
Defines functions can.interact.ggplot can.interact.inzplotoutput can.interact.default can.interact varSelect getInfo.default getInfo.inzhex getInfo.inzscatter getInfo.inzdot getInfo.inzhist getInfo.inzbar getInfo print.inzHTML createHTML exportHTML.inzplotoutput exportHTML.ggplot exportHTML.function exportHTML

Documented in can.interact can.interact.default can.interact.ggplot can.interact.inzplotoutput exportHTML exportHTML.function exportHTML.ggplot exportHTML.inzplotoutput print.inzHTML

#' ExportHTML
#' \code{exportHTML} is designed to export the iNZight plot as a dynamic, interactive HTML page.
#' Currently only handles single panel plots. Coloured hex plots are currently not available yet.
#' @param x An iNZight plot object that captures iNZight environment
#' @param file Name of temporary HTML file generated (defaults to `index.html`
#' in a temporary directory, or other as specified using `dir`)
#' @param local Logical for creating local files for offline use (default to false)
#' @param dir A directory to store the file and output
# Additional parameters for scatterplots and dotplots only:
#' @param data dataset/dataframe that you wish to investigate and export more variables from
#' @param extra.vars extra variables specified by the user to be exported
#' @param width the desired width of the SVG plot
#' @param height the desired height of the SVG plot
#' @param mapObj iNZightMap object (from iNZightMaps)
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @return an inzHTML object consisting of a link to an HTML rendering
#'  of \code{x} with filename \code{file},
#'  which can be loaded in the browser (for example using \code{browseURL},
#'  or calling the \code{print()} method of the returned object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- iNZightPlot(Petal.Width, Petal.Length, data = iris, colby = Species)
#' exportHTML(x, "index.html")
#' #to export more variables for scatterplots:
#'  exportHTML(x, "index.html", data = iris, extra.vars = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"))
#' }
#' @author Yu Han Soh
#' @export
exportHTML <- function(x,
                       file = file.path(dir, "index.html"),
                       local = FALSE,
                       dir = tempdir(),

#' @describeIn exportHTML method for an iNZightPlot-generating function
#' @export
exportHTML.function <- function(x,
                                file = file.path(dir, "index.html"),
                                data = NULL,
                                local = FALSE,
                                dir = tempdir(),
                                extra.vars = NULL,
                                width = dev.size()[1], height = dev.size()[2],
                                ...) {
    pdf(NULL, width = width, height = height, onefile = TRUE)
    cdev <- dev.cur()
    on.exit(dev.off(cdev), add = TRUE)

    #do exporting:
    obj <- x()
    url <- exportHTML(obj, file, data = data, local = local, dir = dir, extra.vars = extra.vars)

    ## pass URL from exportHTML.inzplotoutput

#' @describeIn exportHTML method for iNZightMaps or other supported ggplot graphs
#' @export
exportHTML.ggplot <- function(x,
                              file = file.path(dir, "index.html"),
                              data = NULL,
                              local = FALSE,
                              dir = tempdir(),
                              extra.vars = NULL, mapObj,
                              ...) {
    if (missing(mapObj)) {
        if (!requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE)) {
                    "The 'plotly' package is needed for this functionality.",
                    "You can run the following to install it:",
                    "  install.packages(\"plotly\")",
                    sep = "\n"

    if (!inherits(mapObj, "iNZightMapPlot")) {
        stop("mapObj is not an 'iNZightMapPlot' object. This is only available for iNZightMaps.
            Are you using the new iNZightMaps module?")

    # package check:
    if( !requireNamespace("gridSVG",  quietly = TRUE) ||
        !requireNamespace("knitr",   quietly = TRUE) ||
        !requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE) ) {
            paste("Required packages aren't installed",
                "Use 'install.packages('iNZightPlots', dependencies = TRUE)' to install them.",
                sep = "\n"

