#' Detect ComplexHeatmap Heatmap grid layout components
#' Detect ComplexHeatmap Heatmap grid layout components
#' This function is a wrapper around `ComplexHeatmap::list_components()`
#' which also creates a `list` of component names based upon common
#' naming conventions used in the `ComplexHeatmap` package.
#' @returns `list` of `character` vectors, where `list` names represent
#' different features of the heatmap, and each `character` vector
#' includes the grid layout component name stem suitable for use
#' in `heatmap_column_group_labels()`.
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored.
#' @family jamses heatmaps
#' @export
detect_heatmap_components <- function
# column title components
hm_components <- ComplexHeatmap::list_components();
column_title_components <- unique(gsub("_[0-9]+$", "_",
jamba::vigrep("column_title_[1-9]", hm_components)))
# row title components
row_title_components <- unique(gsub("_[0-9]+$", "_",
jamba::vigrep("row_title_[1-9]", hm_components)))
# heatmap body components
heatmap_body_components <- unique(gsub("_[0-9]+$", "_",
jamba::vigrep("body_[1-9]", hm_components)))
# annotation components
annotation_components <- unique(gsub("_[0-9]+$", "_",
jamba::vigrep("annotation_.+_[1-9]", hm_components)))
# assemble into a list
component_sets <- list();
if (length(column_title_components) > 0) {
component_sets$column_title_components <- column_title_components
if (length(row_title_components) > 0) {
component_sets$row_title_components <- row_title_components
if (length(heatmap_body_components) > 0) {
component_sets$heatmap_body_components <- heatmap_body_components
if (length(annotation_components) > 0) {
component_sets$annotation_components <- annotation_components
#' Add Heatmap column group labels
#' Add Heatmap column group labels, specifically for ComplexHeatmap output.
#' This function is currently experimental, and is intended only for
#' a specific scenario, to augment a `ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap` object,
#' as produced by `heatmap_se()`, that used the argument `column_split`
#' to sub-divide the heatmap columns into subgroups.
#' This function draws labels above the heatmap to describe group
#' factor values associated with column splits.
#' When there are multiple layers of grouping, this function will
#' also draw multiple layers. For example, when columns are split
#' by `column_split=c("Treatment", "Time")`, it will produce a heatmap
#' where each column slice has one combination of Treatment and Time.
#' This function can be used to add a layer of labels by `"Time"`,
#' and a layer of labels by `"Treatment"`. The labels are shown by default
#' with a broad underline to indicate contiguous column slices that
#' contain the same `"Treatment"` or `"Time"` values.
#' The output can provide a cleaner visualization than the alternative of
#' displaying colorized annotation boxes at the top of the heatmap.
#' ## Input Formats
#' There are two strategies for defining the column group data to display:
#' ### Input using colnames from colData(se)
#' This option is recommended as the "easiest" method. It requires:
#' * `hm_group_list` provides a `character` vector of `colnames(colData(se))`.
#' Note that the columns are applied bottom-to-top, so it is sometimes
#' helpful to supply columns in reverse order for `column_split`.
#' * `se` must be provided, since it supplies `colData(se)`
#' Each value in `hm_group_list` is applied from bottom-to-top, to define
#' a row of labels. By default, `add_group_line=TRUE`, so labels are also
#' underlined to indicate samples included in each group.
#' ### Input using a named list
#' This option is recommended when labeling a subset of column slices,
#' or when the column slice groups need to be customized in some way.
#' ## Additional requirements
#' * The Heatmap `column_title` should (usually) be empty, so that no text
#' labels are drawn which may overlap the labels drawn by this function.
#' Use `column_title=" "` (with a whitespace character) to prevent
#' `ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()` from using its internal default text label.
