
Defines functions f.noise coloured.noise het.calc is.het plot_reaction.norm plot_inf.alleles plot_allele.results plot_sim.genotypicval plot_sim.fitness plot_sim.trait plot_sim.results indsim.plasticity.startgenot.simulate indsim.plasticity2.simulate indsim.simulate calc.epistat.effects check.interaction load.loc.attributes load.genotypes save.genotypes delres.fitness calc.fitness calc.Ne calc.al.freq mutate.delres.alleles mutate.inf.alleles mutate.K.alleles gen.mutations.loc gen.mutations my.xo.strands my.xo.positions make.gamete resolve.crossovers gen.n.crossover convert.linkage.2.indmat convert.indmat.2.linkage my.sample.parents resample produce.gametes.faster produce.gametes.W.No produce.gametes.W produce.gametes truncation.selection epigenetic.modification reset.epigenetics calc.genot.effects.epi calc.genot.effects.lim calc.genot.effects initialise.ind.mat HW.genot.freq

#This file contains scripts required to run the genetic architecture simulations

#Calculate Hardy-Weinberg frequencies, p = A and q = a
HW.genot.freq <- function(p) {
    q <- 1 - p
    AA <- p^2
    Aa <- 2*p*q
    aa <- q^2
    return(c(AA, Aa, aa))

#Initialise the genotypes of individuals
initialise.ind.mat <- function(ind.mat, genotype.mat, N, nloc) {
    #Go from genotype frequencies to N genotypes for each locus
    Ngeno <- function(x,N) { round(x*N) } #genotype frequency times number of individuals, rounded
    N.genot <- apply(genotype.mat, MARGIN = 2, Ngeno, N = N)

    #Over loci
    for(j in 1:nloc) {

        #Sample genotypes
        genot <- c(rep("AA",N.genot[1,j]), rep("Aa",N.genot[2,j]), rep("aa",N.genot[3,j]))
        sampled.genot <- sample(genot, size = N, replace = F)
        #Over individuals
        for(i in 1:N) {
            if(sampled.genot[i] == "AA") {ind.mat[[i]][,j] <- c(1,1) }
            if(sampled.genot[i] == "Aa") {ind.mat[[i]][,j] <- c(1,0) }
            if(sampled.genot[i] == "aa") {ind.mat[[i]][,j] <- c(0,0) }

#Calculate genotypic effects
calc.genot.effects <- function(ind.mat, ae, type, qtl.ind, nloc) {
    if(type == "biallelic") {
    geno.calc <- function(x, ae) {sum(rbind(x[1,]*ae, x[2,]*ae))} #This function sums genotypic effects
    ind.G <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(ind.mat, geno.calc, ae = ae)))

    if(type == "infinite") {
        #First put deleterious recessives to 0
        my.replace <- function(x, qtl.ind, nloc) {x[1:2, !(1:nloc %in% qtl.ind)] <- 0; return(x)} #This function prevents spurious phenotypic effects
        ind.mat <- lapply(ind.mat, my.replace, qtl.ind = qtl.ind, nloc = nloc)
        ind.G <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(lapply(ind.mat, Re), sum)))

#Calculate genotypic effects with limits (i.e genotypic effects are bounded between limits[1] and limits[2]
calc.genot.effects.lim <- function(ind.mat, ae, type, qtl.ind, nloc, limits) {
    if(type == "biallelic") {
    geno.calc <- function(x, ae) {sum(rbind(x[1,]*ae, x[2,]*ae))} #This function sums genotypic effects
    ind.G <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(ind.mat, geno.calc, ae = ae)))

    if(type == "infinite") {
        #First put deleterious recessives to 0
        my.replace <- function(x, qtl.ind, nloc) {x[1:2, !(1:nloc %in% qtl.ind)] <- 0; return(x)} #This function prevents spurious phenotypic effects
        ind.mat <- lapply(ind.mat, my.replace, qtl.ind = qtl.ind, nloc = nloc)
        ind.G <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(lapply(ind.mat, Re), sum)))

#Set too large or small genotypic values to their limits
    ind.G <- replace(ind.G, ind.G < limits[1], limits[1])
    ind.G <- replace(ind.G, ind.G > limits[2], limits[2])

#This function calculates effects of epigenetically modified loci
#Does not work at the moment if allelic architecture is biallelic for qtl
calc.genot.effects.epi <- function(ind.mat, qtl.ind, nloc) {
    #Check which loci are epigenetically modified

    #Set all other values first to 0 to avoid spurious effects
    my.replace <- function(x, qtl.ind, nloc) {x[1:2, !(1:nloc %in% qtl.ind)] <- 0; return(x)}
    ind.mat <- lapply(ind.mat, my.replace, qtl.ind = qtl.ind, nloc = nloc)
    #Calculate epigenetic effects for all inds
    ind.epi <- lapply(ind.mat, Im)
    if(any(unlist(ind.epi) != 0)) {
        epi.cue <- unlist(ind.epi)[which(unlist(ind.epi) != 0)[1]] } else { epi.cue <- 0 }
    #Epigenetic effect is the slope effect of epigenetically modified slope loci * previous parental cue
    epi.check <- lapply(ind.epi, function(x) {x > 0})
    reals <- lapply(ind.mat, Re)
    ind.Gb <- mapply('*', reals, epi.check, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) #
    #Calculate slope effects for all inds
    ind.Gb <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(ind.Gb, sum))) #Calculate slopes
    ind.Gepimod <- ind.Gb*epi.cue

#This functions resets all epigenetic modifications
reset.epigenetics <- function(ind.mat) {
    ind.mat <- lapply(ind.mat, Re)

##This function inserts epigenetic modifications to certain loci
        epigenetic.modification <- function(ind.mat, qtl.ind, cue, epi.mod.ind) {
            modify <- function(x, loc, cue) { x[,loc] <- x[,loc] + cue*1i; return(x) }
            select.inds <- ind.mat[as.logical(epi.mod.ind)] #
            select.inds <- lapply(select.inds, modify, qtl.ind, cue) #Epigenetically modify the qtl.slope loci
            ind.mat[as.logical(epi.mod.ind)] <- select.inds


#Use truncation selection to select top individuals. Returns the index of selected individuals
truncation.selection <- function(ind.mat, ind.P, sel.intensity = 1) {
    #Selecting individuals that have phenotype of i standard deviations larger than the mean
    #sel.intensity <- 1 #implies i = 1 -> S = \sigma_P
    t.point <- mean(ind.P) + sel.intensity*sd(ind.P) #Truncation point
    t.index <- ind.P >= t.point #Indexes of selected individuals
    #sel.mat <- ind.mat[t.index] #Select individuals,( its better to return just the index)

#Production and random union of gametes
produce.gametes <- function(sel.mat, loc.mat, N) {
    Nsel <- length(sel.mat)
    ind.mat <- rep(list("genotype" = loc.mat), N) #List for individuals, initialize again

    #Need to produce N individuals
    for(i in 1:N) {
        #Pick two individuals at random
        ind.index <- sample(1:Nsel, size = 2)
        pind.mat <- sel.mat[ind.index]

        #Produce gametes
        #Gamete 1
        ### This is for free recombination, modify this if linkage exists! ###
        gamete1 <- apply(pind.mat[[1]], MARGIN = 2, sample, size = 1)
        #Gamete 2
        gamete2 <- apply(pind.mat[[2]], MARGIN = 2, sample, size = 1)

        #Union of gametes, aka fertilization <3
        ind.mat[[i]][1,] <- gamete1
        ind.mat[[i]][2,] <- gamete2

#Implement linkage into produce.gametes.W function, 
#Production and random union of gametes, individuals contribute to the next generation weighted by their fitness
    produce.gametes.W <- function(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = F, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr) {
    Nind <- length(ind.mat)
    ind.mat.new <- rep(list("genotype" = loc.mat), No) #List of the next generation of individuals, initialize
    #4-strand index mat
    strand.mat <- matrix(c(1,3,1,4,2,3,2,4), ncol = 4)

    #Need to produce No individuals
    for(i in 1:No) {
        #Pick two individuals at random, weighted by their fitness
        ind.index <- sample(1:Nind, size = 2, prob = ind.W)
        pind.mat <- ind.mat[ind.index]

        #Free recombination
        if(link.map == F) {
        #produce gamates
        #Gamete 1
        ### This is for free recombination, modify this if linkage exists! ###
        gamete1 <- apply(pind.mat[[1]], MARGIN = 2, sample, size = 1)
        #Gamete 2
        gamete2 <- apply(pind.mat[[2]], MARGIN = 2, sample, size = 1)

        #Recombination using a linkage map
        if(link.map == T) {
        #Produce gametes
        ### Gamete 1 ###
        #Make a linkage format data from parent 1, in the four strand stage (i.e. pachytene)
        linkage.gamete1 <- convert.indmat.2.linkage(linkage, pind.mat[[1]], nloc.chr, n.chr, fourstrand = T)
        n.crossover <- gen.n.crossover(n.chr, lambda = 0.56) #This yields 1.56 crossovers per chromosome on avg.
        #Generate crossover position and pick strands that participate
        foo <- list(0)
        xo.positions.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
        xo.strands.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
        for(j in 1:n.chr) {
            xo.positions.list[[j]] <- sort(runif(n.crossover[j], min = 0, max = 1))
            xo.strands.list[[j]] <- sample(c(1,2,3,4), size = n.crossover[j], replace = T)
        #Resolving crossovers
        linkage.gamete1 <- resolve.crossovers(meiocyte = linkage.gamete1, xo.positions.list, xo.strands.list, strand.mat, n.chr, n.crossover)
        #Select chromosomes for gametes (i.e. meiotic divisions)
        gamete1 <- make.gamete(linkage.gamete1)

        ### Gamete2 ###
        linkage.gamete2 <- convert.indmat.2.linkage(linkage, pind.mat[[2]], nloc.chr, n.chr, fourstrand = T)
        n.crossover <- gen.n.crossover(n.chr, lambda = 0.56)
        xo.positions.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
        xo.strands.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
        for(j in 1:n.chr) {
            xo.positions.list[[j]] <- sort(runif(n.crossover[j], min = 0, max = 1))
            xo.strands.list[[j]] <- sample(c(1,2,3,4), size = n.crossover[j], replace = T)
        #Resolving crossovers and perform meiotic divisions
        linkage.gamete2 <- resolve.crossovers(meiocyte = linkage.gamete2, xo.positions.list, xo.strands.list, strand.mat, n.chr, n.crossover)
        gamete2 <- make.gamete(linkage.gamete2)
        } #Done making gametes

        #Union of gametes, aka fertilization <3
        ind.mat.new[[i]][1,] <- gamete1
        ind.mat.new[[i]][2,] <- gamete2
    } #No individuals produced

#This function produces gametes on individual basis, 
#Production and random union of gametes, individuals contribute to the next generation weighted by their fitness
    produce.gametes.W.No <- function(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = F, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr) {
    Nind <- length(ind.mat) #Number of parents
    sum.No <- sum(No) #Total number of individuals to be produced
    ind.mat.new <- rep(list("genotype" = loc.mat), sum.No) #List of the next generation of individuals, initialize
    #4-strand index mat
    strand.mat <- matrix(c(1,3,1,4,2,3,2,4), ncol = 4)
    n <- 1 #Initialize counter