    # print(x)
    mapObj <- mapObj
    plot <- x
    dt <- as.data.frame(plot[[1]])
    spark <- NULL
    lineType <- NULL
    timeData <- data.frame(mapObj$region.data)
    multi <- mapObj$multiple.obs
    seqVar <- mapObj$sequence.var
    lab <- plot$labels

    if (mapObj$type == "region") {
        colby <- lab$fill
        if (is.character(dt[[colby]]) || is.factor(dt[[colby]])) {
            # sort by alphabetical order for character/factor variables
            dt <- dt[order(dt[[colby]]), ]
            rownames(dt) <- 1:nrow(dt)
        varNames <- c(mapObj$region.var, colby)
    } else if (mapObj$type == "point") {
        colby <- lab$colour
        sizeby <- lab$size
        varNames <- c(mapObj$region.var, colby, sizeby)
    } else {
        ## for sparklines
        colby <- lab$colour
        region <- lab$group
        timex <- lab$line_x
        timey <- lab$line_y
        varNames <- c(mapObj$region.var, timex, timey)
        ## extract sparkline type
        code <- attr(plot, "code")["sparklines"]
        lineType <- sub(".*, sparkline_type = ([[:alpha:]]+).*", "\\1", code)

    # get palette colours used: continuous scale
    bar <- grid::grid.get("bar.4-2-4-2")
    pal <- rev(as.vector(bar$raster))

    # drop the last column (geometry)
    dt <- dt[, - which(names(dt) == "geometry")]
    timeData <- timeData[, - which(names(timeData) == "geometry")]
    tab <- if (mapObj$type == "sparklines" || multi) timeData else dt
    # only extract variables that are numeric
    t <- sapply(tab, is.numeric)
    numVar <- colnames(tab)[t]
    # find time interval
    if (is.null(seqVar)) {
        int <- NULL
    } else {
        d <- unique(diff(tab[,seqVar]))
        int <- d[which(d > 0)]

    n_polygons <- mapObj$n_polygons

    chart <- list(
        type = mapObj$type,
        data = dt,
        names = varNames,
        palette = pal,
        numVar = numVar,
        multi = multi,
        seqVar = seqVar,
        int = int,
        timeData = timeData,
        sparkline_type = lineType,
        n_polygons = rep(1:length(n_polygons), n_polygons)
    tbl <- list(tab = tab, includeRow = TRUE, cap = "Data")
    mapsJS <- paste(
        readLines(system.file("maps.js", package = "iNZightPlots")),
        collapse = "\n"
    js <- list(chart = jsonlite::toJSON(chart), jsFile = mapsJS)

    url <- createHTML(tbl, js, file, local, dir = dir)


#' @describeIn exportHTML method for output from iNZightPlot
#' @export
exportHTML.inzplotoutput <- function(x,
                                     file = file.path(dir, "index.html"),
                                     data = NULL,
                                     local = FALSE,
                                     dir = tempdir(),
                                     extra.vars = NULL, ...) {

    #suggest gridSVG, jsonlite, xtable:
    if( !requireNamespace("gridSVG",  quietly = TRUE) ||
        !requireNamespace("knitr",   quietly = TRUE) ||
        !requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE) ) {
        stop(paste("Required packages aren't installed",
                "Use 'install.packages('iNZightPlots', depends = TRUE)' to install them.",
                sep = "\n"))

    x <- x
    plot <- x$all$all

    if (is.null(plot)) {
        if (length(x$all) == 1) { ## for subsets = 1
            plot <- x$all[[1]]
        } else { ## subsets > 1
            warning("iNZight doesn't handle interactive panel plots yet!")

    #condition for colored hexplots - currently unavailable:
    if(attributes(x)$plottype == "hex" && !is.null(plot$colby)) {
        warning('iNZight cannot handle interactive colored hex plots yet!')

    # Get data (refer to getInfo function):
    if (is.null(extra.vars) && is.null(data)) {
        info <- getInfo(plot, x)
    } else {
        info <- getInfo(plot, x, data, extra.vars)

    tbl <- info$tbl
    js <- info$js

    #create html
    url <- createHTML(tbl, js, file, local, dir = dir)


## create HTML - processes and generates HTML file
## @param tbl - list with table information
## @param js - list with javascript information
## @param file - filename for HTML file created
## @param local - logical if it's to be made in a folder with source files
## @return url object of class inzHTML
createHTML <- function(tbl, js,
                       file = file.path(dir, "index.html"),
                       local = FALSE,
                       dir = tempdir()
                       ) {

    # load templates
    HTMLtemplate <- readLines(system.file("template.html", package = "iNZightPlots"))
    styles <- paste(
        readLines(system.file("style.css", package = "iNZightPlots")),
        collapse = "\n"
    inzJS <- paste(
        readLines(system.file("inzplot.js", package = "iNZightPlots")),
        collapse = "\n"
    # generate svg
    svgOutput <- gridSVG::grid.export(NULL)$svg
    svgCode <- paste(capture.output(svgOutput), collapse = "\n")

