
# study_public.R

# The methods of Study class that are intended to be used by users.
# ATTN! The documentation rd file of this function is manually created: man/study_public.rd

# ---------------------------------- 
# Method: getStudyDatasetInfo 
# ---------------------------------- 

#' Get meta-info of study datasets 
#' The method returns the dataset info of the study. When dataset accession is not providedd, it returns the meta-info of all datasets of the class study. Only the spcified dataset info is returned when the dataset accession is provided.
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param phtAcc a character string. The dbGaP dataset accession.
#' @param dataStudyOnly a logical value. When TRUE (default), only downloads the dataset and variable metadata of the stdudies that have data files in the project directory.  When FALSE, downloads the dataset and variable metadata of all dbGaP released studies, regardless the actual phenotype data files of the studies are downloaded or not. 
#' @param showAs a character string. (optional) When the value is 'table', displays the data as a table through a platform specific table viewer; When it is 'json', displays the json text through a plain text editor; When it is 'text', displays in a brief left-justified text format.
#' @param editor a character string. (optional) The name of your favorite plain text editor. It should be executable from a command-line prompt of the respective platform. For example, notepad (Windows), vim, emacs (Unix), gedit (Ubuntu), nedit (CentOS), etc.
#' @return a data frame. The meta-info of input variables. 
#' @export getStudyDatasetInfo
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' # all study datasets
#' getStudyDatasetInfo(s)
#' # or a specific dataset
#' getStudyDatasetInfo(s, phtAcc = 'pht000370.v2.p1')
#' # or a dataset of a study that has no data file under project directory
#' s2 <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs001255.v1')
#' getStudyDatasetInfo(s2, phtAcc = 'pht005990.v1', dataStudyOnly=F)

# getStudyDatasetInfo(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00053733.v2'))
# df <- getStudyDatasetInfo(s, phtAcc='pht004815.v1')  # phs000007.v29
# df <- getStudyDatasetInfo(s, phtAcc='pht004815.v1')  # phs000007.v29
# s2 <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs001255.v1.p1')  # The no-data study
# df <- getStudyDatasetInfo(s2, phtAcc = c('pht005990.v1'), dataStudyOnly=F)

    name = "getStudyDatasetInfo",
    def = function(object, ...) {

    #' @describeIn getStudyDatasetInfo of class Study 
        f = "getStudyDatasetInfo",
        signature = c("Study"),
        definition = function(object, ..., phtAcc = "", dataStudyOnly = TRUE, showAs = "", editor = "") {

            phsAcc = object@phsAcc
            extDataDir = object@extDataDir 
            prjTempDir = object@prjTempDir
            extAllIdInfoFile <- object@extAllIdInfoFile 

            ##### clean phtAcc ####
            inputPhtAcc = phtAcc

            if (inputPhtAcc != "") {
                phtAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = phtAcc, type = 'pht') 

            validPht = FALSE
            if (inputPhtAcc != "") {
                if (phtAcc != "") {
                    validPht = TRUE

            hasPhtInfo = FALSE
            phtInfoDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'dataset', phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly)

            if (!is.null(phtInfoDF)) {

                if (nrow(phtInfoDF) > 0) {
                    hasPhtInfo = TRUE 

            if (hasPhtInfo) {

                finalDF = data.frame()
                if (validPht) {
                    thisPhtInfoDF <- dplyr::filter(phtInfoDF, phtInfoDF$dataset_accession == phtAcc)
                    finalDF <- thisPhtInfoDF
                else {
                    finalDF <- phtInfoDF

                if (showAs != "") {
                    finalJson <- toJSON(finalDF, pretty=T)

                    # Write json to a temp file 
                    tempJsonFile <- file.path(prjTempDir, 'temp_phtVarInfoJson.json')
                    write(finalJson, file = tempJsonFile, ncolumns = if(is.character(finalJson)) 1 else 5, append = F, sep = "\n")
                    displayFile = tempJsonFile

                    if (showAs == 'table') {
                        displayTable(object, file = displayFile)
                    else if (showAs == 'json') {
                        displayTextFile(object, file = displayFile, editor = editor) 
                if (showAs != "") {
                else {
            else {
                mesg = paste("[INFO] The dataset ", phtAcc, " is not found within the study ", phsAcc, ". You may want to make sure the input dataset belongs to the study used for initializing the Study class.\n", sep="")


# ---------------------------------- 
# Method: getStudyVariableInfo 
# ---------------------------------- 

#' Get meta-info of study variables
#' The method returns the meta-info of variables under the study. It takes either a list of variable accessions or a dataset accession and returns the meta-info of the respective variables. When neither a list of variable accessions nor a dataset accession is provided, it returns the meta-info of all variable of the class study. When the data type is provided, only the variables of the respective data type are returned.
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param phtAcc a character string. The dbGaP dataset accession.
#' @param phvAccList a character vector. The dbGaP phenotype variable accessions.
#' @param dataType a character string. Specifies the data type of returned variables. The possible value is either 'num' (for numeric variable) or 'cat' (for categorical variable).
#' @param dataStudyOnly a logical value. When TRUE (default), only downloads the dataset and variable metadata of the stdudies that have data files in the project directory.  When FALSE, downloads the dataset and variable metadata of all dbGaP released studies, regardless the actual phenotype data files of the studies are downloaded or not. 
#' @param showAs a character string. (optional) When the value is 'table', displays the data as a table through a platform specific table viewer; When it is 'json', displays the json text through a plain text editor; When it is 'text', displays in a brief left-justified text format.
#' @param editor a character string. (optional) The name of your favorite plain text editor. It should be executable from a command-line prompt of the respective platform. For example, notepad (Windows), vim, emacs (Unix), gedit (Ubuntu), nedit (CentOS), etc.
#' @return a data frame. The meta-info of input variables. 
#' @export getStudyVariableInfo
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' getStudyVariableInfo(s)
#' # or
#' getStudyVariableInfo(s, phtAcc = 'pht000370.v2.p1')
#' or
#' getStudyVariableInfo(s, phtAcc = 'pht000370.v2.p1', dataType = 'num')
#' # or
#' accList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00053733.v2')
#' getStudyVariableInfo(s, phvAccList = accList) 
#' # or
#' getStudyVariableInfo(s, phvAccList = accList, showAs = 'table')) 

# getStudyVariableInfo(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00053733.v2'))
# getStudyVariableInfo(s, phvAccList = c('phv00251310.v1', 'phv00251320.v1', 'phv00251339.v1'), dataType='num') # phs000007.v29
# df <- getStudyVariableInfo(s, phtAcc='pht004815.v1', dataType = 'num')  # phs000007.v29
# df <- getStudyVariableInfo(s, phtAcc='pht004815.v1', dataType = 'cat')  # phs000007.v29
# s2 <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs001255.v1.p1')  # The no-data study
# df <- getStudyVariableInfo(s2, phtAcc = c('pht005990.v1'), dataStudyOnly=F)
# df <- getStudyVariableInfo(s2, phvAccList = c('phv00273621.v1'), dataStudyOnly=F)

           name = "getStudyVariableInfo",
           def = function(object, ...) {

#' @describeIn getStudyVariableInfo of class Study 
          f = "getStudyVariableInfo",
          signature = c("Study"),
          definition = function(object, ..., phtAcc = "", phvAccList = vector(), dataType = "", dataStudyOnly = TRUE, showAs = "", editor = "") {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              extDataDir = object@extDataDir 
              prjTempDir = object@prjTempDir
              extAllIdInfoFile <- object@extAllIdInfoFile 

              ##### clean Validate PhvAccList ####
              cleanPhvAccList = vector() 
              if (length(phvAccList) > 0) {
                  cleanPhvAccList <- checkPhvAccList(object, phvAccList = phvAccList, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

              hasPhvList = FALSE
              if (is.vector(phvAccList)) {
                  if (length(phvAccList) > 0) {
                      hasPhvList = TRUE 

              ##### clean phtAcc ####
              inputPhtAcc = phtAcc

              if (inputPhtAcc != "") {
                  phtAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = phtAcc, type = 'pht') 

              validPht = FALSE
              if (inputPhtAcc != "") {
                  if (phtAcc != "") {
                      validPht = TRUE

              hasDataDic = FALSE
              dataDicComboDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

              if (!is.null(dataDicComboDF)) {

                  if (nrow(dataDicComboDF) > 0) {
                      hasDataDic = TRUE 

              if (hasDataDic) {
                  # Process noDataStudy

                  if (hasPhvList) {

                      # Process PhvList 

                      phvInfoDF = dataDicComboDF[dataDicComboDF$variable_accession %in% cleanPhvAccList,]

                      finalDF = data.frame()
                      if (dataType == 'num' | dataType == 'cat') {
                          finalDF <- getStudyVariableInfoByDataType(object, dataType = dataType, dataDicDF = phvInfoDF)
                      else {
                          finalDF <- phvInfoDF 

                      if (showAs != "") {
                          finalJson <- toJSON(finalDF, pretty=T)

                          # Write json to a temp file 
                          tempJsonFile <- file.path(prjTempDir, 'temp_phtVarInfoJson.json')
                          write(finalJson, file = tempJsonFile, ncolumns = if(is.character(finalJson)) 1 else 5, append = F, sep = "\n")
                          displayFile = tempJsonFile

                          if (showAs == 'table') {
                              displayTable(object, file = displayFile)
                          else if (showAs == 'json') {
                              displayTextFile(object, file = displayFile, editor = editor) 

                      if (showAs == "") {
                      else {

                  } # hasPhvList
                  else {

                      if (validPht) {

                          phtVarInfoDF <- subset(dataDicComboDF, dataDicComboDF$dataset_accession == phtAcc &  dataDicComboDF$study_accession == phsAcc)

                          if (nrow(phtVarInfoDF) == 0) {

                              mesg = paste("[INFO] The dataset ", phtAcc, " is not found within the study ", phsAcc, ". You may want to make sure the input dataset belongs to the study used for initializing the Study class.\n", sep="")

                          else {

                              finalDF = data.frame()

                              if (dataType == 'num' | dataType == 'cat') {
                                  finalDF <- getStudyVariableInfoByDataType(object, dataType = dataType, dataDicDF = phtVarInfoDF)
                              else {
                                  finalDF <- phtVarInfoDF 

                              if (showAs != "") {
                                  finalJson <- toJSON(finalDF, pretty=T)

                                  # Write json to a temp file 
                                  tempJsonFile <- file.path(prjTempDir, 'temp_phtVarInfoJson.json')
                                  write(finalJson, file = tempJsonFile, ncolumns = if(is.character(finalJson)) 1 else 5, append = F, sep = "\n")
                                  displayFile = tempJsonFile

                                  if (showAs == 'table') {
                                      displayTable(object, file = displayFile)
                                  else if (showAs == 'json') {
                                      displayTextFile(object, file = displayFile, editor = editor) 

                              if (showAs != "") {
                              else {
                      } # end if validPht
                      else {

                          # Get data by dataType
                          # No pht input and not phvAccList provided
                          if (inputPhtAcc == "") {

                              phvInfoDF <- dataDicComboDF

                              finalDF = data.frame()
                              if (dataType == 'num' | dataType == 'cat') {
                                  finalDF <- getStudyVariableInfoByDataType(object, dataType = dataType, dataDicDF = phvInfoDF)
                              else {
                                  finalDF <- phvInfoDF 

                              if (showAs != "") {
                                  finalJson <- toJSON(finalDF, pretty=T)

                                  # Write json to a temp file 
                                  tempJsonFile <- file.path(prjTempDir, 'temp_phtVarInfoJson.json')
                                  write(finalJson, file = tempJsonFile, ncolumns = if(is.character(finalJson)) 1 else 5, append = F, sep = "\n")
                                  displayFile = tempJsonFile

                                  if (showAs == 'table') {
                                      displayTable(object, file = displayFile)
                                  else if (showAs == 'json') {
                                      displayTextFile(object, file = displayFile, editor = editor) 

                              if (showAs != "") {
                              else {
                      } # end else validPht
                  } # end else hasPhvList

              } # end hasDataDic
              else {
                  mesg = paste("[INFO] No meta-info file found for the study ", phsAcc, ". You may want to make sure the input dataset belongs to the study used for initializing the Study class.\n", sep="")