    #Need to produce No individuals
    for(i in 1:Nind) { #Loop over all individuals (parents)
        if(No[i] > 0) { #Check that parent had more than zero offspring
            for(k in 1:No[i]) { #Loop over all offspring of focal individual
                #Pick the focal individual and another at random weighted by their fitness
                ind.index <- c(i, sample((1:Nind)[-i], size = 1, prob = ind.W[-i])) #Selfing not possible
                pind.mat <- ind.mat[ind.index]

                #Free recombination
                if(link.map == F) {
                #produce gamates
                #Gamete 1
                ### This is for free recombination, modify this if linkage exists! ###
                gamete1 <- apply(pind.mat[[1]], MARGIN = 2, sample, size = 1)
                #Gamete 2
                gamete2 <- apply(pind.mat[[2]], MARGIN = 2, sample, size = 1)

                #Recombination using a linkage map
                if(link.map == T) {
                #Produce gametes
                ### Gamete 1 ###
                #Make a linkage format data from parent 1, in the four strand stage (i.e. pachytene)
                linkage.gamete1 <- convert.indmat.2.linkage(linkage, pind.mat[[1]], nloc.chr, n.chr, fourstrand = T)
                n.crossover <- gen.n.crossover(n.chr, lambda = 0.56) #This yields 1.56 crossovers per chromosome on avg.
                #Generate crossover position and pick strands that participate
                foo <- list(0)
                xo.positions.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
                xo.strands.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
                for(j in 1:n.chr) {
                    xo.positions.list[[j]] <- sort(runif(n.crossover[j], min = 0, max = 1))
                    xo.strands.list[[j]] <- sample(c(1,2,3,4), size = n.crossover[j], replace = T)
                #Resolving crossovers
                linkage.gamete1 <- resolve.crossovers(meiocyte = linkage.gamete1, xo.positions.list, xo.strands.list, strand.mat, n.chr, n.crossover)
                #Select chromosomes for gametes (i.e. meiotic divisions)
                gamete1 <- make.gamete(linkage.gamete1)

                ### Gamete2 ###
                linkage.gamete2 <- convert.indmat.2.linkage(linkage, pind.mat[[2]], nloc.chr, n.chr, fourstrand = T)
                n.crossover <- gen.n.crossover(n.chr, lambda = 0.56)
                xo.positions.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
                xo.strands.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
                for(j in 1:n.chr) {
                    xo.positions.list[[j]] <- sort(runif(n.crossover[j], min = 0, max = 1))
                    xo.strands.list[[j]] <- sample(c(1,2,3,4), size = n.crossover[j], replace = T)
                #Resolving crossovers and perform meiotic divisions
                linkage.gamete2 <- resolve.crossovers(meiocyte = linkage.gamete2, xo.positions.list, xo.strands.list, strand.mat, n.chr, n.crossover)
                gamete2 <- make.gamete(linkage.gamete2)
                } #Done making gametes

                #Union of gametes, aka fertilization <3
                ind.mat.new[[n]][1,] <- gamete1
                ind.mat.new[[n]][2,] <- gamete2
                n <- n + 1 #update counter        
            } #Close looping over all offspring of one parent
        } #Close if statement
    } #Close looping over all parents, #No individuals produced

#This function produces gametes on individual basis, 
#Production and random union of gametes, individuals contribute to the next generation weighted by their fitness
#This is a faster version of produce.gametes.W.No
    produce.gametes.faster <- function(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = F, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr) {
    Nind <- length(ind.mat) #Number of parents
    sum.No <- sum(No) #Total number of individuals to be produced
    ind.mat.new <- rep(list("genotype" = loc.mat), sum.No) #List of the next generation of individuals, initialize
    #4-strand index mat
    strand.mat <- matrix(c(1,3,1,4,2,3,2,4), ncol = 4)
    n <- 1 #Initialize counter

    No.ind <- No > 0 #Those individuals that have more than zero offspring
    Nind2 <- (1:Nind)[No.ind]

    #Pick the focal individual and another at random weighted by their fitness
    #Selfing not possible
    ind.index <- lapply(Nind2, my.sample.parents, Nind = Nind, No = No, ind.W = ind.W)  

    #Need to produce No individuals
    for(i in 1:length(ind.index)) { #Loop over all individuals (parents)
           # ind.index <- c(i, sample((1:Nind)[-i], size = No[i], prob = ind.W[-i])) #Selfing not possible
            for(k in 2:length(ind.index[[i]])) { #Loop over all offspring of focal individual
                pind.mat <- ind.mat[c(ind.index[[i]][1], ind.index[[i]][k])]

                #Free recombination
                if(link.map == F) {
                #produce gamates
                #Gamete 1
                ### This is for free recombination, modify this if linkage exists! ###
                gamete1 <- apply(pind.mat[[1]], MARGIN = 2, sample, size = 1)
                #Gamete 2
                gamete2 <- apply(pind.mat[[2]], MARGIN = 2, sample, size = 1)

                #Recombination using a linkage map
                if(link.map == T) {
                #Produce gametes
                ### Gamete 1 ###
                #Make a linkage format data from parent 1, in the four strand stage (i.e. pachytene)
                linkage.gamete1 <- convert.indmat.2.linkage(linkage, pind.mat[[1]], nloc.chr, n.chr, fourstrand = T)
                n.crossover <- gen.n.crossover(n.chr, lambda = 0.56) #This yields 1.56 crossovers per chromosome on avg.
                #Generate crossover position and pick strands that participate
                foo <- list(0)
                xo.positions.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
                xo.strands.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
                xo.positions.list <- lapply(n.crossover, my.xo.positions)
                xo.strands.list <- lapply(n.crossover, my.xo.strands)
                #Resolving crossovers
                linkage.gamete1 <- resolve.crossovers(meiocyte = linkage.gamete1, xo.positions.list, xo.strands.list, strand.mat, n.chr, n.crossover)
                #Select chromosomes for gametes (i.e. meiotic divisions)
                gamete1 <- make.gamete(linkage.gamete1)

                ### Gamete2 ###
                linkage.gamete2 <- convert.indmat.2.linkage(linkage, pind.mat[[2]], nloc.chr, n.chr, fourstrand = T)
                n.crossover <- gen.n.crossover(n.chr, lambda = 0.56)
                xo.positions.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
                xo.strands.list <- rep(foo, n.chr)
                xo.positions.list <- lapply(n.crossover, my.xo.positions)
                xo.strands.list <- lapply(n.crossover, my.xo.strands)
                #Resolving crossovers and perform meiotic divisions
                linkage.gamete2 <- resolve.crossovers(meiocyte = linkage.gamete2, xo.positions.list, xo.strands.list, strand.mat, n.chr, n.crossover)
                gamete2 <- make.gamete(linkage.gamete2)
                } #Done making gametes

                #Union of gametes, aka fertilization <3
                ind.mat.new[[n]][1,] <- gamete1
                ind.mat.new[[n]][2,] <- gamete2
                n <- n + 1 #update counter        
            } #Close looping over all offspring of one parent
    } #Close looping over all parents, #No individuals produced

##Note the function 'sample' has some undesired behaviour, when x is numeric and length(x) = 1, then function actually samples from 1:x .... WHY R WHY!!!!?
##Use a safer version of the function to avoid this problem
resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)] ##Safer version of sample function
#Helper function, pick parents
my.sample.parents <- function(x, Nind, No, ind.W) { c(x, resample((1:Nind)[-x], size = No[x], replace = T, prob = ind.W[-x])) }

### Functions for recombination #####################################################################
#Function for going from ind.mat format to linkage format, input: linkage, ind.mat and vector of loci numbers per chromosome, and number of chromosomes
#Assuming that loci are in linear order in ind.mat so that consecutive numbering from 1 to n
convert.indmat.2.linkage <- function(linkage, ind.mat, nloc.chr, n.chr, fourstrand = F) {

    #Loop over linkage groups and copy genotypes from ind.mat
    pos1 <- 1 #Initial starting position
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        #pos1 <- 1
        pos2 <- pos1 + nloc.chr[i] - 1
        linkage[[i]][1:2,] <- ind.mat[,pos1:pos2]
        pos1 <- pos2 + 1 #update new starting position

    #Do we want four strand stage? If so, duplicate first and second rows
    if(fourstrand == T) {
        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
            linkage[[i]] <- rbind(linkage[[i]][1,], linkage[[i]][1,], linkage[[i]][2,], linkage[[i]][2,], linkage[[i]][3,]) }

#Function for going to from linkage format to ind.mat format
#This is an elegant solution, fully vectorized!
convert.linkage.2.indmat <- function(linkage) {

    mydrop <- function(x) {x[-3,]} #Function for dropping the third row
    ind.mat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(linkage, mydrop)), nrow = 2) #unlist and rebuild matrix

#Generate crossovers
#Function that simulates crossover numbers per chromosome here
gen.n.crossover <- function(n.chr, lambda, lambda.chr = FALSE) {
    #Number of crossovers per chromosome is poisson distributed (minimum is one xo)
    n.xo <- rpois(n.chr, lambda)+1

resolve.crossovers <- function(meiocyte, xo.positions.list, xo.strands.list, strand.mat, n.chr, n.crossover) {
    #Resolving crossovers
    #Loop over chromosomes
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        #Loop over crossover events
        for(j in 1:n.crossover[i]) {
            #Select segments
            cur.pos <- xo.positions.list[[i]][j] #Current position
            cur.strands <- xo.strands.list[[i]][j]
            sel.strands <- meiocyte[[i]][strand.mat[,cur.strands],] #Select strands
            #Crossover indices
            before.xo <- Re(meiocyte[[i]][5,]) < cur.pos
            after.xo <- !before.xo
            #Resolve crossover
            meiocyte[[i]][(strand.mat[,cur.strands][1]),] <- c(sel.strands[1,before.xo], sel.strands[2,after.xo])
            meiocyte[[i]][(strand.mat[,cur.strands][2]),] <- c(sel.strands[2,before.xo], sel.strands[1,after.xo])

#This function converts the four strand format to a gamete, by randomly sampling one chromatid
#returns a gamete in ind.mat format
make.gamete <- function(linkage.gamete) {
    mydrop <- function(x) {x[-5,]} #For dropping the fifth row
    mysample <- function(x) {x[sample(c(1,2,3,4),1),] } #Sampling one the four chromatids
    gamete <- lapply(lapply(linkage.gamete, mydrop), mysample) #Using list apply

#Functions for picking crossover positions and strands
my.xo.positions <- function(n.crossover) { sort(runif(n.crossover, min = 0, max = 1)) }
my.xo.strands <- function(n.crossover) { sample(c(1,2,3,4), size = n.crossover, replace = T) }


### Functions for generating mutations ###########################################################
#Do mutations occur or not?
gen.mutations <- function(x, N, mu) {
    x <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = mu) }

#Do mutations occur or not. Version for unique mutation rates per locus
gen.mutations.loc <- function(x, N) {
    rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = x) }

