
Defines functions marginalpp logminus logplus logsum calctau nullfirst calc.eta marginalpp.old marginallogpp which.null marginalpp.models which.null addnull calcpp logsum logdiff

Documented in addnull calcpp logdiff logsum marginalpp marginalpp.models marginalpp.old

##' Calculate marginal model posterior probabilities for each disease
##' Given a list of model matrices and log ABFs, this function
##' calculates the marginal model posterior probabilities for each
##' disease without ever calculating the joint Bayes Factors for all
##' cross-disease model configurations, which would require large
##' amounts of memory.
##' @title Marginal PP for models sharing information between diseases
##' @param STR list of models for diseases 1, 2, ..., n, each given in
##'     the form of a character vector, with entries
##'     \code{"snp1\%snp2\%snp3"}. The null model is given by
##'     \code{"1"} OR \code{"0"}.  It is assumed that all elements of
##'     ABF, PP and pr below follow this same order.
##' @param ABF list of log(ABF) vectors for diseases 1, 2, ...
##' @param pr list of prior probabilities for the models in M
##' @param kappa single value or vector of values to consider for the
##'     sharing scale parameter.  the value of kappa=1 must be
##'     included, and if not will be prepended.
##' @param p0 prior probability of the null model
##' @param N0 number of shared controls
##' @param ND list of number of cases for a set of diseases
##' @param nsnps number of snps in region
##' @param I0 list of number of controls for a set of diseases that are only used as controls for a specific disease (ie not shared)
##'     ...
##' @return list of: - single.pp: list of pp for each model in
##'     \code{STR[[i]]} for disease i - shared.pp: list of pp for each model
##'     in \code{STR[[i]]} for disease i, - STR: not quite as input,
##'     reordered so null model is first row - ABF: not quite as
##'     input, repordered so null model is first row - kappa: as
##'     supplied
##' @export
##' @author Chris Wallace
marginalpp <- function(STR, ABF, pr, kappa, p0, N0,ND,nsnps,
                       I0=as.list(rep(0,length(ND)))) {
    n <- length(STR) # number of diseases
        stop("Need at least 2 diseases")
    if( length(ABF)!=n || length(pr)!=n )
        stop("STR, ABF, and pr need to have the same lengths")
    ## if(!(1 %in% kappa))
    ##     kappa <- c(1,kappa)
        names(STR) <- paste0("trait",seq_along(STR))
    dis <- names(STR)

    ## add null model if not included
    ## otherwise set null model first
    ## PP.nonull <- PP
    for(i in seq_along(STR)) {
        wh <- which(STR[[i]] %in% c("0","1"))
        if(!length(wh)) {
            pr[[i]] <- addnull(pr[[i]],p0)
            STR[[i]] <- addnull(STR[[i]],"1")
            ABF[[i]] <- addnull(ABF[[i]],0)
        } else {
            pr[[i]][wh] <- p0
            pr[[i]] <- nullfirst(pr[[i]],wh)
            STR[[i]] <- nullfirst(STR[[i]],wh)
            ABF[[i]] <- nullfirst(ABF[[i]],wh)

    ## ## remove null model if included
    ## PP.nonull <- PP
    ## for(i in seq_along(STR)) {
    ##     wh <- which(STR[[i]] %in% c("0","1"))
    ##     if(length(wh)) {
    ##         STR[[i]] <- STR[[i]][-wh]
    ##         ABF[[i]] <- ABF[[i]][-wh]
    ##         pr[[i]] <- pr[[i]][-wh]
    ##         ## nsnps[[i]] <- nsnps[[i]][-wh]
    ##         PP.nonull[[i]] <- PP[[i]] <- PP[[i]][-wh]
    ##     }
    ##     ## add back null now for input PP, can't calculate afterwards because ABF will be adjusted
    ##     PP[[i]] <- addnull(PP[[i]], calcpp(addnull(pr[[i]], p0),addnull(ABF[[i]], 0))[1]) 
    ## }

