec.set2))
spec.set2 <- data.frame(spec = names(spec.set2),
freq = spec.set2,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lost <- setdiff(spec.set$spec, spec.set2$spec)
nb.lost <- length(lost)
if (nb.lost){
if (nb.lost > 12) lost <- c(head(lost), paste0("[", nb.lost - 12, " sequences]"), tail(lost))
cat("WARNING:", nb.lost, "species lost:",
paste("\n-", lost))
} else {
## Delete outgroup
## ---------------
if (!use.outgroup){
cat("\nPreparing alignments without outgroup ... ")
x <- lapply(x, deleteSpecies, delete = outgroup)
## Create denser outgroup
## ----------------------
if (!missing(squeeze.outgroup)){
cat("\nCreating denser outgroup ... ")
o <- do.call(cbind.DNAbin, c(x, fill.with.gaps = TRUE))
o <- deleteEmptyCells(o[outgroup, ], quiet = TRUE)
nn <- as.raw(c(240, 2, 4))
names(nn) <- c("n", "?", "-")
nn <- apply(o, 1, function(x, n) length(which((x %in% nn))), n = nn)
nn <- sort(nn, decreasing = TRUE)
outgroup <- names(tail(nn, squeeze.outgroup))
x <- lapply(x, deleteSpecies, delete = head(nn, -squeeze.outgroup))
## Create partition matrix
## -----------------------
# if (!missing(partition)){
# partition <- lapply(partition, intersect, names(x))
# x <- x[match(unlist(partition), names(x))]
# concatenate <- function(dna, loci){
# dna <- dna[loci]
# do.call(cbind.DNAbin, c(dna, fill.with.gaps = TRUE))
# }
# x <- xx <- lapply(partition, concatenate, dna = x)
# } else {
# xx <- x
# }
p <- cbind(rep(1, length(x)), sapply(x, ncol))
if (nrow(p) > 1){
for (i in 2:nrow(p)){
p[i, 1] <- p[i - 1, 2] + 1
p[i, 2] <- p[i, 1] + p[i, 2] -1
## partitions in RAxML format:
# p <- paste0("DNA, ", rownames(p), " = ", p[, 1], "-", p[, 2])
## Use cbind.DNAbin to fill missing data and then split again if
## equal taxon sets are requires (e.g. for linking trees in BEAST)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (equal.taxon.sets){
x <- do.call(cbind.DNAbin, c(x, fill.with.gaps = TRUE))
x <- apply(p, 1, function(x, z) x[, z[1]:z[2]], x = x)
## Function to delete species from MSA with CS
## -------------------------------------------
deleteSpecies <- function(msa, delete, keep){
keep <- setdiff(rownames(msa), delete)
cs <- attr(msa, "cs")
## if present cs is considered to be a list
if (is.matrix(cs)) stop("debug me! [1]")
msa <- msa[rownames(msa) %in% keep, ]
id <- identifyEmptyCells(msa, quiet = TRUE)
if (!is.null(cs)){
if (length(id$col)){
msa <- msa[, -(id$col)]
cs <- cs[-(id$col)]
if (ncol(msa) != length(cs)) stop("debug me! [2]")
attr(msa, "cs") <- cs
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