# ------------------------------- 
# Method: getStudyVariableInfoByTerms 
# ------------------------------- 

#' Search variables by terms
#' The method searches for variables related to given terms. It looks for text matches in the descriptions or the names of all variables or a specified set of variables within the class study. The search terms can be provided through three separate arguments of term-set that allow to either combine or narrow down the search results. The searches between the terms in each of the input term-set are in an 'OR' logic, which combines the search results of each term in the set. The resulting variables of the terms_1 search are used as the input of the terms_2 search, and the resulting variables of the terms_2 search are used as the input of the further term_3 search. The searches between the term-sets are in a 'AND' logic, which means that only the overlapping results are returned.
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param terms_1 a character vector. A list of terms used to search and find matching variables in the study. The search between the terms within the list is in a 'OR' logic. The search between this and terms_2 lists is in a 'AND' logic.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments. 
#' @param terms_2 a character vector (optional) A list of search terms for the search against the variables resulting from the search of input terms_1. The terms in the list are searched in an 'OR' logic. The search between this and the term_1, as well as the terms_3 lists is in a 'AND' logic. 
#' @param terms_3 a character vector (optional) A list of search terms against the variables resulting from the second round of search of input terms_2. The terms in the list are searched in an 'OR' logic. The search between this and terms_2 lists is in a 'AND' logic.
#' @param searchIn a character string. (optional) A string with the possible value of either 'description' (default) or 'name'. If the value is 'description', the searches is against the variable descriptions. If the value is 'name', the search is against the variable names. 
#' @param showTable a logical value. (optional) If TRUE, displays the variable meta-info in a platform specific table viewer; Not display if FALSE (default).
#' @param searchInPhvAccList a character vector. (optional) list of variable accessions. If not provided, the search will be against the variable descriptions of all variables of the study. If provided, the search will be against only the variables specified in list.
#' @param dataStudyOnly a logical value. When TRUE (default), only downloads the dataset and variable metadata of the stdudies that have data files in the project directory.  When FALSE, downloads the dataset and variable metadata of all dbGaP released studies, regardless the actual phenotype data files of the studies are downloaded or not. 
#' @return a data frame. The meta-info of the variables that have the search terms in the variable name or description. 
#' @export getStudyVariableInfoByTerms 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' t1 = c('Diabetes Treatment', 'Smoking Status')
#' t2 = c('Year 10')
#' t3 = c('6 Months') 
#' df <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1=t1, terms_2=t2, terms_3=t3, showTable = T)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1 = c('Diabetes Treatment', 'Study Visit'), showJson = FALSE)
# test <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1 = c('Diabetes Treatment', 'Smoking Status'), terms_2 = c('Year 10'), showTable = T)
# test <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1 = c('Diabetes Treatment', 'Smoking Status'), terms_2 = c('Year 10'), terms_3 = c('6 Months'), showTable = T)
# test <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1 = c('Diabetes Treatment', 'Smoking Status'), terms_2 = c('Year 10'), terms_3 = c('6 Months'), searchIn = 'description', showTable = T)
# test <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1 = c('SYS', 'SMK', 'DIAS'), searchIn = 'name', showTable = T)
#  test <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1 = c('SYS', 'SMK', 'DIAS'), terms_2 = c('T1'), searchIn = 'name', showTable = T)
# test <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1 = c('SYS', 'SMK', 'DIAS'), terms_2 = c('T1'), terms_3 = c('13'), searchIn = 'name', showTable = T)
# test <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s, terms_1 = c('ECG', 'X-RAY'), terms_2 = c('ATRIAL'), terms_3 = c('EXAM 6'), showTable = T)   # phs000007.v29

# NoDataStudy
# s2 <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs001255.v1.p1')
# df <- getStudyVariableInfoByTerms(s2, terms_1='ID', terms_2='sample', terms_3='De-id', showTable = T, dataStudyOnly = F)

           name = "getStudyVariableInfoByTerms",
           def = function(object, terms_1, ...) {

#' @describeIn getStudyVariableInfoByTerms of class Study 
          f = "getStudyVariableInfoByTerms",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, terms_1, ..., terms_2 = vector(), terms_3 = vector() , searchIn = 'description', showTable = FALSE, searchInPhvAccList = vector(), dataStudyOnly = TRUE) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc

              parseIdsFromStAcc =  parseIdsFromStAcc(object, phsAcc = phsAcc)
              phsAccNoVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccNoVer

              if (length(terms_1) > 0) {

                  # phs000001.v3.p1_data_dic_combo.rds
                  dataDicComboDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

                  if (!is.null(dataDicComboDF)) {

                      searchDF <- dataDicComboDF

                      # Search against given phvAccList
                      if (length(searchInPhvAccList) > 0) {
                          # validateInput = F is much faster
                          searchDF <- getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = retPhvAccList_1, validateInput = F, showBrief = F, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

                      retDFList = lapply(terms_1, function(term) 

                          # Search desc or name
                          if (searchIn == 'name') {
                              matchVarDF <- subset(searchDF, grepl(tolower(term), tolower(searchDF$name)))
                          else {
                              matchVarDF <- subset(searchDF, grepl(tolower(term), tolower(searchDF$description)))

                      mergedDF <- do.call('rbind', retDFList)

                      retPhvAccList_1 = vector() 
                      retPhvAccList_2 = vector() 
                      if (nrow(mergedDF) > 0) {
                          retPhvAccList_1 <- as.vector(mergedDF$variable_accession)

                          if (length(terms_2) > 0 ) {

                              if (length(retPhvAccList_1) > 0) {

                                  # validateInput = F is much faster
                                  searchDF <- getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = retPhvAccList_1, validateInput = F, showBrief = F, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

                                  retDFList = lapply(terms_2, function(term) {

                                      # Search desc or name
                                      if (searchIn == 'name') {
                                          matchVarDF <- subset(searchDF, grepl(tolower(term), tolower(searchDF$name)))
                                      else {
                                          matchVarDF <- subset(searchDF, grepl(tolower(term), tolower(searchDF$description)))

                                  mergedDF <- do.call('rbind', retDFList)
                                  retPhvAccList_2 <- as.vector(mergedDF$variable_accession)
                          else {
                              retPhvAccList_2 <- retPhvAccList_1 
                      else {
                          retPhvAccList_2 <- retPhvAccList_1 

                      retPhvAccList_3 = vector() 
                      if (length(terms_3) > 0 ) {

                          if (length(retPhvAccList_2) > 0) {

                              # validateInput = F is much faster
                              searchDF <- getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = retPhvAccList_2, validateInput = F, showBrief = F, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

                              retDFList = lapply(terms_3, function(term) {
                                  # Search desc or name
                                  if (searchIn == 'name') {
                                      matchVarDF <- subset(searchDF, grepl(tolower(term), tolower(searchDF$name)))
                                  else {
                                      matchVarDF <- subset(searchDF, grepl(tolower(term), tolower(searchDF$description)))
                              mergedDF <- do.call('rbind', retDFList)

                              if (nrow(mergedDF) > 0) {
                                  retPhvAccList_3 <- as.vector(mergedDF$variable_accession)
                              else {
                                  retPhvAccList_3 = vector() 
                          else {
                              retPhvAccList_3 <- retPhvAccList_2 

                      else {
                          retPhvAccList_3 <- retPhvAccList_2 

                      # Console display
                      if (nrow(mergedDF) > 0) {
                          if (showTable) {
                              displayTable(object, data = mergedDF) 

                          return (mergedDF)
                      else {
                          cat("[INFO] There is no matching variable found.\n")
                  } # end !is.null(dataDicComboDF)

# -----------------------------------
# Method: getStudyVariableData
# -----------------------------------

#' Get study variable data by accession 
#' The method retrieves the variable data given a list of dbGaP variable accessions or a dataset accession.  
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param phtAcc a character string. (optional) The dbGaP phenotype dataset accession.
#' @param phvAccList a character vector. (optional) The dbGaP variable accessions. The list only accepts subject level variables. The sample level variables are not accepted. 
#' @param dbgapIdsOrFile a character vector or a character string. (optional) This argument can be either a vector of ID list or a path to a file that contains a list of IDs. The IDs can be dbGaP_Subject_ID or dbGaP_Sample_ID denpending on type of the data. When the list of IDs is provided by a file, it should be  a plain text file with one ID per line. 
#' @param emptyToNa a logical value. (optional). If TRUE, converts the empty values to NA; If FALSE (default), not convert.
#' @param colNameWithAcc a logical value. (optional) If TRUE, the variable column name is concatenated with the respective variable accession (e.g. AGEPHOT_phv00000027.v2); If FALSE (default), keep the original column name unchanged (e.g. AGEPHOT).
#' @return  a data frame. Merged data of the input variables.
#' @export getStudyVariableData 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' var_list <- c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00053733.v2')
#' getStudyVariableData(s, phvAccList = var_list)
#' # or
#' getStudyVariableData(s, phtAcc = 'pht000370.v2.p1', colNameWithAcc = TRUE)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# getStudyVariableData(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00053733.v2', 'phv00053735.v2', 'phv00053732.v2'))
# getStudyVariableData(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053733.v2'))

# getStudyVariableData(s, phvAccList = c('phv00000027.v2', 'phv00053747.v2', 'phv00000006.v2', 'phv00054122.v1'))
# getStudyVariableData(s, phvAccList = c('phv00000027.v2', 'phv00053747.v2', 'phv00000006.v2', 'phv00054122.v1'), colNameWithAcc=T)   # colNamIsAcc is True (there are duplicated column name)
# getStudyVariableData(s, phtAcc = 'pht000370.v2.p1', colNameWithAcc = TRUE)

# Dataset of phs000007.v29, an example of large dataset, takes too long to finish
# getStudyVariableData(s, phtAcc = 'pht000009.v2', colNameWithAcc = TRUE)       
# df <- getStudyVariableData(s, phtAcc='pht004815.v1', colNameWithAcc=T)

           name = "getStudyVariableData",
           def = function(object, ...) {

#' @describeIn getStudyVariableData of class Study 
          f = "getStudyVariableData",
          signature = c("Study"),
          definition = function(object, ..., phtAcc = "", phvAccList = vector(), dbgapIdsOrFile = NULL, emptyToNa = FALSE, colNameWithAcc = FALSE) {

              inputPhtAcc = phtAcc

              # S3 function getPhtData
              getPhtData <- function(inputPhtAcc, phtAcc, colNameWithAcc) {
                  if (inputPhtAcc != "") {
                      phtAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = phtAcc, type = 'pht')
                      if (phtAcc != "") {

                          # No longer need to show this
                          message("[INFO] This step may take a while to finish when the dataset has a large number of variables.\n")

                          cat("Retrieving the data of", phtAcc, "...\n")

                          varDF <- getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(object, phtAcc = phtAcc, dbgapIdsOrFile = dbgapIdsOrFile, colNameWithAcc = colNameWithAcc)
                          return (varDF)
              # Allow not list and vector as input. Convert to vector of it is a list.
              if (length(phvAccList) == 0) {

                  if (phtAcc != "") {
                      varDF <- getPhtData(inputPhtAcc, phtAcc, colNameWithAcc)
                      return (varDF)
                  else {
                      message("The input arugments phtAcc and phvAccList are both empty. One of them needs to be provided. Checout ?getStudyVariableData() for more details.\n")
              else {
                  cleanPhvAccList <- checkPhvAccList(object, phvAccList = phvAccList) 

                  if (length(cleanPhvAccList) == 0) {

                      varDF <- getPhtData(inputPhtAcc, phtAcc, colNameWithAcc)
                      return (varDF)
                  else {

                      if (is.null(dbgapIdsOrFile)) {

                          # Get variable data no furhter filter 
                          varDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = cleanPhvAccList, colNameWithAcc = colNameWithAcc, checkList = F) 
                          return (varDF)
                      else {
                          # Get variable data by dbgapIdsOrFile
                          varDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId(object, phvAccList = cleanPhvAccList, dbgapIdsOrFile = dbgapIdsOrFile)
                          return (varDF)