#This function makes mutations with the K-alleles model
        mutate.K.alleles <- function(x, l, alleles) {
            mut.al.ind <- sample(c(1,2),1)
            cur.allele <- x[mut.al.ind,l]
            new.allele <- sample(alleles[[l]][alleles[[l]] !=cur.allele],1) #Select one allele
            x[mut.al.ind,l] <- new.allele

#This function makes mutations with the infinite alleles model
mutate.inf.alleles <- function(x, l, sigma.a) {
    mut.al.ind <- sample(c(1,2),1)
    x[mut.al.ind,l] <- rnorm(1, mean = 0, sd = sigma.a) #This may need to changed accordingly

#This function makes deleterious mutations according to the empirical distribution
mutate.delres.alleles <- function(x, l) {
    mut.al.ind <- sample(c(1,2),1)
    x[mut.al.ind,l] <- ifelse(rbinom(1,1,0.3), 1, rbeta(1, 1, 6)) #Empirical distribution


#Some additional functions
#Calculate allele frequencies
#For infinite allele model, frequencies of qtls are calculated such that ancestral allele (i.e. 0) is q
calc.al.freq <- function(data, N, nloc, allele.model, loc.attributes) {
    allele.freq <- rep(0, nloc) #initialise allele frequencies

    #First the case of all biallelic calculation
    if(allele.model == "biallelic") {

        for(j in 1:nloc) {
            allele1 <- unname(sapply(data, '[[', 2*j-1)) #Get element [1,2*j-1] from each individual
            allele2 <- unname(sapply(data, '[[', 2*j)) #Get element [2,2*j] from each individual

             allele.freq[j] <- (sum(allele1+allele2))/(2*N)

    #Then in the case of infinite allele calculations
    if(allele.model == "infinite") {
        for(j in 1:nloc) {
            if(loc.attributes[j] %in% c("qtl", "qtl.slope", "qtl.adj", "qtl.hed", "qtl.epi") == FALSE) { #Frequencies for deleterious recessives and neutral loci
                allele1 <- unname(sapply(data, '[[', 2*j-1)) #Get element [1,2*j-1] from each individual
                allele2 <- unname(sapply(data, '[[', 2*j)) #Get element [2,2*j] from each individual
                allele.freq[j] <- (sum(allele1+allele2))/(2*N)
            } else {
                allele1 <- unname(sapply(data, '[[', 2*j-1)) #Get element [1,2*j-1] from each individual
                allele2 <- unname(sapply(data, '[[', 2*j)) #Get element [2,2*j] from each individual
                allele1 <- allele1 != 0 #All other values (alleles) than 0 get a value of 1
                allele2 <- allele2 != 0

                allele.freq[j] <- (sum(allele1+allele2))/(2*N)

#Calculate effective population size from neutral markers
#Assumes that generations are sampled t generations apart
calc.Ne <- function(af1, af2, N1, N2, nloc, t) {
    ##Using the method of Nei and Tajima 1981 (methoc C: eqs 15 and 16)
    Fc <- rep(0, nloc)
    #Calculating Fc (equation 15) (A measure of inbreeding F-statistics)
    for(i in 1:nloc) {
        Fc[i] <- (1/2) * ((af1[i] - af2[i])^2 / ( (af1[i]+af2[i])/2 - af1[i]*af2[i]) + ((1-af1[i]) - (1-af2[i]))^2 / ( ((1-af1[i]) + (1-af2[i]) )/2 - (1-af1[i])*(1-af2[i]) ))
    #Mean Fc across all loci (since loci are biallelic no weighting is done for number of alleles)
    meanFc <- sum(Fc)/nloc
    #Estimate of Ne (equation 16)
    Ne <- (t-2) / (2*(meanFc - (1/(2*N1) + 1/(2*N2))))


#Calculate fitness using stabilizing selection 
    calc.fitness <- function(ind.P, opt.pheno, sel.intensity) {

#Calculate fitness effects of deleterious mutations
delres.fitness <- function(ind.mat, delres.ind, nloc, delres.h) {
    mydselect <- function(x, delres.ind, nloc) {x[1:2, (1:nloc %in% delres.ind)]}
    ind.mat <- lapply(ind.mat, mydselect, delres.ind, nloc) #Select only deleterious recessives
    ##Check that both alleles are different from zero, return the smallest value if true, 0 if false
    delres.check <- function(ind.mat) { ifelse(all(ind.mat == 0), 0, ifelse(all(ind.mat != 0), max(ind.mat), delres.h*max(ind.mat))) }
    delres.check2 <- function(ind.mat) { apply(ind.mat, MARGIN = 2, delres.check) }
    delr.mat <- lapply(ind.mat, delres.check2) #Check all genotypes
    ##Calculate effect on fitness for each ind, effects are multiplicative
    delres.ef <- function(delr.mat) { prod(1-delr.mat) }
    delr.vec <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(delr.mat, delres.ef))) #Calculate effects on fitness

#Old delres.check function, did not take possible partial recessivity into account
#New function does this with the delres.h parameter
#delres.check <- function(ind.mat) { ifelse(all(ind.mat != 0), min(ind.mat), 0) }


##Function to save and load genotypes to a text file
save.genotypes <- function(ind.mat, nloci, parname, generation, ID ) {

    dirname <- paste("par_", parname, "/ID_", ID, sep = "") #Name of directory
    #Then create a directory if it does not exist
    if(!dir.exists(dirname)) { dir.create(dirname, recursive = TRUE) }
    filename <- paste("gen_", generation, sep = "")
    finalname <- paste(dirname, "/", filename, ".csv", sep = "")
    lapply(ind.mat, write, finalname, append = TRUE, ncolumns = 2*nloci)


##Function to load genotypes from text file, that was generated using "save.genotypes"
load.genotypes <- function(filename, nloci) {
    conn <- file(filename, open = "r")
    linn <- readLines(conn)
    #Need to close connection
    #Converting from character format to numeric
    tokens <- strsplit(linn, split = " ")
    myconvert <- function(x, nloci) { matrix(as.numeric(x), ncol = nloci) }
    genotypes <- lapply(tokens, myconvert, nloci = nloci)


##Function to load loci attributes
load.loc.attributes <- function(file) {

    loc.attributes <- scan(file, what = "char", nlines = 1, quiet = T) #Read loci types
    n.chr <- scan(file, nlines = 1, skip = 1, quiet = T) #Read number of chromosomes
    nloc.chr <- scan(file, nlines = n.chr, skip = 2, quiet = T) #Read n.loci per chromosome
    linkage <- rep(list(0), n.chr) #initialize linkage map
    #Then read map positions chr by chr
    for(i in 1:n.chr) { linkage[[i]] <- scan(file, nlines = 1, skip = (2 + n.chr + i -1), quiet = T) }

    return(list("loci" = loc.attributes, "n.chr" = n.chr, "nloc.chr" = nloc.chr, "linkage" = linkage))

###Functions to calculate epistatic effects
check.interaction <- function(x, genot) {
    check <- apply(genot[,x], 2, function(x) {x != 0})
    dose <- apply(check, 2, sum)
    if(any(dose == 0)) {epistat.g <- 0} else {
        if(sum(dose) == 4) {epistat.g <- 2 }
        if(sum(dose) < 4) {epistat.g <- 1 }

calc.epistat.effects <- function(genot, interactions, epi.effects) {
#Check all interactions for a single genotype
epistat.g <- apply(interactions, 1, check.interaction, genot = genot)

#The string #' indicates roxygen parsing

#### Wrapper function for the whole simulation
#' Perform individual based simulations
#' This function performs individual based simulations according to given parameters
#' @param N Starting population size
#' @param generations Number of generations to run the simulations
#' @param sel.intensity Selection intensity for stabilising selection
#' @param init.f Initial allele frequencies for QTL
#' @param init.n Initial allele frequencies for neutral loci
#' @param sigma.e Environmental standard deviations of the phenotypic trait
#' @param K Carrying capacity of the population
#' @param opt.pheno Vector of phenotypic optimums for each generation
#' @param density.reg How population density is regulated. Currently there are two possible values:  "logistic" which implements logistic population density regulation (see manual) and "sugar" which constrains population to carrying capacity by randomly removing individuals when population size is higher than K
#' @param r If density regulation is "logistic", this is the population growth rate.
#' @param B If density regulation is "sugar", this it the mean number of offspring each perfectly adapted individual has
#' @param allele.model Which allele model to use for qtl. Currently the options are: "infinite" which uses an infinite alleles model for qtl, and "biallelic" which uses a biallelic model for qtl
#' @param nqtl Number of loci affecting the phenotype
#' @param mu.qtl Mutation rate for qtl loci
#' @param mu.delres Mutation rate for deleterious recessives
#' @param mu.neutral Mutation rate for neutral loci
#' @param sigma.a Standard deviation of mutational effects
#' @param n.chr Number of chromosomes (linkage groups)
#' @param nloc.chr Vector of the length of n.chr giving number of loci for each chromosome
#' @param n.delres Number of deleterious recessives, defaults to 0
#' @param n.neutral Number of neutral loci, defaults to 0
#' @param delres.h Dominance coefficient of deleterious mutations
#' @param linkage.map If map distances are determined randomly, set this to "random", if fixed linkage map is provided can set this to "user"
#' @param linkage Matrix of 3 rows and nloc columns, first two rows can be zeros and third row determines map distances relative to chromosome coordinates from 0 to 1
#' @param epistasis Whether epistasis is present in the simulation
#' @param Eprob Probability that two loci exhibit epistasis
#' @param Emean Mean of epistasis coefficients
#' @param sigma.epi Standard deviation of epistasis coefficients
#' @param save.all whether genotypes should be saved in each generation?
#' @param parname name of the parameter set used in saving the genotype files
#' @export
indsim.simulate <- function(N, generations, sel.intensity, init.f, init.n, a, sigma.e, K, r, B, opt.pheno, density.reg, allele.model, mu.qtl, mu.delres = 0, mu.neutral = 0, sigma.a = 1, n.chr, nloc.chr, nqtl, n.delres = 0, n.neutral = 0, delres.h = 0.25, linkage.map = "random", epistasis = FALSE, Eprob = 0, Emean = 0, sigma.epi = 1, linkage = NULL, save.all = FALSE, parname = NULL) {

    #Prepare linkage groups
    foo <- list(0)
    nloc <- nqtl + n.delres + n.neutral

    #Perform some checks that initial parameters are sensible
    if(nloc != sum(nloc.chr)) { stop("Number of loci and loci per chromosome don't match!") }
    if(n.delres > 0 & mu.delres == 0) {stop("Mutation rate of deleterious recessives is zero!") }

    loc.attributes <- sample(c(rep("qtl", nqtl), rep("neutral", n.neutral), rep("delres", n.delres)), size = nloc, replace = FALSE) #Types for all loci
    delres.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "delres"] #Indices of deleterious recessives
    qtl.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl"] #Indices of loci that affect the phenotype
    #Locus specific mutation rates
    loc.mu <- rep(0, nloc)
    loc.mu[delres.ind] <- mu.delres
    loc.mu[qtl.ind] <- mu.qtl
    loc.mu[(1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "neutral"]] <- mu.neutral

    alleles <- rep(list(c(0,1)), nloc) #Alleles for all except qtl
    if(allele.model == "biallelic") { #Setup biallelic effects
        #alleles <- rep(list(c(0,1)), nloc) #All loci biallelic
        q <- (1:(nqtl+1)/(nqtl+1))[-(nqtl+1)]
        ae <- qnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1) #Allelic effects are distributed normally
        #ae <- dnorm(seq(from = -5, to = -1, length.out = nloc), mean = 0, sd = 1)*10
        ae <- sample(ae, length(ae)) #Randomize allelic effects among loci
        temp <- rep(0,nloc)
        temp[qtl.ind] <- ae
        ae <- temp }