    ## calculate model sizes and adjust each input log ABF (b' instead of b)
    SS <- lapply(STR,strsplit,"%")
    ## SS <- lapply(SS,setdiff,c("0","1"))
    usnps <- sort(unique(unlist(SS)))
    nsnpspermodel <- lapply(SS,function(x) sapply(x,length))
    for(i in seq_along(STR)) {
        wh <- which(STR[[i]] %in% c("0","1"))
        nsnpspermodel[[i]][wh] <- 0
    maxsnps <- max(unlist(nsnpspermodel))
    tau <- outer(0:maxsnps,0:maxsnps,calctau,nsnps=nsnps,kappa=kappa)
    N <- sum(unlist(ND)) + sum(unlist(I0)) + N0
    ABF.orig <- ABF
    PP <- vector("list",n)
    for(i in seq_along(STR)) {
        ## Mk <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(STR[[j]],"%"),length)) # model sizes
        eta <- 0.5 * nsnpspermodel[[i]] * log((ND[[i]]+N0+I0[[i]])/N) # when eta = 0 the results match for dis=c(t1,t2) and dis=c(t2,t1)
        ABF[[i]] <- ABF[[i]] + eta
        PP[[i]] <- calcpp(pr[[i]],ABF[[i]],norm=FALSE) ## unnormalise - just pr * exp(ABF)
    ## numeric version of STR, for speed
    STR.i <- lapply(SS, function(ss) {
        lapply(ss, function(x) as.integer(factor(x, levels = usnps)))
    names(STR.i) <- NULL
    ## names(PP.nonull) <- NULL
    fun <- switch(n, NULL, "newcalcQ2", "newcalcQ3", "newcalcQ4","newcalcQ5","newcalcQ6")
    if (is.null(fun)) 
        stop("newcalcQ not written for ", n, " diseases yet")

    names(PP) <- paste0("pp",seq_along(PP))
    names(STR.i) <- paste0("S",seq_along(STR.i))
    Q <- do.call(fun, c(STR.i, PP, list(tau,kappa)))
    ## alt prior
    alt.pp <- alt.prior <- vector("list",n)
    for(i in seq_along(Q)) {
        if(n==2) {
            tmp <- pr[[i]] * Q[[i]]
            ## tmp <- lapply(kappa, function(k) {
            ##     pr[[i]] * (1 + (k - 1) * Q[[i]])
            ## })
        } else {
            tmp <- pr[[i]] * apply(Q[[i]],1,prod)
            ## tmp <- lapply(kappa, function(k) {
            ##     pr[[i]] * apply(1 + (k-1) * Q[[i]],1,prod)  # improper, but can also try sum
            ## })
        ## tmp <- do.call("cbind", tmp) # matrix with columns indexed by k
        alt.prior[[i]] <- tmp #addnull(tmp, p0)
        alt.pp[[i]] <- calcpp(alt.prior[[i]], ABF[[i]])
        PP[[i]] <- exp(PP[[i]] - logsum(PP[[i]])) # now normalise regular PP
    ## and add back null model with specified p0
    ## pr <- lapply(pr, addnull, p0)
    ## STR <- lapply(STR,addnull, "1")
    ## alt.pp <- lapply(alt.pp,t)

    for(i in seq_along(alt.pp)){
 	names(alt.pp[[i]]) <- STR[[i]]
 	## colnames(alt.pp[[i]]) <- paste("pp",kappa,sep=".")
 	names(alt.prior[[i]]) <- STR[[i]]
 	## colnames(alt.prior[[i]]) <- paste("pp",kappa,sep=".")
    ret <- lapply(seq_along(dis), function(i) {
                   shared.pp=alt.pp[[i]], #,STR=STR[[i]],stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                   ABF=ABF.orig[[i]], ABF.adj=ABF[[i]])
    names(ret) <- dis
    ## list(single.prior = pr, single.pp = PP, shared.prior = alt.prior, 
    ##      shared.pp = alt.pp, STR = STR, kappa = kappa)
logminus <- function(x,y) {
  my.max <- max(x,y)                              ##take out the maximum value in log form
  my.res <- my.max + log(exp(x - my.max ) - exp(y-my.max))
logplus <- function(x,y) {
  my.max <- max(x,y)                              ##take out the maximum value in log form
  my.res <- my.max + log(exp(x - my.max ) + exp(y-my.max))
logsum <- function(x) {
  my.max <- max(x)                              ##take out the maximum value in log form
  my.res <- my.max + log(sum(exp(x - my.max ))) 
calctau <- function(n1,n2,nsnps,kappa) {
    num <- lchoose(nsnps,n1)
    denom <- logminus(logplus(lchoose(nsnps-n2,n1),lchoose(nsnps,n1) + log(kappa)),
                      lchoose(nsnps-n2,n1) + log(kappa))
    exp(num - denom)
    nullfirst <- function(x,wh) {

calc.eta <- function(p,logeta) {
    tmp <- log(p) + logeta
    exp(tmp - logsum(tmp))