# -----------------------------------
# Method: getIdInfo
# -----------------------------------

#' Get subject, sample, or pedigree information. 
#' The method retrieves either subject, sample, or pedigree information of a given study. 
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param infoType a charcter string. The type of information that is either 'subject', 'sample', or 'pedigree'. 
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param colNameWithAcc a logical value. (optional) If TRUE, the variable column name is concatenated with the respective variable accession (e.g. AGEPHOT_phv00000027.v2); If FALSE (default), keep the original column name unchanged (e.g. AGEPHOT).
#' @return  a data frame. The subject, sample, or pedigree info data table. 
#' @export getIdInfo 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' getIdInfo(s, infoType = 'subject')
#' # or
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000007.v29')
#' getIdInfo(s, infoType = 'pedigree')

    name = "getIdInfo",
    def = function(object, ...) {

    #' @describeIn getIdInfo of class Study 
        f = "getIdInfo",
        signature = c("Study"),
        definition = function(object, infoType, ..., colNameWithAcc = FALSE) {

            phsAcc = object@phsAcc
            fileInfoFile = object@fileInfoFile

            if (file.exists(fileInfoFile)) {

                studyInfoDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'study', phsAcc = phsAcc)

                if (nrow(studyInfoDF) > 0) {

                    thisStudyDF <- dplyr::filter(studyInfoDF, studyInfoDF$this_study_accession == phsAcc)

                    if (nrow(thisStudyDF) >0 ) {

                        rootPhsAcc <- thisStudyDF[['root_study_accession']]

                        subjMatch <- grepl('subj', infoType, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
                        sampMatch <- grepl('samp', infoType, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
                        pedMatch <- grepl('ped', infoType, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)

                        thisMultiType = ''
                        if (subjMatch) {
                            thisMultiType = 'Subject'
                        else if (sampMatch) {
                            thisMultiType = 'Sample'
                        else if (pedMatch) {
                            thisMultiType = 'Pedigree'
                        else {
                            type = 'process'
                            level = 'error'
                            show = T
                            mesg = paste("The infoType input argument value, ", infoType, ", doesn't match either 'subject', 'sample', or 'pedigree'. \n", sep="")
                            writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                        if (thisMultiType != '') {

                            fileInfoDF <- fromJSON(fileInfoFile, flatten=TRUE)
                            thisFileDF <- dplyr::filter(fileInfoDF, fileInfoDF$fStAcc == rootPhsAcc, fileInfoDF$isMulti == TRUE, fileInfoDF$multiType == thisMultiType) 

                            if (nrow(thisFileDF) > 0) {

                                infoFile <- thisFileDF[['pathToFile']]

                                dataDF <- read.table(infoFile, header = T, fill = TRUE, quote = "", sep ='\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding="UTF-8")  

                            else {

                                if (thisMultiType == 'Subject' | thisMultiType == 'Sample') {

                                    type = 'process'
                                    level = 'error'
                                    show = T
                                    mesg = paste("", thisMultiType, " info file of this study ", phsAcc, " is not found. Make sure all phenotype files are downloaded and checkout ?prepareData() to see how to copy and process the downloaded files. Write to dbgap-help@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov if you have any questions.\n", sep="")
                                    writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                                else if (thisMultiType == 'Pedigree') {
                                    type = 'process'
                                    level = 'info'
                                    show = T
                                    mesg = paste("", thisMultiType, " file of this study ", phsAcc, " is not found. The study may not have pedigree information available. Write to dbgap-help@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov if you have any questions.\n", sep="")
                                    writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                    else {

                        type = 'process'
                        level = 'error'
                        show = T
                        mesg = paste("The study ", phsAcc, " is not found in the study info file. Checkout ?ftpDownload() to get updated supplemental meta-data files from the dbGaP ftp site.\n", , sep="")
                        writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

            } # fileInfoFile not exists


# ----------------------------- 
# Method: variableSummary
# ----------------------------- 

#' Variable data summary
#' The method returns the statistical summary of a given variable of the class study. The statistical summary is also displayed along with the variable meta-info. 
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param phvAcc a character string. The dbGaP variable accessions
#' @param ... There are optional arguments. 
#' @param emptyToNa a logical value. (optional) If TRUE,  converts the empty value to NA. Not convert if FALSE (default).
#' @return a data frame. The statistical summary data.
#' @export variableSummary 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' variableSummary(s, phvAcc = 'phv00054119.v1.p1.c2')

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# variableSummary(s, phvAcc = 'phv00054119.v1.p1.c2')
# variableSummary(s, phvAcc = 'phv00000087.v2')		# numeric
# variableSummary(s, phvAcc = 'phv00053747.v2')     # numeric
# variableSummary(s, phvAcc = 'phv00000035.v2')		# categorical
# variableSummary(s, phvAcc = 'phv00053757.v2')     # categorical

           name = "variableSummary",
           def = function(object, phvAcc, ...) {

#' @describeIn variableSummary of class Study 
          f = "variableSummary",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phvAcc, ..., emptyToNa = FALSE) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              phvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = phvAcc, type = 'phv')

              if (phvAcc != '') {

                  varDataDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(phvAcc), emptyToNa = emptyToNa) 

                  if (!is.null(varDataDF)) {

                      # Get datatype
                      # possible types: decimal, enum_integer, integer, string, unknown
                      # type "unknown" should be ignored
                      studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

                      if (!is.null(studyDataDicDF)) {

                          varInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==phvAcc) 
                          varType <- as.character(varInfoDF$calculated_type)
                          varName <- as.character(varInfoDF$name)
                          varDesc <- as.character(varInfoDF$description)
                          varUnits <- as.character(varInfoDF$units)

                          varDataNoIdDF = subset(varDataDF, select = c(varName))
                          colName = as.character(colnames(varDataNoIdDF)[1])
                          varDataNoIdList <- as.list(varDataNoIdDF)[[1]]

                          df <- varDataNoIdDF

                          varna <- apply(df, 2, function(x) {
                          varna <- unname(varna)

                          varempty <- apply(df, 2, function(x) {
                          varempty <- unname(varempty)
                          varn = apply(df, 2, length)

                          # na an empty are defined early	
                          # To show a brief version of varInfo
                          getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(phvAcc), showBrief=T)

                          # subset varInfoDF
                          varInfoDFSub <- subset(varInfoDF, select = c('variable_accession', 'name', 'calculated_type', 'units')) 

                          # Reset row names  (reset row index for subsetted DF)
                          rownames(varInfoDFSub) <- seq(length=nrow(varInfoDFSub))

                          # Numerical type
                          if (varType == 'integer' | varType == 'decimal') {

                              # Converting factor to numeric
                              # Make the values such as 90+ to NA
                              #df <- data.frame(lapply(df, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
                              df <- sapply(df, as.numeric)

                              # Compute summary

                              varmean = apply(df, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE) 
                              varsd = apply(df, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE) 
                              varmedian = apply(df, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
                              varmin = apply(df, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)
                              varmax = apply(df, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)

                              # Append to varIndoDFSub
                              varInfoDFSub$max <- varmax 
                              varInfoDFSub$min <- varmin 
                              varInfoDFSub$median <- varmedian 
                              varInfoDFSub$mean <- varmean 
                              varInfoDFSub$na <- varna
                              varInfoDFSub$empty <- varempty 
                              varInfoDFSub$n <- varn 

                              #              id      name    type units max min median     mean na empty    n
                              #			  2 phv00054119.v1 MATCHSPEC integer  <NA>   4   0      2 1.578682  0     0 3762

                              cat("Summary table:\n")

                          # Categorical variable , na.rm=TRUE
                          else {

                              varInfoDFSub$na <- varna
                              varInfoDFSub$empty <- varempty 
                              varInfoDFSub$n <- varn 

                              #               id   name               type units na empty    n
                              #			   52 phv00000035.v2 SCHOOL enumerated integer  <NA>  0     0 3762

                              # Display

                              cat("Summary table:\n")

                              cat("Frequency table:\n")
                              freq <- plyr::count(df, varName)

                      } # end !is.null(studyDicDF)




# ------------------------- 
# Method: variableBoxplot 
# ------------------------- 

#' Variable boxplot 
#' The method draws the box-and-whisker plot given the accession of either a numeric variable alone or a numeric plus a categorical variable. The boxplot is drawn with the numeric variable as the function of each category of the categorical variable, respectively. When categorical variable accession is not provided, the boxplot is drawn with the numeric variable as the function of the respective subject indices. The resulting graph is saved as PDF and PNG files. 
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param numPhvAcc a character string. The dbGaP accession of a numeric variable. 
#' @param ... There are optional arguments. 
#' @param catPhvAcc a character string. (optional) The dbGaP accession of a categorical variable.
#' @param saveToDir a character string. (optional) The path to the directory where the plot PDF file is saved. If not provided, the file is saved in the 'temp' directory under the user project directory.
#' @param showPlot a logical value. (optional) If TRUE (default), shows the created graph; Not show if FALSE. The graph is always saved in PDF and PNG files regardless shown or not.
#' @return a data frame. The data used for plotting. 
#' @export variableBoxplot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' variableBoxplot(s, numPhvAcc = 'phv00000027.v2', catPhvAcc = 'phv00000032.v2')

# variableBoxplot(s, numPhvAcc = 'phv00000027.v2', catPhvAcc = 'phv00000032.v2')		# AGEPHOT: integer, MARITAL: enumerated integer
# variableBoxplot(s, numPhvAcc = 'phv00053747.v2', catPhvAcc = 'phv00053764.v2')		# LNUCSCORE integer, LPSN: enumerated integer
# variableBoxplot(s, numPhvAcc = 'phv00000006.v2', catPhvAcc = 'phv00000035.v2')		# LNUCSCORE: decimal, SCHOOL: enumerated integer 
# variableBoxplot(s, numPhvAcc = 'phv00053747.v2', catPhvAcc = 'phv00053764.v2', saveToDir = '/panfs/sandpan1.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homes/hao/temp', showPlot=F)
# variableBoxplot(s, numPhvAcc = 'phv00251348.v1', catPhvAcc = 'phv00251769.v1')    # phs000007.v29

           name = "variableBoxplot",
           def = function(object, numPhvAcc, ...) {

#' @describeIn variableBoxplot of class Study 
          f = "variableBoxplot",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, numPhvAcc, ..., catPhvAcc = '', saveToDir = '', showPlot = T) {
              saveToDir <- checkInputPath(object, saveToDir)

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjTempDir = object@prjTempDir 

              numPhvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = numPhvAcc, type = 'phv')

              if (catPhvAcc != '') {
                  catPhvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = catPhvAcc, type = 'phv')

              if (numPhvAcc != '') {

                  varDataDF = data.frame()

                  if (catPhvAcc != '') {
                      varDataDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc, catPhvAcc), emptyToNa = T) 
                  else {
                      varDataDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc), emptyToNa = T) 

                  if (!is.null(varDataDF)) {

                      if (nrow(varDataDF) > 0) {

                          # Get datatype
                          # possible types: decimal, enum_integer, integer, string, unknown
                          # type "unknown" should be ignored
                          studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

                          numVarInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==numPhvAcc) 
                          numVarType <- as.character(numVarInfoDF$calculated_type)
                          numVarName <- as.character(numVarInfoDF$name)
                          numVarUnits <- as.character(numVarInfoDF$units)

                          # Get numVarColumn
                          numVarDataNoIdDF = subset(varDataDF, select = c(numVarName))			# separate out catVar column only

                          # Numerical type
                          # decimal
                          inputOk = '' 
                          if (numVarType == 'integer' | numVarType == 'decimal') {
                              inputOk = T 
                          else {
                              inputOk = F

                              type = 'process'
                              level = 'info'
                              show = T
                              mesg = paste("The data type ", type, ", of input variable, ", numVarName, " ( ", numPhvAcc, " ), is not numeric . The boxplot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                              writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                          # Numericl  type 

                          if (nchar(catPhvAcc) > 0) {

                              catVarInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==catPhvAcc) 
                              catVarType <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$calculated_type)
                              catVarName <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$name)
                              catVarUnits <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$units)
                              catVarCodeValCombo <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$code_value_combo)

                              # Separate out the data columns 
                              catVarDataNoIdDF = subset(varDataDF, select = c(catVarName))			# separate out catVar column only

                              # Categorical type 
                              if (catVarType == 'enum_integer' | catVarType == 'string' | catVarType == 'enumerated integer') {

                                  # With categorical variable 
                                  #catVarDataNoIdDF <- CatVarDataForPlot(object, varDataDFInList = list(varDataDF), varInfoDFInList = list(catVarInfoDF))
                                  #catVarDataNoIdDF <- convertEnumVarColName(object, varDataDF = varDataDF, varInfoDF = catVarInfoDF)