    #Setup linkage map
    if(linkage.map == "random") {
        linkage <- rep(foo, n.chr)
        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
            linkage[[i]] <- matrix(rep(0,3*nloc.chr[i]), ncol = nloc.chr[i])
            linkage[[i]][3,] <- sort(runif(nloc.chr[i])) #Map-positions for each locus

    ##Setup epistatic interactions if they exist in the simulation
    if(epistasis == TRUE) {
        #probability of epistasis = Eprob
        #choose among all of the possible combinations those mutations that are going to have an interaction
        n.comb <- choose(nqtl, 2) #Number of combinations
        loc.comb <- t(combn(nloc, 2)) #Generate all combinations and transpose
        n.epistat <- rbinom(1, n.comb, Eprob) #Number of interactions
        interactions <- loc.comb[sample(1:n.comb, size = n.epistat, replace = FALSE),]
        #interactions <- matrix(sample(1:nloc, size = 2*n.epistat), ncol = 2) #matrix of interacting loci
        epi.effects <- rnorm(n.epistat, mean = Emean, sd = sigma.epi)
    } #Done generating epistatic interactions

    #Simulation with logistic population regulation and natural selection

    #Initialize the results matrix
    #We want to monitor phenotypes, allele freqs, heritabilities, variances etc. etc.
    results.mat.pheno <- matrix(rep(0, generations*7), ncol = 7)
    colnames(results.mat.pheno) <- c("generation", "pop.mean", "sel.mean", "var.a", "h2", "W.mean", "N")
    results.mat.pheno[,1] <- 1:generations #Store generation numbers

    results.mat.alleles <- matrix(rep(0, generations*(nloc+1)), ncol = nloc+1)
    results.mat.alleles[,1] <- 1:generations
    colnames(results.mat.alleles) <- c("generation", c(paste(rep("locus", nloc), 1:nloc, sep = "")))
    #If there are neutral loci in the simulation add Ne column to calculate variance effective size
    if(n.neutral > 0) { results.mat.alleles <- cbind(results.mat.alleles, c(rep(NA,10), rep(0, generations-10)))
                        colnames(results.mat.alleles)[nloc+2] <- "Ne"
                        neutral.index <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "neutral"] + 1 }
    ##Note that + 1 in neutral index is because some following calculations use allele frequencies and column numbers need to be adjusted by one because first column is generation number

    #Initilize the simulation
    loc.mat <- matrix(rep(0,2*nloc), ncol = nloc)
    ind.mat <- rep(list("genotype" = loc.mat), N) #List for individuals

    #Allele frequencies
    init.freq <- rep(init.f,nloc) #for p
    #Here can also make explicit initial frequencies for qtls, delres and neutral markers
    if(n.neutral > 0) { init.freq[loc.attributes == "neutral"] <- init.n } #Neutral markers start at these frequencies

    #Genotype frequencies
    genotype.mat <- matrix(rep(0,3*nloc), ncol = nloc)
    rownames(genotype.mat) <- c("AA", "Aa", "aa")

    #Initialize genotype frequencies
    for(i in 1:nloc) {
        genotype.mat[,i] <- HW.genot.freq(init.freq[i])

    ind.mat <- initialise.ind.mat(ind.mat, genotype.mat, N, nloc) #Sample starting genotypes

    ### If all genotypes need to be saved, initialize ID and save loci attributes and linkage map
    #When running multiple parallel simulations this is needed so different runs are saved separately
    if(save.all == TRUE) {
        ##Generate a random run ID
        ID <- substr(as.character(runif(1,1,9)), 3, 10)
        #Saving the loc.attributes information
        dirname <- paste("par_", parname, "/ID_", ID, sep = "") #Directory
        if(!dir.exists(dirname)) { dir.create(dirname, recursive = TRUE) }
        filename <- "locattr"
        finalname <- paste(dirname, "/", filename, ".txt", sep = "")
        write(loc.attributes, file = finalname, append = TRUE, ncolumns = nloc) #Save loci attributes
        write(c(n.chr, nloc.chr), file = finalname, append = TRUE, ncolumns = 1) #Save n chr
        for(i in 1:n.chr) { write(linkage[[i]][3,], file = finalname, append = TRUE, ncolumns = nloc.chr[i]) } #save map positions for each locus in each chromosome
    #Loop over generations
    for(g in 1:generations) {

        #Check for extinction
        if(N < 2) {return(list("phenotype" = results.mat.pheno, "alleles" = results.mat.alleles, "genotypes" = ind.mat, "loci" = loc.attributes, "linkagemap" = linkage))}

        #Calculate allele frequencies
        results.mat.alleles[g,2:(nloc+1)] <- calc.al.freq(ind.mat, length(ind.mat), nloc, allele.model, loc.attributes)

        ### If need to save genotypes do it here ###
        if(save.all == TRUE) {
            save.genotypes(ind.mat, nloci = nloc, parname = parname, generation = g, ID = ID)

        #Argument type needs to have value of either "biallelic" or "infinite"
        ind.G <- calc.genot.effects(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.ind, nloc) #Calculate genotype effects
        #sigma.e <- (abs(ind.G) + 1)*coef.e #Environmental variation scales with genotypic effects
        if(epistasis == TRUE) {
            EPI <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(ind.mat, calc.epistat.effects, interactions = interactions, epi.effects = epi.effects)))
            ind.G <- ind.G + EPI #Sum genotypic and epistatic effects, EPI part of genotype

        #Calculate environmental and phenotypic effects
        ind.E <- rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = sigma.e)
        ind.P <- ind.G + ind.E

        #Store phenotypes    
        results.mat.pheno[g,2] <- mean(ind.P) #Trait mean
        results.mat.pheno[g,4] <- var(ind.G) #Additive genetic variance
        results.mat.pheno[g,5] <- var(ind.G)/var(ind.P) #Heritability
        #Calculate fitnesses
        ind.W <- calc.fitness(ind.P, opt.pheno[g], sel.intensity)
        if(n.delres > 0) {
            #Calculate fitness effects of deleterious recessives
            ind.W <- ind.W*delres.fitness(ind.mat, delres.ind, nloc, delres.h)

        results.mat.pheno[g,6] <- mean(ind.W) #Population mean fitness
        results.mat.pheno[g,7] <- N #Population size

        #Calculate effective population size (if g > 10)
        if(g > 10 & n.neutral > 0) { results.mat.alleles[g,(nloc+2)] <- calc.Ne(af1 = results.mat.alleles[(g-10), neutral.index], af2 = results.mat.alleles[g, neutral.index], N1 = results.mat.pheno[g-10,7], N2 = results.mat.pheno[g,7], nloc = n.neutral, t = 10) }
        ### Reproduction ###
        #Using logistic density regulation
        if(density.reg == "logistic") {
            #Calculate the number of offspring the population produces
            #Logistic population regulation
            No <- round(N*K*(1+r) / (N*(1+r) - N + K)) #Logistic population growth
            #Scale number of offspring by population mean fitness
            No <- round(mean(ind.W)*No); if(No < 1) {stop("Population went extinct! : (")}
            ind.mat <- produce.gametes.W(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = T, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr)

        #Population regulation via Mikael's method
        if(density.reg == "sugar") {
            #Calculate the number of offspring that each individual produces
            No <- rpois(n = N, lambda = B*ind.W)
            #If number of offspring larger than K, remove some offspring randomly
            if(sum(No) > K) {
                while(sum(No) > K) { #Remove individuals until only K are left
                    No.rem <- sum(No) - K
                    no.ind <- (1:length(No))[No > 0] #Indexes of cases where No > 0
                    if(No.rem < length(no.ind)) {   
                        rem.ind <- sample(no.ind, No.rem, replace = FALSE)
                        No[rem.ind] <- No[rem.ind] - 1
                    if(No.rem >= length(no.ind)) {
                        No[no.ind] <- No[no.ind] - 1
            ind.mat <- produce.gametes.faster(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = T, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr)
        #Next generation
        N <- length(ind.mat) #Store new population size

        ### Mutation ###
        #Produce mutations
        mutations <- rep(foo, nloc)
        #Has to be 2*mu since mutations happen on individual basis and each ind has 2 copies
        mutations <- lapply(2*loc.mu, gen.mutations.loc, N = N) 
        for(l in 1:nloc) { #Loop over all loci
            if(any(mutations[[l]] == 1) == TRUE) { #Did any mutations happen?
                mut.ind <- ind.mat[mutations[[l]] == 1] #Select individuals to be mutated
                if(allele.model == "biallelic") { #Which alleles model is used?
                    mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.K.alleles, l = l, alleles = alleles) #Mutate alleles
                if(allele.model == "infinite") {
                   if(loc.attributes[l] == "qtl") {
                       mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.inf.alleles, l = l, sigma.a = sigma.a) }
                   if(loc.attributes[l] == "delres") {
                       mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.delres.alleles, l = l) }
                   if(loc.attributes[l] == "neutral") {   
                       mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.K.alleles, l = l, alleles = alleles) }
                ind.mat[mutations[[l]] == 1] <- mut.ind #Store results
    } #Done looping over generations

    #Modify results matrices if necessary

#    if(save.all == TRUE) {
#        return(list("phenotype" = results.mat.pheno, "alleles" = results.mat.alleles, "genotypes" = #all.genotypes, "loci" = loc.attributes))
#    }

    #Return results
#    if(save.all == FALSE) {
        return(list("phenotype" = results.mat.pheno, "alleles" = results.mat.alleles, "genotypes" = ind.mat, "loci" = loc.attributes))
#    }