##' Calculate marginal model posterior probabilities for each disease
##' Given a list of model matrices and log ABFs, this function
##' calculates the marginal model posterior probabilities for each
##' disease without ever calculating the joint Bayes Factors for all
##' cross-disease model configurations, which would require large
##' amounts of memory.
##' @title Marginal PP for models sharing information between diseases
##' @param STR list of models for diseases 1, 2, ..., n, each given in
##'     the form of a character vector, with entries
##'     \code{"snp1\%snp2\%snp3"}. The null model is given by
##'     \code{"1"} OR \code{"0"}.  It is assumed that all elements of
##'     ABF, PP and pr below follow this same order.
##' @param ABF list of log(ABF) vectors for diseases 1, 2, ...
##' @param PP list of posterior probability vectors for diseases 1, 2,
##'     ...
##' @param pr list of prior probabilities for the models in M
##' @param kappa single value or vector of values to consider for the
##'     sharing scale parameter.  the value of kappa=1 must be
##'     included, and if not will be prepended.
##' @param p0 prior probability of the null model
#' @param N0 number of shared controls
#' @param ND list of number of cases for a set of diseases
##' @return list of: - single.pp: list of pp for each model in
##'     \code{STR[[i]]} for disease i - shared.pp: list of pp for each model
##'     in \code{STR[[i]]} for disease i, - STR: not quite as input,
##'     reordered so null model is first row - ABF: not quite as
##'     input, repordered so null model is first row - kappa: as
##'     supplied
##' @export
##' @author Chris Wallace
marginalpp.old <- function(STR, ABF, PP, pr, kappa, p0, N0,ND) {
    n <- length(STR)
        stop("Need at least 2 diseases")
    if( length(ABF)!=n || length(pr)!=n | length(PP)!=n )
        stop("STR, ABF, PP and pr need to have the same lengths")
    SS <- lapply(STR,strsplit,"%")
    SS <- lapply(SS,setdiff,c("0","1"))
    usnps <- sort(unique(unlist(SS)))
    if(!(1 %in% kappa))
        kappa <- c(1,kappa)

dis <- names(STR)

# keep initial PP and pr for both diseases as PP0 and pr, respectively. This allows us to compare our new PP approx at
# kappa=1 with the original PP. If the offset term eta=1, then PP0 = PP when kappa=1. Otherwise, they are approximately equal.
# In the original calculation of Q, the PPs, we have Q[j]=b[j]*pr[j]/sum(b*pr), which we get from the GUESSFM output of each disease.
# To get the offset-adjusted Q, we have:
# Q[j]=b[j]*pr[j]*eta[j]/sum(b*pr*eta) \prop b[j]*pr[j]*eta[j] \prop b[j]*pr[j]*eta[j]/sum(b*pr) = PP[j]*eta[j] \prop PP[j]*eta[j]/sum(PP*eta)
# so, we set PP=PP*eta/sum(PP*eta) for ease of computing Q.
# In the adjusted prior we need pr[j]*eta[j], so set pr=pr*eta for ease of computation 

    N <- sum(unlist(ND))+N0
    Mk <- vector("list",n)
    for(j in 1:n) {
        Mk[[j]] <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(STR[[j]],"%"),length)) # model sizes
        eta <- exp(Mk[[j]]*.5*log((ND[[j]]+N0)/N)) # when eta <- 1 the results match for dis=c(t1,t2) and dis=c(t2,t1)
        PP[[j]] <- PP[[j]]*eta/sum(PP[[j]]*eta) # multinomial-adjusted PP and pr and re-scaled to probabilities
        pr[[j]] <- pr[[j]]*eta/sum(pr[[j]]*eta)