                                  varCodeValDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'code', phsAcc = phsAcc)

                                  if (!is.null(varCodeValDF)) {

                                      catVarDataNoIdDF <- convertEnumVarColName(object, varDataDF = varDataDF, varInfoDF = catVarInfoDF, varCodeValDF = varCodeValDF)

                                      # Determine the number of distinct values 
                                      dataValVect <- catVarDataNoIdDF[, catVarName]
                                      distinctValVect <- unique(dataValVect)

                                      if (length(distinctValVect) < 21) {

                                          # Important! Convert column value to numeric to avoid the error below:
                                          numVarDataNoIdDF <- data.frame(lapply(numVarDataNoIdDF, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))

                                          finalDF <- cbind(numVarDataNoIdDF, catVarDataNoIdDF)


                                          if (inputOk == T) {

                                              # Labels
                                              xLabCombo = paste("\n", catVarName, "\n")
                                              yLabCombo = ''
                                              if (nchar(numVarUnits) > 0 & !is.na(numVarUnits)) {
                                                  yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName, " (", numVarUnits, ")\n") 
                                              else {
                                                  yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName, "\n") 
                                              title = paste("\n", numVarName, "(", numPhvAcc, ")\n vs\n", catVarName, "(", catPhvAcc, ")\n")

                                              # Draw plot

                                              bp <- ggplot(finalDF, aes_string(x=catVarName, y=numVarName, fill=catVarName, group=catVarName)) +
                                              geom_boxplot(outlier.colour="black", outlier.shape=16, outlier.size=2) +
                                              stat_summary(fun.y="mean", geom="point", shape=21, size=5, fill="white") +
                                              labs(y = yLabCombo, x = xLabCombo) +
                                              ggtitle(title) +
                                              #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain", size=11))
                                              theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10)) +    # center the title

                                              # Remove grid
                                              theme_bw() +
                                              theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
                                              panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                                              panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                                              panel.border = element_blank(),
                                              panel.background = element_blank()) + 

                                              theme(aspect.ratio=4/4)   # graph height is larger than width if not set this 

                                              # Disply variable info
                                              getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(catPhvAcc, numPhvAcc), showBrief=T)

                                              # Display and Save plot
                                              plotObj = bp
                                              plotType = 'boxplot'
                                              phvAccNameCombo = paste(numPhvAcc, "_", numVarName, "_", catPhvAcc, "_", catVarName, sep="")
                                              savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)

                                      else {
                                          type = 'process'
                                          level = 'info'
                                          show = T
                                          mesg = paste("The number of distinct values of the input non-numeric variable '", catVarName, "' ( ", catPhvAcc, " ) is more than 20. It may not be a categorical variable. The plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                              else {
                                  type = 'process'
                                  level = 'info'
                                  show = T
                                  mesg = paste("The data type ", type, ", of input variable, ", catVarName, " ( ", catPhvAcc, " ), is not categorical . The boxplot thus is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                                  writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                  return ()

                          } # end of nchar(catPhvAcc) > 0
                          else {

                              # Boxplot of numeric variable only (without categorical variable)

                              # Get numVarColumn

                              if (inputOk == TRUE) {
                                  finalDF <- numVarDataNoIdDF
                                  # lnuCSCORE
                                  #  1      2.08
                                  #  2      3.39
                                  #  3      2.95
                                  #  4      4.09

                                  # Create a dummy column
                                  dummyCol <- rep('N', nrow(finalDF))
                                  finalDF$dummy <- dummyCol 
                                  # print(head(finalDF,4))
                                  #	  LNUCSCORE dummy
                                  #	  L  1      2.08     N
                                  #	  L  2      3.39     N
                                  #	  L  3      2.95     N
                                  #	  L  4      4.09     N

                                  # labels
                                  title = paste("\n", numVarName, " (", numPhvAcc, ")\n")

                                  xlabcombo = "" 
                                  ylabcombo = ''
                                  if (nchar(numVarUnits) > 0 & !is.na(numVarUnits)) {
                                      yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName, " (", numVarUnits, ")\n") 
                                  else {
                                      yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName, "\n") 

                                  # disply variable info
                                  getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc), showBrief=T)

                                  # plot

                                  catVarName = 'dummy'
                                  xLabCombo = ''

                                  bp <- ggplot(finalDF, aes_string(x=catVarName, y=numVarName, fill=catVarName, group=catVarName)) +
                                      geom_boxplot(outlier.colour="black", outlier.shape=16, outlier.size=2) +
                                      stat_summary(fun.y="mean", geom="point", shape=21, size=5, fill="white") +
                                      labs(y = yLabCombo, x = xLabCombo) +
                                      ggtitle(title) +
                                      #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain", size=11))
                                      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10)) +    # center the title
                                      theme(aspect.ratio=4/4)   # graph height is larger than width if not set this 

                                      # Display and Save plot
                                      plotObj = bp
                                      plotType = 'boxplot'
                                      phvAccNameCombo = paste(numPhvAcc, "_", numVarName, sep="")
                                      savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)



                      } # end (nrow(varDataDF) > 0)
                  } # end varDataDF is not null



# ------------------------------- 
# Method: variableScatterplot
# ------------------------------- 

#' Variable scatter-plot
#' The method draws the scatterplot of two numeric variables for each category of a categorical variable. If only one numeric variable accession (numPhvAcc_1) is provided, it draws the numeric variable values as the function of the respective subject indices. If both numeric variables (numPhvAcc_1 and numPhvAcc_2) are provided, it draws the values of the first variable as the function of the second. All variables should belong to the same study and have overlapping subjects. The created graph is saved as PDF and PNG files.
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param numPhvAcc_1 a character string. A dbGaP variable accession of the numeric variable type. 
#' @param ... There are optional argument.
#' @param numPhvAcc_2 a character string. (optional) A dbGaP variable accession of the numeric variable type. 
#' @param catPhvAcc a character string. (optional) A dbGaP variable accession of the categorical variable type. This value is used only if the arguments of numPhvAcc_1 and numPhvAcc_2 are both provided.
#' @param saveToDir a character string. (optional) The path to the directory where the plot PDF file is saved. If not provided, the file is saved in the 'temp' directory under the user project directory.
#' @param showPlot a logical value. (optional) If TRUE (default), shows the created graph; Not show if FALSE. 
#' @return a data frame. The data used for plotting. 
#' @export variableScatterplot 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' numv1 = 'phv00000027.v2'
#' numv2 = 'phv00053747.v2'
#' catv = 'phv00053757.v2'
#' variableScatterplot(s, numPhvAcc_1=numv1, numPhvAcc_2=numv2, catPhvAcc=catv)
#' }

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# variableScatterplot(s, numPhvAcc_1 = 'phv00000027.v2', numPhvAcc_2 = 'phv00053747.v2', catPhvAcc = 'phv00053757.v2')		# phv00053757.v2, RNUC: variable type string
# variableScatterplot(s, numPhvAcc_1 = 'phv00000027.v2')

# variableScatterplot(s, numPhvAcc_1 = 'phv00000027.v2', numPhvAcc_2 = 'phv00053747.v2', catPhvAcc = 'phv00053856.v2')		# phv00053757.v2, SCHOOL: variable type enumerated integer

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000572.v7')
# df <- variableScatterplot(s, numPhvAcc_1="phv00195359.v4", numPhvAcc_2="phv00218090.v3", catPhvAcc="phv00192277.v4")      # phv00192277.v4: Sex  (in Pedigree file)

           name = "variableScatterplot",
           def = function(object, numPhvAcc_1, ...) {

#' @describeIn variableScatterplot of class Study 
          f = "variableScatterplot",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, numPhvAcc_1, ..., numPhvAcc_2 = '', catPhvAcc = '', saveToDir = '', showPlot = TRUE) {
              saveToDir <- checkInputPath(object, saveToDir)

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjTempDir = object@prjTempDir 

              numPhvAcc_1 <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = numPhvAcc_1, type = 'phv')

              if (numPhvAcc_2 != '') {
                  numPhvAcc_2 <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = numPhvAcc_2, type = 'phv')

              if (catPhvAcc != '') {
                  catPhvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = catPhvAcc, type = 'phv')

              if (numPhvAcc_1 != '') {

                  varDataDF = data.frame()
                  if ((numPhvAcc_2) != '') {

                      if ((catPhvAcc) != '') {

                          catPhvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = catPhvAcc, type = 'phv')

                          varDataDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc_1, numPhvAcc_2, catPhvAcc), emptyToNa = T) 
                          #  dbGaP_Subject_ID Submitted_Subject_ID AGEPHOT LNUCSCORE  RNUC
                          #  1                1                 1379    74.2      2.08 NUC-C
                          #  2                2                 4861    69.6      3.39 NUC-C
                          #  3                3                 3642    73.4      2.95 NUC-D
                          #  4                4                 5400    79.1      4.09 NUC-A
                      else {
                          varDataDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc_1, numPhvAcc_2), emptyToNa = T) 
                  else {
                      varDataDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc_1), emptyToNa = T) 

                  if (!is.null(varDataDF)) {

                      if (nrow(varDataDF) > 0) {

                          # Get datatype
                          # possible types: decimal, enum_integer, integer, string, unknown
                          # type "unknown" should be ignored
                          studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

                          numVarInfoDF_1 <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==numPhvAcc_1) 
                          numVarType_1 <- as.character(numVarInfoDF_1$calculated_type)
                          numVarName_1 <- as.character(numVarInfoDF_1$name)
                          numVarUnits_1 <- as.character(numVarInfoDF_1$units)

                          # Get numVarColumn
                          numVarDataNoIdDF_1 = subset(varDataDF, select = c(numVarName_1))			# separate out catVar column only
                          #  AGEPHOT
                          #  1    74.2
                          #  2    69.6
                          #  3    73.4
                          #  4    79.1
                          #print(head(numVarDataNoIdDF_1, 4))

                          if (nchar(numPhvAcc_2) == 0) {
                              # Single variable scatter plot

                              #numVarDataNoIdList_1 <- as.list(numVarDataNoIdDF_1)[[1]]

                              dat = numVarDataNoIdDF_1 
                              dat$index <-seq.int(nrow(dat))	# add an index column for Subject index (instead of original Subject ID)
                              #  AGEPHOT index
                              #  1    74.2	1
                              #  2    69.6	2
                              #  3    73.4	3
                              #  4    79.1	4

                              # Labels
                              xlab = 'index'		
                              ylab = numVarName_1

                              yLabCombo = ''
                              if (nchar(numVarUnits_1) > 0 & !is.na(numVarUnits_1)) {
                                  yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_1, " (", numVarUnits_1, ")\n") 
                              else {
                                  yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_1, "\n") 

                              xLabCombo = paste("\n", " Subject Index", "\n") 
                              title = paste("\n", numVarName_1, " (", numPhvAcc_1, ")\n")

                              # Disply variable info
                              getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc_1), showBrief=T)

                              # Plot 

                              # light blue color
                              sp <-ggplot(dat, aes_string(x=xlab, y=ylab)) + geom_point(color=rgb(0,0,1,0.2))  +  
                              # create label margin and multi-line label 
                              labs(y = yLabCombo, x = xLabCombo) +
                              ggtitle(title) + 
                              theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain")) +
                              theme(aspect.ratio=4/4) +  # graph height is larger than width if not set this 
                              theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm"))

                              # Display and Save plot
                              plotObj = sp
                              plotType = 'scatterplot'
                              phvAccNameCombo = paste(numPhvAcc_1, "_", numVarName_1, sep="")
                              savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)


                          } # end of nchar(numPhvAcc_2) == 0 
                          else {

                              # Double variable scatter plot
                              numVarInfoDF_2 <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==numPhvAcc_2) 
                              numVarType_2 <- as.character(numVarInfoDF_2$calculated_type)
                              numVarName_2 <- as.character(numVarInfoDF_2$name)
                              numVarUnits_2 <- as.character(numVarInfoDF_2$units)

                              numVarDataNoIdDF_2 = subset(varDataDF, select = c(numVarName_2))			# separate out the column only

                              if (nchar(catPhvAcc) == 0) {
                                  # None categorical (numeric ) variable 