### End of individual based simulations ###

##Plasticity simulations using a model similar to Botero et al.###

#Need to incorporate between generation effects, mediated by epigenetics...
#roxygen stuff
#This function performs individuals based simulations with model similar to Botero, evolution of plasticity and between generations effects are possible
#' Simulations with plasticity
#' This function performs simulations with plasticity and epigenetic effects in fluctuating environments.
#' @param N Starting population size
#' @param generations Number of generations to run the simulations
#' @param L Number of timesteps in each generation
#' @param sel.intensity Selection intensity for stabilising selection
#' @param init.f Initial allele frequencies for QTL
#' @param init.n Initial allele frequencies for neutral loci
#' @param sigma.e Environmental standard deviations of the phenotypic trait
#' @param K Carrying capacity of the population
#' @param density.reg How population density is regulated. Currently there are two possible values:  "logistic" which implements logistic population density regulation (see manual) and "sugar" which constrains population to carrying capacity by randomly removing individuals when population size is higher than K
#' @param r If density regulation is "logistic", this is the population growth rate.
#' @param B If density regulation is "sugar", this it the mean number of offspring each perfectly adapted individual has
#' @param R Rate of environmental change relative to generation time
#' @param P Predictability of the environment
#' @param allele.model Which allele model to use for qtl. Currently the options are: "infinite" which uses an infinite alleles model for qtl, and "biallelic" which uses a biallelic model for qtl
#' @param nqtl Number of loci affecting the phenotype (intercept)
#' @param nqtl.slope Number of loci affecting phenotype (slope)
#' @param ntql.adj Number of loci affecting phenotype (probability of phenotypic adjustment)
#' @param ntql.hed Number of loci affecting phenotype (bethedging)
#' @param nqtl.epi Number of loci affecting phenotype (probability of epigenetic modification)
#' @param mu Mutation rate, which currently is the same for all loci
#' @param sigma.a Standard deviation of mutational effects
#' @param n.chr Number of chromosomes (linkage groups)
#' @param nloc.chr Vector of the length of n.chr giving number of loci for each chromosome
#' @param n.neutral Number of neutral loci, defaults to 0
#' @param linkage.map If map distances are determined randomly, set this to "random", if fixed linkage map is provided can set this to "user"
#' @param linkage Matrix of 3 rows and nloc columns, first two rows can be zeros and third row determines map distances relative to chromosome coordinates from 0 to 1
#' @param kd Fitness cost of developmental plasticity
#' @param ka Fitness cost of reversible plasticity
#' @param ke Fitness cost of epigenetic adjustment
#' @param sensitivity Whether to draw random parameter values for sensitivity analysis
#' @export
indsim.plasticity2.simulate <- function(N, generations, L, sel.intensity, init.f, init.n, a, sigma.e, K, r, B, R, P, density.reg, allele.model, mu, sigma.a = 1, n.chr, nloc.chr, nqtl, nqtl.slope, nqtl.adj, nqtl.hed, nqtl.epi, n.neutral = 0, linkage.map = "random", linkage = NULL, kd, ka, ke, sensitivity = FALSE) {

    #If using sensitivity analysis draw new random values for some parameters
    if(sensitivity == TRUE) {
        ### Getting random parameter values for sensitivity analysis ###
        #sel.intensity <- runif(1, min = 0.01, max = 1)
        sigma.e <- runif(1, min = 0.01, max = 0.5)
        mu <- 10^runif(1, min = -6, max = -3)
        n.chr <- sample(c(1:10), 1)
        nqtl <- sample(c(4:25), 1) #Sampling number of loci from 4 to 25
        nqtl.slope <- sample(c(4:25), 1)
        nqtl.adj <- sample(c(4:25), 1)
        nqtl.hed <- sample(c(4:25), 1)
        nqtl.epi <- sample(c(4:25), 1)
        #Calculating number of loci per chromosome
        perlocus <- (nqtl+nqtl.slope+nqtl.adj+nqtl.hed+nqtl.epi)%/%n.chr #Integer division
        nloc.chr <- rep(perlocus, n.chr)
        nloc.chr[1] <- nloc.chr[1] + (nqtl+nqtl.slope+nqtl.adj+nqtl.hed+nqtl.epi)%%n.chr #Add remainder to chr 1
        sigma.a <- runif(1, min = 0.01, max = 2)

        ##### Inserting some debug stuff ##################################################
        #debugID <- sample(1:30000, 1)
        #debugID <- paste("sensdebug", debugID, sep = "")

        #system(paste("echo 'Parameters in this simulation were:' >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'sigma.e\t", sigma.e, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'mu\t", mu, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'n.chr\t", n.chr, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'nqtl\t", nqtl, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'nqtl.slope\t", nqtl.slope, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'nqtl.adj\t", nqtl.adj, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'nqtl.hed\t", nqtl.hed, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'nqtl.epi\t", nqtl.epi, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'nloc.chr\t", paste(nloc.chr, collapse = " "), "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
        #system(paste("echo 'sigma.a\t", sigma.a, "'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))
    #Initialize time
    timesteps <- generations*L #There are ngenerations*L time steps in the model
    t <- 1:timesteps

    E <- sin((2*pi*t)/(L*R)) #Initialize the environment
    cues <- rnorm(n = timesteps, mean = E*P, sd = (1-P)/3) #Environmental cues
    #Prepare linkage groups
    foo <- list(0)
    nloc <- nqtl + n.neutral + nqtl.slope + nqtl.adj + nqtl.hed + nqtl.epi

    #Perform some checks that initial parameters are sensible
    if(nloc != sum(nloc.chr)) { stop("Number of loci and loci per chromosome don't match!") }

    loc.attributes <- sample(c(rep("qtl", nqtl), rep("neutral", n.neutral), rep("qtl.slope", nqtl.slope), rep("qtl.adj", nqtl.adj), rep("qtl.hed", nqtl.hed), rep("qtl.epi", nqtl.epi)), size = nloc, replace = FALSE) #Types for all loci
    qtl.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl"] #Indices of loci that affect the phenotype (via intercept)
    qtl.slope.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl.slope"] #Indices for loci that affect the phenotype (via reaction norm slope)
    qtl.adj.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl.adj"] #Indices for loci for plasticity adjustment
    qtl.hed.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl.hed"] #Indices for loci for canalization / hedging
    qtl.epi.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl.epi"] #Indices for loci for epigenetic modification

    alleles <- rep(list(c(0,1)), nloc) #Alleles for all except qtl
    if(allele.model == "biallelic") { #Setup biallelic effects
        #alleles <- rep(list(c(0,1)), nloc) #All loci biallelic
        q <- (1:(nqtl+1)/(nqtl+1))[-(nqtl+1)]
        ae <- qnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1) #Allelic effects are distributed normally
        #ae <- dnorm(seq(from = -5, to = -1, length.out = nloc), mean = 0, sd = 1)*10
        ae <- sample(ae, length(ae)) #Randomize allelic effects among loci
        temp <- rep(0,nloc)
        temp[qtl.ind] <- ae
        ae <- temp }

    #Setup linkage map
    if(linkage.map == "random") {
        linkage <- rep(foo, n.chr)
        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
            linkage[[i]] <- matrix(rep(0,3*nloc.chr[i]), ncol = nloc.chr[i])
            linkage[[i]][3,] <- sort(runif(nloc.chr[i])) #Map-positions for each locus

    #Simulation with logistic population regulation and natural selection

    #Initialize the results matrix
    #We want to monitor phenotypes, allele freqs, heritabilities, variances etc. etc.
    #Monitoring also population mean intercept and slope (at genotypic values)
    results.mat.pheno <- matrix(rep(0, generations*10), ncol = 10)
    colnames(results.mat.pheno) <- c("generation", "pop.mean", "var.a", "W.mean", "N", "G.int", "G.slope", "G.adj", "G.hed", "G.epi")
    results.mat.pheno[,1] <- 1:generations #Store generation numbers

    results.mat.alleles <- matrix(rep(0, generations*(nloc+1)), ncol = nloc+1)
    results.mat.alleles[,1] <- 1:generations
    colnames(results.mat.alleles) <- c("generation", c(paste(rep("locus", nloc), 1:nloc, sep = "")))

    #Initilize the simulation
    loc.mat <- matrix(rep(0,2*nloc), ncol = nloc)
    ind.mat <- rep(list("genotype" = loc.mat), N) #List for individuals

    #Allele frequencies
    init.freq <- rep(init.f,nloc) #for p
    #Here can also make explicit initial frequencies for qtls, delres and neutral markers
    if(n.neutral > 0) { init.freq[loc.attributes == "neutral"] <- init.n } #Neutral markers start at these frequencies

    #Genotype frequencies
    genotype.mat <- matrix(rep(0,3*nloc), ncol = nloc)
    rownames(genotype.mat) <- c("AA", "Aa", "aa")

    #Initialize genotype frequencies
    for(i in 1:nloc) {
        genotype.mat[,i] <- HW.genot.freq(init.freq[i])

    ind.mat <- initialise.ind.mat(ind.mat, genotype.mat, N, nloc) #Sample starting genotypes

    #Loop over generations
    for(g in 1:generations) {

        #Check for extinction
        if(N < 2) {return(list("phenotype" = results.mat.pheno, "alleles" = results.mat.alleles, "genotypes" = ind.mat, "loci" = loc.attributes, "linkagemap" = linkage))}

        #Calculate allele frequencies
        #Removing epigenetic marks for allelic effect calculation
        results.mat.alleles[g,2:(nloc+1)] <- calc.al.freq(lapply(ind.mat, Re), length(ind.mat), nloc, allele.model, loc.attributes)

        #Argument type needs to have value of either "biallelic" or "infinite"
        #Calculate genotypic effects for intercept effects
        ind.Ga <- calc.genot.effects(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.ind, nloc) #Calculate genotype effects
        #Calculate genotypic effects for slope effects
        ind.Gb <- calc.genot.effects(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.slope.ind, nloc)

        ind.Gadj <- calc.genot.effects.lim(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.adj.ind, nloc, limits = c(0,1)) #Calculate genotype effects for plasticity adjustment
        ind.Ghed <- calc.genot.effects.lim(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.hed.ind, nloc, limits = c(0,3)) #Calculate genotype effects for canalization / bet-hedging adjustment
        ind.Gepi <- calc.genot.effects.lim(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.epi.ind, nloc, limits = c(0,1)) #Calculate genotype effects for epigenetic modification probability
        #Calculate environmental effects
        ind.E <- rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = sigma.e + ind.Ghed) #Add sigma.e and bet-hedging effects

        #Calculate phenotypes for the juvenile stage, using epigenetically marked slope loci
        ind.Gepimod <- calc.genot.effects.epi(ind.mat, qtl.slope.ind, nloc)
        ind.P <- ind.Ga + ind.Gepimod + ind.E

        ##Environmental mismatches
        ind.M <- matrix(rep(0, N*L), ncol = L) #Initialize mismatch matrix
        ind.M[,1] <- abs(E[1 + L*(g-1)] - ind.P) #First env. mismatch

        ##Epigenetic effects are reset
        ind.mat <- reset.epigenetics(ind.mat)

        ##Costs of plasticity
        #Note! Using some thresholds for plasticity costs that is 0.05 below that there are no costs
        ind.costs <- rep(0, N) #Initialize costs vector
        #Calculate phenotypes for first adult stage (developmental plasticity happens)
        ind.P <- ind.Ga + ind.Gb*cues[2 + L*(g-1)] + ind.E #First adult stage (development)

        ind.M[,2] <- abs(E[2 + L*(g-1)] - ind.P) #Second env. mismatch
        ind.costs <- ind.costs + ifelse(ind.Gb > 0.05 | ind.Gb < -0.05, kd, 0)
        #Loop over the rest life stages (phenotypic adjustment can happen)
        for(j in 3:L) {
            ind.adjustment <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = ind.Gadj) #Did adjustment happen
            new.P <- ind.Ga + ind.Gb*cues[j + L*(g-1)] + ind.E #Calculate new phenotypes
            ind.P[ind.adjustment == 1] <- new.P[ind.adjustment == 1] #Adjust phenotypes
            ind.M[,j] <- abs(E[j + L*(g-1)] - ind.P) #Calculate next mismatch
            ind.costs <- ind.costs + ifelse(ind.Gb > 0.05 | ind.Gb < -0.05, ka*ind.adjustment, 0) #Calculate costs

