
Defines functions tmmNormC smoothMovingC binGenesC

Documented in binGenesC smoothMovingC tmmNormC

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#' Bin genes
#' @param ge an ordered gene expression matrix
#' @param bins a vector with bin ids
binGenesC <- function(ge, bins) {
    .Call('_scCNAutils_binGenesC', PACKAGE = 'scCNAutils', ge, bins)

#' Smooth signal
#' @param ge an ordered gene expression matrix
#' @param winsize the size of the sliding window (assumed to be odd).
smoothMovingC <- function(ge, winsize) {
    .Call('_scCNAutils_smoothMovingC', PACKAGE = 'scCNAutils', ge, winsize)

#' Compute the normalization factor
#' @param ge gene expression amtrix
#' @param cont index of the control sample. R index so starting at 1.
tmmNormC <- function(ge, cont) {
    .Call('_scCNAutils_tmmNormC', PACKAGE = 'scCNAutils', ge, cont)
jmonlong/scCNAutils documentation built on May 3, 2022, 4:34 a.m.