    ## remove null model if included
    PP.nonull <- PP
    for(i in seq_along(STR)) {
        wh <- which(STR[[i]] %in% c("0","1"))
        if(length(wh)) {
            STR[[i]] <- STR[[i]][-wh]
            ABF[[i]] <- ABF[[i]][-wh]
            pr[[i]] <- pr[[i]][-wh]
            pr0[[i]] <- pr0[[i]][-wh]
            PP.nonull[[i]] <- PP[[i]][-wh]
            ## PP[[i]] <- c(PP[[i]][wh],PP[[i]][-wh])
            PP[[i]] <- PP[[i]][-wh]
            PP0[[i]] <- PP0[[i]][-wh]
            ## ABF[[i]] <- addnull(ABF[[i]],0)
            ## pr[[i]] <- addnull(pr[[i]],p0)
            ## PP[[i]] <- addnull(PP[[i]], ABF[[i]][1] * pr[[i]][1] / sum(ABF[[i]] * pr[[i]]))
        PP[[i]] <- addnull(PP[[i]], calcpp(addnull(pr[[i]], p0),addnull(ABF[[i]], 0))[1]) 

      STR.i <- lapply(SS, function(ss) {
        lapply(ss, function(x) as.integer(factor(x, levels = usnps)))
    names(STR.i) <- NULL
     ## unweighted pp - as input
    ## pp <- mapply(function(pr1,ABF1) {
    ##     calcpp(addnull(pr1,p0),addnull(ABF1,0)) },
    ##     pr, ABF, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    names(PP.nonull) <- NULL
    fun <- switch(n, NULL, "calcQ2", "calcQ3", "calcQ4")
    if (is.null(fun)) 
        stop("calcQ not written for ", n, " diseases yet")
    Q <- do.call(fun, c(STR.i, PP.nonull))
    ## alt prior
    maxpower <- n * (n - 1)/2
     alt.pp <- alt.prior <- vector("list",n)
	for(i in seq_along(Q)) {
    tmp <- lapply(kappa, function(k) {
        if (n == 2) {
            a <- pr[[i]] * (1 + (k - 1) * Q[[i]])
        else {
            s <- k^((1:maxpower)) #/maxpower)
            a <- pr[[i]] * (1 + colSums((s - 1) * t(Q[[i]])))
    tmp <- do.call("cbind", tmp)
    alt.prior[[i]] <- addnull(tmp, p0)
    alt.pp[[i]] <- calcpp(alt.prior[[i]], addnull(ABF[[i]], 0))
    pr <- lapply(pr, addnull, p0)
    STR <- lapply(STR,addnull, "1")
    alt.pp <- lapply(alt.pp,t)
   for(i in seq_along(alt.pp)){
 	rownames(alt.pp[[i]]) <- STR[[i]]
 	colnames(alt.pp[[i]]) <- paste("pp",kappa,sep=".")
 	rownames(alt.prior[[i]]) <- STR[[i]]
 	colnames(alt.prior[[i]]) <- paste("pp",kappa,sep=".")
   # checks
   # wh <- which(kappa == 1)
   # sumsq <- mapply(function(x,y) sum((x-y[,wh])^2), PP0, alt.pp)
   # if(any(sumsq>tol)) {
   #     for(i in which(sumsq>tol)) {
    #        warning("trait ",i," kappa=1 PP does not match input PP, sumsq=",sumsq[i],
    #                "which is > tol.\nsuggests you need to include more models in the calculation")
    #    }


    list(single.prior = pr, single.pp = PP, shared.prior = alt.prior, 
        shared.pp = alt.pp, STR = STR, kappa = kappa)