        ### Modify loci epigenetically using the cue in the last life stage = L
        epi.mod.ind <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = ind.Gepi) #Does epigenetic modification happen?
        ind.mat <- epigenetic.modification(ind.mat, qtl.slope.ind, cues[5+L*(g-1)], epi.mod.ind)
        #Costs of epigenetic modification
        ind.costs <- ind.costs + ifelse(ind.Gepi > 0.05, ke*epi.mod.ind, 0)

        #Store phenotypes
        results.mat.pheno[g,2] <- mean(ind.P) #Population mean of trait in final life stage
        results.mat.pheno[g,3] <- var(ind.Ga + ind.Gb) #Genetic variance
        results.mat.pheno[g,6] <- mean(ind.Ga) #Mean intercept genotypic value
        results.mat.pheno[g,7] <- mean(ind.Gb) #Mean slope genotypic value
        results.mat.pheno[g,8] <- mean(ind.Gadj) #Mean plasticity adjustment genotypic value
        results.mat.pheno[g,9] <- mean(ind.Ghed) #Mean bet-hedging genotypic value
        results.mat.pheno[g,10] <- mean(ind.Gepi) #Mean epigenetic modification probability (gen.val.)
        ##Calculate fitness over all life-stages, subtract costs of plasticity
        ind.W <- exp(-sel.intensity * apply(ind.M, MARGIN = 1, sum)) - ind.costs
        #Because costs can bring fitness below 0, all negative values are set to zero
        ind.W <- replace(ind.W, ind.W < 0, 0) #Set negative values to 0

        results.mat.pheno[g,4] <- mean(ind.W) #Population mean fitness
        results.mat.pheno[g,5] <- N #Population size

        ### Reproduction ###
        #Using logistic density regulation
        if(density.reg == "logistic") {
            #Calculate the number of offspring the population produces
            #Logistic population regulation
            No <- round(N*K*(1+r) / (N*(1+r) - N + K)) #Logistic population growth
            #Scale number of offspring by population mean fitness
            No <- round(mean(ind.W)*No); if(No < 1) {stop("Population went extinct! : (")}
            ind.mat <- produce.gametes.W(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = T, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr)

        #Population regulation via Mikael's method
        if(density.reg == "sugar") {
            #Calculate the number of offspring that each individual produces
            No <- rpois(n = N, lambda = B*ind.W)
            #Check if there are more than 1 offspring, otherwise pop. goes extinct
            if(sum(No) < 2) { return(list("phenotype" = results.mat.pheno, "alleles" = results.mat.alleles, "genotypes" = ind.mat, "loci" = loc.attributes, "linkagemap" = linkage)) }
            #If number of offspring larger than K, remove some offspring randomly
            if(sum(No) > K) {
                while(sum(No) > K) { #Remove individuals until only K are left
                    No.rem <- sum(No) - K
                    no.ind <- (1:length(No))[No > 0] #Indexes of cases where No > 0
                    if(No.rem < length(no.ind)) {   
                        rem.ind <- sample(no.ind, No.rem, replace = FALSE)
                        No[rem.ind] <- No[rem.ind] - 1
                    if(No.rem >= length(no.ind)) {
                        No[no.ind] <- No[no.ind] - 1
            ind.mat <- produce.gametes.faster(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = T, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr)
        #Next generation
        N <- length(ind.mat) #Store new population size

         ### Mutation ###
        #Produce mutations
        mutations <- rep(foo, nloc)
        #Has to be 2*mu since mutations happen on individual basis and each ind has 2 copies
        mutations <- lapply(mutations, gen.mutations, N = N, mu = 2*mu) 
        for(l in 1:nloc) { #Loop over all loci
            if(any(mutations[[l]] == 1) == TRUE) { #Did any mutations happen?
                mut.ind <- ind.mat[mutations[[l]] == 1] #Select individuals to be mutated
                if(allele.model == "biallelic") { #Which alleles model is used?
                    mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.K.alleles, l = l, alleles = alleles) #Mutate alleles
                if(allele.model == "infinite") {
                    if(loc.attributes[l] == "qtl" | loc.attributes[l] == "qtl.slope" | loc.attributes[l] == "qtl.adj" | loc.attributes[l] == "qtl.hed" | loc.attributes[l] == "qtl.epi") {
                        mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.inf.alleles, l = l, sigma.a = sigma.a) } else {
                            mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.K.alleles, l = l, alleles = alleles) }
                ind.mat[mutations[[l]] == 1] <- mut.ind #Store results
    } #Done looping over generations

    #Modify results matrices if necessary

    ### Sensitivity debug ###
    #if(sensitivity == TRUE) {
    #    system(paste("echo 'Simulation OK'", " >> ", debugID, ".txt", sep = ""))

    #Return results
    return(list("phenotype" = results.mat.pheno, "alleles" = results.mat.alleles, "genotypes" = ind.mat, "loci" = loc.attributes, "linkagemap" = linkage))
###                      End of plasticity simulations                                       ###

###Simulations where simulation is started with existing genotypes
#' Simulations with plasticity using starting genotypes
#' This function performs simulations with plasticity and epigenetic effects in fluctuating environments. Using starting genotypes
#' @param N Starting population size
#' @param generations Number of generations to run the simulations
#' @param L Number of timesteps in each generation
#' @param sel.intensity Selection intensity for stabilising selection
#' @param init.f Initial allele frequencies for QTL
#' @param init.n Initial allele frequencies for neutral loci
#' @param sigma.e Environmental standard deviations of the phenotypic trait
#' @param K Carrying capacity of the population
#' @param density.reg How population density is regulated. Currently there are two possible values:  "logistic" which implements logistic population density regulation (see manual) and "sugar" which constrains population to carrying capacity by randomly removing individuals when population size is higher than K
#' @param r If density regulation is "logistic", this is the population growth rate.
#' @param B If density regulation is "sugar", this it the mean number of offspring each perfectly adapted individual has
#' @param R Old rate of environmental change relative to generation time
#' @param P Old predictability of the environment
#' @param allele.model Which allele model to use for qtl. Currently the options are: "infinite" which uses an infinite alleles model for qtl, and "biallelic" which uses a biallelic model for qtl
#' @param mu Mutation rate, which currently is the same for all loci
#' @param sigma.a Standard deviation of mutational effects
#' @param n.neutral Number of neutral loci, defaults to 0
#' @param linkage.map If map distances are determined randomly, set this to "random", if fixed linkage map is provided can set this to "user"
#' @param linkage Matrix of 3 rows and nloc columns, first two rows can be zeros and third row determines map distances relative to chromosome coordinates from 0 to 1
#' @param kd Fitness cost of developmental plasticity
#' @param ka Fitness cost of reversible plasticity
#' @param ke Fitness cost of epigenetic adjustment
#' @param sensitivity Whether to draw random parameter values for sensitivity analysis
#' @param ind.mat List of the genotypes from a previous simulation
#' @param newR New rate of environmental change
#' @param newP New predictability of the environment
#' @param changepoint Time point at which parameters change
#' @param loci Loci attributes of the previous simulation
#' @export
indsim.plasticity.startgenot.simulate <- function(N, generations, L, sel.intensity, init.f, init.n, a, sigma.e, K, r, B, R, P, density.reg, allele.model, mu, sigma.a = 1, n.chr = 0, nloc.chr = 0, nqtl = 0, nqtl.slope = 0, nqtl.adj = 0, nqtl.hed = 0, nqtl.epi = 0, n.neutral = 0, linkage.map = "user", linkage = NULL, kd, ka, ke, sensitivity = FALSE, ind.mat, newR, newP, changepoint, loci) {

    #If using sensitivity analysis draw new random values for some parameters
    if(sensitivity == TRUE) {
        ### Getting random parameter values for sensitivity analysis ###
        #sel.intensity <- runif(1, min = 0.01, max = 1)
        sigma.e <- runif(1, min = 0.01, max = 0.5)
        mu <- 10^runif(1, min = -6, max = -3)
        n.chr <- sample(c(1:10), 1)
        nqtl <- sample(c(4:25), 1) #Sampling number of loci from 4 to 25
        nqtl.slope <- sample(c(4:25), 1)
        nqtl.adj <- sample(c(4:25), 1)
        nqtl.hed <- sample(c(4:25), 1)
        nqtl.epi <- sample(c(4:25), 1)
        #Calculating number of loci per chromosome
        perlocus <- (nqtl+nqtl.slope+nqtl.adj+nqtl.hed+nqtl.epi)%/%n.chr #Integer division
        nloc.chr <- rep(perlocus, n.chr)
        nloc.chr[1] <- nloc.chr[1] + (nqtl+nqtl.slope+nqtl.adj+nqtl.hed+nqtl.epi)%%n.chr #Add remainder to chr 1
        sigma.a <- runif(1, min = 0.01, max = 2)
    #Initialize time
    timesteps <- generations*L #There are ngenerations*L time steps in the model
    t <- 1:timesteps
    E <- rep(0, timesteps) #Initialize the environment
    cues <- rep(0, timesteps) #Initialize the environmental cues

    E[1:changepoint] <- sin((2*pi*t[1:changepoint])/(L*R)) #Initialize the environment
    E[(changepoint+1):timesteps] <- sin((2*pi*t[(changepoint+1):timesteps])/(L*newR))
    cues[1:changepoint] <- rnorm(n = changepoint, mean = E[1:changepoint]*P, sd = (1-P)/3) #Environmental cues
    cues[(changepoint+1):timesteps] <- rnorm(n = (timesteps - changepoint), mean = E[(changepoint+1):timesteps]*newP, sd = (1-newP)/3)
    #Prepare linkage groups and locus information
    loc.attributes <- loci #Types for all loci and their order
    foo <- list(0)
    nloc <- length(loc.attributes)
    nqtl <- sum(loc.attributes == "qtl")
    nqtl.slope <- sum(loc.attributes == "qtl.slope")
    nqtl.adj <- sum(loc.attributes == "qtl.adj")
    nqtl.hed <- sum(loc.attributes == "qtl.hed")
    nqtl.epi <- sum(loc.attributes == "qtl.epi")
    #Setup linkage map
    if(linkage.map == "random") {
        linkage <- rep(foo, n.chr)
        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
            linkage[[i]] <- matrix(rep(0,3*nloc.chr[i]), ncol = nloc.chr[i])
            linkage[[i]][3,] <- sort(runif(nloc.chr[i])) #Map-positions for each locus

    n.chr <- length(linkage)
    nloc.chr <- unlist(lapply(linkage, ncol)) #Number of loci per chromosome