    # generate HTML table
    if (is.null(tbl)) {
        HTMLtable <- '<p> No table available. </p>'
    } else {
        # switched from xtable to knitr: table in desired format for dataTables to work
        HTMLtable <- knitr::kable(tbl$tab,
            format = "html",
            row.names = tbl$includeRow,
            align = "c",
            caption = tbl$cap,
            table.attr = "id=\"table\" class=\"table table-condensed table-hover\" cellspacing=\"0\""

    jsCode <- js$jsFile
    chartCode <- paste0("var chart = ", js$chart, ";")

    #finding places where to substitute code:
    svgLine <- grep("SVG", HTMLtemplate)
    cssLine <- grep("styles.css", HTMLtemplate)
    inzplotLine <- grep("inzplot", HTMLtemplate)
    jsLine <- grep("JSfile", HTMLtemplate)
    chartLine <- grep("chart.json", HTMLtemplate)
    tableLineOne <- grep("<!-- insert table -->", HTMLtemplate)

    if (local) {
        assets <- system.file("assets.zip", package = "iNZightPlots")
        ## if local = TRUE, create directories
        # outdir <- file.path(dirname(file), "iNZight_interactive_plot")
        utils::unzip(assets, exdir = dir)
        # if assets is in the same directory as file ...
        assets_dir <- file.path(dir, "assets")
        assets <- if (dir == dirname(file)) "assets" else assets_dir

        vendorCSS <- c("bootstrap.min.css", "dataTables.bootstrap.min.css")
        HTMLtemplate[9:10] <- paste0(
            "<link rel='stylesheet' href= '", assets, "/vendor/",
        vendorJS <- c(
        HTMLtemplate[12:16] <- paste0(
            "<script src ='", assets, "/vendor/",

        # create files
        write(styles, file.path(assets_dir, "main.css"))
        write(chartCode, file.path(assets_dir, "chart.js"))
        write(inzJS, file.path(assets_dir, "inzplot.js"))
        write(jsCode, file.path(assets_dir, "main.js"))
            system.file("inzight_transp.png", package = "iNZightPlots"),
            file.path(assets_dir, "inzight_transp.png")

        HTMLtemplate[cssLine] <- sprintf("<link rel='stylesheet' href='%s/main.css'>", assets)
        HTMLtemplate[chartLine] <- sprintf("<script src='%s/chart.js'></script>", assets)
        HTMLtemplate[inzplotLine] <- sprintf("<script src='%s/inzplot.js'></script>", assets)
        HTMLtemplate[jsLine] <- sprintf("<script src='%s/main.js'></script>", assets)
        HTMLtemplate <- sprintf(gsub("INZIGHT_LOGO", "%s/inzight_transp.png", HTMLtemplate), assets)
    } else {

        ## insert inline JS, CSS
        HTMLtemplate[cssLine] <-
            paste("<style>", styles, "</style>", collapse = "\n")
        HTMLtemplate[chartLine] <-
            paste("<script type='text/javascript'>", chartCode, collapse = "\n")
        HTMLtemplate[inzplotLine] <- inzJS
        HTMLtemplate[jsLine] <- paste(jsCode, "</script>", collapse = "\n")
        logourl <- "https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~wild/iNZight/img/inzight_transp.png"
        HTMLtemplate <- gsub("INZIGHT_LOGO", logourl, HTMLtemplate)

    # insert table and SVG
    HTMLtemplate[tableLineOne] <- HTMLtable
    HTMLtemplate[svgLine] <- svgCode

    # Writing it out to an HTML file:
    write(HTMLtemplate, file)

    # Store url:
    url <- normalizePath(file)
    class(url) <- "inzHTML"


#' Print method for `inzHTML` object
#' The default action is for the URL to be 'printed' (opened) in the browser,
#' unless `viewer` is specified as something else.
#' If `viewer = NULL`, then the URL is printed as a character string.
#' @param x      a URL that will be printed
#' @param viewer the viewing function to use to display the URL
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return NULL (it's a print function, after all)
#' @export
print.inzHTML <- function(x, viewer = getOption("viewer", utils::browseURL), ...) {

    if (!is.null(viewer))