                                  finalDF <- cbind(numVarDataNoIdDF_1, numVarDataNoIdDF_2)

                                  # Labels
                                  xlab = numVarName_1 
                                  ylab = numVarName_2

                                  xLabCombo = ''
                                  if (nchar(numVarUnits_1) > 0 & !is.na(numVarUnits_1)) {
                                      xLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_1, " (", numVarUnits_1, ")\n") 
                                  else {
                                      xLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_1, "\n") 

                                  yLabCombo = ''
                                  if (nchar(numVarUnits_2) > 0 & !is.na(numVarUnits_2)) {
                                      yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_2, " (", numVarUnits_2, ")\n") 
                                  else {
                                      yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_2, "\n") 
                                  title = paste("\n", numVarName_1, " (", numPhvAcc_1, ") vs\n", numVarName_2, " (", numPhvAcc_2, ")\n")

                                  # Disply variable info
                                  getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc_1, numPhvAcc_2), showBrief=T)

                                  # Plot 
                                  dat <- finalDF

                                  # Important! Convert column value to numeric to avoid the error below:
                                  dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))

                                  sp <- ggplot(dat) +
                                  geom_point(aes_string(x = xlab, y = ylab), color=rgb(0,0,1,0.2)) +
                                  labs(y = yLabCombo, x = xLabCombo) +
                                  ggtitle(title) + 
                                  #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain", size=11))
                                  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10)) +    # center the title
                                  theme(aspect.ratio=4/4) +   # graph height is larger than width if not set this 
                                  theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm"))

                                  # Display and Save plot
                                  plotObj = sp
                                  plotType = 'scatterplot'
                                  phvAccNameCombo = paste(numPhvAcc_1, "_", numVarName_1, "_", numPhvAcc_2, "_", numVarName_2, sep="")
                                  savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)


                              else {
                                  # With categorical variable 
                                  catVarInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==catPhvAcc) 

                                  catVarType <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$calculated_type)
                                  catVarName <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$name)
                                  catVarUnits <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$units)
                                  catVarCodeValCombo <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$code_value_combo)

                                  #### Process categorical variable data  ####
                                  #catVarDataNoIdDF <- prepareCatVarDataForPlot(object, varDataDFInList = list(varDataDF), varInfoDFInList = list(catVarInfoDF))
                                  #catVarDataNoIdDF <- convertEnumVarColName(object, varDataDF = varDataDF, varInfoDF = catVarInfoDF) 

                                  varCodeValDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'code', phsAcc = phsAcc)

                                  if (!is.null(varCodeValDF)) {

                                      catVarDataNoIdDF <- convertEnumVarColName(object, varDataDF = varDataDF, varInfoDF = catVarInfoDF, varCodeValDF = varCodeValDF)

                                      # Determine the number of distinct values 
                                      dataValVect <- catVarDataNoIdDF[, catVarName]
                                      distinctValVect <- unique(dataValVect)

                                      if (length(distinctValVect) < 21) {

                                          # Important! Convert column value to numeric to avoid the error below:
                                          numVarDataNoIdDF_1 <- data.frame(lapply(numVarDataNoIdDF_1, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
                                          numVarDataNoIdDF_2 <- data.frame(lapply(numVarDataNoIdDF_2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))

                                          finalDF <- cbind(numVarDataNoIdDF_1, numVarDataNoIdDF_2, catVarDataNoIdDF)
                                          # 	AGEPHOT LNUCSCORE  SCHOOL
                                          #	1    74.2      2.08 SCHOOL2
                                          #	2    69.6      3.39 SCHOOL4
                                          #	3    73.4      2.95 SCHOOL5
                                          #	4    79.1      4.09 SCHOOL4
                                          #	5    72.9      2.42 SCHOOL5
                                          # 	6    75.5      2.64 SCHOOL1

                                          # Labels
                                          xlab = numVarName_1 
                                          ylab = numVarName_2
                                          clab = catVarName 

                                          xLabCombo = ''
                                          if (nchar(numVarUnits_1) > 0 & !is.na(numVarUnits_1)) {
                                              xLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_1, " (", numVarUnits_1, ")\n") 
                                          else {
                                              xLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_1, "\n") 

                                          yLabCombo = ''
                                          if (nchar(numVarUnits_2) > 0 & !is.na(numVarUnits_2)) {
                                              yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_2, " (", numVarUnits_2, ")\n") 
                                          else {
                                              yLabCombo = paste("\n", numVarName_2, "\n") 
                                          title = paste("\n", numVarName_1, " (", numPhvAcc_1, ") vs\n", numVarName_2, " (", numPhvAcc_2, ") vs\n", catVarName, " (", catPhvAcc, ")\n")

                                          # Disply variable info
                                          getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(numPhvAcc_1, numPhvAcc_2, catPhvAcc), showBrief=T)

                                          # Plot 
                                          dat <- finalDF
                                          sp <- ggplot(dat) +
                                          geom_point(aes_string(x = xlab, y = ylab, color = catVarName)) +
                                          labs(y = yLabCombo, x = xLabCombo) +
                                          ggtitle(title) + 
                                          #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain", size=11))
                                          theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10))  +   # center the title
                                          theme(aspect.ratio=4/4) +  # graph height is larger than width if not set this 
                                          theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm"))

                                          # Display and Save plot
                                          plotObj = sp
                                          plotType = 'scatterplot'
                                          phvAccNameCombo = paste(numPhvAcc_1, "_", numVarName_1, "_", numPhvAcc_2, "_", numVarName_2, "_", catPhvAcc, "_", catVarName, sep="")
                                          savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)

                                      else {
                                          type = 'process'
                                          level = 'info'
                                          show = T
                                          mesg = paste("The number of distinct values of the input non-numeric variable '", catVarName, "' ( ", catPhvAcc, " ) is more than 20. It may not be a categorical variable. The plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                      } # end nrow(varDataDF) > 0
                  } # end !is.null(varDataDF)
              } # end of numPhvAcc_1 != ''

# --------------------------- 
# Method: variableHistogram 
# --------------------------- 

#' Variable histogram 
#' The method draws the histograms of a given dbGaP variable. 
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param phvAcc a character string. The dbGaP variable accession.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments. 
#' @param withDensity a logical value. (optional) If TRUE (default), draws the histograms with a kernel density plot; If FALSE, draws without a kernel density plot.
#' @param saveToDir a character string. (optional) The path to the directory where the plot PDF file is saved. If not provided, the file is saved in the 'temp' directory under the user project directory.
#' @param showPlot a logical value. (optional) If TRUE (default), shows the created graph; Not show if FALSE. The created graph is saved as files regardless.
#' @return a data frame. The data used for plotting. 
#' @export variableHistogram 
# @examples
# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# variableHistogram(s, phvAcc = 'phv00053747.v2')		# numeric 
# variableHistogram(s, phvAcc = 'phv00000087.v2')		# numeric
# variableHistogram(s, phvAcc = 'phv00054119.v1.p1.c2') # numeric 
# variableHistogram(s, phvAcc = 'phv00053747.v2', withDensity=F)    # withDensity 
# variableHistogram(s, phvAcc = 'phv00053747.v2', withDensity=F, showPlot=F)   # not show image 
# variableHistogram(s, phvAcc = 'phv00000035.v2', withDensity=F, showPlot=T)   # categorical variable SCHOOL 
# variableHistogram(s, phvAcc = 'phv00251409.v1', withDensity=T, showPlot=T)   # numeric: phs000007.v29
# variableHistogram(s, phvAcc = 'phv00251798.v1', withDensity=T, showPlot=T)   # categorical phs00007.v29

           name = "variableHistogram",
           def = function(object, phvAcc, ...) {

#' @describeIn variableHistogram of class Study 
          f = "variableHistogram",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phvAcc, ..., withDensity = TRUE, saveToDir = '', showPlot = TRUE) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjTempDir = object@prjTempDir
              phvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = phvAcc, type = 'phv')

              if (phvAcc != '') {

                  varDataDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(phvAcc), emptyToNa = T) 

                  if (!is.null(varDataDF)) {

                      # Get datatype
                      # possible types: decimal, enum_integer, integer, string, unknown
                      # type "unknown" should be ignored
                      studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

                      varInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==phvAcc) 
                      varType <- as.character(varInfoDF$calculated_type)
                      varName <- as.character(varInfoDF$name)
                      varDesc <- as.character(varInfoDF$description)
                      varUnits <- as.character(varInfoDF$units)

                      varDataNoIdDF = subset(varDataDF, select = c(varName))
                      colName = as.character(colnames(varDataNoIdDF)[1])
                      varDataNoIdList <- as.list(varDataNoIdDF)[[1]]
                      dat = varDataNoIdDF 

                      # Histogram
                      #mean <-mean(varDataNoIdList, na.rm=T)  # Ignore NA values for mean

                      #hist(varDataNoIdList, prob=T, main=colName)
                      #curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean, sd=std), col="darkblue", lwd=2, add=TRUE)

                      dat$index <-seq.int(nrow(dat))	# add an index column for Subject index (instead of original Subject ID)

                      #  MATCHSPEC index
                      #  1         2     1
                      #  2         2     2
                      #  3         2     3
                      #  4         2     

                      # or

                      # "phv00053733.v2"
                      #  ADVSTAT index
                      #  1       1     1
                      #  2       2     2
                      #  3       1     3
                      #  4       1     4
                      #  5       1     5
                      #  6       1     6

                      # Get y-label Unit
                      if (nchar(varUnits) > 0 && !is.na(varUnits)) {
                          ylab = paste(colName, " ( ", varUnits, " ) ", "\n", "( ", phvAcc, " )", sep="")
                      else {
                          ylab = paste(colName, "\n", "( ", phvAcc, " )", sep="")

                      # Labels
                      ylab = 'index'		
                      xlab = colName

                      xLabCombo = ''
                      if (nchar(varUnits) > 0 & !is.na(varUnits)) {
                          xLabCombo = paste("\n", varName, " (", varUnits, ")\n") 
                      else {
                          xLabCombo = paste("\n", varName, "\n") 
                      title = paste("\n", colName, "(", phvAcc, ")\n") 

                      # Numerical type
                      if (varType == 'integer' | varType == 'decimal') {

                          # Important! Convert column value to numeric to avoid the error below:
                          # Error: StatBin requires a continuous x variable the x variable is discrete. Perhaps you want stat="count"?
                          dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))

                          # Disply variable info
                          getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(phvAcc), showBrief=T)

                          datMean = mean(dat[,1], na.rm=TRUE)

                          # y-axis: Density 
                          if (withDensity == T) {

                              yLabCombo = paste("\n", "Density", "\n") 

                              # Histogram overlaid with kernel density curve, and mean line
                              ..density.. <- ''  # mute CMD check note
                              histp <- ggplot(dat, aes_string(x=xlab)) +  
                                  geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), colour="black", fill="white") +
                                  geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#FF6666") + 
                                  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=datMean),  color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1) + 
                                  labs(x = xLabCombo, y = yLabCombo) +
                                  ggtitle(title) +
                                  #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain"))
                                  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10)) +     # center the title
                                  theme(aspect.ratio=2/3)   # graph height is larger than width if not set this 
                          # y-axis: SubjCount 
                          else {

                              yLabCombo = paste("\n", "Subject Count", "\n") 

                              # Histogram overlaid with and mean line
                              ..count.. <- ''  # mute CMD check note

                              histp <- ggplot(dat, aes_string(x=xlab)) +  
                                  geom_histogram(aes(y=..count..), colour="black", fill="white") +
                                  geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#FF6666") + 
                                  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=datMean),  color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1) + 
                                  #geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean),  color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1) +
                                  labs(x = xLabCombo, y = yLabCombo) +
                                  ggtitle(title) + 
                                  #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain"))
                                  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10))  +   # center the title
                                  theme(aspect.ratio=4/4)   # graph height is larger than width if not set this 


                          # Display and Save plot
                          plotObj = histp
                          plotType = 'histogram'
                          phvAccNameCombo = paste(phvAcc, "_", varName, sep="")
                          savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)


                      # Categorical data
                      else if (varType == 'enumerated integer' | varType == 'enum_integer' | varType == 'string') {

                          catVarInfoDF = varInfoDF

                          index  <-seq.int(nrow(dat))