    #Perform some checks that initial parameters are sensible
    if(nloc != sum(nloc.chr)) { stop("Number of loci and loci per chromosome don't match!") }

    qtl.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl"] #Indices of loci that affect the phenotype (via intercept)
    qtl.slope.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl.slope"] #Indices for loci that affect the phenotype (via reaction norm slope)
    qtl.adj.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl.adj"] #Indices for loci for plasticity adjustment
    qtl.hed.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl.hed"] #Indices for loci for canalization / hedging
    qtl.epi.ind <- (1:nloc)[loc.attributes == "qtl.epi"] #Indices for loci for epigenetic modification

    alleles <- rep(list(c(0,1)), nloc) #Alleles for all except qtl
    if(allele.model == "biallelic") { #Setup biallelic effects
        #alleles <- rep(list(c(0,1)), nloc) #All loci biallelic
        q <- (1:(nqtl+1)/(nqtl+1))[-(nqtl+1)]
        ae <- qnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1) #Allelic effects are distributed normally
        #ae <- dnorm(seq(from = -5, to = -1, length.out = nloc), mean = 0, sd = 1)*10
        ae <- sample(ae, length(ae)) #Randomize allelic effects among loci
        temp <- rep(0,nloc)
        temp[qtl.ind] <- ae
        ae <- temp }

    #Get the current N
    N <- length(ind.mat)

    #Simulation with logistic population regulation and natural selection

    #Initialize the results matrix
    #We want to monitor phenotypes, allele freqs, heritabilities, variances etc. etc.
    #Monitoring also population mean intercept and slope (at genotypic values)
    results.mat.pheno <- matrix(rep(0, generations*10), ncol = 10)
    colnames(results.mat.pheno) <- c("generation", "pop.mean", "var.a", "W.mean", "N", "G.int", "G.slope", "G.adj", "G.hed", "G.epi")
    results.mat.pheno[,1] <- 1:generations #Store generation numbers

    results.mat.alleles <- matrix(rep(0, generations*(nloc+1)), ncol = nloc+1)
    results.mat.alleles[,1] <- 1:generations
    colnames(results.mat.alleles) <- c("generation", c(paste(rep("locus", nloc), 1:nloc, sep = "")))

    #Initilize the simulation
    loc.mat <- matrix(rep(0,2*nloc), ncol = nloc)
    #ind.mat <- rep(list("genotype" = loc.mat), N) #List for individuals

    #Allele frequencies
    #init.freq <- rep(init.f,nloc) #for p
    #Here can also make explicit initial frequencies for qtls, delres and neutral markers
    #if(n.neutral > 0) { init.freq[loc.attributes == "neutral"] <- init.n } #Neutral markers start at these frequencies

    #Genotype frequencies
    #genotype.mat <- matrix(rep(0,3*nloc), ncol = nloc)
    #rownames(genotype.mat) <- c("AA", "Aa", "aa")

    #Initialize genotype frequencies
    #for(i in 1:nloc) {
    #    genotype.mat[,i] <- HW.genot.freq(init.freq[i])

    #ind.mat <- initialise.ind.mat(ind.mat, genotype.mat, N, nloc) #Sample starting genotypes

    #Loop over generations
    for(g in 1:generations) {

        #Check for extinction
        if(N < 2) {return(list("phenotype" = results.mat.pheno, "alleles" = results.mat.alleles, "genotypes" = ind.mat, "loci" = loc.attributes, "linkagemap" = linkage))}

        #Calculate allele frequencies
        #Removing epigenetic marks for allelic effect calculation
        results.mat.alleles[g,2:(nloc+1)] <- calc.al.freq(lapply(ind.mat, Re), length(ind.mat), nloc, allele.model, loc.attributes)

        #Argument type needs to have value of either "biallelic" or "infinite"
        #Calculate genotypic effects for intercept effects
        ind.Ga <- calc.genot.effects(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.ind, nloc) #Calculate genotype effects
        #Calculate genotypic effects for slope effects
        ind.Gb <- calc.genot.effects(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.slope.ind, nloc)

        ind.Gadj <- calc.genot.effects.lim(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.adj.ind, nloc, limits = c(0,1)) #Calculate genotype effects for plasticity adjustment
        ind.Ghed <- calc.genot.effects.lim(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.hed.ind, nloc, limits = c(0,3)) #Calculate genotype effects for canalization / bet-hedging adjustment
        ind.Gepi <- calc.genot.effects.lim(ind.mat, ae, type = allele.model, qtl.epi.ind, nloc, limits = c(0,1)) #Calculate genotype effects for epigenetic modification probability
        #Calculate environmental effects
        ind.E <- rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = sigma.e + ind.Ghed) #Add sigma.e and bet-hedging effects

        #Calculate phenotypes for the juvenile stage, using epigenetically marked slope loci
        ind.Gepimod <- calc.genot.effects.epi(ind.mat, qtl.slope.ind, nloc)
        ind.P <- ind.Ga + ind.Gepimod + ind.E

        ##Environmental mismatches
        ind.M <- matrix(rep(0, N*L), ncol = L) #Initialize mismatch matrix
        ind.M[,1] <- abs(E[1 + L*(g-1)] - ind.P) #First env. mismatch

        ##Epigenetic effects are reset
        ind.mat <- reset.epigenetics(ind.mat)

        ##Costs of plasticity
        #Note! Using some thresholds for plasticity costs that is 0.05 below that there are no costs
        ind.costs <- rep(0, N) #Initialize costs vector
        #Calculate phenotypes for first adult stage (developmental plasticity happens)
        ind.P <- ind.Ga + ind.Gb*cues[2 + L*(g-1)] + ind.E #First adult stage (development)

        ind.M[,2] <- abs(E[2 + L*(g-1)] - ind.P) #Second env. mismatch
        ind.costs <- ind.costs + ifelse(ind.Gb > 0.05 | ind.Gb < -0.05, kd, 0)
        #Loop over the rest life stages (phenotypic adjustment can happen)
        for(j in 3:L) {
            ind.adjustment <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = ind.Gadj) #Did adjustment happen
            new.P <- ind.Ga + ind.Gb*cues[j + L*(g-1)] + ind.E #Calculate new phenotypes
            ind.P[ind.adjustment == 1] <- new.P[ind.adjustment == 1] #Adjust phenotypes
            ind.M[,j] <- abs(E[j + L*(g-1)] - ind.P) #Calculate next mismatch
            ind.costs <- ind.costs + ifelse(ind.Gb > 0.05 | ind.Gb < -0.05, ka*ind.adjustment, 0) #Calculate costs

        ### Modify loci epigenetically using the cue in the last life stage = L
        epi.mod.ind <- rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = ind.Gepi) #Does epigenetic modification happen?
        ind.mat <- epigenetic.modification(ind.mat, qtl.slope.ind, cues[5+L*(g-1)], epi.mod.ind)
        #Costs of epigenetic modification
        ind.costs <- ind.costs + ifelse(ind.Gepi > 0.05, ke*epi.mod.ind, 0)

        #Store phenotypes
        results.mat.pheno[g,2] <- mean(ind.P) #Population mean of trait in final life stage
        results.mat.pheno[g,3] <- var(ind.Ga + ind.Gb) #Genetic variance
        results.mat.pheno[g,6] <- mean(ind.Ga) #Mean intercept genotypic value
        results.mat.pheno[g,7] <- mean(ind.Gb) #Mean slope genotypic value
        results.mat.pheno[g,8] <- mean(ind.Gadj) #Mean plasticity adjustment genotypic value
        results.mat.pheno[g,9] <- mean(ind.Ghed) #Mean bet-hedging genotypic value
        results.mat.pheno[g,10] <- mean(ind.Gepi) #Mean epigenetic modification probability (gen.val.)
        ##Calculate fitness over all life-stages, subtract costs of plasticity
        ind.W <- exp(-sel.intensity * apply(ind.M, MARGIN = 1, sum)) - ind.costs
        #Because costs can bring fitness below 0, all negative values are set to zero
        ind.W <- replace(ind.W, ind.W < 0, 0) #Set negative values to 0

        results.mat.pheno[g,4] <- mean(ind.W) #Population mean fitness
        results.mat.pheno[g,5] <- N #Population size

        ### Reproduction ###
        #Using logistic density regulation
        if(density.reg == "logistic") {
            #Calculate the number of offspring the population produces
            #Logistic population regulation
            No <- round(N*K*(1+r) / (N*(1+r) - N + K)) #Logistic population growth
            #Scale number of offspring by population mean fitness
            No <- round(mean(ind.W)*No); if(No < 1) {stop("Population went extinct! : (")}
            ind.mat <- produce.gametes.W(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = T, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr)

        #Population regulation via Mikael's method
        if(density.reg == "sugar") {
            #Calculate the number of offspring that each individual produces
            No <- rpois(n = N, lambda = B*ind.W)
            #If number of offspring larger than K, remove some offspring randomly
            if(sum(No) > K) {
                while(sum(No) > K) { #Remove individuals until only K are left
                    No.rem <- sum(No) - K
                    no.ind <- (1:length(No))[No > 0] #Indexes of cases where No > 0
                    if(No.rem < length(no.ind)) {   
                        rem.ind <- sample(no.ind, No.rem, replace = FALSE)
                        No[rem.ind] <- No[rem.ind] - 1
                    if(No.rem >= length(no.ind)) {
                        No[no.ind] <- No[no.ind] - 1
            ind.mat <- produce.gametes.faster(ind.mat, loc.mat, No, ind.W, link.map = T, linkage, nloc.chr, n.chr)
        #Next generation
        N <- length(ind.mat) #Store new population size

         ### Mutation ###
        #Produce mutations
        mutations <- rep(foo, nloc)
        #Has to be 2*mu since mutations happen on individual basis and each ind has 2 copies
        mutations <- lapply(mutations, gen.mutations, N = N, mu = 2*mu) 
        for(l in 1:nloc) { #Loop over all loci
            if(any(mutations[[l]] == 1) == TRUE) { #Did any mutations happen?
                mut.ind <- ind.mat[mutations[[l]] == 1] #Select individuals to be mutated
                if(allele.model == "biallelic") { #Which alleles model is used?
                    mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.K.alleles, l = l, alleles = alleles) #Mutate alleles
                if(allele.model == "infinite") {
                    if(loc.attributes[l] == "qtl" | loc.attributes[l] == "qtl.slope" | loc.attributes[l] == "qtl.adj" | loc.attributes[l] == "qtl.hed" | loc.attributes[l] == "qtl.epi") {
                        mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.inf.alleles, l = l, sigma.a = sigma.a) } else {
                            mut.ind <- lapply(mut.ind, mutate.K.alleles, l = l, alleles = alleles) }
                ind.mat[mutations[[l]] == 1] <- mut.ind #Store results
    } #Done looping over generations

    #Modify results matrices if necessary

    #Return results
    return(list("phenotype" = results.mat.pheno, "alleles" = results.mat.alleles, "genotypes" = ind.mat, "loci" = loc.attributes, "linkagemap" = linkage))
###                      End of plasticity simulations with starting genotypes               ###

###Following are some plotting functions ####

#This function plots an overview of the simulation results
#' Plot simulation results
#' This function plots population size, trait mean, and population mean fitness of the simulation
#' @param data Phenotypic result matrix given by a another function (link to be completed)
#' @export
plot_sim.results <- function(data) {

    #First panel is population size
    A <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(data), aes(x = generation, y = N)) +

    #Second panel is trait mean
    B <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(data), aes(x = generation, y = pop.mean)) +
           ggplot2::geom_line() +
           ggplot2::ylab(label = "Trait mean")