## getInfo method for retrieving table and JSON
## @param plot (for single panels)
## @param x the entire plot object
## @param data the data set
## @param extra.vars extra variables to be exported
## @return a list consisting of the table (tbl) and JSON (js)
## internal function
getInfo <- function(plot, x = NULL, data = NULL, extra.vars = NULL)  {

getInfo.inzbar <- function(plot, x, ...) {
    # generation of table of counts:
    # plot <- x$all$all
    prop <- plot$phat
    counts <- plot$tab
    percent <- plot$widths
    n <- attributes(x)$total.obs
    type <- "bar"

    if (attributes(x)$total.missing != 0) {
        n <- attributes(x)$total.obs - attributes(x)$total.missing

    # color matching:
    colorMatch <- plot$p.colby
    prop.df <- as.data.frame(t(prop))
    counts.df <- as.data.frame(counts)
    group <- length(percent)
    pct <- as.data.frame(t(round(prop*100, 2)))

    dt <- cbind(counts, pct)
    colnames(dt) <- c('varx', 'counts', 'pct')
    colCounts <- NULL;
    order <- NULL;

    if (all(percent != 1)) {
        # This condition is used to identify if it's a two way plot...
        # different table for two way bar plots
        tab <- cbind(
            format(round(rowSums(prop),4), nsmall = 4),
        colnames(tab)[(ncol(prop)+1):ncol(tab)] <- c("Total", "Row N")

        ## for JSON:
        prop.df <- as.data.frame(prop)
        dt <- cbind(prop.df, counts.df$Freq)
        colnames(dt) <- c("var1", "var2", "pct", "counts")
        dt$pct <- round(dt$pct*100, 2)
        colCounts <- c("Col N", round(colSums(counts)/n,4), 1)

    } else if (!is.null(colorMatch) && (all(c(0, 1) %in% colorMatch) == FALSE)) {
        # for stacked bar plots - a special two-way table
        colorMatchRev <- colorMatch[nrow(colorMatch):1, ]
        proportions <- round(rbind(colorMatchRev, colSums(colorMatchRev)), 4)
        tab <- rbind(proportions,counts)
        rownames(tab)[nrow(proportions):nrow(tab)] <- c("Total", "Col N")

    } else {
        # creating table for 1 way plots
        tab <- rbind(counts, round(prop*100,2))
        tab <- cbind(tab, rowSums(tab))
        tab[2,] <- paste0(tab[2,], "%")
        colnames(tab)[ncol(tab)] <- "Total"
        rownames(tab) <- c("Counts", "Percent")

        colnames(dt) <- c("othervar", "varx", "counts", "pct")

    ## JSON:
    if (is.null(colorMatch)) {
        colorMatch <- NA
    } else if (all(c(0, 1) %in% colorMatch) == TRUE) {
        ## test if the bar plot colby is the same
        colorMatch <- as.vector(colorMatch)
    } else {
        ## required for stacked bar plots, due to make up of polygons being reversed when plotted
        order <- matrix(1:length(colorMatch), ncol = ncol(colorMatch), byrow = TRUE)
        order <- as.vector(apply(order, 1, rev))
        dt <- as.data.frame(as.table(colorMatch), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        dt$pct <- round(dt$Freq*100, 2)
        #counts are in the counts value -> need to merge on var2
        colnames(counts.df) <- c("Var2", "c1")
        dt <- merge(dt, counts.df)
        dt <- dt[order(dt$Var1),]
        # calculate counts
        dt$counts <- with(dt, c1*Freq)
        dt <- cbind(dt, order)
        dt <- dt[order(dt$order), ]

        # reset colorMatch
        colorMatch <- TRUE
        type <- "bp-stacked"

    # attributes for HTML table
    cap <- 'Table of Counts and Proportions'
    includeRow <- TRUE
    tableInfo <- list(caption = cap, includeRow = includeRow, tab = tab, n = n)
    #returning all data in a list:
    chart <- list(
        type = type,
        data = dt,
        colorMatch = colorMatch,
        colCounts = colCounts,
        group = group,
        order = order
    bpJS <- paste(
        readLines(system.file("barplot.js", package = "iNZightPlots")),
        collapse = "\n"
    JSData <- list(chart = jsonlite::toJSON(chart), jsFile = bpJS)
    return(list(tbl = tableInfo, js = JSData))

getInfo.inzhist <- function(plot, x, ...) {
    #plot <- x$all$all or plot <- x$all[[1]]

    toPlot <- plot$toplot$all
    if (is.null(toPlot)) {
        stop("This histogram has levels. Currently not available yet!")
    intervals <- toPlot$breaks
    counts <- toPlot$counts
    n <- attributes(x)$total.obs

    if (attributes(x)$total.missing != 0) {
        n <- attributes(x)$total.obs - attributes(x)$total.missing