                          # Determine the number of distinct values 
                          dataValVect <- varDataNoIdDF[, varName]
                          distinctValVect <- unique(dataValVect)

                          if (length(distinctValVect) < 21) {

                              # Disply variable info
                              getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(phvAcc), showBrief=T)

                              #### Process categorical variable data  ####
                              #catVarDataNoIdDF <- convertEnumVarColName(object, varDataDF = varDataDF, varInfoDF = catVarInfoDF)

                              varCodeValDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'code', phsAcc = phsAcc)

                              if (!is.null(varCodeValDF)) {

                                  catVarDataNoIdDF <- convertEnumVarColName(object, varDataDF = varDataDF, varInfoDF = catVarInfoDF, varCodeValDF = varCodeValDF)

                                  finalDF <- cbind(index, catVarDataNoIdDF)
                                  # index  SCHOOL
                                  #  1     1 SCHOOL2
                                  #  2     2 SCHOOL4
                                  #  3     3 SCHOOL5
                                  #  4     4 SCHOOL4

                                  countDF <- count(finalDF, xlab)

                                  # SCHOOL freq
                                  #  1 SCHOOL1  313
                                  #   2 SCHOOL2  956
                                  #   3 SCHOOL3 1139
                                  #   4 SCHOOL4  601

                                  yLabCombo = paste("\n", "Subject Count", "\n") 

                                  freq <- ''  # mute CMD check

                                  barp <- ggplot(countDF, aes_string(x=xlab, y = 'freq', fill=xlab)) +
                                  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
                                  geom_text(aes(label=freq), position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.25) +
                                  labs(x = xLabCombo, y = yLabCombo) +
                                  ggtitle(paste("\n", xlab, "(", phvAcc, ")")) + 
                                  #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain", size=11))
                                  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10))  +   # center the title
                                  theme(aspect.ratio=4/4)   # graph height is larger than width if not set this 

                                  # Display and Save plot
                                  plotObj = barp
                                  plotType = 'barchart'
                                  phvAccNameCombo = paste(phvAcc, "_", varName, sep="")
                                  savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)

                          else {
                              type = 'process'
                              level = 'info'
                              show = T
                              mesg = paste("The number of distinct values of the input non-numeric variable '", varName, "' ( ", phvAcc, " ) is more than 20. It may not be a categorical variable. The plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                              writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                      else {

                          type = 'process'
                          level = 'info'
                          show = T
                          mesg = paste("The data type ", type, ", of input variable '", varName, "' ( ", phvAcc, " ) is neither numeric nor categorical. The statistical summary thus is not generated.\n", sep="")
                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                  } # end !is.null(varDataDF)
              } # end phvAcc != ""


# -------------------------
# Method: variablePiechart
# -------------------------

#' Categorical variable subject count pie-chart 
#' The method draws the pie-chart of subject counts among categories of a categorical variable. The resulting graph is saved as PDF and PNG files. 
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param catPhvAcc a character string. The dbGaP accession of a categorical variable.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param saveToDir a character string. (optional) The path to the directory where the plot PDF file is saved. If not provided, the file is saved in the 'temp' directory under the user project directory.
#' @param showPlot a logical value. (optional) If TRUE (default), shows the created graph; Not show if FALSE.
#' @return a data frame. The data used for plotting. 
#' @export variablePiechart 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' variablePiechart(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00053764.v2')

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# variablePiechart(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00053764.v2')		# LPSN: enumerated integer
# variablePiechart(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000035.v2')		# SCHOOL: enumerated integer 
# variablePiechart(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000032.v2')		# MARITAL: enumerated integer 
# variablePiechart(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00053764.v2')		# LPSC: enumerated integer 
# variablePiechart(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00053757.v2')		# NUC: enumerated integer 
# variablePiechart(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00054126.v1') 	# DIABTRT01 enum
# variablePiechart(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00053764.v2', saveToDir = '/panfs/sandpan1.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homes/hao/temp', showPlot=F)

           name = "variablePiechart",
           def = function(object, catPhvAcc, ...) {

#' @describeIn variablePiechart of class Study 
          f = "variablePiechart",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, catPhvAcc = '', ..., saveToDir = '', showPlot = T) {
              saveToDir <- checkInputPath(object, saveToDir)

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjTempDir = object@prjTempDir 

              catPhvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = catPhvAcc, type = 'phv')

              varDataDF = data.frame()
              if (nchar(catPhvAcc) > 0) {
                  catPhvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = catPhvAcc, type = 'phv')
                  varDataDF <- getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(catPhvAcc), emptyToNa = T) 

              if (!is.null(varDataDF)) {

                  if (nrow(varDataDF) > 0) {

                      # Get datatype
                      # possible types: decimal, enum_integer, integer, string, unknown
                      # type "unknown" should be ignored
                      studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

                      catVarInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==catPhvAcc) 
                      catVarType <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$calculated_type)
                      catVarName <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$name)
                      catVarUnits <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$units)
                      catVarCodeValCombo <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$code_value_combo)

                      # Numerical type
                      # decimal
                      inputOk = '' 
                      if (catVarType == 'integer' | catVarType == 'decimal') {

                          type = 'process'
                          level = 'info'
                          show = T
                          mesg = paste("The data type ", type, ", of input variable, ", catVarName, " ( ", catPhvAcc, " ), is not catgorical . The Piechart is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                      else {

                          # Separate out the data columns 
                          catVarDataNoIdDF = subset(varDataDF, select = c(catVarName))			# separate out catVar column only

                          # Categorical type 
                          if (catVarType == 'enum_integer' | catVarType == 'string' | catVarType == 'enumerated integer') {

                              # With categorical variable 
                              varCodeValDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'code', phsAcc = phsAcc)

                              if (!is.null(varCodeValDF)) {

                                  catVarDataNoIdDF <- convertEnumVarColName(object, varDataDF = varDataDF, varInfoDF = catVarInfoDF, varCodeValDF = varCodeValDF)

                                  dat = catVarDataNoIdDF 

                                  # Determine the number of distinct values 
                                  dataValVect <- catVarDataNoIdDF[, catVarName]
                                  distinctValVect <- unique(dataValVect)

                                  if (length(distinctValVect) < 21) {

                                      dat$index <-seq.int(nrow(dat))	# add an index column for Subject index (instead of original Subject ID)

                                      #print(head(dat, 4))
                                      #   LPSC index
                                      #   1 PSC-A     1
                                      #   2 PSC-B     2
                                      #   3 PSC-A     3
                                      #   4 PSC-A     4

                                      xlab = catVarName
                                      ylab = 'perc'

                                      # mute CMD check  note
                                      freq <- '' 
                                      perc <- '' 
                                      label_pos <- ''
                                      perc_text <- ''
                                      n <- ''

                                      statDF <- dat %>% dplyr::group_by_(xlab) %>% dplyr::summarize(freq = n()) %>%
                                      mutate(perc = freq / sum(freq)) %>%
                                      arrange(desc(perc)) %>%
                                      #mutate(label_pos = cumsum(perc) - perc / 2, perc_text = paste(freq, " (", round(perc * 100), "%)", sep=""))
                                          # Note: Need manually adjusted postion (xPosVec) as shown later 
                                          label_pos = perc / 2 + c(0, cumsum(perc)[-length(perc)]), 
                                          #label_pos = cumsum(perc) - perc / 2,
                                          #label_pos = perc / 2,
                                          perc_text = paste(freq, " (", round(perc * 100), "%)", sep="")
                                      #	y = percentage / 2 + c(0, cumsum(percentage)[-length(percentage)]),

                                      #	# A tibble: 4 <U+00D7> 5
                                      #	 A   LPSC  freq       perc label_pos  perc_text
                                      #	 A     <chr> <int>      <dbl>     <dbl>      <chr>
                                      #	 A	 1 PSC-A  3244 0.68194240 0.3409712 3244 (68%)
                                      #	 A	 2 PSC-C  1061 0.22303973 0.7934623 1061 (22%)
                                      #	 A	 3 PSC-B   317 0.06663864 0.9383015   317 (7%)
                                      #	 A	 4 PSC-D   135 0.02837923 0.9858104   135 (3%)

                                      ##### Adjustment for small slice ####
                                      # make 2nd slice y pos lower, to make the 2nd and 3rd lable such as below less crowded

                                      #  DIABTRT01  freq       perc label_pos  perc_text
                                      #  DI    <chr> <int>      <dbl>     <dbl>      <chr>
                                      #  DI	1      <NA>  3544 0.94205210 0.4710260 3544 (94%)
                                      #  DI	2         P   118 0.03136629 0.9577352   118 (3%)
                                      #  DI	3         D    58 0.01541733 0.9811271    58 (2%)
                                      #  DI	4         I    42 0.01116427 0.9944179    42 (1%)

                                      pos2 <- statDF[2, 'label_pos']
                                      newPos2 <- pos2 - 0.03
                                      statDF[2, 'label_pos'] <- newPos2

                                      # Algorithm to position text based on row number
                                      rowNum = nrow(statDF)

                                      # Variable name label on each slice 
                                      y.breaks <- cumsum(statDF$perc) - statDF$perc / 2
                                      labels <-unlist(statDF[,1])

                                      # x, y-axis label
                                      xLabCombo = paste("\n", "Subject Count\n")
                                      yLabCombo = ''
                                      title = paste("\n", catVarName, "(", catPhvAcc, ")\n")

                                      if (rowNum < 9) {

                                          pie <- ggplot(data=statDF, aes_string(x=1, y=ylab, fill=xlab)) +
                                          geom_bar(width=1, stat="identity") +
                                          coord_polar(theta="y") +
                                          theme_void() +
                                          scale_y_continuous( breaks=y.breaks, labels=labels) +
                                          ggtitle(title) +
                                          labs(x = yLabCombo, y = xLabCombo) +		# Note: filipped  x, y
                                          #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain", size=11))
                                          theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10)) +    # center the title
                                          theme(aspect.ratio=4/4) +  # graph height is larger than width if not set this 
                                          theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm"))

                                          # Disply variable info
                                          getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(catPhvAcc), showBrief=T)

                                          # Show piechart slice label 
                                          info <- sprintf("%-5s %-1s %s", catVarName, ":", 'subject (%)') 
                                          cat(info, "\n")
                                          ddply(statDF, c(catVarName), function(x) { 
                                              catVal <- x[c(catVarName)][[1]]
                                              perc_text <- x$perc_text
                                              # Display pie chart info
                                              info <- sprintf("%-5s %-1s %s", catVal, ":", perc_text) 
                                              cat(info, "\n")


                                          # Display and Save plot
                                          plotObj = pie
                                          plotType = 'boxplot'
                                          phvAccNameCombo = paste(catPhvAcc, "_", catVarName, sep="")
                                          savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)

                                  else {
                                      type = 'process'
                                      level = 'info'
                                      show = T
                                      mesg = paste("The number of distinct values of the input non-numeric variable '", catVarName, "' ( ", catPhvAcc, " ) is more than 20. It may not be a categorical variable. The plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                                      writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                      } # end of nchar(catPhvAcc) > 0

                  } # end (nrow(varDataDF) > 0)
                  else {
                      type = 'process'
                      level = 'info'
                      show = T
                      mesg = paste("There is no data in the study datasets files for variable ", catPhvAcc, " The boxplot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                      writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

              } # end !is.null(varDataDF)


# ----------------------------------
# Method: variableVenndiagram
# ----------------------------------

#' Subject overlapping with Venndigram
#' The method shows the overlapping subjects of given dbGaP variables by Venndiagram. The number of input variables is limited to five.
#' @param object Study class object
#' @param phvAccList a character vector. A list of dbGaP variable accessions. The maximum number of variable accessions accepted for the drawing is 5, so that only the first 5 variables in the input list are included in the Venndiagram.
#' @param ... There are optional argument.
#' @param saveToDir a character string. (optional) The path to the directory where the plot PDF file is saved. If not provided, the file is saved in the 'temp' directory under the user project directory.
#' @param showPlot a logical value. (optional) If TRUE (default), shows the created graph; Not show if FALSE.
#' @return a data frame. The data used for plotting. 
#' @export variableVenndiagram 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' accList = c('phv00054139.v1', 'phv00053796.v2', 'phv00000089.v2')
#' variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = accList) 
#' }

