
# script to plot PCA data from 1000 genomes and DDD probands, and count the
# number of DDD probands in each 1000 genomes continental group


# define the data paths
KGENOMES_PCA_PATH = "data-raw/pca.1000g.20150511.txt"
DDD_PCA_PATH = "data-raw/pca.ddd_projection.20150511.txt"
FAMILIES_PATH = "/nfs/ddd0/Data/datafreeze/ddd_data_releases/2014-11-04/family_relationships.txt"
SANGER_IDS_PATH = "/nfs/ddd0/Data/datafreeze/ddd_data_releases/2014-11-04/person_sanger_decipher.txt"
DIAGNOSED_PROBANDS_PATH = "/lustre/scratch113/projects/ddd/users/jm33/ddd_likely_diagnosed.txt"

# load the DDD cohort files, so we can identify which samples are the probands,
# and map from their DDD ID to Decipher and sanger IDs
families = read.table(FAMILIES_PATH, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
families = families[families$dad_id != 0, ]
sanger_ids = read.table(SANGER_IDS_PATH, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
families = merge(families, sanger_ids, by.x="individual_id", by.y="person_stable_id", all.x=TRUE)

diagnosed = read.table(DIAGNOSED_PROBANDS_PATH, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
families = families[!families$individual_id %in% diagnosed$person_id, ]

# restrict ourselves to a single proband per family (I don't think it matters
# which proband we select, since all of the children in a single family will be
# classified into the same population)
temp = families[, c("individual_id", "family_id")]
individuals = temp[!duplicated(temp), ]
sample_ids = individuals$individual_id[!duplicated(individuals$family_id)]
families = families[families$individual_id %in% sample_ids, ]

# load the PCA results for the DDD and thousand genomes
kgenomes = read.table(KGENOMES_PCA_PATH, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
ddd = read.table(DDD_PCA_PATH, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
ddd = merge(ddd, families, by.x="", by.y="sanger_id")

# make sure we don't have duplicates due to samples being repeated from
# different sanger IDs
ddd = ddd[!duplicated(ddd$individual_id), ]

# load the 1000 genomes sample information, so we can identify which sample
# belongs to which population
kgenomes_info = read.table(KGENOMES_INFO_PATH, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
kgenomes_info = kgenomes_info[, c("Sample", "Population")]

# recode all the specific 1000 Genomes populations into continental populations
kgenomes_info$Population[kgenomes_info$Population %in% c("MXL", "PUR", "CLM", "PEL")] = "AMR"
kgenomes_info$Population[kgenomes_info$Population %in% c("GIH", "PJL", "BEB", "STU", "ITU")] = "SAS"
kgenomes_info$Population[kgenomes_info$Population %in% c("CHB", "JPT", "CHS", "CDX", "KHV")] = "EAS"
kgenomes_info$Population[kgenomes_info$Population %in% c("CEU", "TSI", "FIN", "GBR", "IBS")] = "EUR"
kgenomes_info$Population[kgenomes_info$Population %in% c("YRI", "LWK", "GWD", "MSL", "ESN", "ASW", "ACB")] = "AFR"
names(kgenomes_info) = c("", "population")

# make sure that we have the appropriate contintental lable for each 1000
# Genomes sample. Also, drop the AMR population, since they are sparsely
# distributed around the SAS and EUR populations.
kgenomes = merge(kgenomes, kgenomes_info, by="", all.x=TRUE)
kgenomes = kgenomes[kgenomes$population != "AMR", ]

# run a clustering algorithm on the 1000 Genomes PCA data
clustering = MclustDA(kgenomes[, c("pca1", "pca2")], kgenomes$population, modelType="MclustDA")

# predict the group that each DDD proband belongs to
ddd_predictions = predict(clustering, ddd[, c("pca1", "pca2")])
ddd$classification = ddd_predictions$classification

# plot the PCA clustering, to assess how well the DDD probands have been predicted
Cairo(file="1000_genomes_pca.pdf", type="pdf", height=15, width=15, units="cm")
p = ggplot(kgenomes, aes(x=pca1, y=pca2, color=population))
p = p + geom_point()
p = p + theme_classic()
p = p + theme(panel.border=element_rect(colour="black", fill=NA, size=1))
p = p + geom_point(data=ddd, aes(x=pca1, y=pca2, color=factor(ddd$classification)), alpha=0.40)
p = p + theme(legend.position = c(0, 1), legend.justification = c(0, 1))
p = p + theme(axis.ticks.length=unit(0.4, "cm"))

jeremymcrae/recessiveStats documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:08 a.m.