    # freq distribution table:
    lower <- round(intervals[-length(intervals)], 2)
    upper <- round(intervals[-1], 2)
    interval <- paste(lower, upper, sep ="-")
    tab <- cbind(interval, counts)
    colnames(tab) <- c("Class Interval", "Frequency")
    tab <- rbind(tab, c("Total", sum(counts)))

    ## Attributes for HTML table
    cap <- "Frequency Distribution Table"
    includeRow <- TRUE
    tableInfo <- list(
        caption = cap,
        includeRow = includeRow,
        tab = data.frame(tab),
        n = n

    # next, store info as JSON
    pct <- round(counts / n * 100, 2)
    tab <- as.data.frame(cbind(lower, upper, counts, pct))

    # To obtain box whisker plot information:
    if (!is.null(plot$boxinfo)) {
        boxInfo <- plot$boxinfo$all
        quantiles <- boxInfo$quantiles
        min <- boxInfo$min
        max <- boxInfo$max
        boxTable <- rbind(as.data.frame(quantiles), min, max)
        rownames(boxTable)[4:5] <- c("min", "max")
    } else {
        boxTable <- list()

    if (!is.null(plot$meaninfo)) {
        meanInfo <- plot$meaninfo$all$mean
    } else {
        meanInfo <- list()

    # Output as a list:
    chart <- list(
        type = "hist",
        data = tab,
        boxData = boxTable,
        meanData = meanInfo,
        n = n,
        inf = NULL
    histJS <- paste(
        readLines(system.file("histogram.js", package = "iNZightPlots")),
        collapse = "\n"
    JSData <- list(chart = jsonlite::toJSON(chart), jsFile = histJS)
    return(list(tbl = tableInfo, js = JSData))

getInfo.inzdot <- function(plot, x, data = NULL, extra.vars = NULL) {
    plots <- plot$toplot
    levels <- names(plots)
    varNames <-attributes(x)$varnames

    if (length(levels) > 1)  { # for multi-level dot plots

        levList <- list()
        dd <- list()
        boxList <- list()
        meanList <- list()
        order <- list()
        countsTab <- as.numeric()
        countsTab[1] <- 0

        for (i in 1:length(levels)) {
            #currently only takes variable plotted
            levList[[i]] <- plots[[i]]$x
            order <- attr(plots[[i]], "order")

            ## exported data frame with extra variables:
            if (!is.null(extra.vars) && !is.null(data)) {
                dataByLevel <- data[which(data[,varNames$y] == levels[i]), ]
                dd[[i]] <- varSelect(varNames, plots[[i]],
                    order, extra.vars, dataByLevel, levels = TRUE
            } else {
                dd[[i]] <- cbind(levList[[i]], levels[i])
                colnames(dd[[i]]) <- c(

            if (!is.null(plot$boxinfo)) {
                #obtain boxplot information
                box <- plot$boxinfo
                quantiles <- box[[i]]$quantiles
                min <- box[[i]]$min
                max <- box[[i]]$max

                # get boxplot summaries for each group
                boxTable <- rbind(as.data.frame(quantiles), min, max)
                rownames(boxTable)[4:5] <- c("min", "max")
                boxList[[i]] <- boxTable

            if (!is.null(plot$meaninfo)) {
                meanList[[i]] <- plot$meaninfo[[i]]$mean

            # get cumulative frequency of counts for each group:
            countsTab[i+1] <- sum(plots[[i]]$counts, countsTab[i])

        #bind all groups together:
        tab <- do.call("rbind", dd)
        chart <- list(
            type = "dot",
            data = data.frame(tab),
            boxData = boxList,
            levList = levList,
            countsTab = countsTab,
            levNames = names(plots),
            varNames = colnames(tab),
            meanData = meanList

    } else { #for single dot plots

        colGroupNo <- nlevels(plot$toplot$all$colby)
        pl <- plot$toplot$all
        # note that the order given is with non-missing values (data has been filtered)
        order <- attr(pl, "order")