marginallogpp <- function(STR, ABF, PP, pr, kappa, p0, tol=0.0001) {
    n <- length(STR)
        stop("Need at least 2 diseases")
    if( length(ABF)!=n || length(pr)!=n | length(PP)!=n )
        stop("STR, ABF, PP and pr need to have the same lengths")
    SS <- lapply(STR,strsplit,"%")
    SS <- lapply(SS,setdiff,c("0","1"))
    usnps <- sort(unique(unlist(SS)))
    if(!(1 %in% kappa))
        kappa <- c(1,kappa)
    ## remove null model if included
    PP.nonull <- PP
    for(i in seq_along(STR)) {
        wh <- which(STR[[i]] %in% c("0","1"))
        if(length(wh)) {
            STR[[i]] <- STR[[i]][-wh]
            ABF[[i]] <- ABF[[i]][-wh]
            pr[[i]] <- pr[[i]][-wh]
            PP.nonull[[i]] <- PP[[i]][-wh]
            PP[[i]] <- PP[[i]][-wh]
            ## ABF[[i]] <- addnull(ABF[[i]],0)
            ## pr[[i]] <- addnull(pr[[i]],p0)
            ## PP[[i]] <- addnull(PP[[i]], ABF[[i]][1] * pr[[i]][1] / sum(ABF[[i]] * pr[[i]]))
        PP[[i]] <- addnull(PP[[i]], calcpp(addnull(pr[[i]],p0), addnull(ABF[[i]],0))[1])
    STR.i <- lapply(SS, function(ss) {
        lapply(ss,function(x) as.integer(factor(x,levels=usnps)))
    names(STR.i) <- NULL
    ## unweighted pp - as input
    ## pp <- mapply(function(pr1,ABF1) {
    ##     calcpp(addnull(pr1,p0),addnull(ABF1,0)) },
    ##     pr, ABF, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    names(PP.nonull) <- NULL
    ## Q
    fun <- switch(n,
        stop("calcQ not written for ",n," diseases yet")
    Q <- do.call(fun, c(STR.i, PP.nonull)) #lapply(pp,"[",-1)))
    ## alt prior
    maxpower <- n * (n-1) / 2
    alt.pp <- alt.prior <- vector("list",n)
    for(i in seq_along(Q)) {
        tmp <- lapply(kappa, function(k) {
            if(n==2) {
                a <- pr[[i]] * (1 + (k-1) * Q[[i]])
            } else {
                s <- k^((1:maxpower)/maxpower)
                a <- pr[[i]] * (1 + colSums((s-1) * t(Q[[i]])))
        ## tmp <- (1-p0) * do.call("cbind",tmp)
        tmp <- do.call("cbind",tmp)
        alt.prior[[i]] <- addnull(tmp,p0)
        alt.pp[[i]] <- calcpp(alt.prior[[i]],addnull(ABF[[i]],0))
    pr <- lapply(pr, addnull, p0)
    STR <- lapply(STR, addnull, "1")
    alt.pp <- lapply(alt.pp,t)
    ## checks
    wh <- which(kappa==1)
    sumsq <- mapply(function(x,y) sum((x-y[,wh])^2), PP, alt.pp)
    if(any(sumsq>tol)) {
        for(i in which(sumsq>tol)) {
            warning("trait ",i," kappa=1 PP does not match input PP, sumsq=",sumsq[i],
                    "which is > tol.\nsuggests you need to include more models in the calculation")
    list(single.prior=pr, single.pp=PP,
which.null <- function(M) {
    rs <- rowSums(M)
##' Calculate marginal model posterior probabilities for each disease
##' Given a list of model matrices and log ABFs, this function
##' calculates the marginal model posterior probabilities for each
##' disease without ever calculating the joint Bayes Factors for all
##' cross-disease model configurations, which would require large
##' amounts of memory.
##' @title Marginal PP for models sharing information between diseases
##' @param M list of model matrices for diseases 1, 2, ..., n
##' @param ABF list of log(ABF) vectors for diseases 1, 2, ...
##' @param pr list of prior probabilities for the models in M
##' @param kappa single value or vector of values to consider for the
##'     sharing scale parameter
##' @param p0 prior probability of the null model
##' @return list of:
##' * single.pp: list of pp for each model in \code{M[[i]]} for
##'   disease i
##' * shared.pp: list of pp for each model in \code{M[[i]]} for
##'   disease i, M (not quite as input, reordered so null model is
##'   first row
##' * ABF: not quite as input, repordered so null model
##'   is first 
##' * M: reordered so null model is first row
##' * kappa: as supplied
##' @export
##' @author Chris Wallace
marginalpp.models <- function(M, ABF, pr, kappa, p0) {
    #1, M2, M3, ABF1, ABF2, ABF3, pr1, pr2, pr3, S, p0) {
    ## are any of M1, M2 the null model?
    n <- length(M)
        stop("Need at least 2 diseases")
    if( length(ABF)!=n || length(pr)!=n )
        stop("M, ABF and pr need to have the same lengths")
    ncols <- sapply(M,function(x) dim(x)[2])
        stop("all matrices in M must have the same SNPs (columns)")