#' * There usually needs to be whitespace above the heatmap, which
#' can be accomplished when drawing a Heatmap object `hm` like this:
#' `ComplexHeatmap::draw(hm, column_title="\n\n\n\n")`
#' * When also displaying a heatmap title as defined by `heatmap_se()`,
#' the adjustment can be done like this:
#' ```r
#' ComplexHeatmap::draw(hm,
#' column_title=paste0(attr(hm, "hm_title"),
#' "\n\n\n\n"))
#' ```
#' * The arguments `hm_title_base` and `hm_body_base` should match the
#' heatmap name, which is defined in `heatmap_se()` with `data_type`,
#' usually prefixed `"centered\n"` when the data is centered by that
#' function. For example, when `data_type="abundance"`, the corresponding
#' argument value should be
#' `hm_title_base="centered\nabundance_column_title_"`.
#' * use `detect_heatmap_components()` to help identify the appropriate
#' `grid` elements available to be used by this function.
#' When the heatmap contains `"column_title"` elements defined in
#' `ComplexHeatmap::list_components()`, and there is no element
#' `"global_column_title"`, the `y_offset_lines` is adjusted down so that
#' the position is inside the column_title region, typically below the
#' column_title when using trailing whitespace (see argument
#' `hm_title_buffer` in `heatmap_se()`). However, when element
#' `"global_column_title"` is present, the `y_offset_lines` are not adjusted,
#' so that the position is above the column_title region. In this case, to
#' position the labels below the column_title, you can adjust
#' `y_offset_lines` down manually like this: `y_offset_lines=-9`.
#' ## Todo
#' * Automate determining the column_title grid layout name.
#' * Specifically when only one `heatmapname_column_title_1` is present,
#' but there are multiple column groups, it should take the x-axis
#' coordinate values (left and right boundaries) from the heatmap body
#' instead of the column_title region.
#' * When `add_group_box=TRUE`, and `row_split` indicates multiple row
#' groups, it should calculate the y-axis coordinate values (top and bottom
#' boundaries) using the full set of row groups.
#' * Enable blank annotations, either by passing a subset `se`, or by
#' annotations with no associated label.
#' @family jamses heatmaps
#' @param hm_group_list `character` or `list` with one of the
#' following types of content:
#' * `character` colnames in the column data of `se` argument, specifically
#' `colnames(colData(se))` to define groupings.
#' * `list` of `integer` vectors, where list names become labels for
#' each group.
#' @param hm_drawn `ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapList` object which is returned
#' by the function `ComplexHeatmap::draw()`. This object is a pointer
#' to the grid graphical elements required.
#' @param se `SummarizedExperiment` object, required only when `hm_group_list`
#' is supplied in the form of colnames of the
#' `SummarizedExperiment::colData(se)`.
#' @param add_group_label `logical` indicating whether to draw the group
#' `character` label above each group defined in `hm_group_list`.
#' @param add_group_line `logical` indicating whether to draw the group
#' line for each group defined in `hm_group_list`. The line is intended
#' to appear below the text label when `add_group_label=TRUE`.
#' @param add_group_box `logical` indicating whether to draw a box around
#' the heatmap region defined by each group in `hm_group_list`.
#' @param group_line_buffer `grid::unit` object indicating the whitespace
#' buffer region betwen adjacent lines when `add_group_line=TRUE`.
#' The default enforces 1-mm white space between lines so they
#' do not touch.
#' @param group_line_lwd `numeric` line width when `add_group_line=TRUE`.
#' @param group_line_requires_label `logical` whether to require
#' the associated group label to contain non-whitespace visible
#' text.
#' * `group_line_requires_label=TRUE` (default) requires group label
#' to have visible characters, which means the presence of an
#' empty labels will cause the group line not to be drawn.
#' * `group_line_requires_label=FALSE` does not require a group label,
#' therefore all group lines are drawn.
#' @param group_box_lwd `numeric` line width when `add_group_box=TRUE`.
#' @param group_box_outer `logical` indicating whether to draw the group
#' box as an outer border, which means the border will be drawn only
#' on the very outer edge of the heatmap body, and will not overlap
#' the heatmap contents. This option is only active when
#' `add_group_box=TRUE`.