        #variable selection
        tab <- varSelect(varNames, pl, order, extra.vars, data)

        if (!is.null(plot$boxinfo)) {
            #To obtain box whisker plot information:
            boxInfo <- plot$boxinfo$all
            quantiles <- boxInfo$quantiles
            min <- boxInfo$min
            max <- boxInfo$max
            boxTable <- rbind(as.data.frame(quantiles), min, max)
            rownames(boxTable)[4:5] <- c("min", "max")
        } else {
            boxTable <- list()

        if (!is.null(plot$meaninfo)) {
            meanInfo <- plot$meaninfo$all$mean
        } else {
            meanInfo <- list()
        ## JS:
        chart <- list(
            type = "dot",
            varNames = names(tab),
            data = tab,
            colGroupNo = colGroupNo,
            boxData = boxTable,
            meanData = meanInfo

    ##Attributes for HTML table
    cap <- "Data"
    includeRow <- TRUE
    tableInfo <- list(
        caption = cap,
        includeRow = includeRow,
        tab = data.frame(tab),
        varNames = varNames
    dpspJS <- paste(
        readLines(system.file("dpsp.js", package = "iNZightPlots")),
        collapse = "\n"
    JSData <- list(chart = jsonlite::toJSON(chart), jsFile = dpspJS)
    return(list(tbl = tableInfo, js = JSData))

getInfo.inzscatter <- function(plot, x, data = NULL, extra.vars = NULL) {
    obj <- x
    x <- plot$x
    y <- plot$y
    order <- plot$point.order
    varNames <- attributes(obj)$varnames
    colGroupNo <- nlevels(plot$colby)

    tab <- cbind(as.data.frame(x), as.data.frame(y))
    names(tab) <- c(varNames$x, varNames$y)

    # variable selection
    tab <- varSelect(varNames, plot, order, extra.vars, data)

    # for maps only
    if (obj$gen$opts$plottype == "map") {
        names(tab) <- gsub("expression[(]\\.([[:alpha:]]*)[)]", "\\1", names(tab))

    ## Attributes for HTML table
    cap <- "Data"
    includeRow <- TRUE
    tbl <- list(caption = cap, includeRow = includeRow, tab = tab)

    # simplistic inference information: beta coefficients + R^2
    # For future purposes - if summary(obj) returns a list with these inside it, then we
    # could use summary(obj)$formula / summary(obj)$Rspearman instead....
    # currently does NOT take into account of survey design
    # only works if trends are plotted...
    if (is.null(plot$trend)) {
        trendInfo <- NA
    } else {
        trendInfo <- list(linear = NA, quadratic = NA, cubic = NA,  rank.cor = NA)

        if ("linear" %in% plot$trend) {
            beta <- signif(coef(lm(y ~ x)), 4)
            c <- round(cor(x, y), 2)
            dim(beta) <- NULL
            trendInfo$linear <- c(beta, c)

        if ("quadratic" %in% plot$trend) {
            beta <- signif(coef(lm(y ~ x + I(x^2))), 4)
            dim(beta) <- NULL
            trendInfo$quadratic <- beta

        if ("cubic" %in% plot$trend) {
            beta <- signif(coef(lm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3))), 4)
            dim(beta) <- NULL
            trendInfo$cubic <- beta
        trendInfo$rank.cor <- cor(x, y, method = "spearman")

    chart <- list(
        type = "scatter",
        varNames = names(tab),
        data = tab,
        colGroupNo = colGroupNo,
        trendInfo = trendInfo
    dpspJS <- paste(
        readLines(system.file("dpsp.js", package = "iNZightPlots")),
        collapse = "\n"
    JSData <- list(chart = jsonlite::toJSON(chart), jsFile = dpspJS)

    return(list(tbl = tbl, js = JSData))

getInfo.inzhex <- function(plot, x = NULL, ...) {
    warning("No table available for hexbin plots.")
    tbl <- NULL

    # hexplots use S4 notation
    counts <- plot$hex@count
    xcm <- round(plot$hex@xcm, 2)
    ycm <- round(plot$hex@ycm, 2)
    n <- plot$hex@n

    tab <- as.data.frame(cbind(counts, xcm, ycm))
    tab$pct <- round(tab$counts/n*100, 2)

    # JS
    chart <- list(type = "hex", data = tab, n = n)
    hexJS <- paste(
        readLines(system.file("hexbin.js", package = "iNZightPlots")),
        collapse = "\n"
    JSData <- list(chart = jsonlite::toJSON(chart), jsFile = hexJS)

    return(list(tbl = tbl, js = JSData))

getInfo.default <- function(plot, x, ...) {
    warning("There may not be an interactive version of this plot yet...")