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00053733.v2', 'phv00053735.v2', 'phv00053732.v2'))
#  variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054139.v1', 'phv00053796.v2', 'phv00000089.v2'))
# variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054139.v1', 'phv00053796.v2', 'phv00000089.v2', 'phv00000072.v2'))
# variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054139.v1', 'phv00053796.v2', 'phv00000089.v2', 'phv00000072.v2', 'phv00000173.v2')) 
# variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2'))
# variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2', 'phv00053732.v2'))
# phs000007.v29
# variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = c("phv00251740.v1", "phv00251348.v1", "phv00251634.v1"))
# variableVenndiagram(s, phvAccList = c("phv00251740.v1", "phv00251348.v1", "phv00251634.v1", "phv00251689.v1"))

           name = "variableVenndiagram",
           def = function(object, phvAccList, ...) {

#' @describeIn variableVenndiagram of class Study 
          f = "variableVenndiagram",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phvAccList, ..., saveToDir = '', showPlot = T) {
              saveToDir <- checkInputPath(object, saveToDir)

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjDotDir = object@prjDotDir
              prjDir = object@prjDir

              # suppress VenDiagram log
              futile.logger::flog.threshold(futile.logger::ERROR, name = "VennDiagramLogger")

              # Allow bot list and vector as input. Convert to vector of it is a list.
              if (is.list(phvAccList)) {
                  phvAccList = unlist(phvAccList, use.names=FALSE)

              if (length(phvAccList) > 0 & length(phvAccList) < 6) {

                  # Validate PhvAccList
                  cleanPhvAccList <- checkPhvAccList(object, phvAccList = phvAccList) 

                  if (length(cleanPhvAccList) > 0) {

                      # Get StudyDataDicDF
                      parseIdsFromStAcc =  parseIdsFromStAcc(object, phsAcc = phsAcc)
                      phsAccNoVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccNoVer
                      studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

                      # Loop through each phvAcc 
                      # Remove all NA values for each phv column. Get subjIds of each in a format for feeding VennDiagram 
                      setupVenn <- function(phvAcc, phsAcc, mergedVarDF, dataDicDF) {

                          inputObjPhsAcc <- checkObjStudyByAcc(object, acc = phvAcc)

                          if (phsAcc == inputObjPhsAcc) {

                              # subset id and phv
                              # Look for matching phtAcc and phsAcc 
                              matchVarDF <- subset(dataDicDF,  dataDicDF$variable_accession==phvAcc) 
                              matchStAcc <- matchVarDF$study_accession
                              matchPhtAcc <- matchVarDF$dataset_accession
                              matchVarName <- matchVarDF$name
                              matchVarType <- matchVarDF$calculated_type

                              # Subset dbGaP_Subject_Id with each phv
                              gapIdVarDF <- subset(mergedVarDF, select = c('dbGaP_Subject_ID', matchVarName))

                              # Remove na value by complete.cases  
                              completeVarDF <- gapIdVarDF[complete.cases(gapIdVarDF),]

                              # id column 
                              gapIdDF <- completeVarDF["dbGaP_Subject_ID"]

                              # Turn df to list
                              gapIdList <- as.list(gapIdDF)[1]

                              # Flatten the list structure
                              # To make laaply result data fit VennDiagram, get the data without item name,
                              # then put entire list data into a new list 
                              gapIdListVal = gapIdList[[1]]

                              newGapIdList = c(gapIdListVal[1:length(gapIdListVal)])

                              return (newGapIdList)


                      #     Get mergedVarD          #

                      # ATTN!!! Empty --> NA
                      # Convert empty values to na so complete case can be applied.
                      mergedVarDF =  getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, cleanPhvAccList, emptyToNa = T)

                      # Complete case of all input variables 
                      #completeVarDF = mergedVarDF[complete.cases(mergedVarDF),]
                      retList <- lapply(cleanPhvAccList, FUN=function(x) setupVenn(phvAcc = x, phsAcc = phsAcc, mergedVarDF = mergedVarDF, dataDicDF = studyDataDicDF)) 

                      # Get PhvNameList 
                      getPhvName <- function(phvAcc, dataDicDF) {

                          inputObjPhsAcc <- checkObjStudyByAcc(object, acc = phvAcc)

                          if (phsAcc == inputObjPhsAcc) {
                              matchVarDF <- subset(dataDicDF,  dataDicDF$variable_accession==phvAcc) 

                              matchStAcc <- matchVarDF$study_accession
                              matchPhtAcc <- matchVarDF$dataset_accession
                              matchVarName <- matchVarDF$name
                              matchVarType <- matchVarDF$calculated_type

                              return (matchVarName) 

                      phvNameList <- lapply(cleanPhvAccList, FUN=function(x) getPhvName(phvAcc = x, dataDicDF = studyDataDicDF))

                      # Draw VennDiagram
                      # Compose title
                      # Note: No title added because when margin is used, it makes labels paritally out-of-scope 

                      # Get image file name NameAcc combo
                      varNameAccUscoreList = getVarNameByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = cleanPhvAccList, studyDataDicDF = studyDataDicDF, colNameWithAcc = T, underscore = T) 
                      varNameAccUscoreCombo = paste(varNameAccUscoreList, collapse="_") 

                      # Compose label make it from "MATCHSPEC" to "MATCHSPEC \n( phv00054119.v1 )"
                      varNameAccList = getVarNameByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = cleanPhvAccList, studyDataDicDF = studyDataDicDF) 

                      varNameComboList <- lapply(cleanPhvAccList, function(phvAcc) 
                                                     varName = varNameAccList[phvAcc]
                                                     nameAccNewlineCombo = paste(varName, "\n(", phvAcc, ")")
                      varNameCombList = unlist(varNameComboList)

                      # Add list item name
                      # Use phvNameAccCombo as display name
                      names(retList) <- varNameCombList 

                      # Suppress VenDiagram log
                      futile.logger::flog.threshold(futile.logger::ERROR, name = "VennDiagramLogger")
                      # Skip color #1 (grey)
                      colorCount = length(phvNameList) + 1

                      margin = 0.15
                      height = 3000
                      width = 3000
                      if (length(phvAccList) == 5) {
                          vp <- VennDiagram::venn.diagram(retList, fill = 2:colorCount, alpha = 0.3, filename = NULL, height = height, width = width, margin=margin, main=NULL, main.cex=1, main.col="black", sub = NULL, cex=0.9, cat.cex = 0.9);
                      else {
                          margin = 0.08
                          vp <- VennDiagram::venn.diagram(retList, fill = 2:colorCount, alpha = 0.3, filename = NULL, height = height, width = width,  margin=margin, main=NULL, main.cex=1, main.col="black", sub = NULL, cex=0.9, cat.cex = 0.9);

                      # Disply variable info
                      getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = cleanPhvAccList, showBrief=T)

                      if (showPlot == T) {
                          # devoff is needed for VennDiagram, but not for other ggplot

                      # Display and Save plot
                      plotObj = vp
                      plotType = 'VennDiagram'
                      phvAccNameCombo = varNameAccUscoreCombo 
                      savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)

                      return (invisible(mergedVarDF))

              } # end of length(phvAccList) > 0 & < 6
              else {

                  type = 'process'
                  level = 'info'
                  show = T

                  if (length(phvAccList) == 0) {
                      mesg = paste("The number of input accession is zero. The Venndiagram is not drawn\n", sep="")
                  else {
                      mesg = paste("The number of input accession exceeds the maximum allowed 5. The Venndiagram is not drawn\n", sep="")
                  writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 


# -------------------------------- 
# Method: variableCorrelHeatmap
# -------------------------------- 

#' Variable correleation heatmap
#' The method draws the correlation graphs between different categories of a categorical variable. The resulting graph is saved as PDF and PNG files.
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param catPhvAcc a character string. The dbGaP accession of a categorical variable. 
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param numPhvAccList a character vector. A list of the dbGaP accessions of numeric variables.
#' @param saveToDir a character string. (optional) The path to the directory where the plot PDF file is saved. If not provided, the file is saved in the 'temp' directory under the user project directory.
#' @param showPlot a logical value. (optional) If TRUE (default), shows the created graph; Not show if FALSE.
#' @return a data frame. The data used for plotting. 
#' @export variableCorrelHeatmap 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' catAcc = 'phv00000031.v2'
#' numAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2') 
#' variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = catAcc, numPhvAccList = numAccLlist, showPlot=T)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00053764.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000027.v2', 'phv00053747.v2', 'phv00000006.v2', 'phv00053747.v2'), showPlot=T)	# 1 ~ 1
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000035.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00054139.v1', 'phv00000084.v2'), showPlot=T)	 # 1 ~ 0.99
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000014.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'), showPlot=T)		# 1 ~ 0,98
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000030.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'), showPlot=T)	 # 1 ~ 0.90
#  variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000031.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'), showPlot=T)		# 1 ~ 0.55
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000035.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'))    # 1 ~ 0.66
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000034.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'), showPlot=T)	 # 1 ~ -1
#  variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00053944.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'), showPlot=T)     # 1 ~ -1
#  variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000016.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'), saveToDir = '/panfs/sandpan1.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homes/hao/temp', showPlot=T)		# 1 ~ 0.44
#  variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000015.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'), saveToDir = '/panfs/sandpan1.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homes/hao/temp', showPlot=T)		# 1 ~ 0.16
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000026.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'), saveToDir = '/panfs/sandpan1.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homes/hao/temp', showPlot=T)		# 1 ~ 0.1

# phs000007.v29
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00251689.v1', numPhvAccList = c('phv00251303.v1', 'phv00251621.v1', 'phv00251618.v1', 'phv00251698.v1'), showPlot=T)
#  variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00251798.v1', numPhvAccList = c('phv00251628.v1', 'phv00251621.v1', 'phv00251631.v1', 'phv00251673.v1'), showPlot=T)

# phs000007.v29 --- Minus correlation
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00251769.v1', numPhvAccList = c('phv00251303.v1', 'phv00251621.v1', 'phv00251618.v1', 'phv00251698.v1'), showPlot=T)
# variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00251769.v1', numPhvAccList = c('phv00251795.v1', 'phv00251689.v1', 'phv00251618.v1', 'phv00251698.v1'), showPlot=T)

           name = "variableCorrelHeatmap",
           def = function(object, catPhvAcc, ...) {

#' @describeIn variableCorrelHeatmap of class Study 
          f = "variableCorrelHeatmap",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, catPhvAcc = '', ..., numPhvAccList = vector(), saveToDir = '', showPlot = T) {
              saveToDir <- checkInputPath(object, saveToDir)

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjTempDir = object@prjTempDir 

              # Get Study-DataDic
              studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

              if (!is.null(studyDataDicDF)) {

                  # Validate PhvAccList
                  cleanNumPhvAccList <- checkPhvAccList(object, phvAccList = numPhvAccList) 

                  sapply(cleanNumPhvAccList, function(numPhvAcc) {
                          numVarInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==numPhvAcc) 
                          numVarType <- as.character(numVarInfoDF$calculated_type)

                  # Process Categorical variable 
                  catPhvAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = catPhvAcc, type = 'phv')

                  if (length(cleanNumPhvAccList) > 0 & nchar(catPhvAcc) > 0) {

                      # Get datatype
                      # possible types: decimal, enum_integer, integer, string, unknown
                      # type "unknown" should be ignored

                      catVarInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==catPhvAcc) 
                      catVarType <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$calculated_type)
                      catVarName <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$name)
                      catVarUnits <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$units)
                      catVarCodeValCombo <- as.character(catVarInfoDF$code_value_combo)

                      # Numerical type
                      # decimal
                      inputOk = '' 
                      if (catVarType == 'integer' | catVarType == 'decimal') {

                          type = 'process'
                          level = 'info'
                          show = T
                          mesg = paste("The data type ", type, ", of input variable, ", catVarName, " ( ", catPhvAcc, " ), is not catgorical . The correlation graph is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                      # Process Numerical Variable 

                      # Check numPhvList item data type 
                      wrongTypePhvList <- lapply(cleanNumPhvAccList, function(numPhvAcc, dataDicDF = studyDataDicDF) { 

                          # possible types: decimal, enum_integer, integer, string, unknown
                          # type "unknown" should be ignored
                          numVarInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicDF,  studyDataDicDF$variable_accession==numPhvAcc) 
                          numVarType <- as.character(numVarInfoDF$calculated_type)