#' @param font_cex `numeric` adjustment for font sizes overall.
#' @param hm_title_base `character` string used to search for matching
#' heatmap column title grid layout regions. It is derived from the
#' `Heatmap` argument `name`, usually followed by `"_column_title_".
#' When `NULL` the default values are defined by
#' `detect_heatmap_components()` element `column_title_components`.
#' @param hm_body_base `character` string used to search for matching
#' heatmap body grid layout regions. It is derived from the
#' `Heatmap` argument `name`, usually followed by `"_body_1_".
#' When `NULL` the default values are defined by
#' `detect_heatmap_components()` element `heatmap_body_components`.
#' Note: Currently the group box only includes the first row_split,
#' although it is intended to include the entire set of heatmap
#' rows in future iterations.
#' @param hm_title_base_default,hm_body_base_default `character` string
#' used as reference for hm_title_base,hm_body_base.
#' @param y_offset_lines `numeric` adjustment used to shift the text
#' label and underline by this many lines of character height.
#' It is mainly used internally for iterative calls, when `hm_group_list`
#' includes multiple layers of groups. The text and underline are
#' intended to fill 2 character height lines, although this argument
#' can be used to make manual adjustments.
#' @param endlines `integer` number of blank lines to append to the end
#' of each group label, which has the effect of shifting the group
#' label upwards slightly.
#' @param use_gridtext `logical` (default TRUE) whether to render text using
#' `gridtext::richtext_grob()` in order to enable markdown and
#' limited HTML-based formatting.
#' @param verbose `logical` indicating whether to print verbose output.
#' @param ... additional arguments are ignored.
#' @export
heatmap_column_group_labels <- function
group_line_buffer=grid::unit(1, "mm"),
# tip: find column_title names with
# vigrep("column_title_[1-9]", list_components())
# tip: find heatmap_body names with
# vigrep("body_[1-9]", list_components())
if (length(group_line_buffer) == 0) {
group_line_buffer <- grid::unit(0, "mm")
if (length(group_box_outer) == 0) {
group_box_outer <- FALSE
if (is.logical(group_box_outer)) {
group_box_outer <- group_box_outer * 1;
# try to detect heatmap components when possible
dhc <- detect_heatmap_components();
if (length(hm_title_base) == 0 || length(hm_body_base) == 0) {
if (length(hm_title_base) == 0) {
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"Assigning hm_title_base using detect_heatmap_components(): '",
dhc$column_title_components, "'")
hm_title_base <- dhc$column_title_components;
if (length(hm_body_base) == 0) {
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"Assigning hm_body_base using detect_heatmap_components(): '",
dhc$heatmap_body_components, "'")
hm_body_base <- dhc$heatmap_body_components;
# - warning about multiple entries in grep() used later
hm_body_base <- head(hm_body_base, 1);
# determine whether there is also a "global_column_title"
# - if no global title, assume the hm_title is applied to column_title
hlc <- ComplexHeatmap::list_components();
if (!jamba::igrepHas("global_column_title", hlc)) {
y_offset_lines <- y_offset_lines - 4;
# small helper function
bbv2seq <- function(bbv, ...){
bbvl <- lapply(seq_along(bbv$breakPoints), function(i){
j1 <- 1;
if (i > 1) {
j1 <- bbv$breakPoints[[i - 1]] + 1
seq(j1, bbv$breakPoints[[i]])
names(bbvl) <- bbv$useLabels;
# hm_group_list can be a list of integer vectors, named by label
# hm_group_list can be a character vector of colnames(colData(se))
# - hm_drawn and se must also be supplied
if ("character" %in% class(hm_group_list)) {
if (length(se) == 0) {
stop(paste0("When hm_group_list is character colnames(colData(se)), ",
"se must be supplied."))
if (length(hm_drawn) == 0) {
stop(paste0("When hm_group_list is character colnames(colData(se)), ",
"hm_drawn must be supplied."))