# Variable selection: for dot plots and scatter plots
# For exporting additional variables
# @param varNames variables used in iNZightPlot object
# @param pl the plot object (x$all$all)
# @param order the order of points by how they are plotted (see inzscatter/inzdot function)
# @param extra.vars extra variables to export
# @param data original dataset used
# @param levels logical on whether there are levels to be considered (dot plots only)
# @return returns a data frame to be exported
varSelect <- function(varNames, pl, order, extra.vars, data, levels = FALSE) {

    if (!is.null(extra.vars) && !is.null(data)) {

        # filter missing data
        # This is not required for scatter plots as the order listed takes missing data
        # into account
        if (is.null(varNames$y) || levels == TRUE) {
            data <- data[!is.na(data[, varNames$x]), ]

        # selected variables
        selected <- c(extra.vars, varNames$x, varNames$y, varNames$colby, varNames$sizeby)
        colNum <- which(colnames(data) %in% selected)

        # format in order
        tab <- data[order, colNum, drop = FALSE]

        rownames(tab) <- 1:nrow(tab)

    } else {

        # default
        xVal <- pl$x
        tab <- data.frame(xVal)
        names(tab) <- varNames$x

        # y-var
        if (!is.null(varNames$y)) {
            yVal <- pl$y
            tab <- cbind(tab, as.data.frame(yVal))
            names(tab)[ncol(tab)] <- varNames$y

        # find colby/sizeby:
        if (!is.null(pl$colby)) {
            colby <- pl$colby
            tab <- cbind(tab, as.data.frame(colby))
            names(tab)[ncol(tab)] <- varNames$colby

        if (!is.null(varNames$sizeby)) {
            sizeby <- pl$propsize
            tab <- cbind(tab, as.data.frame(sizeby))
            names(tab)[ncol(tab)] <- varNames$sizeby




#' Identify if a plot can be interactive
#' Several iNZightPlots graphs have been enabled with custom interaction,
#' while others make use of the automatic output of `plotly`.
#' This function returns `TRUE` if the provided plot has interaction
#' (as determined by iNZight), and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' Not that, while most `ggplot2` graphs can be passed to `plotly`,
#' and even though we are using plot.ly directly for some of our ggplot2
#' graphs, we still only return `TRUE` if the graph was created
#' by one of the packages in the iNZight collection.
#' @param x a plot object returned from a plotting function
#' @return Logical to identify if there is an interactive version
#' @export
#' @author Tom Elliott, Yu Han Soh
#' @examples
#' can.interact(iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris))
can.interact <- function(x) {

#' @describeIn can.interact Default interaction helper (always returns `FALSE`)
#' @export
can.interact.default <- function(x) FALSE

#' @describeIn can.interact Graphs from `iNZightPlot()`, many of which
#'             have interaction enabled, but some do not (for example, hex plots)
#' @export
can.interact.inzplotoutput <- function(x) {
    pl <- x$all$all
    # if it's not single panelled/or of only 1 group
    if (is.null(pl) && (length(x$all) != 1)) {
    ## singular groups
    if (length(x$all) == 1) {
        pl <- x$all[[1]]
    # coloured hex-plots not available
    if(attributes(x)$plottype == "hex" && !is.null(pl$colby)) {

#' @describeIn can.interact Those `iNZight*` plotting functions which return
#'             a `ggplot2` object and have been tested to work with plotly
#'             will be tagged as such; this is just a helper to check for
#'             the necessary attribute.
#' @export
can.interact.ggplot <- function(x) {
    # only for iNZightMaps
    if (inherits(x$data, "sf") && !inherits(x, "gTable")) {
    } else {
        ## some other ggplot functions can be interacted with,
        ## based on the attribute `use.ploty`
        !is.null(attr(x, "use.plotly")) && attr(x, "use.plotly")
iNZightVIT/iNZightPlots documentation built on May 4, 2024, 6:18 a.m.