add_ensemble_regulatory: Add ENSEMBL regulatory regions to epimutations

View source: R/add_ensemble_regulatory.R

add_ensemble_regulatoryR Documentation

Add ENSEMBL regulatory regions to epimutations


Add ENSEMBL regulatory regions to epimutations


add_ensemble_regulatory(epimutations, build = "37")



a data frame object containing the result from epimutations or epimutations_one_leave_out functions.


the build used to define epimutations coordinates. By default, it is '37', corresponding to Illumina annotation.


The function returns a data frame object containing the results of epimutations or epimutations_one_leave_out with some additional variables describing regulatory elements from ENSEMBL.

Note that a single epimutation might overlap with more than one regulatory region. In that case, the different regulatory regions are separated by ⁠///⁠.

  • ensembl_reg_idRegion identifier from ENSEMBL

  • ensembl_reg_coordinatesCoordinates for the ENSEMBL regulatory regions

  • ensembl_reg_typeType of regulatory region

  • ensembl_reg_tissuesActivity of the regulatory region per tissue. The different activation states are separated by /

isglobal-brge/EpiMutations documentation built on April 20, 2024, 9:05 a.m.