icolnames_list <- jamba::heatmap_column_order(hm_drawn);
icolnames_list_num <- rep(seq_along(icolnames_list),
icolnames <- unlist(unname(icolnames_list));
# iterate through each colData column
# hm_group_list <- c("Treatment", "IP")
for (icol in hm_group_list) {
# get column values
gv1 <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(
# convert values to character at this step
bbv1 <- jamba::breaksByVector(as.character(gv1))
bbvl1 <- bbv2seq(bbv1)
bbvl1num <- lapply(bbvl1, function(ibbvl1){
# call this function
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"Calling function for column: ", icol);
y_offset_lines <- y_offset_lines + 2;
add_group_box <- FALSE;
# define grid layout components
all_hm_components <- ComplexHeatmap::list_components();
# printDebug("hm_group_list: ");print(hm_group_list);
# use_hm_components <- paste0(hm_title_base, seq_along(hm_group_list))
use_hm_components <- paste0(hm_title_base,
# use_hm_body_components <- paste0(hm_body_base, seq_along(hm_group_list))
use_hm_body_components <- paste0(hm_body_base,
if (any(grepl("_1_$", hm_body_base))) {
hm_body_test <- gsub("_1_$", "_2_", hm_body_base)
use_hm_test_components <- paste0(hm_body_test, seq_along(hm_group_list))
if (all(use_hm_test_components %in% all_hm_components)) {
hm_body_base_t <- use_hm_body_components;
hm_body_pattern <- gsub("_1_", "_[0-9]+_", hm_body_base);
hm_body_base_b1 <- tail(unique(gsub("_[0-9]+$", "_",
jamba::vigrep(hm_body_pattern, all_hm_components),
use_hm_body_components))), 1)
hm_body_base_b <- paste0(hm_body_base_b1, seq_along(hm_group_list))
} else {
hm_body_base_t <- use_hm_body_components;
hm_body_base_b <- use_hm_body_components;
} else {
hm_body_base_t <- use_hm_body_components;
hm_body_base_b <- use_hm_body_components;
if (all(use_hm_components %in% all_hm_components)) {
hm_title_base_lr <- use_hm_components;
hm_title_base_tb <- use_hm_components;
} else {
use_hm_components <- rep(head(use_hm_components, 1),
hm_title_base_lr <- use_hm_body_components;
hm_title_base_tb <- use_hm_components;
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"use_hm_components %in% all_hm_components: ",
use_hm_components %in% all_hm_components);
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"use_hm_body_components %in% all_hm_components: ",
use_hm_body_components %in% all_hm_components);
for (inum in seq_along(hm_group_list)) {
i <- names(hm_group_list)[inum];
if (endlines > 0) {
i <- paste0(
paste0(rep("\n", endlines), collapse=""))
hm_num <- hm_group_list[[inum]];
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"hm_num: ", hm_num);
# left
grid::seekViewport(hm_title_base_lr[[head(hm_num, 1)]])
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"seekViewport() left-right: '",
gsub("\n", "\\\\n", hm_title_base_lr[[inum]]), "'");
loc1_l <- grid::deviceLoc(
x=grid::unit(0, "npc"),# + group_line_buffer,
y=grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(y_offset_lines, "lines"))
# right
if (head(hm_num, 1) != tail(hm_num, 1)) {
grid::seekViewport(hm_title_base_lr[[tail(hm_num, 1)]])
loc1_r <- grid::deviceLoc(
x=grid::unit(1, "npc"),# - group_line_buffer,
y=grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(y_offset_lines, "lines"))