    #Third panel is mean population fitness
    C <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(data), aes(x = generation, y = W.mean)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::ylab(label = "W") +
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), expand = c(0,0))

    cowplot::plot_grid(A, B, C, align = "h", ncol = 3)


#' Plot phenotype mean
#' This function plots population mean from the simulation
#' @param data Phenotypic result matrix from simulation
#' @export
plot_sim.trait <- function(data) {
    ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(data), aes(x = generation, y = pop.mean)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::ylab(label = "Mean phenotype") +

#' Plot mean fitness
#' This function plots population mean fitness from the simulation
#' @param data Phenotypic results matrix from simulation
#' @export
plot_sim.fitness <- function(data) {
    ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(data), aes(x = generation, y = W.mean)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::ylab(label = "W") +
        ggplot2::xlab("Generation") +    
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), expand = c(0,0))

#' Plot genotypic values
#' This function plots genotypic values of intercept, slope, adjustment, epigenetic mod and bethedging probabilities
#' @param data Phenotypic results matrix from simulation
#' @export
plot_sim.genotypicval <- function(data) {
    data <- data.frame(data[,-c(2:5)]) #Drop columns that are not needed
    data <- tidyr::gather(data, type, genoval, G.int:G.epi, factor_key = TRUE) #Change to long format
    mycolors <- c("#e41a1c", "#377eb8", "#4daf4a", "#984ea3", "#ff7f00")
    ggplot2::ggplot(data, aes(x = generation, y = genoval, color = type)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::ylab("Genotypic value") +
        ggplot2::xlab("Generation") +
        ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = mycolors, labels = c("Intercept", "Slope", "Plastic\nadjustment", "Developmental\nvariation", "Epigenetic\nmodification")) +
        ggplot2::theme(legend.key.size = unit(2.5, 'lines'))

#This function plots an overview of allele frequency changes
#' Plot allele frequency results
#' This function plots allele frequencies over time simulation. Note that this only works in the biallelic allele model
#' @param data Allele frequency result matrix given by another function (link to be added)
#' @param nloc Number of loci in the simulation
#' @param loc.attr Types for the different loci, output by indsim.simulate (link to be added)
#' @export
plot_allele.results <- function(data, nloc, loc.attr) {

    #First need to transform data into long format for ggplot
    data <- data.frame(data) #Need to convert to data frame before melt
    data.long <- reshape2::melt(data, id.vars = c("generation"), measure.vars = c(paste(rep("locus", nloc), 1:nloc, sep = "")), variable.name = "locus", value.name = "freq")
    type.indices <- as.numeric(data.long$locus) #Since loci are in order this is OK
    data.long$loctype <- loc.attr[type.indices]
    mycolors <- c("#e41a1c",  "#4daf4a", "#ff7f00", "#984ea3",  "#377eb8")

    ggplot2::ggplot(data.long, aes(x = generation, y = freq, group = locus, colour = loctype)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::xlab("Generation") +
        ggplot2::ylab("Allele frequency") +
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), expand = c(0,0)) +
        ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = mycolors, labels = c("Intercept", "Plastic\nadjustment", "Epigenetic\nmodification", "Developmental\nvariation",  "Slope"))  
#This function plots an overview of alleles present in the population
#Only works for the infinite alleles model
#' Plot allele effect distribution with the infinite alleles model
#' This function plots the distribution of all allelic effects and their frequencies. Note that this only works in the infinite allele model
#' @param data List of individual genotypes, produced by function (link to be addded)
#' @param nloc Number of loci used in the simulation
#' @param loc.attr Types for the different loci, output by indsim.simulate (link to be added)
#' @param plasticity Whether plasticity simulations were used or not
#' @export
plot_inf.alleles <- function(data, nloc, loc.attr, plasticity = FALSE) {

    #First transforming the data
    #Select each locus and create a matrix of 2N alleles
    N <- length(data)
    allele.mat <- matrix(rep(0, 2*N*nloc), ncol = nloc)
    myselect <- function(data, col) { data[,col] }
    for(i in 1:nloc) {
        allele.mat[,i] <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(data, myselect, col = i)))

    allele.mat <- data.frame(allele.mat) #Convert to dataframe and give colnames
    colnames(allele.mat) <- c(paste(rep("locus", nloc), 1:nloc, sep = ""))
    #Reshape with melt()
    allele.long <- reshape2::melt(allele.mat, measure.vars = c(paste(rep("locus", nloc), 1:nloc, sep = "")), variable.name = "locus", value.name = "effect")
    type.indices <- as.numeric(allele.long$locus) #Since loci are in order this is OK
    allele.long$loctype <- loc.attr[type.indices]
    if(plasticity == FALSE) {
    allele.long <- allele.long[allele.long$loctype == "qtl",] #Drop all loci that are not qtls
    #Plot with ggplot2
myplot <-  ggplot2::ggplot(allele.long, aes(x = effect)) +
      ggplot2::geom_histogram(aes(y = ..count../(2*N)), colour = "black", fill = "white", binwidth = 0.1) +
      ggplot2::geom_vline(aes(xintercept =0), linetype = "dashed") +
      ggplot2::xlab("Allelic effect") +
      ggplot2::ylab("Allele frequency") +
      ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), expand = c(0,0)) +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ locus) }
    ##Plot when plasticity is used
    if(plasticity == TRUE) {
        allele.long <- allele.long[allele.long$loctype == "qtl" | allele.long$loctype == "qtl.slope" | allele.long$loctype == "qtl.adj" | allele.long$loctype == "qtl.hed" | allele.long$loctype == "qtl.epi",]

myplot <-  ggplot2::ggplot(allele.long, aes(x = effect)) +
            ggplot2::geom_histogram(aes(y = ..count../(2*N)), colour = "black", fill = "white", binwidth = 0.1) +
            ggplot2::geom_vline(aes(xintercept =0), linetype = "dashed") +
            ggplot2::xlab("Allelic effect") +
            ggplot2::ylab("Allele frequency") +
            ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), expand = c(0,0)) +
            ggplot2::facet_wrap(loctype ~ locus) }

##This function plots the mean reaction norm of the population
##Only works with the plasticity model
#'Plot mean reaction norm of the population in the final generation
#' Line colour is determined by type of plasticity. Red is reversible plasticity, Blue is irreversable plasticity, green is bet-hedging
#' @param data genotypic values of intercepts and slopes etc.
#' @export
plot_reaction.norm <- function(data) {
    finalgen <- nrow(data)
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    a <- data$G.int[finalgen]
    b <- data$G.slope[finalgen]
    cue <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1)
    phenotype <- a + b*(cue)
    ctype <- "black"
    if((b > 0.1 | b < -0.1) == TRUE) {
        if(data$G.adj[finalgen] > 0.1) { ctype <- "red" } else { ctype <- "blue" }
    if(data$G.hed[finalgen] > 0.1) { ctype <- "green" }
    plotdata <- data.frame(cue = cue, phenotype = phenotype)
    ggplot2::ggplot(plotdata, aes(x = cue, y = phenotype)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(color = ctype) +
        ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-1,1)) +
        ggplot2::xlab("Environmental cue") +


###         Popgen summary stats calculations                  ###

### Heterozygosity calculations

#Function to check whether a locus is heterozygous (works with infinite alleles model)
is.het <- function(ind.mat) {
   tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
   return(abs(ind.mat[1] - ind.mat[2]) >= tol) }

##This function calculates heterozygosity for all loci (can be selected) and all individuals
## H = 1/NL sum_{i=1}^{N} sum_{j=1}^{L} H_{ij}
## where N = number of inds., L = number of loci, H_ij = whether ind i at locus j is het? 1 or 0
#'Calculate heterozygosity for selected loci and all individuals
#' @param ind.mat a list of individuals (genotypes) used in the calculation
#' @param loc.ind indexes of those loci used in the calculation
#' @param nloc The total number of loci used in the whole simulation
#' @export
het.calc <- function(ind.mat, loc.ind, nloc) {
   mydselect <- function(x, loc.ind, nloc) {x[1:2, (1:nloc %in% loc.ind)]}
   ind.mat <- lapply(ind.mat, mydselect, loc.ind, nloc) #Select only particular loci
   current.n <- length(ind.mat) #Number of individuals
   current.nloc <- dim(ind.mat[[1]])[2] #Number of loci in current selection
   calc.het.loci <- function(x) { sum(apply(x, 2, is.het)) }
   hets <- lapply(ind.mat, calc.het.loci)
   het.obs <- (1/(current.n*current.nloc))*sum(unlist(hets))


# Generating different colours of environmental variation #

### Autoregressive (AR) process ###
#E_{t+1} = kappa*E_t + omega_t*sqrt(1-kappa^2)
#When kappa < 0 -> blue noise, kappa > 0 -> red noise, and kappa = 0 -> white noise
#' Generate coloured noise using autoregressive process
#' This function generates coloured noise for generating environmental variation. Noise is generated using the equation E_{t+1} = kappa \times E_t + omega_t \times sqrt{1-kappa^2}
#' @param kappa When kappa < 0, blue noise is generated, when kappa > 0 function generates red noise and when kappa = 0 white noise is generated
#' @param mean Mean of the environment
#' @param sd Standard deviation
#' @param generations How many generations (time steps) to generate noise
#' @export
coloured.noise <- function(kappa = 0, mean = 0, sd = 1, generations = 100) {
    E <- rep(0, generations) #Initialize the environmental variable
    E[1] <- rnorm(1, mean = mean, sd = sd) #Initialize first step
    for(i in 2:generations) {
        E[i] <- kappa*E[i-1] + rnorm(1, mean = mean, sd = sd)*sqrt(1-kappa^2) }

### 1/f noise ###
#Generating noise using sinusoidal processes, Following Cohen et al. 2009
#' Generate 1/f noise
#' @param beta Noise parameter
#' @param generation Number of generations to generate
#' @param final.sd Final standard deviation
#' @export
f.noise <- function(beta = 0, generations = 100, final.sd = 1) {
   #Need to generate generations/2 waves, where generations is even
   all.waves <- matrix(rep(0, generations*generations/2), ncol = generations)

   #Loop over all waves
   for(i in 1:(generations/2)) {

   f <- i #waves have different periods
   #Generate one wave
   #2*pi*(1:generations)/generations standardises 2pi over the entire lenght of the time series
   #f is the period of the time series, for the first wave it is 1
   #add a random phase for each wave + runif(1, min = 0. max = 2*pi)
   #The term 1/(f^(beta/2) is the spectral exponent
   #Note (Ruokolainen et al. 2009, has -beta/2 as exponent, but they probably actually used beta/2
   #without negative sign, beta = -1 gives blue noise, beta = 1 gives pink noise
   all.waves[i,] <- 1/(f^(beta/2)) * sin(2*pi*(1:generations)/generations * f + runif(1, min = 0, max = 2*pi))

   #Sum all waves together
   summed.wave <- apply(all.waves, MARGIN = 2, sum)

   #Scale variance to wanted values
   #Variance scaling using Wichmann et al. 2005
   final.wave <- final.sd/sd(summed.wave)*(summed.wave - mean(summed.wave))

ikron/indsim documentation built on March 27, 2022, 6:43 p.m.