
Defines functions non_redundant_hier

Documented in non_redundant_hier

#' Non Redundant set of samples using hierarchical search.
#' Creates a non-redundant sub-set of samples. The function accept an
#' \emph{accnet} or \emph{mash} object and returns a \emph{nr_list} object.
#' The sub-set can be created using a certain \emph{distance} (mash o jaccard distance),
#' a specific \emph{number} of elements or a \emph{fraction} of the whole sample set.
#' The function performes an iterative seach so sometimes the exact number of returned elements
#' could be not the same that the specified in the input. This difference can be defined
#' with the \emph{threshold} parameter. This function perform a hierarchical search. For small
#' datasets (<2000) \emph{non_redundant()} could be faster. This function comsume less memory than
#' the original so it is better for large datasets.
#' @param data An \emph{accnet} or \emph{mash} object.
#' @param number The number of non-redundant samples.
#' @param fraction The fraction of the whole set of non-redundant samples.
#' @param distance Minimun distance among samples.
#' @param tolerance Percentage of error between the input number and the final number of samples.
#' @param max_iter Maximun number of search iterations.
#' @param fast If fast is TRUE the clustering process uses "components" in other case use "fast_greddy".
#' @param partitions Number of partitions to hiaerarchical search.
#' @return \emph{nr_list} object
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{extract_non_redundant}}
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @import tibble
#' @import dtplyr
#' @import igraph
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @import parallelDist
non_redundant_hier <- function(data, number, fraction, distance, tolerance = 0.05, partitions = 10,max_iter = 10000, fast =FALSE, snps)
      m.matrix <-  data$matrix %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        column_to_rownames("Source") %>%
        as.matrix() %>%
        parallelDist(., method = "binary") %>%
      m.matrix = data$dist %>% as.data.frame()

    m.list <- m.matrix %>%
      rownames_to_column("Source") %>%

  }else if (is(data,"mash"))
    m.matrix <-  data$matrix
    m.list <- data$table
  }else if (is(data,"matrix")){
      m.matrix <- data
      m.list <- data %>% as_tibble() %>% rownames_to_column("Source") %>% gather(Target,Dist, -Source)
      gr.tmp <- m.list %>% filter(Dist <= snps) %>% graph_from_data_frame(.,directed = FALSE)
      gr.tmp <- simplify(gr.tmp, remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE) %>% as.undirected()

      if(fast ==TRUE) {
        cluster <- components(gr.tmp)
        cluster <- cluster_louvain(gr.tmp)

      Nc <- as.numeric(max(cluster$membership))
      cent <- centralization.degree(gr.tmp)
      results = data.frame(Source = as.character(vertex.attributes(gr.tmp)$name),
                           centrality = cent$res,
                           cluster = cluster$membership, stringsAsFactors = F)
      class(results) <- "nr_list"
      m.matrix <- data
      m.list = data %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        rownames_to_column("Source") %>%
        gather(Target,Dist, -Source)
  }else {
    print("Error: data must be accnet or mash object or snps matrix")

### With distance

  if (!missing(distance)){
    gr.tmp <- m.list %>% filter(Dist <= distance) %>% graph_from_data_frame(.,directed = FALSE)
    gr.tmp <- simplify(gr.tmp, remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE) %>% as.undirected()

    if(fast ==TRUE) {
      cluster <- components(gr.tmp)
      cluster <- cluster_louvain(gr.tmp)

    Nc <- as.numeric(max(cluster$membership))

      cluster <- components(gr.tmp)
      Nc <- as.numeric(max(cluster$membership))

    cent <- centralization.degree(gr.tmp)
    results <- data.frame(Source = as.character(vertex.attributes(gr.tmp)$name),
                          centrality = cent$res,
                          cluster = cluster$membership, stringsAsFactors = F)
    class(results) <- "nr_list"

## With numbers or fraction


    min <- min(m.list$Dist)
    max <- max(m.list$Dist)
    Th <- mean(m.list$Dist)
  else if (!missing(fraction))
    number <-  m.list %>% select(Source) %>% distinct() %>% count()
    number <- number[1] * fraction
    min <- min(m.list$Dist)
    max <- max(m.list$Dist)
    Th <- mean(m.list$Dist)
    print("Error: number, fraction or distance must be provided")

  steps <- round(seq(1,nrow(m.matrix), length.out = partitions))
  table.tmp <- data.frame()
  for(i in 1:(partitions-1))   ### First Iteration

    m.tmp <-  m.matrix[steps[i]:steps[i+1],steps[i]:steps[i+1]]

    cm <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(m.tmp < Th, mode = "upper") %>% as.undirected()%>% components()

    table.tmp <-  cm$membership %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      rownames_to_column("Source") %>%
      rename(cluster = 2) %>%
      group_by(cluster) %>%
      summarise(Source = first(Source)) %>% bind_rows(table.tmp)

  gr.tmp <- m.list %>% as_tibble() %>%
    semi_join(table.tmp %>%
                select(Source), by ="Source") %>%
    semi_join(table.tmp %>%
                rename(Target = Source), by ="Target") %>%
    filter(Dist <= Th) %>%

  cm.all <- gr.tmp %>% as.undirected() %>% components()
  Nc <- as.numeric(max(cm.all$membership))
  print(paste("First Iteration"," Nc=",Nc,sep = "",collapse = ""))

###### END first Iteration

  count <-0

  while (count <= max_iter)
    if (abs(1-(Nc/number)) < tolerance){
      gr.tmp <- m.list %>% filter(Dist <= Th) %>% graph_from_data_frame(.,directed = FALSE)
      cluster <- simplify(gr.tmp, remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE) %>%
        as.undirected() %>%

      print(paste("Final number of clusters: ",max(cluster$membership)))
      cent <- centralization.degree(gr.tmp)
      results <- data.frame(Source = as.character(vertex.attributes(gr.tmp)$name),
                            centrality = cent$res,
                            cluster = cluster$membership, stringsAsFactors = F)
      class(results) <- append(class(results),"nr_list")
    }else if (Nc > number){
      min <- Th
      Th <-(max + Th)/2
    }else if (Nc < number){
      max <- Th
      Th <- (Th - min)/2

    table.tmp <- data.frame()
    for(i in 1:(partitions-1))
      m.tmp <-  m.matrix[steps[i]:steps[i+1],steps[i]:steps[i+1]]
      cm <-  graph_from_adjacency_matrix(m.tmp < Th, mode = "upper") %>%
          as.undirected() %>%

      table.tmp <-  cm$membership %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        rownames_to_column("Source") %>%
        rename(cluster = 2) %>%
        group_by(cluster) %>%
        summarise(Source = first(Source)) %>%
    gr.tmp <- m.list %>%
      semi_join(table.tmp %>%
                  select(Source), by = "Source") %>%
      semi_join(table.tmp %>%
                    rename(Target = Source), by = "Target") %>%
                    filter(Dist <= Th) %>%

    if(fast == TRUE)
      cm.all <- gr.tmp %>% as.undirected() %>% components()
      cm.all <- gr.tmp %>% as.undirected() %>% cluster_louvain()

    Nc <- as.numeric(max(cm.all$membership))
    print(paste("Th =",Th,"  Nc=",Nc,sep = "",collapse = ""))

  stop("Max iter reached")

irycisBioinfo/PATO documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 3:07 p.m.