                          if (numVarType != 'decimal' & numVarType != 'integer') {
                          else {
                      # Remove null
                      wrongTypePhvList <- wrongTypePhvList[!sapply(wrongTypePhvList, is.null)] 

                      if (length(wrongTypePhvList) > 0) {
                          phvListCombo = paste(wrongTypePhvList, collapse = ' ') 

                          type = 'process'
                          level = 'info'
                          show = T
                          mesg = paste("There following accession(s) in the input numPhvAccList is not numeric type. It needs to be fixed. The corrlation plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                      else {

                          # Combine catPhvAcc and numPhvAcc
                          catAndNumPhvAccList = c(catPhvAcc, cleanNumPhvAccList)
                          # Get varNameList: a named list of phvACC-Name pairs

                          varNameList <- getVarNameByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList =  cleanNumPhvAccList, studyDataDicDF = studyDataDicDF)  

                          ####### Get mergedVarDF #######

                          # ATTN!!! Empty --> NA
                          # Convert empty values to na so complete case can be applied.
                          mergedVarDF =  getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, catAndNumPhvAccList, cleanNumVal = T, emptyToNa = T)

                          # Remove submitedID, only keep dbGaPId  
                          subDF_1 <- mergedVarDF[,1, drop=FALSE]
                          subDF_2 <- mergedVarDF[, catVarName, drop=FALSE]
                          subDF_3 <- mergedVarDF[, varNameList]
                          subDF <- cbind(subDF_1, subDF_2, subDF_3)

                          # Determine the number of distinct values 
                          varDataNoIdDF = subset(mergedVarDF, select = c(catVarName))
                          dataValVect <- varDataNoIdDF[, catVarName]
                          distinctValVect <- unique(dataValVect)

                          if (length(distinctValVect) < 21) {

                              # Complete case of all input variables 
                              completeVarDF = subDF[complete.cases(subDF),]

                              #  dbGaP_Subject_ID Submitted_Subject_ID  LPSC AGEPHOT LNUCSCORE LNUCSCORE.1		LNUCSCORE.2
                              #  1                1                 1379 PSC-A    74.2      2.08        2.08	       2.08
                              #  2                2                 4861 PSC-B    69.6      3.39        3.39         3.39
                              #  3                3                 3642 PSC-A    73.4      2.95        2.95         2.95 
                              #  4                4                 5400 PSC-A    79.1      4.09        4.09	       4.09

                              # variableCorrelHeatmap(s, catPhvAcc = 'phv00000035.v2', numPhvAccList = c('phv00000007.v2', 'phv00053794.v2', 'phv00053786.v2', 'phv00000106.v2'))    # 1 ~ 0.66
                              #			   dbGaP_Subject_ID Submitted_Subject_ID SCHOOL RCORBASE  DT_LYC DT_VITE DIAS12
                              #			   61               16                 3554      4      1.1 2536.37    2.84     56
                              #			   62               16                 3554      4      1.1 1025.88    2.84     56
                              #			   63               16                 3554      4      1.1 2536.37    2.89     56
                              #			   64               16                 3554      4      1.1 1025.88    2.89     56

                              ##### Make sure it is not an empty dataframe ####

                              # Check to make sure the categorical variable value
                              # has more than one unique value 
                              catUniqueValList <- unique(completeVarDF[[catVarName]])

                              if (nrow(completeVarDF) > 0 ) {

                                  #### Make sure cat variable has more than one value ####
                                  if (length(catUniqueValList) > 1) {

                                      # At least two numberical columns, in addition to 2 id cols, and 1 categorical variable columns
                                      if (ncol(completeVarDF) > 3) {

                                          dat <- completeVarDF

                                          # Get mean of each num-variable gropu_by cat-variable
                                          # Note: somehow the dplyr way doesn't work due to the error: summarise_each_ ...  could not find function "funs"  (possible reason: dplyr version not up-to-date)

                                          # Trim data
                                          # Trim leading and trailing space of all elements
                                          dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, trimws))

                                          # Important! Convert factor to numeric 
                                          # At this stage, due to some special character in the numeric column values 
                                          # If run dtype <- sapply(dat, class), the column data types are all 'factor'.
                                          # dbGaP_Subject_ID              Sex              Age            Age.1 
                                          #       "factor"         "factor"         "factor"         "factor" 
                                          # This will cause error in for colSum() such as below: 
                                          #  Error in colSums(dat[unlist(varNameList)]) : 'x' must be numeric
                                          # Convert 'factor' column to 'numeric'
                                          # It will become this:
                                          # dbGaP_Subject_ID              Sex              Age            Age.1 
                                          #       "numeric"        "numeric"        "numeric"        "numeric"

                                          # Converting factor to numeric
                                          dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))

                                          # Compute colSum
                                          meanDF <- ddply(dat, catVarName, function(df) colSums(df[varNameList]))


                                          #					  SCHOOL RCORBASE   DT_LYC DT_VITE DIAS12
                                          #					  1      1     56.8 142067.8  305.68   2400
                                          #					  2      2    841.5 670035.2 1441.05  11512
                                          #					  3      3    492.4 738097.0 2007.72  12488
                                          #					  4      4    498.8 474929.3 1064.85   7254

                                          # Compute correlation
                                          corrDF <- cor(meanDF[,2:ncol(meanDF)]) 

                                          #					          RCORBASE    DT_LYC   DT_VITE    DIAS12
                                          #							  RCORBASE 1.0000000 0.7753344 0.6640918 0.8125297
                                          #							  DT_LYC   0.7753344 1.0000000 0.9859944 0.9936985
                                          #							  DT_VITE  0.6640918 0.9859944 1.0000000 0.9720241
                                          #							  DIAS12   0.8125297 0.9936985 0.9720241 1.0000000

                                          # Round 
                                          corrDF <- round(as.matrix(corrDF),2) 

                                          #					         RCORBASE DT_LYC DT_VITE DIAS12
                                          #							 RCORBASE     1.00   0.78    0.66   0.81
                                          #							 DT_LYC       0.78   1.00    0.99   0.99
                                          #							 DT_VITE      0.66   0.99    1.00   0.97
                                          #							 DIAS12       0.81   0.99    0.97   1.00

                                          # Make upper half NA
                                          corrDF[upper.tri(corrDF ,diag=F)]<-NA #We only want to plot 1/2 the matrix 
                                          # print(head(corrDF,4))

                                          #					        RCORBASE DT_LYC DT_VITE DIAS12
                                          #							RCORBASE     1.00     NA      NA     NA
                                          #							DT_LYC       0.78   1.00      NA     NA
                                          #							DT_VITE      0.66   0.99    1.00     NA
                                          #							DIAS12       0.81   0.99    0.97      1

                                          # Convert to ggplot dataframe

                                          pd <- reshape2::melt(t(corrDF),value.name='Correlation') #convert it to data.frame readiable by ggplot, transposing it 't()' helps it properly oriented 

                                          #					       Var1     Var2 Correlation
                                          #						   1  RCORBASE RCORBASE        1.00
                                          #						   2    DT_LYC RCORBASE          NA
                                          #						   3   DT_VITE RCORBASE          NA
                                          #						   4    DIAS12 RCORBASE          NA
                                          #						   5  RCORBASE   DT_LYC        0.78
                                          #						   6    DT_LYC   DT_LYC        1.00
                                          #						   7   DT_VITE   DT_LYC          NA
                                          #						   8    DIAS12   DT_LYC          NA
                                          #						   9  RCORBASE  DT_VITE        0.66
                                          #						   10   DT_LYC  DT_VITE        0.99
                                          #						   11  DT_VITE  DT_VITE        1.00
                                          #						   12   DIAS12  DT_VITE          NA
                                          #						   13 RCORBASE   DIAS12        0.81
                                          #						   14   DT_LYC   DIAS12        0.99
                                          #						   15  DT_VITE   DIAS12        0.97
                                          #						   16   DIAS12   DIAS12        1.00

                                          # Plot

                                          # Get varNameAcc combo
                                          numVarNameAccParenthList = getVarNameByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = cleanNumPhvAccList, studyDataDicDF = studyDataDicDF, colNameWithAcc = T, underscore = F) 
                                          catVarNameAccParenthList = getVarNameByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(catPhvAcc), studyDataDicDF = studyDataDicDF, colNameWithAcc = T, underscore = F) 
                                          varNameAccParenthCombo = paste(numVarNameAccParenthList, collapse="\n") 

                                          # For naming image files
                                          numVarNameAccUscoreList = getVarNameByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = cleanNumPhvAccList, studyDataDicDF = studyDataDicDF, colNameWithAcc = T, underscore = T) 
                                          catVarNameAccUscoreList = getVarNameByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(catPhvAcc), studyDataDicDF = studyDataDicDF, colNameWithAcc = T, underscore = T) 
                                          UscoreComboList = c(catVarNameAccUscoreList, numVarNameAccUscoreList)
                                          varNameAccUscoreCombo = paste(UscoreComboList, collapse="_") 

                                          xLabCombo = ''
                                          yLabCombo = ''
                                          title = paste(catVarNameAccParenthList[1], "\nvs\n", varNameAccParenthCombo, "\n", sep="")

                                          # Flip value orderr of Var2 at y-axis
                                          # Plot with current pd, the values in both x- and y-axis are large to small. 
                                          # To make it look better, flip it to small to large
                                          levs <- rev(sort(unique(pd$Var2)))

                                          # corr <-ggplot(data=pd,aes(x=Var1,y=Var2,fill=Correlation,label=Correlation))+geom_raster() +			# not flip 
                                          corr <-ggplot(data=pd,aes(pd$Var1, ordered(pd$Var2, levels= levs), fill=pd$Correlation, label=pd$Correlation)) +	# filp y value order  
                                          geom_raster() +
                                          geom_text() +
                                          theme_bw() +
                                          labs(title='The Raw Plot') +
                                          scale_fill_gradient2(name='Correlation', na.value='white') + # create a diverging color gradient 
                                          ggtitle(title) +
                                          labs(x = yLabCombo, y = xLabCombo) +		# Note: filipped  x, y
                                          #theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="plain", size=11))
                                          theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10)) +     # center the title

                                          # Disply variable info
                                          getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(object, phvAccList = c(catPhvAcc, cleanNumPhvAccList), showBrief=T)

                                          # Display and Save plot
                                          plotObj = corr
                                          plotType = 'correlmatrix'
                                          phvAccNameCombo = varNameAccUscoreCombo 
                                          savedPlotFiles <- saveGapPlot(object, plotObj = plotObj, plotType = plotType, phvAccNameCombo = phvAccNameCombo, saveToDir = saveToDir, showPlot = showPlot)


                                      else {
                                          type = 'process'
                                          level = 'info'
                                          show = T
                                          mesg = paste("Less than 2 input numeric variables have data. The correlation plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                  else {
                                      type = 'process'
                                      level = 'info'
                                      show = T
                                      mesg = paste("The input categorical variable, ", catPhvAcc, " (", catVarName, "), has only one unique vaule, '", catUniqueValList[1], "'. The correlation plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                                      writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                              else {
                                  type = 'process'
                                  level = 'info'
                                  show = T
                                  mesg = paste("The data table of combined input numeric variable data has zero row. The correlation plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                                  writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                          else {
                              type = 'process'
                              level = 'info'
                              show = T
                              mesg = paste("The number of distinct values of the input non-numeric variable '", catVarName, "' ( ", catPhvAcc, " ) is more than 20. It may not be a categorical variable. The plot is not drawn.\n", sep="")
                              writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 


                  else {

                      type = 'process'
                      level = 'info'
                      show = T

                      if (length(cleanNumPhvAccList) == 0) {
                          mesg = paste("There is no valid numeric variable accession in the input list.\n", sep="")
                      else {
                          mesg = paste("The input categorical variable accession is not valid.\n", sep="")
                      writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 


              } # end !is.null(studyDataDicDF)


# List of functions

# getStudyDatasetInfo 
# getStudyVariableInfo
# getStudyVariableInfoByTerms
# getStudyVariableData
# getIdInfo
# variableSummary
# variableBoxplot
# variableScatterplot
# variableHistogram
# variablePiechart
# variableVenndiagram
# variableCorrelHeatmap
jameslhao/dbgapr_dev documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:03 p.m.