    ## remove null model if included
    for(i in seq_along(M)) {
        wh <- which.null(M[[i]])
        if(length(wh)) {
            M[[i]] <- M[[i]][-wh,]
            ABF[[i]] <- ABF[[i]][-wh]
            pr[[i]] <- pr[[i]][-wh]

    ## unweighted pp
    pp <- mapply(function(pr1,ABF1) { calcpp(addnull(pr1,p0),addnull(ABF1,0)) },
                 pr, ABF, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

    ## Q
    fun <- switch(n,
    M <- lapply(M,t)
        stop("calcQ not written for ",n," diseases yet")

    Q <- do.call(fun, c(M, lapply(pp,"[",-1)))

    ## alt prior
    maxpower <- n * (n-1) / 2
    app <- vector("list",n)
    for(i in seq_along(Q)) {
        tmp <- lapply(kappa, function(k) {
            if(n==2) {
                a <- pr[[i]] * (1 + (k-1) * Q[[i]])
            } else {
                s <- k^((1:maxpower)/maxpower)
                a <- pr[[i]] * (1 + colSums((s-1) * t(Q[[i]])))
        tmp <- (1-p0) * do.call("cbind",tmp)
        M[[i]] <- addnull(M[[i]],0)
        app[[i]] <- calcpp(addnull(tmp,p0),addnull(ABF[[i]],0))


which.null <- function(M) {
    rs <- rowSums(M)

##' Internal function to add a null entry
##' @title addnull
##' @param what vector or matrix
##' @param val value to add for the null model 
##' @return what with an additional first entry or first row filled with val
##' @author Chris Wallace
addnull <- function(what,val) {

##' Internal function to combine vector or matrix prior with vector of log ABF to get pp per model
##' @title calcpp
##' @param pr vector or matrix of priors
##' @param lBF vector of log ABF
##' @param norm if TRUE (default) normalise so sum(pp) (or rowSum(pp)
##'     if matrix) is 1. otherwise just return pr * exp(lBF)
##' @return vector or matrix of pp
##' @author Chris Wallace
calcpp <- function(pr,lBF,norm=TRUE) {
    pp <- log(pr) + lBF
    if(is.matrix(pp)) {
        denom <- apply(pp,2,logsum)
        exp(t(pp) - denom)
    } else {
        return(exp(pp - logsum(pp)))

##' Internal function, logsum (copied from coloc package)
##' This function calculates the log of the sum of the exponentiated
##' logs taking out the max, i.e. insuring that the sum is not Inf
##' ie, you want sum(x), but have x already stored in logs.  log(sum(exp(x))) might fail,
##' but logsum(x) should work.
##' @title logsum
##' @param x numeric vector
##' @return max(x) + log(sum(exp(x - max(x))))
##' @author Claudia Giambartolomei
##' @examples
##' x <- 1:10
##' log(sum(x))
##' MFM:::logsum(log(x))
logsum <- function(x) {
  my.max <- max(x)                              ##take out the maximum value in log form
  my.res <- my.max + log(sum(exp(x - my.max )))

#' Internal function, logdiff
##' This function calculates the log of the difference of the exponentiated
##' logs taking out the max, i.e. insuring that the difference is not negative
##' ie you want log(exp(x) - exp(y))
##' @title logdiff
##' @param x numeric
##' @param y numeric
##' @return max(x) + log(exp(x - max(x,y)) - exp(y-max(x,y)))
##' @author Chris Wallace
##' @examples
##' x <- 1001:1010
##' y <- 1:10
##' log(x-y)
##' MFM:::logdiff(log(x),log(y))
logdiff <- function(x,y) {
  my.max <- max(x,y)                              ##take out the maximum value in log form
  my.res <- my.max + log(exp(x - my.max ) - exp(y-my.max))
jennasimit/MTFM documentation built on Aug. 15, 2019, 6:14 p.m.