# top/bottom label boundaries
if (!hm_title_base_tb[[inum]] == hm_title_base_lr[[inum]]) {
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"seekViewport() top-bottom '",
gsub("\n", "\\\\n", hm_title_base_tb[[inum]]), "'");
# top label
loc2_t <- grid::deviceLoc(
x=grid::unit(0, "npc"),
y=grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(y_offset_lines, "lines"))
# bottom label
loc2_b <- grid::deviceLoc(
x=grid::unit(1, "npc"),
y=grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(y_offset_lines, "lines"))
} else {
loc2_t <- loc1_l;
loc2_b <- loc1_r;
# grid::seekViewport(paste0(hm_title_base, head(hm_num, 1)))
# loc1 <- grid::deviceLoc(
# x=grid::unit(0, "npc") + group_line_buffer,
# y=grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(y_offset_lines, "lines"))
# grid::seekViewport(paste0(hm_title_base, tail(hm_num, 1)))
# loc2 <- grid::deviceLoc(
# x=grid::unit(1, "npc") - group_line_buffer,
# y=grid::unit(1, "npc") + grid::unit(y_offset_lines, "lines"))
# label above each group only if label exists and has non-whitespace
if (add_group_label &&
!all(is.na(i)) &&
length(i) > 0 &&
jamba::igrepHas("[^ \t\n]", i)) {
if (TRUE %in% use_gridtext) {
gtg <- gridtext::richtext_grob(text=i,
fontsize=10 * font_cex,
# halign=0.5,
# valign=0,
x=(loc1_l$x + loc1_r$x)*0.5,
y=(loc2_t$y + loc2_b$y)*0.5)
} else {
fontsize=10 * font_cex,
x=(loc1_l$x + loc1_r$x)*0.5,
y=(loc2_t$y + loc2_b$y)*0.5)
# line below group label
if (TRUE %in% add_group_line) {
if (FALSE %in% group_line_requires_label ||
(!any(is.na(i)) &&
length(i) > 0 &&
jamba::igrepHas("[^ \t\n]", i))) {
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"Drawing group line for i: '", i, "'");
loc1_l$x + group_line_buffer,
loc1_r$x - group_line_buffer),
y=grid::unit.c(loc2_t$y, loc2_b$y) + grid::unit(2, "mm"))
} else {
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"Hiding group line for i: '", i, "'");
# box around heatmap
if (TRUE %in% add_group_box) {
# top box
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"seekViewport() box top '",
gsub("\n", "\\\\n", hm_body_base_t[[inum]]), "'");
loc3_t <- grid::deviceLoc(
x=grid::unit(0, "npc"),
y=grid::unit(1, "npc"))
if (!hm_body_base_t[[inum]] == hm_body_base_b[[inum]]) {
if (verbose) {
jamba::printDebug("heatmap_column_group_labels(): ",
"seekViewport() box bottom '",
gsub("\n", "\\\\n", hm_body_base_b[[inum]]), "'");
loc3_b <- grid::deviceLoc(
x=grid::unit(0, "npc"),
y=grid::unit(0, "npc"))
# grid::seekViewport(paste0(hm_body_base, head(hm_num, 1)))
# loc1 <- grid::deviceLoc(
# x=grid::unit(0, "npc"),
# y=grid::unit(0, "npc"))
# grid::seekViewport(paste0(hm_body_base, tail(hm_num, 1)))
# loc2 <- grid::deviceLoc(
# x=grid::unit(1, "npc"),
# y=grid::unit(1, "npc"))
width=loc1_r$x - loc1_l$x +
grid::unit(group_box_lwd/2 * group_box_outer, "points"),
height=loc3_t$y - loc3_b$y +
grid::unit(group_box_lwd/2 * group_box_outer, "points"),
x=(loc1_l$x + loc1_r$x)*0.5,
y=(loc3_t$y + loc3_b$y)*0.5)
# width=loc1$x - loc1$x +
# grid::unit(group_box_lwd/2 * group_box_outer, "points"),
# height=loc2$y - loc1$y +
# grid::unit(group_box_lwd/2 * group_box_outer, "points"),
# x=(loc1$x + loc2$x)*0.5,
# y=(loc1$y + loc2$y)*0.5)
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